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Looks vs. Game

Looks vs. Game

Quote: (10-24-2011 09:44 AM)Jack D. Serrano Wrote:  

Quote: (10-24-2011 04:39 AM)XXL Wrote:  

i say that cause i know very well how it feels to hear some legit stuff about yourself like things you know are on point. you think "shit that was mean". that's what can break you really fast ahhahaha. and what's going on there? she looks you deeply in the eyes and just fucks with you like that. and when it happens i know.. I KNOW cause i fucking see it that she's lying about my chubby belly that she's just trying to punk me to see what i'm made of especially when she gets attracted more.

i remember i once saw punk'd tv show with ashton kutcher and it dawned on me. that's exactly what hot girls do. they try to get you caught, find your weakness and see how you will handle the situation. i like to use "wtf? you trying to punk me? you just trying to punk me girl.. you can't you hear me?.. where're cameras? tell ashton to come out.. i'll show you! punking me? no fucking way.." and girls laugh cause they know they actually doing it and i called them out hahahaha. that's why it takes hard dick to fuck hot pussy. being unaffected badass is really impressive.

as is said it needs to be seen and experienced when some bitchy girl gives you shit about your belly and after a while says you're handsome/sexy. then you will see the pattern. it is kind of crazy but i guess that's how women are. they want strong guy who feels comfortable so she can feel comfortable around him.

i've never slept with a pornstar (or at least i don't know about that) but that girl in the video is on point. i've seen shit like that many times. girls are really spoiled and cheeky these days thinking they rule the world or something so they have no constraints to mess with men.

i recommend to hold the frame and see how ice cold bitch crumbles

Maybe this works, makes you happy and gets you the kind of girls you like. It's all good. I'm going to give my perspective, which involves different women met at places that don't include bars/clubs.

If you are the right guy (meaning she likes your image initially, you share chemistry, you make her laugh, and you always keep things light and playful) and she is a beautiful girl with healthy self-esteem and minimal scars/baggage in life, she isn't going to give you any of what guys like to call "shit-tests." She's not going to insult you. She's not going to punk you.

Why so much confrontation?

Being with beautiful, high value women (when you are the right guy) is more akin to 2 people, mutually working together towards common goals (whether it's one night, one year, or even more). She works with you, not against you. Any challenges are not you vs. her. They are you and her vs. the challenge.

If she really likes you, she's going to do everything possible to keep you happy, laughing, over-sexed and in her life for as long as possible. Why is she not going to give me messed up BS? Because she knows I would walk out of her life instantly the second she did, without thinking twice (she knows it without me ever having to say it). She knows, without a doubt, that I am the kind of guy who is willing to walk away from a hot girl who is rude even when she dangles sex in front of me.

Great sex is common. Beautiful women are common. It is rare for beautiful women to find a guy who will actually disqualify her and walk out of her life without giving her a second chance. Great women can tell when they meet a guy who won't take BS from messed up women. You think she would be like that with Johnny Depp?

Really high value women are respectful to men who they like and who deserve respect.

If women are disrespectful to you it means one of two things:
- You are taking actions that deserve no respect (better figure out how to make yourself a better man).
- You are with a disrespectful girl (in which case you'd be better off dumping her, unless you like that kind of girl).

Any words that come out of her mouth are jokes anyways, but if it ever becomes disrespectful, I walk. None of that unaffected badass/fake being unreactive stuff.

There was a PUA guy once, a guy who didn't know who I was, didn't know the girls I date, didn't know about my experiences, who saw me walk away from a hot girl.

He approached me a few minutes later, after I had approached several more women. He said, "Dude, I saw you talking to that really hot girl who was being cold. But you gotta stick in there when she acts bitchy like that. You gotta show her that you don't care."

Me: "Show who that I don't care?" (I didn't know which girl he was talking about)
Guy: "That really hot, bitchy girl."
Me: "Why would I want to talk to a person I don't care about?"
Guy: "Cause man, if you want to get really hot girls that's how you do it! You gotta show her you don't care!"
Me: "So then, if I care about getting that particular hot girl I have to act like I don't care?"
Guy: "Yeah!"
Me: "I'm sure that's what you think. But I actually don't care. That's why I left. Anyways, good to meet you, man. Have a great day."

Treat everything she says like a joke but if she's rude (and it's not within the bounds of your flirting with each other), she's out. DQ several dozen very sexy girls who all the other guys are fighting over and see how much high value women seem to be able to sense it in you.


Back on topic about the Looks thing.

As far as everyone here should individually should be concerned - YOUR LOOKS should matter. Don't worry about how other people look. Don't worry about whether guys think you look good. Don't worry about what extent looks help you compared to other dudes. Don't worry about your good-looking friend who gets different results with women than you. Trying to guess how much looks matter to girls is just pure speculation.

Bottom line - improving your looks will help you, individually, get better results with women. So will lots of other things. Doesn't it make sense to optimize yourself as much as possible?

Improve your looks and you make things easier compared to where you are now (not compared to other guys).

YOU with more improved looks will always outperform YOU with less improved looks. Does anything else matter?

This was an execellent post!!

Looks vs. Game

Quote: (10-24-2011 11:56 AM)DLuzhin Wrote:  

Quote: (10-23-2011 08:10 AM)XXL Wrote:  

girl judges your skin >> you show it affects you >> she feels you're weak and becomes pain in the ass >> it affects you more >> she gets cold >> you act like a chump >> she loses attraction >> game over

girl judges your skin >> you hold your frame >> she shittests more >> you hold your frame >> she feels curious and intrigued >> you hold your frame >> she chills out >> you chill out but still you hold your frame >> she's gaming you >> you can win or lose but you did everything you could to get her.

it's legit. start from 4:22. that's how hot hot chicks are like most of the time. and they don't care about your fucking skin. they care about a guy who can handle them like a MAN.

Exactly. Don't be ashamed, shame in a man is the great girl-boner killer.

[Image: BBC-010581.jpg]
He don't give a fuck, neither does she.

That said, the Greeks though athleticism is indivisible from, but not everything in, male beauty; it just has a huge component that people often ignore nowadays since the conscious criteria for attractiveness in men has shifted towards androgyny. The unconscious criteria, which the Greeks discussed, remain the same.

If you have scars all over, save up and get them fixed, who cares. In the meantime push your bench to 350 and await glory.

And that's actually a good picture of Seal!

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