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Demographic change in Europe

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:31 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

^ National(ist) Socialism I suppose!

Exactly, its a no brainer the nazis came to power. Socialism works best when tied to ethnicity and culture.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-19-2013 09:10 AM)void Wrote:  

survival of the fittest. trading a lower living standard for a higher number of children will most certainly always out-compete a high tech culture with a low number of children, when the high tech isn't used to reduce the competitors or acquire more resources.

More children doesn't mean more power. China has a one child policy. Look at the Jews as a group. They are small in number but they run the show.

All those children by these other groups means nothing. Money = Power,,,this is what counts.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:48 PM)Exactaking Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:31 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

^ National(ist) Socialism I suppose!

Exactly, its a no brainer the nazis came to power. Socialism works best when tied to ethnicity and culture.

I'd say that is the ONLY time when socialism can work without people becoming disgruntled. That isn't to say I advocate it though! Personally, for my country, I would like a sort of civic nationalism: Doesn't matter what colour you are etc, as long as we're all pulling in the same (secular) direction, I'm all for it. Multiculturalism balkanises people and creates conflict, the complete opposite of what it's supporters claims it does. British society was a lot more harmonious in the 50's and 60's when the first Caribbean and Indian/Pakistanis came, they bought into an inclusive Britishness that has since been destroyed by nation-hating internationalist leftists. In collaboration with economically right-wing neoliberal globalists who see harmonious nation states as a barrier to their beloved corporatocracy.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-21-2013 11:31 PM)Atilla Wrote:  

Yeah, crime is outrageous when it’s coming from Muslims or blacks, but the most dangerous places in Western and Eastern Europe are nearly 0% Muslim or black.

I don't give a shit about most types of crime. Russian mafia guys can kill each other all they like, it's easy to stay out of that. Most cities in Eastern Europe are far safer to explore than most Western European cities if you have north/eastern euro looks and if you aren't a cash-flashing moron with "tourist" tattooed on the forehead.

The kind of crime that might interfere with my life is random stranger-on-stranger stuff and where I live that is entirely the domain of degenerate junkies and certain minorities. That kind of crime can ruin an area even if you don't get hit yourself because that's the kind of crime that scares young women the most and if women stop coming to the nightlife there is no nightlife.


If you can’t handle low levels of minority crime

Are you going let wasps build a nest in your living room because real men can handle getting stung? I don't want to be "handling" when I'm having my fun time out at night.


It also left out peaceful countries like Singapore which have large Muslim minorities without so much of the income disparity issue.

Singapore is an exceptionally repressive state which hands out death penalties like candy. They built it from the start on the belief that an authoritarian police state is the only way to make multiculturalism work. Seems like they were right.


It’s funny how so many of you guys will cry about minority riots

I don't give a crap about minority riots, I give a crap about the uselessness of response. Ultimately, power is about who is willing to fuck shit up and again groups of semi-literate Middle Eastern teenagers prove that Western European states lack the basic will to enforce order: most European states are simply running on the assumed submissiveness of the natives (they're all Swedes so of course they are all behind Sweden!) and the natives have absolutely no idea what to do with minorities who don't just automatically recognize state authority.

I think this photograph is a great example of Swedish thinking:

Blonde girl writing parking tickets for the cars that were burned during the night.

Demographic change in Europe

The West needs to declare war on Saudi Arabia. That country funds all the radical mosques, it's Wahabi brand of Islam is behind all the violence that you see in the west. Whether it's murder over cartoons or planes flying into buildings, it all comes directly or indirectly from Saudi. Invade and take their oil fields, then they have no power. It would possibly start a world war, but at least everyone would know where the hatred comes from. Well, it comes from the Qu'ran, but you know what I mean.

I hate this bloke:

All he cares about is Islam.

Islam takes precedence before anything else, for idiots, and idiots are among the majority in any country.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-22-2013 04:59 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

The West needs to declare war on Saudi Arabia.

There's something called "oil", which makes this decision not quite possible.

Demographic change in Europe

Seems to me that Saudi Arabia just uses the west as an excuse for inequality, like the conversation is:

Poor Arab: Fuck you Saudi royal family, why do I live on $1/day when you are all billionares?

Saudi Royal: Because of those damn zionist Americans, Allah commands you to kill them. That is why you're poor.

Maybe that's a dumb explanation, but like how elite whites use race to wedge poor blacks and poor whites from uniting, it seems logical rich Arabs would promote extreme Islam to reposition the hate.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-22-2013 04:52 PM)jaakkeli Wrote:  

I think this photograph is a great example of Swedish thinking:

Blonde girl writing parking tickets for the cars that were burned during the night.

We've really arrived at the point where we can dispense with the pretence that we're having an actual discussion when you're openly citing white supremacist news sites.

I could go on about how this if anything would be an indication of corporate greed but obviously you see some deeper philosophical meaning in this.

Demographic change in Europe

Saudi Arabia took in about $16 billion dollars from the last hajj. Some of that money is funnelled to universities around the world (MANY in the US) to pay for 'Islamic Studies Programs', sometimes in brand new campus buildings. Appears that the US universities are grateful for the new buildings and grateful for the expansion of multiculturalism on their campus.

Can we say Stealth Jihad ????

Demographic change in Europe

The press in Western Europe is usually excrutiatingly careful not to mention religious/cultural identities of these Muslim perpetrators. That is why, in most of the Swedish news reports, they riotors will be identified as:

displaced youth
poor immigrants
Asians (like they could possibly be Thai Buddhists or something....smh)
unemployed youth

Often blame will be placed on the western host countries because of various reasons such as: the host govt did not do enough to help them assimilate, the govt could not help them with employment, the western people had incompatible values, they felt they were racially discriminated against, they felt they were victims of hate crimes because the local govts wouldn't close down the streets in order to accomodate overflow mosque crowds, etc. The list is a mile long. Ironically, these socialist western countries give them far more welfare money (and apartments) than their home countries could do.

Demographic change in Europe

In Maryland, they are getting ready to build a $100 million dollar mosque which is supposed to be the "the largest and most striking example of Islamic architecture in the western hemisphere." The MD governor recently welcomed the PM of Turkey and various Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated groups to the groundbreaking.

Yet, when the Christians in Ankara, Turkey's capital, recently asked to build a church there they were denied permission by the govt, (even though no other churches exist there). Another mosque will be built there instead.

School me in that interfaith dialogue and mutual respect thing again.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-22-2013 05:50 PM)AFspecOps Wrote:  

Saudi Arabia took in about $16 billion dollars from the last hajj. Some of that money is funnelled to universities around the world (MANY in the US) to pay for 'Islamic Studies Programs', sometimes in brand new campus buildings. Appears that the US universities are grateful for the new buildings and grateful for the expansion of multiculturalism on their campus.

Can we say Stealth Jihad ????

I remember my college (which is a Catholic university) had some party sponsored by the Saudi embassy. I kept thinking, shit, why are the Saudis financing events at Catholic schools? Infiltration much? Then I got all paranoid, like the way John Birchers got about communist fronts like the World Peace Council:

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-22-2013 05:45 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

We've really arrived at the point where we can dispense with the pretence that we're having an actual discussion when you're openly citing white supremacist news sites

I can't find this "white supremacism" on that web site, seems to be mostly a collection of links and articles with a simple anti-immigration agenda. Now I've never heard of it before so it's possible that it's a front page for some nefarious racist organization that I don't know about... or it could be that you're a Swede so you're used to just declaring immigration restriction to be "white supremacism", end of discussion!

I assure you that I would never support any sort of a white solidarity ideology. After all, Swedes and Russians are white.

Demographic change in Europe

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Demographic change in Europe

To think all these asylum seekers were welcomed into the country because it was the "Right thing to do" (AKA, it was politically correct to let them in). However, if you are an economic migrant, you have a marathon right in front of you to get in.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-23-2013 10:04 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Hearing them be called ?immigrant youths" pisses me off to no end. Call it like it is. I'm white and if a group of white supremacists commit an act of violence I want to see the mother fuckers called out for what they are. Though I'd assume they would be. It's usually minorities that people are afraid to upset.

Demographic change in Europe

It's my opinion that the economies in the west will continue to get worse before they are able to rebalance and get better. As the economy in Europe gets worse and hardship comes, Europeans will start to place blame and it won't take long for them to find the common enemy, the foreigners. Foreigners are always to blame for economic problems. So between economic problems and years of violence by the immigrants, I suspect there will be a breaking point somewhere down the road and it won't be pretty.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:48 PM)Exactaking Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:31 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

^ National(ist) Socialism I suppose!

Exactly, its a no brainer the nazis came to power. Socialism works best when tied to ethnicity and culture.

I'm just going to point something out, but anyone who has vaguely studied WWII can tell you that Hitler threw the whole "socialism" and redistributing shit to the poor under the bus when he was trying to get the German business magnates like Krupp to join the Nazi party. Just clarifying a little bit of history.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-22-2013 03:08 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:48 PM)Exactaking Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2013 02:31 PM)Teedub Wrote:  

^ National(ist) Socialism I suppose!

Exactly, its a no brainer the nazis came to power. Socialism works best when tied to ethnicity and culture.

I'd say that is the ONLY time when socialism can work without people becoming disgruntled. That isn't to say I advocate it though! Personally, for my country, I would like a sort of civic nationalism: Doesn't matter what colour you are etc, as long as we're all pulling in the same (secular) direction, I'm all for it. Multiculturalism balkanises people and creates conflict, the complete opposite of what it's supporters claims it does. British society was a lot more harmonious in the 50's and 60's when the first Caribbean and Indian/Pakistanis came, they bought into an inclusive Britishness that has since been destroyed by nation-hating internationalist leftists. In collaboration with economically right-wing neoliberal globalists who see harmonious nation states as a barrier to their beloved corporatocracy.

The 50s/60s immigration worked because people like my grandfather already considered themselves British. They had British passports and lived in British colonies, when independence was granted to the likes of Kenya/Tanzania etc they had the option to move to Britain as British citizens or become citizens of the new independent republics/kingdoms (some still kept queen as HoS)

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Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-24-2013 09:17 AM)bojangles Wrote:  

The 50s/60s immigration worked because people like my grandfather already considered themselves British. They had British passports and lived in British colonies, when independence was granted to the likes of Kenya/Tanzania etc they had the option to move to Britain as British citizens or become citizens of the new independent republics/kingdoms (some still kept queen as HoS)
That's one part of it.

The other reason it worked prior to the 60s is that immigrants were on their own. And they had to want to be at their destination more than anything else. They had to give up whatever they may have had to finance their passage. You had to have an almost fanatical level of dedication and belief that you were going to something better even if it meant you had to endure many years of hardship before you ever had a pot to piss in. You had to believe that where you were going was ultimately a better place. And to an extent, you had to accept that where you were coming from was flawed almost beyond redemption.

All of the people I've met who I would consider traditional immigrants (i.e. immigrants who came here without government handouts) all embrace the American ideal. And to go into some of their houses is almost comical because they're this weird mixture of extremes. They'll have knick knacks that are basically artifacts of their home culture, and then they'll have shit like an Elvis portrait on the wall. And they may never listen to Elvis music, but for them Elvis=America. I've known of many where the kids were forbidden from speaking the native language in the house. I know a guy who was born in Hong Kong, moved here when he was 5 or 6, and the first thing his parents did was inform him that his new name was Homer.

These Somalis OTOH are brought in to the US with little or no hardship. Taxpayers fund their immigration via the State Department via Catholic Charities (as one example). They're basically recruited out of their own shithole country, brought here, and all they have to do is show up. They give not one fuck about being here, or in Britain, or anywhere else. We give them refugee status, (in Europe they're called "asylum seekers) which doesn't automatically grant them citizenship status, but it may as well, since it makes them almost impossible to deport.

These people never went through the process of realizing their home country was shit. They never had to develop a fanatical desire to make something of their new life. All they had to do was show up for their free shit. So it comes as no surprise that many of them remain connected to their home countries. No surprise that they continue to view the US?Europe with contempt and disdain. No surprise that they continue to behave in much the same way as they did in the third world. No surprise that they turn whatever place they go to into a complete shithole.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-25-2013 12:10 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

That's one part of it.

The other reason it worked prior to the 60s is that immigrants were on their own. And they had to want to be at their destination more than anything else. They had to give up whatever they may have had to finance their passage. You had to have an almost fanatical level of dedication and belief that you were going to something better even if it meant you had to endure many years of hardship before you ever had a pot to piss in. You had to believe that where you were going was ultimately a better place. And to an extent, you had to accept that where you were coming from was flawed almost beyond redemption.

All of the people I've met who I would consider traditional immigrants (i.e. immigrants who came here without government handouts) all embrace the American ideal. And to go into some of their houses is almost comical because they're this weird mixture of extremes. They'll have knick knacks that are basically artifacts of their home culture, and then they'll have shit like an Elvis portrait on the wall. And they may never listen to Elvis music, but for them Elvis=America. I've known of many where the kids were forbidden from speaking the native language in the house. I know a guy who was born in Hong Kong, moved here when he was 5 or 6, and the first thing his parents did was inform him that his new name was Homer.

These Somalis OTOH are brought in to the US with little or no hardship. Taxpayers fund their immigration via the State Department via Catholic Charities (as one example). They're basically recruited out of their own shithole country, brought here, and all they have to do is show up. They give not one fuck about being here, or in Britain, or anywhere else. We give them refugee status, (in Europe they're called "asylum seekers) which doesn't automatically grant them citizenship status, but it may as well, since it makes them almost impossible to deport.

These people never went through the process of realizing their home country was shit. They never had to develop a fanatical desire to make something of their new life. All they had to do was show up for their free shit. So it comes as no surprise that many of them remain connected to their home countries. No surprise that they continue to view the US?Europe with contempt and disdain. No surprise that they continue to behave in much the same way as they did in the third world. No surprise that they turn whatever place they go to into a complete shithole.

Spot on man. Moving somewhere and becoming successful builds pride and a connection with that place. At this point you become concerned with the local laws, taxes etc etc etc. Just being able to walk into America or Europe and getting handed a better life at the taxpayers expense is nothing to be proud of and it will not help your kids at all. The children will see how you can just move to the west and take advantage. Probably why their children are becoming the biggest problems, entitlement. Whether somebody is against welfare programs or not it is hard to debate that these programs don't make people feel entitled to shit that isn't theirs.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-20-2013 01:01 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

See what I wrote above. I don't trust any of these numbers, Progressive propaganda is bullshit.

D Dog is right. There is only at max 4 millions muslims in France (about 6% of the french population), half of them being non-practising. The 12 millions you talk about is simply clownish numbers of far-right extremists and islamophobe conspirationists. And this is not progressive propaganda, but numbers of Sarkozy's goverment.

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-25-2013 12:59 PM)Prosal Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2013 01:01 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

See what I wrote above. I don't trust any of these numbers, Progressive propaganda is bullshit.

D Dog is right. There is only at max 4 millions muslims in France (about 6% of the french population), half of them being non-practising. The 12 millions you talk about is simply clownish numbers of far-right extremists and islamophobe conspirationists. And this is not progressive propaganda, but numbers of Sarkozy's goverment.

Aaccording to the NYT article the Interior Ministry of France claims 6 million. Please tell me how this is right wing propaganda. I'm guessing he was put into office after Hollande was elected, so we can't say this guy being quoted below is right wing.


Whatever the impact, there is little doubt that conversions are growing more commonplace. “The conversion phenomenon is significant and impressive, particularly since 2000,” said Bernard Godard, who is in charge of religious issues at the Interior Ministry.

Of an estimated six million Muslims in France, about 100,000 are thought to be converts, compared with about 50,000 in 1986, according to Mr. Godard. Muslim associations say the number is as high as 200,000. But France, which has a population of about 65 million, defines itself as secular and has no official statistics broken down by race or creed.

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Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-25-2013 01:10 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2013 12:59 PM)Prosal Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2013 01:01 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

See what I wrote above. I don't trust any of these numbers, Progressive propaganda is bullshit.

D Dog is right. There is only at max 4 millions muslims in France (about 6% of the french population), half of them being non-practising. The 12 millions you talk about is simply clownish numbers of far-right extremists and islamophobe conspirationists. And this is not progressive propaganda, but numbers of Sarkozy's goverment.

Aaccording to the NYT article the Interior Ministry of France claims 6 million. Please tell me how this is right wing propaganda. I'm guessing he was put into office after Hollande was elected, so we can't say this guy being quoted below is right wing.


Whatever the impact, there is little doubt that conversions are growing more commonplace. “The conversion phenomenon is significant and impressive, particularly since 2000,” said Bernard Godard, who is in charge of religious issues at the Interior Ministry.

Of an estimated six million Muslims in France, about 100,000 are thought to be converts, compared with about 50,000 in 1986, according to Mr. Godard. Muslim associations say the number is as high as 200,000. But France, which has a population of about 65 million, defines itself as secular and has no official statistics broken down by race or creed.

Numbers maybe vary between 4 and 6 millions (in fact they vary between 3 and 6 millions), I just pointed out that the 12 millions estimation of the islamophobic far-right conspirationists is pure BS.

Ayway personally I don't care a lot if it's 3 or 6 millions, as I don't have any problem with islam or with moderate muslims (and same thing for catholicism and moderate catholics, judaism and the moderate judaists, ect). I have spent a lot of time in Indonesia (which has a larger muslim population than any other country in the world), and indonesian people are definitely the niciest people I have ever met. My best friend is indonesian (he is one of the most famous male model in Indonesia and in Malaysia), muslim practising, and I respect a lot his religion.

As a side note, I prefer to talk with intelligent muslims than with dumb ass crackers (wink).

Demographic change in Europe

Quote: (05-25-2013 01:34 PM)Prosal Wrote:  

Numbers maybe vary between 4 and 6 millions (in fact they vary between 3 and 6 millions), I just pointed out that the 12 millions estimation of the islamophobic far-right conspirationists is pure BS.

Ayway personally I don't care a lot if it's 3 or 6 millions, as I don't have any problem with islam or with moderate muslims (and same thing for catholicism and moderate catholics, judaism and the moderate judaists, ect). I have spent a lot of time in Indonesia (which has a larger muslim population than any other country in the world), and indonesian people are definitely the niciest people I have ever met. My best friend is indonesian (he is one of the most famous male model in Indonesia and in Malaysia), muslim practising, and I respect a lot his religion.

As a side note, I prefer to talk with intelligent muslims than with dumb ass redneck crackers.

So are those Indonesians the type of people migrating to Europe in large numbers??? Not from anything I have read.

Obviously anybody educated would rather spend time with somebody educated from any religion rather than anybody uneducated. If you think a dumbass redneck cracker is bad maybe you should live among some guys who just stepped out of a cave in Pakistan.

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