Quote: (05-07-2019 08:49 PM)081287 Wrote:
^ What's your take on the following assertion earlier in this thread?
Stick to Latinas bro...they’re sweet, spicy, and submissive, as you probably already know
First i'm not sure exactly what "sweet and spicy" even means, but i'll assume it's the "sassy 'dont you talk to me like that' attitude" Sofia Rivera (or whatever her name is) stereotype depicted in hollywood that maybe for Colombia/Venezuela has some truth, but really is mostly bullshit.
In reality most latinas are pretty shy, submissive, family oriented and here in Mexico, quite relaxed. They would never talk back to men like they show in TV shows and hollywood unless they were ready to get bitchslapped halfway to the moon.
And really "Latinas" can mean anything, there is massive differences between girls from Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Argentina, and especially Brazilians if you count them too.
Generally speaking though I find them easy to handle, you don't need to be all annoying and witty and sarcastic, its all pretty straight forward and direct.
Here in Mexico City there are many Westernized girls that are like less annoying versions of american chicks (without the croaky accent and unneeded sarcasm) and they can be gamed pretty much same way. The more upperclass a girl is, the more asshole-duschbag american guy game you need.
So not only is there massive differences between countrys there is also massive differences between social classes, and then of course there are indvidual differences too. One day you might meet a Mexican chick who is totally off the walls cookoo nuts, next day you meet one thats totally down to earth. So I don't know how to answer your question, but I know how to game down here pretty well, and adjust for countryes and social differences.
For a beginner I'd suggest Lima, you can get laid in Mexico City a lot but the quality is not going to be very good if you're not here for at least a few weeks but really a few months to lay down some work.