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Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

I was going through the list of all the girls that I have banged (more than 100) and I noticed that I have only fucked 3 girls that flaked on me and the 4th one gave me the best blowjob ever after so many flakes (I couldn't fully close because my friends were at my house).

So the weekend before I have approached this chick (a solid 9 in my book), got her number, called her after two days and we met up for a drink. She came around with a friend, I thought of my old thread (never fucking a girl who brought a friend on the first date), i felt like walking away when I saw her with her friend, but she was looking even better than on the first date, i thought fuck it, let me stay. Bought few drinks (this is something that I hardly ever do), cracked jokes, I made sure her friend was also having fun, before she left, we kissed, i touched her perfect luscious lopez ass and i thought i had that shit on the bag. Next day I called her and told her about us meeting up the next day, she told me that she will confirm me on that same night. Called her twice that night, no answer, I thought fuck it, I am not calling her back again, next.

But then I thought to myself that these 3 chicks that I have fucked after the flakes, the key to it was mad persistence . I would call them and talk to them about general shit like nothing never happened and then I would try to set up a new date.

However law of probability and past events records show me that the best option after a flake is to move on to a next girl because the majority of flakes will hardly ever lead to a bang.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you? What was the key to make it happen? Is it worth to keep chasing a girl after a flake?

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Yeah these are called "stored in my phone forgot about that chick lets call her on the way back from work for a hailmary bang - game"

Generally I already tier the girls based on interest. For the girls that have been low interest/have cancelled I'll randomly call them on the way home sometimes if I get bored.

If they pick up proceed as usual, if they don't then I finally delete from the phone.


If a girl has a 3 she is either low chance/previously coy/flakey. If she doesn't pick up on a call on a Thursday night at 8pm you're pretty f'd.

That's how I run with it.

This is he first year where I finally don't care if the girl picks up, don't care if I get flaked on, hell I don't even care if I spit bad game anymore it's now a hilarious story I get to tell my friends.

So instead of just throwing the last second chances away, just phone while you're in transit and be done with it.

Chicks already help with the filter process.

Tier one = enters first and last name (call in 2 days)
Tier 2 responds to your initial text of your name (call in 3-4 days)
Tier 3 is first name + no last name + no response when you send here a first name text after grabbing her # that day (hailmary likely to flake call at pure random when you're bored)

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

In fact I've never fucked but I'm facing a very similar situation (and honestly, I'm looking for some advises too) because I've being flaked quite frequently from a girl

Sometimes I go to another city and, the last time I was there, I met her up. She is an 8: cute, very nice body and also, gets a lot of money with her job (she is a doctor). However, the first date I didn't seal the deal, just had some kisses, some touching in her ass and so on. I tried hard to get it through but it was impossible to bang her.

I mean, I don't have more than 50 bangs, however, most bangs I got I did in the first date, at most the second one and also, every girl I banged, they always text me back again, always trying to set up a new date or even to get things more serious (in fact, the worse way I do, more they love... have one of you guys ever faced something similar?). Well, I've been avoiding relationships, I had no more than 4 serious relationships in my life and most girls I banged, I drop them out, don't answering they back, not calling them etc.

But this girl has being pretty hard to deal with. After that, she never text me back, she doesn't call me and I feel like being beta if just me that go and work for banging her. I mean, if just me that text her, call her and so on, would look like just another needy guy, and I don't feel I'll have any "profit" with that.

What you guys think about it? Chasing girls that flake is a sign of being beta? Or sometimes the girl thinks she's so powerful (because of money for instance) that she loves flaking out?

I didn't stopped chasing and banging another women, however, I really want to bang that one. But her flake way of life is kinda boring.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Flaked before first date? No. After first date, flaked, banged later? Absolutely.

Girls flake. It happens. Sometimes they have very legit reasons - they were sick, whatever.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

What do you mean by flake? Constantly canceling/declining invites?

It's hard to really assess since at SOME POINT every chick that I've known has flaked for whatever reason. The only time that things were "low" probability were with women who after texting me there name never responded. In those scenarios only a small percentage texted. One of my fuckbuddies I used to text 1x A MONTH.

At my peak I probably texted a chick 2-4x a month, now its maybe 1x a month. I meet too many people and too much in my own world to really focus on any chick who is having trouble simply coming along into my life. I live a life of "tweets", they know what I'm doing, they can come along if they want to.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Two off the top of my head.

#1 - Stripper I met at strip club. Broke the cardinal rules and got a lapdance from her, but she asked for my number and we exchanged numbers. Tried to get her out numerous times after that. Mind you, this was pre red pill/RVF. Everytime she'd come up with some excuse and bail. Every few weeks or month I'd throw a random text, finally she agreed. Went to a sushi happy hour, she was ecstatic I took her to "seafood." She was from Atlanta and recently moved to LA. She was white, cute girl banging body but I could not understand half the things she said because she sounded like Juvenile the rapper. Post dinner offered drinks at my place, bang. I may have seen her one other time for a bang but then she fell off the face of the earth. Strippers.

#2 - Met her at a Hollywood club, wasted out of my mind. Approached her to ask for a light, 10 minutes later was making out with her right next to her friend. Got her #, texted for months again always an excuse as to why she couldn't meet. Finally got her out one night on a date months later. Had no idea what she looked like but when I saw her I was pleasently surprised. Had drinks, her friends showed up, turned into a circus of events with us drinking the night away and her offering me to stay over. Bang. She asked how it's possible for me to have so much semen [Image: lol.gif] This one was odd, she went back to her flaking ways, ran into her one night when I was out and that was about it.

I never delete #'s, sometimes I'll just keep them around and get bored and send out mass texts (copy paste, not in one single text) and see what bites. Last year got a handjob from an older girl texting about 20 old/stale numbers "drinks tonight?" and she bit. She was kind of ugly but skinny and really knew how to handle a penis.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Quote: (11-26-2013 07:53 PM)Distant Light Wrote:  

What do you mean by flake? Constantly canceling/declining invites?

Yes canceling, declining invites and no picking up calls or responding to texts for some time.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Yes, multiple times.

Keep the numbers and mass blast every once in a while.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Yes but it sure doesn't happen often

Had one last year-got a number off POF and texted for a bit with a nurse chick. Never would meet me but occasionally would send unasked for nudes. I texted her may once every three or four weeks for eight months. Sometimes she responded, sometimes not. A couple of times she agreed to dates, and then flaked. I only kept texting her because I liked the nudie pics and she had a really juicy body with great tits.

Finally, one day I was cleaning out my contact list and I texted her and told her I was deleting her. She asked me not to and I said the only way I wouldn't was if she met me that night. She said ok and of course I expected her to flake but I went out to the restaurant where we were supposed to met anyway. Time came for the meeting and she didn't show. I texted her and she said she was just leaving home which was 45 minutes away. Amazingly, she did appear an hour later and I ended up banging her at a hotel.

That sort of thing is a rare occurence though

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Yes, I have.

I think you should not come off as pissed when the girl flakes and keep the needy-ness at minimum. And, Restart after some time.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Yes, at least twice.

They were both similar situations. I pursued in the beginning, and she would agree to a date and then cancel. After the right blend of persistence and patience, we'd go out. In both cases, I started seeing another girl who was more interesting, and this made me less available to the first girl.

Sure enough, she could tell I was pulling away, and the very next date both girls served up their bodies for the taking. I remember one very clearly saying to me as I carried her topless into my bedroom: "You can do whatever you want to me". And in both cases, that's exactly what I did.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

I feel I am gunna get judged for this, but a majority. I am an avid social media-er (social medist?) and so girls see me constantly talking to people, getting more likes on every picture, post, or status, or even comment than most girls let alone guys (most guys are ass at social media), and I segue that into convos with new girls or old ones either by my own hand or them "knowing me" and being curious.

Girls I thought were DONE after trying to get up with them multiple times, hit me up and then its just bam done.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Yes. Most of them flake at one point or other.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

I had a girl flake on me during our first date. We had plans to meet at a restaurant at 8pm (this is in the Middle East. Drink dates are way more expensive than dinner dates here. Interesting question - does that mean dinner dates are still beta?) Anyways, I was in the restaurant alone, waiting for her. Texted her, no response.

Ate dinner at the restaurant and went home. She calls me 2 hours later apologizing that she fell asleep (yeah right). We schedule another date at the same restaurant 3 days later and I get the bang that night.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

This thread inspired me to touch base with some old leads...already got a reply from one who I thought was hopeless!

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Happened to me a few times. It's always worth getting back in touch so long as you don't get your ego wrapped up in the response. Girls flake for all kinds of reasons and their situations change constantly. I also think girls have really shitty memories when it comes to interactions with dudes. A girl can flat out reject you and then have totally forgotten about it a month later. All she'll remember is that you seem familiar and sometimes that's all it takes.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

I just remembered a notch from a girl that repeatedly flaked on me the day of our dates which btw were very low investment on my part so I didn't really care. She was seeing a guy that really wasn't into her which obviously made her want him more (and made things more difficult for me). One day I noticed him changing his relationship status on Facebook to 'open'. I'd assumed correctly that it no doubt pissed her off so I texted her a few days later and got the notch. They didn't even break up but we know lizards often want to even the score as I imagine he was seeing another girl.

So yeah guys...keep those numbers! Lizards situations can change rapidly!

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

I usually delete girls numbers once they flake because I get irritated but I've learned not to do that.

When I sent out my dick pic and only 1 of 6 responded positively I just deleted the other 5. Well like a week later I get a random text from some number asking if I want to grab a drink. I say "send a pic" and once I see it I recognize it as one of the girls I had sent a dick pic to a week earlier.

We grabbed one drink and then went back to her place for the bang.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Anyone ever recover from you're a nice guy but I don't see this going further?

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Quote: (11-27-2013 11:13 PM)bacan Wrote:  

Anyone ever recover from you're a nice guy but I don't see this going further?

I recover pretty fast when I get 3 new numbers outta starbucks the next day, for sure.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Quote: (11-28-2013 01:35 AM)Plutoman Wrote:  

I recover pretty fast when I get 3 new numbers outta starbucks the next day, for sure.

Ha, I set myself up for that. I just wonder how often girls say this and end up reconsidering.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

More seriously... the only way to recover from that is to have a long, extended break - and then for it to be immediately visible when you run into each other again for how your personality has changed. By long, extended break, I mean 6 months plus - relative to the age/maturity of the girls in question (to younger ones, 6 months is a freaking long time - to girls 23, 24 and up, longer can be needed). It has to be a genuine personality shift - you truly need to be a different person than the guy she said that to. She has to see you - be curious to how you are and how you've changed - and then be shocked by who you are now.

In 6 months (or longer) - a lot can change - at least, in my world. Those girls are not anything you try to flip around, anyone you try to chase. You walk away, and then if, and only if, you happen to run into them again down the line - see if you can flip it. If you can't, you walk away again. Leave the ego behind for these steps.

Different from flakes, which have two categories of - uninterested and genuine. There's a middle category of somewhat interested but you're not my main priority, but it's a grey area. And which ones can turn into a bang are self-explanatory; telling them apart is more of the question. A genuine flake is rarer because a girl genuinely interested will try to avoid flaking.

It goes hand in hand with not kissing a girl on the first date; Roosh mentions it in Bang, and I'm definitely starting to agree. Turning it around when there's no first date kiss is an uphill battle, and generally not worth the effort. Same kind of concept. A genuinely interested girl that doesn't kiss you is rarer - because generally, an interested girl also wants to kiss you, and then vice versa.

I can think of... hmm, my hazy memory is maybe one that I flipped around after an early flake. Pre-red pill I got hung up on them and definitely, definitely didn't go back out with them - post-red pill I just went after new girls that didn't flake. I couldn't tell ya the details of the one I flipped though.

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Yes, of course I've fucked a chick who flaked.

A couple years ago I had a great first date, multiple venue switches, intense making out, plans to pick her up the next day from her house. Then I went to her house and she wasn't there. Basically disappeared for a month. It turns out she found out she was pregnant at some point between that night and the next afternoon.

I ran into her about a month later when I was in another relationship. Saw her outside of a nightclub, waved her in and made plans to take her to a pool party the next day while my gf was at work. A date or 2 later got the bang and repeated many times!

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Once I was supposed to meet a girl @ 8. I went to pick her up. "I'm outside." No answer. I leave after 20 minutes or so. Roll dolo for a few cocktails. Get a text @ 9. "I don't see you." I reply. "I left 45 minutes ago." Anyway, met back up with her. Few drinks, then bang. Was this beta??

Have you ever fucked a chick that flaked on you?

Quote: (11-28-2013 03:06 AM)Plutoman Wrote:  

More seriously... the only way to recover from that is to have a long, extended break - and then for it to be immediately visible when you run into each other again for how your personality has changed. By long, extended break, I mean 6 months plus - relative to the age/maturity of the girls in question (to younger ones, 6 months is a freaking long time - to girls 23, 24 and up, longer can be needed). It has to be a genuine personality shift - you truly need to be a different person than the guy she said that to. She has to see you - be curious to how you are and how you've changed - and then be shocked by who you are now.

The weirdest thing is that I got that after like 3.5 dates -- WTF! Has never happened to me before, and, like you said, is kind of weird for my ego. I'm used to either quick sex on night 1,2 or 3 and then things either fizzle or continue for a few weeks or months in a casual way. But a girl just going cold on me after we clearly had a good time together the last time we saw each other is bizarre and has never happened. She was the type who wasn't playing games with being flaky or text response times, cooked for me and I slept over at her place, then a few days later, this text! how weird. She explained her reasons and they sound like something that I could recover from or just excuses for something she is not telling me.

Hard to imagine all the possibilities, but oh well. There is nothing special about this particular girl other than the fact that the timing and bluntness of this text is unprecedented for me and my ego.

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