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Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-14-2014 10:44 AM)jimukr104 Wrote:  

Chinese in general have low divorce rates and marrying isn't often unpractical infatuation like in the west. My brothers wife is Chinese, came when she was 2-4 yrs old ,so basically American but the Chinese stay together. The women marry betas but come to think about it the women tend to look beta as well.

FSU girls are another matter. And you don't need to worry about losers in a club getting them from you. It will be a richer more generous guy of higher status or a brother from her homeland. They go by won't be emotional.

Also one needs to not use word EE. Polish and Romanian will be completely different than a FSU girl(RU/UA,ETC).

This is splitting hairs but you have the exact same types of Chinese women inside China that are like those FSU types. Again, I never dated them, but from all the reports and datasheets I have read about them, lots of them remind me of some of the Chinese girls I have dated. I get how everyone is extra cautious of FSU girls because they seem to have ice water in their veins, but foreign women can be like this from any country.

In fact one of the hot trends with Chinese women right now, is to find an idiot, get married off a K1 visa, come to the US and give birth to a baby, then go back to China. The reason is that so their kid can come to the US to study at an American university, by having a US birth certificate, avoiding taking the TOEFL and the 100,000 deposit at the embassy to come here to study. Then they bring back a US college degree back to China, so that the whole family can gain face back home. Some of these women use this hustle with other visas as well.

Sounds like some FSU style sneaky shit huh? You would never see this in a Chinese woman that grew up here as a toddler. I once wasted a long time ago, 800 bucks on a Chinese girl I had known for 4 YEARS. These bitches can be cold, and if you are beta and they know it, you will get played. Chinese are notorious for being insanely practical. Chinese logic is often cheating to get ahead in life. That said, if you get a woman to truly BOND with you, no richer man is going to take her from you. You will have everything she wants and needs. Chinese and Japanese women will say something like tai ma fan le! (Too troublesome/Not worth the trouble) When presented alternatives in that situation. I would imagine FSU types are not much different. Even PI women in my eyes at least are not any less of a risk than a FSU girl either.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-14-2014 11:31 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (08-14-2014 11:20 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

Average Western guy is no match for these girls. These girls are about money and status, if you can't provide that they are gone. Not saying all of them are like this, I have seen enough of them to keep my distance.
Look at what Mel Gibson went through with his Ukrainian girl, then again what did he expect.

Didn't hear about Mel's breakup. Had to google it.

Celebrities are the only people anyone should NEVER pattern or follow on a marriage. Marriages mean nothing to most of these people.

Lets break this down shall we:


In April, Grigorieva and Gibson called it quits and subsequently filed mutual restraining orders. And in the past few days, Grigorieva claimed that Gibson was brutal with her, punching her in the face and knocking out teeth. Meanwhile, Gibson's camp says that such accusations are an example of " deceitful conduct" and stem from Grigorieva's unhappiness over a custody agreement she agreed to, and a ploy to get money.

Mel Gibson's lawyer, Stephen Kolodny, did not respond to a message left by The Daily Beast. Grigorieva's publicist, Victor Krugman, similarly did not respond to a voice message left late Monday.

Despite her high-profile relationship with a controversial star, Grigorieva has remained mostly in the shadows. She has a career in music, but her first album, Beautiful Heartache, which was released on Gibson's Icon Records label last year, has sold so poorly that it doesn't register on Nielsen SoundScan, which only collects data for albums that sell more than 1,000 copies. (According to a source with knowledge of Icon Records sales, fewer than 200 copies of Beautiful Heartache have sold.)

Grigorieva's claims against Gibson are serious. And if they are true, she is yet another victim in a domestic disturbance with a Hollywood star—one who has a rather rich history of losing his cool.

But until now, some former acquaintances of the Ukrainian beauty would never describe her as a victim. Alan Bergman, a former ballet dancer and businessman, whom Grigorieva lived with for two years in London in the mid-1990s, has flat-out called her "an opportunist" for ditching him for James Bond star Timothy Dalton, after meeting him at a party. (He claimed that she had left her second husband for him.)

"Within a week, she had moved in with [Dalton] and I never saw her again. She was a very lovely girl, but a bit of an opportunist.
Many Russian young women are. She came from a tiny town," Bergman, who clearly has reason to be bitter, told the Telegraph.

1. Mutual restraining orders definitely means they got physical with each other.

2. He claims she was a golddigger and trying to expolit him. More on this in a bit.

3. He mixed business and pleasure. Propping up a no talent having wanna be singer.

4. He has a track record for having a nasty temper. Most of us know this about him already.

5. WHOA WHOA! This bitch was married 2 previous times before?! Someone call time out and throw the red challenge flag! Nevermind the part about the ex-husband claiming that she left him for Tim Dalton and she left her second husband for this other idiot. Anyone ever heard the song "Ginuwine - What's So Different" before? I will link it at the bottom.


At 20, Grigorieva received a visa to work for Elisabeth Hoodless of the Community Service Volunteers, in the U.K., looking after Hoodless' elderly parents. While in Shoreham, she began dating Matthew Simmons, the son of a vicar, who introduced her to the finer things in life, taking her on trips to London where "she loved looking at designer clothes shops," Simmons, who said he called her "Sana," told the Daily Mail. "When she first arrived, her dress was very Russian, but by the time she left, she was wearing fashionable jeans and tops."

Next was, in 1992, a short-lived marriage to Nicholas Rowland, a graphic designer, followed by a stint at the Royal College of Music, where she met the much older Bergman, who brought her to the film premiere party where she met Dalton.

Grigorieva's mother, Lyudmilla, has described the encounter in fairy tale terms to The Daily Mail: "The prince noticed Cinderella leaving and asked if she would be coming back. Later, they spent the whole night talking to each other. Timothy had to go to Japan but kept calling Oksana. When he came back, he found her."

Although they did not marry, Grigorieva and Dalton had a son together, Alexander, whom Grigorieva has been raising in her Sherman Oaks home. (She's maintained a separate residence from Gibson's Malibu residence in order to record her music and be close to her son's school.)

1. At this point is she Westernized? I would say so. At 20 she became endoctrinated because some SIMP tricked on her and spoiled her rotten. Notice she did not marry him right?

2. Marriage means nothing to her. She was dumping dudes back in 1992. Game wasn't even all that bad back then.

3. Her mother was no good. She encouraged that hamster mentality. If your girlfriend's mom is a goldigging hamster, what makes her any different? That momma will be teaching her daughter to be a hoe.

4. Heh. She had a son out of wedlock with Dalton.... When she married Gibson, she lived with her son and worked on her "career" that he was funding..... Gibson is super fucking beta. Not only is he not spending enough time with his "wife", but he is second fiddle to her because she is a single mother.

So as you can see, not only is Gibson a simp, but he was also extremely lazy, did not do his homework on this woman, and broke 3 cardinal rules of the game: Marrying foreign single moms, Marrying an old hoe/locking down a groupie/marrying damaged goods, mixing business with pleasure, maybe a 4th but I am losing count as this point. He deserved all of that and then some.

I know that older FSU women are hot. I see those dating profiles and used to wonder about them myself. Just say NO. If Gibson had stuck to a young one fresh out the country, she would have shut her fucking mouth and done what she was told. Only American men love eating the nasty and disgustingly sloppy seconds from other men. Dumpster diving for wives. Hollywood is notorious for eating their own dogfood. They just swap the same hoes among each other in a desperate attempt to dick measure against each other. A woman's greatest asset is her age. Not who's dick has already been inside her and her rapsheet. I have half a mind to copy and paste this into the other forum and title it, Mel Gibson is a fucking simp, like PhilE did on Dwayne Wade. This is ridiculous. You cannot barely blame this broad. These 4 SIMPS and her no good mother, created this monster.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-14-2014 10:21 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Quote: (08-14-2014 02:31 AM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

First off, TravelerKai, you make a lot of good points, and we may NOT be in disagreement about a large number of your points. Since you make so many points, I will respond to them below.

Quote: (08-14-2014 12:27 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Another reality? How so. Be more specific.

That characterization may be a little stronger than I had intended it to be, yet part of my point was meant to be that you had seemed to be coming across as if the solution to all of these kinds of situations is merely to be more Alpha in everything and that will help to ensure that a girl stays with you, once in the US.

To me, your tone came off as a bit dogmatic, generalizing and judgmental, even though you may NOT have intended it to be that way.

There are guys from a large number of experiences and ages in this forum, so I expected that your earlier post may have been attempting to pigeonhole guys into certain expectation categories. For example, i am in my late 40s, but I would NOT want to bring a girl/woman 20 years my junior to the US unless I have test driven the relationship quite extensively in a variety of scenarios.

On the other hand, even though I have gotten older, I tend to prefer having relationships with younger women to the extent that it is feasible because I do NOT generally like all the baggage that older women begin to develop and then I have to deal with that variety of extra baggage. In that regard, I would most likely NOT want to bring a girl of 20 or more years my junior back to the US unless I feel she is sufficiently vetted to my liking.. Nonetheless, I have the sense that I would be more easily able to maintain those kinds of relations in a variety of overseas locations without as much fleeing problems from the girl.. because overseas there are different opportunities available as compared in the US.

My earlier response was NOT meant to be about me, but about what any guy may experience, including OP. In that regard, OP would need to weigh the situation and consider the obstacles in light of his own preferences and risk tolerance.. and flight risk is one of the obstacles if bringing a girl back to the US and then if she is exposed to increase opportunities.

Quote: (08-14-2014 12:27 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

A man 20 years older than a woman and bringing her back will automatically have a hard time keeping her inside the US? Prove it. You will find some unlucky sap and I will find another that had the opposite happen.

You seem to be attempting to turn this into an argument, and I don't see any reason to argue about something like this. I'm NOT sure what I am in need of proving. There is going to be a risk whenever a guy may attempt to hook up with a girl long term that may NOT be a very close match for his ability to keep her, and age is one of the differences that need to be accounted for.

I don't beat around the bush. I am 30 and have been through alot of shit in life and on marriage number 2. When I see stuff like this I felt like I needed to drop a bomb on it. The more men that can be happy in life the way my foreign marriage has made me, the better I think. It's one of the only ways currently to fix the degeneracy in the US. Guys on this site are anti marriage naturally because most are players with no interest in commitment or because they like repeating the same old tired talking points that float on MGTOW sites, Samseau's antimarriage thread, or other manosphere sites. Most of that stuff is junk from guys that have never bothered to ever get married before nor understand what marriage even is or the sacrifice involved. Even worse, you have guys who have never even been to these countries and are dumping on these women. Others are just too atheist and probably should never use a Christian/religious based institution to begin with.

We are men. Men use critical thinking and solve problems. My first marriage to an American woman fail? Okay, got a divorce. She left me in a bunch of debt? Got financial planning and advice. Had trouble running game on US women? Got help from game gurus and naturals. US women got on my fucking nerves? Got a passport and flew to Asia. Been happier ever since. Problem solved.

We shit on women's ability to use logic all day long, yet when it is our turn to demonstrate an ability to follow a logical progression of solutions with the intent to solve a problem we have, we go backwards and forwards, reverse, spin, and hamster all over the place, ending up with no solutions at all. Much like the women do.

I also agree that all men browsing this forum are all kinds of men, especially on the Travel subforum. It's more chill and informative in here than the other ones. With that said, some of the guys that do not post, and some of the lurkers for sure, would love to find and marry the woman of their dreams. Being a perpetual player forever has little to no appeal to them. Age is not the only factor at play here. My posts were intended to help provide some insight and perhaps provide hope to not just older guys but all guys. If this black guy I met a few months back who is 70 years old and has a tall and pretty 40 year old Chinese wife that is loyal to him, you guys can have the same thing if you want as well.

There are all kinds of opportunities for good wives out there. All this fearmongering is silly. I will extend on something cowboy said though. All the men I know that are still married, like one of my past work bosses has a wife from Lithuania, are all fairly alpha. Not a single one is a beta. In fact the boss above my former boss, had an exwife from Hong Kong, but he is beta as fuck. He described her as a Typical Chinese Tiger Wife with super racist inlaws that called him "white devil" in Cantonese in front of him. He went back to American women and his current wife is holding his balls in her hands. I guess he needs to hear ass rape dialog in English he can feel better about getting raped in the ass. Beta is as Beta does....

Now here is the kicker. Almost every man on RVF, except the trolls, is a go getter. Anyone that even smells a little bit lazy, like that Rotisserie knucklehead that was banned from last night, gets shunned or banned. Men here are not lazy at all. Men here like solutions. That was the biggest reason I followed Vancancier Permanent here. When people drop excellent intel, guys get diligent and work towards making it work. Can you imagine writing lots of datasheets for "men" who are barely a step better than a PUAhate member, and all they do is shit on it and regurgitate a bunch of tired talking points all based around fear of the unknown? Because they have never done it before, so therefore they do not want anyone else to do it either? That's lame. That is not solution based.

If I come off a bit brash, sorry about that but I stand by what I state. I'm like a black version of MikeCF mixed with a little bit of Scorpion, so I will definitely rub some guys the wrong way from time to time. My style is to throw a shoe near your head and hit the wall behind you to get your attention. If it causes us to go back and forth, but ultimately find some solutions for yourself and everyone else, I feel like I did my job. I care alot about you, the others, and the rest of the manosphere, and I have your best interests at heart.

In my opinion, you do come off as a bit brash in a lecturing and argumentative sort of sense and sometimes to me you seem to be presuming too much about various other RVF guys... That's just my sense from a few of your posts...

I have NO problem with guys having strong opinions or points of view, so long as I don't feel imposed upon.

I have read what I perceive to have been some really decent posts from you as well. Maybe some RVF guys appreciate your tone, and that is fine, if that kind of tone works to get the attention of some guys.

I also appreciate the extent to which you may be taking in account a variety of scenarios that guys may face and that you assert that you have their best interests at heart.

Personally, I come to the forum to read how RVF guys view certain scenarios and deal with various situations, and I bounce my ideas in this arena to figure out the extent to which I may need to adjust my practices and/or perspectives. In that regard, I perceive the forum as a place to brainstorm, rather than as a place to seek or to give advice (even though incidentally some of this advice giving/taken may occur).

I think that in the end, both you and I agree that we need further facts from OP in order to better discuss how some of our ideas and/or experiences may relate to his or help him in deciding how he would like to proceed with his target girl or any alternative related plan that he may devise because of his presented situation.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

I am what you would call "eastern european".. and to me, this thread seems ridiculous.
same as like 99.99999% of people, OP has absolutely no idea what is good marriage material in slavic culture. in short, you do not want to marry woman you met online PERIOD.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-14-2014 03:39 PM)micky Wrote:  

I am what you would call "eastern european".. and to me, this thread seems ridiculous.
same as like 99.99999% of people
, OP has absolutely no idea what is good marriage material in slavic culture. in short, you do not want to marry woman you met online PERIOD.

I am somewhat confused by your post... especially the 99.99999% of people are ridiculous. I would place ridiculous at a much lower number, but maybe we are delving too much into a glass half full (empty) discussion.

Anyhow, I thought that, in sum, a large majority of the guys participating in this thread have been suggesting the same thing as you seem to have suggested, that OP needs to get to know the girl more before making such a decision to potentially marry her or to bring her back to the USA, if he ultimately makes such a marriage decision.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

^^^He is probably right since most meet by social circles but VERY few foreigners will have access to any, so it is irrelevant.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

TravellerKai - thanks for stating the facts that I already knew, I don't pattern myself after any celebrity. Mel Gibson would be the last person I would care about, I was using him as an example. Sure he has bags of money but obviously no sense, to knock up a single mom from another actor is beyond dumb.
I was merely showing how that girl put him through the ringer.
So tell us what the secret is for bringing a girl back to the US? I assume you bought your Mai Ling back.

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Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-14-2014 09:52 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

TravellerKai - thanks for stating the facts that I already knew, I don't pattern myself after any celebrity. Mel Gibson would be the last person I would care about, I was using him as an example. Sure he has bags of money but obviously no sense, to knock up a single mom from another actor is beyond dumb.
I was merely showing how that girl put him through the ringer.
So tell us what the secret is for bringing a girl back to the US? I assume you bought your Mai Ling back.
Real secret is just like marrying smart in one's own country. Love, trust, maturity, values and knowledge of the person. But nothing is guaranteed.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

I have to agree with Kai on a lot of points he made in this thread.

The fundamental reason why you see so many horror stories about FSU women is because very beta guys believe they can take a short cut. They don't work on themselves first and foremost and bought into the whole "mail order bride" hype. So some slob from middle America thinks he can just go and pick any woman from an online service, throw a visa at her, and make it work. This becomes a recipe for disaster because the guy is still beta to the core. Guys like this also have a false sense of cultural/economic superiority and believe that being from the first world is all that matters.

The girls who are fishing see some guy that is obviously weak and natural hypergamy kicks in. They move in for the kill. Maybe she doesn't even need to do much to encourage this. The guy does most of the work for them through supplication and white knight syndrome.

You see these same stories repeated ad infinitum in Southeast Asia too. Some tool from Britain, the U.S., etc.. comes over marries some random bar ho or club skank and gets taken. They cry on an internet forum about it, everyone has a laugh. the end.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-13-2014 11:46 PM)JayJuanGee Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2014 11:31 PM)cowboy Wrote:  

I have posted on this subject before as it is popular topic given the the quality of Ukrainian girls. I have known about 5 different guys that married girls from the Ukraine. Of those 5 individuals, 4 men are still married. However, these guys are pretty alpha, well established financially, and I confirmed that 1 guy protected his assets through a prenuptial agreement. Although I would not be surprised if all of them did given the U.S. court system. These guys were fit, average to good looking for their age, intelligent, and successful. I think some of the success could be that they brought these girls back to a good middle America suburban life instead of going back to major money cities (Los Angeles, etc.). What I am trying to say is these guys would be a catch for an American woman and would be a great catch for a girl coming from the Ukraine. They just seem tired of American dating games and did something different. However, women wherever they are from are always looking for an upgrade if it's possible.

The funny thing is the guy that got burned lived in Texas. I remember jimukr104's story about the Texas guy who married a Ukrainian with a kid, she became involved in the Russian community, and basically was schooled on how to exploit him. The main difference was this woman didn't have a kid, however the same thing happened. The nearby Russian community embraced her and he was in trouble. The Russian/Ukrainian community in Texas has that reputation (or at least that's what I have heard), but hell the life expectancy of a domestic Dallas Metroplex marriage isn't that good either.

The men that go over with a Beta attitude and are love struck before they even meet a girl will get played. The Ukrainian girl will lose all respect for him because she is used to a more alpha type Ukrainian guy. However, as stated above guys that are more cautious, come from that culture or understand it have a chance of success (IMO). Supposedly, the statistics for these marriages (marriage success) are higher than domestic marriages which seems crazy due to the hotness of these girls marrying average joes.

Cowboy: I largely agree with your description of the dynamics at play in these kinds of situations, and it may be helpful for guys to take some preventative asset preservation measures... but some of those prenuptial terms may NOT hold.. and there still can be some risks regarding asset preservation...

Can you describe how long approximately the five different guys had been married to UA chicks or in relationships with them? How long have the chicks been in the USA and still "going well"?

The average marriage of the 5 different guys is about 8-10 years. The failed marriage only lasted about 5-6 years. The interesting thing about that one is she was the least attractive of all (about a 4-5 by Ukrainian standards). Her husband was a sharp dude though as he could sense something was up and hired a private investigator. The investigator had hours of surveillance footage of her with her boyfriend. When it came time for court he ended up with a very cheap divorice (by American standards).

Of the four marriages that worked three of them have children and as far as I know are very happy.

My two cents, follow the solid advice of the other posters on this board. Go to Ukraine if you want, spend time with her (the more the better), but be cautious.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-14-2014 09:52 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

TravellerKai - thanks for stating the facts that I already knew, I don't pattern myself after any celebrity. Mel Gibson would be the last person I would care about, I was using him as an example. Sure he has bags of money but obviously no sense, to knock up a single mom from another actor is beyond dumb.
I was merely showing how that girl put him through the ringer.
So tell us what the secret is for bringing a girl back to the US? I assume you bought your Mai Ling back.

I picked it apart because you used her as an example of FSU/Ukraine foreign wife, when the reality is that she is very very far from that. She was Westernized by her early 20's and been passed around (Or dug gold) 3 times at least. By the time Mel Gibson got her she was definitely not some foreign wife. She had UK citizenship, etc.

Examples of women pulling a guy through a ringer rival the number of sand grains on the earth. There is nothing special or new about that, especially in America.

All of The secrets can be found in my dating guide, just read the parts regarding marriage quality women. Finding traditional women is key. Some extra ones will be the way her mother and father are will be strong factors, their value system, doing your own background searches and investigative work, targeting only younger women that do not have children, ensure that they bond to you, find a woman you can communicate with because bad communication will create a shitty marriage. Her knowing your language is not always needed. I know of a military officer with a Japanese wife that have been married over 15 years and they cannot speak to each other.

And yes I brought my wife back to the US with me. The comforts of the US + Chinese wife = awesome. Also living in China with my wife kicks all kinds of ass too for the most part. Definitely breaks up the monotony.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-14-2014 10:56 PM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

I have to agree with Kai on a lot of points he made in this thread.

The fundamental reason why you see so many horror stories about FSU women is because very beta guys believe they can take a short cut. They don't work on themselves first and foremost and bought into the whole "mail order bride" hype. So some slob from middle America thinks he can just go and pick any woman from an online service, throw a visa at her, and make it work. This becomes a recipe for disaster because the guy is still beta to the core. Guys like this also have a false sense of cultural/economic superiority and believe that being from the first world is all that matters.

The girls who are fishing see some guy that is obviously weak and natural hypergamy kicks in. They move in for the kill. Maybe she doesn't even need to do much to encourage this. The guy does most of the work for them through supplication and white knight syndrome.

You see these same stories repeated ad infinitum in Southeast Asia too. Some tool from Britain, the U.S., etc.. comes over marries some random bar ho or club skank and gets taken. They cry on an internet forum about it, everyone has a laugh. the end.

Except they start fearmongering campaigns all across the manosphere and other dating related websites out of bitterness, shame, and even jealousy of their own failures compared to other's success. They start shitting on ALL women from X country, or shitting on ALL foreign women. I personally hate this because it hurts one of the biggest tools the manosphere has. Convincing men to get a passport and get out of the fucking country, just even once. Then they get guys to just blindly repeat the same old tired talking points.

I'm not saying everyone needs to get married to a foreign wife, but when people take a shit on foreign wives they also hurt some young or old guy that has been through hell in his home country, but is lurking and trying to learn. Or just looking for solutions to a goal. What makes these comments dangerous is that if you ask or look at guys saying these things with conviction is if they have never traveled anywhere, nor anywhere close to the countries in question, ever married anyone at all or even bothered looking for a wife anywhere.

Even comparisons of "foreign women" to domestic versions that immigrated or were born in the US, are not usually valid or realistic. 2nd generation of some ethnic group is basically a regular American girl. You even have guys making crazy statements comparing Taiwanese-Americans to Mainland Chinese, and that is just too far from correct. It's too easy to make mistakes on things like this, just like how someone corrected me on the use of EE women and FSU women.

Just because marriage is pretty much dead in the US, does not make it so outside the country. We should take extra care not to export American/Western Dysfunction to other countries. If you go there dragging all of your baggage: Being beta and lack of male assertiveness/leadership, western social dysfunction (like teaching Russian women how to use nigga), dogmatic religious views, Western political views ethics and values, hatred of foreign food, hatred of foreign alcohol, hatred of foreign customs as inferior to yours, negative attitudes toward the poor, etc. etc. you will fail miserably abroad. You have to blank out all your programming and be willing to learn new things, new culture, new language, new women, etc. Every country and culture has shitty women and if you do not know how to run game on them, why wouldn't you fail? Just because one dude grabbed a few good ones from a random bar, when there was 11 bad ones that were hotter around there? He was just either lucky or there was something he did not tell you, or he wanted you to fail by keeping his techniques secret, because he does not want any losers ruining his pussy paradise.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

I was married before and to a foreign woman. I divorced her. To be fair, we were both ready to leave.

I hated marriage. If I have to game a wife I would rather game new pussy. I am not interested in raising a wife as if I am raising a child.

I do enjoy relationships, though. I rather date someone for some time and then leave for something else when it becomes boring or tedious.

For me, I found at the 2 year mark it is usually done as long as there are no kids involved.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

^^^ Same here. Plus I have a kid. If I didn't have a kid, I would probably seriously consider getting married again...I think. Maybe. Man, it's hard.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-15-2014 12:08 PM)worldwidetraveler Wrote:  

I was married before and to a foreign woman. I divorced her. To be fair, we were both ready to leave.

I hated marriage. If I have to game a wife I would rather game new pussy. I am not interested in raising a wife as if I am raising a child.

I do enjoy relationships, though. I rather date someone for some time and then leave for something else when it becomes boring or tedious.

For me, I found at the 2 year mark it is usually done as long as there are no kids involved.

Marriage isn't for everyone either. Some people cannot handle the monogamy aspect or the personal sacrifice of it.

Some guys would do well to have a relationship like some Chinese men have, where they can openly have mistresses on the side and the wife doesn't care, like I described in my dating guide. These days though it is harder to find women that won't trip over that, because women worldwide are far more empowered today than in the past, and only a few places in the world have pockets of women like this.

This is not a popular opinion, but in many ways, if you have no intentions of raising a family (kids), marriage, as a legal institution, is pretty much useless. Again, just my opinion. If divorce rape was not an issue, we wouldn't even be talking about this.

Dating Guide for Mainland China Datasheet
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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

The main reason this is a terrible idea is because the girl was probably found on an "international marriage/dating" site. The girls on those sites are pre-qualified gold diggers who have demonstrated, by registering on those sites, that they have little respect for family values. The kind of woman who makes a good wife would not actively search for a relationship which required her to permanently move away from her parents, siblings, friends, etc. By doing so, she has demonstrated whorish behaviour and that she doesn't value her family.

In short: stupid idea. If you really want to find a Russian wife, come to Russia and learn something about its culture and language. Searching for a wife on an "international marriage" site exposes one to significant risk of accidental marriage to a whore.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Is this a mail order bride and P4P forum now?

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-16-2014 10:22 AM)DaveR Wrote:  

The kind of woman who makes a good wife would not actively search for a relationship which required her to permanently move away from her parents, siblings, friends, etc. By doing so, she has demonstrated whorish behaviour and that she doesn't value her family.

Sometimes their families also want them to leave Ukraine too. I was telling one girl's mother that I wanted to stay in Ukraine (with her daughter) for various reasons including being close to her family. Her mother was like "you should take her to America where life is better".

I'm not sure how common this line of thinking is, but it was my experience.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

Quote: (08-17-2014 08:36 AM)William Windsor Wrote:  

Quote: (08-16-2014 10:22 AM)DaveR Wrote:  

The kind of woman who makes a good wife would not actively search for a relationship which required her to permanently move away from her parents, siblings, friends, etc. By doing so, she has demonstrated whorish behaviour and that she doesn't value her family.

Sometimes their families also want them to leave Ukraine too. I was telling one girl's mother that I wanted to stay in Ukraine (with her daughter) for various reasons including being close to her family. Her mother was like "you should take her to America where life is better".

I'm not sure how common this line of thinking is, but it was my experience.

If you can provide a good lifestyle for her and your future family in the Ukraine, I don't see why her parents would want you to take her away from them to America.

Bringing Ukraine Girl to U.S.

I have a friend who married a girl from Ukraine a few years ago. She's 15 years younger than him and yes, she's a golddigger. Within a week after her arrival she started to upload pictures on VK driving his black Mercedes and his motorbike.

My friend is a busy guy and he often travels in his work. Meanwhile she is alone she keep uploading pictures on VK when she is fooling around in nightclubs and getting drunk. She obviously found her provider and lives a comfortable life nowadays but goddamn they are fighting each other.
There ain't no love there.

I went to his 40th birthday party and every time she didn't do as he said.
He said loudly: "Then you can go back to Ukraine!"
Always some drama when that couple is around so I prefer to avoid them.

And yeah, at the same party were a friend of my friend who shocked me bigtime.
This guy married a Romanian skank 6 years older than him and she brought with her two kids!
My friend told me that he only did it so he could avoid a lot of tax from importing a expensive Mercedes from Romania. I couldn't believe what I heard so later I asked this guy if the story is true.
"Yes" he said. Like it was the most natural thing in the world.

[Image: facepalm.png]

Another friend married a Brazilian and that seems to work out very well. The same goes for for Chinese and Vietnamese.

However,I think marrying foreign women is okay if you know what you are doing of course.

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