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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 09:28 AM
I'm 44, i've been living outside the US for ten years. I've lived and traveled throughout Latin America. I've dated many latin woman during this period. I've had some great experiences and some relationships that were fun while they lasted.
But, as I reflect back on my adult life with sincerity, the conclusion i've come to is that of all my relationships and girls in my life the one that i had the strongest connection with and the most intimate bond was my american girlfriend, who i dated for five years prior to my leaving the U.S. I broke up with her primarily because i didn't feel ready to settle down and get married which is what she wanted.
Somewhere along the way, perhaps in part to reading forums like this one and hanging out with different expats, i developed a strong impression that American woman are these hideous creatures not worthy of our time or affection.
But as i reflect on my life i can't say that i've personally experienced anything that horrible related to american woman. The relationships i had were pretty positive experiences overall, although i've never been married so I don't have that reference point.
As I look at my American friend's lives on facebook and up close in many cases, to be honest, most of them seem pretty happy as far as I can tell. I do have one friend that was fucked over pretty badly by the divorce court system, but he's the exception to most of the friends i have. Most of my friends are either in relationships or married and truthfully, they seem pretty content with their lives, equally or not more so than most of my expat friends.
So, the question I present to you, is Are American Woman Really That Bad? Is it possible that some of the hate towards american woman in the manosphere has been overblown or perhaps only applies to a certain percentage of American Woman and not necessarily the majority. I'm completely open to your perspective and opinion, good or bad.
Note: Living abroad, I haven't dated an american woman in over a decade but i'm thinking about taking the plunge again, which is why i'm bringing up the topic.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 10:10 AM
I find many of my friends wives to be:
- overweight
- bossy
- entitled
- think they are super moms for having 1.3 kids
- overly political
- more sarcastic than sweet
- drink too much
- moralistic without having actual morals
I agree with the comment that there has been a big change in women over the last 20 years. The hotness of some of these 22 year olds today is impressive, but the lack of femininity, the crass sense of humour, tattoos everywhere, the materialism.
*Note I am Canadian, similar culture but not exactly the same.
“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 10:11 AM
You’ve been living abroad for ten years, during which time you have not dated any American women.
Something tells me that when you go back and date an American woman today, you will be astounded at how much thing have changed since - and not in a good way.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 10:21 AM
For me (personnal experience) from the best to the worst US womens » english canadians » french canadians » European ( i mean west european france,spain ,italy ,...)
American womens are one of the easiest in the world to get laid with . Yes some are bitchy , but thats everywhere.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 10:57 AM
Everyone is going to have different ideals, some men want a driven career woman, value education in a woman, and would be happy in New York or Boston, that was my preferred environment in my mid 20s. Nowadays, as I'm beginning to think about finding someone to build a family with, that sounds like pure hell.
I'm sure there are parts of the US where you can find plenty of women with morals and good attitudes, I've never seen or tried to find such a place, but I'm interested in doing a small town red state America tour.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 11:01 AM
I almost feel sympathetic for them. Their lack of discipline comes from an intense confusion.
They’re fat because fat is the new thick.
They’re sarcastic because being sweet is a sign of weakness and sarcastic and bitchy is cool and “sexy”.
They’re sluts because sex feels good and men can be sluts too
They’re super moms because I mean they could have just aborted the baby or keep it in day care.
They’re entitled because even after all those things I named, there are hundreds of men who would DIE for them.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 11:08 AM
Dude I'm mid 20's and even some guys here think I'm too harsh on American women, but I really do have disdain for them compared to most other country women I've met. Admittedly, there may be some pockets of the country that are saving graces, but they seem to be exceptions rather than the rule. The only women that may be even worse are British women.
Every time I travel, American and British women stand out a mile away, and not in a good way. The entitlement just wreaks from them.
As far back as I could remember, I always wanted to be a player.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 12:36 PM
Living in Germany, and having met and dated a few US women, I can say that they are the easier to lay. They are also the most entitled and bitchy females I have met so far.
As a concrete example: one Ivy league graduate, current PhD program student, kept telling me how much of a "rape culture" there is on campus, and how badly women are "disadvantaged". I am talking about a girl who's parents invested 300K USD in her education, with a very high IQ, failing to see how lucky she is to be in her position.
Another example would be a classmate of mine. After knowing her for 15 minutes, she made fun of her husband being not attractive and a shitty fuck. This is a guy that is paying for her education, house and childcare. You just can't make this shit up.
If I follow my current professional role, I might end up in the US, because that is where most of the senior positions in my industry are to be found. I am looking for that nice 200K USD a year pay, but not for the local breed women.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 12:42 PM
American women are not traditional. That's why they are deemed as bad.
As far as being entitled. This is true as well. But this is only because most men seek women for serious relationships.
All women must now be sexually and mentally subjugated for them to be well behaved and lack entitlements. This means sex must be had as fast as possible. They then must remain once a week plates for a significant amount of time. At least six months, but a year or more would be best. If they leave they leave.
The women that agree to this will likely be plain Janes/5-6s/slightly overweight. Women that are 7-8 or higher will be hard to retain for more than a few months, since there is so much competition for them. With these the best you could hope for is being the side guy, while she builds her life with a provider.
One of my buddies actually did this. After going through his twenties moving in and out with girls, he finally had enough. He started just banging girls and didn't promise them shit.
Well he ended up in a relationship with what I would call a six, at least I think she's cute. Most of the guys here with high standards would probably not even fuck her, let alone have a serious relationship with her. She's a few pounds overweight, and just barely had a kid when my boy met her.
They were fuck buddies for at least three years, maybe more. They now have been together for nine years, they're getting married this or next year.
He's happy for now, and even if the relationship goes in the crapper, he already got a relationship with a great girl for a long time without being a provider.
Of course there are many 'compromises' if we take the standards of the forum. Not top shelf pussy, overweight single mom. Also he doesn't want kids. Not something most guys will accept.
She makes like 60k. Meanwhile he has been traveling the world teaching English for months at a time for years.
So yes, if you want a hot, sweet, submissive girl who will have your babies, American women are bad. If you don't want a traditional relationship, don't desire kids or already had them, and willing to settle for 5/6 in a LTR and maybe bang some 7-8s on the side then American girls are great.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 04:06 PM
Stick to Latinas bro...they’re sweet, spicy, and submissive, as you probably already know
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 04:28 PM
They are entitled beyond belief, unfeminine, can't even cook, and are one triggering away from calling the police for "abuse." The weak men, the anti-male culture, and corrupt legal system also do nothing to help improve female behavior or make your life any easier.
Ask yourself: How many sensible men do you know come to America for LTR-quality grade women?
That all said...
There is a small minority of decent women around but they usually have foreign parents and/or were somewhat foreign raised. The other decent group are certain religious women; particularly the Mormons.
The rest are pump and dumps at best. And even a pump and dump is not worth the risk and headaches these days in most cases; especially if you're in a career that is not anti-fragile and/or you have a decent amount of assets (i.e. a prime financial target).
Bottom line: There are niches that can worked but you need to know how to deploy your SMV for maximum effectiveness, be ultra selective with who you spend time with, know how to recognize walking time-bombs (most women), and know how to use game effectively to maintain long-term interest against overwhelming anti-LTR forces.
In America, there is very little room for error if you want to attract decent quality (and a good opportunity might not come up again for a long while). Furthermore, there is also very little room for error when MAINTAINING a LTR as well. Any miscalculations and you will ultimately end up with zeros. Other places are more forgiving on various fronts and generally have greater rewards. If you can't or don't want to operate within certain niches within America and deal with all the hassles/risk, you are better off overseas.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 04:55 PM
My trip to mexico and fake mexico taught me I was living in a goldmine for most of my life without realizing it lol. But maybe you guys are also living in gold mines without even noticing it.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 06:25 PM
Where is fake Mexico? SW?
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 08:17 PM
Generally speaking, yes. The worst attitudes are in white women. White women are chased after the most. White, American women who are not fat are chased after immensely. If she's reasonably fit, she can have be even more selective. Game is a response to the hyper selectivity of the American white woman, who often has an inflated sense of self worth.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 08:29 PM
I'm not as bitter as some of the posters here, but generally just don't find American women, esp white American women worth the trouble because my SMV if way higher abroad, especially because i'm short
Plus there is too much power in women's hands to completely ruin you even if you don't even fuck or even friends, esp post pound-me too. All they have to do is say you touched them or whatever the fuck and your reputation is done. I had some American chick do this to me once saying "I grabbed her ass and harass all her friends" because of some very minor argument with her that had nothing to do with sex, instantly booted from that social circle without even one person asking for my side of the story, and now one of my blue-pilled cousins won't even talk to me. Not saying all American chicks are willing to just throw you under the bus, but some might, and if you interact with them enough, even without sex, sooner or later some American/UK/German chick is gonna fuck you up just cause she can.
I also have some American chick friends here in CDMX, mostly from coworking, they are pretty redpilled and date WAYYYY up they are 5s at best and date dudes that look like they came out of one of those telenovelas on univision, good for them, but doesn't seem like a good market for me to fuck with. If everyone else wants to put any light skin and blonde hair on a pedastal that reaches the stratosphere, good for them, not worth the hassle for me.
In the end it's just too much hassle with not enough return. Once you go abroad and date in a different market its over, you can't go dating 5s, go abroad regularly date 7s and then go back to dating 5s. Its like if I gave my dog human food for a few months then went back to kibbles he would probably starve to death before touching it.
So I think what i'm trying to say is don't assume every American women you come across is some kind of diabolical bitch, the majority are not, but if you have options to date abroad, you probably should as you'll get better results, and if things get serious you won't have to worry about divorce rape (never get a foreign girl a greencard or get married in the states), or just coming across some feminist who just having a bad day and decided to throw you on the alter .....
(Former username "FrankieCred")
Quote:Steelex Wrote:
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.
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Are American Women Really That Bad?
05-07-2019, 08:33 PM
I think a lot of it is location dependent. I think as you get down in the South you get a higher quality of woman. Also, the biggest problem I see in my city (DC) is that there is such a supply/demand imbalance that it gives women who are thin, feminine, and at least make the effort an enormous amount of leverage because there are always another 1000 guys hammering them online telling them how special they are. All of the highest quality girls I've dated in the last 10/15 years have been foreign born. They are feminine, not spoiled by affluence, thin, take pride in their appearance, and speak multiple languages. The attractive American girls I've dated in DC are often complete disasters - status whores, multiple tattoos, heavy drinking and prescription meds, etc. The Russian girls I've dated well spend Sundays at yoga and music lessons while the American girls are getting shitfaced at brunch.