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Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

"Two weeks ago, I was invited to Sweden, along with other major bodybuilders to a fitness expo in Gothenburg, Sweden. I had just completed a successful four-day tour in Denmark, so I got there early, to meet the fans and Sundsvall was one of my stops.

You can imagine how shocked I was. Right in the middle of an in store signing, about 10 police officers walked in and asked me to come with them to the station. There was no warning, and I could not think why the police would want me. I thought it was a practical joke. But right there in front of my confused fans, I was escorted to a police van. Some paparazzi were there, as well as a TV crew.

When I got to the police station I was told I was suspected of abusing drugs. I could not understand why. I had hardly been in Sweden a few hours and had no history as a drug user. I could not maintain my status as a competitive athlete and professional if I was addicted to narcotics.

The police said that because I was extraordinarily muscular it was likely I had used steroids. They did not allow me to call a lawyer, the US embassy or call my family. Instead they interrogated me and forced me to provide a urine sample and told me the urine tests would be back in 3 weeks."

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

This sounds insane but probably the norm in a feminist place like Sweden.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

"A victim of muscle profiling". That's a new one.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Prudent move by the Swedes. They know they're a haven for low testosterone and need to be ever-vigilant to look out for invaders who would have a really easy go of it by the look of things.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

This is beyond crazy. Arrested for "having used" steroids? Is there any basis in law for such a thing? I mean, even in "war on drugs" USA they can only arrest you for possession/distribution of narcotics. I'm pretty sure I can record a videotape and admit to having used every drug under the sun, turn it over to the police, and they couldn't do anything so long as I wasn't in possession of the narcotics at the time.

Goddamn Sweden, man. The best thing that can happen to that nation at this point is to be nuked by Russia or taken over by Muslims. Or maybe both. You know, just to be sure.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

This is the first time I have heard anything about a incident like this.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Quote: (04-14-2015 02:05 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

This is the first time I have heard anything about a incident like this.

I have read another story where a more muscular Swede was held up under the same accusation - turned out that his physique was 100% natural -

This is the guy:

[Image: tumblr_inline_mm0x0hZ0rm1qz4rgp.jpg]

This does not surprise me one bit - they are testing out plenty of marxist crap out in Sweden - war on healthy masculinity is part of it. Strong men or men who take some testosterone are the enemy. Who else is going to be able to fight against the coming dictatorship but guys like that?

Also testosterone indicates more healthy aggression and pure desire to fight back and we cannot have that, do we?

It is not a war on bodybuilders - it's a war on men.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

That guy isn't even that big!

I hope this isn't true.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Quote: (04-14-2015 03:30 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

That guy isn't even that big!

I hope this isn't true.

That story I mentioned aired some time ago. Now the new one with the pro-bodybuilder is hinting towards some deliberate policy. Some cops will now act on a whim.

The natural guy above was held up by a woman - a feminist likely since all men are beasts and muscular men even more.

But remember - what is valid in Sweden might come to other areas of the world later.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

The story is almost unbelievable, but I've read about such cases before.

Hormone signaling is very important and should be treated with respect. You can indeed abuse it and we hear plenty about that in the news media. But we rarely hear anything about responsible use and its many benefits. Testosterone is essential to health of both body and mind.

Millions of American girls are taking steroid hormones with the express purpose of blocking reproductive capacity. Same in other countries, especially Scandinavia. Contraceptives like the pill and IUDs work via the administration of estrogens and progestogens, both classes of steroid hormones, to make girls infertile.

Guys on a cycle of a couple of weeks are told they are ruining their testicles, which is not true. All these girls take infertility drugs for years upon years and no one raises an eyebrow.

The pill has numerous side effects. It raises breast cancer risk. Mixing the pill with smoking is very dangerous and few people are aware. It is likely affecting partner choice and subsequently, after no longer taking the pill, increases partner dissatisfaction and divorce.

Many FDA-approved drugs make you aggressive but people worry about steroids. Unlike what people are told, higher testosterone does not cause violence (except maybe in the extreme high dosages). It's the reverse: winning competitions through physical force will increase testosterone. For those interested, violent behavior originates from the amygdala and is not correlated with before-levels of T but is correlated with after-levels of T.

But many drugs do increase violent behavior and suicidal/homicidal ideation. Anti-depressants and ADD medicines are on the top of the list. Yet they are prescribed like candy.

How many examples do we need of depressed guys, who could have used some healthy male hormones, sedated by anti-depressants that go on a killing spree?

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Sweden is an authoritarian nanny state.

The bad news is they can fuck with you a lot.

The good news is the most they will do to you is put you in a resort-style prison for a short time.

In America, they can't fuck with you as much, but when they do, you're going into a hellhole for years.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

So its alright for women to take powerful anti-pregnancy drugs and even abort their unborn baby but a man taking steroids is illegal?

Sweden looks like Rome every day now.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Damn Sixsix, that's some information that's new to me, and an interesting perspective.


Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

This happened 5 years ago. Also, there is not a single IFBB pro who is not geared to the gills.

These guys don't do cycles, they blast and cruise, and are always on. Their "cruise" doses are often the same as a beginner cycle. Their blasts are insane, and can involve 5 or 6 grams a week of gear, and 4 or 5 different compounds.

That said, it is their choice.

I get it though. Sweden is trying to force a change in cultural perception of muscles, so that less young people abuse steroids.

I don't think this will work or will solve the problem.

The problem is not steroids themselves, or the appreciation of a muscular physique.

I see the problem as having two big parts:

1. People take steroids too young and irresponsibly. Ideally, one should wait until the endocrine system is fully developed before cycling the first time, which would be age 25. However, it seems that one can cycle with a reasonable degree of safety as young as age 22 - younger than that and you have a significantly higher rate of problems and long term consequences. There are idiot 19 year olds blasting tren on a second cycle and running 100mg a day of anadrol for 10 weeks, and using DNP.

2. Pro body building has been taken over by mass monsters using tons of insulin and hgh and destroying their long term health.


1. Give people honest and accurate information. Don't tell people that all steroids are bad and will shrink your dick and kill you, etc etc. This has the same effect as telling people marijuana = heroin. Emphasis that moderate steroid usage at an appropriate age is ok.

2. Encourage/advocate a change in judging standards for pro body building. Let the aesthetic physique be favored again, as Schwarzenegger recently demanded.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Quote: (04-14-2015 04:11 AM)sixsix Wrote:  

The story is almost unbelievable, but I've read about such cases before.

Hormone signaling is very important and should be treated with respect. You can indeed abuse it and we hear plenty about that in the news media. But we rarely hear anything about responsible use and its many benefits. Testosterone is essential to health of both body and mind.

Millions of American girls are taking steroid hormones with the express purpose of blocking reproductive capacity. Same in other countries, especially Scandinavia. Contraceptives like the pill and IUDs work via the administration of estrogens and progestogens, both classes of steroid hormones, to make girls infertile.

Guys on a cycle of a couple of weeks are told they are ruining their testicles, which is not true. All these girls take infertility drugs for years upon years and no one raises an eyebrow.

The pill has numerous side effects. It raises breast cancer risk. Mixing the pill with smoking is very dangerous and few people are aware. It is likely affecting partner choice and subsequently, after no longer taking the pill, increases partner dissatisfaction and divorce.

Many FDA-approved drugs make you aggressive but people worry about steroids. Unlike what people are told, higher testosterone does not cause violence (except maybe in the extreme high dosages). It's the reverse: winning competitions through physical force will increase testosterone. For those interested, violent behavior originates from the amygdala and is not correlated with before-levels of T but is correlated with after-levels of T.

But many drugs do increase violent behavior and suicidal/homicidal ideation. Anti-depressants and ADD medicines are on the top of the list. Yet they are prescribed like candy.

How many examples do we need of depressed guys, who could have used some healthy male hormones, sedated by anti-depressants that go on a killing spree?

Hey there. I agree with most of what you said, but would like to add something.

There is a steroid that is popular that does cause aggression. It is called tren and is not used medically on humans, only on livestock.

It is 3-5 times more powerful than testosterone, and can have harsh side effects including insomnia and night sweats.

It also very commonly causes people to become very aggressive and angry. It also produces extreme labido, far exceeding even a 16 year olds. It's really kind of crazy, but some people love it for the gainz.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Quote: (04-14-2015 06:11 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

Hey there. I agree with most of what you said, but would like to add something.

There is a steroid that is popular that does cause aggression. It is called tren and is not used medically on humans, only on livestock.

It is 3-5 times more powerful than testosterone, and can have harsh side effects including insomnia and night sweats.

It also very commonly causes people to become very aggressive and angry. It also produces extreme libido, far exceeding even a 16 year olds. It's really kind of crazy, but some people love it for the gainz.

You're right, with very high amounts you will see the violence.

Biologist Sapolsky writes about it in his book The Trouble With Testosterone: And Other Essays On The Biology Of The Human Predicament in the essay of the same name. I would recommend the book, very interesting insights.

Quote:Psychology Today commentary Wrote:

In the title essay, Sapolsky explains why the myth that testosterone causes aggression is wrong. Using testosterone as an example, he spells out the reasons that a simple one-to-one relationship like testosterone causing aggression rarely holds in biology--there are too many mitigating factors that get in the way. Sapolsky does concede, though, that gargantuan doses of testosterone, amounts that a number of well-known baseball players have used, do produce unprovoked aggression.

Some guys just take way too much gear, and trenbolone has a receptor affinity (i.e. how strongly it binds the androgen receptor) five times that of testosterone and can function similarly to DHT, a metabolite of testosterone that generally regulates secondary sex characteristics.

Testosterone is supposed to alter your behavior. It makes men more confident. It makes men more honest and nonconformist. It makes us more horny and sexually forward. So I don't doubt that even at non-crazy high doses you are more likely to end up in fights. Not because you're starting more fights, but because you don't back away from confrontations that can escalate into fights.

More from that commentary:


Some years ago, our lab began exploring the effects of testosterone on cooperation. In 2005, we reported that when men were distrusted (link is external) in a monetary exchange task, their levels of "high octane" testosterone, known at DHT, spiked. Distrust in this experiment meant that a stranger had not sent them any, or much money. This mattered because money sent to another person would triple in value, earning the recipient a healthy payday. The spike in DHT predicted that those who were distrusted would return like for like--when given a chance to share money in return, the distrusted, high-DHT men sent nothing. Women, on the other hand, had no increase in DHT and nearly always returned something to a stranger who had sent them money, even if they were distrusted by being sent very little. So, we just proved that women are nicer than men. And testosterone was the culprit.[These last two sentences is why no one trusts social sciences. Instead of women being nicer, they had just 'proved' that women are more exploitable, i.e. naive lefty liberal.]

It shows that testosterone and its cousin DHT modulate status-dependent behavior. High levels indicate power and fitness, and winning will up the hormones. Getting fucked over will increase the hormones and make men less cooperative.

This also explains the research on physical fitness and political stance in men: self-sufficient alphas with muscles and strong jaws are more likely to be conservative because they know everyone for themselves will benefit them. Lowly betas that know they can't win in direct competition are prone to being lefty, thieving pussies.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

I thought the dude in the article was going to look like these dudes:

[Image: 11068.jpg]

I used to look even bigger than that dude in the article at one time and I never boosted back then! This is beyond absurd! Where is the US State Dept. in all of this? They need to issue a travel advisory immediately! Just because the place is a European country, does not mean that US citizens are not to be warned of a jail risk just for mere visitation based upon the way they look. Doesn't this violate some international laws and human rights?

I know one thing, that place is getting scratched off my travel list for sure.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

I take test. 500 mg /week when I'm on cycle
It's so cash
The strength and endurance increase from a milliliter of oil injected into your glute. It's like magic.
Feel good. Sleep good. Top energy. Appetite for women dramatically increases. And the appetite of women for you goes up just as much or more. They start telling you how unattractive guys who don't lift are and smash you. (in stark contrast to women who tell skinny guys that they don't like muscles, and yet only smash the guys with muscles)


Poor Sweden. They indoctrinate them from the age of three to hate themselves. It's the cruelest social experiment in history.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

FYI - there is a legal basis, because sweden is one of the only countries where merely having drugs in your system is illegal, and those suspected of drug use can be detained for a urine sample at any time. it mostly keeps the swedes in line, as illegal drug use is extraordinarily rare.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Quote: (04-14-2015 07:45 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I know one thing, that place is getting scratched off my travel list for sure.

I've already removed it from my travel list.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Quote: (04-14-2015 08:19 AM)Old Fritz Wrote:  

Quote: (04-14-2015 07:45 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

I know one thing, that place is getting scratched off my travel list for sure.

I've already removed it from my travel list.

The Julian Assange rape prosecutions are another big warning. Among the most transparently bogus cases ever.

He banged one woman on a speaking tour, who gushed all over him afterwards, then banged another. Then the two of them found out about each other and teamed up to get him.

Damn guy's still in the Ecuador embassy in London, isn't he?


Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

I was gonna visit but I definitely know I would be detained because of unnatural superhuman truck lifting strength. Maybe I'll just wear baggy clothes and stop flexing.

Seriously, first world problems. Too much free time.

10 cops needed? They thought it was going to be an Avengers movie scene or something?

Sometimes, it must just get boring as a cop in a place like that. Like in a small town when every cop shows up because some tourist got pulled over for a speeding ticket.

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Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

While Roosh says there's yet no examples of Defcock 1, I'd disagree with him and say that Sweden has slid into it.


Complete absence of traditional sex roles. Institution of marriage reduced to farce. Severe threat of imprisonment for men displaying heterosexual or masculine behaviors. Roaming witch mobs actively surveil and monitor men who hint at having normal levels of testosterone. Women are elevated to goddess status while straight men appointed as their sexual servants through both legal action and media shaming.

Male safety level: Unsafe to live, fornicate, marry, or procreate; males must immediately vacate area for their own personal safety, both physical and mental

This is just one of many examples of Sweden's insanity that seems to point to Defcock 1.

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Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

Quote: (04-14-2015 06:06 AM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  


1. Give people honest and accurate information. Don't tell people that all steroids are bad and will shrink your dick and kill you, etc etc. This has the same effect as telling people marijuana = heroin. Emphasis that moderate steroid usage at an appropriate age is ok.

2. Encourage/advocate a change in judging standards for pro body building. Let the aesthetic physique be favored again, as Schwarzenegger recently demanded.

They know that this is bullshit and most sane bodybuilders start later in life with the massive doses.

But just with marijuana and the incredibly large body of positive uses (textile, plastic replacement, sprouts for highly nutritious food, healing herb etc.) the real reason why substances like testosterone are going to be restricted sooner or later is another:

It makes men more masculine, stronger, more self-confident, more Alpha for lack of a better word. That is also the reason why the mainstream will never ever push the 'sphere or pervert it completely. The male experience has be to be derided, highly controlled and ridiculed. But the truth is that you cannot properly control "Alpha" and they know it.

They want docile men and the only ones who should get TRT and gear are their own government goons that protect them.

Bodybuilder gets detained by Swedish police for suspected roid usage

"Am I being detained?". "No comment". "I do not consent".

This doesn't work in Sweden?

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