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The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 23 - 10/09/2014

Started off with some daygame at Jungfernsteig. I think I made something like a dozen approaches - but still, nothing sticking. For running tourist game, the non-hook responses so far overwhelming break down into three types. Either:

1) She doesn't speak English
2) She doesn't know the place where I'm asking for directions and excuses herself
3) She knows exactly where it is, tells me, and then excuses herself.

I know that there are girls who will often just come down for a stroll (all three of the girls I've managed to "insta-date" so far said that's what they were doing when I met them) and I want to try and focus on them. Maybe it's a question of timing. So far I've usually been hitting the area at around 3pm till 5pm-ish, figuring that's when the most foot traffic would be. I'm guessing that maybe it would be better to go before noon to find the girls just out for a stroll or grabbing a coffee or whatnot. Though until university starts back up here in the last week of September/first week of October, this is likely the best place for daygame I can find. Sourcecode, I'm definitely planning on making the University of Hamburg area my primary focus on daygame once classes start. So that for sure will be done.

Finished up downtown at around 5:30pm and headed to my German-language class. I did end up talking with the cute French brunette again, and I did manage to number close her while suggesting we grab drinks soon. (I threw in that I could definitely use the chance to practice my French, and she replied by saying she could definitely practice her English - so I really haven't set a hard "interested" frame.) Nothing in the way of kino yet, but I figure I can get her out on a weekday next week. Maybe something after class, I dunno.

In terms of nightgame, I did end up checking out (or, at least, trying to get in) Club du Nord, in the Winterhude quarter. Got turned aside - another one of Hamburg's need-girls-or-connections clubs. Ugh. Ended up finding a fairly packed cocktail bar called Zaza just down the road, and I opening on a solid 8 - depending on your preferences, as high as a 9/9.5 easily. I got to chatting with her and the friend she was with (the friend works at Zaza) and they invited me to join them for the night, cause they wanted to go to Club du Nord and I figured I could try to get back in. We eventually rolled out to there - but I got blocked again by the bouncers. I ended up grabbing both of their numbers before letting them go. I didn't manage to much in the way of kino going with the original target, since I figured I could go for the isolation+escalation once we were at Club du Nord - but getting blocked out twice screwed that up. Afterwards, I looked around for a place with a crowd but everything else was thinning out, so I decided to head back by bus (thanks again Sourcecode for the info on that.)

So that was that night. My thoughts right now:
- Cocktail bars seem to be a more viable option for gaming the more attractive -looking girls. Right now I've been stuck in a dilemma where I can try to go to nightclubs where the girls are more attractive but harder to access, or where entrance is easier but the talent isn't that high. Right now, the only high-endish club on the Reeperbahn that I've been able to get into is called Club Hamburg - this might end up being my go-to spot for solo wheeling in a nightclub environment. Anybody able to offer suggestions for good cocktail bars here in Hamburg?

- The Winterhude district itself might be one of the hidden gems here in Hamburg as well, from what I can gather from my entirely unscientific observation of last night. The district is fairly upscale, so you can figure that the girls here can be of at least above-average attractiveness (from what I saw in Zaza last night, the quality here can easily set the standard for female beauty here in Hamburg.) There are only 3 or 4 bars and 1 nightclub, so the nightlife in the area is fairly concentrated. From what the friend of my target last night told me, it was usually a lot busier than what I walked into - and Zaza's was pretty packed as is. It's right smack in the middle of a residential area, so your chances for SNL are likely a lot higher than on the Reeperbahn - and I figure that not many foreigners venture into that area, so you can probably stand out more in that regard. From what I saw last night, it can combine the SNL-ability of the Sternschanze with the quality you're looking for on the Reeperbahn. Definitely something to keep my eye on.

- Zaza's itself is pretty good for gaming structurally. It's basically a small room with a straight bar on one end and long booth-style couches on each wall towards the entrance. Drinks are pretty pricey (€8 for a gin and tonic) but if you get there early and grab a centre seat at the bar, you can open pretty much any girl that goes to get drinks (and believe me, there's more than enough talent there.) There are also tables outside for smoking/isolation, so all in all it's pretty well set up.

- Looking at a couple nightlife advisors for Hamburg, I'm finding that a lot of these cocktail bars are open almost everyday of the week. So what I'm thinking in terms of nightlife planning is to focus on the cocktail bars and avoid the Hamburg nightclubs if I'm not rolling in a social circle - unless its Club Hamburg from Thurs-Sat, since I'm fairly certain I can get in there solo.

Gonna be clubbing with a social group I've managed to get into tonight - so I'll update on if anything happens there.

As always, any questions, comments, queries, etc. are welcome.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 23 - 11/09/2014

So ... I kinda fucked up last night.

The night started off with our group doing a good bit of predrinking at the fraternity house we were at - it was basically me, 7-8 other guys, and these 2 cute girls - both about a 6.5-7. I had learned incidentally that they both didn't speak that good English, and I noticed that the instant that they arrived almost all of the attention of the guys focused on them - I basically watched semi-amused as they started to crowd around them competing for the girls' attention.

My thought process was, I thought, pretty simple - I knew we'd be heading out to the Reeperbahn later that night, so I figured I would let all the guys fight each other for the attention of the girls (thinking they'd end up cockblocking each other), while I basically ignored the girls and did my own thing while we were predrinking. Once in transit/at the Kiez, I'd find an opportunity to approach and escalate with whichever girl was available. Rather than compete with the other guys in a place where I couldn't escalate/isolate, I'd wait till we were at a place where I could.

At first, it seemed to be going well - the other guys were trading off dancing/drinking/focusing all their attention on the girls, while I basically took over as the group DJ/song selector and kept playing some pretty good club/EDM mixes. Every so often, I'd look over and see the girls smiling and motioning at me to come over and dance with them - and I'd smile back and keep jamming.

My chance came as we started to head over to the Kiez - by pure luck I ended up in a taxi with the two girls and one other guy, with myself and the two girls in the rear and him up front. I tried to see which girl had better English (since they were both pretty cute) and opened up on the girl on my right. By this time I was pretty buzzed, and I was kino-ing pretty hard considering I had only just started talking to her in the taxi. Though talking to her was a bit of a challenge considering she, by her own admission, wasn't good at English and hated speaking it - I tried pulling out my smartphone and firing up Google Translate but she didn't take to it.

We roll up to the first bar and there's a dance floor, so I started dancing with her. For whatever reason, I didn't go for the kiss on the dancefloor, and looking back on it in retrospect I know I should have. Maybe I thought I had more time, maybe I though I needed to isolate from her friend before trying. I know that I did try to isolate her (by suggesting we go talk since it was loud on the dancefloor) but she didn't go for it. Stupid in retrospect, considering she had already said she didn't like speaking English. I had cigarettes on me but didn't take my own advice of using them for isolation. Stupid me, I know.

Eventually, the other guys arrive and we all start dancing as a group, before heading to the next bar. I went to go for a drink there - my back was turned for less than a minute - and I come back to find her and one of the other guys making out on the dance floor. He had been going at her pretty hard when we were predrinking, and I had figured him competing with the other girls would cockblock all of them. I didn't think any of them would go for it, and I ended up being wrong. He didn't end up going home with her ... but still, that could have been my shot if I had played it right.

So that was my night. Gonna head back out and pull off some more daygame - see if I can break out of this unlucky streak.

As always, any questions, comments, queries, etc. are welcome.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 24 - 12/09/2014

Managed to finally pull a number after something like 15-20 approaches yesterday afternoon - she had traveled in Canada previously so the approach hooked fairly quickly. My next approach I managed to insta-date her to the church, but when I tried to go for the number she said she could add me on Facebook instead. Not expecting that to pan out.

For nightgame I went back to Club Hamburg - incidentally it was their grand opening last night. Arrived at around 1am and my first approach at the bar hooked. Blonde, tall-ish, red dress and heels. Remembering what had happened the night previous, I offer to go smoke cigs together and she's down - but her friend came along with us and basically sat wordlessly beside us as we chatted. Made it kinda difficult to smoothly escalate - though in retrospect I probably should have said "fuckit" and gone for it anyway. We ended up chatting for the better part of an hour, but she eventually got pulled away to a VIP booth with her friends before I could really isolate or go for the number. By that time everyone was on the dancefloor and not getting drinks, so I basically ended up standing and listening to the DJ's set - did get to see two Turkish-looking guys getting ejected by club security for trying to grind on every girl on the dancefloor. Evidently they really don't like it when you do that - good to know.

So, as of now I have 6 separate prospects (5 numbers, 1 FB) that I've managed to accumulate so far over the last 2 weeks or so. 2 of them (the number close from D4 and the instadate from D19) said they weren't looking at the moment, but I'm willing to go for a Hail-Mary on them to see if I can turn anything around. 1 of the D23 closes wasn't one I had intended on grabbing the number from, but she's still serviceable so I'll keep her in the mix.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

Nice that you keep it always updated. We're keeping an eye on this thread.
Just keep on pushing, usually next to nothing will come from german girls, you have to do it all yourself. I mean seriously, don't wait for her to do anything, keep that in your mind.

As you can also see, be aware of the female friends of the girl you're hitting on. Means you must isolate and act faster, because as time passes, the chances of one of her friends cockblocking you get higher. And sadly they're already high in the beginning.
And doesn't matter if you're german or not, they just really love to cockblock men.

I know sourcecode suggested otherwise, but try being direct. Alot of girls can be very insecure about your actual intentions, since they're not used to normal flirting. So it actually works really well if she knows from the beginning that you like her alot, but you've to be the guy for it and be very bold about it. Just give her a nice compliment, and go on from there after she thanked you with a nice smile. Works lot better if you had already eye contact. It also sorts out the timewasting as you don't need to talk and hook her up, because the hook was already at the beginning.

It's not easy reading threads from other countries where guys stack up several dates in a few days, coming into here. Maybe you should consider visiting an eastern european country for a few days, just to refill your energy, as greek kamaki would put it. [Image: wink.gif]

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

jokes on you for flying halfway around the world to chase german chicks brah
couldve gone to eastern europe instead...

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

+1. SNL. Details later...


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 26 - 13/09/2014

So. +1, German flag acquired. (First foreign flag [Image: banana.gif])

The story:

Weather was really shitty earlier in the day so I didn't end up doing any day game. I almost decided to stay in as well, but Branimir's post on emphatically forcing the interaction with German girls was weighing on my mind throughout the evening - until I essentially went "screw waiting around, might as well see what happens" and headed out. (Branimir, a nice, big, laser-guided +1 to you for your last post.)

Went downtown aiming to arrive at the Reeperbahn before midnight and the first rush of people. I managed to get there at about 11:45 and walked out of St. Pauli station right to Club Hamburg - got in at 11:57pm and learned that it was free entry until midnight. Good way to start the night, haha. Grabbed myself a Red Bull and opened one girl sitting beside her friend on one of the lounge couches. She hooked initially, but she didn't go for the isolation so I decided to eject. (In any case, I was getting suspicious that she kinda looked like a fatty - which I basically confirmed later when I saw her standing up.)

Ran a couple more approaches that didn't go anywhere, then ended up approaching a girl from France, so I managed to bust out some basic French and she hooked. Was willing to isolate for the cigarette, but almost immediately seemed to regret abandoning her friend and basically ejected herself. After that I ran some more approaches that didn't hook, until roughly 2:15am-ish by which time almost all the people in the club were on the dancefloor and had basically finished drinking. At that point I decided to eject and try and find somewhere else.

I ended up walking to the Golden Pudel Club near the Elbe, since I had heard that it was usually packed on weekend nights. It wasn't that dense and there was only one group of girls that I could basically see as being approach-worthy, so I decided to eject and find somewhere else. I remembered how Frieda B had been mentioned on the thread previously, so I decided to go give it another try. By the time I got there at roughly 2:45am-ish it was jam-packed full of people - almost wall-to-wall full.

Danced for a bit trying to get interest from the few cute girls on the dancefloor (there was none) until I hit the main drinking area in the room adjacent. I saw two girls talking animatedly to each other - one clearly drunk, the other less so. Opened the more sober girl asking whether the place was always this crowded and she hooked, asking me where I was from. Chatted for a minute or so more and I tried for the isolation by saying it was too loud and we should go somewhere else to chat. She goes for it, and we step off. Chatted for about five or so minutes more and I suggest we go dance - she says yes. We dance for a few minutes before I manuever myself to go for the kiss. She pulls back slightly and smiles at me - "I'm not that easy." To which I drop my long-overused line for this situation, "Good, I like having a challenge" with a smirk. She laughs and I pull her in again for the kiss - she goes for it. We step back off the dancefloor to where we were chatting earlier and alternate chatting and making out for about 10 minutes or so.

I don't remember exactly how we ended up on the topic of her taking me home for the night, but I do remember I ended up using pure logic to suggest that she should, since my good kissing skills (by her own admission) suggested I'd be pretty good in bed. That was something I had never thought I'd be doing before. However, she insists on making me stand there and wait while she finds her friend and basically consults with her over the situation. I know letting her leave and just standing there is basically the best way to lose the shot, so I insisted on going with her or having her text her friend - after a back-and-forth for something like 3 minutes or so she gives in. We head back but can't find her friend, so we leave thinking she might be sitting outside. At least, I'm thinking at this point, we've physically left the building, so in some sense we're progressing.

She tried to text and call her friend to no answer - eventually we find her drunk and crying on a bench outside. Dunno why she was upset - didn't really care. My girl says she wants to make sure she's okay before we leave, and I reply with a casual "yeah no probs" and bust out another game of 2048 on my phone while they bullshit with each other. (aside - I'm pretty close to addicted to this game, haha.)

By the time we ended up leaving it was about 5am - we ended up taking a train and bus to her place that took another 30-45 minutes. Once we were inside it was easy. Zero LMR.

I should add a description of the girl - I'd call her a solid 6/6.5. Mostly thin, with a touch of baby fat on the front of her stomach - but nothing too serious, she still had a pretty good hip-waist ratio. 24, blonde hair, with an OK face. Nothing to write home about but definitely fuckable - for the purposes of getting a German and first foreign flag acquired she more than sufficed.

So that was my night. As always, any questions, comments, queries, etc. are welcome.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

Congrats dude. Well done. I live in hamburg but not able to game for some reason. I am following the thread. It is rough sea here.

By end of your journey we will have a great data to use.

Keep writing., maybe we will meet one fine day

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 29 - 16/09/2014

Today was a bit of a rollercoaster ... cause I was thinking for a brief period that I had managed to score a unicorn ... and didn't.

The story:

Was running more daygame down near Jungfernstieg. I was at 5 approaches in and nothing seemed to be sticking - which seems to be my usual state of affairs at this point with daygame. I decided to switch up my tactics a bit - rather than try and ask chicks walking on the square for directions, I'd scope the steps near the Klein Alster canal locks and see if there were any approachable chicks sitting down and stationary. Lo and behold, who should end up sitting there, at that exact moment in time and space, but my "unicorn." In the roughly 3 or so years that I've been game conscious, I'd hazard to say she was perhaps the most beautiful girl I've interacted with. Literally fit my definition of feminine physical perfection to a T. Waist-length red hair, glassy green eyes, virtually perfect skin. Think Faye Reagan meets Anna Kournikova. I will fully admit I had to physically force myself not to stare at her.

I opened by asking if she knew where the local Apple store was (another thing I had picked up incidentally from the forum), since I was tired of getting insta-dated all the way to St. Michaelis Church, which anyone from Hamburg reading this knows is a bit of a walk from Jungfernstieg. I followed up with an on-the-spot, improvised routine (which, in retrospect, I though was rather good) about how I had to buy a new laptop since I fried my old laptop's motherboard from running it on a different voltage from what I was used to "back home." She hooked, asking where I was from, and it went on from there. Waited for her to ask another personal question (she did almost immediately afterwards) before starting to run GALNUC. I almost fucked up here by asking her if she was half-German before catching myself and, guessing by her appearance, saying half-Irish instead. Her face lit up - apparently, she actually was half-Irish, half-German. Damned if I'm not lucky at least sometimes.

By this point we're deep in conversation and I basically decided on an impulse to throw GALNUC out the window and just talk with her, since I thought I was getting interest from her - I was getting asked personal question after personal question. As it turned out, she had been going around to various shops earlier in the day applying for a job and had been taking a break on the steps when I opened her. At about 10 minutes in by my estimation, I decide to go for the insta-date at a nearby cafe - she immediately agrees. We go to one that she points out as being pretty good, and we ended up talking there for another ... 20 minutes or so, I'd figure. We were going on about anything and everything - travel, mutual interests, the works. We left and walked to watch the Alsterfontaine (the big water fountain that they have in the middle of the artificial Alster Lake in Hamburg). I went for the number close at this point and she immediately agreed, saying that she would be happy to take mine but that her phone's battery was dead and she "didn't remember her phone number" (which should have been a red flag for me at that point.) She actually pulled out a notebook for me to write my number down - I incidentally flicked to another page and saw her mobile phone # written down. I asked if it was hers and she said yeah, by all means put it into your phone.

I send her a text on my phone and she left swearing up and down she'd text me back when her phone got recharged. Like an idiot, I let myself spend time afterwards fantasizing about how hard I would end up railing this chick and her likely perfectly-formed pussy - until a creeping realization hit me.

She isn't going to text me back.

And, true to form, she didn't.

This is actually starting to become frustrating. Of all the contact details I've managed to acquire so far during my entire time here (6 #s, 1 FB) the only girls that have even bothered to reply to an initial text/msg have been the two girls that friend-zoned me or said they weren't interested in pursuing anything. (I'm not including the D26 SNL, since the sex was mediocre enough that I don't really plan on seeing her again.) I don't know if this is a common thing with German girls or if I've just fucking up massively somehow and not realizing it. I can't figure out whether I prefer getting lied to by Canadian girls who respond and then flake, or getting ignored by German girls who give me their number and then don't bother responding at all.

Maybe it's just this one stung a little more than most since she was, admittedly, the closest to a 10 I've ever approached.

As always, any questions, comments, queries, etc. are welcome.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

Quote: (09-16-2014 04:49 PM)rytech Wrote:  

This is actually starting to become frustrating. Of all the contact details I've managed to acquire so far during my entire time here (6 #s, 1 FB) the only girls that have even bothered to reply to an initial text/msg have been the two girls that friend-zoned me or said they weren't interested in pursuing anything. (I'm not including the D26 SNL, since the sex was mediocre enough that I don't really plan on seeing her again.) I don't know if this is a common thing with German girls or if I've just fucking up massively somehow and not realizing it. I can't figure out whether I prefer getting lied to by Canadian girls who respond and then flake, or getting ignored by German girls who give me their number and then don't bother responding at all.

It's not just common, but it's the usual case. Like I said, don't expect anything, not even them replying to your text.
If I pick up a number here, the first thing I do is having absolutely no expectations of this.
I know it a kind of negative attitude, but that way you're not concerned about it's outcome. It also can only get better, not worse.

Sure, always be self critical, but don't exagerrate about it. It just isn't an easy country.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

Quote: (09-16-2014 04:49 PM)rytech Wrote:  

DAY 29 - 16/09/2014

This is actually starting to become frustrating. Of all the contact details I've managed to acquire so far during my entire time here (6 #s, 1 FB) the only girls that have even bothered to reply to an initial text/msg have been the two girls that friend-zoned me or said they weren't interested in pursuing anything. (I'm not including the D26 SNL, since the sex was mediocre enough that I don't really plan on seeing her again.) I don't know if this is a common thing with German girls or if I've just fucking up massively somehow and not realizing it.

Believe me, this is quite a common thing with german girls. You must be EXTREMELY clear about your intentions if you wanna make the interaction go to the next level. I know it's easy to judge from here, but I think you should have gone for the kiss before the end of the insta-date - or explaining to her what exactly you would like to do when meeting again, adding also the exact day and time, and waiting for her response.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

How about MILF as a target in hamburg. I fucked up my chances without game knowledge. But learned from there are lots of single momsy in hamburg

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

^^^ Good points all. Gotta head out for language class but I'm gonna think on what you guys said and post later with my thoughts.

Thanks a ton for the support and help.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 31 – 18/09/2014

Started off the day, as usual, with Jungfernstieg daygame. Plenty of approaches – no blowouts, and I got three insta-dates, even though all three of them mentioned they had boyfriends before I went for the close. Gotta keep working at it – and waiting for the students to arrive in early October so I can finally access that demographic to the fullest.

Nightgame tonight ended up being a bust, as well. For whatever reason there were way less people out tonight than I figured would be – Club Hamburg, my usual nightspot, was closed so I had to spend time bouncing from area to area trying to find a good spot. Ended up in the line at Moondoo with a group of fellow traveling Canadians – managed to get in with them. There were two Canadian and two German girls with with them; the cuter Canadian one was kinda tipsy and getting really touchy with me so I worked on her, but ended up getting cockblocked by the other one. (Learned later they were both lesbians, go figure.)

Thoughts on my latent Daygame dilemna:

I’ve been thinking about what everyone following the thread so far has been saying and advising towards me, and I’m getting two distinct themes that are repeating themselves:

1)The likelihood she won’t respond to an initial text is completely independent of how long the approach lasts; and

2)You must be exactly clear and unambiguous on your intentions in order to move forward.

Following from these two points, I’m thinking to modify my daygame routine in two ways. Firstly, by limiting approaches/insta-dates to no more than 10-15 minutes – any more seems like wasted effort that could be put into more approaches. Secondly, I’m going to change the close from suggesting “having drinks together” to “going on a date together.” I was debating asking whether she was single/seeing someone/had a boyfriend at first, but to be honest I felt like it was better to set an explicit, unambiguous frame myself rather than letting her set one herself. Actually asking out a girl on a date, straight-up, is archaic (at least for me,) but I can’t think of a better way to more succinctly and explicitly lay out the intention.

Thus, my progression is structured something like this (for now):
1)Indirect tourist opener. (Right now I’m liking “where is the nearest Apple Store”). Done after screening for English ability.
2)DayBang-style ramble, waiting for two personal questions from the target.
3)Transition by insta-dating (“I’m gonna relax from trying to find the store, you’re welcome to join me if you’re free.)
4)More personal get-to-know-you chat.
5)Close after 10-15 minutes by asking if she’s available for a date.

I’m thinking of keeping any kino to nothing more than incidental touches, and not going direct until the close – I think opening or going direct any sooner would make them uncomfortable and blow the approach.

As always, any questions, comments, queries, etc. are welcome.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

Quote: (09-18-2014 10:33 PM)rytech Wrote:  

DAY 31 – 18/09/2014

Started off the day, as usual, with Jungfernstieg daygame. Plenty of approaches – no blowouts, and I got three insta-dates, even though all three of them mentioned they had boyfriends before I went for the close. Gotta keep working at it – and waiting for the students to arrive in early October so I can finally access that demographic to the fullest.

Nightgame tonight ended up being a bust, as well. For whatever reason there were way less people out tonight than I figured would be – Club Hamburg, my usual nightspot, was closed so I had to spend time bouncing from area to area trying to find a good spot. Ended up in the line at Moondoo with a group of fellow traveling Canadians – managed to get in with them. There were two Canadian and two German girls with with them; the cuter Canadian one was kinda tipsy and getting really touchy with me so I worked on her, but ended up getting cockblocked by the other one. (Learned later they were both lesbians, go figure.)

Thoughts on my latent Daygame dilemna:

I’ve been thinking about what everyone following the thread so far has been saying and advising towards me, and I’m getting two distinct themes that are repeating themselves:

1)The likelihood she won’t respond to an initial text is completely independent of how long the approach lasts; and

2)You must be exactly clear and unambiguous on your intentions in order to move forward.

Following from these two points, I’m thinking to modify my daygame routine in two ways. Firstly, by limiting approaches/insta-dates to no more than 10-15 minutes – any more seems like wasted effort that could be put into more approaches. Secondly, I’m going to change the close from suggesting “having drinks together” to “going on a date together.” I was debating asking whether she was single/seeing someone/had a boyfriend at first, but to be honest I felt like it was better to set an explicit, unambiguous frame myself rather than letting her set one herself. Actually asking out a girl on a date, straight-up, is archaic (at least for me,) but I can’t think of a better way to more succinctly and explicitly lay out the intention.

Thus, my progression is structured something like this (for now):
1)Indirect tourist opener. (Right now I’m liking “where is the nearest Apple Store”). Done after screening for English ability.
2)DayBang-style ramble, waiting for two personal questions from the target.
3)Transition by insta-dating (“I’m gonna relax from trying to find the store, you’re welcome to join me if you’re free.)
4)More personal get-to-know-you chat.
5)Close after 10-15 minutes by asking if she’s available for a date.

I’m thinking of keeping any kino to nothing more than incidental touches, and not going direct until the close – I think opening or going direct any sooner would make them uncomfortable and blow the approach.

As always, any questions, comments, queries, etc. are welcome.

This approach is the common male flirting approach and is totally wrong in Germany.In Germany you have to be impersonal as hell never break into personal privacy.You have to make statements that show your status and level of culture and always be interesting creating challenge somehow.
However the results depend totally on your age and looks.German women are among the easiest if you are less than 25 years old.All the time I see model looking girls with youngsters who would have no luck in Mediteranean or slavic countries.
As a foreigner you have to be dressed better than Germans to be noticed because you are at obvious disadvantage.Even then 70% of girls will not bother with you just because you are foreigner.

If you want to see what easy means take the train from Hamburg to Berlin(only 2 hours ride) and then to Poznan(2.5 hours from Berlin).Then all your problems will be solved.(although Hamburg is much better than most German cities).

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

I was recently in Germany for about 2 weeks. I was in Berlin, Cologne and Munich. People are generally very polite and friendly if you ask them for help. But from my impression, Germany is a very conservative society when it comes to social interaction and making casual acquaintances. Your foreign status might attract some curiosity but that's going to be really really tough trying to get in their pants and the odds are against you. German women are some of the most well-traveled, educated and career oriented women I've ever met. They usually form a social circle at an early age and meet their potential spouses through work and friends. And it's not uncommon for Germans to date 5+ years before they get married (they have to be certain and they do not take a risk). I went out almost everyday and night trying to pick up chicks but I only got 4 dates but no closure.... I think there are a lot better places than Germany if you want to get laid.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 32 - 19/09/2014

Not really much to report. Daygame was a bust, again - no blowouts, but nothing substantive either. I did find another unicorn that semi-hooked, but it turned out she was from Austria and was leaving on Monday, so I decided not to pursue it.

Nightgame wasn't much better. Went downtown around 11pm and found that Club Hamburg was closed, again - apparently they're hosting acts for the Reeperbahn Festival all this weekend. Walked over to Frieda B and tried to run some approaches inside - again, nothing hooking. I tried walking outside around the Hans-Alberts Platz and trying to scope some approach chances from any girls resting singly outside - there weren't any. Just the really pushy hookers, haha.

Bit of news on another front - one of the girls from D23 messaged me back, asking how I was doing and saying she had been sick the last week or so. Question is, I'm not entirely sure which girl it was - I deleted their numbers after figuring it was a dead lead - but I think I know which one. I'll see if anything pans out from that.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

For proper daygame in Germany I strongly advise drinking beer as in this way the targets multiply you will see much more beautiful women around.Also the whole architecture and infrastructure are meant to be enjoyed only if you drink.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 33 – 20/09/2014

I can say that today, at least comparing to others, was a good day.

The story:

I started by scoping out the area around the University of Hamburg to see if there were any areas conducive to approaching for daygame. Turns out that there’s a pretty prime spot – it’s called the Von-Melle-Park, and it lies right in the middle of the main cluster of buildings on the campus. There’s a large pond with fountain there that often has people hanging around or eating lunch or whatever, so I figure once classes start up again that it’ll be a good place to run some approaches. As well, there’s a sidestreet just northwest of the main campus (the Grindelhof) which has a good selection of cafés and restaurants to insta-date girls to. There’s a small square (the Allende-Platz) which connects the two, and it also has a campus bar (called Pony Bar) which should be a good place to run some nightgame as well if I’m so inclined. Overall, I’m liking the potential of this place. Now it just needs some students, haha.

Headed back down to Jungfernstieg to see how the crowd was – and it was packed. Mostly older people, families, and tourists, but still fairly packed. It was about 6pm by this time, so I ended up running only three approaches.

The first one ended up being from Bulgaria, currently working in Berlin and traveling to Hamburg for the weekend. Kinda older at around 27-28 (I think) but she was still definitely bangin’ – thin feminine frame, long black hair, hazel eyes. Had bad teeth though. I mentioned how I’m going to Berlin next weekend (for the RVF meetup) and she asked if I wanted to take her number and she could show me some good places around the city when I’m there. Figure it should be a chance at getting another flag – guess we’ll see.

Second approach ended up being from Scotland (I guessed Ireland … close-ish) – dirty blonde, also pretty thin. She currently has a job teaching English here in Hamburg, and lives in some small out-of-the-way village way on the outskirts of Hamburg. I bantered with her for a while about the recent referendum before getting her number and bouncing.

Third approach I described in the I-Just-Got-Cockblocked Thread, but basically some RSD follower stepped on my approach and beat me to the target – though he actually ran after her, so not much that I could do anyways. He ended up blowing out, and we chatted for a bit afterwards and exchanged #s – it might give me a good chance to see what other game systems actually look like in practice. Or, at least, not make having to walk around Jungfernstieg endlessly so boring.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

have you but tried online game yet?
have you not gotten time to travel yet?

I am the cock carousel

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

The only online game I've tried so far has been Tinder - but that's limited by me not having ready access to a wifi connection, plus I don't want to blow all my data. From what I've swiped so far I haven't gotten any matches at all. Which is weird - I might not be the best looking guy, but I still get some good matches back home in Canada. Here it's been none at all.

As for traveling, I need to go through the official military channels back in Canada in order to make that happen if I want to travel outside Germany. Which takes time. I am looking into certain travel plans, seeing if the logistics work out - more on that later if there's news.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

Quote: (09-21-2014 11:18 AM)rytech Wrote:  

The only online game I've tried so far has been Tinder - but that's limited by me not having ready access to a wifi connection, plus I don't want to blow all my data. From what I've swiped so far I haven't gotten any matches at all. Which is weird - I might not be the best looking guy, but I still get some good matches back home in Canada. Here it's been none at all.

As for traveling, I need to go through the official military channels back in Canada in order to make that happen if I want to travel outside Germany. Which takes time. I am looking into certain travel plans, seeing if the logistics work out - more on that later if there's news.
When I lived in Germany back in 2011, I went on a LOT of dates with girls I met trhough couchsurfing, some I was able to bang too.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

DAY 35 - 22/09/2014

Did a couple hours of Jungfernstieg daygame today after a couple day's break. The weather is slowly starting to get worse now - today it was cloudy with winds, soon enough it'll be raining. Have to get myself inside then.

Managed to pull one number today - student girl who, as it turned out, spent a year in Canada for studying. I kinda fumbled here by seeding the coffee insta-date a bit early, and then having to go for the number-close since I could tell she was about to walk away. Still, managed to pull something.

Could have gotten a good shot at another number but I got cockblocked by some 10 year-old gypsy kid begging/demanding I give him money. I tried to shoo him away but he was too persistent - and by the time I did she had basically left. I get approached by these guys everytime I'm in the main square at some point during the day - gets really annoying after a while.

The D26 SNL messaged me - she wants to meet up on Wednesday night for another sesh. The sex wasn't that good, but in the absence of other leads right now I'm inclined to hold onto her until I can upgrade. Besides, she has that cute drunk friend I saw ... [Image: wink.gif]

Otherwise, not much else. Getting ready for classes next week and my trip to the RVF meetup in Berlin this weekend.


The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

There is a very simple principle for Germany.You should just hang out at Hauptbahnhof trying to spot slavic girls.In this way you can never fail.I remember when I got 2 girllfriends in 4 days just hanging out in Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof after the second day I visited Germany.It is that easy.There is no better daygame spot in Germany than the railway station.
All girls at some point come to the railway station so you do not need to hunt far from that.
The other good place is the airport.There are no better points apart from certain clubs at night.German girls if you are under 30 respond very good at night clubs if you have the right approach.

The Hamburg Chronicles: Aug/Dec 2014

Quote: (09-22-2014 04:30 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

There is a very simple principle for Germany.You should just hang out at Hauptbahnhof trying to spot slavic girls.In this way you can never fail.I remember when I got 2 girllfriends in 4 days just hanging out in Düsseldorf Hauptbahnhof after the second day I visited Germany.It is that easy.There is no better daygame spot in Germany than the railway station.
All girls at some point come to the railway station so you do not need to hunt far from that.
The other good place is the airport.There are no better points apart from certain clubs at night.German girls if you are under 30 respond very good at night clubs if you have the right approach.

That's actually a really interesting idea. I know the Hauptbahnhof here in Hamburg is huge. What kind of approaches should a person run if they're at the train station? I'd figure at first thought that they'd be less open to talk than usual since they'd be focusing on catching trains or whatnot.

If I'm aiming for Slavic chicks do I focus on the larger trains versus the U-Bahn or S-Bahn city trains?
Scope on train platforms or the surrounding shops/stores?

If you could give some more in the way of clarifying info I'd seriously consider trying it.


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