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Video games

Video games

I started playing games in the late 90s. I have 2 separate types of GOAT lists: favorite at the time and favorite as of right now. A lot of games on the former don't make the latter because I find them too dated now.

My favorite game of all time as far as enjoyment when first playing is Fallout 2. (But nowadays I'd rather play New Vegas or 3. Not gaming much now so no current favorite.)

Video games

Quote: (04-18-2019 10:30 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2019 09:09 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

I know I'm Late but the Witcher 3 is my all time favorite game. It took the place of mass effect 2, AC Black Flag kingdom hearts 2 (as a 11 year old) and the only game close is Red Dead Redemption 2. It's the only game besides Mass Effect 2 that I finished 100% (as in everything possible in the game to do)

You sure about the 100%? Would need at least 3 play-throughs to experience all possible content.

Sad to say yes, granted I haven't heard EVERY single line of dialogue but I did do 3 playthroughs each with a minimum of 100 hours. Pretty easy when you're recovering from an injury. (hernia, wisdom teeth, Hernia again, broken back) My first playthrough I didn't touch Gwent. Fell in love with it during my second playthrough.

Video games

Quote: (04-18-2019 11:12 PM)eradicator Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2019 10:30 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2019 09:09 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

I know I'm Late but the Witcher 3 is my all time favorite game. It took the place of mass effect 2, AC Black Flag kingdom hearts 2 (as a 11 year old) and the only game close is Red Dead Redemption 2. It's the only game besides Mass Effect 2 that I finished 100% (as in everything possible in the game to do)

You sure about the 100%? Would need at least 3 play-throughs to experience all possible content.

I've played a few games through like 10 times. Resident evil 4, final fantasy 3, San Andreas, Planescape torment, New Vegas, and yeah, me2.

It's arguably more fun to play through a masterpiece for the 9th or 10th time than to play a game you are not all that jazzed about.
Wow Can't believe I forgot about New Vegas, It's definitely my top 5 game and EASILY the game with the most amount of hours invested. As I have done atleast 10 playthroughs.

Video games

Quote: (04-19-2019 01:43 AM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2019 10:30 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

Quote: (04-18-2019 09:09 PM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

I know I'm Late but the Witcher 3 is my all time favorite game. It took the place of mass effect 2, AC Black Flag kingdom hearts 2 (as a 11 year old) and the only game close is Red Dead Redemption 2. It's the only game besides Mass Effect 2 that I finished 100% (as in everything possible in the game to do)

You sure about the 100%? Would need at least 3 play-throughs to experience all possible content.

Sad to say yes, granted I haven't heard EVERY single line of dialogue but I did do 3 playthroughs each with a minimum of 100 hours. Pretty easy when you're recovering from an injury. (hernia, wisdom teeth, Hernia again, broken back) My first playthrough I didn't touch Gwent. Fell in love with it during my second playthrough.

I can't get over the terrible combat in that game. Everything else was amazing, but I had to stop a few hours in (at the red baron).

Video games

One of the serious downfalls of TW3 was the experience system.

It was designed so that if you pretty much stuck solely to the story missions then you could still get through but that meant that if you did even a smattering of side missions then you ended up being dramatically overpowered for everything you ran across. At least that was how it seemed to play out for me. I quit during the northern isles section because the story stuff had become a walkover and I was losing interest. I think my second crack at it after I finish TW2 will be much more rewarding. Unlike a lot of game sequels the world-building aspect of the TW series is massive and even playing the first game has given me more respect for the third. Plus you tend to appreciate the advances in the gameplay a bit more. I wasn't a huge fan of TW3 in that regard but after playing #1 I think #3 will feel like street fighter by comparison.

Frankly it's just so refreshing to play something that isn't modernist garbage. Sometimes I scroll through Steam of a good 20 minutes looking for something that interests me but there's nothing. Just nothing. By comparison I look back at TW3 where I was coming across bandits in the woods and raunchy barmaids at taverns and think "Other than this game, WTF happened to gaming?". I've searched far and wide for a standard RPG magic/hack'n'slash and the genre is either dead or hopelessly faggotised. I remember playing SNES games like Secret of Mana thinking "how cool will this be in ten or 20 years" but for some reason nobody is making it. TW3 is is like the great final gasp of a dying breed.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Video games

Most interesting part of TW3 character build apart from being completely OP later down in the game/expansions is skill tree.

You can unlock so much with points but you can apply so little. That forces you to make a specific character build and not jack of all trades like in games such as Skyrim. At the end of playing (after 100 hours or so) I had dozens of unspent points which I didn't even want to spend anymore since I wouldn't use 90% of skills offered.

Video games

You are OP very early on. There are some extremely hard levels in the expansion Hearts of Stone.

I didn't think Blood and Wine was hard at all, the items you get are so OP. It was fun, and I heartily recommend the expansions but I definitely had to turn down the difficulty for hearts of stone.

Video games

What's some games where you stopped to just enjoy the view? Like on a tall peak in Skyrim or something.

Video games

Red Dead Redemption 2 has amazing vistas. Fantastic. Witcher 3 was also quite decent though naturally RDR came out later and from Rockstar... God of War also looks phenomenal.

Oh, allow me to recommend a game series... Yakuza! It's bloody amazing, despite being very Japanese and odd at times. I'd recommend you starting in Zero, then 1,2,3,4,5,6... which are all being either remade or remastered into the PS4. Great saga with a magnificent and stoic protagonist.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Video games

Anyone have favorite games that are widely disliked?

I loved Duke Nukem Forever... One of my favorite shooters. The raunchy/low-brow humor was very funny to me.

I'm sure part of the reason it was panned is because it is absolutely not politically correct.

Video games

It was panned because it was a garbage game. I played the shit out of duke3d back in high school, and DNF is a piece of shit boring ass disgrace compared to it.
I didn't even finish it, it was just a mediocre boring fps.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Video games

Ty the Tasmanian tiger was my favorite childhood game....EVERYBODY hated it

Pretty much all the wrestling games were better than traditional fighting games to me

Mafia 3 was a fun fun game to me also the 2 godfather games were great fun...most people hated those games
(Speaking of which, mafia 2 might have had the best atmosphere of any felt like u was actually there. It felt different.)

I actually loved splinter cell black list.

The first 3 saints rows were amazing.

Ecco the dolphin for the p21 was weirdly amazing. I would just swim around for hours (I was maybe 6 when it came out)

I really enjoyed the older zoo tycoon WAAAY more than zoo tycoon 2

Anybody here young enough to remember the humongous games? Like Freddy fish, sly fox, the Amazon game, etc

Captain crunch had a game out when I was young that blew my mind at the time, cluefinders was also a childhood game that most people hated but I loved

Also dinosaur adventure 3D and 3D dinosaur adventures...both were very different but critical to my childhood

My all time favorite games I found out were hated...the magic school bus games.

Video games

I didn't know captain crunch had a game, but I wouldn't have doubted it.
I enjoyed Chex Quest, doom engine game promoted by chex cereal back in the day.

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Video games

Does anyone play Rocket League?

Not a huge gamer but this game is like crack

Might download Shenmue...

Video games

The thing about TW3 is that, aside from some gameplay it nails just about everything dead on.

Storytelling/plotting, immersion, graphics/sound, characters, play length and playability.

And even the gameplay, while not kickass (it ain't God of War...which Creepin can't play because he's got an XboxOne - strange I thought only women bought those) is still not terrible: menus, fast travel, some interior maps and combat just needed tweaking.

I hate to keep bringing up RDR2, but for all it did well...the controls were fucked - not that you couldn't use them but it's gonna take 10-15 hours to get comfortable - and they really lost the plot with plotting around the end of chapter 4.

1. TW3
2. God of War
3. RDR2

Those are my top 3 ps4 games and then it gets murky (is Horizon better than Assassins Creed Origins?)


Games I loved that others hated?

I don't think anyone hated Chrono Cross, but I might be one of like three people who liked it more than Chrono Trigger.

Not that CT didn't kick ass but Cross is like a work of art.

I mean look at this shit, it's like the game was painted in oils!

And the music!

I'll admit about RDR2 that it's the closest a game has come to launching a better soundtrack since Chrono Cross came out like twenty years ago but still...

Scars of Time
Prisoners of Fate
Radical Dreamers

I fucking wept the first time I heard some of these tracks!

I also liked the Sega Genesis era Sonic games.

I had a buddy* at the time huge into JRPGs like me but he refused to play FFX because quote 'the hero looks like a chick!'

Sure it's got some cringe shit like this, but it's also got some mad wild plot turns and badass moments like this totally unexpected fuckery at about 1:10.

* - in irony visible from Neptune he came out of the closet like five years ago...

Video games

Quote: (04-21-2019 03:54 AM)LeightonBlackstock Wrote:  

Does anyone play Rocket League?

Not a huge gamer but this game is like crack

Might download Shenmue...

I like Rocket League because you can pick it and play, but there's so much to master. Its a genius idea, like something that you'd dream up as a kid, I wish I was the head of the small developer that had an idea that mushroomed like RL has.

You on PS4/PC?

Video games

Quote: (04-21-2019 09:45 AM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

I had a buddy* at the time huge into JRPGs like me but he refused to play FFX because quote 'the hero looks like a chick!'

Sure it's got some cringe shit like this, but it's also got some mad wild plot turns and badass moments like this totally unexpected fuckery at about 1:10.

* - in irony visible from Neptune he came out of the closet like five years ago...

If I ever wrote a book, I'd hope it'd have the effect on me that FFX had. I found the cringe only crept into JRPG's when they become overtly anime influenced and less influenced by real world designs. That laughing scene you posted actually becomes tragic in retrospect and even more cringy for us and him because he didn't know what she was heading to and she was only playing along, you were the only one of the group that didn't know, no one would tell you the red pill much like real life. Had to figure it out himself...

Back in the mid-late 90's/early 2000's JRPG's were one of the only places in gaming you could get immersive novel-like stories.

As someone who holds those latter Squaresoft games in the highest esteem and played them as they were released, FFX has the most powerful themes and best told/mature story in the series (more so than Tactics) It felt so cohesive. All the small ambient elements throughout play into the story of the world. You don't need to read data logs, its all there. I liked how there was no villain of such and you were fighting a force of nature and the inertia of a society that was trapped almost willingly, from your perspective. The twists were indeed insane and the ending is beyond words. I've never seen a ending in a game, be so complete and emotional.

It also has that amazing turned based underwater football game known as Blitzball that was addictive as could be, my neighbour and I would treat like it was Football Manager.

But anyways, FFVI-X, you can't go wrong with any of them, they were the CD Project of their day.

They always had "DURRR STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS TM", (which isn't important, more like well written and believable motivations) long before that was something we knew would become a battering ram in entertainment

So clearly inspired by Indonesia and Okinawa the setting, she'd sending their souls to the afterlife after a massacre. The direction, dignified and classy.

Also feminity, not scalextric haircuts and a girl actually worthy dying for:

Those HD remaster faces in the gameplay look awful though, in 2002, they looked well...real.

The whole lead up to this was thrilling:

This mofo as your guide:

So compelling:


Video games

Final Fantasy X was truly a great game.

Ironically I was a 10 year old as well and just starting to get interested in girls. Safe to say that Yuna absolutely ruined my expectations for romance [Image: wink.gif] Even today after dating some girls, I feel a certain "freshness" when I remember these times. I suppose every man has the fantasy of loving wildly and infinitely!

Curiously, it made me realize at an early age how DIFFERENT, but equally important, female "strength" was, not due to sheer brute force or even intelligence and cunning. But virtue, determination and sacrifice. Quite awful that we have women trying to be men, when they will always be a lesser version if they try to be like us.

Certainly not the best game of all time, not even the best JRPG and probably not even the best FF, but it does have a special place in my heart!

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Video games

Oh X was the shit, too bad they kinda took a shit on it with X2 but it was a damn fine game.

I got the game for I believe my 17th birthday, a special time for me as well.

This 'no strong female characters, we demand you basement dwelling virgin programmers make some!' which is the height of hilarity because it isn't 'no strong female characters, I know! I'll write and program a game with some of them myself!' and fuckin every Final Fantasy game has good, compelling female characters who are 'strong' whatever that means - this game had three of them as mains for fucks sake!

The Sphere Grid was excellent but if you level high enough you can hack it so every party member is the same, but at least it was different.

The setting was fantastic, but I didn't like how linear the game was.

The music was great, but some of the voice acting was suspect.

At the time the graphics were like 'whoa!'

I did not like Blitzball, but the Monster Arena and international version Dark aeons were killer.

The story is basically Buddhist-inspired Romeo and Juliet, and as mentioned previously by me, despite the linearity, it was perfectly plotted. The ending also definitely had ninjas chopping onions in my room.

But the real sad thing? This was it for the series. Not that FFXII wasn't cool, but it felt more like a political intrigue thriller (like a game like Suikoden) than a 'save the world from destruction!' game like all the games before it.

After that as we know Square tried their best to be a Japanese company that made Western RPGS, returns diminishing with each subsequent effort. I'd welcome the shit out of an old-school JRPG 'you and a cast of charming rogues save the world!' grind fest (and I think a lot of people would too), I recently really enjoyed Dragon Quest XI but it's not even in the same galaxy in terms of story, characters and music.

Video games

Quote: (04-21-2019 08:50 PM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Oh X was the shit, too bad they kinda took a shit on it with X2 but it was a damn fine game.

I got the game for I believe my 17th birthday, a special time for me as well.

This 'no strong female characters, we demand you basement dwelling virgin programmers make some!' which is the height of hilarity because it isn't 'no strong female characters, I know! I'll write and program a game with some of them myself!' and fuckin every Final Fantasy game has good, compelling female characters who are 'strong' whatever that means - this game had three of them as mains for fucks sake!

The Sphere Grid was excellent but if you level high enough you can hack it so every party member is the same, but at least it was different.

The setting was fantastic, but I didn't like how linear the game was.

The music was great, but some of the voice acting was suspect.

At the time the graphics were like 'whoa!'

I did not like Blitzball, but the Monster Arena and international version Dark aeons were killer.

The story is basically Buddhist-inspired Romeo and Juliet, and as mentioned previously by me, despite the linearity, it was perfectly plotted. The ending also definitely had ninjas chopping onions in my room.

But the real sad thing? This was it for the series. Not that FFXII wasn't cool, but it felt more like a political intrigue thriller (like a game like Suikoden) than a 'save the world from destruction!' game like all the games before it.

After that as we know Square tried their best to be a Japanese company that made Western RPGS, returns diminishing with each subsequent effort. I'd welcome the shit out of an old-school JRPG 'you and a cast of charming rogues save the world!' grind fest (and I think a lot of people would too), I recently really enjoyed Dragon Quest XI but it's not even in the same galaxy in terms of story, characters and music.

I agree about XII, first I couldn't finish. What I liked about the FF series then in terms of setting and characters is if you didn't like one, another would come in 1 year or so and it would try a different flavour of sci fi/fantasy to your taste. they were really consistent with the gameplay systems never experimenting wildly, the music and just general confident "we got this, sit back relax" vibe was so consistent, and it didn't take 5 years minimum to develop like they do now. Those prerendered backgrounds and isometric angles aka Resident Evil could be made be stunning today if they wanted and it'd cheaper and faster. They've become the gaming equivalent of George R.R. Martin.

Each one was its own seperate complete universe unto itself, there were no sequels or prequels or cocktease DLC (though the very ending of FFX could mildy hint at it). All one and dones.

Pour all your passion into thing, then move on satisfied knowing you gave it your all.

Video games

This looks fun:

"A stripper last night brought up "Rich Dad Poor Dad" when I mentioned, "Think and Grow Rich""

Video games

Tifa in FF7 was a hottie.

Video games

Mortal Combat 11 gets super-woke:

Obviously no naked bits of women and all ladies have to be facially challanged - essentially dudes' mugs on top of fully clothed female bodies.

[Image: 31842012947_e2a2cc033c_z.jpg?resize=585%2C364&ssl=1]

[Image: Mortal-Kombat-11-Sheeva-1.jpg?resize=585%2C300&ssl=1]

[Image: pE2bmup.jpg]

Video games

I don't see anything unusual. Jax's ending seems wholesome. I mean, it's about his wife and daughter, important, no?

The character proportions in MK9 were absolutely horrible, especially in the female models. They seemed overgrown and tacky, X and 11 have much better proportions regarding the vast majority of characters, which makes the game better IMO.

Sonya does have a bit of a bitch face, probably more due to Rhonda Rousey being involved in her character than anything else. Cassie is a cutie pie, per example. None of the other females look particularly weird, if you discount the Goddess Kronica....

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Video games


Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

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