Quote: (05-13-2019 02:35 PM)yankeetravels Wrote:
The real problem with American women is that they have kind of the worst mix of both entitlement and selfishness. I'll be fair and say that's not entirely their fault, it's really built into the culture here. America tends to have a best in the world mentality, and while they are good at a lot of things, I notice girls here tend to think like some of the guys that get called out here in believing that they are the best in the world just by showing up. Admittedly, America has some of the best opportunities for exposure, but traveling has made me realize women abroad really do not get enough credit from American guys, and while the ones that give them credit see through rose-colored glasses sometimes, I am someone that likes to look for the under the radar opportunities. That's the entitlement side.
The selfish side is that America is already a society built on individualism. Now with feminism, that concept is doubled for women, because I think they feel this pressure from propaganda to be strong and independent because of "oppression". I talked with an ex of mine from the Philippines a while back about the concept of taking care of parents and grandparents in the endgame. Some of you may laugh, but I mention this because this concept comes into play with family. Girls from poorer or more conservative countries will take care of their family and loved ones til the end. America isn't really like that. We dump them off once they become too inconvenient.
The individualism concept is the one that I feel is most relevant to American women being awful.
We all know about the feminists, the downright whores, the self mutilation, and the obesity. But those women don't apply to my SMV.
Beer says that men complain about women when they don't get play from top ones. I wouldn't say I always date the top shelf, but I regularly date women in the 7-8 range without any fatness or outwardly feminist. In my experience in NYC, the playbook is usually pretty straightforward:
I get the lead, pursue from 1-3 weeks until I get the date.
Once the date happens, we make out and make tentative plans. I then go on another 1-3 week chase to fit into her busy schedule. Once I get this date we're having sex.
Then they either ghost, or we keep seeing each other about 1x a week. After a few weeks, she will push for some sort of exclusivity (usually it doesn't get this far, she either ghosts or I give up the chase).
Once we get to the exclusivity part, I assume that she'll be seeing me 3-5 times a week, which never happens. I am then constantly chasing her to hang out in between her work, school, city friends, friends visiting out of town, family, etc. I then make an ultimatum that I need to see her more or she's getting downgraded to a plate.
As you can see, I am in a constant state of
pull during dating. I'm
pulling them for the first, second, third, and constant thereafter of dates. The only time she ever
pulls is to lock me. Once she locks me, she no longer feels like she has to do any work.
It's not that she's physically unattractive or a horrible feminist. It's that she has been indoctrinated to put a man close to the bottom of her priority list. Her career comes first, then friend circle 1, 2, 3, family, continuing education, and so forth.
I've never been in a romantic situation with a woman where I said: "I NEED SPACE!"
I've also dated numerous immigrants in NYC and they were even worse with this than the American born ones. There's something in the American air which tells women to treat men like a disposable commodity. They take their "independence" very seriously and feel that sacrificing for a man is below them.
I always expect them to make me a priority and I am
always disappointed. 1-2x a week doesn't cut it for me in an exclusive relationship, but a lot of women can only give that if they don't choose to cut down on their social life or career.