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MILF pussy secrets

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-08-2011 08:37 AM)Yams Wrote:  

The Mack game is very common for players in the low income demographics. If its possible for broke dudes to get middle class broads to support them then It should be just as viable for people higher up the totem pole.

I've never tried to lure money out of woman but I have seen how easy it can be if they already know they make more money than you.

Greetings Yam,

The mack game may be common for players in the low income demographic (dominican sanky pankys, ghetto thugs, etc.) however what is not common is running game on educated, professional good looking milfs who have an axe to grind. They wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. This requires that you can at least read, write , and perform some level of arithmetic comparable to their educational level. (at least these are the ones I deal with).

MILF pussy secrets

I like Pusscrook's angle and it's an angle I am looking towards myself. All around the world in both the 'civilised' and the non 'civilised' world, you have lizards tapping men's pockets for cash.

I in the past, inadvertently got lizards to pay for me i.e. plane tickets to fly to another province, gifts and I might have something in the workings for a trip to the Caribbean.

Pusscrook, would you say the key towards ensuring that the woman coughs up the dough, is to bang the living daylights out of her?

I advised a young man in the DR who was looking for the come-up to work on his dick game if he wanted a visa into North America/Europe etc.

Every lizard I have super serviced has returned and eventually dropped gifts.

These are not race specific as I had half wardrobe purchased for me by a black lizard (strangely enough, this was only with tip teasing).

To those who are seething from this blatant pimping, see it in this way. That money is going to go to someone, it might as well be you.

One of my lizard friends told me recently of a stateside male that hit her up for continuous paper, practically purchasing goods for him and his friends.

Pusscrook, do you target a specific race or does your scanner just look at salary range only?
Can you list your last (or current) 10 hits including their race, age and estimated salary range?

I am extremely interested in a full account of how you engage their frontal lobe region method. Please list 5 different ways in how you were able to elicit monetary gifts etc.

Thank you.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-08-2011 07:32 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2011 07:11 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Read your convo.


Me: "O.k., by the way, "miss you"
Her: (radio silence like we're in a submarine and getting hunted) then she says, "we'll catch up".

You're trying to hard to get her affection, it comes off as too beta and turns her off.

I know this advice comes late, but on Sunday I hope you didn't call her. You need to put some doubt into her mind.

Samseau, you are right. I am trying to get her affection. This is my nuclear option when all hope is fading. Well, she called me on Sunday to reschedule and wants to go to the movie this weekend coming up. So , yes, it is a very "beta" move , but it does work wonders in some situations. I will pull another "beta" move at the movies, by giggling at shit in the movie that absolutely makes no sense. SOunds amateur on the face of it, but you see, I know her and Christmas is closing in . I i agree with you though, this move sets a bad precedent , yet it can be effective when used for the right set of circumstances (sparingly I might add).


You only get away with this shit because she's old. Over 35? Whatever. If I were you, I'd pull back a little bit to keep her guessing. Make her hot for you, and then go back to giggles.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-08-2011 11:21 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2011 07:32 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2011 07:11 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

Read your convo.


Me: "O.k., by the way, "miss you"
Her: (radio silence like we're in a submarine and getting hunted) then she says, "we'll catch up".

You're trying to hard to get her affection, it comes off as too beta and turns her off.

I know this advice comes late, but on Sunday I hope you didn't call her. You need to put some doubt into her mind.

Samseau, you are right. I am trying to get her affection. This is my nuclear option when all hope is fading. Well, she called me on Sunday to reschedule and wants to go to the movie this weekend coming up. So , yes, it is a very "beta" move , but it does work wonders in some situations. I will pull another "beta" move at the movies, by giggling at shit in the movie that absolutely makes no sense. SOunds amateur on the face of it, but you see, I know her and Christmas is closing in . I i agree with you though, this move sets a bad precedent , yet it can be effective when used for the right set of circumstances (sparingly I might add).


You only get away with this shit because she's old. Over 35? Whatever. If I were you, I'd pull back a little bit to keep her guessing. Make her hot for you, and then go back to giggles.

She's 30 ,just real old, a vegetable. She resides in guess mode everyday because she's a woman.Hot is subjective, but I get your drift. Thanks

MILF pussy secrets

Pusscrook is this you?

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-08-2011 03:41 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Pusscrook is this you?

hahaha, Like you wouldn't fuck this corpse for that kind of loot? Only thing that would bother me is the smell of formaldehyde when I open her up.

MILF pussy secrets

[Image: lol.gif]

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

MILF pussy secrets

Pusscrook, why didn't you answer my questions?



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-08-2011 11:19 AM)Moma Wrote:  

I like Pusscrook's angle and it's an angle I am looking towards myself. All around the world in both the 'civilised' and the non 'civilised' world, you have lizards tapping men's pockets for cash.

I in the past, inadvertently got lizards to pay for me i.e. plane tickets to fly to another province, gifts and I might have something in the workings for a trip to the Caribbean.

Pusscrook, would you say the key towards ensuring that the woman coughs up the dough, is to bang the living daylights out of her?

I advised a young man in the DR who was looking for the come-up to work on his dick game if he wanted a visa into North America/Europe etc.

Every lizard I have super serviced has returned and eventually dropped gifts.

These are not race specific as I had half wardrobe purchased for me by a black lizard (strangely enough, this was only with tip teasing).

To those who are seething from this blatant pimping, see it in this way. That money is going to go to someone, it might as well be you.

One of my lizard friends told me recently of a stateside male that hit her up for continuous paper, practically purchasing goods for him and his friends.

Pusscrook, do you target a specific race or does your scanner just look at salary range only?
Can you list your last (or current) 10 hits including their race, age and estimated salary range?

I am extremely interested in a full account of how you engage their frontal lobe region method. Please list 5 different ways in how you were able to elicit monetary gifts etc.

Thank you.

Greetings Moma,

My apologies for not responding to your post. I sincerely didn't even see it.

In terms of the first question, I think that you banging the living day lights out of her is secondary in terms of you making her cough up the dough. There is quite a bit of mental jousting going on this game and one should really be keen on her moods, how much attention she needs, when to pay her the right amount of attention, and so forth. A lot of this is just observation, and then implementation. At the end of the day /night , no matter how much you fuck her into a box spring ,women love to be heard, and furthermore, you learn to become a good listener.

In terms of the Dominican looking to improve game in order to get a visa , I would suggest this : Most green card sharks( sanky pankys as they are better known as) rely way too much on just flinging dick hoping to ensnare unsuspecting prey. Tell him about the "cuchillo doble filo", game. This really is a monster game because you make her feel sorry for the conditions and hardships you and your family are living in and she won't be able to help herself . She will want to change the world and make it a better place. I have seen dudes who couldn't put 3 letters together to form a word , end up with much bounty. I think if you talk to most seasoned Dominican playas they would tell you that they came out the womb doing this.

In terms of targeting a specific race, race is subjective in this kind of game. However , they are preferences based on experience, and this allows me to cut out a lot of shit that I would have presupposed earlier in the game. Of the big 3 (Asians, whites, and blacks) I will render my findings accordingly.

Asian milfs are a hard nut to crack if you want to run game. These are usually quite traditional , and if they have kids, it probably means that she's not interested in you or any other man. It's all about the kids, so you would be barking up this tree for naught. Perhaps you may find one ,but, these whores are really not very outgoing and you're gonna have to have too many things in order to get them to even budge.

White: These seem to be the easiest of prey to bamboozle and here's why. If you find one of these , who have a degree, an executive position or the equivalent of it, religious and traditional values, YET, divorced ( or going thru one) you have hit the jack pot. Usually , she wants liberation and equality, and would assume that you can give her that. She's a secretive man-hater ( via divorce) and becoming "princess becky" is high on the agenda. Now, in knowing her background, she won't be as forthcoming ( to friends and family) when it comes to telling her family that she's taking care of a man( lest she be shamed, perhaps). Therefore, this game goes on for a longer period of time until it burns itself out.

Black: This is a unique breed that you have to treat like a crystal when running game: Let's assume this whore has the same resume as the white lizard, there is still one fucking thing that you will ALWAYS have to worry about. She knows a lot of "sistas" who talk, are disgruntled, and would just as soon "enlighten " her simply because they are miserable. Now this is controversial , but I just get in where i fit in.Most black women I have met , secretly relish the thought of contributing. More so than the white lizard. This may be due to socio -economic conditioning, but once they understand the racket you're running, you might as well go live in a cave .

Obviously I can go into a more detailed operation, and I just may one day, but I think you are aware of these things already.

In terms of salary/scanner check : Know what your needs are ,and see if they are comparable to the wounded . Don't think just because you see a bitch driving a bmw that it means she could pay your rent. Look at her shoes when she steps out the car. Are the back of the heels all worn down, or can you identify hundreds of scratch marks on the front of the shoe? Do the shoes squeak when she walks? This bitch is struggling. This is just one example of many. We could go on and on, but the point is that you really have to qualify the bitch based on your needs.

In terms of the last 10, I have lost more than I have won, but I have 3 on rotation right now. Salary range is from 110- 180k after taxes. Now the caveat for me is that they are all divorced and had nice settlements from the poor bastard who is shitting in his socks even as I type this probably.

Age range- 30-41... never had younger or older.
Race breakdown: 2 white lizards, one black lizard, and one mixed breed lizard on the outside peeping in right now.( I'm working on it)

In closing, presuppose nothing, and I would urge you to get the head game right before you sling wood with reckless abandonment.

I will post the frontal lobe action I use, later, this was a long post.

Feel free to ask any questions, nothing is personal when you running game.

Best Regards,


MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-08-2011 07:25 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

I think he might be saying the same thing when he spoke of making a bitch stand in the snow or rain... I do agree with you that it's' different from a "gigolo".

My point was that a pimp is not just one level higher from gigolo, they're very different. For example, a pimp could get a poor chick, and take all her money even if he knows she is starving, and needs food. She is not a human being to him, so he just uses them, it is one way service. A gigolo would never do that, for him it is more like "business deal" - she gets a guy she'd otherwise wouldn't get (passionate, sensitive to her needs, good listener), and he gets paid. Could a pimp kill his woman? Sure, not a big deal. Could a gigolo? Never.


QUick question for you , what are your views concerning a guy who receives " gifts"/trinkets, from several different women and does not ask for them? Is he a gigolo, a mack, player,just smart? Does one have to be in love , or in a relationship in order for it to be acceptable to receive gifts?

Now it depends on gifts. Some gifts are socially acceptable with no obligations, and do not imply any kind of relationship between you - for example, if a chick in a bar buys me a drink (happens quite often now), there is no reason for her to expect anything in turn, as buying a drink for a stranger is socially acceptable.

However if the same chick offers to pay my rent, the social rules say that such gifts usually come with a string attached, and if I accept this gift, the rules of society (and therefore she) expect me to be on a hook for something. Of course a true sociopath could just say "fuck the society" and accept the gift and do nothing - after all this is a gift - but this pretty much guarantees no future gifts from the same person.

As an example, a lot of employee guides for private companies limit the amount of gifts one can receive from your customers, usually to $25.


Is he a gigolo, a mack, player,just smart? Does one have to be in love , or in a relationship in order for it to be acceptable to receive gifts?

There are implicit rules established by the society regarding gifts, and we all sense them. One just decides to follow them, or not. Do you tell the chick you're receiving gifts from that you have other chicks who give you gifts as well? Your answer would basically answer your question.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-08-2011 06:26 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

hahaha, Like you wouldn't fuck this corpse for that kind of loot? Only thing that would bother me is the smell of formaldehyde when I open her up.

Well, it would be a major challenge to fuck her. I'm sure I wouldn't get up. And if I would, I would never get up afterward.
That's why it is much more difficult for gigolo than for their female equivalents. A chick doesn't have to have a hard-on to perform.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 05:51 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2011 07:25 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

I think he might be saying the same thing when he spoke of making a bitch stand in the snow or rain... I do agree with you that it's' different from a "gigolo".

My point was that a pimp is not just one level higher from gigolo, they're very different. For example, a pimp could get a poor chick, and take all her money even if he knows she is starving, and needs food. She is not a human being to him, so he just uses them, it is one way service. A gigolo would never do that, for him it is more like "business deal" - she gets a guy she'd otherwise wouldn't get (passionate, sensitive to her needs, good listener), and he gets paid. Could a pimp kill his woman? Sure, not a big deal. Could a gigolo? Never.


QUick question for you , what are your views concerning a guy who receives " gifts"/trinkets, from several different women and does not ask for them? Is he a gigolo, a mack, player,just smart? Does one have to be in love , or in a relationship in order for it to be acceptable to receive gifts?

Now it depends on gifts. Some gifts are socially acceptable with no obligations, and do not imply any kind of relationship between you - for example, if a chick in a bar buys me a drink (happens quite often now), there is no reason for her to expect anything in turn, as buying a drink for a stranger is socially acceptable.

However if the same chick offers to pay my rent, the social rules say that such gifts usually come with a string attached, and if I accept this gift, the rules of society (and therefore she) expect me to be on a hook for something. Of course a true sociopath could just say "fuck the society" and accept the gift and do nothing - after all this is a gift - but this pretty much guarantees no future gifts from the same person.

As an example, a lot of employee guides for private companies limit the amount of gifts one can receive from your customers, usually to $25.


Is he a gigolo, a mack, player,just smart? Does one have to be in love , or in a relationship in order for it to be acceptable to receive gifts?

There are implicit rules established by the society regarding gifts, and we all sense them. One just decides to follow them, or not. Do you tell the chick you're receiving gifts from that you have other chicks who give you gifts as well? Your answer would basically answer your question.
Social science and the study of it requires critical analysis of all group activities. Take neuro- marketing for instance, how does that affect a synapse? Does this affect a social pattern which conflicts with hard-wired genetic coding? Anything is subjective. I , for one, don't require social acceptance to determine when I will game a bitch for cash/ gifts. That is my answer.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:02 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2011 06:26 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

hahaha, Like you wouldn't fuck this corpse for that kind of loot? Only thing that would bother me is the smell of formaldehyde when I open her up.

Well, it would be a major challenge to fuck her. I'm sure I wouldn't get up. And if I would, I would never get up afterward.
That's why it is much more difficult for gigolo than for their female equivalents. A chick doesn't have to have a hard-on to perform.

It's as if you are implying that all she wants is sex. I see this a totally different way. Attention, relevance, and comfort.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:51 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:02 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2011 06:26 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

hahaha, Like you wouldn't fuck this corpse for that kind of loot? Only thing that would bother me is the smell of formaldehyde when I open her up.

Well, it would be a major challenge to fuck her. I'm sure I wouldn't get up. And if I would, I would never get up afterward.
That's why it is much more difficult for gigolo than for their female equivalents. A chick doesn't have to have a hard-on to perform.

It's as if you are implying that all she wants is sex. I see this a totally different way. Attention, relevance, and comfort.

At her age, how often do you think she'd want to bang?

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:54 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:51 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:02 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2011 06:26 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

hahaha, Like you wouldn't fuck this corpse for that kind of loot? Only thing that would bother me is the smell of formaldehyde when I open her up.

Well, it would be a major challenge to fuck her. I'm sure I wouldn't get up. And if I would, I would never get up afterward.
That's why it is much more difficult for gigolo than for their female equivalents. A chick doesn't have to have a hard-on to perform.

It's as if you are implying that all she wants is sex. I see this a totally different way. Attention, relevance, and comfort.

At her age, how often do you think she'd want to bang?

My point exactly! She is not offering herself up for sex. This is about her relevance! This requires patience, and not how much dick you could fling at this corpse. The dude fucking her clearly understands this. This is so fucking simple man.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:30 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Social science and the study of it requires critical analysis of all group activities. Take neuro- marketing for instance, how does that affect a synapse? Does this affect a social pattern which conflicts with hard-wired genetic coding? Anything is subjective. I , for one, don't require social acceptance to determine when I will game a bitch for cash/ gifts. That is my answer.

Yes, neuro-markering does affect the emptional synapces, and this is why it is being studied so heavily. Quite expensive though. However there is no conflict at all - in fact it uses your hard-wired genetic coding to achieve the requested result, i.e. sale. If you ask whether it is fair, I would say yes - if you fall for ads, do your homework and read more, you'll quickly get out of marketers' target audience. It is kind of social reprogramming - and when you see some small font in the ad, your brain would immediately interpret it star in the ad as "all we wrote here is fake; our product does nothing of what we say it does, and the whole reason for this ad is to get another sucker to buy it". Anyone can do it, and it is very effective. Makes you quite cynical at the end though.

However there is a difference between not requiring social acceptance and ignoring social acceptance. You may not require it, but you're not ignoring it (for example, because you ask us about it).

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:51 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

It's as if you are implying that all she wants is sex. I see this a totally different way. Attention, relevance, and comfort.

Thing is, she doesn't need a boytoy for that. A 70yo man would actually provide the same much better.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 05:51 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2011 07:25 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

I think he might be saying the same thing when he spoke of making a bitch stand in the snow or rain... I do agree with you that it's' different from a "gigolo".

My point was that a pimp is not just one level higher from gigolo, they're very different. For example, a pimp could get a poor chick, and take all her money even if he knows she is starving, and needs food. She is not a human being to him, so he just uses them, it is one way service. A gigolo would never do that, for him it is more like "business deal" - she gets a guy she'd otherwise wouldn't get (passionate, sensitive to her needs, good listener), and he gets paid. Could a pimp kill his woman? Sure, not a big deal. Could a gigolo? Never.


QUick question for you , what are your views concerning a guy who receives " gifts"/trinkets, from several different women and does not ask for them? Is he a gigolo, a mack, player,just smart? Does one have to be in love , or in a relationship in order for it to be acceptable to receive gifts?

Now it depends on gifts. Some gifts are socially acceptable with no obligations, and do not imply any kind of relationship between you - for example, if a chick in a bar buys me a drink (happens quite often now), there is no reason for her to expect anything in turn, as buying a drink for a stranger is socially acceptable.

However if the same chick offers to pay my rent, the social rules say that such gifts usually come with a string attached, and if I accept this gift, the rules of society (and therefore she) expect me to be on a hook for something. Of course a true sociopath could just say "fuck the society" and accept the gift and do nothing - after all this is a gift - but this pretty much guarantees no future gifts from the same person.

As an example, a lot of employee guides for private companies limit the amount of gifts one can receive from your customers, usually to $25.


Is he a gigolo, a mack, player,just smart? Does one have to be in love , or in a relationship in order for it to be acceptable to receive gifts?

There are implicit rules established by the society regarding gifts, and we all sense them. One just decides to follow them, or not. Do you tell the chick you're receiving gifts from that you have other chicks who give you gifts as well? Your answer would basically answer your question.

Good analysis

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 09:56 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:51 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

It's as if you are implying that all she wants is sex. I see this a totally different way. Attention, relevance, and comfort.

Thing is, she doesn't need a boytoy for that. A 70yo man would actually provide the same much better.

I'm not sure if you read or understand Spanish ,but if you do , and read her history in great detail, (not just an article) this is an attention whore to the bone. A 70 year old man could provide what for her? She stirs up nothing by "marrying" another corpse. I guess I'm confused when you say a 70 year old would "provide the same much better"? Her main goal is attention , which for her is access to maintaining her relevance as a "socialite" in Spain. I'm not sure if wikipedia is a source for you, but it's not for me. I receive updates from Spain as this is part of my heritage.

MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-09-2011 09:54 PM)oldnemesis Wrote:  

Quote: (08-09-2011 06:30 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Social science and the study of it requires critical analysis of all group activities. Take neuro- marketing for instance, how does that affect a synapse? Does this affect a social pattern which conflicts with hard-wired genetic coding? Anything is subjective. I , for one, don't require social acceptance to determine when I will game a bitch for cash/ gifts. That is my answer.

Yes, neuro-markering does affect the emptional synapces, and this is why it is being studied so heavily. Quite expensive though. However there is no conflict at all - in fact it uses your hard-wired genetic coding to achieve the requested result, i.e. sale. If you ask whether it is fair, I would say yes - if you fall for ads, do your homework and read more, you'll quickly get out of marketers' target audience. It is kind of social reprogramming - and when you see some small font in the ad, your brain would immediately interpret it star in the ad as "all we wrote here is fake; our product does nothing of what we say it does, and the whole reason for this ad is to get another sucker to buy it". Anyone can do it, and it is very effective. Makes you quite cynical at the end though.

However there is a difference between not requiring social acceptance and ignoring social acceptance. You may not require it, but you're not ignoring it (for example, because you ask us about it).

Well, my business in neuromarketing. I produced an entire ad for the govt. of Brazil for stds and the effects on your prostate ,and the ability to reproduce. THis was to educate the poor about condom use. Expensive you say?? haha, you think so? Did you know how much that cost? You might be surprised.
You speak of social reprogramming... Lets analyze, and see how to correlate "social reprogramming with the "game " I have steadfast resolve in. You agreed that is was fair, --( dont understand what you mean by this next statement)>>>>"if you fall for ads, you will quickly get out of the marketers audience, and that is kind of a social reprogramming? Your comment then goes on to say something that doesn't make sense,,, maybe you can read it again and tell me what you mean..This>>>( and when you see some small fonts in the ad your brain would immediately interpret it star in ad as).... next, you go on to say,[b] all we wrote here is fake; our product does nothing we says it does; and.. "the whole reason is to get another sucker to buy it". To this I say to you (perhaps you are in this business too). Yes, this a small part of neuro-science, but the ethics concerning the validity of the product and the delivery mechanism or medium you choose ,are separate in nature. It's up to the consumer to decide and cuneiform writings would show you how old this shit is. Gaming these whores is of one of the same. What you see might not be what you get, and I don't mind pushing that product . It's up to her to figure it out. You state, "anyone can do it" , ok, if you say so, no arguments from me, Comrade.
In closing you state , ("makes you quite cynical at the end though"). Are you appealing to the moral majority or to someone who is gaming bitches? I'm not sure who cynical applies to. All in all, good argument, Wish me luck in collecting as much goodies as I can get in this sinister plan. You remain "credulous" ,as I wallow in cynicism.

MILF pussy secrets

Pusscrook, I understand your game better than a lot of cats here mainly because I lived in Tijuana, Mexico where I worked closely with a pimp friend. I know your angle is a little different than pimping, but the goal is the same (getting paid!). I don't see anything wrong with this, but it is more rare for a man to want to get pay for the attention and "dick time" he gives his chica. This guy was 46, fat, and lazy as fuck but he was being taken care of by a working girl.
Females are experts at this game and like some of you had said, it's look as "ok" because according to society or most men pussy is "gold" and worth it. BUT so is your dick, your dick has a price to and she has to pay for it. I did this for 3 months with a working girl and although I won't make many friends here but saying this I felt like a fucking God while I did it. You have no idea how enpowering it feels to have a girl walk in, hand you the money, and tell you "now fuck me papi!".
I no longer want to do this, not because I feel any regret towards receiving money for my "services", but because I couldn't deal with all the baggage that comes with hanging with a working girl (as many have said "pimping ain't easy"). Most do drugs, have shitloads of mental problems, and some would get you into problems that might end up costing your freedom, health, or gracias!
Your "targets" are cleaner though and I wouldn't mind running that type of game on a couple of MILFs I know here in Colombia who own fincas :-) I know one in Barranquilla who is about to get a divorce from an American and will probably get good money out of the deal. I'm sure you will have some advice about that ? :-)


MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-22-2011 09:56 AM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

Pusscrook, I understand your game better than a lot of cats here mainly because I lived in Tijuana, Mexico where I worked closely with a pimp friend. I know your angle is a little different than pimping, but the goal is the same (getting paid!). I don't see anything wrong with this, but it is more rare for a man to want to get pay for the attention and "dick time" he gives his chica. This guy was 46, fat, and lazy as fuck but he was being taken care of by a working girl.
Females are experts at this game and like some of you had said, it's look as "ok" because according to society or most men pussy is "gold" and worth it. BUT so is your dick, your dick has a price to and she has to pay for it. I did this for 3 months with a working girl and although I won't make many friends here but saying this I felt like a fucking God while I did it. You have no idea how enpowering it feels to have a girl walk in, hand you the money, and tell you "now fuck me papi!".
I no longer want to do this, not because I feel any regret towards receiving money for my "services", but because I couldn't deal with all the baggage that comes with hanging with a working girl (as many have said "pimping ain't easy"). Most do drugs, have shitloads of mental problems, and some would get you into problems that might end up costing your freedom, health, or gracias!
Your "targets" are cleaner though and I wouldn't mind running that type of game on a couple of MILFs I know here in Colombia who own fincas :-) I know one in Barranquilla who is about to get a divorce from an American and will probably get good money out of the deal. I'm sure you will have some advice about that ? :-)


Yes yes, I have an apartment in barranquilla, I could prep her for Kidding man,. Whatever you do , don't bash the guy, listen to her "needs" . In essence you have to get into "character". Have you ever heard the song by Prince called "If I was your girlfriend"? The guy truly is a genius at getting whores to worship him.

MILF pussy secrets

PC, obviously my experience is with a working chica, which makes the process of making her pimp pretty straightforward (not easy but simple). I would think that with a MILF, you would have to be her "man" before you do the actually listening? Otherwise, if all you do is listen you might as well fall into the gay friend category...I would also think this would consume less of your time as you don't have to "manage" a MILF like you do a working girl, but I would also think that you would be a big part of any decisions she makes (more so if these concern money)? Wonder how available you are for them as I wouldn't want to be a 24/7 call in service...I'm more like work 4 hours per week and earn as much as possible...income not pussy would be goal her, but you do get both anyways knowing that your dick and listening are as valuable as anything she ever got in life.


MILF pussy secrets

Quote: (08-22-2011 11:12 AM)Jarocho2003 Wrote:  

PC, obviously my experience is with a working chica, which makes the process of making her pimp pretty straightforward (not easy but simple). I would think that with a MILF, you would have to be her "man" before you do the actually listening? Otherwise, if all you do is listen you might as well fall into the gay friend category...I would also think this would consume less of your time as you don't have to "manage" a MILF like you do a working girl, but I would also think that you would be a big part of any decisions she makes (more so if these concern money)? Wonder how available you are for them as I wouldn't want to be a 24/7 call in service...I'm more like work 4 hours per week and earn as much as possible...income not pussy would be goal her, but you do get both anyways knowing that your dick and listening are as valuable as anything she ever got in life.


All valid points, Comrade.

This thing you mentioned..>>"listening", this is the key to your success, and no, you don't have to necessarily be her "man". Think of all the whores you may have listened to but you were neither fucking them or getting gifts them. What did that make you, a friend? A trusted companion? It was something that caused them to tell you their inner most fears, secrets, fantasies, etc. Now, all of this depends on how you define listening. This is listening with your ears.

I hear with my eyes, and I keep my ears closed when I intend on paralyzing that bitches mind. Hope this makes sense because this is really a big part of the game. What you are "listening " for is weakness, stress, lonliness, arrogance, vulnerability etc. This is not about what she says , but it is about reactions, and you learn your counter actions from all her little emotional baggage. Think of her as "wounded prey" that a shark (you) has detected as wounded because of all the right electrical signals. This is why you spend time with them. You get to "see", what they want you to "hear". Not all milfs want you to be her man, even more so, I meet more of them that basically need a "special friend" . They have a way with words, and for those I know, it means they retain independence, but you are there if they need you.This sounds like mumble jumble to some but in reality all we are saying here is taking information that was given to you, analyze it, and using it to your advantage. Whores do this to men allllllll the time so it's not a new thing under the sun.

This could be a 24/7 "job", or, it could be 1 day a week "hobby", but again, that goes back to knowing your "prey". You set the rules after you know the victims needs and what your expectation is.

In terms of being involved in big decisions, question again would be what does she want /what do you want? All this is preliminary information you need in order to assess what you can handle. I would shit in my socks if i had to be around any of these whores 24/7 . You may be surprised to know that they don't want you around that much either.

For the record, this is a hobby for me that I sustain with a lot of psychological warfare and plenty of wood. You will have to lie often, laugh when shit isn't funny, and appear concerned when you fully well know you don't give a flying fuck (most men do that for free right now).

All in all, everything depends on what you want. I wouldn't fuck a milf that I wanted residuals from unless I had her mind in the palm of my hand. Dick slingers are a dime a dozen, and as much as I thought I could fuck a bitch silly, I know guys that can fuck a chick right into the psyche ward and make her want to commit suicide.


MILF pussy secrets

This is such a great thread.

Men have been using women for ages to fund their "business ideas."

If you seem like "a man with a plan," you will find your girls wanting to give you money.

Careful, though. Sometimes they call them "loans." Make sure they know it's an INVESTMENT, not a loan.

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