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Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-11-2015 05:27 AM)kazz Wrote:  

Not sure about the guys saying they don't feel sympathy and calling the guy weak and a loser. The guy obviously had more issues than not being able to get pussy; was obviously severely depressed. Save the lack of empathy for those that deserve it, the guy was clearly not a loser or weak, he needed some help and support; that's what most of us are on this forum for.

I don't want to sound overly harsh or heartless, but if you are an able bodied man and you need help and support simply to stop you from jumping off a building, then yes you are weak. This guy was not paralyzed. He was not missing limbs. He was not dying of a terminal illness. He was whole.

Think of all the men who have lived and died in this world. Genghis Khan. Napoleon. Francisco Pizarro. Men who changed the very course of history through the sheer power of their will. This guy's will was so weak that he couldn't find it in himself to so much as shut off his computer, leave his city, and try his luck. There is no justifying this.

Homie was so desperately, relentlessly lonely that he threw away his one life? His loneliness was so profoundly powerful that it drove him to smash himself into the ground and die? In my opinion, if you want something so badly that you are going to kill yourself if you don't get it, but this overwhelming need does not inspire you to actually try and get the thing you want, then you're perversely, grotesquely weak.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Suicide is waving a white flag, it's defeat, surrender, it's the pussiest thing a human being can do, and it's the worst thing you could do to your family and friends.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Being Asian like him, and have spent 5 years in the UK, I actually can relate to how he feels.

There was a point of time where I felt that my race was a hindrance in the UK dating market, especially when I was surrounded by many black (good, old) friends.

Then, I traveled. I noticed that your race value (if it matters much to you) differs from country to country. I noticed I could pull more tail while walking down the streets along with my friends (again, black). This was even before I learnt the term "game".

But half way reading the responses on this thread, it hit me. It could have been the Asian style upbringing he had gone through that made him place so much emphasis on the lack of a female companionship that drove him to his actions today. The combination of strict, female upbringing that he went through probably taught him to be a very good Beta provider (since all the values instilled were from mothers), and how acting Alpha (not following the parents ideology) is a disrespect to the family. These values were probably deeply rooted within his brain that even after learning game, he still subconsciously place opinions of others way above him own.

This is why the support this forum provides is so important. One might not be in the right state of mind when they first arrive, but as the message seeps through, and they COMMIT to make changes in their life, a man really can make their life better.

Like G always say, the choice is in your hands.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-12-2015 02:05 AM)DrugAdvisor Wrote:  

Being Asian like him, and have spent 5 years in the UK, I actually can relate to how he feels.

There was a point of time where I felt that my race was a hindrance in the UK dating market, especially when I was surrounded by many black (good, old) friends.

Then, I traveled. I noticed that your race value (if it matters much to you) differs from country to country. I noticed I could pull more tail while walking down the streets along with my friends (again, black). This was even before I learnt the term "game".

But half way reading the responses on this thread, it hit me. It could have been the Asian style upbringing he had gone through that made him place so much emphasis on the lack of a female companionship that drove him to his actions today. The combination of strict, female upbringing that he went through probably taught him to be a very good Beta provider (since all the values instilled were from mothers), and how acting Alpha (not following the parents ideology) is a disrespect to the family. These values were probably deeply rooted within his brain that even after learning game, he still subconsciously place opinions of others way above him own.

This is why the support this forum provides is so important. One might not be in the right state of mind when they first arrive, but as the message seeps through, and they COMMIT to make changes in their life, a man really can make their life better.

Like G always say, the choice is in your hands.

This is absolutely true - some cultural upbringings are counter-productive to seduction and men born there need to overcome those mental blocks first. Some Indian men and Chinese seem to have those blocks there - but there are others like Orthodox Jews and also Germans, Austrians, Swiss - who get a very Beta, strict upbringing making cold-approaching and learning Game difficult for them.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

What struck me about his posts was the utter obsession with white girls. I mean, man, just take a plane to any city in China or SEA, or even Latin America or Africa. He had enough value to be attractive to girls in those places. But due to the pedestal he put English white girls on, he couldn't even fathom that as an option. It's that aspect, the pedestalization of white girls...girls not from his ethnic group...that reminds me of Elliott Rodger.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-10-2015 11:29 PM)Lion of Judah Wrote:  

I think the problem with a guy like this has nothing to do with Game. First off, I believe Game will only make a difference for 5-10% of men out there- men who are highly motivated, into self-improvement, and without severe mental problems or defects. And as it has been pointed out by men in this thread, a lot of guys with these qualities still refuse to take the red-pill for whatever reason (it doesn't go with how their brain is hard-wired).

This dude had issues that were much more profound than a lack of success with (white) women: no one with a cushy job as a food blogger in one the best cities in the world should be whining about how unhappy they are unless there is something seriously fucked up in their head. He had typical first-world problems, and I'm guessing it really doesn't matter how good his life was, he would've figured out how to be unhappy no matter what.

This story and the way people have responded reminds me of the Elliot Rodger debacle. People claimed that only if he had taken the "red-pill" he would have been oriented towards a path of success. Which doesn't take into account how "off" he truly was compared to the norm. And it's hard to tell exactly what triggered his violence, despite people linking it to his rejection by women. This is all unfortunate but true.

First off, I appreciate the respectful way that you've disagreed with some of the membership here. Unless Roosh or Tuth wish to say otherwise, I think that how you've done it is the right way to do so.

Secondly, while I find your well thought out point worth discussing, I don't agree with you either.

I think that game at it's fullest is men being honest, dignified men. Polite, but not push overs.

In a world where men are men and women are women, men behaving with gameness will seem very natural. In a world where women have begun to insist on wearing the pants, for men to be men often means competing head on with women in often very antagonistic ways.

Nowadays, in the Western world, you can't even say anything but positive things about women if you don't want to be accused of all sorts of things.

This is because suggesting that women are men are not identical, is a real attack on the goals of women who wish to be men (while retaining all the special advantages of being women).

In a world where men were men and women were women, observations about women, if made in earnest, would not upset anyone. I make observations about women to women all the time in China and no one gets hoping mad...the women tend to agree with and bolster my comments. If I said anything even remotely similar in the West, I would get stomped on.

The decent men of the past couple generations, not wanting to engage in head on warfare with women, were increasingly pushed into more beta behaviour.

Today, game is simple learning to be confident, polite men again, in a world where all of the men who should have been male role models to us, have been pushed into beta, subservient roles that no man should emulate.

Thus, I believe that game is for every man, with and without drive, because game should come naturally to men with time.

If we want to only take about game learned from hundreds of approaches, then, yes, you'll need drive and determination and only a small percentage of men are going to be able to pull that off.

But if we are talking about game as a natural state of men, as I believe that it is, it is applicable to all men.

In a world where women are comfortably women, those women will be attracted to men who are comfortably men.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

For a variety of reasons, most men who get into Game never end up any good at it. Often it's because they don't put in the amount of effort and time required, or because they were too far gone in their lameness or weirdness in the first place. The point is, the chances that a guy as fucked up as this guy was could've been saved if he'd discovered game were basically zero. Most guys in a much better head space than he was never make it. Maybe a debauched bang trip to somewhere like the Philippines might have given him a modicum of self worth, but I doubt it would've caused any lasting change.

I know a guy from the local game community who lived a pretty sad life, had zero success with girls and I suspect was mentally ill, he had yellow fever so he went and banged a ton of girls in SEA and came back only to find everything was the same. Last I heard he had a drug overdose and got sent to the emergency room. And this was a guy who was daygaming like a machine to try and get good, and had a bunch of veteran players trying to help him.

There's a level of fucked up past which "Game" can't save you. Anyone who would kill themselves or others is well past that point.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-11-2015 03:55 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

If I were to see this guy in person, I'd say, "Yeah, you're right. Your sexual market value is pretty low. But whereas you see yourself caught in a Darwinistic pre-determined fate, I'm telling you that there's another way. It's not going to be easy. It will require change. But in that process of change it's likely you'll find your true self, relieve you of your present suffering, and experience a peace and tranquility that even suicide can't bring."

And if he still offs himself, fine. As it's been mentioned, you can lead a horse to water and all that. This isn't about this one particular guy; it's about a very large population of men out there that can probably relate to him on some level.

Wilkes might have been a psychotic. But he might have been a perfectly normal person too, that over the course of years of isolation with no guiding light, hit a fork in the road and went down a very dark, very lonely path.

My job is to observe people and enact change where I see fit. I take my responsibility very seriously and can think of individuals I've met where I can look you in the eye and tell you that I changed that person's life for the better. It's powerful to know you can have that type of effect on others.

With that, I do feel like there is a certain gene that either tries to change - their personalities, their beliefs, their ideals, or stays stuck in their ways. Let's call it the stubborn gene. As a community we all wonder why others are stuck in their way. Don't they get how the world actually works? We ask ourselves.

Easy, we don't have the stubborn gene. We've observed, noted, and changed based on the signals the world around us provides. It's only natural - it's genetic after all for us to change.

That gene to stay embedded in one's own ways is genetic in the same ways that the men here are usually so willing to adapt and grow. Experience tells me, and has probably told you at times that most people are just unwilling to mold themselves around the present environment.

Yes, you can try to change that person, but don't beat yourself up if it doesn't happen. Smile, nod, and acknowledge that change isn't in everyone's DNA to change.

Can I prove that there is a 'stubborn gene' scientifically? No. Do I know it's there based on the real world? You betcha.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

does it mention anywhere how tall he was?

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-12-2015 10:41 AM)therajraj Wrote:  

does it mention anywhere how tall he was?

He seemed to make a big deal about being 5'10" or taller. So that means he probably was shorter.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-10-2015 04:55 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

If he would have spent half as much energy on game as he did food blogging, he could have at least had a mini-harem of 6s. Enough to satisfy his yearnings for female contact.

But of course, game is pua and pua is creepy and creepy makes girls uncomfortable and girls being uncomfortable is illegal. I believe the stigma against game is strong enough to keep men away from the tools that would drastically improve their lives and happiness.

Game is really nothing more than applied charm in the realm of dating. Some people are naturals at it and don't need to be taught anything. Others such as myself have to figure it out through a lot of trial and error.

The blue pill stuff pisses me off: "Just be yourself." Well, if you were like me and you were a virgin until well into your twenties and suffered rejection after rejection, then "just being yourself" doesn't work. And if you actually take responsibility for that and finally acknowledge that the problem lies within, then you're a creep trying to "trick" people into sleeping with you by being something you're not. Well, the 22 year old version of myself was awkward and shy around women and didn't have the first clue how to talk to them or charm them. The 37 year old me still suffers plenty of rejection but has more of a clue how to go about charming a woman.

All romance is just theater in the beginning.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-12-2015 11:01 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (02-12-2015 10:41 AM)therajraj Wrote:  

does it mention anywhere how tall he was?

He seemed to make a big deal about being 5'10" or taller. So that means he probably was shorter.

Yeah I definitely agree with that.

Though I think if you're especially short (under 5'6) in the West, you will have an extremely hard time getting dates without major compensating traits

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Honestly this just pisses me off. Why are so many westernized Asian men so damn weak?

I'm an American born Asian guy and upon my journey to the 'motherland', I've noticed that most local guys swear like sailors, take no shit from wives/girlfriends and cheat on them all the time. They also chain smoke and drink.

The difference, it's just night and day.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-12-2015 12:16 PM)Swooper Wrote:  

Honestly this just pisses me off. Why are so many westernized Asian men so damn weak?

I'm an American born Asian guy and upon my journey to the 'motherland', I've noticed that most local guys swear like sailors, take no shit from wives/girlfriends and cheat on them all the time. They also chain smoke and drink.

The difference, it's just night and day.
Maybe they're over 5'10 and can do that stuff.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-12-2015 12:16 PM)Swooper Wrote:  

Honestly this just pisses me off. Why are so many westernized Asian men so damn weak?

I'm an American born Asian guy and upon my journey to the 'motherland', I've noticed that most local guys swear like sailors, take no shit from wives/girlfriends and cheat on them all the time. They also chain smoke and drink.

The difference, it's just night and day.

My father embodies the answer. When in China, he was stealing dirt-bikes and smoking by age 12, never went to school. Communism made it futile to get educated or cultivate farmland. Coming to the U.S. he had to turn beta. He's noticed my change in demeanor and he still scolds me," When you are in somebody else's country you have to play by their rules." At almost 50 he's never sluggish,because his childhood never allowed the pleasure of achievement or accumulation.

In mainland China, locals can afford to be alpha because of the Han ethnic homogeneity. In British Hong Kong, Han Chinese frequently hazed Indian and South African East India Company laborers. Asians are 2.5% of the population in the U.S. but the highest income/four member household. It all about having a cohesive family structure, thats how we lasted for 8000 years as a civilization. The ultra-Conservative Republicans should whip out their notepad and start writing.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Does anyone else find the moniker "foodie" to be an insult to their sensibilities? What ever happened to being a seeker of epicurean delights. It's a rare day when I read some chick's online dating profile and she doesn't have foodie written there. pisses me off.


On a more serious note: Yes, of course we should be reaching out to and helping dudes like the one this thread is about, but these dudes have to help themselves. Long before I found roosh, RVF and this entire side of the net, many good guys would try to help me out and teach me game, but I was too afraid. I couldn't get outside of my comfort zone, so they just gave up on me. When I read this guy's final blog post, he sounds like the sort of guy who knows how things are and feverishly wishes that shit was easier. He didn't want to solve his problems, he just wanted reality to conform to his wishes and fell into despair when reality said "fuck off, mate."

Do I have mercy for him? Yes, he could very well have been any one of us, but we decided that we'd deal with reality and learn what works rather than mope about it, so my feelings on him are mixed. I simply don't feed into the idea that you have to be a certain height or race to do well with women. That has never been a part of my reality-- even when I sucked way worse with women that was never something that was real to me because you just have to go outside and see evidence to the contrary. I sincerely doubt that he gave improving himself any sort of effort. He had no style, shit body language, shit self-esteem (despite having a famous blog), poor physical development and full on self-loathing. There really isn't anything anyone could do to fix that shit for him.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-12-2015 12:16 PM)Swooper Wrote:  

Honestly this just pisses me off. Why are so many westernized Asian men so damn weak?

I'm an American born Asian guy and upon my journey to the 'motherland', I've noticed that most local guys swear like sailors, take no shit from wives/girlfriends and cheat on them all the time. They also chain smoke and drink.

The difference, it's just night and day.

Another reason is that a lot of the immigrants from China/Taiwan who have moved into the US in the last few decades are on H1-B visa, so they tend to be professionals, more nerdy and less likely to be players. Their kids grow up in comfortable middle class households and are raised to fit in, study, to not get involved in fights and to spend more time on their academics than with women. They also discouraged from playing any sports which are too physical, because they might get hurt. This encourages beta behaviour.

You can also say this about many Indian Americans. I’m a British Indian and the level of faggotry displayed by many of them disgusts me.

Most of the guys with the alpha player/thug mentality in Asia never move into western countries.

The media doesn’t help either – Fresh Off the Boat, the first Asian-American sitcom for 20 years has just started on US TV, based on the life of a restauranter Eddie Huang, and he's not happy with some of the changes:

Eddie Huang won't back down: 'I'm on TV because I tell the truth'


It’s therefore understandable that he’s unhappy with a lot of the changes. While Huang’s father, Louis (played by Park, who recently starred as Kim Jong Un in The Interview), was a gangster in his native Taiwan, Huang describes the show’s version of his father as “what white people think about Asian American dads: goofy, inept, emasculated, kind of a bitch”.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Yeah I guess a lot of these guys were raised super beta, I was too but no part of me bought into the blue pill shtick and naturally I found the manosphere.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-11-2015 02:51 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

Quote: (02-10-2015 09:36 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

So the fact that a severely depressed person with a long history of suicidal thoughts kills himself is not the result of mental illness but was instead due to a sub-forum at RVF including opinions with which some disagree and therefore doesn't create a warm and welcoming environment?

I may attend the next meeting of the APA to share these conclusions. Every time someone describes a treatment for a mental illness, I'll just shout them down. "Wrong. Guy just needs to learn game, score some sweet pussy brah."

Not to beat a dead horse, but I'd actually like to address the argument because if Lemmo hadn't posted it, someone else would have.

I've never been able to understand the Western application of psychological theory. I've known several psychologists that I've discussed various issues and conundrums at length, and I took a few classes in college. I've also seen a therapist when I was younger.

I'm obviously in no place to denounce all of Western psychology, but goddamn, from what I've experienced there are some DEEP holes in it.

Why does someone need a clinical diagnosis of depression if they've experienced neglect from the opposite sex? In fact, I'd say it's the fault of modern psychologists who preach this ridiculous dogma of self-love and self-acceptance that leads young men to become alienated like this. Psychologists do not understand women, they don't understand the problem that men have with women, and they don't understand how to fix the problems that men have with women. If a young man listened to psychologists and their advice on how to pursue a healthy relationship, he'd be as lost and disillusioned as ever.

So after months and years go by, and the depression becomes more severe, what's next? Medication. Ohhhh great, because medication works so well for depressives. Instead of them killing themselves, you just lobotomize them with whatever cocktail of mood altering substances that corporate big Pharma comes up with. I've had enough close loved ones get on depression meds to spot this shit a mile away. And what happens when they quit the meds? Depression that is 100x worse.

So Lemmo, if you're reading this, go ahead and talk shit about the forum and the manosphere at your next fingerbanging APA conference. After enough time, we'll one day be able to produce immutable statistics showing which system leads to healthier, happier men: learning game/self-improvement and having a healthy sex/relationship life, or listening to a therapist.

I agree that psychology as a body of knowledge is jacked. I know it is possible for some psychologists to help some people in therapy, but the vast majority of them are worse than nothing.

The problem is that psychology needs a fundamental theory of how mental health and human relations work, and what they have is full of flawed SJW and feminist theories. Wrong thinking leads to wrong advice.

Until recently, it was always said that men cannot understand women. Freud supposedly said despite all of this theories, he didn't understand the female mind. I consider that the manosphere has now truly understood the female mind. It is often said that men were red pill until only a few generations ago, but they didn't understand women the way we do now, in terms of biological drives and social forces.

I think if the red pill spreads through culture and is integrated into academic knowledge over the course of a few generations, then psychologists might be able to start offering valid advice, to help people get their heads straight and cope effectively with their lives.

For now, I wouldn't trust a psychologist any farther than I could throw them, even if I were trying to help a loved one with clear mental health problems.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

This guy has already been failed by his parents many years ago, if you know second-gen Asians. None of us could have helped him. You need some minimal self-worth to get started.

At one point I looked as bad as this guy did and even had some similar thoughts (not suicidal though). However, my parents instilled a belief, as irrational as it felt at the time, in me that I had the abilities to be awesome, so I started taking the steps towards the right direction even before I knew anything about Game or Red Pill.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-12-2015 12:16 PM)Swooper Wrote:  

Honestly this just pisses me off. Why are so many westernized Asian men so damn weak?

I'm an American born Asian guy and upon my journey to the 'motherland', I've noticed that most local guys swear like sailors, take no shit from wives/girlfriends and cheat on them all the time. They also chain smoke and drink.

The difference, it's just night and day.

Most asians are raised with the cultural group dynamic in mind. Most asians in the U.S. (and the anglosphere) are also 1.5-2nd generation. This means asian parents are traditional and children are raised to respect existing social norms. The problem is that the anglosphere is a cultureless dog eat dog environment. If you're beta and respectful as a man you eat shit in that cultural environment. In Asia being quiet and respectable will earn your accolades, the finest pussy, and the best jobs. Being quiet and a part of the community isn't looked down on as being weak. I know many local asian guys in the middle class tier (in asia) who regularly get top notch pussy thrown into their lap just from being respectable. Most asian parents are not acclimated to the realities of the anglosphere and think that old world rules apply.

Unless you swallow the red pill instinctively or have strong family figures to guide you as an asian man you are shit out of luck. You will get hammered relentlessly unless you understand your position and work out of it. The type of mind and spiritual abstraction necessary to realize you've been fed a bag of bullshit is beyond most men to begin with. The reality is most men reject the red pill and most asian men in the anglosphere are force fed the blue pill so it's even more difficult to overcome.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Surprisingly enough, Vietnamese and Filipino guys in the US have none of these beta problems

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-13-2015 12:01 AM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

Surprisingly enough, Vietnamese and Filipino guys in the US have none of these beta problems

That is true. The reason is that they have plenty of (guilt free) pussy on standby.

Viet guys walk with a swagger for good reason especially when you defeated most of your would be conquerors. Viet girls are also some of the hottest pieces in Asia and elsewhere. It's not hard to comprehend that you can go all out when you have great legacy as a people and a willing and fine pussy net to fall back on.

Filipinos always have pussy on standby too. I've never met a thirsty Filipino dude..i've met plenty of jaded filipino guys but never a thirsty one. There are certainly filipino guys who are envious but that's typical crab mentality. They get plenty of trim on the side though.

The reason RVF puts the Philippines on top as a destination should be explanation enough. The culture simply likes to fuck, so it's no big thing for most local men.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-10-2015 07:31 PM)Saladin Wrote:  

Indian and Asian guys who have an extremely strong preference for white girls are typically very insecure about their race. They typically pedestalize white girls as well.

I can definitely relate to that idea in the sense that both those facets go hand in hand. I think a huge taste in white women is a manifestation of a massive racial inferiority complex, and it shows in scapegoating a lack of success with women to race issues.
It's a vicious cycle, because this preference for white pussy tends to express itself in neediness, which goes back to the idea of "This white girl represents everything it means to be western. If only I could get with her, then I wouldn't feel so shit about my race".

I'm guilty of this to an extent. I notice my attraction to blondes and redheads has spiked since my game has improved. Likewise, I'd take rejection from these two types even harder. Sure these beliefs may be counterproductive to game. But while one can unlearn such deeply-ingrained thoughts, it goes require elbow grease that many aren't prepared to commit to. As it turned out, I'd blame my race and height (I'm far from short by Australian standards, let alone Asian ones) when my game went pear-shaped - the two last aspects of yourself you can change. Hamsterising your height and race by the amount of white girls you can fuck is probably the least rational thing for a guy to do, but it happens.

I also think that Asian parenting is probably the worst possible panacea to the blue pill thinking that predominates. The idea that sport is frivolous play, pay attention at school, work hard and a wife and stable job will come your way, be a good beta provider - these are completely at odds with the cocky posturing dynamic in the Anglo Western world, much less as a foundation of 'Red pill' thought.
While East Asians are seen as the 'model minority' in the West, I think many of them see themselves as the second-class "other", and that they have to work twice as hard to get to where the white majority are.

It really did a lot of fuck up Wilkes given his mental state, and it transcended beyond his dating life (or lack thereof). That a professional with his food-blogging status could see himself as a convinced outsider in the most accepting, cosmopolitan city on earth is particularly telling. While I'm not denying any racial hangups exist even in the West - I think a lot of it is self-propagated. I have a suspicion that Asian guys are partly responsible for propagating a "woe is me" idea that women of all colours will open their legs to any man as long as they're not yellow or brown. [Image: confused.gif]

There's a strong vein of self-hatred that should be brought up here. I suspect that complex is pretty common among 1st-2nd generation Asians in the West. With men, it's often times suppressed and stewed over because inter-racial dating is just so overwhelmingly skewed in favour of their women - this is just statistical fact. Therefore, while Asian women can express that rejection of Asianness by being with a white guy, it works the other way if and when the Asian guy gets rejected. It further compounds itself because he sees his race as being partly to blame.
I think Eurasian guys are especially tainted by this, courtesy of the Asian mother. In a very Catholic guilt fashion, being married to a white dude isn't enough. A lot of this aggrandising self-hate is passed down to the son, moreso than the daughter. We saw that with Elliott Rodger, who inflicted much of his ire on full-blooded Asian peers.

Quote: (02-12-2015 03:50 AM)Vronsky Wrote:  

What struck me about his posts was the utter obsession with white girls. I mean, man, just take a plane to any city in China or SEA, or even Latin America or Africa. He had enough value to be attractive to girls in those places. But due to the pedestal he put English white girls on, he couldn't even fathom that as an option. It's that aspect, the pedestalization of white girls...girls not from his ethnic group...that reminds me of Elliott Rodger.

As I alluded to above, I think Asian and mixed guys obsess over white girls as a means to validating their acceptance in the West and their subsequent Westernisation. And no, he couldn't have done that, because going to a developing (and, gasp, non-white!) country meant a cop-out, he'd lost, he couldn't hack strong Western women and play the game on easy mode. Thanks, feminism.

Wilkes McDermid, food blogger suicide

Quote: (02-13-2015 02:08 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

As I alluded to above, I think Asian and mixed guys obsess over white girls as a means to validating their acceptance in the West and their subsequent Westernisation. And no, he couldn't have done that, because going to a developing (and, gasp, non-white!) country meant a cop-out, he'd lost, he couldn't hack strong Western women and play the game on easy mode. Thanks, feminism.

This study is quite telling - it shows how much more a man of a different race would have to make in yearly income in order to balance his race. Albeit the study is in terms of Beta Bucks/Long Term mate and provider - it is telling. For short term dating for example black guys enjoy a greater popularity, but getting into a LTR with many white girls is another matter.

Still - the data is clear:


So, here is a question: If a woman cares about her mate’s income and ethnicity, what would a man’s income have to be to make a woman want to contact him even though he is of a different race than her? Imagine the following experiment. A woman can choose between communicating with two men. One earns $60,000 a year and is the same race as her. The other earns X dollars per year and is one of three different races than her. Every other observable characteristic about these two people is identical. What would X have to be in order to make a woman prefer the man in the other ethnic group?

The results are striking. An African-American man would have to earn $154,000 more than a white man in order for a white woman to prefer him. A Hispanic man would need to earn $77,000 more than a white man, and Asian man would need, remarkably, an additional $247,000 in additional annual income.

While similar such numbers exist for the African woman and white men have to pay a premium too, it's still interesting to see that long-term attraction indeed can be bought with women. Price is steep though:

White Man: 60.000$
Hispanic Man: 137.000$
Black Man: 214.000$ (WTF!)
Asian Man: 307.000$

I guess the blogger had little hope of attaining that kind of income in the near future.

Now of course we know that this study is likely pure Beta Bucks and shows the usual standard racial preferences. I am sure a good-looking, tattooed, Asian biker with Game has no problem getting by far more pussy than the average White Beta both for short-term as well as long-term, but the market place is slanted.

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