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Ringo in Italy

Ringo in Italy

Thanks for your thread here. Basically, I am not much familiar with the place you are talking. But I have some familiarity about the capital city of Italy (Paris). We will go there next year to meet up with my cousin.

Ringo in Italy

Quote: (09-13-2018 09:39 PM)Kernibal3 Wrote:  

Thanks for your thread here. Basically, I am not much familiar with the place you are talking. But I have some familiarity about the capital city of Italy (Paris). We will go there next year to meet up with my cousin.

dude we're not fucking French

Ringo in Italy

Quote: (09-13-2018 03:43 PM)Mikestar Wrote:  

In 3 days I am moving to Italy for 4 months for university. I will take everything you wrote here into account - it will not be an easy time but I will be in a big student city so let’s hope it’s the best Italy has to offer for a young single guy like me. I’m gonna be so fked not knowing Italian, I can already feel the Italians shouting at me, they really have no patience

Don't worry about it too much, if you're doing Erasmus I'm sure you'll find ways to integrate much better than I did.

For practice, watching films with subtitles and shooting the shit with people is a good way to learn.

Don't let anyone's rudeness get to you. It took me a few weeks to get used to it.

Another thing that helps is to start any conversation with something like "Mi dispiace, il mio italiano è terribile, sto imparando" ("sorry, my Italian is terrible, I'm learning"). This usually softens them up a bit.

Like I said before, Italy has many amazing aspects, enjoy yourself.

Ringo in Italy

Ringo - great read and good on you for going through the process and getting the EU Visa... Ironically I was raised by a 50% Sicilian 50% Tuscan American Military Veteran stepfather since I was 4 years old - the story was his Grandfather served as a munitions man in the Italian Navy in WW1 and came to the USA and worked as a nitro man in the Coal Mines of Scranton Pennsylvania. One of the most dangerous jobs there was yet he lived to a ripe old age of 98 and I remember being bounced on his knee when I was 4. He was always very kind to me and I loved hearing stories about the Old Country and serving at sea.

Over the years I realized that during all of the clashes of Empire and Wars in Europe over the 1700s, 1800s and 1900s it was a matter of fate often when the crud was about to hit the fan over there which ship they could scrape together steerage fare for would often determine which country Canada, USA, Uruguay, Brazil or Argentina our ancestors would travel to and there but for the grace of God which nation we grew up in and identify with today.

I have always wondered if I have distant relatives in Italy and what they do now and if I would actually get along with them.

Curious if you were able to meet any distant relatives of yours during your Italian saga?

Also when I traveled to Moscow on Business in 2010 I discovered the extensive love affair between Russians and Italians and their extensive business and cultural relationships. I have a soft spot for ruthless Slavic/Nordic StP area beautiful Russian women and know first hand how much they love to shop for Designer "bargains" in Italy.

Also curious if you discovered which tourist hot spots resort areas they fancy the most in Italy... for Fashion it is mostly Milan and Rome. I had a friend in Boston who owned a high end Italian fashions store in Boston serving wealthy Clientele with old world levels of service and he vacationed every summer at the Beach where emperor Tiberius had a Villa on the mainland as well as the island of Capri and still to this day is considered an upscale resort area after 2000 years.

Also have heard reports that there is outright combat going on between the Sicilian and Southern Italian underworld and the African/Islamist Migrants George Soros funded NGOs are flooding into the South of Italy and Sicily from Libya and these African gangs naturally think its a good idea to sell drugs to Italian kids and Drug phock noncompos-mentis Italian women or worse just rape them.

There was a US Navy Submarine Tender operation in Sigonella, Sicily and newly assigned US Navy personnel were all given the same lecture - This is Sicily, not the USA if you see women that flirt with you and you want her - marry her - otherwise the consequences will cost you your life as a matter of honor with her Father Uncles Brothers and Cousins who control the area. Most of the white guys got the message and chased tourists who visited Taormina etc., but the Black guys often ignored the unwritten rules thinking it would be like any typical USA cities and beach areas and sure enough every 6 mos or so one would be found with his neck cut ear to ear floating near the ships as a not so subtle warning to all the other American guys. You want it in Sicily and Italy you marry it and put a ring on it was the old saying.

Also, a lot of Italian men may buy their own flats/homes yet stay at their mother's homes for meals and laundry and family bonding and are known as Mamone or Momma's boys - even very tough and educated Italian men into their 40s. They do not set up new separate housekeeping until they marry. This appears to stem from the wave of feminist strong independent Italian women that will not take care of their men the way their mothers did their fathers and has caused a drastic drop in family formations and native Italian birth rates.

Curious if you noticed any Afro-Islamo migrant conflict areas and the Mamone phenomenon first hand?

Thanks again for a very interesting story brought back a lot of old memories for me and still have to visit southern Europa on my bucket list. Have you decided where on planet earth you will be making your new life in Brazil or anywhere in the EU?

I think I would gravitate to where I could find the most beautiful loyal and supportive wife and mother material but that is just me.

Ciao Bello!

Ringo in Italy

Thanks, Deepdiver.

I probably do have relatives in Italy. I know for a fact there's people with the same last name as me who still live in the area my family is from. But I haven't met them or looked for them. My ancestors immigrated to Brazil maybe 100 years ago, any living relative I have now is quite distant.

Immigration in Italy is a sensitive subject. I don't follow the news too much but I'm aware that the situation in the South is worrisome. Further up North, where I was located, there's less African migrants who came by boat, and more Middle Eastern who came by land and seek humanitarian refuge.

I trained martial arts with a guy who came by car and bus from Afghanistan to Italy. He went through some shit to get there. He was a great guy and he was working 12-hour days as a dishwasher to send money to his family. Most of the Africans I saw were hanging outside supermarkets or walking around the old town trying to sell you books, electronics, junk, etc. The city was quite safe.

The mamone thing is real. Like I mentioned above, family and friends are everything in Italy. When you turn 18, parents don't kick you out and tell you to go live your life. The men are only 50% (maybe less) to blame for being so spoiled; the mammas are really protective. I met more than one 40-year-old fuck up who still relied on his mom for most chores and meals. Many people I met during my time there couldn't believe (or understand why) I had left home as soon as I could, how I knew how to cook, fix stuff. It's endearing, but also pathetic - I can't imagine depending on my mom that much, especially at that age.

I think it's too early for me to choose where to settle down based on looking for a wife. I still have a plenty of adventure left in me and I need to make a lot of money before I consider settling down.

I haven't decided where to stay longer term yet.

Actually, I'm in quite a dilemma and have no idea where I'll be in six months.

I'm old enough to not want to fuck around too much. Ideally I'd like to set up shop somewhere where I have potential to grow financially for years to come.

I'm currently abroad visiting my family. On one hand, I could stay here - financially and family-wise it would be a good decision.

On the other, after six months away, I'm starting to miss Brazil - my friends; the women; the people; the vibe. Unfortunately Brazil has many serious issues and I don't think things will improve significantly in the years to come.

Ringo in Italy

I will add to this thread as I have been living in Italy now for 2 weeks (as a student). I like some aspects very much, I love the food, the people are kind and mannered, dress well, architecture is amazing, weather is mild.

But for girls this place is a nightmare, it’s one of the worst places in Europe to bang girls. The shocking thing is the women are very good, really pretty slim well-dressed women everywhere. But they are so damn inaccesible and act juvenile. It’s because of the culture, girls opening their legs is not glorified and everybody here cares a lot about how others perceive them, this is why you will see everybody wearing the same thing, everyone has the same mentality.

Italian clubs suck ass, if you try and get physical with a girl just by lightly putting your hand on a girl she will say: don’t touch me. Also it’s a gigantic sausage fest everywhere, which doesn’t help. On top of that English is pretty limited so you may have better luck in spanish.

Honestly I had better luck gaming girls in a country like Turkey than here. Contrary to the negative things I am saying, I actually really enjoy living here, I’m just not focusing on girls so much. In addition, the pace of life here is slow as hell, e.g your bus will always be 10 mins late and I don’t even pay for transportation - nobody checks tickets. Beaurocracy is huge, things just aren’t organised well here but I like that because everybody is relaxed - a huge contrast to where I’m from

Ringo in Italy

Quote: (09-30-2018 07:48 AM)Mikestar Wrote:  

But for girls this place is a nightmare, it’s one of the worst places in Europe to bang girls. The shocking thing is the women are very good, really pretty slim well-dressed women everywhere. But they are so damn inaccesible and act juvenile. It’s because of the culture, girls opening their legs is not glorified and everybody here cares a lot about how others perceive them

Is it really a bad thing tough. A lot of guys are searching for place to find nice girls who are not sluts
i mean i get it its not a fuckfest, so from that angle not the best, but if thats true at least italian women still have dignity.

Ringo in Italy

Quote: (09-30-2018 08:17 AM)FenyoLuc Wrote:  

Quote: (09-30-2018 07:48 AM)Mikestar Wrote:  

But for girls this place is a nightmare, it’s one of the worst places in Europe to bang girls. The shocking thing is the women are very good, really pretty slim well-dressed women everywhere. But they are so damn inaccesible and act juvenile. It’s because of the culture, girls opening their legs is not glorified and everybody here cares a lot about how others perceive them

Is it really a bad thing tough. A lot of guys are searching for place to find nice girls who are not sluts
i mean i get it its not a fuckfest, so from that angle not the best, but if thats true at least italian women still have dignity.

I lived in Italy for years and speak Italian well. I've had two Italian girlfriends. One the one hand yes, they were nice, feminine girls who did not sleep around (one virgin, one notch count of two). Also Italian spoken by a beautiful young girl is something I can happily listen to all day.

On the other hand, even though they were somewhat less liberal and feminist than your typical western European or North American woman, they were both still a bit too "progressive" and feminist for my taste. I much prefer my devout Catholic Central American wife. Still, I suppose Italian women might be among your best options for an LTR and marriage as far as western women go. Both of my exes were very loyal and seemed very happy to be with an American guy who wouldn't remorselessly cheat on them like, according to them, most Italians.

Feminism in ten words: "Stop objectifying women! Can't you see I've hit the wall?" -Leonard D Neubache

Ringo in Italy

Italy may be bad.scandinavia is much much in sweden people never invite you anywhere if you are a foreigner, they want a lot of refugees but they do not want to be friends with abroad in australia i had so many friends, coming back here i realized its really fucked up here.and ive been in italy, you cannot even daygame here as they consider you akward if you do.tinder and online dating is pretty much impossible unless you are a 10/10.swedish guys are good looking on average .its also a femenazi base circles are tough to crack, the streets are empty after 7 PM, it was a pussy paradise here in 70s, liberalism destroyed everything like a cancer

Ringo in Italy

When I was in Italy back in the day, the best part was going after all the foreign girls visiting, who would act out of character and it was on. We only went after Italian girls if there was some connection via a local family or friend. It wasn't worth the time and effort otherwise.

Ringo in Italy

Quote: (09-30-2018 07:48 AM)Mikestar Wrote:  

I will add to this thread as I have been living in Italy now for 2 weeks (as a student). I like some aspects very much, I love the food, the people are kind and mannered, dress well, architecture is amazing, weather is mild.

But for girls this place is a nightmare, it’s one of the worst places in Europe to bang girls. The shocking thing is the women are very good, really pretty slim well-dressed women everywhere. But they are so damn inaccesible and act juvenile. It’s because of the culture, girls opening their legs is not glorified and everybody here cares a lot about how others perceive them, this is why you will see everybody wearing the same thing, everyone has the same mentality.

Italian clubs suck ass, if you try and get physical with a girl just by lightly putting your hand on a girl she will say: don’t touch me. Also it’s a gigantic sausage fest everywhere, which doesn’t help. On top of that English is pretty limited so you may have better luck in spanish.

Honestly I had better luck gaming girls in a country like Turkey than here. Contrary to the negative things I am saying, I actually really enjoy living here, I’m just not focusing on girls so much. In addition, the pace of life here is slow as hell, e.g your bus will always be 10 mins late and I don’t even pay for transportation - nobody checks tickets. Beaurocracy is huge, things just aren’t organised well here but I like that because everybody is relaxed - a huge contrast to where I’m from

That's why I always recommend Rome. Some will avoid it, because they want the "true Italian experience", but that will usually be along the lines of what is typically said: few accessible girls, no clubs, tight social circles.

In Rome I found it easier to get into the social circles, cause Italians I had seen or talked to would see and great me on the street and then also introduce me to their friends so it was all good.
Physical dancing with chicks seems to be welcome there too. It's pretty commonplace to dance with a chick while grabbing her waste, ass etc. However, this doesn't mean jack. A chick might dance with you in truly sensual fashion for 20 minutes and then will kindly say goodbye and move on to the next guy or just go back to her friends. I'm talking about Italian chicks.

Pool parties, rooftop parties, toga parties, foam parties etc. Rome has it all, but it's far from being a party city, like Berlin or Prague.

Ringo in Italy

Quote: (10-03-2018 01:21 AM)Alacrity Wrote:  

When I was in Italy back in the day, the best part was going after all the foreign girls visiting, who would act out of character and it was on. We only went after Italian girls if there was some connection via a local family or friend. It wasn't worth the time and effort otherwise.

You don't speak Italian, do you? I never had a hard time meeting girls in Italy, but I speak Italian at an advanced level. So maybe if you're dead set on Italian girls for some reason, that's the key. Then again, as much as I like Italian women, if you're learning a language for the girls I'd probably agree with Roosh that Spanish or Russian is a better bet.

Feminism in ten words: "Stop objectifying women! Can't you see I've hit the wall?" -Leonard D Neubache

Ringo in Italy

Quote: (10-02-2018 07:33 AM)bucky Wrote:  

Both of my exes were very loyal and seemed very happy to be with an American guy who wouldn't remorselessly cheat on them like, according to them, most Italians.

Cheating in Italy is really common in relationships.

Back in the 80s-90s was common for a man to have their wife at home and a side girl (amante) for whom they would pay their rent, living expenses etc.
I recall more than one uncle of mine getting caught by their wives for travelling with their mistress or similar stories.

Women used to put up with this because they did not have a career and also because divorce was very thrown upon in the past (remember that part of Goodfellas when they discuss about divorce not being an option because we are not "animals"?). The mistresses would put up with it because they had their living expenses but also they had the dream that the man would leave their wives for them, which 9 times out of 10 did not happen (hey we are not animals right??).

I tried to explain the concept of amante to north Americans but usually they don't get it, you have to really have to understand Italian culture for this. Its not like a normal mistress where you cheat for a short period of time but something that goes on for long time (years).

It has to be noted that before the economic crisis even middle class people used to be able to afford having two families, this is not just a rich people thing.

Ringo in Italy

Quote: (10-04-2018 05:51 PM)wellrockthecity Wrote:  

Back in the 80s-90s was common for a man to have their wife at home and a side girl (amante) for whom they would pay their rent, living expenses etc.
I recall more than one uncle of mine getting caught by their wives for travelling with their mistress or similar stories.
Not the case anymore nowadays. I would say that was totally a boomer practice.
You don't see this happening with Gen Y and later. It has to boil down to the fact that there is too much promiscuity and less money so there is no point to actually maintain more than 1 "stable" relationship at any time.

Curiously, Chinese culture is very similar to this and still exists nowadays instead.

Ringo in Italy

So how's the process coming Ringo?

You want to know the only thing you can assume about a broken down old man? It's that he's a survivor.

Ringo in Italy

Compared to other ethnic Europeans, Italians tend to keep to their own more than most; that is, Italians marry other Italians at higher rates than English, Irish, French, etc. I always kind of knew this, but felt vindicated when reading this data in the US Census, suggesting that being an outsider will be more challenging than elsewhere in Northwest Europe.

It's a shame as they can be quite lovely to look at, in the very least.

Ringo in Italy

Very good thread on Italy. I've been to Trieste and I did find it hard to speak to anyone in English and my Italian is bad. Germany and Netherlands is so much easier.

The prize could be worth it because I know from having 3 exes who were half Italian that they make more loyal girlfriends and wives than english ones. They are very passionate in and out of bed and you don't want to piss them off as they have equally passionate tempers. High sex drives too, they are beautiful

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