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Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

I don't think it's heavy one side or the othWe. Basically all the girls I talked to had never been to the US, but wanted to visit, not nessessarily live. The ones that had traveled a bit had been to Budapest, Turkey or Egypt. I'm sure there are some actively trying to get out, but the ones I talked to weren't the type.. go to Arena a lot and it may be a different story.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (09-30-2016 03:22 AM)Schlep Wrote:  

@ Vancity29

Yes, I have to agree with your last two posts. I'm also currently in Kiev. The quality here is just unmatched. I can sit in a cafe on Khreschatyk street and just spend all day in amazement. People on here talk about the 9's and 10's. I personally prefer the 7.5 - 8.5 with natural beauty, not alot of makeup and dressed more conservative. They are my preference and in abundance here in Kiev.

My last two trips abroad have been to the phils and it's been a big learning experience to say the least. I've struggled badly since the day I arrived. Getting dates for me is easy but, converting them into second and third dates not so much. And, I will admit I'm not killing it in my own country. Overall, I absolutely love this city. I can walk around all hours of the city and have never felt unsafe. Everything is cheap. The food is delicious and inexpensive. The women have been difficult and frustrating but, realize that the problem is with myself. At first I was being hard on myself but, now I realize that you can't expect to completely understand the women on your first trip to Europe in only three weeks.

Edit: If your looking to find a location to live and find a quality wife. This would be a great choice in my opinion. You can live on 1,500$ easily if you cook most of your own meals, rely on public transportation and avoid nightclubs. My current apartment is a little far from city center but, very nice. I could rent for 500$ a month if I wanted.


With $1500 you can eat ever meal in a restaurant, take taxis, and go to clubs every night.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

I just got back from spending 4 days in Kiev here are my opinions.

Cost of Living:

You can defiantly get by on $1k/month at the modest to high end of living (compared to how locals live) and $600/month level living like a local and being able to survive comfortably.

Beauty of Women:

If a 10 for you is, like a poster above described, a Victoria's Secret Angel model, then yes, they are very few, you might see maybe 5 of them in 1 week of being here. Why is that? Because these are the top 1% of the beautiful girls in the world, that's why they become such high prestigious models, BECAUSE THEY ARE RARE AND THE TOP %. In my opinion, these models should be classed in a class of their own, 20 on the scale of 10. They are rare in any city in the world. If anyone claims there is a city where these types are everywhere, I will call BS on that.

The majority of "10s" in Kiev, in my opinion, are the ones that are made up the fakest (nails, makeup, hair dye, etc.) and wear the skimpiest most revealing clothing. They are experts at drawing men's attention the best so henceforth we use them as a gauge when considering their surrounding counterparts. They know how to wear the right tight thing to reveal their seductive curves, the right heels to pop their asses to catch your eye, the right bra to show just enough cleavage, they are very strategic in what they do and they are used to and know how to act with the attention they get from their looks. They are comfortable with their enhanced beauty and carry themselves well. Naturally they stand out from the rest so we focus and notice them the most.

Although many of these types in Kiev are still 7,8, even 9s when you peel the layers off, I've noticed that many also AREN'T when you get a good enough up-close look at them. The good news though is you get one of these "10s" you're actually still getting at least a 7/8 or 9 (they're banging bodies make up for the flaws they hide). In the west, they overdo it so much with the fakeness that if you get a really good look at those "10s" equivalent to Kiev's "10s" when you remove all the fluff you're actually getting on average a 6, 7, possibly 8 from the Western gals.

So in general, a real 10 is a supermodel, a girl making herself out to be a 10 is still a very good pull if you can get her, and the ones that you'll see in Kiev that you rate 10/9 are far better in actuality to the 10s/9s in the West.

All that talk is only if you're obsessed with "10s" and perfection ect. which is all silly talk because no one is pulling these types consistently unless they have tons of status/abundance of wealth. Let's just be real, that's just how it is. Anytime I hear someone talking about not enough 10s in a city, it just screams to me, "my game sucks and I have to make excuses for why I'm not pulling." Anytime I read someone claiming he's pulling and banging tons of 10s, I also call BS unless he can elaborate or post some solid reason or method to how he's doing it. I'm just being real here. Status/Wealth/Top 1% of Game, or you're not doing it if you can't elaborate or give real examples how.

Now the real breakdown of the looks of the average girl. There are more beautiful women here per capita than any western city you will visit. I believe an average man, if walking into any busy street corner and doing a freeze frame, and then of all the girls in that frozen frame he were to choose which one's he would bang, the number will be in the 70% to 80% range easy. Now what does that mean? take away the girls walking with guys, the ones on their phones or occupied, and that leaves you with at least 4 to 5 out of every 10 girls you see that are worth approaching.

These are huge Ratio's compared to other cities I have been to or seen. Beauty is virtually everywhere here. Nice faces, very good fashion, banging bodies, no fatties, blondes, brunettes, bubble asses, long legs, whatever gets you going most, you can find it fast and use it as motivation to approach. There are literally no excuses you can use here, if you come here to game, and you're not doing that, sit down you're a failure, or delude yourself into thinking "there's no 10s and that's why you're not opening" any of them.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Other Foreigners:

In the day time I didn't run into too many compared to the amount I saw in the evening. The two that stick out to me the most was this Italian guy, around 50 at least, about 5'8 hitting on a girl behind him in line getting coffee, although he looked hideous, he was dressed in expensive clothes but the way he mixed his fashion sucked, however he was doing very good with the girl he was hitting on, she couldn't have been older than 22. He was talking about how he drank too much last night, and being to Odessa, and wanting to take her there, and making a few jokes. The girl was receptive and after she got her coffee he pulled her aside and got her number. Who knows if it will go anywhere but she could've blown him off easily but didn't and seemed into it. Def a sponsor type relationship if anything happens of it but if the guy's game is tight he might lay her without having to spend much of anything while just getting her hopes up.

The other foreigner I saw was at a park, a fat, low-t looking beta male with a fanny pack, Canadian/American not sure, his body language screamed beta, but even this blob was talking to a very pretty girl with a nice body, he seemed more nervous than her, while her body language was pointed at him relaxed and she genuinely was curious to hear him out and talking back to him with a smile. I caught this as I passed them and observed from the side so don't know the full context of the situation but if this guy can get attention like that from day game. NO EXCUSES from anyone else.

As far as the clubs I went to, I did see quite a few foreigners, Turks, Brits, Irish, and Americans. Nothing stood out to me about them except for the ones that did have girls with them, it appeared that the men were just spending money for the girls to entertaining themselves. Occasionally the guys would get some attention out of it but mainly the girls were taking pics together, dancing together, etc. I don't know the full story of what went down after the club or before so I can't comment, some might have gotten the bang, others I'm sure just got a fat check to pay off.

Attitude of Girls

While in the city I mainly did Day Game. I opened up around 30 or so different sets using mainly indirect/direct I didn't get one negative response the whole time. I do however consider myself good at day game as far as making the approaches that seem natural and with a good chill no expectations vibe. The girls picked up on that and engaged me enough to make conversation from a brief 1 minute interaction, to 10+ minutes conversations with a others. The downside is the English, my game relies on being able to cause attraction through humor, intelligence, flirting, and creativity, I wasn't able to do any of this with any of the girls because it was a struggle for us to communicate. So what I got out of every set was just me gauging their personality, openness, curiosity, and looks, but I didn't even attempt to #close any of them because I wouldn't waste any time taking one out struggling to even talk with her. To conclude, if you'll be spending 1week plus in the city, do a lot of day-game, the girls are warm if you approach well, and if you find the one that speaks enough English, it will be on.

The Girl I Did Take Out:

The night before I left, I took out none other than the very cute 21year old girl that worked at the hostel where I was staying. I saw her everyday while I was there and just made brief conversation with her while mostly ignoring her. I was gaming her by acting like I didn't care less about her. The more she paid attention to me, and got into my conversations with others, the more I knew it was working. I slowly started turning up the attention to her, and then I would pull away. Like get up and leave when she would come sit down next to me on the couch watching TV, to moments later coming up behind her in the kitchen and going "Boo" behind her back. This girl spoke decent english and I could tell my games were working. So on my 2nd to last day there while I was at the hostel I went hard on her, flirting, tickling, and paying her attention. It worked like a charm, I got her Viber too. The next day while out in the city I was chatting her a bit on there, and after ignoring her last message she finally asked me out before I got to it. I took her to have a drink in Arena City where she's never been, then bounced her to Coyote Ugly, made out with her a lot, rubbed her up, she rubbed me down and then took her back to the hostel where she's also living and I had to get 2hrs of sleep before waking up to catch a train for Lviv. If I would have been there another night I would have had her. She still writes me messages on Viber but I prob won't go back to Kiev.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-02-2016 05:54 PM)Vancity29 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2016 05:16 AM)freeloader Wrote:  

Excuse me, but what are you talking about my friend? Of course I'm not a 10, but what do you think game is for, what the heck do you think this forum is for? For 10s who wanna get access to other 10s? Ever heard of GAME? It's for make her believe that YOU are a 10 and she will regret for the rest of her life if she passed on you. It is about upping your scale for at least 3 notches.

Using game I have given more 10s the pleasure of sharing the bed with me than you probably have ever even caught a sight of. Rest assured, they are not out of my league. And believe me, after you have been with a 9 or 10 any 6 or 7 is nothing more than a diversion that you consume with as much pleasure as watching a soccer game of the third league. It's like skiing in an indoor hall after having skied the deep powder snow of remote canadian mountains.

well I don't know who you are. I don't know your looks and don't know your level of game. All I know of you Is your latest Kiev trip reports where you came across a little butt hurt and it sounded like you didn't do so good. To say Kiev has low talent is absurd. Most of the roosh guys here thought you were just trolling.

My concept of a 10 is supermodel level. Victoria secret. Now of course with GAME you can bang up. But If your game was that tight that you have banged as many 10s as you say, I find it hard to believe you would even come to the roosh forum to search advice and vent your frustrations on your kiev trip.

But what do I know.... I don't know you and maybe you are legit. Not trying to start an argument with you. Wish you all the best man and if you find that spot with all the 10s walking on the street, Don't ruin it by posting about it. Just send me a PM [Image: smile.gif]

My posts were about my time in Kiev, where I never ever banged anything above a 7+. Also not on previous trips. My only 10 in Ukraine actually was in 2011, but in a smaller city.

All other 9s or 10s I had in my life were in my home country, and came mostly through my social circle. Without game I wouldn't have won them, but they were never ONS, always LTR > 3 months. Pulling on this level for short term or ONS in the open field is for the Masters, I guess. I have a friend who is a true Master, a very very talented guy with a lot of experience, who just closed a 9 in Poland, from daygame, but this guy's game ... he plays in another league. He wouldn't go on this forum. What for? He doesn't need it. I'm quite sure that in a direct battle he would even put Roosh to shame. And he does it without throwing any money around, he doesn't even dress sharp.

I'm not ashamed to say that I hardly ever pulled a 9 or 10 from the field while travelling. I admit that my game is not good enough for that. Yet.

Yes my game in Kiev on this trip was mediocre. I wasn't dressed well enough and probably settled too fast for the 7s. But I want to try again and for this I am grateful for any advice.

Why any of my posts should be associated to trolling remains a secret to me.

One thing that just comes to my mind: I know a couple of 10s in my home town. You would not recognize their beauty out on the street or in the supermarket. They hide their beauty when they go shopping or to work, because otherwise they just get stared at and hassled on too much. They hide their hair and camouflage their bodies in big and wide clothes.
Like I said, in some parts of Ukraine this used to be different, and I suspect the whole PUA movement had an influence on that.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Has anybody ever stayed around the Ocean Park mall ?

Any good around apts around ?

Seems like great traffic for day gaming when I was there last month.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-05-2016 08:38 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Has anybody ever stayed around the Ocean Park mall ?

Any good around apts around ?

Seems like great traffic for day gaming when I was there last month.

Ocean Plaza...yes

It's a decent area to live, shopping centre is handy when it's mega cold in Winter. Also only about 4 stops from Kreshatik. Rent for a nice two room apartment about $500 a month

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-05-2016 04:53 PM)Henny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2016 08:38 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Has anybody ever stayed around the Ocean Park mall ?

Any good around apts around ?

Seems like great traffic for day gaming when I was there last month.

Ocean Plaza...yes

It's a decent area to live, shopping centre is handy when it's mega cold in Winter. Also only about 4 stops from Kreshatik. Rent for a nice two room apartment about $500 a month

And in the summer, it's right next to City Beach Club.

Also, something I meant to mention that I never did.

If you are looking to get an amazing haircut in Kiev, there is a place called Firm ( Probably the best haircut I've ever had in my entire life. Not the cheapest, but like $16 + I normally left a $4 tip (500HR). Also, it takes about an hour, but sit back, enjoy the beer/whiskey/coffee, and let them do their magic. It is located about a block from St Michael's Cathedral.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-03-2016 07:15 AM)TrailBlazer Wrote:  

I just got back from spending 4 days in Kiev here are my opinions.

Cost of Living:

You can defiantly get by on $1k/month at the modest to high end of living (compared to how locals live) and $600/month level living like a local and being able to survive comfortably.

Beauty of Women:

If a 10 for you is, like a poster above described, a Victoria's Secret Angel model, then yes, they are very few, you might see maybe 5 of them in 1 week of being here. Why is that? Because these are the top 1% of the beautiful girls in the world, that's why they become such high prestigious models, BECAUSE THEY ARE RARE AND THE TOP %. In my opinion, these models should be classed in a class of their own, 20 on the scale of 10. They are rare in any city in the world. If anyone claims there is a city where these types are everywhere, I will call BS on that.

The majority of "10s" in Kiev, in my opinion, are the ones that are made up the fakest (nails, makeup, hair dye, etc.) and wear the skimpiest most revealing clothing. They are experts at drawing men's attention the best so henceforth we use them as a gauge when considering their surrounding counterparts. They know how to wear the right tight thing to reveal their seductive curves, the right heels to pop their asses to catch your eye, the right bra to show just enough cleavage, they are very strategic in what they do and they are used to and know how to act with the attention they get from their looks. They are comfortable with their enhanced beauty and carry themselves well. Naturally they stand out from the rest so we focus and notice them the most.

Just repped you and OP. This was great description to help one who has never visited have a better idea of the area.

By any chance can you or anybody reading this thread post pics or vids? I can't seem to find anything that shows this. As a reference, in Tokyo and Seoul in the Roppongi and Gangnam areas, there are many sexy dressed girls and you can find videos and pictures substantiating this. I haven't seen any showing the traffic streams of sexiness in Kiev.

Thanks in advance!

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-05-2016 04:53 PM)Henny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2016 08:38 AM)rishboy77 Wrote:  

Has anybody ever stayed around the Ocean Park mall ?

Any good around apts around ?

Seems like great traffic for day gaming when I was there last month.

Ocean Plaza...yes

It's a decent area to live, shopping centre is handy when it's mega cold in Winter. Also only about 4 stops from Kreshatik. Rent for a nice two room apartment about $500 a month

The biggest thing about living there is that you're far away from the crew of RVF'ers.

Four metro stops seems like a lot to hit the gym with a buddy or go to lunch. Especially every day.

I'd know, I lived in Podil last month. Never again!

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

^ Have to agree. I just returned from Kiev. I stayed on Bastionna street kinda close to the mall. Always had plenty of RVF members to hang with but they were to far away.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-05-2016 06:44 PM)fucksong Wrote:  

By any chance can you or anybody reading this thread post pics or vids? I can't seem to find anything that shows this. As a reference, in Tokyo and Seoul in the Roppongi and Gangnam areas, there are many sexy dressed girls and you can find videos and pictures substantiating this. I haven't seen any showing the traffic streams of sexiness in Kiev.

Thanks in advance!

This will give you an idea of the women in Kiev:

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

these instagram links do not work for me

maybe screenshot and post the whole gallery?

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-08-2016 10:18 AM)the6ix Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2016 06:44 PM)fucksong Wrote:  

By any chance can you or anybody reading this thread post pics or vids? I can't seem to find anything that shows this. As a reference, in Tokyo and Seoul in the Roppongi and Gangnam areas, there are many sexy dressed girls and you can find videos and pictures substantiating this. I haven't seen any showing the traffic streams of sexiness in Kiev.

Thanks in advance!

This will give you an idea of the women in Kiev:

The girls are far better looking than the guys from what I can see... damn. Thanks for motivating.

it seems like Insta is super important out there... is that true?

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

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Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-08-2016 02:54 PM)torid Wrote:  

these instagram links do not work for me

maybe screenshot and post the whole gallery?

Here you go, it's just the top 9 from each place but it'll give you an idea.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-08-2016 08:52 PM)kirdiesel Wrote:  

it seems like Insta is super important out there... is that true?

I definitely like using Insta for game. Especially when the girl doesn't speak perfect english, it's a good way to build some rapport. Girls by nature like stalking instagram accounts, and it's easier to get an Instagram username than a phone number, but just as effective as you can message them on there.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

What I love about Ukraine and the women is that they respect a high value man when they see one! [Image: kissy.gif]

A guy who is successful in Ukraine get's an insight of what it's like to be a celebrity.

The girls are subservient and at your disposal.

You can do whatever you like to these girls, smack em on the ass, grab their titties, and even GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY!! [Image: icon_razz.gif]

They fcuking love it

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Has any of you guys used mamba ru successfully ? I see a lot of talent there (still lots of pros , lots of fake profiles) but they don't seem so interested in the guys abroad that are not physically in Kiev .

I will be in Kiev starting 13th of October . Hope it all goes better than in my first visit after all it's the best city in the world to find caucasian women .

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-08-2016 10:18 AM)the6ix Wrote:  

Quote: (10-05-2016 06:44 PM)fucksong Wrote:  

By any chance can you or anybody reading this thread post pics or vids? I can't seem to find anything that shows this. As a reference, in Tokyo and Seoul in the Roppongi and Gangnam areas, there are many sexy dressed girls and you can find videos and pictures substantiating this. I haven't seen any showing the traffic streams of sexiness in Kiev.

Thanks in advance!

This will give you an idea of the women in Kiev:

Thanks the6ix! But is this what they look like just walking around on the streets? As an example, I could find an instagram account for Los Angeles and find a bunch of hot looking girls but you definitely won't see them in streams on the streets. You'd have to go to specific venues or events to see quantity whereas SoHo in NY will have large numbers of girls dressed fashionably on the weekends. Also in Tokyo or Seoul where (at least if you like Asian women), you'll see large numbers of them on the streets dressed hot.

But definitely thanks for the links man. Much appreciated!

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Great post!
What does it mean pimp Instagram account? Link would be nice to get impression.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

mamba is the worst internet site to get good girls, i like much more tinder, anyway you can get some good ones when they are new in the website, once they have been there for a month, they usually left the site, is mostly for semipros.

Quote: (10-10-2016 03:01 PM)quan82 Wrote:  

Has any of you guys used mamba ru successfully ? I see a lot of talent there (still lots of pros , lots of fake profiles) but they don't seem so interested in the guys abroad that are not physically in Kiev .

I will be in Kiev starting 13th of October . Hope it all goes better than in my first visit after all it's the best city in the world to find caucasian women .

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-12-2016 01:38 AM)diego69 Wrote:  

Great post!
What does it mean pimp Instagram account? Link would be nice to get impression.

He means gets some professional photos done in good clothes, and other displays of wealth, the Ukrainian chicks love all that shit

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (10-18-2016 05:02 AM)Henny Wrote:  

Quote: (10-12-2016 01:38 AM)diego69 Wrote:  

Great post!
What does it mean pimp Instagram account? Link would be nice to get impression.

He means gets some professional photos done in good clothes, and other displays of wealth, the Ukrainian chicks love all that shit

For example:

If you travel a lot, these would be good ones to look at:

Aside from that, just high value pictures, dressed nice, doing cool things similar to what was said above. You may not be able to communicate this stuff perfectly due to language issues, but when they see your IG account, it'll click in their brain.

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Quote: (09-14-2016 06:36 PM)Schlep Wrote:  

I leave for Kiev tomorrow morning. Already have a pretty mid twenties girl waiting at the airport. Plus, dates lined up for all weekend. Have a feeling this is gonna be a balls deep epic trip. Wish me luck and I'll keep the guys posted on my shenanigans.

What site/app did you use to line them up?
(mamba is full of hookers)

Kiev Summer 2016 Datasheet

Awesome data sheet. Hitting up Kiev this weekend. I'm guessing the summer venues are closed.

Are there replacement venues (winter stylez) for daytime weekend?

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