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Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Hang out in popular hotel in Vegas for a day or two, you’ll see it. Go to any college campus in the beginning of a fall or spring semester You’ll see it.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I think most people only ever notice bad game, or exaggerated game.
Ideally your game should be so good it just looks natural, so others won't even recognize it as "daygaming".

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Quote: (03-01-2019 12:43 AM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Hang out in popular hotel in Vegas for a day or two, you’ll see it. Go to any college campus in the beginning of a fall or spring semester You’ll see Giovanny.

^ Fixed

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"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I see it all the time but yes it's rare. People are massively stuck in ego / comfort zone.

The competitive side in me loves it.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I've never seen a white or Asian guy cold approach. Black and Hispanics I've witnessed it often

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I've noticed a dude on the street, Saw him stopping two girls for the time I was there.
Other time was at the gym.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I saw it at one of my favorite parks to daygame back when I lived in NYC. I was about to sit down and talk to this girl (Swedish as it turned out), but just as I was processing her appearance this other guy sat down right next to her and started chatting her up. I knew he was a PUA because his manner of speaking was very unnatural and he sounded like he had been trained in some way.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Same, Oxford Street...

Painful to observe.

I avoid going down there now, for that reason.

Other than that, just once. Dude working outside a mall supermarket, opening 1/10 chicks leaving))

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Quote: (02-28-2019 11:32 PM)Savonarola Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2019 09:26 PM)cruzinV Wrote:  

It's very rare to see daygame, the vast majority doesnt have the balls for it. Including me.

I just see the daygame spam approach as a waste of time, something best left for the few bruhs in their 20s with literally nothing else to do. Or for the guys with crippling self-esteem issues to overcome.

Despite this, I chat with people all over my city without any expectation of number closes. I opened a girl in the grocery store yesterday afternoon, got a huge laugh right off the bat, established obvious attraction -- then immediately dropped it. She wasn't really hot enough, and my mind was frankly elsewhere.

That said, if I catch a woman giving me The Look, I'll always find time to go over. It'd be stupid not to.

I use to think the same way... but specifically setting aside hours to Daygame is the absolute best way to get really really Good in my view! The focus it gives you... is the equivalent of an all nighter study session. At one point, my approach anxiety was virtually non existent, and as long as I approached... I was pretty much guaranteed an Insta-Date. Good times!

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Depends on the city, but yes I see it. Most recently in the airport in Atlanta in the TSA line, a guy was daygaming a woman who was dressed as if she was flying for business. He was direct and although he didnt get the pull, I was impressed. Don't see it as much now as you did "back in the day".

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

It almost never happens.

Saw it only once in the last year.

A guy opened 2 hot girls walking through the park. I didn't hear the conversation, I just observed the body language. The girls seemed interested enough, but he obviously said someting too direct and then they just walked away from the guy. But they kept turning their heads as they were smiling, as if they wanted him to come back.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Only time I saw it was my roommate in college. Dude was a 10/10 in terms of SMV. He would just chat up random women wherever we were (bars, library, bus, class).

Even then, he got blown out a LOT. Chicks sometimes straight up ignored him or kept the conversations short/dull.

That being said, he still fucked some of the hottest/baddest chicks I could think of, and some of the most non slutty ones.

The thing is, guys at his level are so accomplished that they don't give a shit if they get rejected. Their value just by existing is far too high for it to have any effect. It's the guys that are insecure on some level that care. Which is most guys..

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I get hit on every now and then by gays. Does this count?

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Quote: (03-04-2019 08:39 PM)semibaron Wrote:  

I get hit on every now and then by gays. Does this count?

It does count. Gays are ruthless and give zero fucks because they're protected..y ou can't exactly punch one out without getting locked up, but women can punch guys out and get the pussy pass. Gays get the gay pass.

I've said this before: If a gay makes a comment or is trying to pick you up, use the exact same tactics as women do: take advantage and make them do shit for you. Boss the fuckers around. Get free stuff. Make them introduce you to their hot women friends. They will understand and possibly wingman you just to be in your presence.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

There’s a guy in my neighborhood, very short, dark Eastern European guy with a messed up eye and long hair. Dressed in shorts, tank top, and sandals. Last year or the year before I spotted him on a Sunday and watched him approach a girl as I stood across the street. I was intrigued. I watched him do several more approaches, one in which he hooked a little bit then closed it with an extra long hug. The girl was an ok looking blonde, and she said something to the effect of wanting the thing to end as I guess he want too far. This dude was persistent. He looked kind of like a miniature Tommy Wiseau, and his vibe sort of matched.

It was a nice day, and I watched him get blown out a couple more times, then caught him as he was crossing the street. We chatted for a bit and he told me he was an RSD guy. He’d been in the game for over 10 years. He’d never heard of Roosh or Krauser.

I hung with him for a few hours and he approached indiscriminately. Any girl. Any size group. While his dress style was terrible and he was definitely a bit weird and not socially calibrated in his approaches, his frame control was phenomenal and his confidence never faltered. He claimed to have done coaching at some point, and I was inclined to believe him.

Some chicks were obviously annoyed or dismissive, but far more were amused, charmed, or intrigued. His verbal tricks worked well. One shorter chick who had a boyfriend, a 5, gave her number to him. He was doing all kinds of playful stuff and she was definitely having fun. Spun her around and had me take a picture.
We ran into a nerdy Asian girl I knew slightly from my yoga studio and hung out for a bit more and he took off with her as night fell but didn’t end up closing her.

The whole time I felt a little embarrassed to be hangin with this dude, but he certainly had more balls than 99.9 percent of guys out there. Although my style is way different, it was life affirming to see this guy go at it. One of his canned lines was about having 0 Facebook friends, and having to meet all his friends in real life.

A week later the girl I was seeing told me a guy had started talking to her in the fruit store, commenting on her beautiful long hair. I was laughing before I even heard the description.

He texts me to hang out sometimes but it’s always spammy. Like an event or a yoga class where he gets some rebate if I sign up. I haven’t ever taken him up on it. It’s a little off putting to feel like you’re being spammed.

I still run into him on the street from time to time. When that happens we’ll chat for a few and catch up.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I've seen one daygame approach in my whole life, when i was on a trip to the capital city. It put a smile on my face. The guy seemed like a beginner, nervous and didn't have a good opener. He got rejected, but at least he was trying. I couldn't let the thought go and i was curious. So when he left, i went up to the girl and asked her what's up. She said this guy told her she was pretty and asked her out for coffee. I told her, that's awesome, this guy seems great, why did you reject him?

She replied, "it's a little weird, i don't really know him".
I told her, isn't that the point of coffee? Get to know each other? Wink
She said "yeah i guess you're right, i was just not expecting it".

I think it depends a lot where you live etc. For instance, Scandinavian countries like Denmark, Norway, Sweden where people are very much closed up and afraid to speak to strangers it could be seen as "weird" having a random guy come up and hit on you. But from what i've read and heard from friends it's a completely different ballpark in the Anglosphere. USA, Canada, England etc. It's almost like it's more socially acceptable to approach girls on the street. Also for the fact that girls are so much more open and friendly in the US compared to Scandinavia. At least college students.

I could imagine it being harder also in countries with tight social circle game, having an outsider trying to get on with a girl. Most girls nowadays are so used to dating apps that approaching in real life seems weird, which is fucked up if you ask me. It should be the other way around. They would rather tell their family they met through tinder than approached randomly on the street. In Scandinavia, we're only so far as having night game venues with heavy drinking as socially acceptable to pick up girls. It's a shame.

On one side it was a huge advantage for me, when i started daygame last summer. I had literally 0% competition since nobody is doing this here, and multiple girls told me i was brave for going up and engaging in a conversation with a random girl. I was just starting game so obviously didn't have much success getting laid, but i improved my social skills and flirtation drastically and got a few dates out of it. Literally skyrocketed my confidence. That's the good part of it. The bad part is that it's seen as "weird" by a lot of girls and they will suspect you're up to something shady at first. Obviously, since you're part of the 0.1% that cold approach. But if you know how to talk well you can turn it around quickly.

Keep in mind, many girls are running around with the Hollywood idea of meeting their "dream guy" by accident. The old school way, at a bus, supermarket, library, at the park, so take advantage of that. Some of them are absolute stunners that you don't see going out to clubs and partying much, if at all. Traditional, good, feminine girls.

I remember my first insta-date during my daygame practice was with this stunning blond girl with a personality matching. She literally did not have any form of social media, she wasn't yet brainwashed by society and the narcissistic social media bandwagon. She was a fresh breath of air and had the most positive outlook on life. So positive. We spent 2 hours just sitting under a tree and talking about everything. It felt like 10 minutes. I swear i could have told you i fell in love right there and then.
She didn't drink or go out clubbing. I kept asking her, what do you then do for fun? She loved music, she played the guitar, she loved singing, and she loved drawing. I imagine this kind of girl can only be found through daygame grind.

If you're a foreigner, girls will be more open talking to you and especially if you have good game. If your goal is simply to fuck as many girls as you can, then absolutely come to Scandinavia. We only have a few weeks of summer days here that it's like a 24/7 spring break party when the sun is up. Girls are horny and they want to fuck everything in sight. Imagine living in rainy/snowy weather for 9 months and then having sun and beach weather for 3 months. You can imagine how wild girls get. Gotta make the most out of it.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I see strangers cat calling girls. Rarely works.

Don't debate me.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

About six weeks after I first discovered game stuff online (end of 2014), I saw a hot girl at a train station and was trying to psych myself up to approach (would have been my first ever daytime cold approach). I was hesitant because I was on my way home from a landscaping job and looking scruffy as hell, but I was feeling good and was about to make the move...

Then this other dude approached her from the other direction. I could hear him saying shit that I'd heard on youtube videos so it was obvious he was actually 'into game' rather than a natural or a chancer. He was dressed like a total slob (seemingly without the work-related reason I had) but got the number.

I was actually kind of rattled by this. It was at a small(ish) town train station in the UK. And because I was new to the whole thing I just came away feeling that daygame is much more widespread than it actually is (as this thread testifies). Took me quite a while to get over the idea that everyone around me (not to mention the girl) must recognize exactly which youtube videos I had been watching when I approached in the day.

Looking back it was quite a surreal moment. Never seen anyone approach since.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

I've seen it a couple of times in crowded metropolitan areas. I have never seen a successful attempt, however.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Once in a sauna say an older guy chat up a young Russian gal in a white bikini

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Quote: (03-01-2019 08:50 AM)RWIsrael Wrote:  

I think most people only ever notice bad game, or exaggerated game.
Ideally your game should be so good it just looks natural, so others won't even recognize it as "daygaming".

Yeah, if doesn't look like two people just talking you're doing something wrong.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Quote: (03-06-2019 10:29 AM)HadjiMurat Wrote:  

About six weeks after I first discovered game stuff online (end of 2014), I saw a hot girl at a train station and was trying to psych myself up to approach (would have been my first ever daytime cold approach). I was hesitant because I was on my way home from a landscaping job and looking scruffy as hell, but I was feeling good and was about to make the move...

Then this other dude approached her from the other direction. I could hear him saying shit that I'd heard on youtube videos so it was obvious he was actually 'into game' rather than a natural or a chancer. He was dressed like a total slob (seemingly without the work-related reason I had) but got the number.

I was actually kind of rattled by this. It was at a small(ish) town train station in the UK. And because I was new to the whole thing I just came away feeling that daygame is much more widespread than it actually is (as this thread testifies). Took me quite a while to get over the idea that everyone around me (not to mention the girl) must recognize exactly which youtube videos I had been watching when I approached in the day.

Looking back it was quite a surreal moment. Never seen anyone approach since.

Canned routines always ring false to me.
Better to do an indirect opener, then just improvise some stuff. The goal should always be to amuse yourself first. Be creative. If she's down, she'll laugh at whatever you say. Nonverbals actually play the biggest role.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

In Hamburg I see it occasionally, in the clubs and bars I see it every minute.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Seen it happen a few times in clubs and bars but anywhere else I have not. Last week I was at a shopping mall with my wife and while I ran into a shop she got approached by some guy. She told me he had asked some stupid questions and she told him to fuck off. When I came out she was extremely irritated as the guy had not got the message and stood his ground. The security guy standing buy the entrance had intervened before I came out and asked him to leave.

Do you see strangers day-gaming girls?

Quote: (03-06-2019 01:12 PM)Tikimalore Wrote:  

In Hamburg I see it occasionally, in the clubs and bars I see it every minute.

I still think it's mad how infrequently I see guys approaching even in bars at night here! VERY rarely! But then, i'm in the UK, and not in central London or anything. Strangers just don't talk. Lots of girls seems to be freaked out when they get approached. Social circle game is king here

As for day game approaches, I've seen it once in my whole life, and the dude was Italian (God bless them dudes!) He seemed to have 'game'/charisma etc, But he got a pretty hard rejection, I guess that he wasn't her physical type (which seems to be a pre-requistie for any successful approach, tbh).

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