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The Ukraine Thread III

The Ukraine Thread III

Perhaps a bit of a personal question, but did you see Anna again?

Would be interesting to hear a follow-up to the story, as in Dead Bat.

The Ukraine Thread III

So heads-up for those coming to Odessa: don't display the ribbon of St. George, which is a symbol of Russian support:

[Image: georg_lenta.jpg]

Here's two recent cases where men showing the ribbon were hassled in Odessa:


The Ukraine Thread III

Sad times indeed, the symbol is meant to represent Slavs united, Ukrainians and Russians.

The Ukraine Thread III

A few months ago people with UA flags were happened?

The Ukraine Thread III

"who taught you" lol [Image: wink.gif]

The Ukraine Thread III

Man, the pro-Ukraine (and anti-Russia) propaganda in Kiev continues onward here. Today I saw two big posters in Maiden comparing Putin to Hitler and Stalin (!). Another one had a big sign saying "No to Russian Fascism." Geez guys - really?

Meanwhile, my day game rollercoaster ride continues. The 2 8s and one 9 I thought I had good rapport and a nice vibe with basically aren't panning out. 2 of em didn't get back to me (including the 9 ughhh) and the other one well I had a good 'date' with but she just lost her job and is moving back home. She said "goodbye my friend" so that's dead as a doornail I guess. Oh well gotta keep moving on. Have done 20+ approaches so need to up the ante I think.

BTW that's the 2nd girl I've number closed who's recently lost her job here - economy isn't very good so I'm sure there are a lot of people being let go at the moment.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (07-31-2014 01:10 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Man, the pro-Ukraine (and anti-Russia) propaganda in Kiev continues onward here. Today I saw two big posters in Maiden comparing Putin to Hitler and Stalin (!). Another one had a big sign saying "No to Russian Fascism." Geez guys - really?
It's a fair and understandable comparison. Ukraine is basically at war with Russia, which has annexed a part of Ukraine and tries to gain some more territory as we speak... And in many ways Putin has acted much like Hitler did back in the 1930s. In fact the similarities are astounding in many ways... To the point it's scary. I just heard yesterday that Germany and Russia have had secret discussions and treaty proposals about the faith of Ukraine... Which reminds of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939!

In my eyes Putler is just as bad as Hitler ever was, and potentially more dangerous because he has nukes.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (07-31-2014 04:20 PM)Jorma69 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-31-2014 01:10 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Man, the pro-Ukraine (and anti-Russia) propaganda in Kiev continues onward here. Today I saw two big posters in Maiden comparing Putin to Hitler and Stalin (!). Another one had a big sign saying "No to Russian Fascism." Geez guys - really?
It's a fair and understandable comparison. Ukraine is basically at war with Russia, which has annexed a part of Ukraine and tries to gain some more territory as we speak... And in many ways Putin has acted much like Hitler did back in the 1930s. In fact the similarities are astounding in many ways... To the point it's scary. I just heard yesterday that Germany and Russia have had secret discussions and treaty proposals about the faith of Ukraine... Which reminds of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939!

In my eyes Putler is just as bad as Hitler ever was, and potentially more dangerous because he has nukes.


Comparing Putin to Hitler or Stalin is utterly ridiculous. There is no comparison. Hillary Clinton was totally out of line when she said it. Hitler and Stalin were directly responsible for the deaths of millions upon millions. Stalin and the Soviets created a near-totalitarian state that set back Russia and EE for a hundred years. Putin has done none of these things - it's not even close.

Crimea was part of Russia for almost 300 years before the Soviets 'gave' it to Ukraine for around the last 60 years or so. 75%+ of the population are ethnic Russians who speak no Ukrainian (along with Tartars who don't either). The naval base there has also been under Russian control since the 18th century, so Russia clearly has their reasons for re-taking Crimea.

The US and EU actually started the whole war by helping to overthrow a democratically elected government. What's happened since has been a disaster, but both sides are to blame and both sides have committed atrocities. It's complicated, but saying that Putin is trying to do what the Germans did way back when and "In my eyes Putler is just as bad as Hitler ever was" is absurd.

(Cue jimukr104 in 3...2..1...)

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (07-31-2014 04:20 PM)Jorma69 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-31-2014 01:10 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Man, the pro-Ukraine (and anti-Russia) propaganda in Kiev continues onward here. Today I saw two big posters in Maiden comparing Putin to Hitler and Stalin (!). Another one had a big sign saying "No to Russian Fascism." Geez guys - really?
It's a fair and understandable comparison. Ukraine is basically at war with Russia, which has annexed a part of Ukraine and tries to gain some more territory as we speak... And in many ways Putin has acted much like Hitler did back in the 1930s. In fact the similarities are astounding in many ways... To the point it's scary. I just heard yesterday that Germany and Russia have had secret discussions and treaty proposals about the faith of Ukraine... Which reminds of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939!

In my eyes Putler is just as bad as Hitler ever was, and potentially more dangerous because he has nukes.

Idiotic.....Russia reclaimed Crimea under extreme duress from an unelected government which was out to repress Russians and Pro Russians in Ukraine, and if you think that's bullshit then maybe look at the situation in Eastern Ukraine now where Poroshenko and the Ukrainian Government are responsible for the genocide of more than 1000 souls, do you really think that the situation would have been any different in Crimea had is stayed part of Ukraine.

Not a single shot was fired in Crimea, how can you compare that to Hitler who was responsible for the deaths of millions?

96pc of the votees in Crimea vote in favour of rejoining Russia, if you think that was somehow undemocratic than please tell me where the democracy was in Kiev where fascists, hooligans and terrorists overthrew a democratically elected government.

All this was of course supported and encouraged by USA, after all they have a long history of supporting and arming terrorists, Mujahideen, KLA, Iraq, Afhganistan....the list goes on

The Ukraine Thread III

Guys let's tame down the political discussion (take it to the Ukraine conflict thread).

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (07-31-2014 04:30 PM)Akula Wrote:  

(Cue jimukr104 in 3...2..1...)

LOL...I back you in spirit but Roosh said to tone it down.

I just wish Roosh wouldn't purposely send trolls to the 'Ukraine conflict' thread. We already have a bunch lol.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (07-31-2014 04:30 PM)Akula Wrote:  

Comparing Putin to Hitler or Stalin is utterly ridiculous. There is no comparison. Hillary Clinton was totally out of line when she said it. Hitler and Stalin were directly responsible for the deaths of millions upon millions.

Crimea was part of Russia for almost 300 years before the Soviets 'gave' it to Ukraine for around the last 60 years or so. 75%+ of the population
Personally I'm comparing Putler to Hitler of the 1930s. It's vital that Putler will never reach his "1940s". He must be stopped NOW before it's too late.

Who cares to whom Crimea belonged 100 years ago. That's the oldest excuse to getting to war there is. Many countries in Europe have had their borders shifted in history by wars. You could always start a new war based on some old "unjustice". That's a neverending circle of revenge and war.

Hitler started WW2 exactly because he wasn't happy with the result and humiliation of the WW1.

My country of Finland lost 10% of it's territory to USSR in the WW2. So by your logic we should go get it back by force. Yes, that might be morally justified, but it would be very dumb even if we had the means to do it.

The security of modern Europe REQUIRES that the current borders are respected and nobody fucking starts invading other countries and annexing them!!! This should be obvious to everybody!

Quote: (07-31-2014 05:02 PM)TheMusketeer Wrote:  

the situation in Eastern Ukraine now where Poroshenko and the Ukrainian Government are responsible for the genocide of more than 1000 souls,
A reputable source would be nice. Putler-media won't cut it.


do you really think that the situation would have been any different in Crimea had is stayed part of Ukraine.
Well, Russia could've brought "peacekeepers" AFTER there had been problems in Crimea, but I guess we will never know if there had been any major problems or not.

It's obvious that Russia annexed Crimea because of it's natural resources and port of Sevastopol (molesting a window of opportunity). Not because it cared about the fate of its people.


Not a single shot was fired in Crimea, how can you compare that to Hitler who was responsible for the deaths of millions?
Actually shots were fired and at least one Ukrainian soldier died.

Anyways, Hitler also annexed Czechoslovakia pretty peacefully in 1938.


96pc of the votees in Crimea vote in favour of rejoining Russia, if you think that was somehow undemocratic than please tell me where the
It's ridiculous to even hint that the "referendum" had anything to do with democracy or legitimacy.

According to poll of 2013, most Crimeans wanted to belong to Ukraine.

Nevertheless, this is not a question of whether Crimeans want to be part of Russia or not, because it's not for them to decide. Crimea is not an independent nation, it's part of Ukraine and ruled by Ukrainian government and people of Ukraine. (And still is de-jure.) Now it's temporarily occupied by hostile forces.


All this was of course supported and encouraged by USA, after all they have a long history of supporting and arming terrorists, Mujahideen, KLA, Iraq, Afhganistan....the list goes on
How exactly did USA "support or encourage" Kiev protests?

Anyways, all I have to say is this:

Obviously this discussion will lead nowhere, you are pro-Russia and I'm "Putler go fuck himself", so I will leave it at that.

edit: Sorry Roosh..

The Ukraine Thread III

^^Banwagon 4..3..2..1.. lol


"he security of modern Europe REQUIRES that the current borders are respected and nobody fucking starts invading other countries and annexing them!!! This should be obvious to everybody!"

Agreed..only thing you said sensible. That is why there was no Crimean crisis because it NEVER stopped belonging to RU . Based on post WW2 world order Khrushchev giving Crimea away without Russian citizenship permission was a violation of world order. Like Putin said 'one can't challenge a supreme Soviet'(those who did went to the gulag or worst'). But the west should NEVER have recognized it. It was even against Soviet law at the time and he didn't make it official until 3 weeks after btw.
They aren't a temporary hostile force because they aren't going anywhere and the people there don't consider them hostile.
I agree that it was mostly done for RU selfish reasons..national security trumps all. That is why he isn't like Hitler. He doesn't even want Donetsk or Lugansk since national security issues aren't as much there. The whole protect RU speakers everywhere was just political talk , a false pretext if you will. Same as Bush with his WMD in Iraq.


It's ridiculous to even hint that the referendum had anything to do with democracy or legitimacy.

According to poll of 2013, most Crimeans wanted to belong to Ukraine.

Maybe..but based on a poll in 2012 only just over 50% of western Ukrainians wanted to be closer to EU and only 15% of Eastern Southern Ukrainians so obviously things change. Although every world poll showed during Maiden that only 42-45%(not majority) supported EU pact or Maiden. That didn't stop a puppet regime getting into power.

When crimean's are asked who they identify in previous polls..they say as Crimean's. So it shows they consider themselves unique but it also shows they are inconsistent lol.

I can explain the change with common sense but the results were pretty accurate in 2014. It is pretty logical for the change.
A few points:
a. RU fleet and presence was always important there. They were afraid that would change. Svoboda agenda even stated they were going to throw the fleet out.
b. They wanted to be part of UA with autonomy. The nationalists wanted to take away there autonomy.

c. They wanted to be part of UA that wasn't controlled by western UA fascists. The civilization change that was coming was unacceptable to them.

d. Most biggest reason imho...HIGHER SALARIES AND PENSIONS. Crimea has the oldest population in UA. More retirees on pension than any other region.
What the fuck does a pensioner care who flag flies in their city if they are getting 2.5x bigger pension?
While UA was promising that pensions and social services would be cut. I think Florida retirees would wave Mexican flags if their S.S. checks doubled [Image: tard.gif]
Remember the older ones had USSR passports at one time..they could care less about UA flag.
Only the Tatars really were angry and it isn't because they are UA nationalists..PLEASE. They squatted on land that they are afraid they will lose since they got the land based on old USSR laws that UA still has but RU got rid of. Many of the tatars are also illegal because they never registered when they entered UA.

No one put a gun to my nephews head when he voted. Pretty smooth. Less of a boycott than the present elected leader got.


A reputable source would be nice. Putler-media won't cut it.

Funny that guy said you quoted Hillary Clinton. She is a politician..NO EXPERT. She is also a confirmed neo liberal interventionalist hawk( similar to a neo con)

I don't know who he is qouting, but Stephan Cohen has been saying that on every media channel out there. If you don't know who he is, he is 1 of 3 of the top experts in the field and he advised George Bush Senior and helped with ending the cold war.
Paul Craig Roberts has said the same thing but he isn't an expert BUT he did help destroy the USSR with his Reaganomics.
Human rights watch is now reporting similar stories.
The other expert is Zbigniew Brzezinski but he is a bit bias and hasn't appeared more than a few times since the crisis. You know why?
His geopolitical doctrine is fucking behind the US foreign policy for the last 15 years which includes taking UA from Moscow's orbit.

Zbigniew Brzezinski – ‘without Ukraine Russia ceases to be empire, whilst with Ukraine, bought off first and subdued afterwards, it automatically turns into empire’ – this still holds true today as the basis of US foreign policy towards Ukraine. Coincidentally, Bismark said the same thing in the 19th century.

His doctrine is the basis for 'project for a new American Century' (PNAC) founded by William Kristol and Robert Kagan.

PNAC is the bible of the Neo conservatives and their Bush/ Wolfowitz Doctrine

*Kagan is married to Gloria Nuland. Said Fuck EU.
*Kristol was Mc Romneys foreign policy advisor who told Mc to say RU is USA #1 geopolitical adversary.

*Ian Bzerinski (Zbigniew Brzezinski son) Mc Cains foreign policy advisor when he was running for president. Same adviser who had Mc Cain try to get RU into a war with Georgia using his fathers famous doctrine.

I can go on forever with this because I know on the grand geopolitical level who is at fault but to do so with you would be wasting my breath. It would be like a rocket scientist discussing Physics with a bartender lol.

*Sorry Roosh I am prepared to be banned now but I saw what you said and how he then posted trying to get a last 'lick in' on the others(trolled them) before a possible ban or silence. Thought that was cowardly.

The Ukraine Thread III

I said everything I needed to say, I'm done with this, over and out.

The Ukraine Thread III

Sorry for derailing the thread a bit Roosh - now back to gaming as it's a beautiful sunny day here in Kiev [Image: smile.gif]

Yesterday I opened a woman who turned out to be pretty pro-Ukrainian and when I told her I'd lived in Moscow she immediately clammed up as if it was a - DHV. Said she doesn't like Moscow and their terrorists and then hurried away. Damn - think I've gotta watch what I say more here in the future and play it safe re discussing this whole conflict and/or taking a side. Politics doesn't go too well with gaming obviously.

But so far I've mostly been playing the 'this war is terrible and I just hope it ends soon" (I do actually) card which seems to be working ok. Above was a bit of an outlier.

Funnily enough, one of the girls I met was insistent on taking my number and then bc of that I just assumed it was a dead approach - but then she actually called me (!) to set up a date ha ha. Never had that happen to me before (has it happened to anyone recently?). The Skype girl didn't get back to me no suprise there. Too bad - she was an 8.

Gotta say that day game can be pretty confusing sometimes. 4 of my recent approaches that were with high 7s and 8s I thought went rather well, got good rapport and interest, etc. Then they ended up going nowhere. Thought at least 1 out of those 4 would pan out and I won't lie; it's disappointing to feel like I read it all wrong and to lose out on high quality women like that. In night game in Moscow I'd say generally if you get a number then 7 out of 10 times you at least get another bite at the apple via a meet up.

Am just going to push more daytime action here, work on my game and just keep on truckin'.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (08-01-2014 12:46 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Gotta say that day game can be pretty confusing sometimes. 4 of my recent approaches that were with high 7s and 8s I thought went rather well, got good rapport and interest, etc. Then they ended up going nowhere. Thought at least 1 out of those 4 would pan out and I won't lie; it's disappointing to feel like I read it all wrong and to lose out on high quality women like that. In night game in Moscow I'd say generally if you get a number then 7 out of 10 times you at least get another bite at the apple via a meet up.

Am just going to push more daytime action here, work on my game and just keep on truckin'.

I am in total couple of months here, my phone is loaded with phone numbers of 6-8 and even some 9s and many were after good rapport but alas maybe got 20% of them reach for a date, 10% for 2nd date.
Where do you day game? PM me maybe we can team up.

The Ukraine Thread III

How does Ukraine compare to Russia?

I gamed in Moscow for a few months, and it was tough in the sense that you get a lot of quick blowouts. But, numbers would turn into dates almost 100%, girls did not flake, they would make the decision at the end of the instant date to see you or not and would keep their word. Also heavy LMR, lost maybe 30%of girls from pushing too hard.

I have never done game in Ukraine, but I understand there is a higher English rate, and above Roosh suggested it is easier, yet there are also reports of a high flake rate. Perhaps sex tourism, which isn't a factor in Russia, affects things?

What is the situation in Ukraine, particularly the good parts (Odessa, Lviv, Kiev...).?

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (08-01-2014 04:13 AM)diego69 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-01-2014 12:46 AM)Akula Wrote:  

Gotta say that day game can be pretty confusing sometimes. 4 of my recent approaches that were with high 7s and 8s I thought went rather well, got good rapport and interest, etc. Then they ended up going nowhere. Thought at least 1 out of those 4 would pan out and I won't lie; it's disappointing to feel like I read it all wrong and to lose out on high quality women like that. In night game in Moscow I'd say generally if you get a number then 7 out of 10 times you at least get another bite at the apple via a meet up.

Am just going to push more daytime action here, work on my game and just keep on truckin'.

I am in total couple of months here, my phone is loaded with phone numbers of 6-8 and even some 9s and many were after good rapport but alas maybe got 20% of them reach for a date, 10% for 2nd date.
Where do you day game? PM me maybe we can team up.

Yeah I counted up about 13 numbers for me already but only have converted one and have one near miss. One girl is away on vacation for a couple weeks and sounds positive, and I've got one decent prospect here in addition to my main girl. Also a girl from Odessa I met just invited me to come visit [Image: smile.gif] So really only 4 realistic things on the go out of all those digits. Damn that's a pretty low hit rate for me at least. Need to keep pushing.

In my opinion the situation here is tricky at the moment. Night game is pretty slow right now due to it being summer and the ongoing war. Day game is not bad but seems to generate a ton of flakes from what I and others are seeing. Lot of girls visiting their families now since it's summer, and as I said earlier two girls I met just lost their jobs and are all panicky and leaving town - tough to pin them down sometimes. So I don't get the feeling that it's any easier or that girls are more 'desperate' due to the war in the east so far.

Keep in mind I'm a beginner/intermediate day game guy and since night game has kinda sucked so far day game has been my main avenue. I'm also focusing on higher tier 7+ type girls. I guess I could always drop my standards down a notch and game the online 30+ crowd but don't plan on or want to do that just yet.

All that said it still beats the hell out of the Anglosphere.

Just pm'd you Diego.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Ukraine Thread III

I was in Kiev last year and would peg the English levels at about 50%.

What is the situation in Odessa? Also how bad is the sex tourism problem?

The Ukraine Thread III


I'd say the 50% figure is pretty accurate accoring to my experience. However, I'm having more luck with the non-English speakers so far. My one bang + one close call were both with non-English speakers. Kind of interesting.

Last couple of days I was getting pretty mad at how it's worked out (or not really worked out) here for me so far, even thinking of moving on somewhere else, so yesterday I decided to drop down 1 full notch when approaching (to the 6-7 level down from the 7-9 level high end girls I had been approaching).

I just felt like I was doing a shit ton of work and even though I thought I was getting some interest and a lot of numbers basically none of the higher level girls have panned out - just one really. Plus had 3 blow outs day gaming 8s+ on Sunday. Maybe bc it's later summer and people are away a lot and out of town on weekends etc. + night game has not been so good here, but in the end it doesn't matter what the reasons are. The higher end girls here are simply not easy and seem colder/harder to read than the ones I was dating for years in Russia. Even the 7.5 'steady' girl I'm with has started giving me an attitude and had a mini-breakdown the other day telling me how some guy broke her heart and how she really hates men now. Wonderful.

Anyway, went out with my new target demographic in mind yesterday and did 4 approaches yesterday and got 3 numbers - let's say they were all between 6.25-6.5. These girls all seemed very interested in talking to a foreigner and getting my views on Ukraine, and it was a pleasure to chat with all of them - no attitudes. We'll see what happens but will follow this strategy for the next couple of weeks and see if my results improve. Somethings gotta give that's for sure.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (08-05-2014 01:23 AM)Akula Wrote:  


I'd say the 50% figure is pretty accurate accoring to my experience. However, I'm having more luck with the non-English speakers so far. My one bang + one close call were both with non-English speakers. Kind of interesting.

Last couple of days I was getting pretty mad at how it's worked out (or not really worked out) here for me so far, even thinking of moving on somewhere else, so yesterday I decided to drop down 1 full notch when approaching (to the 6-7 level down from the 7-9 level high end girls I had been approaching).

I just felt like I was doing a shit ton of work and even though I thought I was getting some interest and a lot of numbers basically none of the higher level girls have panned out - just one really. Plus had 3 blow outs day gaming 8s+ on Sunday. Maybe bc it's later summer and people are away a lot and out of town on weekends etc. + night game has not been so good here, but in the end it doesn't matter what the reasons are. The higher end girls here are simply not easy and seem colder/harder to read than the ones I was dating for years in Russia. Even the 7.5 'steady' girl I'm with has started giving me an attitude and had a mini-breakdown the other day telling me how some guy broke her heart and how she really hates men now. Wonderful.

Anyway, went out with my new target demographic in mind yesterday and did 4 approaches yesterday and got 3 numbers - let's say they were all between 6.25-6.5. These girls all seemed very interested in talking to a foreigner and getting my views on Ukraine, and it was a pleasure to chat with all of them - no attitudes. We'll see what happens but will follow this strategy for the next couple of weeks and see if my results improve. Somethings gotta give that's for sure.

Nothing on Odessa?

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (08-05-2014 01:23 AM)Akula Wrote:  


I'd say the 50% figure is pretty accurate accoring to my experience. However, I'm having more luck with the non-English speakers so far. My one bang + one close call were both with non-English speakers. Kind of interesting.

Last couple of days I was getting pretty mad at how it's worked out (or not really worked out) here for me so far, even thinking of moving on somewhere else, so yesterday I decided to drop down 1 full notch when approaching (to the 6-7 level down from the 7-9 level high end girls I had been approaching).

I just felt like I was doing a shit ton of work and even though I thought I was getting some interest and a lot of numbers basically none of the higher level girls have panned out - just one really. Plus had 3 blow outs day gaming 8s+ on Sunday. Maybe bc it's later summer and people are away a lot and out of town on weekends etc. + night game has not been so good here, but in the end it doesn't matter what the reasons are. The higher end girls here are simply not easy and seem colder/harder to read than the ones I was dating for years in Russia. Even the 7.5 'steady' girl I'm with has started giving me an attitude and had a mini-breakdown the other day telling me how some guy broke her heart and how she really hates men now. Wonderful.

Anyway, went out with my new target demographic in mind yesterday and did 4 approaches yesterday and got 3 numbers - let's say they were all between 6.25-6.5. These girls all seemed very interested in talking to a foreigner and getting my views on Ukraine, and it was a pleasure to chat with all of them - no attitudes. We'll see what happens but will follow this strategy for the next couple of weeks and see if my results improve. Somethings gotta give that's for sure.

Great report. 6-7's are what is I come to Kiev for.
8 plus hotties are mainly for long terms residents especially if you have some local contacts but they usually offer same universal qualities.... lack of personality/ English and usually higher maintenance.

The Ukraine Thread III

Ok guys, a summary of last month's/this month's parties in Kiev. Check the pictures and the calendar so you know where to go, when to party and the quality of the girls there. Hope you find it useful.

By the way, I will be in Kiev 19-23 August and probably at the beginning of September (and maybe Odessa too, if my Uzbekistan visa gets delayed). If anyone wants to meet, I'm completely up to.

The Ukraine Thread III

Quote: (08-05-2014 06:25 AM)OnlyMarryInTajikistan Wrote:  

Quote: (08-05-2014 01:23 AM)Akula Wrote:  


I'd say the 50% figure is pretty accurate accoring to my experience. However, I'm having more luck with the non-English speakers so far. My one bang + one close call were both with non-English speakers. Kind of interesting.

Last couple of days I was getting pretty mad at how it's worked out (or not really worked out) here for me so far, even thinking of moving on somewhere else, so yesterday I decided to drop down 1 full notch when approaching (to the 6-7 level down from the 7-9 level high end girls I had been approaching).

I just felt like I was doing a shit ton of work and even though I thought I was getting some interest and a lot of numbers basically none of the higher level girls have panned out - just one really. Plus had 3 blow outs day gaming 8s+ on Sunday. Maybe bc it's later summer and people are away a lot and out of town on weekends etc. + night game has not been so good here, but in the end it doesn't matter what the reasons are. The higher end girls here are simply not easy and seem colder/harder to read than the ones I was dating for years in Russia. Even the 7.5 'steady' girl I'm with has started giving me an attitude and had a mini-breakdown the other day telling me how some guy broke her heart and how she really hates men now. Wonderful.

Anyway, went out with my new target demographic in mind yesterday and did 4 approaches yesterday and got 3 numbers - let's say they were all between 6.25-6.5. These girls all seemed very interested in talking to a foreigner and getting my views on Ukraine, and it was a pleasure to chat with all of them - no attitudes. We'll see what happens but will follow this strategy for the next couple of weeks and see if my results improve. Somethings gotta give that's for sure.

Nothing on Odessa?

I'm in Kiev so have no info on Odessa.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

The Ukraine Thread III

30 days in Kiev must be expensive.Only one girl for so much time and money is not worth it.
I am considering to visit Kiev in Oktober so I hope the situation will have improved.

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