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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

In lieu of the thread about best cities/countries for Black American guys, RudeBwoy and myself decided to clear a few myths up on a podcast that we recorded. We discussed several themes and addressed issues posted by a few other members. You can also post questions in this thread that we can definitely address on the second podcast.






Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

[Image: giphy.gif]

[Image: biRZgHq.gif]

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I look forward to listening

I am the cock carousel

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Shit this got me pumped up for a Monday! Looking forward to listening it

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Good podcast.

Some interesting things were how Rude does not think black men should use online dating in North America. I actually agree with that, but I was not aware of any others here (repped at least) that felt the same. I also feel that it's negativity can hurt a man's motivation by feeling more rejected all the time. I used online dating in Asia, but for NA, never I gave that up a long time ago and went social circle game. Even night game in the US is better than online, in my opinion.

I liked hearing about Moma's experience about Jamaican's guys game and how he learned game from them. That's very very interesting. I would have liked to hear more about that. I also agree with his observations of Nigerian guy's game. I personally know 1 Nigerian dude (my only igbo friend) that uses game the rest of the brothers flaunt their money, height, American swag, watches and clothes. Then sadly, some of them resort to P4P, when they strike out. I know some that I went to school with that went to Thailand, HK, and other parts of Asia and it was the same story... I was like wtf......they did better in the US than that. I just don't get it....

I may have more thoughts later.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I haven't heard the podcast but I'll be checking it out tonight after work.

On the issue of avoiding online dating, speaking from my personal experience, I think it's wrong to count it out. I've had great success with both okcupid and tinder in multiple Canadian cities.

It's a great money saver, and there's quite an array of women available. Some around these circles say that online game ruins real game, but I personally use any technology or technique at my disposal to get pussy. If the end result is a lay, then the effectiveness is there, the only thing different is the methodology.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Good podcast. I was a little upset when we didn't get to learn why Moma calls girls lizards, though. That did make me smile. I actually think of women as lizards now. I sometimes have to watch myself when talking to friends, "I hope they'll be so li--girls here tonight."

I once said lizards to a friend and he was like, "wtf?"

I do agree with your observations about Caribbean/West Indian men having more natural game. Two of the best players I know personally are from the islands. One is trini and the other is Haitian. They're both dark as midnight, short, but they have that real "don't give a fuck" vibe that can draw women in. They're also masters at sweet talking. When I try and sweet talk a girl I sound gay, when they do it it's smooth as hell and turns the girls on. It's interesting shit, but I attribute it back to the fact that those cultures are more people-oriented. Most of my Carribean friends come from huge families where the fathers, uncles and male cousins all play a huge part in teaching the next generation of guys how to do things. It almost seems mandatory that you would learn game that way.

My mother married into a Bajan family, so I know a fair bit about Bajans, and they're also dudes who walk around with pretty solid game for no reason, but I attribute that to the fact that there isn't much for a young dude in Barbados to do, so why wouldn't he eventually find out how to drop panties for fun, instead of, y'know, quickscoping bitches on XBL?

As far as online game goes, I agree and disagree. I'm above average in looks, but I HATE going out at night. I will do it, but I tend to find that I just don't have a vibe that does well there: I'm soft-spoken, a metal head, weird sense of humour and all those things that generally make me not enjoy being out at night. If i'm out at night, It's because I'm at a concert, drinking at someone's house, or out with friends having fun. I just find that the night scene in my city is rather forbidding for someone like me. That said, I do agree that online game shouldn't be your only way of getting women. Cast a wide net, and all that. I actually never really got the vibe that women didn't like me because I'm black online (although I am clearly mixed looking). I just figured they didn't like me for some other reason, but I've only lived in NA all my life, so I might be be as aware of that given that I come from a small East Coast area where it's very racially diverse, so it wasn't unusual to see multi-racial couples and such.

I do agree that the quality online is far lower than real life, but it's a good way to supplement the number of women i'm speaking to, especially if things go dry during the middle of winter.

You guys definitely made me more keen to travel. If a young up-and-coming player were looking to go somewhere in which black guys are liked what would be the first choice? I've never traveled out of the country alone, though I would like to. You guys made a compelling case for scandanavian countries, so that seems cool. What would you say though? I'm 26, decent shape, but I only speak English.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Great feedback so far and please keep it coming.

On a personal level I have found that I can pull girls better in person than online. Women online for the most part are looking their ego's to be boosted, which is not my job. Online dating is the domain of thirsty guys, ugly girls will get many hits because guys are thinking a quick hit but she might be thinking damn she is good.
Again this applies to my city Toronto, like Kai I have dabbled with it when I lived in the UK. I had great success because I was a Canadian black guy new to London, I ran that title the whole time I lived in London. I was on a site where I could see the girls where getting a 1000 hits but they would always reply to me because I was niche or unique.

Fortis - save your money and travel. Latin America and EEurope are reasonable priced destinations. Scandinavia is not.

Kai - can you add me on Skype dude, can't figure it out on my ipad. [Image: smile.gif] Your up next, so we will co-ordinate a time offline.

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Very good podcast and I look forward to hearing more from you guys. I believe that the new perspectives that will be shared is absolutely essential to hear, especially for the playas that grew up and spend most of their time in the west. For example, here are some important points from this podcast:

Do not look at results from online dating to estimate your efficiency on the ground - I always advocate against online dating except in special situations (eg. when you are visiting smaller towns without volume) because I've realized this huge discrepancy in my SMV online and my SMV in the field when traveling. Not only that, but I get more top tier notches using the old school approach tactics. Time used for online pipelining is much better used gaining efficiency in a second language. Then use that language in the field for mastery by immersion.

West Indians and their natural game - I've touched on this in various threads. Caribbean culture encourages all young men to be "the girls them sugar". You are required to learn game from a young age and slay pussy or else you are just a 'batty-bwoy'. If 'yuh can't get plenty gyal' you will not be respected in society. As a result, their game is always on and they run game on any pussy, whether it's top-tier, low-tier, married woman or old woman. Women are very receptive to this indiscriminate game and when you grow up in a culture like this...

It is hard to understand the plight of African Americans - That is, until you visit North America and similar societies yourself. When I first landed here in Dallas, I couldn't understand the mentality of the brothers I was winging with, why they think their skin color is somehow a limitation. They internalized this belief so much that it actually had a great impact on their results as they were pro-actively screening out girls who would've otherwise been receptive. For me, I walk in set already assuming every girl will be receptive. I couldn't understand why the quality that these guys was rolling with was so low. I do understand a little bit more now the dynamics at play, but it still doesn't affect me in such a drastic way because my brain was wired differently from the start. This difference in mentality is easy to spot and can easily be identified just by how some playas on the board talk. You can tell how much one travels by their posts, as well as where one hails from.

Lightskin/Darkskin issue - I agree that it is irrelevant. I've seen that it is irrelevant.

Girls in Toronto don't want to date Jamaicans or Nigerians - I've actually seen this when I stayed in Toronto for 4 months. A thing to note about Jamaicans is that compared to the entire Caribbean region, Jamaican men are actually the most aggressive and ruthless. The culture of 'badman-ism' was born there and you can see it expressed in hardcore dancehall. They usually take their ruthlessness with them where-ever they go and create a bad reputations for themselves.

I am looking forward to TravelerKai's input on the next podcast as I believe he is another player that will destroy the realities of other western players as he has infiltrated a niche that some brothers would otherwise say is impossible to infiltrate due to colorism. It's about time we break these limiting beliefs.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Damn, Moma sounds good on audio. You guys may have a future with this type of a thing.

I let my guys here listen to it and they were dying (they met him)

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I'm about 15 minutes in, but going to have to hit pause to get work done, so far I'm digging it, I really like both your guys' voice, accents, and vibes. So I'm not a black man so the stuff you're discussing doesn't pertain to me, but so far RudeBwoy is saying that the dating market is stacked against black men, but are you accounting for white girls with a "chocolate fetish"? It seems like a good amount of white girl freaks who sometimes exclusively fuck black guys, I've known a good amount of black guys who pulled easy lays with girls like these, a lot of times these chicks are hot, but can be very slutty.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-26-2015 04:23 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

I'm about 15 minutes in, but going to have to hit pause to get work done, so far I'm digging it, I really like both your guys' voice, accents, and vibes. So I'm not a black man so the stuff you're discussing doesn't pertain to me, but so far RudeBwoy is saying that the dating market is stacked against black men, but are you accounting for white girls with a "chocolate fetish"? It seems like a good amount of white girl freaks who sometimes exclusively fuck black guys, I've known a good amount of black guys who pulled easy lays with girls like these, a lot of times these chicks are hot, but can be very slutty.

I wouldn't say there's a "good amount" of them. You're talking about a pretty small niche. Maybe a few percent. And out of that, how many are actually fit and attractive?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Thanks for the input, lads and glad you enjoyed it! Post any questions you have and we will be happy to us to address them in the upcoming podcasts.

Ognorcal, regarding the niche of white lizards that like black men, it may be more sparse than you imagine. Also, the fact that hood cats or others heavily into the hip hop look etc may have most likely ran through trains on these lizards, other more refined bros may not want to go where many have gone before.

Back in the day, they did look quite appetising but now the pickings may be more slim in North America.

That being said, black America did initially carve a niche at a time when it wasn't particularly cool to get down with some chocolate. You can leverage off of that buzz and go into areas where they are not familiar with brothas. You have the chance to set the tone there. The black kid from Brooklyn is doing that in Russia so y'all can go ahead and do it.

As I think I may have mentioned, if you are in America and have no family, I don't see why you can't at least vacate the country a couple of times per year. There is no country like US where you can aggregate a high level of disposable income as per the average man. What kind of bills prevent you from booking a JetBlue flight into the Caribbean or South America once or twice a year for at least 4-5 days?

If you do insist on white lizards primarily OR solely and must do Europe, why not get your hustle on so that you can escape the rigmarole of a 9 to 5 and free up more time to spend three weeks or so twice or thrice annually in EE?

I've heard of cats blowing 5K in the clubs, for tables and bottle service to wasted hags. Why not use that same money and fly to some country where you will get beautiful snowflakes bouncing tirelessly on your meat while she finger feeds you Ciallis tabs?





Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

That niche is probably like 5% of white women. And. Like 1% of them are attractive. I have see. Some beautiful ass white women who live black men tho. I would think they go more for the "athlete" or "balla" type guy.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Im just getting around to listening to the podcast.
I liked it over all.
Some good parts and some dry parts. I do think yall should get someone on there that has been raised in America and also traveled.
also some younger guys that can join in and talk relevant new game..along with not being afraid of talking about deeper race things.
*hint hint [Image: biggrin.gif] *

I can see things getting better.
There was a bunch of things I wish yall could have went more in depth on.
Like the minimization of black men. That topic has been talked about a lot in other places. ( It might not be a topic for the forum as a whole...but as black guys.. its a relevant topic. Non black members would probably get a lot out of it also..

Wish there could be more talk on relationships with girls in your home country and other countries.

Couple technical things.
Gotta get that sound a little better. But I understand, Its the first episode..maybe we can work those problems out.

Drive and direction.
Mcqueen is an example.. his podcast has a direction. They try to have a set list of topics to talk about. ( Even though they stray a lot all the time)...Having a set amount list of questions and topics might help keep things organized

I am the cock carousel

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Whenever I meet non-white girls who are super into black guys (to the exclusion of all other races), it's usually because they can't hack it with their own race, so they think they can net a quality black guy at bargain bin prices (their overweight, used-up ass). Like they were saying in the podcasts, it's usually single moms, fatties, chicks who think all black guys are ballers/willing to waste extravagant sums of money on them, women with absurdly hilarious qualifications and a slew of other defective types.

I was on POF and this ginger (she was cute, but not cute enough for this shit) had this shit up:

Must be:

able to do 15 1 arm pull ups with me on your back.
200 pounds + at 5% muscle.

I thought she was kidding, but there was something slightly deranged about the girls pictures that clued me into how serious she was. I think I'll screen cap her for you guys. Lol.

That said, most jungle fever chicks aren't this insane, but I don't think it's a niche that can be exploited as easily as some guys seem to think.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Thanks for this mates.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Sourcecode - you are up after Kai, drop me your skype when you get a chance. We will address those topics you stated. We did have an agenda, as you can see Advent Persona listed it. Audio may take some time, we are just two youts trying a ting.

Fortis - POF is a cockblock site, I got great responses when I posted a shirtless pic. Of course I had to remove it because you couldn't see my face properly and I was wearing shades. For girls there seem to be different rules.

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I'm glad to hear what Moma sounds like...top notch. I never imagined you were a Londoner, man.

[Image: clap2.gif]

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Can you guys try to tone down the " black" thing a bit and maybe run another version that's more universal?

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Indo-Guyanese and Grenadan here. Just started getting into game in very end of 2013. Still being a young guy, I've been forced to work with what I have access to.

What's available to me at the moment are a lot of girls still in their infantile stages of sexuality. A lot of experimentation (which is good for me in some cases), but also a lot of preference making, which hinders my advances. Being dark- skin, especially around mostly white, hispanic and light-skin men has made me realize the differences in game.

Without such advice from experienced gamers, I'd still be oblivious to such subjects.

I'll be listening intently with a mug of Ginseng Tea or some shit..snowed in, otherwise I'd listen at the gym.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

LOL @ the Sizzla intro.

Am I the only one who caught that?


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-26-2015 09:10 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Can you guys try to tone down the " black" thing a bit and maybe run another version that's more universal?

All due respect, but there's an entire industry of guys writing "universally".

And by universal they mean guys in their late 20's and early 30's trying to bag college chicks.

Of the handful of black guys talking about dating

- Peaches from Keys to the VIP writes for a universal audience
- That dude Wayne was doing it for a universal audience
- Player Supreme's audience was primarily universal
- Virgle Kent wrote for a universal audience.

It's kinda nice to hear some brothers chop it up and not sound like Tariq Nasheed or Bishop Don Juan. That pimp shit is cool every now and again, but i'm just trying to get my dick sucked, not put a kindergarten teacher on the ho stroll


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Nice work, good to see more forum members taking initiative on stuff like this.

One suggestion though, make sure you preview it and then adjust volume levels accordingly, sometimes I would have to turn it up to hear RudeBwoy then turn it down during Moma's parts since there was a discrepancy.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

WIA - el mech is trolling, I think.

LeBeau - noted, Moma has a booming voice to begin with.

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