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How Was Your Summer?

How Was Your Summer?

Summer is winding down again.

How was your summer in 2014?

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

How Was Your Summer?

Got my degree. Hunting for a role in my related field.

Gym is going good. Will be this year I reach good milestones in the squat.

Sex life could be better but at the minute I am stuck with other things to do and I am nowhere near the social scene currently.

How Was Your Summer?

It's been good. Just finished one money making project and onto 4 more. In terms of women, I've not had this many quality women trying to get the attention of my cock ever before. Also I became a man today, 30 [Image: biggrin.gif]

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

How Was Your Summer?

Quote: (08-19-2014 04:30 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

Summer is winding down again.

How was your summer in 2014?

Was broke and overworked for most of it but had a nice, lengthy holiday around the end of July...being broke, I mostly hung around my house and went out to party. My sister's baby was born in July and is healthy and happy. There is still rampant uncertainty about the future...but that will clear up. 7/10, would enjoy again.

2 Notches May.
4 June.
1 July.
2 (so far) August.

About the only way in which it was fully satisfying IMO. Wish I had more cash and less work to do.

How Was Your Summer?

Spent most if it in Colombia. Also did a trip to Peru which has been on my list for some time. I had luxury of not working. I basked in the absence of a monotonous work routine with all the accompanying headaches. Spent more money then I anticipated but that is what it is for.

Spent most of the time improving my Spanish, traveling, and hanging out with with Colombian chicas. Back to reality in one week but a hell of a summer!

How Was Your Summer?

- Rented an office for the business (that I'm not personally paying for this time!) and moved all that shit out of my house. Revenue is up and things are looking good.

- I got zero action with online game, not sure why I'm even bothering with that bullshit. However I did learn tips here to be better at it, and have started getting tons of attention since putting up great pictures. I'm sure it won't be long now.

- My noodle arms can now bench over 100 pounds.

- I'm up to 20 pushups at a time.

- Lost 10 more pounds.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

How Was Your Summer?

Travelled to six countries in 3 months, more travel than I have done in any year prior.

Started a new business venture with two friends, looking to get it off the ground in early 2015.

Started a blog, an e-book, and looking to monetize it in the next little while.

Learned new sales techniques, took over more responsibilities at my current job.

All in all a pretty good summer, definitely stoked to head back to university in two weeks though.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

How Was Your Summer?

I did a pretty big move into an apartment with room mates again. Overall it has been a pretty lackluster summer with temperatures not getting too high. I'm not really looking forward to the winter, but eh it's coming.

How Was Your Summer?

- Did another MMA fight and won by armbar.
- Got an A in my class on Python programming
- Started reading Locke's "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" again after leaving it unopened for a few months. My goal is to get through Locke and then reading Berkeley and Hume before finally tackling Kant, beginning with first his "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics" and then finally the grand end of what all my previous reading had been aimed towards - "The Critique of Pure Reason". Bryan Magee had said that it was worth studying philosophy just to read that one book so great is the light that it shines on someone who can understand it. I'll see if that's the case.

How Was Your Summer?

Quote: (08-19-2014 05:11 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

- Did another MMA fight and won by armbar.
- Got an A in my class on Python programming
- Started reading Locke's "An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" again after leaving it unopened for a few months. My goal is to get through Locke and then reading Berkeley and Hume before finally tackling Kant, beginning with first his "Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics" and then finally the grand end of what all my previous reading had been aimed towards - "The Critique of Pure Reason". Bryan Magee had said that it was worth studying philosophy just to read that one book so great is the light that it shines on someone who can understand it. I'll see if that's the case.

This is one of the least feminine paragraphs ever written in world history. [Image: smile.gif]

It would be pretty sweet if Kim Kardashian wrote this as her account of "how I spent my summer". [Image: banana.gif]

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

How Was Your Summer?

-Since January I've had 18 notches (It's a start, I'm only 1 year into Red Pill)
-My last 2 "dating" girls were HB 8 (huge improvement from my last serious ex)
-I'm sort of in a LTR (still banging others) with this HB 8 who complements my life, however I got her prego and she's having an abortion this week.
-I have the nickname "Tinder King" around my friends (no such thing as bad publicity).
-I've never felt better about myself in the gym, I'm eating a shitload more to put on weight.
-I feel comfortable, confident, and cocky with women.
-I give less fucks about what people think about me.
-I have a pretty full awesome beard going that seems fitting to me.
-I've knocked ALOT of bands, activities, and places off my bucket list.
-I built my own AR-15 from scratch and purchased accessories.

Besides the abortion happening, it's been a pretty good damn fucking year.

How Was Your Summer?

Quote: (09-09-2013 11:13 PM)R Smoov Wrote:  

*Unemployed for the most part
*Two shitty sales jobs
*No money
*No sex/less going out

Summer sucked but at least I'm still back on campus after the shit I've done.
2K14 Rosca
*Had a temp job doing some general labor (Construction Contractor shit)
*Met a lot of friends I can see myself hanging with years from now
*No Therapy
*Broke, but happy
*Wasn't robbed but had a lot of homeless folk ask for cigs
*New bang
*Too many stories to explain in one setting.

I came back in the fucking game. Now it's time to go to school, rush a frat, get my fitness up and my money up.


How Was Your Summer?

This summer, I pretty much went into rehab by moving into my parents place to finish college. I haven't drank this little liquor/beer or done less stimulants or banged this few of girls since high school. I've been eating good and working out a lot. So thats good, I guess.

College is a few days away, I need to find a candy man as well as some bitches to fuck so I can focus on my stufies.

How Was Your Summer?

* Re-injured myself but not as bad. Gotta figure out a way to pay for surgery and recovery. Had to deal with a couple weeks of not being able to do that much. Now I can't do hard sports but I can go to the gym.
* Have not been hitting the gym or eating that well.
* Have gained significant weight (10-15 lbs) and not any of it muscle. This is a major problem.
* Lost my roommate (best roommate I've had so far).
* Haven't changed my main job, staffing has been a problem so I've been working even harder.
* Had some major drama with a neighbor over a business deal gone sour. Not really a lot my fault, but I had to deal with a lot of bullshit for an ever increasingly small piece of the profit. Painful lesson learned.
* Lost use of the really nice massage table I had, stopped giving massages for side money to friends (more of a loss in my forearm strength than dollars, but it also helps clear my head to massage).

* Picked up another company to work side gigs for. Not a huge amount of income, but useful income.
* Clients have been good at my main job so I've been working a lot but at least making more.
* Good client at my work and my family members helped me out logistically so I could have the opportunity to make a family reunion, wedding, and multiple other events that looked near impossible otherwise.
* While traveling I managed to rent out my 2nd bedroom with the help of my friend who owns a business nearby which made it possible for me to live without a roommate for the rest of the summer by paying for the 2nd room and then some. I also negotiated for free entry and possible VIP meet and greet with a huge artist for me +3.
* While traveling I also managed to network/connect a brand owner and the same business owner friend for a very financially beneficial solution for both of them.
* I spent a lot of time with my dad.
* I've been getting back into spearfishing/freediving as a low impact sport that also gets me in shape and feeds me.
* I majorly upgraded my patio/BBQ area so I can hang and look out at the ocean and host more friends in a nicer spot.
* I've hosted some awesome birthday and holiday parties as well as some good BBQs and other get togethers.
* Girl I'm in a relationship with continues to do and be all the things that I got into a relationship with her for in the first place. This has been really great.

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"Failure is just practice for success"

How Was Your Summer?

You're coming back to the D?

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

How Was Your Summer?

I don't see myself going back to the Df dub for a while. But, who knows, maybe I'll get a job down there. I will be looking to move down south again after I graduate.

How Was Your Summer?

Absolute crap. Watched a lot of Netflix on the weekdays and on the weekends over a ton of failed approaches just learned that I am even more undesirable than I thought I was, as if that's even possible.

How Was Your Summer?

Been in and out of the hospital. Rehabbing both of my knees. Got punched in the face. Stepped on my favorite pair of glasses. Didn't get into the program in University. Crap summer but I never felt down about any of this

How Was Your Summer?

Shit. Broke a little part of my hand last night, so there goes lifting for a month...

With the good comes the bad

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

How Was Your Summer?

Quote: (08-19-2014 04:30 AM)2Wycked Wrote:  

Summer is winding down again.

How was your summer in 2014?

Fairly productive. I realized what I want to do with my life and taking the necessary steps to get there. It's a bitch though. I learned that I have to develop networking skills so I've been reading voraciously and speaking with people who know more about the topic than me.

Visited the east coast for the first time, including NYC which was awesome. Spent a lot of time on the beach and visited some old friends. Can't really complain; accomplished an appreciable amount and had some great times.

How was yours?

How Was Your Summer?

It was awesome. In May I spent the entire month in Japan. In June I was in Japan, Bangkok, and Romania. July was spent in Ukraine. August was spent home in New York. In a couple weeks I'll be going to Ibiza with some friends to close off the summer with a week of intense partying. Best summer of my life (though every year keeps getting better). I smashed some quality pussy, met some cool people (some were from this forum), and had some great times. Overall 2014 has been life changing.

How Was Your Summer?

Quote: (08-19-2014 08:08 PM)civpro Wrote:  

Absolute crap. Watched a lot of Netflix on the weekdays and on the weekends over a ton of failed approaches just learned that I am even more undesirable than I thought I was, as if that's even possible.

Can't help but laugh out loud at the "learned I am even more undesirable than I thought I was" part. You're undesirable because you're living a boring life. Do you really think any decent girl wants to be with a guy who spends his free time watching Netflix? You need to start doing more interesting things with your time. Learn to play guitar or how to start a business. Read books instead of Netflix.

How Was Your Summer?

Moved to another continent. Saw all kinds of crazy things that I never knew existed. Had the time of my life.

How Was Your Summer?

It was a shitty send off to an even shittier year.

I put an insane amount of work and emotion into my projects thinking I was going to get into shows. I didn't, and I got passed up by people I legitimately thought I was better than. It was a wake up call that I need to work even harder, and that even if you feel that you did everything right you might still lose out due to politics, favoritism etc. Such things happen in life.

I broke it off with my LTR of 8 years, which hurts everyday. The one who was to bear my children. I felt like I was losing serious hand in the relationship, and after she decided to take a solo trip with her slut friends I put my foot down and cut off contact completely. My own beta condotioning ruined a great relationship. If I had held frame better in its early stages, then it may have been fine. But I was like 19 back then and didnt know any better. The more I progress here, the worse I realize my frame was. Its too late for a reversal.

On a better note, my game has been progressing nicely. I secured what I feel are a couple pretty high-quality notches and reached several game milestones in a relatively short time. I havent gone out night gaming once the entire summer which I am slightly regretting now. I am realizing that I lean a bit too heavy on school circle game.

The good:

I'm starting at a new, very prestigious program which will set me up for my career.

Fall is starting, freshman pussy abound

Bout to get my awesome ride, which has been sitting dormant for 5 years, back out on the open road

I want to make the final transitions out of asshole game. I'm too hot to be doing that shit anymore.

How Was Your Summer?

All in all 7/10


Getting in better shape
Made a few rewarding connections


Could've traveled MORE
Didn't see the family as much
Might be time for a move


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