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Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

You want a counter? From what I have read on RVF, there is a bit of inbreeding that occurs and Muslims tend to have a low IQ. Just shit I have read here. I believe the posters.

So being dumb is not a good thing. Neither is the western women's problem of thinking she is smarter than she is. But since we are focusing on Muslims, I'd say the intelligence factor.

Also, it seems like Muslims are easily offended. Also, I imagine they are pretty hairy at least some. I don't need a women who has a fuller mustache than mine.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Nah - most have not agreed with you unilaterally. I agree more with Kaotic - you move into the troll anti-Game almost anti-Redpill category.

While ex-Muslim girls can be more traditional, the Muslim girl comes with her own set of problems.

Also your statements regarding 'deliberate friendzoning', 'white girl sloots' (?) point clearly to the IRT-troll category.

It seems rather that you had little to no dating history especially with white hot girls - neither American nor certainly European. Also you seem to put that one Muslim girl who actually friendzoned you on a pedestal. First of all - Red Pill men with Game don't engage into year long relationships with girls who we want to fuck.

You should first learn Game, study the Red Pill more and get to know a wide variety of girls before making outright claims based on irrelevant studies and one Muslim girl who gives you blueballs.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Though I don't agree with OP overal, but I just discovered these statistics about the prevalence of and AIDS/HIV. Remember that the majority of these countries are really unsanitary, have poor infrastructure and condoms are not widely available.

[Image: 600px-Map-of-HIV-Prevalance-in-Africa.png]
[Image: HIV_Epidem%20copy-615.png]
[Image: hiv_013.jpg?ua=1]

What if we're overrating their sluttines and those stories about them having anal sex turn out to be myths made up by western sloots [Image: huh.gif]

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 02:57 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

You want a counter? From what I have read on RVF, there is a bit of inbreeding that occurs and Muslims tend to have a low IQ. Just shit I have read here. I believe the posters.

So being dumb is not a good thing. Neither is the western women's problem of thinking she is smarter than she is. But since we are focusing on Muslims, I'd say the intelligence factor.

Also, it seems like Muslims are easily offended. Also, I imagine they are pretty hairy at least some. I don't need a women who has a fuller mustache than mine.

See, that are the kind of responses I was talking about when I stated that I haven't even heard a single counter argument to my factual points.

Hairy? LOL

C'mon sir...

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

The inbreeding is common among muslims. Turks for example have a high rate of handicapped kids because they do a lot of cousin marriage


More and more children in Berlin's Neukölln come with congenital disabilities to the world. The reason incest is suspected. Marriage between relatives among Turkish and Arab migrants is widespread and a taboo subject.

Because just in Turkey and Arab countries marriages are common between blood relatives, among them there are remarkably often mental disabilities and metabolic disorders and diseases of the central nervous system by disrupting individual genes. hand Not included, as is often assumed, the Down syndrome.

In a marriage between cousins as in the case of g.s the risk of inherited disorders is almost twice as high as in non-relatives. Instead at around four, it is between six and seven percent.

The Turkish psychiatrist Inci Sen sees the problem in the German diaspora even stronger: "Where fewer choices there, relatives often come together." Some scientists even talk behind closed doors by the "Turks Ghetto" Berlin, where the phenomenon it reinforces that migrants often lived close to each other.

"Just like Germans find his partner up in the personal network and Turks the relationship is one of them," says Strasburg. Often these compounds are arranged by the family - According to a survey of the Essen Center for Turkish Studies (ZfT) they account for a quarter of marriages of Turkish origin in Germany '.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 03:04 AM)Alexandrian Wrote:  

What if we're overrating their sluttines and those stories about them having anal sex turn out to be myths made up by western sloots [Image: huh.gif]

There are stories...and then there are studies after studies. Scientific researches. And pure facts.

Red Pill males will choose studies/facts/scientific analysis.

Beta males (no matter how "senior" with due respect) will choose "stories"...

The choice is pretty simple...and it is becoming clearer every passing day on this thread!

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-11-2016 05:27 PM)AneroidOcean Wrote:  

If you wanted to have any part of your first post respected, you would've posted the multitudes of quality studies you claim there are.

The funny thing is that I totally believe that strict Muslim girls probably have one of if not the lowest rate of sexual intercourse and prevalence of STDs.

This is only ONE factor in choosing a wife or even a girlfriend. But this isn't even what you stated. You stated that they are the best girls in the world hands down.

That is an ENORMOUS claim.

I understand the enormity of this claim but I haven't seen any...not even one..counter argument to this.

Yes, I have seen opinions. But that's it. No constructive argument. Which major grouping of girls would be superior to Muslim girls as a group? I can't name any (One poster said "Amish girls"...really? lol. Lets talk about groupings that have atleast 10 million girls available in the stock. Otherwise there would be examples like "My local church choir girls" duhh).

So I'll be glad to change my view but only after anything is presented to me (which isn't being presented here).

And here are few studies and researches..

Muslim girls are least likely to engage in premarital sex out of all girls out there

620,000 people and their responses surveyed across tens of nations in the most comprehensive scientific study of sexual behavior (Sample size of more than half a million!)

As Muslim population increases in a country, the likelyhood of reporting premarial sex by women decreases. Countries with more than 90% population as Muslims had just 0.28 probability of reporting premarial sex. This number was significantly lower compared to non-Muslim countries.

Researchers made sure that the respondents weren't just "lying" on the surveys, and hence they controlled for this probability to get the most accurate quantitative results. From the paper "Aware of these challenges, the researchers ran several statistical tests to assess respondents’ truthfulness."

However, Muslims living as a minority still show vastly lower levels of premarital sex than the non-Muslims around them (whether in Africa, Asia, or Europe). From the study "This study also tested hypotheses about religious diversity. We thought that Muslims would have the most conservative sexual behaviors and religious diversity would have the greatest influence on them. Yet, religious diversity did not alter the relationship between Islamic affiliation and conservative sexual behavior." In other words, no matter where Muslims live--compared to the non-Muslims--Muslims, especially Muslim women, are far more likely to abstain from any out-of-marriage sexual encounters (whether its pre-marital sex or extra-marital sexual relations).


So the biggest and most comprehensive scientific study ever conducted on the topic reveals that Muslim girls are least likely to be sexually promiscuous compared to all other girls.

Now, lets look at some other studies conducted by top notch institutes in various countries..I'll discuss few major Muslim nations.


In a 2011 research paper published by the US National Institutes of Health (The most prestigious governmental institute of health in the United States) looked at the various myths regarding virginity amongst students of Turkish university system. Their result showed that 4.3% of Turkish girls have had sexual intercourse at the time field work as conducted.


4.3% ?? Well lets look other studies of different scholars and see if there's huge deviation

Another study published by the U.S National Institutes of Health, titled "Sexual activity among Turkish adolescents," administered health and sexual habits of 4000 students across Turkish Universities (Very decent sample size!). The results revealed that 3% of Turkish girls have had a sexual intercourse while the ratio for men was much higher (albeit, still a minority..i.e..more than 50% of the male students involved in the study never had any sort of sexual intercourse)


Again, result of 3%??

You see how closely results are? It means that the prevalence of sexual activity amongst university students is indeed very low (even if numbers aren't 100% accurate due to statistical errors and other variables).

You want to compare that to a study of sexual behavior of say French girls in senior college years? I'd be surprise if 90%+ of em didn't have sex multiple times by that point.

Lets see another Muslim country now..


Rigid statistical research by experts working under the supervision of the top health institutes in the United States reveal a very positive picture when it comes to sexual morality in various Muslim societies. In huge Muslim countries like Pakistan--with populations reaching 200 million--study of the largest urban centers of the country revealed that 73% of Urban men did not engage in premarital sex in their life.

And out of 27% of those who did, 47% had their sexual encounters with sex workers rather than normal, average Pakistani girls.

These are the urban centers where sexual norms are the MOST "liberal" or "westernized" if you want to call it that. And even here, majority of men do not engage in premarital sex. Furthermore, the instances of girls reporting premarital sex in these Urban centers are even more rare. (as expected. Males...especially in societies like Pakistan have much higher rates of premarital sexual activity relatively to girls)

In rest of the country (where majority of population lives), the occurance of premarital sex is even significantly more less likely according to data.

Overall, gigantic majority of girls in Pakistan do not engage in premarital sexual relations before marriage.


How about another country? Lets go even further geographically.


97% of Indonesians (a "moderate" Muslim country) ardently oppose/reject premarital sex. Indonesia is the largest Muslim country by population--but even here, the girls follow cultural norms and and overwhelming majority refrain from premarital sexual activity.

There are other studies by Demographic and Health surveys as well.

The point is, do you think all of these independent studies, conducted at various locations in different years under the supervision of various experts, are somehow not worthy at all?

C'mon...we have to reasonable here.

Muslim girls are the least promiscuous girls out there as a whole--and anybody who denies it is just ignoring reality straight out.

Muslim girls are brought up in settings where alcohol is banned, family values are strictly imposed and regulated, religious teachings of sexual morality are taught from the childhood, and any "deviations" have significant social, cultural, and even physical consequences.

Do you REALLY think that Muslim girls would show similar levels of promiscuity as girls from other cultures--especially Western one's?

Literally, ALL studies show the same pattern. Muslim girls are least promiscuous girls out there.


You won't answer questions with regards to your actual experience.

I haven't banged a Muslim girl yet. When I say this, I mean a traditional Muslim girl. Not a "persian" girl who comes from the very family that FLED Islam after the revolution. Atheistic girls from Muslim background aren't counted here.

I'm sure senior members have had much more experience with Muslim chicks. But contention of my arguments isn't personal experience, is it?

My total tally of girls I've banged is 8 to 11 (it depends how you count it). I know I'm not a player. I am a newbie.

However, I say facts as they are...

And the fact is that keeping in mind all the qualities many of us would want in a wife, Muslim girls are easily the best girls on planet as a stock. Again, I am not talking about "beauty" as in they are most beautiful. I am talking about possessing the qualities this forum admires--and Muslim girls are most likely to have these qualities than any other type of girls out there (Again, talking on macro, general level).


PS, Believe me...I am not a troll. I have no interest in "trolling" by using THIS topic...

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 03:10 AM)Vahan Wrote:  

My total tally of girls I've banged is 8 to 11 (it depends how you count it).

[Image: laugh4.gif]

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 04:01 AM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (05-12-2016 03:10 AM)Vahan Wrote:  

My total tally of girls I've banged is 8 to 11 (it depends how you count it).

[Image: laugh4.gif]

[Image: laugh5.gif]

I know its funny.

There is a reason I wrote that.

Will tell ya'll few stories in some other threads [Image: wink.gif]

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down


1. You either fuck a girl or you don't. There is only 1 way to count this.

2. You should only start a thread like this if you have travelled to one or more muslim countries (i.e. Indonesia, Malaysia, Turkey, Morocco, etc) and banged and/or had a relationship with at least 5 muslim girls and also 5 non-muslim girls. Then you can claim to know what you are talking about and make such claims and comparisons.

Until then your posts in this thread are just mental masturbation, based on ideas you have never tested in real life, or based on results from "scientific surveys" conducted by incel betas who never get any pussy themselves.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

I'm sure muslim girls are more conservative and have a lower notch count because of their Islamic environment. But to keep that up, you need to get your girl from there and mostly stay there. Which means you have to become a Muslim as well and on the outside at least keep up that frame. Beside all the other troubles, that she is maybe already promised to someone. Furthermore, male - female interaction is tricky in Muslim countries. When you import her, she will taste the western freedom and this can bring you trouble as well, so you have to find a decent one. A little bit more easy is it to get a girl that immigrated with her family. But there she did mostly slut it up and her ass has seen a lot of dicks. With them you are in no different league then with a western girl. There are sluts out there and some are decent.

I personal would not look direkt for a muslim girl. I had some interaction with turkish girls - they can be traditional too but don't have to be muslims.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

My experience contradicts what you're saying.

I dated an Iraqi Shia Muslim girl (7/10, 17) from a well of background and I was already her 2nd sexual partner. She also would claim to be a feminist and spout typical SJW diatribe so I quickly got out of that one.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-11-2016 04:15 PM)Vahan Wrote:  

Here you go..

Muslim girls are least likely to engage in premarital sex out of all girls out there

I broke my ex-fiance's hymen in less than an hour of meeting her. She is devoutly Muslim.

Exception that proves the rule most likely, but it is possible.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

I took a look at some of the muslim girls listed on POF here and not one seemed sweet and feminine, it was more of the "Im bad bitch hear me roar" type attitude permeating through all the profiles I read. Not to mention most of the Muslim women I grew up around looked more like this:

[Image: fathijab1.jpg]

I will stick to searching for a wife with a traditional family from a culture/religion that will accept me as a son in law. The importance of family ties and cohesion cannot be overstated when seriously considering marriage.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 02:52 AM)Vahan Wrote:  

My total tally of girls I've banged is 8 to 11 (it depends how you count it).

[Image: popcorn3.gif]


Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 03:10 AM)Vahan Wrote:  

And the fact is that keeping in mind all the qualities many of us would want in a wife, Muslim girls are easily the best girls on planet as a stock.

Again, I am not talking about "beauty" as in they are most beautiful. I am talking about possessing the qualities this forum admires--and Muslim girls are most likely to have these qualities than any other type of girls out there (Again, talking on macro, general level).


PS, Believe me...I am not a troll. I have no interest in "trolling" by using THIS topic...

I'd also like to add that the only quality muslim girls potentially have over other girls is a lower sexual partner count.

In my book, having a girl with 1 vs 2 or 3 partners isn't worth choosing the girl who's father will kill me, and who is less visual appealing.

You're focusing on that one aspect, because otherwise I can't find which qualities you're talking about that you can't find in an EE girl or a latina.

Edit : You can't exclude beauty, because guys on this forum won't date a troll. Beauty is a quality, so if you're going to make such a sweeping claim, it better hold up to the gauntlet.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Well guys there you have it "superior muslim troll" has happened on the forum.

OP has no experience with muslim girls, OP has only banged "8-11" girls in general.

OP hasn't traveled to a muslim country, fucked a muslim girl, or met/hungout with muslim families.

All he has are studies, which in all probability may somewhat be right.

You're like another troll named "Dr. Khan" with his "degrees in the HARD sciences" except you have your "HARD studies"

My dick survey says no, since I was balls deep in a FOB Muslim girl who wasn't a virgin after I was done with her. Not to mention I've fucked muslim and hindu/sikh girls as well.


And the fact is that keeping in mind all the qualities many of us would want in a wife, Muslim girls are easily the best girls on planet as a stock. Again, I am not talking about "beauty" as in they are most beautiful. I am talking about possessing the qualities this forum admires--and Muslim girls are most likely to have these qualities than any other type of girls out there (Again, talking on macro, general level).

You're absolutely delusional if you really think Muslim girls are the best quality that this forum admires.

First, the majority of this forum isn't fond of Islam

Most of us are in the west, Europe/America, most female muslims that are westernized pay lip service to their religion while screaming you go girl feminism. Don't even get me started on the born again muslim girls.

We also enjoy beauty, so yes it does play a major factor.


I love how you say they're the best to marry with one major fallacy:


They may be the qualities you want with a muslim wife, but this forum pretty much echoes my thoughts.

We aren't interested.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Hey superior Muslim troll. Link to low iq

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

Great RVF Comments | Where Evil Resides | How to upload, etc. | New Members Read This 1 | New Members Read This 2

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Why did Vahan get ban? Thought he put his argument forward pretty well.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 11:28 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Hey superior Muslim troll. Link to low iq

That pdf reminds me of 1940's German "scientific works". The same pseudo-scientific "European masterrace" hogwash.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 01:15 PM)Geeza Wrote:  

Why did Vahan get ban? Thought he put his argument forward pretty well.

Because he was using text speak, condescending, insulting membership, and acting general troll like.

Newbies who do that get banned.


[Image: attachment.jpg31513]   

Vahan is that you ?

[Image: 78WrbYS.gif]

Or a possible new superior muslim troll ?

EDIT: Spoke too soon, it's confirmed.

Looks like you already got called out by Lizard King


Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

give it a break - even on a red pill forum such as this, posting an opinion that goes against the main stream group think gets you branded troll. Grow up mate.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 01:40 PM)Geeza Wrote:  

give it a break - even on a red pill forum such as this, posting an opinion that goes against the main stream group think gets you branded troll. Grow up mate.

Contrarian views are welcomed. What isn't welcomed is creating ad hominem attacks on forum members who rebut your strawman argument.

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

Quote: (05-12-2016 01:40 PM)Geeza Wrote:  

give it a break - even on a red pill forum such as this, posting an opinion that goes against the main stream group think gets you branded troll. Grow up mate.

Opinion is one thing, but being an apologist is another.


The fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world (Pew Research Center) especially amongst women (outnumber men 4 to 1 apparently).

You've gotta be Vahan since you're stating studies like he did.

If you aren't muslim you sure sound like an apologists from your posts.

Grow up ?


Your an idiot mate. If you don't like it here, I suggest you take your not so white ass back to Italy.

Right, mate.


yep, got a problem. blame the immigrants or even better blame the moslims. lol ....

Always get the votes and distracts us from the real issues - bankers f***ing us over for every panny

You even censor your words like Vahan.


On a general note I find Europeans are a lot more informed when it comes to world politics then their American counterparts not sure if it's a culture thing or simply education.

It's also hilarious you think that, if they were so informed about world politics why are they cucking for the immigrant invasion they're having now ?

Europe is in a downwards spiral, oh I didn't even mention London and their new muslim mayor rubbing elbows with people with extremist views.

Now saying "Let the muslims in Trump, OR ELSE !"

Muslim Girls: The best girls in the world hands down

I rate this thread 8-11 thumbs up.

Quote:PapayaTapper Wrote:
you seem to have a penchant for sticking your dick in high drama retarded trash.

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