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Are American Women Really That Bad?

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Quote: (05-07-2019 12:42 PM)Conquistador Wrote:  

American women are not traditional. That's why they are deemed as bad.

There are a lot of details, but this is the main point, but as others have said above, lack of being "traditional" or us losing that innate biology (which is the whole point of this forum, if you have found that "the game gets old") is due to affluence. From that stems all the offshoot problems; laziness, feminization of society, taking men for granted, careerism, doing it on your own, etc. All lead on average to drastically lower fertility rates, for obvious and myriad reasons.

Biology just simply does not match with women pursuing any role that overlaps with a man's.

The further you go along this spectrum, the worse the women in your country are, on average. It is a universal law.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

During my two miserable years living in Southern Arizona I had to frequent the 'large town' of Sierra Vista (colloquially, Sorry Vista), since it was the only sign of real civilization within 1.5 hr drive of Tucson. My ridiculous now-ex girlfriend - who's my age, so at the time we were 46-47 yrs old - would get so she wouldn't let go of my arm if we went to Safeway or Ross or wherever. That town has a ton of young, slender, pretty girls that are dying to find a man to move them from that wasteland. Since the famous Army base is right there, Fort Huachuca, and I have a military haircut and look young, am in shape, I'd have a girl chatting me up every place I went. Drove my ex nuts, haha. And since she cheated on me, I found myself a couple as well, before I moved out.

I'm from the Deep South, FLA/ALA border. Fat chicks abound. When I go home and out to eat, go see a band, whatever (Pensacola is a fun city, lots to do), I rarely see any girl I want to even bother talking to. The occasional gem has got some guy locked on her arm, usually. I much prefer spending time chatting with foreign girls, from any damned country honestly. At least they can see the world past their noses.

I think there's still decent American girls out there but not nearly the numbers as in the past. One of the best I dated was a wallflower type, would come watch my band play and I noticed she'd come to see us a few times, with some of her more gregarious friends. I asked her out instead and had one of the best years ever: she was submissive, sweet, attentive, loved to cook for me, sex whenever/wherever, great body. Broke up because her father, for unknown reasons, hated me (what's to hate? I dunno ...). Still miss that girl. She's the only American-born girl that got away.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Its possible to find a unicorn but its after slogging through a lot of not so good women.

It weird because American gals just have a different thought process and mentalities then other chicks of different nationalities that I know; even the "conservative" ones. I'm almost convinced it's because Americans (especially women) in general can't seem distinguish between reality and what they see on their screens whereas other cultures realize things on tv and the like are just fiction. You know that your country's women have gone collectively crazy when they think serving in combat arms does more service in defense of the country then giving birth to warriors giving men a point to defending something.

Negativity aside, I do see happy couples and there are some good chicks after they drop the shit tests. But this place does not have very many.

Try starting at a church or maybe some mainstream cultural event such as at a museum or some "old world ethnic" day and so forth.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Quote: (05-08-2019 02:27 AM)ArcticTraveler Wrote:  

Try starting at a church or maybe some mainstream cultural event such as at a museum or some "old world ethnic" day and so forth.

Dude, that's brilliant. Every tier 1-3 city in NA has huge ethnic groups that do regular events.

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Quote: (05-08-2019 05:16 AM)ChefAllDay Wrote:  

Quote: (05-08-2019 02:27 AM)ArcticTraveler Wrote:  

Try starting at a church or maybe some mainstream cultural event such as at a museum or some "old world ethnic" day and so forth.

Dude, that's brilliant. Every tier 1-3 city in NA has huge ethnic groups that do regular events.

There's a good chance women involved in that kind of know how to cook adding a bonus.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Quote: (05-07-2019 09:28 AM)nomadiam Wrote:  

I'm 44, i've been living outside the US for ten years. I've lived and traveled throughout Latin America. I've dated many latin woman during this period. I've had some great experiences and some relationships that were fun while they lasted.

But, as I reflect back on my adult life with sincerity, the conclusion i've come to is that of all my relationships and girls in my life the one that i had the strongest connection with and the most intimate bond was my american girlfriend, who i dated for five years prior to my leaving the U.S. I broke up with her primarily because i didn't feel ready to settle down and get married which is what she wanted.

Somewhere along the way, perhaps in part to reading forums like this one and hanging out with different expats, i developed a strong impression that American woman are these hideous creatures not worthy of our time or affection.

But as i reflect on my life i can't say that i've personally experienced anything that horrible related to american woman. The relationships i had were pretty positive experiences overall, although i've never been married so I don't have that reference point.

As I look at my American friend's lives on facebook and up close in many cases, to be honest, most of them seem pretty happy as far as I can tell. I do have one friend that was fucked over pretty badly by the divorce court system, but he's the exception to most of the friends i have. Most of my friends are either in relationships or married and truthfully, they seem pretty content with their lives, equally or not more so than most of my expat friends.

So, the question I present to you, is Are American Woman Really That Bad? Is it possible that some of the hate towards american woman in the manosphere has been overblown or perhaps only applies to a certain percentage of American Woman and not necessarily the majority. I'm completely open to your perspective and opinion, good or bad.

Note: Living abroad, I haven't dated an american woman in over a decade but i'm thinking about taking the plunge again, which is why i'm bringing up the topic.

Hmm. I don't know America that well. Certainly there are many American women more aggressive ie ruder than British ones. On average I find they are becoming less feminine over time. Certainly the US media wants all women to be square jawed "macho"(LMAO) bulldyke types. The British media is a little like that. But I've never thought British women have sucked up that NeoLiberalist bullshit. In the past we had fishwives and battleaxes. So, despite the propaganda efforts, are that many Western women so different today? A fair amount, but not massively.
I mean they are free to date with the soyboys.

OK fatness is one issue. But other countries have their problems. Italian women are gobby, French women can be crazy (read "crimes of passion"), Greek women fat once married, FSU Slavic women are manipulative gold diggers who drink too much. OK I'm generalising, but each country has strengths and weaknesses. I like Russian women but I like Russian culture and have Russian blood, despite being British born (like my parents). So looking at non Western women isn't a big jump for me.

There's another issue. And thats SOME of the men in Redpill World certainly don't help themselves. Being "alpha" does NOT mean "be a rude, overflash, charmless, overbearing, ignorant cunt". Obviously I'm not saying you are that way as there's no evidence for it. But some of these "bloggers with a mission" you have to think "hmm so thats HIS story, and even his side sounds dodgy". It skews the debate by saying the grass is automatically greener.. whereever that blogger hasn't been looking in the past.

I exchange pm's in recent weeks with someone asking my view on his struggles with foreign hoes out of the blue. (God knows why he didn't post publicly). I gave a long thought out reply, and didn't have so much as a one word "thankyou" back to me. That wasn't "alpha", it was rude. Women cut off people showing that shit without so much as blinking. As they should. Doesn't matter where they are from.

But ultimately its all about what works for you. I really don't think it makes sense for a lot of people to give up Western culture and move to the FSU let alone 3rd world type countries. The culture gap and culture shock are immense.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

They definitely exist, but as others have pointed out, getting them isn't exactly easy. There's the supply/demand issue in many cities that causes any girl remotely near a 7 or higher on the scale to have an immense number of options dating-wise. I have personally known guys on the 7-8 scale themselves who've had to struggle with anything above a 5-6.

I also find many average American gals to exhibit a certain abrasiveness, distrustfulness and general disdain towards all but the top percentile of guys, something I rarely ever see in my travels abroad. In this they are quite like men in that the first (and often only) criteria they use to assess a potential prospect is physical attractiveness.

So the tl;dr is that they exist, but they're proportionately fewer and harder to get to than their counterparts in many other countries.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Quote: (05-07-2019 08:49 PM)081287 Wrote:  

^ What's your take on the following assertion earlier in this thread?


Stick to Latinas bro...they’re sweet, spicy, and submissive, as you probably already know

First i'm not sure exactly what "sweet and spicy" even means, but i'll assume it's the "sassy 'dont you talk to me like that' attitude" Sofia Rivera (or whatever her name is) stereotype depicted in hollywood that maybe for Colombia/Venezuela has some truth, but really is mostly bullshit.

In reality most latinas are pretty shy, submissive, family oriented and here in Mexico, quite relaxed. They would never talk back to men like they show in TV shows and hollywood unless they were ready to get bitchslapped halfway to the moon.

And really "Latinas" can mean anything, there is massive differences between girls from Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Argentina, and especially Brazilians if you count them too.

Generally speaking though I find them easy to handle, you don't need to be all annoying and witty and sarcastic, its all pretty straight forward and direct.

Here in Mexico City there are many Westernized girls that are like less annoying versions of american chicks (without the croaky accent and unneeded sarcasm) and they can be gamed pretty much same way. The more upperclass a girl is, the more asshole-duschbag american guy game you need.

So not only is there massive differences between countrys there is also massive differences between social classes, and then of course there are indvidual differences too. One day you might meet a Mexican chick who is totally off the walls cookoo nuts, next day you meet one thats totally down to earth. So I don't know how to answer your question, but I know how to game down here pretty well, and adjust for countryes and social differences.

For a beginner I'd suggest Lima, you can get laid in Mexico City a lot but the quality is not going to be very good if you're not here for at least a few weeks but really a few months to lay down some work.

LatinoHeat (Former username "FrankieCred")

Quote:Steelex Wrote:  
I think that making a girl your whore lightning fast is the best way to bulldoze and bypass all that flakey, annoying, shit testing crap. Girls don't shit test guys that fuck their ass cheeks black and blue.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

^When I said "sweet and spicy" I meant a sweet disposition but also hot in bed...but I guess it could refer to the Latina jealousy/emotion that can flair up. Seems to be a stereotype, so results may vary.

You can definitely find some sweet family-oriented girls in the south, but there are definitely a lot of fatties.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

American and British women are the very bottom of the barrell for women. Period. They are adequate to pump and dump. You should treat them like the whores they are and deface them in the interim before dumping as its more fullfilling and what they prefer.

Use them for target practice while you build out a location independant income and escape the feminist imperative and police state organized tyrrany.

Go to Eastern Europe, Colombia, SEA.

Go east young man. Build a new life.

Who is John Galt?

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Do you guys really think that it's just a lack of traditional values? I feel like it goes much, much deeper.

I mean the average American woman is so hypocritical that it blows my mind. Just as an example. I see huge fat women who are extremely sensitive to how people view their weight, and yet demand that any man they date must have perfect abs.

The primary culture in the US never calls these women out or seeks to do anything but celebrate their insanity. As a result, my experience with American women is that they are unable to actually love anyone beyond themselves. They can get that ephemeral emotional high from meeting a guy and getting into him, but it never really crosses the threshold into actual love.

I'm also going to point out that most of the women I've worked with and dated raised in the US are incredibly lazy at most things.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Actually I don't think the changes will affect him much because most women in USA will not date out of their age range so the women he used to date will be the same. Women change as new women come to age but old hags stay the same.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Think of it like this, men are soyboys and weak because it’s the easy way out. In 2019 a man can be ripped, rich, charming, and talented. That doesn’t promise him any women let alone 9-10’s. So a man can be weak, emasculated, and stress free and try to work his way out of the friend zon, or even worse be a cuck.

Women can be pretty much anything she wants to be. As stated above a woman could be fat, mean, ugly, and poor yet still have thousands of mean dying for her.

Women and men motivational posters are completely different. Men show that hard work. MAY get them results. Women show that they have to just wait and their prince WILL come. As much as feminism tried to kill the Disney princess image. It seems more women want it now than ever.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

^ that’s just not true and it’s the kind of defeated thinking that messes up your confidence and outlook.

Fat women do stay single and have a difficulty finding partners. Slim women stay single and have problems too, but they do have candidates indeed.

Fit confident guys do have it easier than skinny fat guys.

And yes, any woman can get sex, because when a guy is horny on Wednesday night, he just wants to find something.

But relationships - fat women are not having it easy, older ones even more so.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Quote: (05-09-2019 10:23 AM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

Think of it like this, men are soyboys and weak because it’s the easy way out. In 2019 a man can be ripped, rich, charming, and talented. That doesn’t promise him any women let alone 9-10’s. So a man can be weak, emasculated, and stress free and try to work his way out of the friend zon, or even worse be a cuck.
Women can be pretty much anything she wants to be. As stated above a woman could be fat, mean, ugly, and poor yet still have thousands of mean dying for her.
Women and men motivational posters are completely different. Men show that hard work. MAY get them results. Women show that they have to just wait and their prince WILL come. As much as feminism tried to kill the Disney princess image. It seems more women want it now than ever.

The soyboys are soyboys because that's how they have been raised to be... it's their culture now. They don't do it because it's easy... they do it because they have been raised to believe this is the right way to live.

I think part of the rage against liberalism that you see with men on this forum is that many of us were indoctrinated into this quasi-religious culture/system... and it suppressed our natural selves and made our lives suck.

Sure there are some guys that are soyboys because they know that living up to traditional masculine standards is totally beyond them, so they seek to change the definition.

Quote: (05-09-2019 11:06 AM)GreenHills Wrote:  

And yes, any woman can get sex, because when a guy is horny on Wednesday night, he just wants to find something.
But relationships - fat women are not having it easy, older ones even more so.

I have this female friend who matched with a super successful, super hot guy on tinder and he invited her over for sex. She wanted to go but was sick that day and "missed" the opportunity. She felt her own attractiveness was confirmed by being invited for sex by this super handsome guy. She actually asked me why he would want to have her over despite being sick... because evidently this guy tried pretty hard to convince her.

I responded by telling her that she doesn't know anything about the male sex drive. That if no woman was available that he would likely be fucking sheep or farm animals. That inviting her over more likely meant he believed she would be easy, and that it meant nothing about her attractiveness. I told her not to think men think just like women.

That bothered her A LOT. It's been 2 months and she basically stopped using Tinder because she is starting to understand how men think.

This story kind of goes directly to the heart of what's going on in the US with women. They believe that men think just like them, and they don't figure out how stupid this approach is until they are beat down old whores. It's a convenient lie that they really really want to believe and every soyboy who ruthlessly pushes down his own nature to conform to a culture that wants to cut his balls off secretly reinforces this delusion that men are women. This is why they have been given more than any other group of women in world history, yet they show the lowest levels of happiness since it started getting measured.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Quote: (05-09-2019 11:06 AM)GreenHills Wrote:  

^ that’s just not true and it’s the kind of defeated thinking that messes up your confidence and outlook.
But relationships - fat women are not having it easy, older ones even more so.
I've seen way more single "hot" women than single fat women. They are in the 18-26 year range. Alabama may not be the best place to evaluate, however.

But even if you're right, attention is very valuable to women.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

@ ends, I don't get your story. Did the guy act like a man or woman? And what would a man acting like a woman do in that situation? What was your friend's thought process?

Are American Women Really That Bad?

We all know the answer, see my post above again. Here's another way of putting it:

Left to their own devices, things turn out way worse for women --- and for those around them.

We entered a state a while ago where not only were there more "freedoms" than ever, they were given even more for nothing or preferred over alternatives.

And you wonder why America's woman on average is like she is.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

I always wanted to blame women or circumstances or a number of reasons why I was not getting success in my life. But I finally started to realize that I have to take responsibility for my life, no matter what the situation or circumstances may be. If women are degenerating, rise above them, find a hobby, a niche, find a purpose...find yourself. Become all that you were meant to be and eventually things will change. But nothing will change, unless you do. Do not hope for things, circumstances or people to change. Hope that you get better at what you do, lest you will repeat the same mistakes over and over. Year after year, it will all be the same. And I know. I speak from tradgeties, mistakes and alot of heart aches. But that is ok. I am learning now. And I hope every one else can too.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

American woman are awful. Average looking girls are treated highly in America by men because of the lack of high quality woman. High value men dont have to many options . So their standards drop. So average girls think they are the shit. (Look at all the instagram's of american girls who are average looking with 10k-80k + followers that think they are the shit) They have entitlement issues, dont cook or clean. I see a lot of high valued men with average looking to below average looking girls all the time in America. I feel bad for such life. Working 40-70 hours a week. To marry a 5/10 who doesnt even cook for you or take care of you. It is crazy.

Most American woman get married and get fat. Either way they win. They can eat what they want when they want . If the husband leaves them, then they win and get paid to sit on their ass with alimony. In other countries it doesnt work that way... If the woman gives the man shit, or the woman becomes fat. The man can leave her. And nothing will happen to the man. The government wont force the man to pay or take money from his paycheck. It doesnt work that way in a lot of countries where the woman are better. alimony and child support etc. It doesnt happen so the woman will end up on the streets if she decides she does not want to cook and take care of the man or become a fat cunt.... Yes child support laws exist, but It is not enforced. I had a single mother on my rotation in colombia and, she told me the government does not do anything even though there are laws. Exactly the way it should be...

Are American Women Really That Bad?

There's something I've been thinking about for quite a while. I remember back in the 90s American women were pretty terrible. I traveled a lot then as I do now and came to the conclusion that foreign women were better than american women. But when I lived abroad back then I also realized the USA has some pretty solid advantages and finding a good women here is not impossible.

I still live in the USA and have a much younger gf. She is awesome and her friends remind me of the girls I remember in their early/ mid 20s when I was that age. They are not great candidates to date long term but are not Satan's spawn either.

I realize the dating market has changed due to smart phones but that effects the whole world to a certain extent. So given that social media has infected women worldwide, are American women really appreciably worse than they were 20 years ago?

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Do the best with what you can, while you still can.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

There are so many hot, young, fit girls in the NYC-NJ-PA-DE area it's not even funny.

Miami has a ton. Houston has plenty. Vegas.

Most of the guys complaining don't have the game to get hot girls, so they blame 'american women' or something else that excuses their lack of skills/talents.

No hot girls where you live? Move.

I did.

Are American Women Really That Bad?

@DonnyGately I could be wrong but I think the discussion is more about the personality/attitude/disposition/long term potential trends of American women. No one is arguing that America is lacking for hot girls

Are American Women Really That Bad?

Quote: (05-07-2019 10:57 AM)aeroektar Wrote:  

I'm sure there are parts of the US where you can find plenty of women with morals and good attitudes

But the U.S. judicial system makes it easy for those women to divorce you, take a huge chunk of your money and possessions while you're hung out to dry.

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

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