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MILF pussy secrets - Pusscrook - 08-03-2011


Great fucking forum. Some of these posts should be canonized and read from Mt.Sinai I tell you!

I really have been perfecting the art of deceiving and deep-seeding milfs.

I study these whores time and time again and for one reason only, to get them to pay! Yes , that's right, pay! Whenever I'm state-side , I don't fuck around with spring chickens. This is a lot of drama for me, I receive no wages, and I really don't have that kind of time. If I'm touring I seek out a little fawn to receive punishment.,but other than that, forget it.

For me the secret to pummeling milfs into paying has been the dual face attack. Cynical in nature... this is the classic carrot and stick approach.
Remember these whores are usually a little bit smarter than average, and have heard a thing or two.

I am keen on finding out what ails the bitch .This is an important first step .For instance, the poor thing is going thru a divorce, or having a hard time getting her children to listen. My second move is to ease my way into finding out about the finances but I never do this until I have heard all of the saddening shit first. Remember you want to get paid, be patient Jedi.If all things are equal in these departments she is the Perfect victim! I need to be like a social worker here with this bitch.. Just listen, offer advice, prop up the self-esteem, whatever it takes.

Now, when I feel as though she is coming around, getting better with her life(Heh heh) I drop my sad story bomb on that bitch just the same way. " I don't know what I am doing with my life" type of game.

This idea is to hijack the entire frontal lobe and make her a servant. Yea, even to the point of crippling her ability to apply any logic to your plot. Now, once I see she's more worried about me than herself (sweet) , it's time to knock the entire lining out of this pussy. Now you really have to fuck this woman with reckless abandon. Spare not one fibrous tissue my comrades. If you hit it right, this will lead to more confusion when you are hinting for pay. Now, more confusion means she's not sure why she pays but she knows it seems better WHEN she pays. I have three in rotation right now and averaging about 1500 or so a month. This does not include my gifts ( I deserve them) and I get to experiment with these wounded creatures. Really , some of them I liken unto a wounded deer with a hoof caught in a fence awaiting some hungry lion to devour whatever precious little meat they have left on 'em. I am now placing my check-list of milf pussy secrets below. PLease add some things to the list, or tell a story so that we can all have this wonderful part-time "job". (disclaimer.. I am not a gigolo, just turning the "game" upside down

1. Select proper locations; barnes and nobles, parks, jazz lounge, gym. ( I really like the lounge)
2. Get to know the victim really well. Don't half-step on this one, learn to listen. (my ears have bled doing this shit, but I got paid)!
3. Make sure your sob story matches what you present to her in real life. IE; I have several cars, but I drive a honda with no air condition when seeking out "wounded personnel". I have a house , but an apartment also, nothing fancy, small t.v. etc. <<<<This is what they see(you get the drift).
4. Try your best to stay away from her kids. (Fuck them, these are the worst cockblockers, and eats up way too much profit).. Ask about them but don't start doing shit with the "family".
5. Make references to what you "wish" you had but don't put too much mustard on it. Think of it in terms of a curve ball instead of a hard slider. They are very receptive to "saving" you from your despair.
6. When you finally get to dislodging her "inners" ,go back into sob story mode. Don't get cocky and ruin a pay-day. Oh , and make sure you do dislodge them. This is paramount, and could permanently seal the confusion in her tiny pea brain.
7. Lastly, remain unpredictable, yet close enough to monitor any subtle changes. These things have worked miracles ! The strangest thing is that I learned this all from a thugged out remedial dude who never worked and played on his xbox all day!

I am eager to read any other points for a possible early retirement.Thanks in advance!


MILF pussy secrets - Screwston - 08-03-2011

Haywire should come in this thread. He helped me bang a MILF from POF.

I've never thought about trying to get money out of them....I could use extra money since school is about to start.

MILF pussy secrets - Roosh - 08-03-2011

So the first time they give cash it's voluntary without you asking for a specific amount? Like a gift?

Do you really like these women or do you put on an act just for the money?

MILF pussy secrets - Pusscrook - 08-03-2011

Quote: (08-03-2011 09:00 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

So the first time they give cash it's voluntary without you asking for a specific amount? Like a gift?

Do you really like these women or do you put on an act just for the money?

Roosh, cardinal rule... never ask for money or gifts. It's the hints, the "wishing" you had this and that kind of a conversation that provokes their motherly instinct to "take care" of you.

Example: She calls and she hears some papers being shuffled around in the background.... (setting this bitch up just right). check the convo.

Her : "What's all that noise"?
Me: " Oh, nothing, just looking over something".
Her: "Are you busy'?
Me" No, just a bit stressed , but how are you"?
Her: "I'm fine , but what's wrong" (this is the " I got you bitch "phrase I was waiting to hear)
Me: "Every time I think I'm moving forward, something always comes up. I just don't know anymore. It's o.k. I'll figure it out".... Pause..(rattle papers .... talking to myself like I'm adding up numbers) heh heh.
Her: "Is there anything I can do to help"? (bingo, i got action)
Me: "I just don't know, things are just piling up.. but I"m trying ya' know"
Her" Talk to me., what do you need sweety"? (Yes i am your sweety)
Me: "I'm ashamed ,let's not talk about this".
Her" I won't do anything to hurt you, I want to be there for you . You mean a lot to me . I think about you all the time (I'm creaming in my pants already)
Me" I know,life sucks"
Her: "I've been there too, this is what friends are for, do you need some help paying something"? (bless you my love).
Me: I don't know , I'm trying to see what I can do.
Her: "Just tell me how much you need and don't ever hide anything from me again ok"?
Me" I'm sorry , it's just been hard and I don't want to stress you out or make you think I'm like that.
Her: "Never that.. what we have is special , treat it that way...
Me" Ok, sorry again.

In terms of "liking" them.... This can be interpreted many ways.. I don't usually fuck women I don't like in some way or another. So ,there is some chemistry there. This is neither here or there when I am seeking out "wounded personnel". Now do I like them enough to settle down, breed, this, that, and the other? Ummmm ,no.. This would be blasphemy. Imagine inheriting those bastards and for what? The trick is to appear to have such attributes that they envision in a man they want to spend the rest of their lives with. We are not fucking so many of them because we are looking for love.. It's a conquest, Comrade. BTW,,,this forum is golden

MILF pussy secrets - Spike - 08-03-2011

And some people say i'm a leech....

Your posts show no respect for females at all. You speak of whores,bitches and pussy.

I think you missed out on some motherly love.

Pathetic !

MILF pussy secrets - Geronimo - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-03-2011 11:34 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

And some people say i'm a leech....

Your posts show no respect for females at all. You speak of whores,bitches and pussy.

I think you missed out on some motherly love.

Pathetic !

Isn't that what gaming women is all about??? I may be a beginner with gaming women but I don't have respect for females either because I know what they are capable of.

Anyways, nice thread OP.

MILF pussy secrets - haywire - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-03-2011 08:46 PM)houston Wrote:  

Haywire should come in this thread. He helped me bang a MILF from POF.

I've never thought about trying to get money out of them....I could use extra money since school is about to start.

First, congrats on the bang!

Yes, owing to a great teenage fantasy, I do have some experience gaming milfs and have found they are the easiest when online. I mostly keep daygame/nightgame for younger chicks coz they're alot harder online. In general older women are a lot easier than younger ones, which probably everyone knows - its simple demand and supply.

What OP is suggesting is well, weird and a little amusing, but seriously not my cup of tea. I have much better ways of making money.

MILF pussy secrets - Vicious - 08-04-2011

While I'm not getting into a moral discussion I think the approach the OP takes make him sound like a loser when running his schtick while at the same time crediting older well-of women with being smarter. How does this fit together? The successful MILFs I've known have military spec radar for this kind con.

Personally I think the best way to set yourself up with a sugarmomma is to be either very direct about it making it close to a business transaction. Or be clear about only doing it for a bang at which point they are willing to work for you to stay.

Very simplified approach, I'm on my android here.

MILF pussy secrets - jariel - 08-04-2011

Unless she's a fat bitch, bitches generally only break bread after you've given her some world-class dick.

MILF pussy secrets - Kona - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-03-2011 07:34 PM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

right now and averaging about 1500 or so a month. This does not include my gifts

Do you have a ballpark total for what you've taken down all together?

Please speak more about these gifts, are any of them really big (cash, car,rolex)?

And how far do you take it? For example let's say she's snoring away are you digging through her purse?

You've got 3 in your rotation bringing you $1500/mo, which is a decent side hustle stream, but how much goes into that? If you spend one night a month with each, and there's an envelope with 5 bills in it when you wake up, I'd say you're doing well. Any more than that, seems like a lot of work to me.

How valuable is this thing you've got going???


MILF pussy secrets - afronoob - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-03-2011 11:34 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

And some people say i'm a leech....

Your posts show no respect for females at all. You speak of whores,bitches and pussy.

I think you missed out on some motherly love.

Pathetic !
I get your disapproval but not your shaming tactics.Personally my redline is no force,roofies or similar shit,though I actually don't do classic game . He's getting what he wants;so are the women-exactly what is your objection?

MILF pussy secrets - Samseau - 08-04-2011

I've heard of this sort of game before. What Pusscrook says I believe is true.


While I'm not getting into a moral discussion I think the approach the OP takes make him sound like a loser when running his schtick while at the same time crediting older well-of women with being smarter.

This is the problem, and challenge, however. How does one game a woman into believing your sob story without making yourself look like a loser?

Is it better to fuck her **first** and then lay on the sob stories...? My instinct tells me yes.

MILF pussy secrets - Pusscrook - 08-04-2011

Greeting Comrades....

A very interesting mix bagged of reviewers. I was here to share a part of the "game" and had hoped for responses specifically dealing with the LIST. I will address the "righteous/moral brigade" first, then move on to the other posts. The western world have cause many of us to become quite feminized in how we deal with relationships. It's as if Susan B. Anthony possessed 90% of western men.

To the "pontiff",(Skywalker) apparently you have taken issue with the adjectives "whore, bitches and pussy", and somehow linked this to "motherly love".(hehheh) Often a noble face hides many filthy ways....Give it time, it will grow on you . You are not talking about your beloved wife or mother of your children to set the operation in motion.

To the "this kind of approach makes OP sound like a loser" (Vicious), am I really at a loss? You have no idea how much happier I am to get so much pussy and not have to buy a damn drink, pay for dinner, buy trinkets to keep the pussy happy and around... "Military radar for this kind of con" you say? Have you practiced this fine art? Your instincts tell you this is a con, however, if and when you pay for a drink, movies, dinner, birthday gift, etc. are you being conned? NO, you probably feel some sort of obligation because she's giving you pussy. Coupled that with what society has told you you should do in these situations, and there you have it..."conned" Food for thought Comrade. I wont even address the "sugarmomma" part of this, this is way off base. I have my own money , this is about protecting it. What tax bracket are you in? Tie this into the "game", works for me.

TO "older women are easier than young ones" (haywire)--- That may be true if she's some lonely fat nasty hobbit or some payless shoe wearing, scraggly-hair tree nymph. These are milf prudes I'm talking about. Totally different kettle of fish, that is ripe with knowledge yet naive enough to fall prey. Online game makes no sense to me when I'm hunting these "wounded personnel". For me "wounded personnel is this: She's angry at men, just disgusted. Classic man hater with a sliver of hope . She's going thru the "Phoenix" cycle and I'm all too willing to help her thru her rebirthing process...but at a price. Yes, a price...Heheh .Society has trained us that "you" pay the price, as if to say your dick is a rusty nickel compared to her diamond tip pussy? Did not the Queen of Sheba bring Solomon all the gold just for a visit even though this "pimp" was filthy rich? She paid for time and then eventually some dick! Same rule applies. Put her on rotation. This is not your wife!

To "Let's say she's snoring away, are you digging thru her purse"? (kona) Hilarious! That would make me a thief now wouldn't it? Where did we go wrong? Did the word "crook" in my moniker throw you off? As far as gifts, big or small is not the issue, sometimes they are big, sometimes not. I think the pleasure of getting the gift is what is exciting to me. I never allude to the "gift" I want, I let it happen when they want it to happen. Take for instance, I wanted a Samsung big screen , complete with 5.1, so one day I said "let's go to best buy to pick up a cd"..heheh.. Got there, got my cd, then I eased on over to the t.v section. I was browsing you know.... then I put the game in motion. First, I checked to see if she was looking with the same intensity as I was at the same exact t.v... Then I asked the salesperson a dumb countrified question.."How is it possible that this t.v. is so clear"? Resolution shit ...blah blah blah.... I"m totally blown away by his knowledge(rolling eyes). Now I pick up a brochure , (meanwhile he's selling it to me hard ) and I'm peeping out of one fucking eye to see if she's listening..(hehheh) . She questioned me about what kind of t.v. do I have now. Bingo. She wants to be relevant, not ignored...fine with me. Jump in babes, take over, all yours. 2 weeks later ,I have my t.v.
In terms of how much goes into this, post to pillar, I give them 30 days probation so I can sift thru the shit first. Anything past 6 months with no residuals is grounds for dismissal. This is not for the faint of heart, patience is the key. I have a friend who is now driving a sweet beamer with no payments. He's a barber! Took him a year to get it..Time is not science in this business.

To: "I could use some extra money since school is about to start(Houston). Word of caution,return on investment can take some time , don't set yourself up for failure thinking she will break you off a few tokens quickly.I mean if you're talking about a note pad, or a pen, you could get that all day but you want tuition payments, laptops, and so forth. Dial your instincts in... you will become a wolf and you will be able to sniff them out 5 meters away. In the mean time, get "you" right and let this part of your game be a "supplement" . Good luck.

*To those offended , often times the field cannot well be seen from within the field.


MILF pussy secrets - Kona - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-04-2011 07:29 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Did the word "crook" in my moniker throw you off?

It did. Don't think for a second that I'm hating, because this is interesting to me.

Quote: (08-04-2011 07:29 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

As far as gifts, big or small is not the issue, sometimes they are big, sometimes not. I think the pleasure of getting the gift is what is exciting to me.

You aren't necessarily in it for the money, it's a rush?

So let's say a woman buys you a Rolex, then another gives you her dead grandfathers Casio, which is way more valuable to her, are you happier about the Casio?

How do you get the $1500 regularly from the 3 women? Are they just handing you cash?

Has a brother, or son since I'd imagine these women are older, ever come after you and just beat your ass, or have the cops ever gotten involved?

You mention you really love the Rooshv Forum. Have you studied a lot of game related materials in the past, or did you always have a knack for the ladies?

Quote: (08-04-2011 07:29 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

I have a friend who is now driving a sweet beamer with no payments. He's a barber! Took him a year to get it

Damn, so you have a crew you work with. Is it just you and the barber, or are there others?


MILF pussy secrets - haywire - 08-04-2011

LMFAO [Image: lol.gif]:laugh[Image: lol.gif]

Pusscrook, man, I must say you are a sublime class act.

The player community, no, rather the entire world for that matter, is honored to have you [Image: banana.gif]

MILF pussy secrets - Pusscrook - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-04-2011 08:40 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (08-04-2011 07:29 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

Did the word "crook" in my moniker throw you off?

It did. Don't think for a second that I'm hating, because this is interesting to me.

answer: Of course it is of interest, what's better than fucking and getting a few tokens to add to the fun? Don't let these "you're a loser or user" monkeys fool you. You have been conditioned to just give and give and give. You would be suicidal if one day you received something from a woman and didn't ask for it. Try it. Guarantee you the thought of paying will make you throw up when it comes up. Remember, this is not your wife! You certainly don't want to inherit her baggage, so what's left really? She gets serviced properly , loves your advice, and feels that she can finally be herself with you. You on the other hand, get to pummel at will and take a trip to best buy/prada/car dealership, occasionally. Figure it out. Quite mutual if you ask me.

Quote: (08-04-2011 07:29 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

As far as gifts, big or small is not the issue, sometimes they are big, sometimes not. I think the pleasure of getting the gift is what is exciting to me.

You aren't necessarily in it for the money, it's a rush?

answer: I'm in it for whatever they want to give me, be it time or gifts. I tend to like both simultaneously if at all possible.

So let's say a woman buys you a Rolex, then another gives you her dead grandfathers Casio, which is way more valuable to her, are you happier about the Casio?

answer: I am happy with a stick of gum if that's what she thinks the secret to my heart is. Long term, comrade, think long term.

How do you get the $1500 regularly from the 3 women? Are they just handing you cash?

answer: you have to keep a log.. "rotate the rotation", one pays this , another gives me something else.. I don't have them wanting to do the same thing all the time. You drop hints.. (the wish list). Never ask ! Sometimes it has to look like I am doing something on my own. (hehheh)

Has a brother, or son since I'd imagine these women are older, ever come after you and just beat your ass, or have the cops ever gotten involved?

answer: Why would the cops get involved, is there a crime being committed? "crook" thing again , Kono? All things are voluntary, and I make no promises, so, no ass to beat here.

You mention you really love the Rooshv Forum. Have you studied a lot of game related materials in the past, or did you always have a knack for the ladies?

answer: I don't know if the word is a "knack" , just observation. Pays off to pay attention sometimes. I guess some may call it, "studying game material". I just learn what works and move right along. This is not nanotechnology.

Quote: (08-04-2011 07:29 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

I have a friend who is now driving a sweet beamer with no payments. He's a barber! Took him a year to get it

Damn, so you have a crew you work with. Is it just you and the barber, or are there others?

answer: it's just a real life example, no crew needed, no meetings, no dues to pay, and no , no books or manuals. I do keep an excel program to plug in who is in rotation and for what purpose.


MILF pussy secrets - Pusscrook - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-04-2011 09:07 AM)haywire Wrote:  

LMFAO [Image: lol.gif]:laugh[Image: lol.gif]

Pusscrook, man, I must say you are a sublime class act.

The player community, no, rather the entire world for that matter, is honored to have you [Image: banana.gif]

Thank you for the welcome Comrade Haywire! I really like to see the "community" stick together. I am not here to debate how a person"feels". I mean, this is not marriage . This can be war sometimes with these whores(oops my head will be served on a platter). I really do find this forum to be quite fulfilling and I am sure I can learn a thing or two from the masters here. I just have another mode of operation. I really do love my money, and I am more and more reluctant to part with it just because I am getting some "pussy". I urge all of you to think about what happens after you buy these whores something.. Let's say you buy her a set form victoria secrets, (yes this is a good thing), and you put a lot of heart into it. You know this whore will wear it for the next bastard when she's sucking him clean! Now keep doing this and think of how YOU look!

I say to you , there is joy in repetition, (fucking a lot of chicks) but get some tokens man!

MILF pussy secrets - Spike - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-04-2011 01:38 AM)Geronimo Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2011 11:34 PM)Neil Skywalker Wrote:  

And some people say i'm a leech....

Your posts show no respect for females at all. You speak of whores,bitches and pussy.

I think you missed out on some motherly love.

Pathetic !

Isn't that what gaming women is all about??? I may be a beginner with gaming women but I don't have respect for females either because I know what they are capable of.

Anyways, nice thread OP.

Clearly you don't have a clue about gaming.

Gaming is not about "getting back" at the "bitch" you couldn't get when younger or in high school.

I don't treat or name girls bitches,whores or pussy. Its disrespectful and its exactly like girls trying to get drinks out of you or treating you like a walking atm. Only its the other way around.

The danger in threads like this is that inexperienced gamers see this as truth and start treating girls like shit. Have some morals.
Go for the golden middle rule. Dont be a pussy and dont be a dick to a girl.

Greetz Neil

MILF pussy secrets - Vicious - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-04-2011 07:29 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

To the "this kind of approach makes OP sound like a loser" (Vicious), am I really at a loss? You have no idea how much happier I am to get so much pussy and not have to buy a damn drink, pay for dinner, buy trinkets to keep the pussy happy and around... "Military radar for this kind of con" you say? Have you practiced this fine art? Your instincts tell you this is a con, however, if and when you pay for a drink, movies, dinner, birthday gift, etc. are you being conned? NO, you probably feel some sort of obligation because she's giving you pussy. Coupled that with what society has told you you should do in these situations, and there you have it..."conned" Food for thought Comrade. I wont even address the "sugarmomma" part of this, this is way off base. I have my own money , this is about protecting it. What tax bracket are you in? Tie this into the "game", works for me.

For a start. Please use proper [ Quote ] tags. It was only a coincidence that I noticed that you had replied to me at all.

I'll say that I might sound sceptic. And I am, it doesn't necessarily mean what you do don't works but when someone "new" is around I usually take a questioning stance until I know he's the real deal.

You're not really demonstrating any process or technology but only providing a few pointers. In fact your posts above are filled with promises of gold at the end of the rainbow with very little detail on what you're actually doing/saying/communicating. This is taken further in your reply above in that you are addressing my concerns with counter-questions. While this is a good rhetorical device in any given debate its not putting any of my doubts to rest. So the vague tone of your posts means there's really nothing there that I can absorb and apply to my game.

I mean listen to this:
This idea is to hijack the entire frontal lobe and make her a servant. Yea, even to the point of crippling her ability to apply any logic to your plot.

What does than even mean!? And why do you brush over something like that but instead rush on to put detail into how the move boils down to going to a book store, becoming a shoulder for her to cry on and then break out your own sob story. Seriously, I can't see how this is working from the check-list you're providing.

For my part I'm currently in an arrangement where I provide a minority of the finances in our joint ventures. The lady in question is several years younger than me though. I have however picked up MILFs before. As I frequently travel in business I tend to bump into them in hotel bars all over the world. Of the ones I have scored I can't think of a single one that would find a man appealing that according to himself "doesn't know what he's doing with his life". Heck, I can't think of any woman in any culture or age-category that would be attracted to a man that doesn't have a firm center and direction in life (being a non-planning maverick IS a direction).

I'm not hating here, I just think that you are excluding way too much detail. It's like Mixx or Roosh would come onto the forum way back in 2005 talking high and wide about all the talent they are pulling without showing anything for it or acknowledging all the immense work that behind the results.

MILF pussy secrets - truedat - 08-04-2011

Here is my 2 cents. How many woman pull this same game on men? Im thinking 90%+. Right or wrong, i like the laws of Karma.

MILF pussy secrets - Pusscrook - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-04-2011 11:42 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

Quote: (08-04-2011 07:29 AM)Pusscrook Wrote:  

To the "this kind of approach makes OP sound like a loser" (Vicious), am I really at a loss? You have no idea how much happier I am to get so much pussy and not have to buy a damn drink, pay for dinner, buy trinkets to keep the pussy happy and around... "Military radar for this kind of con" you say? Have you practiced this fine art? Your instincts tell you this is a con, however, if and when you pay for a drink, movies, dinner, birthday gift, etc. are you being conned? NO, you probably feel some sort of obligation because she's giving you pussy. Coupled that with what society has told you you should do in these situations, and there you have it..."conned" Food for thought Comrade. I wont even address the "sugarmomma" part of this, this is way off base. I have my own money , this is about protecting it. What tax bracket are you in? Tie this into the "game", works for me.

For a start. Please use proper [ Quote ] tags. It was only a coincidence that I noticed that you had replied to me at all.

I'll say that I might sound sceptic. And I am, it doesn't necessarily mean what you do don't works but when someone "new" is around I usually take a questioning stance until I know he's the real deal.

You're not really demonstrating any process or technology but only providing a few pointers. In fact your posts above are filled with promises of gold at the end of the rainbow with very little detail on what you're actually doing/saying/communicating. This is taken further in your reply above in that you are addressing my concerns with counter-questions. While this is a good rhetorical device in any given debate its not putting any of my doubts to rest. So the vague tone of your posts means there's really nothing there that I can absorb and apply to my game.

I mean listen to this:
This idea is to hijack the entire frontal lobe and make her a servant. Yea, even to the point of crippling her ability to apply any logic to your plot.

What does than even mean!? And why do you brush over something like that but instead rush on to put detail into how the move boils down to going to a book store, becoming a shoulder for her to cry on and then break out your own sob story. Seriously, I can't see how this is working from the check-list you're providing.

For my part I'm currently in an arrangement where I provide a minority of the finances in our joint ventures. The lady in question is several years younger than me though. I have however picked up MILFs before. As I frequently travel in business I tend to bump into them in hotel bars all over the world. Of the ones I have scored I can't think of a single one that would find a man appealing that according to himself "doesn't know what he's doing with his life". Heck, I can't think of any woman in any culture or age-category that would be attracted to a man that doesn't have a firm center and direction in life (being a non-planning maverick IS a direction).

I'm not hating here, I just think that you are excluding way too much detail. It's like Mixx or Roosh would come onto the forum way back in 2005 talking high and wide about all the talent they are pulling without showing anything for it or acknowledging all the immense work that behind the results.

Yes, so these things seems to you . You went from sounds like a "loser" (first post) to are you the "real deal" analysis. It's really simple, ask a specific question instead of bloviating about what you might think I am saying. Of course the details are general . We can always go into detail at any time and actually if you read my answers to kona( did you )?, you will see that more and more details are coming out as he or others ask more questions. You said you can't find any woman of any age-culture that would be attracted to a man who has no direction in life. Do you even understand why I even told her" I don't know what I'm doing with my life"? (you missed the point of that part of the conversation and the entire post quite frankly). Reread it and understand why I made that statement. This is hilarious. I respect your opinion , and as always often times the field cannot be well seen from within the field.

MILF pussy secrets - Pusscrook - 08-04-2011

Quote: (08-04-2011 12:01 PM)truedat Wrote:  

Here is my 2 cents. How many woman pull this same game on men? Im thinking 90%+. Right or wrong, i like the laws of Karma.

Trudat, you may be right. I have not seen any studies on it, but I can tell you this, I meet women all the time who brag about their spoils. It seems to give them some sort of satisfaction that they "broke" him down , made him beg, cry, shit on himself, etc. I am not sure whether I would label this "karma" because I don't allow these women to get me in that type of a situation. This thing that I am doing, I will surely call it "game"!

MILF pussy secrets - Blackhawk - 08-04-2011

There's a whole older women contingent that seems doomed to follow the arc of Marjorie Merriweather Post's life: They spend a life navigating rich powerful men while building up wealth divorce after divorce, then hit old age and senility and fall for a flaming faggot that burns through their cash while hiring every cute gay guy they can as cabana boy, stable boy, etc. helping her buy fabulous (and overpriced) antiques from his buddies Dickie and Ray, and otherwise siphoning off every penny they can to their friend's businesses before it all runs out.

San Francisco in particular has a whole scene where moderately well off widows in their 60s and 70s move out here to be socialites, and well groomed gay men in their 40s and 50s latch on to them like lamprey eels, pat their hand a few times telling them how beautiful they still look (but never actually sex them up) while draining all their money, then move on to the next one.

The really sad thing is these elderly dodos uniformly don't see their new escort is (1) gay, not straight and (2) That he's screwing every one in her new all male household except her.

This may just be the natural result of golddiggers that have become too adept at eliminating all female competition from their own male targets: They are so overtuned to scanning for infidelity with other women that they have zero gaydar and are defenseless to his playing for the other team. Her beau spending so much time with his male tennis instructor and coming back always tired? He's just exercising, even if he never seems to lose any weight. And those fabulous male-only parties over and over again where she's the only female in the room? Isn't that every girl's dream? Sure they sneak off in twos and threes to the back room, but that's just because they're too polite to drink whiskey in front of her, of course. Isn't it fabulous to have so much male attention? It's like being the only woman in an well groomed, artsy and world traveled all male penitentiary!

I would love Pusscrook to give that crowd some competition.

MILF pussy secrets - Roosh - 08-04-2011

Neil: You're talking about morals and respect like you're my grandfather but you have a blog that is SOLELY about banging women! Imagine if the guys here judged you about that. Pusscrook has taken the time to share his game. This isn't a hate forum... let him share. I know you're new here but this forum is built on guys from different backgrounds sharing what they know. You don't have to do what he recommends.

There may be a point when all of us is down our luck money-wise and may have to use these tips to leverage game into a pay day. As long as Pusscrook is not directly stealing from the girl, I don't see any moral issue.

That said, it looks like I found a backup career. [Image: smile.gif]

Play on, Pusscrock.

MILF pussy secrets - blurb - 08-04-2011

Let's be honest here. No one is born a natural. You're lying if you're saying that no woman has ever mistreated you. At some point or another, a man will get hurt by a woman.

There is a thread on "How Not to Become a Misogynist." Look it up.

I think that the bitterness that you sometimes see with men stems from two sources:

1) Discovering Game late in life. Years and years spent in virtual celibacy with mounting sexual frustration while almost all women (and a handful of men) have " lived it up" and enjoyed casual sex. The bitterness adds even more if the man had spent doing something productive such as getting an education and contributing to society only to realize what could have been if he had only known Game when he was younger. So, when the 16 Commandments of Poon are finally read from Mt.Sinai to him, the man turns into the biggest negging, teaser, player, pump-and-dumper on the planet.

2) Getting so good at Game and sleeping with so many women that you become hardened and have a harder time having a meaningful relationship with a special woman. This probably describes Roissy the best. Even though he (supposedly) had been gaming women since high school, he's become so good that at it and slept with so many women that it becomes hard not to immediately think of a woman as a whore until she proves herself.

In the end, what is Game? I like definition provided by Roissy: Unshakable Supreme Confidence. It doesn't matter what you say; rather, it's how you say it. It's how your body language delivers your intention. It's how you sell your pitch. So much of Game is basically just relearning what our past ancestors already knew (men age like wine, women age like milk, etc.).

This is mostly due to feminism and the chokehold that political correctness has on society. How can boys grow up to become strong, confident, and independent men when they don't even have a father present in the house to teach them? A lot of boys grow up with fathers, but they might as well not have a father because he is virtually absent in their lives (works too much, too much of a beta, etc.). If a man tries to teach his son how to "be a real man," the political correctness secret police hound the man like a heretic. Much truth has been lost or suppressed by political correctness and feminism. Masculinity is downplayed, while femininity is praised.

"Men and women are equal."

"There is virtually no difference between men and women."

"Gender roles are the result of an evil patriarchal social structure."

"A woman can do anything a man can do."

And on and on and on...

For much of history, women were second-class citizens and men were seen as higher-status and had more rights and privileges so it was like Game was virtually written in stone in the legal system and culture. Men did not need to know Game and spit negs at women to demonstrate a higher value simply because a man was, by default, seen as higher value.