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Good Looking Dude Game

Good Looking Dude Game

Should GLG lean more on the Gunwitch method and run direct game?

Don't debate me.

Good Looking Dude Game


after getting scores of responses like "I don't believe you're being serious" "I don't believe you're not married", "You're just using me to get to ****" "you're doing this for a dare" flakes it gets kinda frustrating, hence bumping this thread.

I think that you are misinterpreting it as flakes. Treat it more like 'I need to know why you specifically want to go out with me and not anyone else'.


Plus having girls being unable to speak anything other than gibberish when you talk to them, unable to remember their phone number/facebook/contact details, shaking like a leaf or falling over their feet....this kind of thing actually makes it quite hard to apply any sort of 'game' at all. I don't see how my bad game can even come into this when a girl is so nervous she can't hold a conversation

Lead her, that's your job. In that state of mind she should be quite eager to follow you. If you can't make it an instadate ask her to take out her phone and unlock it and you dial your own number and call yourself from her number. Voila, you have her number. She will love the way that you made her 'knees weak' as long as you can communicate that you think that something is special with her. Try to be genuine, it always works best.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (06-04-2015 12:09 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  


after getting scores of responses like "I don't believe you're being serious" "I don't believe you're not married", "You're just using me to get to ****" "you're doing this for a dare" flakes it gets kinda frustrating, hence bumping this thread.

I think that you are misinterpreting it as flakes. Treat it more like 'I need to know why you specifically want to go out with me and not anyone else'.


Plus having girls being unable to speak anything other than gibberish when you talk to them, unable to remember their phone number/facebook/contact details, shaking like a leaf or falling over their feet....this kind of thing actually makes it quite hard to apply any sort of 'game' at all. I don't see how my bad game can even come into this when a girl is so nervous she can't hold a conversation

Lead her, that's your job. In that state of mind she should be quite eager to follow you. If you can't make it an instadate ask her to take out her phone and unlock it and you dial your own number and call yourself from her number. Voila, you have her number. She will love the way that you made her 'knees weak' as long as you can communicate that you think that something is special with her. Try to be genuine, it always works best.

Good stuff Cheetah thanks. Up to know I've kinda just taken a 'take it or leave it' response to these comments, I think that it would be help to be more 'beta' with my responses. In fact early feedback indicates that behaving in a more 'beta' way all round is the way to go and being a bit soppier and more feminine than I am currently. (by nature I'm pretty direct).

You know instadates is something that I need to push more on, I shall endevour to do so.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (06-04-2015 04:12 AM)Dalaran1991 Wrote:  


Being good looking and over-gaming is a problem because it alerts the girl that you are clearly hiding something, even if you are not. Its not what she expects from you, what you are saying and how you say it does not match how you appear.

This is not a problem with being GL. Its a problem with running shitty game and having no congruence.

Go run with some GL guys with asshole game and see how they "scare" girls into removing their panties. Hilarious

Go check on that other thread about the Tinder experiment for some enlightenment. Basically a GLG saying outlandish shit to girls get tons of responses while the average dude would get a slap or reported.

Even the thread title confuses me. Theres no GL guys game. Theres good game and bad game. GL guys get more leeway for running game, but theres no game the average guy can run and a GL guy CAN NOT run.

lol who said there is a problem to being good looking, its always an advantage.

You use the word 'congruence', if someone is new to game and is just learning but happens to be good looking he will waste a ton of time and energy using the methods of the traditional pua books. They don't teach 'congruence', they are more 'one size fits all' and always like to play-down the importance of looks and money.

You can divide it up to Bad-Good game or direct/indirect, there are various types of game. Your game has to match how you appear and when you are a 6f4 good looking white guy but are running some mystery shit, its fucking weird. Yes of course you might get pass, but if you bang, you will bang in spite of your game not because of it. Its also weird if you mass approach, you need to handle the situation a little more discretely.

Also, i think guys tend to overestimate their looks(not as much as girls). But if you do fall in this category, connect your tinder with instagram and you should be golden.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (06-04-2015 03:50 PM)8ball Wrote:  

Your game has to match how you appear and when you are a 6f4 good looking white guy but are running some mystery shit, its fucking weird. Yes of course you might get pass, but if you bang, you will bang in spite of your game not because of it. Its also weird if you mass approach, you need to handle the situation a little more discretely.

This!! I was guilty of trying to run clown game on Tinder women and then having a virtual inner meltdown when I would see the looks of horror and frustration on the women's faces I was trying to 'seduce'. It doesn't always work but my results skyrocketed when I would instead lean back in my chair, adopt almost sloppy/relaxed body language and calmly ask women questions about themselves and lightly touch them on the arms and throw in witty remarks here and there.

Good Looking Dude Game


you need to handle the situation a little more discretely.

Why do you mean that you need to handle a situation more discreetly if you are good looking?

Good Looking Dude Game

I'm a 40 something tall slim White guy in the Philippines. Some girls have told me I was the best looking foreign guy they have ever seen here. They usually tell me I look like Paul Walker or a younger George Clooney. I'm pretty picky about my hair, skin, teeth, clothes, and accessories and always try to look my best. I have a sense of style, and like modern classics. I live a healthy life and usually get told I look 20 something.

The good news is that get me lays real fast, with young and cute or hot girls, almost always on the first meeting. Most of the girls were 18 or 19 and gave it up easy. Some were younger but I only discovered it later without any problems. I'm honest and tell them I don't want commitment, just FWB and/or ONS, booty calls etc. If they are open minded, and confident, I get the home run easy. I keep records of my scores and most are first date bangs, with a few 2nds. The girls assume due to my looks I'm a player so they know the deal, and if they are horny and I fancy them it's usually very easy.

The bad news is it does cause some very annoying issues. Some girls tell me they simply don't trust me and know due to my looks and age I have been with many girls, and they don't want to just be another one. Others tell me they don't believe that I'm not married, don't have a GF, or don't have kids. When I try to game girls in public here, I usually encounter a lot of resistance and sometimes even speechless reactions from local girls. Most have never met a foreigner so some are too shy to even speak. Home runs from game here are rare, almost all are from online or friends of friends. I've had girls actually run away from me in public when I tried to talk to them.

Due to the youth and attractiveness of my previous gals, I have become increasingly choosy with girls and reject most for being sub par. Many Filipinas are only 5's or 6's and my minimum is usually a 7 so it can be hard sometimes to meet girls I want to sleep with. It's a pity because most girls here have very nice slim and petite bodies, which I love, it's the faces that ruin the rest. Those girls here are called shrimps, or "hipons", in that you eat the body but throw away the head. So I like quality over quantity. I like quantity too, but not at the expense of quality.

So being so gwapo as it is called here, has it's ups and downs. I have never paid money directly for a home run here or elsewhere, and my looks get me that. But being too gwapo causes girls to be intimidated here, especially since I'm foreign, wealthy, white and tall too and most here are local, poor, brown and short. Filipina self confidence is quite low, and it shows up big time when you're the opposite of them.

Good Looking Dude Game

Will with day game how do you deal with things post getting the number? Do you build a lot of comfort by text? Are you direct? Sexual? This is where I find the most difficulty and where their caution and paranoia starts kicking in. Probably has a lot to do with them telling their mates who are probably going 'omg he sound like a total creep, omg' etc etc.

Good Looking Dude Game

In clubs/bars if you are really good looking, you need absolutely no game. I lost my virginity that i was almost 22, at 21 i was still a fucking virgin and i used to think it was because i was not good looking enough (i didn't know anything about game, pua etc. at that time, i thought it was all about looks, like for girls), so i started being obsessed with my looks, going to the gym, changing hairstyle, etc. in order to get laid the coming summer,, that is what actually happened. Now i am 25, still obsessed with my looks, more than when i started, and as my game is basically the same like when i was 21 (never worked on my game, apart from dancefloor moves) and i still struggle too much picking up in the daytime, in any situation, i get pussy very easily when i go clubbing, drunk girls especially 18-23 litteraly throw themselves at me, while they reject any pua shit that guys use with them.

Good Looking Dude Game

I think we're misattributing the effect that being good looking has on game. Obviously in itself it's helpful to be more attractive, but people who are good looking tend to receive positive feedback about it from everywhere - driving their confidence from a young age. They're used to girls being very receptive when they hit on them, which leads to a positive feedback loop which helps to build their confidence even more.

I'd argue that the average guy with good game would beat the good looking guy with zero game and confidence.

Good Looking Dude Game

Work hard to improve your aesthetic appeal! Work hard to improve your looks! Work hard to fine tune your "look"!

- an attractive hair cut
- skin care
- teeth
- clothes that fit properly and that are stylish
- body composition/body fat/muscularity
- sleep
- hygiene/grooming
- body language
- etc.

These things are just as important as your conversational skills! Guys dont work hard enough on these things!

Too often, guys think game is all about language, it is about language but its also about creating an emotional reaction from the girl. Looks effect emotion, therefore, looks are game.

Work to maximize your look!

For me, it took years to develop a "look" that worked for me. I am 40, I try to only date 18 & 19 year olds -- How should I dress?

I learned through a lot of trial and error:

In my 20s, I dressed like this:

[Image: surfGuy.JPG]

Then, I got help from a few guys on the forum and started dressing better:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTyGoIOxVfWgFIQA6WgM_1...R6shkZZQxc]

But, the look wasn't congruent with my personality and my sizing was still off..

I got better:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQcCDly3kbR4UDJOHJRlfb...kNMigcZWZ7]

But, this look still wasn't right for me.

I keep working at it:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTnH3p1YeEjXyrGkawhGpp...xLgUqQOXNK]

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSkhVjUpHqIkvcRkI26uVV...uXmFwjXacA]

But, this was still too formal and business like for my style.

After a few years, I have started to find the look and fit that works for me.

More like this:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSe0LOLbtp9DUL7EqJfehz...ETHJQSZzAe]

Here is an actual pic of me gaming in a college campus:

[Image: yeZzf6Q.jpg?1]


My hair used to look like this:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTuEgRCpma9Kr3nJQIorPE...nADBOgPG3w]

Now, I keep it more like this:

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQDHI4ruS4qndZyJIrhmYP...ET2ZO2nGsS]

Improving my looks have helped me more than improving my speaking ability.

As my looks have improved, I am gaming less aggressively. I don't need to be aggressive verbally, my "look" communicates for me.

Now, I appear more relaxed, more at ease, less eager, less needy, more congruent, etc.

Work on your looks!!!

Good Looking Dude Game

The OP basically screams, "I'm pretty good-looking, so why aren't I getting laid more? There must be some disadvantages to being good-looking."

There are definitely no disadvantages to being good-looking as many have already stated, but if you EXPECT to get laid because of it, then you're not approaching the game the right way. The minute you start blaming chicks for you striking out, or start over-analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of looks is when you need to reassess your game. The bottom line will always be game.

I have a lot to say about this because it has baffled me for a long time. I'd get compliments from people about being a pretty handsome guy but not reap the benefits I felt "came with the package." This led me to wonder if I was in fact ugly, but then I found this forum.

Being obsessed with your looks leads to insecurity and weak inner-game. Your self-esteem will ultimately be for shit, and girls will be able to sense that you're too up in your head and not comfortable in your own skin. You're concentrating on something superficial while girls are looking for something much deeper. Inner-game is the keystone to everything else. Despite realizing this, I'm still a little unsure of myself from time to time. The difference between the insecure times and the confident times are worlds apart as far as pussy goes. Lifting, eating right and a little NoFap from time to time will make those moments fewer and farther between. (All tips I've grabbed from this forum)

The one thing posted here that I wholeheartedly agree with and have experienced often is that ugly, fat and older chicks are more likely to jump your bones if you're handsome. I used to think this was a reflection of my own attractiveness, but it isn't...the hottest girls need WAY more than looks. Basically the higher the level of female thirst (which usually goes hand in hand with their degree of unattractiveness), the more your looks will factor into the equation.

So basically, unless you have ELITE looks, you shouldn't make it the centerpiece of your game.

Good Looking Dude Game

I consider myself good looking. Get complimented a lot and get approached a lot. Countless times girls asking me if I am a model.
But the funny thing I was more good looking when I was 20-25 but had terrible results, cause I had no game. Even worse. I think my looks were making it more difficult for me. Some of the girls just thought of me as a player without me being one and I had hard time overcoming this without any understanding.
My looks were not matching my personality. So the girls I was getting were expecting something else, and the girls I needed were intimidated by me.

So game matters more than looks IMHO.

Another thing is looks in SEA. I think you could have no game here whatsoever and still get girls. But sometimes it feels like a different planet altogether. Huge lizards walking in parks and a 40 degrees Celsius temperature difference from home.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (03-30-2016 04:35 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

I consider myself good looking. Get complimented a lot and get approached a lot. Countless times girls asking me if I am a model.
But the funny thing I was more good looking when I was 20-25 but had terrible results, cause I had no game. Even worse. I think my looks were making it more difficult for me. Some of the girls just thought of me as a player without me being one and I had hard time overcoming this without any understanding.
My looks were not matching my personality. So the girls I was getting were expecting something else, and the girls I needed were intimidated by me.

So game matters more than looks IMHO.

Another thing is looks in SEA. I think you could have no game here whatsoever and still get girls. But sometimes it feels like a different planet altogether. Huge lizards walking in parks and a 40 degrees Celsius temperature difference from home.

I had exactly the same problem years ago. I'm good looking too and I had a similar problem like you. I remember being asked by many girls the "Do you have a girlfriend?" question, but I usually failed in this shit test (I usually replied with "Girls don't check me out" and they usually said things like "I can't believe you don't have a girl", "Are you serious?", and things like that.).

The most ironic thing is that I had a friend who was not handsome (he has an ugly face) and tall (he's shorter than me) but had wild success with girls. I saw him several times gaming hot and cutie girls and it was a mindblowing experience (I used to tell myself "Hey, my friend isn't good looking but he pulls a lot of poon", "He has something that I don't have") My friend served me as inspiration to learn game.

Nowadays I can confirm that being handsome/good looking helps, but if you don't have game that advantage is pretty useless. But when you combine those two things you're almost unstoppable (Disclaimer: As a good looking guy I'm not totally immune to flakiness and shit tests)

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (04-11-2016 11:04 PM)DrCotard Wrote:  

I remember being asked by many girls the "Do you have a girlfriend?" question, but I usually failed in this shit test (I usually replied with "Girls don't check me out" and they usually said things like "I can't believe you don't have a girl", "Are you serious?", and things like that.).

I get asked that a lot too. Never thought of it as a shit test. Don't mind that question when I am actually single (not including mini LTRs)
Can you elaborate on this?

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (06-04-2015 04:30 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  


you need to handle the situation a little more discretely.

Why do you mean that you need to handle a situation more discreetly if you are good looking?

It means, in a place packed with people and you being in the top 5%(looks), you can't start mass approaching. It looks very off-putting when you do that, a 5^3 wallowitz type can do w/e he wants, you shouldn't. You could and you might get laid, but you will bang despite your mass approach strategy, not because of it. By virtue of your looks you already have the attention of the women in the room. You are already the prize, don't lose that status, by approaching fewer targets(and they should be high caliber) your game will be congruent. Pick your targets wisely, fewer targets but more chance of bang. All you have to do then is play don't fuck up game.

We should probably also break down when and where looks matter. What type of environment, what age group, timing etc. There are cases where you looks will matter very little or none at all. For instance if you are attending an industry specific function where there will be hot chicks. Well, in this case the top dick in the room will be based solely on success in that specific industry. He could look like gollum and still get laid. The only way your looks would matter is if some of the top people there are women and looking to get their fuck on. Unfortunately these women are usually old or already there with their lesbian life partners. Also the older you get the less your looks will matter and the more having a stable successful lifestyle will. Certain things aren't cool anymore and you better have your shit together. When you are younger, your looks may have been what distinguished you from the competition. If you are 12 years older then your target, its gonna be very tough for you to compete by relying on your looks. If this is you then your looks might be a bonus but not the driving factor.

On the other hand meetmarkets are places where looks matter tremendously. Online dating is almost entirely dominated by looks. By being aware of your surroundings you can adjust your game accordingly and maximize your result.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (04-12-2016 03:20 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 11:04 PM)DrCotard Wrote:  

I remember being asked by many girls the "Do you have a girlfriend?" question, but I usually failed in this shit test (I usually replied with "Girls don't check me out" and they usually said things like "I can't believe you don't have a girl", "Are you serious?", and things like that.).

I get asked that a lot too. Never thought of it as a shit test. Don't mind that question when I am actually single (not including mini LTRs)
Can you elaborate on this?

In my beta days I was asked ad nauseaum this question. Usually I was very annoyed by this question because I could not get laid. Nowadays when I'm single I get asked this question by girls who have interest on me and I usually answer "I don't have enough time for a relationship" (I say this answer in a nonchalant way, because it's congruent with my personality, and I convey an abundance mindset).

I see this question as a shit test because the girls want to figure if you're a player/virgin/beta male, etc.

Good Looking Dude Game

I give them a cheeky look and tell them I'm an unfuckable wretch, whilst holding eye contact. Noone's ever thought I was being serious. I almost always get a sarcastic 'Ye, right', or words to that effect that reveal their hand. From there it's plain sailing.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (04-12-2016 07:43 PM)DrCotard Wrote:  

Quote: (04-12-2016 03:20 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Quote: (04-11-2016 11:04 PM)DrCotard Wrote:  

I remember being asked by many girls the "Do you have a girlfriend?" question, but I usually failed in this shit test (I usually replied with "Girls don't check me out" and they usually said things like "I can't believe you don't have a girl", "Are you serious?", and things like that.).

I get asked that a lot too. Never thought of it as a shit test. Don't mind that question when I am actually single (not including mini LTRs)
Can you elaborate on this?

In my beta days I was asked ad nauseaum this question. Usually I was very annoyed by this question because I could not get laid. Nowadays when I'm single I get asked this question by girls who have interest on me and I usually answer "I don't have enough time for a relationship" (I say this answer in a nonchalant way, because it's congruent with my personality, and I convey an abundance mindset).

I see this question as a shit test because the girls want to figure if you're a player/virgin/beta male, etc.

I think I might start using this line. It is short, makes sense and is kind of true.
I will change it a bit. I would say I was to busy for relationship. This way it will not turn down strictly relationship-oriented girls.

Good Looking Dude Game

I think that good looking guys focus too much on superficial things,like the previous user posted. The reason I say that is from personal experience. I've really noticed over these past few weeks how looking good on a college campus does not change the dynamic of ANYTHING except more responsive replies from hot girls and number closes (hot girls are more willing to give their number out or dance with you at a party). You still have to work for the notch, just in different ways. Aggressive gaming actually works against you most of the time. I've learned how while adding humor to my game and assuming things are helpful, stating "negs" don't quite get the job done. Yes our goal is to sleep with lots of women, but we should be vague in words and direct with mind. This thread is an interesting one, because it talks about a niche of game that isn't too famous. Most people who start came don't look like James Deen.

Here are some tips I have found helpful through my journey written below.

1.) Don't be an asshole. The reason I say this is from experience. You just come off narcissistic, douchey, and make a female feel too insecure.

2.) Don't mass approach women. This holds true especially in a closed community such as college. Even if it is a huge campus, it is still a very small world. I have repeatedly seen many girls I have talked to from previous semesters OVER and OVER again when I thought I would NEVER see them again. Stay calm, be relaxed, and approach like James Bond would. After all, you only want the cream of the crop here, not some mediocre chick.

3.) Choose hot women that YOU deserve. Don't seek to game on easier ones. This tip is kind of building on #2. The only exception is if you are new to approaching and want to dab your toe in the water and start swimming later. Approaching sub-par females is a great way to work the fear of rejection off. BUT, know that if you are new that approaching hot women regularly pays off more than approaching ugly women lots of times as you gain a REAL manly feel.

4.) Be confident even if you don't style your hair. Be a grizzly bear by not adding gel to the hair, or wearing a well-dressed outfit and being A1 all the time. Just don't give a fuck if on one or two days out of the week you go to the local breakfast area or to eat lunch or something without really getting dressed as you would for class. Nobody is perfect, and girls will be more responsive to a confident guy who can be chatty rather than a shy timid handsome one. Trust me. I have had more success and spread alpha vibes on days where I went to eat breakfast in some cotton shorts and a plain T. This is not to be confused with taking care of your self and grooming regularly.

5.) Know that MOST women seek validation and looks more than you. If you are more "perfect" than she is, chances are you will have a harder time getting her to get comfortable and open up.. Sometimes its easier to just chill and relax and let her have the trophy of the good looking one. Be chatty and lead the conversation without being the perfect guy.

6.)Social media: Don't put notches on snapchat. Don't show off your hos if you have girls you want to bang following your snapchat. This is a common sense one, but sometimes ego gets in the way. Nothing deters pussy more than showing off. Keep it classy, and on the DL.

7.) Be fun and outgoing, and DO SOMETHING besides being outlooking. Join a club, do MMA, do something that you can introduce to people. Being good looking is already hard enough getting stared at. Break the ice by coming off as a cool guy, and not the douche.

8.) Keep it simple when texting. Texting is for logistics. Many numbers won't be a bang.

9.) Eye contact, calmness, and don't say stupid douchey stuff when in social functions. If you are with your bros then OK, but nothing says I'm a dumbass more then stupid obnoxious rants in front of a hot female.
10.) Never give up because of failure. Persistence is what made great people who they are.

There are some more I can't think of due to being tired and sleepy.
Signing off

Good Looking Dude Game

Thing is good looking game doesnt last forever. Looks fade. Sooner or later you will have to rely on your personality or your wealth like the rest of us.

Don't debate me.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (04-12-2016 03:22 PM)8ball Wrote:  

Quote: (06-04-2015 04:30 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  


you need to handle the situation a little more discretely.

Why do you mean that you need to handle a situation more discreetly if you are good looking?

It means, in a place packed with people and you being in the top 5%(looks), you can't start mass approaching. It looks very off-putting when you do that, a 5^3 wallowitz type can do w/e he wants, you shouldn't. You could and you might get laid, but you will bang despite your mass approach strategy, not because of it. By virtue of your looks you already have the attention of the women in the room. You are already the prize, don't lose that status, by approaching fewer targets(and they should be high caliber) your game will be congruent. Pick your targets wisely, fewer targets but more chance of bang. All you have to do then is play don't fuck up game.

We should probably also break down when and where looks matter. What type of environment, what age group, timing etc. There are cases where you looks will matter very little or none at all. For instance if you are attending an industry specific function where there will be hot chicks. Well, in this case the top dick in the room will be based solely on success in that specific industry. He could look like gollum and still get laid. The only way your looks would matter is if some of the top people there are women and looking to get their fuck on. Unfortunately these women are usually old or already there with their lesbian life partners. Also the older you get the less your looks will matter and the more having a stable successful lifestyle will. Certain things aren't cool anymore and you better have your shit together. When you are younger, your looks may have been what distinguished you from the competition. If you are 12 years older then your target, its gonna be very tough for you to compete by relying on your looks. If this is you then your looks might be a bonus but not the driving factor.

On the other hand meetmarkets are places where looks matter tremendously. Online dating is almost entirely dominated by looks. By being aware of your surroundings you can adjust your game accordingly and maximize your result.

8ball, top to bottom, just an outstanding post. Thanks.

The specific industry insight is dead on and is confirmation from what you would intuit if you understand women and game; local, particular status is hyper-elevated when you are around those same types all the time. It's like a not often thought about big fish in small pond reality. Obviously, in a world where women work a lot, this is the natural outcome.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (04-18-2016 01:00 AM)AlphaPrimate22 Wrote:  

1.) Don't be an asshole. The reason I say this is from experience. You just come off narcissistic, douchey, and make a female feel too insecure.

Be an asshole. The reason I say this is from experience. I think you need more experience.


My Adventures in Game updates on the go: twits by Max Detrick

Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken.

I don’t ever give up. I mean, I’d have to be dead or completely incapacitated.
-- Elon Musk

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (04-18-2016 11:03 AM)ksbms Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2016 01:00 AM)AlphaPrimate22 Wrote:  

1.) Don't be an asshole. The reason I say this is from experience. You just come off narcissistic, douchey, and make a female feel too insecure.

Be an asshole. The reason I say this is from experience. I think you need more experience.

Ok I take that back. Be an asshole. After thinking about it...

Good Looking Dude Game

Good looking guys did the worst at my college. Average guys with game kill it every time.

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