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LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (01-14-2014 11:49 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  

Chicago is the most normal tier 1. But it's the city I have least experience in.

I've never been to Chi-town. I'd say it's the American city I hear the least about on RVF. Not sure why that is though. Of the little I do hear, it seems mostly positive, other than the weather of course.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

NYC is pound for pound the best place to get laid in the United States.

1. There is a never ending quantity of women
2. The quality is very very good
3. Most of them are well educated, intelligent and have real jobs if they can afford to live in the city
4. The ratio of women to men is very high. The best of any major city if you only count manhattan.

Its NYC, if you strike out - walk 15 feet rinse and repeat.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

NYC is easier than anywhere else I can think of to get laid. By far. With pretty women. And young women. And 2 million more single straight women than single straight men.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (01-14-2014 11:49 AM)Courage Reborn Wrote:  


The #1 factor is 20 million people live in the area.

#2, guys really underestimate the impact the Sex in the City show had on New York.

It was always a decent city for getting sex. But after the success of that show, it got even easier.

Quote: (01-12-2014 07:53 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I would love to hear some more comparisons from guys who have lived and gamed in both L.A. and D.C. At least in D.C.'s corner, the ratios are more favorable(the east coast in general). The further west, the more cock.

Tier 1 US city comparison

New York is the shittiest place as far as cost, weather, negativity. Easiest for getting laid. 2nd most down to earth, normal people after Chicago. Girls are the most DTF here of the tier 1's. Game is good to have here, but not mandatory.

San Francisco is more laid back, and much more feminist. More elitist. More bitchy women choosing. Too many dudes. If you're looking for an "equal partner" in a woman, SF is the place. The only city where massive game is seen as a DLV. You do need to speak these girls language.

DC is a mix of New York & SF. It has more women than dudes, but it doesn't help because they're over educated compared to the men, and often earn as much. Quite feminist, but less so than SF. Lowest quality. You need game here.

LA is a different beast. Not intellectually elitist compared to the other 3. Extremely shallow & vapid people. Fake everything. Guys throw around money & game. Women are jaded to a player. Not much going for girls besides their looks (which can be exceptional). Best quality of life though. And weather. Happier people. On the outside at least. Game is most important thing in LA.

Miami has the hottest girls. But take everything shallow about LA. Then double or triple it. Your game should be the sickest on the planet. If not, your bankroll needs to be.

Chicago is the most normal tier 1. But it's the city I have least experience in. Can't speak on the ATL either.

Courage, one tier-1 city you forgot to mention is Philadelphia. I've had great luck there and women have been uber friendly to me. I would put it as a close 2nd after NYC. Not as many stuck up foreigners there (i'm calling out the Persian club girls I see here in DC) as well so if one of us go's to a bar and starts talking about our adventure travel the exotic factor go's through the roof. In DC they can care less that I've been to the Arctic Circle or swam with dolphins in the

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (01-12-2014 09:50 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

I would love to hear some more comparisons from guys who have lived and gamed in both L.A. and D.C. At least in D.C.'s corner, the ratios are more favorable(the east coast in general). The further west, the more cock.

I live in Southern California, and while I didn't actively game in DC, I have a little experience I can share from my short stay in DC and Virginia (a short bus trip away) to visit family.

In SoCal, it's way easier to find young people, and I know exactly where I can go to find hotties, guaranteed. It's a far superior place for a daygame guy looking to play the numbers game with attractive girls. DC and Virginia could lose a lot of appeal after settling in. I also want to bring up that there were few Latinas, and they weren't as good-looking as some Mexican girls in SoCal.

Virginia feels a lot like Europe actually. Beautiful architecture and trees everywhere, seems like few overweight people, lots of families (according to what I've read, Virginia's divorce rate is among the lowest in the country at 10 percent, compared to 60-75 percent in SoCal), and very sweet and approachable women. Girls in Virginia are feminine and frequently make eye contact and smile. They also don't come off like they're avoiding social interaction with men in any way as SoCal girls are stereotyped. Little things like girls coming into my vicinity and facing me more often caught my attention. There's definitely a higher ratio of females to males in DC and Virginia versus SoCal, but they're not necessarily young and attractive, though some of course are quite pretty. The nicer and more civilized environment in Virginia makes talking to girls feel easier. What I mean by this is that in SoCal, people are often just angrier and carry a more negative presence.

I usually have these highly positive experiences whenever I'm traveling to a new place (including in SoCal), so I don't know how much is just owed to being on "vacation mode" and being more excited and alert to my surroundings.

Ironically, I didn't aggressively chase any girls until the moment I landed back in SoCal. There are simply way more attractive girls here than in DC and there are plenty who are way more approachable than some of you guys are making them out to be.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (01-14-2014 11:17 AM)Searcher Wrote:  

Fokm, how were you meeting all these government and politics chicks? Happy hours? Work? Special events? Day game? Social circle?


I lived in LA for about 4 years. I was only in DC 3 months. During my first 2 weeks in DC I got 2 bangs off of OKC.

I seem to be older than most of the posters here complaining about DC. I'm 36.

The key I found is that DC has a LOT of single women who work a ton, going up the political career ladder. Starting around the age of 28 or so, many of them seem to realize that this is not the path to happiness.

I have an older friend (approaching 50 or so) who had a gig in DC in the late 90s and he said he didn't like living there at all, EXCEPT for the ease of sex. It was a lot less work to get laid, and he seemed to have the same experience as I did -- attractive and smart women being burned out in their career looking for something more out of life than government work.

If OKC isn't your thing, just go to happy hour. Four years in LA, I never heard the phrase "Happy Hour." I heard it in DC every single work day. Again, the place is so stressful that people absolutely need to unwind daily.

Finally, I thought DC was going to be a bigger nightmare than LA and was dreading it. I could not believe the quantity of quality girls there.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Just saw this thread, I love the accuracy of all the ethnic demographics in the corresponding cities, silver lake, beverly hills, los feliz, the valley etc.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (01-12-2014 08:45 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Damn. Reading this about LA is disheartening. Are there any winnable cities left in CA? The Bay Area is garb too in the pickup department.

san diego, santa barbara, are both poosey paradise.

I actually like los angeles. I figured out many years ago that los angeles is not that great for night game. You can do much better with day game and online game(tinder is a goldmine here). Yoga classes, spinning classes and art festivals are generally loaded with hot women as well. That said, i have seen guys with looks and money(but no game) not do well in los angeles because they go out to clubs a lot, and they might do a lot better somewhere else. But hopefully if you are on this forum, you understand the game.

Nocal is not bad, especially if you like hipsters, asians, and black women.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (01-12-2014 03:03 PM)SeanBateman Wrote:  

Quote: (01-12-2014 02:43 PM)puckman Wrote:  

SF city has a lot of hot girls

I disagree. There are a few and they have better attitudes than in LA but the vast majority are chunky and frumpy.

Personally I think the woman in the bay area are more plastic than in socal. In a sort of 1980's, pinky out, Dallas tv show sort of way. Granted a lot of them are frumpy snobby midwestern techies, but I have seen just as many fake boobs up north. The more attractive = the more native CA. At least down south they are a little more laid back about it. Most of the time I find Angelino's to be very interesting people & cool people. Is it harder than NYC, yes. But the beach/West LA scene is pretty cool, and social game there would go a long way.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (01-17-2014 05:33 AM)master_thespian Wrote:  

Quote: (01-12-2014 08:45 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Damn. Reading this about LA is disheartening. Are there any winnable cities left in CA? The Bay Area is garb too in the pickup department.

san diego, santa barbara, are both poosey paradise.

I actually like los angeles. I figured out many years ago that los angeles is not that great for night game. You can do much better with day game and online game(tinder is a goldmine here). Yoga classes, spinning classes and art festivals are generally loaded with hot women as well. That said, i have seen guys with looks and money(but no game) not do well in los angeles because they go out to clubs a lot, and they might do a lot better somewhere else. But hopefully if you are on this forum, you understand the game.

Nocal is not bad, especially if you like hipsters, asians, and black women.

Yeah, SoCal is awesome in my book and loaded with friendly and easy-going hotties.

Really sweet girls are often afraid of confrontation and don’t want to put themselves in situations where guys may aggressively pursue them or their friends, and maybe even grope them. These are different people from the kinds of girls who do feel comfortable in social settings like bars, nightclubs, and house parties where there are lots of drunk aggressive guys. Party girls tend to be less afraid to tell guys to fuck off. Often times, nightlife attracts people with toxic personalities.

If you have libraries or bookstores in your area, see what a difference it is between the average girl there versus in a club with a bunch of drunks. Have you ever been “accidentally” touched or sexually harassed by some gay guy before? I’m a positive guy, but that shit can turn me violent real quick.

If you’re going out on Hollywood Blvd, for example, gangsters and thugs are literally everywhere, and it’s going to be intimidating for nice, feminine girls. The more thugs there are around, the more on-guard women are – with everyone. European tourists who come here are no different.

Manhattan is a more upscale and classy location, so the better people tend to be in on the fun more, and the biggest thugs are probably in the Bronx or Joisy.

I personally prefer daygame in Southern California over New York. It makes no difference to me whether there are thousands of girls walking around or millions. I’ll never be able to talk to every girl in New York or Southern California. I’d rather be in Newport Beach where the quality is the highest in the world. There are probably more stylish dimes in the Newport Beach Central Library (and zero homeless people) at any given time than there are in most Manhattan nightclubs.

Oh, and I just went to the beach yesterday. Even at Chipotle there were girls in bikinis. That’s daygame for you. How’s the weather in NYC?

Edit: I just looked it up, New York has a 60%-70% chance of snow on Saturday afternoon. Better stay in.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

I've had decent success in LA, got laid 3 out of 6 trips there, and after only a day or night of gaming (and I wouldn't consider myself good at pickup). Two of the girls I banged in my car, so there lies the solution to the logistics problem. LA is actually the only city I can think of where I had SNLs in my car.

Nightlife in SD has terrible ratios. Nightlife in the Bay just sucks.

Nightlife in NYC is expensive, but daygame is great. I had 3 same-day-lays there, and come to think of it it is the only city I've had same day lays.

In Miami, the quality is there but not so much the quantity and the difficulty is pretty steep, and it's tough to get into good places without connects.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

I imagine that girls in LA understand that the drive to your or her place is just too far. They see the sense in just fucking in the car. LOL

Can anyone tell me how blondish haired, blued eyes guys do in the NYC area? I seem to remember getting some attention when I was a teen up there. Down in the south and midwest we are the norm. Seems like NYC might be one of the few places in the US where having lighter hair might be in the extreme minority.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

NYC girls have seen it all, so broadbrushing doesn't quite work. Your look might help, but style, game and logistics will take you further. There are plenty of WASP-y males with plenty of cash, good logistics, and various levels of game.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

If you want to get laid in Los Angeles, go to Las Vegas.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (09-06-2014 08:06 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

If you want to get laid in Los Angeles, go to Las Vegas.
Just follow the CMQ day, night, club, text bibles and you'll do great in LA

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

The only comparison not covered in this thread that is very interesting is NYC vs. Chicago.

Anyone lived and gamed in both? My bro in his 40s has lived in both and said in Chicago once you are 40 it's done. Almost everyone is hitched with kids. Even 35 in Chicago starts to push it. The girls though seem like the most down to earth of any large city in America.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

"The girls though seem like the most down to earth of any large city in America."

Never really spent time there, but I sense Chicago is a football, beer and buffalo wings kind of city. I'll much sooner take a little divadom than a chick wearing football jerseys and rooting for "her" team.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (09-06-2014 10:11 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

"The girls though seem like the most down to earth of any large city in America."

Never really spent time there, but I sense Chicago is a football, beer and buffalo wings kind of city. I'll much sooner take a little divadom than a chick wearing football jerseys and rooting for "her" team.

There's definitely an element of that given that it's the heart of the Midwest but Chicago is too big of a city with too many scenes and neighborhoods to really pigeonhole.

Guys I've known from Chicago that had normal sex lives there struggled in LA. Quality of girls in Chicago is not great compared to LA though and definitely not a place for finding skinny girls outside of the hipster circle.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (09-07-2014 09:42 AM)speakeasy Wrote:  

Quote: (09-06-2014 10:11 PM)Basil Ransom Wrote:  

"The girls though seem like the most down to earth of any large city in America."

Never really spent time there, but I sense Chicago is a football, beer and buffalo wings kind of city. I'll much sooner take a little divadom than a chick wearing football jerseys and rooting for "her" team.

There's definitely an element of that given that it's the heart of the Midwest but Chicago is too big of a city with too many scenes and neighborhoods to really pigeonhole.

Guys I've known from Chicago that had normal sex lives there struggled in LA. Quality of girls in Chicago is not great compared to LA though and definitely not a place for finding skinny girls outside of the hipster circle.

A cousin of mine moved to Chicago recently from LA. He grew up in LA, went to school near Chicago and all his buddies were there. I rarely talked to him, but I heard that the women of LA were a sore point with him, and between his network of friends in Chicago and the women there, he's a lot happier.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

I would like to share a story about last night.

A few months ago, I met a girl in NYC at a club. I got her number, and a few days later she joined me out at a drinking event. She was fun, real and we had a great time together. We ended up having sex that night, and a few days later after texting back and forth she ended up taking a job in LA and left.

Fast forward to this week, and I texted her that I'm going to be back in LA for work. She was very excited and we met up. In two months, her whole personality changed. She kept talking about how fashionable everyone was, how healthy she had gotten (given up drinking and now eating right), how LA is so fun, talking about hipster band names, letting me know about her trust fund friends out here, and even asking my opinion on Ray Rice. It's hard to explain, but her personality was so offputting I considered leaving the date after 30 minutes.

But I'm stuck in LA for work, I don't masturbate and need a sexual outlet. So I bared through it, we go back to my place and start going at it. She gets naked, assumes the doggy position, and then flips out and leaves. Barely an explanation other than she had to get up early and so forth. She literally ran out with me having my pants on around my ankles. I asked her if she was serious and what the hell happened and she just said she had to go.

Pissed off, I just went to sleep. I woke up to a text from her thanking me for the night, and apologizing for leaving so abruptly because she was about to do something in haste despite how much she wanted to do it.

I don't know if it has to do with LA, but I'm guessing it does. She went from a fun, carefree sex loving girl in NYC to this cocktease hippie chick in LA. Kudos to all you guys who have stayed here and tough it out like I did for years. Last night was a reminder of how much worse LA is than pretty much anywhere I've ever been for gaming girls.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Yeah I don't know what it is, but LA has a crazy way of making girls too good for the dick. As I've said before, you could be giving her insane orgasms but she'll make her mimosa brunches with her phony friends and her faux career in PR a far greater priority than you.

I was talking with Slubu, and it really is an uphill battle to make chicks here drink, with the possible exception of bottomless brunches. They expect some magical conne tion on the first date, amd if they don't get it, you won't see them again. And that magical connection is mostly impossible to achieve for non celebrities, because they are emotionally broken and unavailable. It's a cocktail of sobriety, frigidity, lack of priority and emotional unavailability.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Ive only been to LA once but rather randomly was setup on a date with a girl through a friend

This girl was Indian and Ive dated my share...but this one was different than any other.

She couldn't stop talking about her gym routine and actually stated she couldn't be with someone who didn't have a six pack !!

While it was a small sample size, I figured it was no accident I met her in LA and the descriptions of girls here on the forum are very believable.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

I wonder how much of it is culture friction. The west, at least superficially, has a more artistic and new age vibe. I wonder if these girls simply test for a sort of minimal "connectivity" with the west coast culture. In other words, you don't have to be a gallery owner, just have one as a friend. I find the west so easy to meet people and make friends, that I could imagine a girl would wonder why you haven't caught the "vibe" of the west. So in a way its like lining up the wrong polarity of batteries.

My hardcore RSD friend told me it takes 2 weeks to adjust to the culture and social vibe of a new place. But that's only if you are trying your best and adjusting yourself. I have no doubt that LA is not an easy place. But in my travels in the west coast, being homeless living in my van (but also an artist, etc) was almost a DHV because I was following my heart. Which in a way what the west is about, even if for some people its become just a sort of hypocritical hipster parody.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

Quote: (09-13-2014 02:52 PM)kavakid Wrote:  

I wonder how much of it is culture friction. The west, at least superficially, has a more artistic and new age vibe. I wonder if these girls simply test for a sort of minimal "connectivity" with the west coast culture. In other words, you don't have to be a gallery owner, just have one as a friend. I find the west so easy to meet people and make friends, that I could imagine a girl would wonder why you haven't caught the "vibe" of the west. So in a way its like lining up the wrong polarity of batteries.

My hardcore RSD friend told me it takes 2 weeks to adjust to the culture and social vibe of a new place. But that's only if you are trying your best and adjusting yourself. I have no doubt that LA is not an easy place. But in my travels in the west coast, being homeless living in my van (but also an artist, etc) was almost a DHV because I was following my heart. Which in a way what the west is about, even if for some people its become just a sort of hypocritical hipster parody.

What I think effects female receptivity more than any other factors is ratios. We've posted stats here endlessly on the sex ratios in California versus NYC. In the 18-35 range, there is just a ridiculous oversupply of men in California. In some places such as tech heavy Silicon Valley(Man Jose), it's like 135 guys for every 100 women. This skews the market value of women so much. And even in cities where ratios are more balanced, even average women get tons of attention. There is simply no reason for any woman to need to put any effort into finding a guy and keeping him happy unless her standards are extremely high and she's aiming for a top dog. If her standards aren't too high, there is an endless legion of thirsty guys vying for attention even from 5s.

LA is harder to get laid than NYC?

A mini realization I've had recently is it's easy to mistake a girl's interest in L.A. for genuine interest. It actually sounds similar to what Slubu calls the Estonian switch in his recent EE thread.

You can do an approach and think things are going great. She's playing with her hair maintaining eye contact, body language is there, but after 30 minutes or so things go cold extremely fast.

What I theorize is that during those 30 minutes of positive IOIs, it's crucial that you escalate things on a ridiculous level. I'm talking "Hey let's hop in my Bentley and party at my place in the hills." kind of escalating. Number? Forget it. Venue change? Eh...sometimes works. If you can get a girl's attention with night game then you better have something big lined up. Great coke. After party (just make sure there's no A-listers there). Something along those lines.

This latest smoker I've been working on reminded me how a girl acts when she's GENUINELY interested. Sending me texts first thing in the morning. Warm smile, ear to ear. Passionate.

Your typical L.A. girl is just...missing something. It's hard to pinpoint, but I guarantee every guy that's gamed here knows exactly what I'm talking about. Like they're missing those few ounces of grey matter that allows them to engage in the seduction dance successfully.

Cold approaching here is pretty much a joke. You are a million times better off spending that time and effort into networking.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



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