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NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

I am now happily married to an EE and have a 1 yr old son. Due to now supporting my family I have become even more conservative, cut out the distractions and focused on being the best provider, husband and father I can be.

However, the principles which got me here, to a happy marriage and being a proud father, are splashed across the forum and great advice for young men needing direction, or any man needing direction. Game isn't just about gaming women, it's about being a success in the game of life. The tools of game are applicable to business and wider ranging success in life. Combine that with travel, getting out of your bubble and exploring, and you'll at worst become a better rounded human being. At best you gain an advantage over 95% of men if you can cultivate and harness your experiences.

Religion is dangerous. My old man is deeply religious. He says the foundation of any truly religious man is to live a life of sacrifice and selflessness. He decries the lack of youth who are unwilling to settle down and provide for a family. Being a father and husband and supporting a family is an act of selflessness. And this is of great benefit to society as the family structure is the fabric of a sound society. Charity, donating time, helping others is true selflessness.

However, once religious beliefs are imposed on others they are no longer an act of selflessness. This would be the point I hope Roosh reflects upon. Religion should lead one to help others. Is it about Roosh's connection with God or is it about how Roosh and his connection with God can help the most people.

Just my two cents.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Bogart , did you read just post?

Reread it. Nothing you've asked if it's ok to post against the spirit of what Rooshs is asking of us now.

Casual sex talk is now, "Don't ask, don't tell."

Good post: "What bars in Bali are good for meeting women?"

Bad Post: " I just divorced my wife and all I want to do is fuck random bitches. Where's a good place sluts go? "

See the difference?

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (Today 07:28 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Casual sex talk is now, "Don't ask, don't tell."

The problem is that this is something young men need to be able to talk about.

Pretending that your mistakes did not happen is a surefire way to learn nothing from them.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (Today 06:18 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  

I'll probably have a lot more to say about this, but for now, I believe that there's a bit of an overreaction going on. Roosh said the following are acceptable topics:

Quote: (Today 11:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Things you can discuss:

-Meeting women with the intention of entering a relationship with them
-Attracting women
-Going on dates
-How to enter relationships
-Using technology to meet women
-How to maintain relationships
-Sexual activity while married

These things are related to understanding the following:

- Female nature
- Male nature
- Attraction
- Self improvement
- The effects of the culture on the aforementioned

As far as I understand it, these discussions can go on largely as they were before. All Roosh is really asking is to cut out discussion that serves to exalt the lustful, pornographic and promiscuous aspects of these topics. I do not think that this is a big deal, let alone deserving of the 7 pages of obituary writing that has been the bulk of this thread.

Roosh has not said that he is deleting anything, merely locking threads that pop up which he feels are in violation. My understanding is that all of the knowledge and discussions from the past are going to be a Search button away for those who would like to immerse themselves in the darker arts. For the self improvement, culture and politics, general redpilling, laughing at clown world, and all the rest, there are still very rich discussions and a wealth of knowledge contained in the Life/Fitness/Everything Else/Politics forums that I don't see changing. Game and Travel will change going forward for sure, but they were already stagnating. I do not believe that Roosh is trying to impose anything on anyone, but is merely "going forth and sinning no more," in accordance with his faith. I have nothing but respect for this.

So I don't see this as a descent into a censored, politically correct safe space for Christians. We'll still be able to speak as men in a manner which is not possible on 99.9% of the internet, just without posting pics of WB instathots or telling raunchy stories about the broad you banged last week. In truth, the forum has been on this trajectory for a while now, so I'm not entirely surprised.

This is the most reasonable post so far on this thread. All of you guys hyperventilating that you can't post titty pictures anymore and that this is going to turn into the Ned Flanders forum need to pump the brakes.

I used to think the same thing in my 20s, that "oh man, here come the bible thumpers, naive fools and fun stoppers" I worked with a lot of Christians, was anti-jesus and saw myself as a street wise, punk rock tattooed expert fornicator. I thought these christian idiots don't know how it is, and should just give up their silly ideals because I was having a ball sleeping with married women, or that the more 'real' guys I worked with were the ones that were cleaning up with the fake chested girls at work that everyone stared at.

I look back and I can't figure out how I thought I was the smart one for enduring STD scares, pregnancy scares, getting caught scares, and emotional and financial upheaval of divorce and just sort of drifting around chasing women. Not to mention the broken hearts of truly nice girls wanting marriage that are now 'alpha widow' cat ladies not able to or interested in finding a man because I strung them along on the back burner through their prime via pump, dump and bait strategies. Is that really the 'success' we should be selling to other men?

Players, we have played ourselves and it is our turn to warn others about the consequences. Those guys having mini meltdowns are like a softer version of the bar fly that gets on his friend's cases when they stop going out drinking every night.

To those that are worried that its going to promote Beta's ''manning up" and marrying 35 year old single mom's with the equivalent of a catcher's mitt between their legs, you are buying into stereotypes. Yes there are cringe worthy Christian marriages (Russell Wilson) but there are also impressive ones and game at play. If you don't believe me, go to a large church, and go to or observe youth groups. It is just like the secular world with the good looking girls making puppy dog eyes at the leaders, or the guy playing the guitar. Women are still women and men are still men. The wisdom of how to win a girl still applies. The techniques to expose red flags still apply as well.

As for marriage, I believe there are more and more people getting married under God and not involving the State. It is a rough road and I still believe this forum will advise Men to minimize those same risks, and still advise those burned by divorce how to best navigate it and recover.

In short, I welcome the change to the forum rules. Women are important and a great hobby to chase and find, but notches shouldn't be a status currency. There are other things in life to pursue, master and observe.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Jetset, there's a spirit to posting about stuff like this.

I don't think Roosh is discouraging talking about the negatives of casual sex and hooking up.

Extoling the virtues banging 100 bitches however is the line as well as encouraging the act.

People will still do it, but this whole ,,"Marriage is dead, bang bitches with recless abandon " talk is what he's asking to stop.

Doc Howard really hit the nail on the head . It's time to evolve.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (Today 06:04 PM)Axel99 Wrote:  

Those of us who have banged over 100 girls know what a waste of time it was. Im a shell of a human, i have no soul, i simply cannot form a connection with a girl. All my 250 bangs have led me deeper and deeper into the hole. The guys that ive met on here are the same way, soul less shells, you can see it in their eyes and personality. I have legit told guys from here that they are soul less humans, ive insulted them to their faces and couldn't get them riled up. It haunted me seeing young guys with no direction or goals other than putting their penis into random holes. The player lifestyle is a road to a dark and lonely existence. Roosh is trying to save us from that. God bless you Roosh.

Axel, I'm calling on you to repent before God and take care of your illegitimate mexican son. He is going to be born next month!

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

The admixture of Fornication & Travel is one hell of a narcotic.

Prolonged use will lead directly to depression - it's not a matter of if, but when. It may be a single episode; it may be recurring. It may be mild; it may be of the darkest, most hellish kind. But it will happen.

I don't have a single close forum friend who hasn't gone through it. The lifestyle will take down the strongest, most grounded beasts imaginable. We almost lost one earlier this year.

Values and willpower lead to moderation, which in turn enables a more rewarding life.

I am grateful, to Roosh and the forum, that I learned these lessons in my 20s and not later.

Staying on to continue the ride.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (Today 11:15 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Due to my recent turn to faith, my sense of morality is becoming based on the Bible. I've stopped a lot of behaviors that I've used to do and am in the process of making other changes. I've also realized that the majority of my published materials and online platforms lead men into sin or enable them to partake in sin. I no longer want this to occur, so I am implementing two new rules on the forum that are effective on June 1, 2019.

1 .You can no longer discuss fornication or pre-marital sexual activity

Things you can discuss:

-Meeting women with the intention of entering a relationship with them
-Attracting women
-Going on dates
-How to enter relationships
-Using technology to meet women
-How to maintain relationships
-Sexual activity while married

Things you can no longer discuss:

-Meeting women with the intention of fornicating with them
-How to bang
-Physical intimacy with women you're not married to beyond the act of kissing
-Maintaining relationships with multiple women (i.e. spinning plates)
-Cheating on significant others (adultery)
-Using technology to fornicate
-Discussion of travel destinations which are best for fornication
-Stories of sexual activity while not married
-Promoting masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, etc.

2. You can no longer use pornographic or vulgar language

-Refrain from using terms like "I fucked her" or "I want to fuck her." Do not describe sexual encounters or situations that are beyond the act of kissing unless you are married.
-Refrain from using profanity if a cleaner word would suffice.

These rules will cause great change to the forum

The above two rules will mostly apply to the Game and Travel subforums. I know that I may lose some of you because of these rules, but I can no longer help men lead a life of sin, because doing so is weighing on my conscious.

I created this forum in 2008 to help men fornicate, so I don't know if it's possible to "retrofit" it for another purpose, but it's worth a try. In the meanwhile, I will gradually lock threads that break these new rules if they become active. The fully updated rules that new members see is stickied in the Everything Else forum. It can be viewed here.

But brother I ejaculated in a women today and I have another date in 2 hours how will I let the world know now...

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (Today 07:40 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Jetset, there's a spirit to posting about stuff like this.

With all respect to Roosh - and he can correct me if I'm wrong - he has clearly banned all discussion of premarital sex, or, indeed, premarital anything other than kissing.

I would say that 50% of the newbie problems I've tried to help people with in the Game forum revolve around premarital sex issues - in one form or another - and whether it's salvageable or not. We've had guys come in here near-suicidal begging for help with sex-related issues of one kind of another, and now we have to call it "kissing"?

Coded language is not likely to prove constructive. This has been an important venue where we can lay down harsh truths and give guys raw support. I can appreciate his desire to push back on encouraging sexual recklessness, but I have difficulty believing that the Orthodox Church teaches that it's sinful to acknowledge that premarital sex or adultery exists.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

The Beast1

Sure that makes sense except for the fact that the line is blurry at best.

If I drop a data sheet advising guys that a particular spot is better or worse for ONSs - that’s promoting casual sex. I assume this would be grounds for a ban after the amnesty is lifted.

I get we can still talk in insinuation, but it is a slippery slope and I am personally unsure of where the line is. Lots of posters will leave and we’ll loose interesting and versatile perspectives (like the fall of Babylon).

I love this place. It has saved me from dangerous and immoral women who in my younger years manipulated me within extreme lies (false rape, imagined pregnancy scares etc etc). It has also opened up the world to me in ways I never thought imaginable.

What’s more it felt like this was a touchstone for every phase of life, a place to discuss and prompt reflection.

If it’s not generally illegal (prostitution etc) why on earth are we censoring it?

Roosh hasn’t applied the same stringency to other religious teachings. Should we kill crypto threads and finance hacks because they promote usery also???

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

So it has come to this, huh?

It's Roosh forum and he does whatever he wants with it. He doesn't even owe us any kind of explanation. Personally I would have preferred he hadn't given one.

Because I ain't buying any of this shit.

I was a noob when this forum was at its apex. The people and wisdom here forged this wayward, lost and miserable boy into a man who has managed to enjoy healthy relationships with great women, as well as debauchery with base sluts. Over the past few years I have spoken adamantly for LTR.

But anyone with even decent experience in the game would know immediately that game and the darker side of it does not exclude healthy relationship. Game is required for LTR.

And anybody with half the IQ to pass the SAT test would understand that if living saintly would change the world and get you virtuous women, then those church boys would have become models of masculinity. They are not. The whole idea of game and why we know it works it's that women, be they sluts or virgins, value some certain traits in men that are definitely not exclusive to the church goer.

For years men from this forum has used their knowledge of game to great effects, for better or for worse. Some to have healthy LTR and raise kids. Some to bang as many sluts as they can. This is basically banning guns because guns "kill" people. Game, like any other thing, is a tool and a weapon. It can be used to defend good people and fight against bad guys. Now we just disarmed the good guys and leave them defenceless to the machinations of potentially dangerous, manipulative women out there. I know I was, and had it not been for this forum I would have been strung along for years like a helpless doll running after a cruel mistress.

Granted this is not surprising, the forum for the last 2-3 years is nowhere near the great place it has been. People started leaving and this place didn't feel like what it was for a while. But at least people can still come back to it, catch up with old buddies and consult the occasional nuggets of wisdom. More than that, it is a symbol, that somewhere out there somebody is still fighting, and that there's a place for like-minded men to congregate, for lost young men to seek wisdom and mentor. This forum was hope, and hope is what got our civilization going.

Well, it is what it is.

You put up a good fight Roosh. I don't know what happened to you, I suspect something else is going on and I just really hope that you will be okay. I want to say thank you for your old work, for the courage to change your life from office drone into a pioneer of men's betterment. I wish I could say the same for this new change but it's your choice and you don't owe anyone any explanation.

I stopped caring about this forum for a while now but seeing this brotherhood breaking up like this really gives me a hollow feeling. This is the moment of triumph for any nihilist around.

Here's to all the lives this forum has saved, and to all that could have been saved.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (Today 07:27 PM)questor70 Wrote:  

Quote: (Today 04:43 PM)TutorGuina Wrote:  

Has someone archived this forum already? wayback machine has it covered.

Came into this thread not knowing if Roosh was serious or not, the more I read the more worried I got. I'm thankful that I can still read the useful information I came here to find, threads on south east asia, black man game options, etc. Sorry to see where this road may lead, but as someone pointed out, his forum, his rules.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

I would put it this way: Why should we ask Roosh to facilitate practices that now go against his beliefs?

It’s not fair to ask of him especially after everything he’s been through.

I would also ask people to not buy into the “Ned Flanders” bullshit image of Christianity. If it’s good enough for Roosh it’s good enough for you.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (Today 07:49 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Quote: (Today 07:40 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Jetset, there's a spirit to posting about stuff like this.

With all respect to Roosh - and he can correct me if I'm wrong - he has clearly banned all discussion of premarital sex, or, indeed, premarital anything other than kissing.

I would say that 50% of the newbie problems I've tried to help people with in the Game forum revolve around premarital sex issues - in one form or another - and whether it's salvageable or not. We've had guys come in here near-suicidal begging for help with sex-related issues of one kind of another, and now we have to call it "kissing"?

Coded language is not likely to prove constructive. I can appreciate his desire to push back on encouraging sexual recklessness, but I have difficulty believing that the Orthodox Church teaches that it's sinful to acknowledge that premarital sex or adultery exists.

The issue here is bedding women without an end goal of a relationship. The girl I lost my virginity to was a solid girl with great LTR potential. We broke up because I wanted lots of sex with many women.

There's no qualms with discussing having sex with a woman the noob is interested in having sex with over the long term. Trying to bed a slut? I'm sorry but why bother? It's a dead end a d we all know better but have enjoy the decline types who continually encourage it.

I have a men's group at my church where we talk about this shit openly. We had a virgin dude come by who was a bit too old and was having problems getting any woman.

The advice was to self improve, work out, dress better, pick up some hobbies outside of video games, and go talk to some women about all of the stuff you just did. If you like her, ask her out and let things progress from there.

He asked about signs that it's ok to make moves and we explained that as well.

He went out to a bar and ended up getting laid one night. He told us and we said, "Not bad but be careful." My buddy and I explained our tumultuous pasts and what we learned. He had some mdoest success hooking up. However, a month later he got a good girl that he's seeing regularly now.

See how not complicated that is?

Roosh is asking for a tonal shift to the forum and I get the impression In due time this will be more clear .

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Is this some late April fools joke? You might as well delete the entire forum if you wanna remove casual sex discussions

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 05:23 PM)Jetset Wrote:  

Am I the only one patiently waiting for Leonard to finish his morning pint and discover this thread?

[Image: giphy.gif]

Internet connection must be down at Langley headquarters or something.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 08:33 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

I don’t really see how this changes the forum at all, just don’t talk about hook ups, eatin booty threads, the act of sex, harem management, spinning plates, reread the first post in this thread if you are confused. Talk about dating is fine, talk about casual sex isn’t

Well it also changes the tone of the forum. For example, that "Team Yoga Pants" signature becomes pretty out of place if you interpret that as lusting after women or longing for physical intimations with other women you aren't married to because you can see their thicc asses well in yoga pants. Because before today none of us read that signature as you appreciating yoga pants on whatever girl you happen to be dating only.

Small things like that will change. "Man talk" will probably die.

Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Ah Dear Roosh! Me, and countless of other Men have nothing but respect for you. I can't say I'm surprised by this shift. Like you, I once had a friend with a super high IQ, super social status... on top of charisma to boot! Sexin Women was as common as a Napkin to him...and

this constant knowledge of.being sure he could fornicate almost at whim eventually got to him, and became many moons ago, like you rlnow, a devout Christian!

Rare are the men who reach the pinnacle of this Game who don't radically change over time. Same thing happened with Strauss's Friend from the Game. While being nowhere near your stature & skills level(skills that I've mimicked from you)

I'm also at a point where my sexual satisfaction doesn't even need to cross my mind cuz I don't even want it that much anymore. Many many poster won't comprehend this shift... but I sure as Hell Do! I'm also happy for you due to the new posibilities you'll be reaching with your new audience.

Once the dust settles, and you clearly seperate yourself from your previous writing (while fully embracing it) you'll take over Christianity like you did in this Game. Same difference... which will set you up quite nicely financially for the future!

I'll Pour Out A Little liquor for the Roosh of them Bang Days Hehe! You'll be missed

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum



With all due respect, we're making two separate cases here.

My message: we must learn from our past excesses and evolve.
Your message: game is necessary to evolve.

My advice to others: evolve.
Your advice to others: keep gaming.

A part of me regrets ever posting.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Gentlemen, this is what it means for a man to "work out [his] salvation with fear and trembling." Kudos, Roosh.

To check out my best-selling book On The Masons And Their Lies, simply click this link here:

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Good for you Roosh!

Logos rising.

I've lost about a half dozen rep points a while back arguing against engaging in hollow, sterile serial casual sex, trying to make an argument about the destructive nature of characters like Hugh Heffner, showing how lust has been weaponized as a control tool. Heffner is no different from the worst kind of feminists in terms of laying waste to the lives of men, the same way feminists have ruined young women.

Major props for Roosh from Owen Benjamin in today's podcast:

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 08:48 PM)Papi Rico Wrote:  



With all due respect, we're making two separate cases here.

My message: we must learn from our past excesses and evolve.
Your message: game is necessary to evolve.

My advice to others: evolve.
Your advice to others: keep gaming.

A part of me regrets ever posting.

Don't regret posting we're all friends here.

I'm simply saying it's easy for those of us who evolved past casual sex in 2019 to tell other guys "yeah don't have casual sex" when we would not have gotten here without premarital sex. Because let's be honest we're not talking about just casual sex, but straight premarital sex.

Would you honestly be able to say you'd be the lover and socially-developed man you are now--and able to offer all you can currently offer to a prospective wife--without the sex you had before marriage? Would you even call that excess?

(Not that the new rules say you can't have premarital sex, but Roosh is changing the tone of the forum to be in line with traditional Christian values of no sex before marriage, which implies that this is the direction to go if you want to keep your morality--and that is the conclusion I am opening for discussion with you all before it goes into effect.)

Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 08:52 PM)Tex Wrote:  

Quote: (05-23-2019 08:48 PM)Papi Rico Wrote:  



With all due respect, we're making two separate cases here.

My message: we must learn from our past excesses and evolve.
Your message: game is necessary to evolve.

My advice to others: evolve.
Your advice to others: keep gaming.

A part of me regrets ever posting.

Would you honestly be able to say you'd be the lover and socially-developed man you are now--and able to offer all you can currently offer to a prospective wife--without the sex you had before marriage? Would you even call that excess?

Tex, I've slept with well over 500 women. The only thing I could offer to a prospective wife on the basis of that experience is 7 strains of chlamydia.

How to be a good husband? I'll seek guidance from those who raised me and those I consider my role models. I didn't pick up the requisite skills in PUA videos or bedding countless females in over a hundred countries around the globe.

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Roosh, it sounds like you took it very personally when E Michael Jones said what you are doing is evil. Did he grow up in the culture or dating market that you or I did? What else were you supposed to do? I hope you look at whether you're being too harsh on yourself and this whole game thing. I think you are

I used to be on other game forums- RSD etc. Full of miserable incels with mental health issues.

I was struck by how normal and successful the guys are here. I would go as far as to say it seemed the most healthy guys in pick up were the ones following you

NEW RULES: Casual sex and hooking up can no longer be discussed on the forum

Quote: (05-23-2019 08:59 PM)Papi Rico Wrote:  

Tex, I've slept with well over 500 women. The only thing I could offer to a prospective wife on the basis of that experience is 7 strains of chlamydia.

How to be a good husband? I'll seek guidance from those who raised me and those I consider my role models. I didn't pick up the requisite skills in PUA videos or bedding countless females in over a hundred countries around the globe.

Maybe you did go a bit overboard with game. And you're going extreme here too. I'm saying take away all the sex you've ever had. You're a virgin. Are you now going to sit there and debate that your ability to connect with a woman wouldn't be so fucked up and distorted that you'd have a hard time genuinely building a relationship? That you could control your thirst and act like a normal guy still wondering what pussy felt like?

Not to mention being able to weed out good girls from bad girls. We've all been fooled before--in that 500 girls you banged, did you not at least learn how to find a quality woman? Because if so then you learned the first rule of being a good husband: finding a good wife.

I never thought I'd have to explain these things on the Roosh V Forum. To a guy with 80+ reps no less. I think we're actually on the same page here. Premarital sex has irreplaceable utility to becoming a guy that can get a quality wife and keep her happy and put your thirst in check so you make a measured, smart decision on who to marry.

Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

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