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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Great podcast. Especially about how Smartphone's have f'd up a large number of game nowadays. It used to be so easy to get the P in clubs before Smartphones became huge in the late 00's.

Now most women in clubs are glued to their smartphones and are awkward in interactions even if the guy's game is good. I saw this last night at a hotel party in Hollywood.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Y'all killed it.

1) Online dating - If you want prime pussy, it's a young man's game. And if you're after top notch, there are plenty of dudes filling her head with noise

2) West Indian Natural Game - man I often wonder where my game would be if I grew up closer to fam or back on the island. Oh I know, i'd have several families all over the globe like every man in my lineage, lol. Cousin Elvin introduced to me to Brazilian women at the tender age of 9. My great grandfather had at least 2 families on 2 diff islands. My father has me, and two other sons.

3) Mindset of Af Ams - not to get too deep into it - but you said it best, Af Ams need to travel. Having grown up an outsider to their culture, but often mistaken to be a member of their tribe so to speak - I know why the caged bird is in a cage.

4) Glad y'all waste too much time on coloration

5) Can't speak on girls in Toronto, but I know a black dude that's killing it...wait...naw I don't.

This was excellent. Can't wait for the next episode.


Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Just listened to podcast, loved it...
- Fact that you guys are older than me (One of my biggest inspirations is a guy who is in his mid-50s still killing it)

- The talk about "online dating" (Always thought it was a waste of time whether white or black)

- Stating "europe" is much more favorable. (My preference) Keep in mind I've never been outside of U.S so I have no comparison, to think it'll be even EASIER would mean (haahahahaa) lets just leave it at that [Image: wink.gif]

- The "travel" stories always sounds intriguing

Can't wait to hear 2nd one...

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Some insightful stuff guys, it helps that its basically a snow day in NY so i can listen to this stuff in one sitting. In regards to the Nigerian thing, i have women who claim to have had bad experiences with Nigerians, to me these "bad experiences" are basically just Alpha's fucking and moving on. It has never really hindered me, i can go as far as saying it has helped me (A bad reputation is better than no reputation) They assume i want the bang and they assume right and i game accordingly.

On a separate note, I am hitting up Nicaragua end of next month and will drop a data sheet on gaming there.

Choose your next witticism carefully Mr Bond, it may be your last.

its really precious seeing your rodent wheel excuses for brains spin endlessly

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Yeah pretty small. (percentage of white girls liking black guys) Just bagged my first ever white girl. Met her last Monday and smashed the following Thursday. Very nice girl and seems to be falling in love already. Would be much prettier if she exercised, which I tell her to do. She has "Sandra bullock syndrome". Like her character from blindside. I guess she has white guilt or maybe simply likes black guys IDK. Gives me money if I ask for it and buys me food. It happened so fast and easily it felt like a crime while I ate a steak and fries plate she bought me while watching a DVD she brought last night. First girl to ever swallow my kids too.

I know she's quite an anomaly though. Judging from my experiences. In Tallahassee most white girls are friendly but a lot seem fearful too. Idk how long I should keep her around though. I'm probably just confused because I don't get treated like a king by most girls, and cuz she isn't very attractive. I don't want her getting to attached.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

^ Why ruin a good thing? If she passes the boner test then carry on I say.
The key word in your statement is "fearful", most non black girls are fearful of black brothers. This doesn't mean they don't like you, most are unsure if you like them. Trust me on this because I have had some decent girls in the past ask me "do you only date black women" and "am I wanna of those militant types". lol
Out on the weekend, I observed a lot of black guys don't smile and many look pissed off. I also observe most guys don't approach women out in public.

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-27-2015 05:08 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^ Why ruin a good thing? If she passes the boner test then carry on I say.
The key word in your statement is "fearful", most non black girls are fearful of black brothers. This doesn't mean they don't like you, most are unsure if you like them. Trust me on this because I have had some decent girls in the past ask me "do you only date black women" and "am I wanna of those militant types". lol
Out on the weekend, I observed a lot of black guys don't smile and many look pissed off. I also observe most guys don't approach women out in public.

Spot on Rude, most guys just wanna act macho and "Alpha" by not smiling. i guess its a result of most lower level black women using every opportunity to test their manhood that keep these brothers on guard at all times.

In big cities like NY, a brother can get with most ethnicities just by doing the opposite of the pissed of routine.

Choose your next witticism carefully Mr Bond, it may be your last.

its really precious seeing your rodent wheel excuses for brains spin endlessly

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Good podcast!
I'm Nigerian descent and i agree with Moma. We are very money minded and we like to show off. I'd say our level of game varies.

Damn! It is true Caribbean dudes are natural players. Where are they descended from? Ha!

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-26-2015 06:46 PM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Like the minimization of black men. That topic has been talked about a lot in other places. ( It might not be a topic for the forum as a whole...but as black guys.. its a relevant topic. Non black members would probably get a lot out of it also..

Can you mention a little of that here, I *Think* I know what you're talking about, but I'm not really sure.

Isaiah 4:1

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-27-2015 04:08 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Just listened to podcast, loved it...
- Fact that you guys are older than me (One of my biggest inspirations is a guy who is in his mid-50s still killing it)

- The talk about "online dating" (Always thought it was a waste of time whether white or black)

Man, you KNOW Men have a shelf life of. . .forever! it doesn't matter. A lot of men have been brainwashed into thinking that is true, except in the non-west.

The podcast was great, I only don't agree on the online dating thing, It isn't a waste of time if you don't take it too seriously and use it as a backburner thing, instead of spending all of your time on the computer

Of course I've only really had to do online dating heavy duty while being overseas during times when I was too busy to really pound the pavement so ymmv on that in the states.

I have done it in the states too and had some success but I'd never count on it for the ONLY source of pussy.

Isaiah 4:1

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

yeah I agree with the smiling part. I used to for a while but school and other shit is making me sad lately. Most people in general don't smile. And I don't think it stems from a wanting to look macho but from a collective feeling of irrational social fears and insecurities blah blah blah. Dumb shit. Smiling works wonders. It even makes you feel good doing it. What's weird is how when I think about doing it I worry about what people will think. THAT SOUNDS FUCKING CRAZY JUST THINKING ABOUT THAT. I'M WORRIED THAT PEOPLE WILL THINK LESS OF ME IF I FUCKING SMILE. my god.

As a matter of fact I just got off the bus and a older lady got off after me. I turned Around because I thought I heard something, saw her give me a wonderful genuine smile for no reason, and I just turn my head back like a fucking asshole, still quite appreciative of the smile I was just given by a lovely lady because she just wanted to, but not enough to reciprocate for dumb reasons.

But I know I'm not the only crazy and insecure guy in the world. I observe this behaviour in many people and it's quite childish when you think about it. Scared of being happy, rather be like everyone else for fear of judgement.

"fuck hoes? Get money? Ehhh idk bro. My friends wouldn't like me if I weren't just like them. "

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I have a couple of guest suggestions... WIA, TravelKai, and Jubril (youtube traveler). Solid show.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

A few more guest suggestions off the top of my head:

Excelsior - Jamaican ancestry with ivy-league background.

Distant Light - Banging top-tier white girls almost exclusively in the high end NY scene.

AmericanInEurope - Did major damage in Japan till he got tired of the girls there and moved to Europe.

Global Baller - Founder of the Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys thread.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-27-2015 07:37 PM)Advent Persona Wrote:  

A few more guest suggestions off the top of my head:

Excelsior - Jamaican ancestry with ivy-league background.

Distant Light - Banging top-tier white girls almost exclusively in the high end NY scene.

AmericanInEurope - Did major damage in Japan till he got tired of the girls there and moved to Europe.

Global Baller - Founder of the Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys thread.

I was about to edit the list to add those guys.

"To be underestimated, is an incredible gift." Rackham

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I still need to listen to this in full but I know it won't disappoint. Rudebwoy is a smooth operator and does not hold punches back. From the brief time we have classes paths I learned a lot.

Plus there is big value from African-American men hearing it from non African-American brothers. Many quick fixes to sometimes hostile and large complex problems that are inherritent in the boulder USA complex in regards to race. The fact not even a quarter of African-American men hold passports, many have rarely been out of State! Aside from school or work trips says a lot.

Mind you my passport is not full of stamps but I have traveled a good amount around Canada and the USA that it has shown be different things enough to see advantages and disadvantages. The fact many USA brothers don't know they can hop on a plane to Calgary, Montreal, Vancouver, and be swimming in a sea of much better quality women who will be more receptive is crazy to think it has nor been exploited more. Even from this forum Speakeasy and the late Herncredible opened my eyes to Mexico. I had no fucking clue. But I always gotnalong well with Mexican broads travveling in the hostels so I never put it together that it would be a option for travel and game.

But sharing is caring. The advantage brothers have is the actual brotherhood we can foster on a basic even level. A German dude and a Italian for instance will have cultural hangups, but a dude from Dallas and a Nigerian can see eye to eye on a lot of shit because thier experiences here in the west will have a lot of commonalites. Those common traits can then go beyond the walls of race, as any dude who is cool and about having a good time and getting pussy is cool with me. This environment does not have the blockades like other social strictures and is removed of the rigid hierarchies and politics because the end goals are simple: improve, learn tips/hacks, get women. Simple as pie.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-27-2015 07:48 PM)Chowder Head Wrote:  

Quote: (01-27-2015 07:37 PM)Advent Persona Wrote:  

A few more guest suggestions off the top of my head:

Excelsior - Jamaican ancestry with ivy-league background.

Distant Light - Banging top-tier white girls almost exclusively in the high end NY scene.

AmericanInEurope - Did major damage in Japan till he got tired of the girls there and moved to Europe.

Global Baller - Founder of the Best Cities/Countries for Black American Guys thread.

I was about to edit the list to add those guys.

I'd be down to do something like this around fall of this year...

P.S...I'm actually intrigued by this list especially the guy in japan.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

WIA and Excelsior have declined, the invite is still on the table.

Global Baller, Kosko, AIE are welcome, I am debating a few other names. I may try and get International Swagger and Fman, I know those cats like to be incognito.

Traveler Kai should be this weekend and then Sourcecode the week after. Distant Light we will be in touch.

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Smiling or one of my problems.
It has nothing to do with being macho though.
With women, they call it, resting bitch face.
I don't know if there is a term for men.. But I have been told a nugget l number of times that my face like blank or almost angry. And that I mother he unhappy.

My humor is also relatively dry and straight faced.

Luckily I don't have an intimating black man stance.. And I try to seem neither l brighter in night life settings
But I have never had a problem with night game..
I don't have q problem "turning it on"
So I never really worked n "looking" happy all the time.

To the above person. I meant to write feminization. My phone auto corrected l corrected that.
I browse the forum mostly by phone.
When we mean feminization, we are talking about how black men in media are pushed to have women traits
Prime example.. All the Madea movie.. And big mama's house.
They seem funny. My but many would argue that, is pushing the diminishing role of strong black men abs making us look like clowns.

As a young guy.. I see so many brothers my age that act extremely metrosexual and feminine. Living in Atlanta, they're are flamboyant gays all around.
Ever the dances and such that young brothers are doing are pretty feminine.
As a dude that's been traveling out of country and in the us.. Those female traits make an in how people view us and treat us

There's a lot of theory, politics and opinion that could be a thread in its own

I am the cock carousel

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-28-2015 12:43 AM)Sourcecode Wrote:  

Smiling or one of my problems.
It has nothing to do with being macho though.
With women, they call it, resting bitch face.
I don't know if there is a term for men.. But I have been told a nugget l number of times that my face like blank or almost angry. And that I mother he unhappy.

My humor is also relatively dry and straight faced.

Luckily I don't have an intimating black man stance.. And I try to seem neither l brighter in night life settings
But I have never had a problem with night game..
I don't have q problem "turning it on"
So I never really worked n "looking" happy all the time.

To the above person. I meant to write feminization. My phone auto corrected l corrected that.
I browse the forum mostly by phone.
When we mean feminization, we are talking about how black men in media are pushed to have women traits
Prime example.. All the Madea movie.. And big mama's house.
They seem funny. My but many would argue that, is pushing the diminishing role of strong black men abs making us look like clowns.

As a young guy.. I see so many brothers my age that act extremely metrosexual and feminine. Living in Atlanta, they're are flamboyant gays all around.
Ever the dances and such that young brothers are doing are pretty feminine.
As a dude that's been traveling out of country and in the us.. Those female traits make an in how people view us and treat us

There's a lot of theory, politics and opinion that could be a thread in its own

Nice seeing another dude from ATL here haha. I agree. This city is big for gay pride and there is a lot of feminization in the community. I haven't gotten to travel out of the country yet, but I have got to do a little travel state side.

The podcast was very informative and I agree with a lot of the points made. I've been on/off online dating for about a year. I could have one of the best written profiles with handsome photos and it really doesn't get me much but bottom of the barrel women. I often seek women outside of my race because I have a preference for foreign women.

I like black women but the area I'm from there are not as many educated, good looking women that I'd find myself attracted to. I also believe that a lot the negatives we face are in our heads and that we keep ourselves in a box. I'm pretty new to game and currently discovering new things every day.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Just heard it last night. Really good stuff. Moma, Rudeboy great job. You two have a level of maturity and objectivity that is rare. I look forward to TravelerKai coming on.

My guest suggestions would be:

Jariel - love his intel on Miami , Latinas, and race

Stefhen Bryan author of "Black Passenger Yellow Cabs" - Always curios about the Asian "Lizards".

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

^ Thanks again. I would love Jariel to come on but I have a feeling he would decline. The invite is on the table.....Jariel.

LOL dude we ain't CNN or PBS, I wouldn't know how to even reach that guy. But you know what, I might actually try it. I know quite a few guys (black) that have spent time in Japan and the stories never disappoint.

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Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

I have a cousin that's spent about 8 years in Japan, speaks the language,
In pretty sure he isn't associated with the forum at all. But he had told me some great stuff

I am the cock carousel

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Also when it comes to online game, I don't think it's that bad. I do relatively well online and I'm not chasing fat girls or busted girls.
Online game nets more weirdo girls.. But I find that.. Most girls are weirdos if you know them long enough.

The girl you pick up at the bar is just playing her role and trying to seem normal.
If you put a profile above girls heads during the day.. They would all look crazy.

When traveling a lot, I would pipeline a lot before getting to the country or city.
I've even used the GPS app to change my location for tinder

I am the cock carousel

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

So true when it comes to how ludicrous it is when a whale with kids in NA will have all these demands of what you need to be and have, and they don't even have a career or have never left their state. It's so absurd it almost made me walk out on a few dates. I've never even considered traveling to the Islands, mostly because I like pale white bitches, but I'll go any place where girls are slim, young and pretty.

Europe and other places overseas has and will always offer a better choice for brothers in NA. I use to drink the Kool-Aid that America was the only place a brother can really get exceptional ass, but this was long ago before I got comfortable with living overseas.

Online dating in NA is garbage for many reasons, but it's yielded some pretty good results for me in Europe, particularly with younger girls (under 20) that I normally wouldn't have a chance to run into. It's easy to get into the mindset of rejections online equals lesser value as a desirable man, but being strong and getting out of the house cancels that. Like anywhere tho, if you rely too heavily on just online dating you'll be disappointing by your results. I always try to mix it up (online/street/club game), and since I've been in EE this past month have learned to get more comfortable in the clubs, which is crucial here. I haven't been big on clubs since I turned 30 so I'm a little out of my element, but I'm still taking opportunities as they come up.

American brothers (which I am) are heavily brainwashed, but also there's potential to be really good because they're very tough and have grown up in the harshest place on earth when it comes to game. Just about every black American dude that I know has some sort of game, especially guys from my generation and older, and have a pretty healthy capacity for rejection. For us it's just another mental hurdle to overcome. America has many contradictions: we're religious but, as Moma pointed out, has some of the freakiest girls out there. Racist but will elect a black president. Money hungry but artistic. Fake but direct. Uncultured but highly sophisticated. It's pretty confusing sometimes, at least for me, as what's acceptable and what's not. When you should be aggressive and when not. When someone is being genuine and when they're not. So I think a lot of the times, that's why black American guys can seem a little off-center to non-BA guys. As a nation we don't have an identity, let alone as a people (black). That's just my opinion.

This podcast was sick. If you guys wanna talk about a black dude's experience in Japan (as well as Germany), in and out of the military, I wholeheartedly offer myself for any future session.

Moma and RudeBwoy RoundTable Discussion on Black Man Game Options

Quote: (01-28-2015 03:09 PM)americanInEurope Wrote:  

Europe and other places overseas has and will always offer a better choice for brothers in NA. I use to drink the Kool-Aid that America was the only place a brother can really get exceptional ass, but this was long ago before I got comfortable with living overseas.

Wouldn't this apply to guys in general regardless of race/looks. Any guy would do better in europe then north america. North america is a shithole for guys.

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