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Strength Training

Strength Training

Quote: (04-20-2011 02:21 AM)houston Wrote:  

Samseau - have u gained weight with that diet? I'm very skinny and want to start eating things to help me get bigger. I work out and have noticed I'm slowly getting bigger but my metabolism is so high.

What you can do is take my diet above but replace the dinner with a chicken breast, peas and carrots. Also, eat half a box of pasta instead of 1/3. Costs more to do this, and takes a lot more effort to prepare, but a chicken breast has something like 50-70grams of protein.

For the record, I'm 5'8'', and the most I've ever weighed was 170 pounds. I was pretty bloated. Now I weigh 162. I'm trying to get to 170 without the excess fat.

This is what I did when I was younger and had the super fast metabolism. After age 24 I could get away with eating less and still putting on some mass. I fucking hate eating.


I used to do three or four and I grew like a weed. Pussy quota went up and so did my closes.

Getting bigger did not help me get laid nearly as much as learning game did. Game is 10x as effective in getting laid than working out, IMO.

Still, working out keeps you healthy, makes you an animal in the sack, and provides domination around other men. But because it's not as effective as game, I only lift 3 times a week. I also think that 3 times a week is better for your joints, which in the long run is your true limiting factor. I know a few 40 yr old men who have stopping using barbells because of herniated discs, bum knees, or fucked up shoulders (shoulders are so easy to harm).

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Strength Training

Quote: (04-21-2011 01:13 AM)Samseau Wrote:  


I used to do three or four and I grew like a weed. Pussy quota went up and so did my closes.

Getting bigger did not help me get laid nearly as much as learning game did. Game is 10x as effective in getting laid than working out, IMO.

Still, working out keeps you healthy, makes you an animal in the sack, and provides domination around other men. But because it's not as effective as game, I only lift 3 times a week.

I know that game is the ultimate but I am saying that working out makes it easier.

Again, you can relate it to women you've wanted to fcuk.

Would you fcuk a woman who is 9 in the face but a body that is 4?

Now what about vice versa, maybe her face is 4-5 but her body is a 10?

How much are you going to do with a pretty face? Does a pretty face get you aroused or does a great body?

I don't know about you but I'd rather fcuk a woman with a great body and a lesser face than a woman with a great face and a lesser body.

I've seen a lot of overweight women in North America with very pretty faces but their bodies have turned me off.

Now, on the flip side, I've seen women with ok faces but with fantastic bodies that have made me go for goal.

Human beings are attracted to healthy bodies. A strong male body gives a semblance of health.

Having a strong looking body helps to pique a woman's interest. The whole idea of game is to pique a woman's interest in you (SEXUALLY) and escalate it to a point where she wants to have sex with you.

It's the same concept as wearing nice clothes, having a wash, using deodrant and brushing your teeth.

How much game would you have to spit if you were slovenly, unshaven, stank and you had nubby yellow teeth?

Would you need as much game as someone who was clean looking and with a strong body?

I bet your fcuking bottom dollar that you need less game if you look good. We can ALL look better.

You still need game but you won't need to work as hard because you have ALREADY piqued the woman's sexual interest.

I don't know about you but I'm not trying to be there spitting my soul to snag some pussy when I could spit half as much to get the job done.

I think that's why a lot of guys here travel outside of America for nani.

Why run, when you can fly?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Strength Training

starting strength is great, what ppl don't realize is that working on power lifts such as squats and deadlift also make your upper body bigger as well. If you want to put on mass real quick do starting strength and drink a gallon of milk a day, whole milk at that. It will f up your stomach first few days but you will get used to is and you will put on mass real quick.

As already mentioned game is more important to getting laid than being big but from an attraction point of view girls gravitate to bigger men as opposed to skinny guys.

Strength Training

Work on your Body AND your Game at the same time.

Getting bigger won't really get you any more girls if you don't at least have decent social and conversational skills. I know a few big muscle guys who are dorks around women.

And we all know some skinny guys who get laid alot. Because their Game is strong.

There is a balance between the 2. Work on both for maximum results.

Strength Training

Quote: (04-21-2011 03:35 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Work on your Body AND your Game at the same time.

Getting bigger won't really get you any more girls if you don't at least have decent social and conversational skills. I know a few big muscle guys who are dorks around women.

And we all know some skinny guys who get laid alot. Because their Game is strong.

There is a balance between the 2. Work on both for maximum results.

This is my current theory on life. I work out for me. Fuck what women want, some of them are on this skinny jeans kick still and want a guy with chicken legs who weighs less then them.

I lift for me. I lift because I love that feeling when I look in the mirror and realize I'm less fatty and more beefy then I was last week.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Strength Training

Moma gave me a nice list of protein foods to stick with so I can put on weight faster. Does anyone have some good foods to add

Can anyone verify that drinking a shitload of milk will help me? What kind of drinks should I be buying?

Strength Training

I remember knowing a skinny guy in highschool that was trying to bulk up for the wrestling team, he was told to do everything as he normally did, eat, sleep, workout, ect, but drink one or two slim fasts IN ADDITION to his normal daily meals.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Strength Training

The chart from the article Roosh brought up looks good. But are "exercises" and "sessions" meant to be the same according to this chart?

Strength Training

Quote: (04-21-2011 05:07 PM)houston Wrote:  

Moma gave me a nice list of protein foods to stick with so I can put on weight faster. Does anyone have some good foods to add

Can anyone verify that drinking a shitload of milk will help me? What kind of drinks should I be buying?

Yes Drinking a shitload of MIlk and doing exercises like squats, deadlifts, cleans, bench press, and strict press will help you. I weighted 167 and I did a gallaon of milk a day for 3 weeks and put on close to 10 pounds. Its known as GOMAD, just google it.

Strength Training

Quote: (04-21-2011 03:35 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Work on your Body AND your Game at the same time.

Getting bigger won't really get you any more girls if you don't at least have decent social and conversational skills. I know a few big muscle guys who are dorks around women.

And we all know some skinny guys who get laid alot. Because their Game is strong.

There is a balance between the 2. Work on both for maximum results.

I would also like to add that being able to walk around like you're a bad-ass mofo will get the pussy wet.

Aside from building mass, build some major ass-kicking confidence. Evidence in point, Fisto.

In one episode of Millionaire Matchmaker (yeah I watch it, it gives me lolz) the matchmaker is telling this schleppy guy that he needs to man up a bit, because if he wants a feminine girl he's gotta act like a man, otherwise if he wants to be a schlep he will get with a more dominant woman "and we wouldn't want that." To which he replied "Yeah.."

Strength Training

Quote: (04-22-2011 07:43 AM)thanif Wrote:  

Yes Drinking a shitload of MIlk and doing exercises like squats, deadlifts, cleans, bench press, and strict press will help you. I weighted 167 and I did a gallaon of milk a day for 3 weeks and put on close to 10 pounds. Its known as GOMAD, just google it.

I strongly disagree with drinking lots of MILK. That is a shytty idea. Eat quality protein..steak, chicken breasts, egg whites, lentils, goat meat but that milk idea is a load of bullshit.

You want to gain lean muscle weight not 10 pounds of fat. I'd rather gain 5 pounds of lean muscle than 30 pounds of fat from drinking milk.

Crock of bullshyt.

Do it right.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Strength Training

I think the draw of milk is that its easy and its cheap. A gallon of milk is like three bucks, an equivalent amount of protein in chicken would be roughly 4 breasts, and you're looking maybe 5-6 bucks. Add into that you have th cook the chicken (and presumably season it because eating it straight would get REALLY old REALLY fast)

I'm sticking by what I said before, get a diet shake or even a protein powder meal replacement and add that in ON TOP of you're normal meals. This'll do about the same thing the milk would do, but the protein supplements will cut out the extra bullshit milk is bringing to the table.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Strength Training

Quote: (04-22-2011 01:27 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2011 07:43 AM)thanif Wrote:  

Yes Drinking a shitload of MIlk and doing exercises like squats, deadlifts, cleans, bench press, and strict press will help you. I weighted 167 and I did a gallaon of milk a day for 3 weeks and put on close to 10 pounds. Its known as GOMAD, just google it.

I strongly disagree with drinking lots of MILK. That is a shytty idea. Eat quality protein..steak, chicken breasts, egg whites, lentils, goat meat but that milk idea is a load of bullshit.

You want to gain lean muscle weight not 10 pounds of fat. I'd rather gain 5 pounds of lean muscle than 30 pounds of fat from drinking milk.

Crock of bullshyt.

Do it right.

Milk is a source of quality protein. Where are you getting your information from that it's not? It contains whey and casein (more casein than whey), both important for muscle growth.

And once again, you're supposed to be working out while introducing milk into your diet. Of course you'll get fat from milk if you're not working out. I did Gomad for a few short weeks and gained about ten pounds. End result? I didn't have a gut and I didn't grow a second chin. Why? Because I was doing my Starting Strength routine three days a week. What happened? I got a bit more muscular, and a lot more stronger.

Milk works, and it is NOT a crock of shit. I'll concede the point that Gomad is not for everyone and that some people should avoid milk if their bodies can't handle it, but for those who can and are looking for a quick, easy and no-hassle way to introduce more protein into your diet, then a couple glasses of milk is a surefire way of doing so.

Strength Training

1 gallon a day? better make sure its skim

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Strength Training

Moma, any recommendations for ab workouts? Doing hundreds of crunches gets boring. I'd rather do something with less reps but more impact. I also wonder why they say you can work your abs every session, but your other muscle sets need a few days to recover. Why are the abs any different?

Strength Training

Quote: (04-23-2011 05:18 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Moma, any recommendations for ab workouts? Doing hundreds of crunches gets boring. I'd rather do something with less reps but more impact. I also wonder why they say you can work your abs every session, but your other muscle sets need a few days to recover. Why are the abs any different?

This is just a guess, no science, if I'm wrong dont stab me!

I think its because the abs are a lot harder to put a really big load onto, most people do lots of reps for their abs rather then 5-10 power reps like with other muscles.

Abs are also more interconnected so any strain is more spread out, whereas something like a bicep curl the force is almost completely on one major muscle.

I'm interested in any good ab workouts as well though. Right now I"m using this "ab coaster" thing at my gym that actually gives one hell of a good burn and its not as awkward as traditional situp/crunches. The only other machine in my weekly routine is also an ab workout, I use the torso rotation for my obliques. I'm noticing good results from that, even though I've still got some extra cheese on my mid-section I'm starting to see defined musculature all around my stomach.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Strength Training

I like these for abs. When it gets easy, try holding your legs up there for a while.


Strength Training

I might have to try that out next week Gio, I see a lot of the more fit guys at my gym doing those

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Strength Training

Quote: (04-22-2011 01:27 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (04-22-2011 07:43 AM)thanif Wrote:  

Yes Drinking a shitload of MIlk and doing exercises like squats, deadlifts, cleans, bench press, and strict press will help you. I weighted 167 and I did a gallaon of milk a day for 3 weeks and put on close to 10 pounds. Its known as GOMAD, just google it.

I strongly disagree with drinking lots of MILK. That is a shytty idea. Eat quality protein..steak, chicken breasts, egg whites, lentils, goat meat but that milk idea is a load of bullshit.

You want to gain lean muscle weight not 10 pounds of fat. I'd rather gain 5 pounds of lean muscle than 30 pounds of fat from drinking milk.

Crock of bullshyt.

Do it right.

Milk is a great source of protein. It is not like I just sit on my ass and drink a gallon a day. You follow starting strength by Mark Rippetoe and drink your gallon and you will put on mass fast. Of course not all will be lean but you will get strong and big pretty quick. Please note that the older you get the less effective this becomes, specificly you will be putting on more fat than muscle I did this when I was about 29, I am 31 now and wont due it. But any one under 30 who wants to bulk up fast drink your gallon (whole milk) and just do squats, deadlifts, cleans, bench, and strict press. (more info on GOMAD)

Strength Training

Quote: (04-23-2011 05:18 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Moma, any recommendations for ab workouts? Doing hundreds of crunches gets boring. I'd rather do something with less reps but more impact. I also wonder why they say you can work your abs every session, but your other muscle sets need a few days to recover. Why are the abs any different?

Try some crunching with some weights clutched to your chest to add additional tension to the ab muscle group. I personally like to use a 53lb kettlebell and move it from one side to the other. That actually works my obliques but you can rotate the same idea to your crunch exercises. Clutch a weight to your chest.

You can also use the rope pulldown machine to add that additional tension to your crunches (see below)

Naturally, of course, how good the abs look depend on your body fat levels.
A friend of mine used to do all sorts of amazing ab workouts but because he was plump, no one would ever know.
Another friend of mine, hardly really worked out seriously beyond maybe 20 situps x 3 in the morning and his abs were lined up beautifully. Why? Because he had low body fat percentage

WARNING: Please start with a light weight (clutched to your chest) until you get your strength and your technique down packed. You just want to procure an additional amount of weight that will direct some additional tension to your abs so you can feel them blasted more during your workouts.
Do not get greedy and do not try and grab something heavy just because there are women in the gym to impress or some lurking roid monsters snickering at your feeble frame.
Work on your own pace and never, ever ever ever let ego be the drive to what you lift in the gym.
Fcuk those others with the better bodies than you. I bet you a million dollars there are people out there with better bodies than them who don't even workout seriously.
Point is, it is all relative. Relate to yours..



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Strength Training

Quote: (04-23-2011 06:30 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

I like these for abs. When it gets easy, try holding your legs up there for a while.

Added these into my workout today, was actually impressed with myself on how many I could do, but you can definitely feel how that'll get your abs jacked

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

Strength Training

My uncle recommended that Giovanny for the abs. I was struggling the other day but I'm going to add it to my daily routine to help with the beer belly

Strength Training

For the last 5 weeks. I have been doing the StrongLifts 5X5 program. I do feel stronger.

Workout A

Squat 5x5
Bench 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5

Workout B

Squat 5x5
Shoulder Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5

You do the workout 3 days a week. Alternating between Workout A and Workout B. Some weeks will be A-B-A and others will be B-A-B. Each workout. Increase the weight by 5lbs.

I throw in a heavy Cardio day. Just to cut up more. I will say that I do feel stronger, and Squatting 3 days a week hasn't hurt my knees at all.

Strength Training

I weighed myself today and I'm the biggest I've ever been in my life. My arms and upper chest are starting to look defined finally. Still trying to get rid of this fucking beer belly though. I can't wait to see how I look in a year.

Strength Training

Quote: (05-02-2011 03:01 AM)houston Wrote:  

I weighed myself today and I'm the biggest I've ever been in my life. My arms and upper chest are starting to look defined finally. Still trying to get rid of this fucking beer belly though. I can't wait to see how I look in a year.

Beer belly means your diet is still not good enough. Try to drink less and eat cleaner.

Especially, at night. You can eat alot during the day because your body still has time to burn it off. But at night, your body starts shutting down and doesn't burn off everything you ate. Try to eat less, and eat cleaner at night. If you can, go to bed on an almost empty stomach. A good rule of thumb is don't eat after sunset. I know this is tough when you are out partying, drinking, and chasing girls.

Get your tacos without the queso and crema. And cut out all the soda and sweets. That shit goes straight to the belly.

This is why I am 99% day Game. Night Game is tough on your health.

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