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Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Back on July 19th, a little known blog called The Transformed Wife posted an entry entitled Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos.


Do you know how much more attractive debt-free virgins (without tattoos) are to young men? Unfortunately, there are so few of these types of young women anymore because of the high costs of college (debt) and sexual promiscuity even within those in the church. As believers in Jesus Christ, we need to live in a way that is pleasing to Him because His ways are the best. He calls debt a burden and urges us to live lives of sexual purity.

There are many reasons why Christian young women should carefully consider whether or not they go to college, especially if they want to be wives and mothers someday. Secular universities teach against the God of the Bible and His ways. It’s far from what God calls women to be and do: it teaches them to be independent, loud, sexually available, and immodest instead of having meek and quiet spirits.

One woman wrote to me and gave her opinions on why women shouldn’t go to college. (I have added my thoughts in parenthesis.):

“Men don’t want to marry a women with debt. Most of this debt comes from college. They would also prefer a woman who still lives at her parent’s house that has not had other relationships. Do those two things and you will be highly sought after.” (I’m not sure about men only preferring women who still live at their parent’s house and have had no other relationships since some young women have no choice but to live away from their families and some have had their hearts broken by men they thought was ‘the one.’ I would agree that most men don’t want to marry a woman with a load of debt! That isn’t right to bring into a marriage.)

“If they go to college, they are unlikely to stay home raising their children to pay off the debt and use the degree they spent years on.” (I have seen this in many young women’s lives, sadly.)

Sounds reasonable to me. Seeing my young sons in their 20s unable to find a decent girl who isn't saddled with debt, as well as has so many tattoos I don't know what her original skin color is, enough piercings to set off metal detectors at 20 yards, and colored hair reminiscent of a cartoon character, I would give my right arm to find that rare woman who is not possessed by modern culture.

However, as you can imagine, the author got blasted:


I have received almost 90,000 comments on this post on Facebook so far and most of them hate it. (I have thousands of comments on my blog awaiting moderation for this post, so I won’t be publishing any comments on my blog for a while.)

However, author Lori Alexander, was right. As a professional counselor with over three decades of clinical experience it is no secret that the triad of tattoos, piercings, and oddly colored hair are the warning signs of a very messed up woman regardless of the depth of her dedication to a religious world view. In fact, I'm going to add a fourth one: overweight. And these women do not have basic homemaking skills, basic relationship skills, or even basic personal care skills.

Unicorns, those rare women who rejoice in their femininity, are out there, but they are becoming harder to find.

Maybe the Mennonite colonies in Belize?

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

It's definitely meme-able. And I'm sure it would trigger the usual suspects. The problem is the thirst.

There are far more women with significant baggage than there are women without baggage. Everyone would prefer jamon iberico over spam (Kona excepted), but sometimes spam is all you can find at the store. And to someone who's starving to death, spam will taste pretty good.

So you take some soy-boy living in the American hellscape, and he goes almost a year without getting laid. Until one of the chicks he's orbiting convinces herself that she's done with the carousel (after her 35th birthday, natch). She's weighing her options. She can't rope in the men she wants, so she's going to find the best deal for herself before her time runs out. This guy is boring but he'd pay off her $75k in debt. And that if she marries him, there might be enough time to fit in a struggle pregnancy before her last egg expires. To this guy, her yeasty meat-curtained snatch may as well be made of solid gold. Her unenthused hummer a sign of devotion akin to Jesus washing his disciples' feet. So when she drops not so subtle hints about marriage, he's not going to say, "Well, I'd prefer a debt-free virgin. So sorry, toots." Such a girl is merely theoretical to him. His practical options are grinding celibacy or this worn-out whore.

That would explain things like this:

[Image: tattooed-bride-576x864.jpg]

That 50 years ago, the identical man would not have been forced to make this choice, that the same man would land a if not a debt-free virgin without tattoos, at least a woman who's virginal when compared to the one pictured above, goes without saying.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

I'd rather fap myself to death at 80 than marry one of these used up whores.

Eventually enough men will wake up that they can't lock anyone down and things will change. Could take another 30 years though.

Team visible roots
"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis
Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

The post was originally called "Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos" when it first went up on The Transformed Wife on July 16.

The word "Godly" was added for the July 19 post, after the original one caused a stir.

Although I agree with the sentiment, I think bringing religion into the manosphere is a mistake, especially when it comes from the blog of a religious woman.

The manosphere evolved out of the Pick-Up Artist community which was non-religious and instead made its points by focusing on the uncomfortable-but-realistic elements of male-female relationships. The fantasy and chivalrous elements inherent in most religions run counter to the hard truths we try to tell here.

Try talking to a congregation about Alpha Widows, The 1,000 Cock Stare, The Cock Carousel, Alpha Fux>Beta Bucks, The 463 Bullet Point Checklist, and "Frivorce" for Cash and Prizes (look it up). My guess is you'd be chased out of town by White Knights and their henchwomen bearing torches.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

I think it should say Wise Men prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tatoos

Not Godly. Plenty of religious cucks out there.
Not Smart. Plenty of nerds milked for their money out there.

In fact I believe what we call red-pill these days was just called Wisdom in the old times.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

[Image: DiuJgrgU0AAvHoR.jpg:large]

[Image: DiuJgrlVAAEL7oN.jpg:large]

[Via Andrew Quackson's Twitter]

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Its funny that you mentioned Mennonites, I saw a crowd of them in a mall food court in Ontario today eating poutine of all things, they were all dressed the same in long, very modest floral dresses and the tops of their heads covered in some kind of white cap. Honestly I can't say that I found any of them attractive, I've heard about inbreeding issues in their colonies but also heard that they sometimes out source breeding to men from outside, apparently they cover her with a blanket from the legs up and the dude goes in a dark room and blasts a load inside of her. I wonder if anyone from RVF has been recruited to donate sperm to Mennonite?

They looked exactly like this:
[img][Image: 2cckqr9.jpg][/img]

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (07-28-2018 04:45 PM)scotian Wrote:  

Its funny that you mentioned Mennonites, I saw a crowd of them in a mall food court in Ontario today eating poutine of all things, they were all dressed the same in long, very modest floral dresses and the tops of their heads covered in some kind of white cap. Honestly I can't say that I found any of them attractive, I've heard about inbreeding issues in their colonies but also heard that they sometimes out source breeding to men from outside, apparently they cover her with a blanket from the legs up and the dude goes in a dark room and blasts a load inside of her. I wonder if anyone from RVF has been recruited to donate sperm to Mennonite?

They looked exactly like this:
[img][Image: 2cckqr9.jpg][/img]

I volunteer as tribute.


Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (07-28-2018 02:29 PM)DJ-Matt Wrote:  

Eventually enough men will wake up that they can't lock anyone down and things will change. Could take another 30 years though.

Women don’t have this capacity for introspection. Their hypoagency also prevents them from taking responsibility for the consequences of their actions. If they ever actually pause to think about the bad situation they are in they will automatically look for someone else to blame. This is why we get the ‘men need to man up’ and ‘men are intimidated by my intelligence’ articles by post-wall women. Female solipsism also prevents them from considering what men might want from a woman and whether they satisfy these requirements.

Equally the younger generation of women will not look at the increasing number of childless post-wall women and reflect on how they can avoid this fate without significant input from male relatives/peers. And since women have a higher time preference, lower impulse control and a lesser ability to think long term than men, the temptation to slut it up in college, get tattoos (yolo!) and mismanage their money will be too strong to resist, even if they are made aware of the bad consequences over the long term. Women also seem to misunderstand male sexuality such that they interpret the desire to have sex with the desire to commit, so women can easily hamsterise away any concerns they may have about the long term effects of their behavior.

Quote: (07-28-2018 01:47 PM)Bacchus Wrote:  

That 50 years ago, the identical man would not have been forced to make this choice, that the same man would land a if not a debt-free virgin without tattoos, at least a woman who's virginal when compared to the one pictured above, goes without saying.

And 500 years ago even a peasant could get a pious teenage virgin bride with a body built by working in the fields and a diet of locally produced, unprocessed food.

I hate to be blackpilled, but I can only envision things getting worse in the short to medium term.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (07-28-2018 04:45 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I wonder if anyone from RVF has been recruited to donate sperm to Mennonite?

They looked exactly like this:
[img][Image: 2cckqr9.jpg][/img]

You know what it takes to satisfy an Amish gal? Three men-a-night!

Seriously though, I am proud to say, that as a young man who had recently left the islands and went off to college in missouri, I fucked a mennonite.

She had porcelain white skin, wonderful pink nipples, but a big hairy black bush. It wasn't cool.

I met her out at night at a college type party, and she had on a basic shirt and long jeans skirt. However the next morning she pulled this long goofy dress out to put on. It was a harsh contrast.

Maybe it was her, I'm not certain, that may have been my first encounter with what the ancient hawaiian called "Stank Nani" which translates to bad smelling vagina. I though something in the room had died, and was looking under the bed, and in the drawers for whatever was causing the odor. It was awful.

It wasn't until sometime a few years later, I believe a stripper in Pensacola, that I encountered stank nani again, that the smell took me right back to my sexy little mennonite. I then did some research and learned that vaginitis is mostly a mental thing, so now when I smell bad pussy, I'm like "so, tell me about your childhood" like dr. Phillips.

Psychology is a fickle beast.


Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

^ Ohhhhhh snap...not the fucking Stank Nani!!!!!

[Image: confused.gif]

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Been checking this out over the last few days on various Christian blogs. I reckon the Churchian women are more offended than secular feminists. Pretty good triggering from the author Lori, I'd give that a 8/10 effort. Had she put the world "slender" in there somewhere, I'd give it a 10/10.

As for her premise, I'd say out of those attributes, the debt-free part is the hardest. Slender tattoo-free virgins are not that hard to find (as long as you get to them when they're still young, say early 20s or younger) but most of them tend to come from decent MC-UMC families who value education so they all get sent to college and therefore would collect some debts.


Although I agree with the sentiment, I think bringing religion into the manosphere is a mistake, especially when it comes from the blog of a religious woman.

The manosphere evolved out of the Pick-Up Artist community which was non-religious and instead made its points by focusing on the uncomfortable-but-realistic elements of male-female relationships. The fantasy and chivalrous elements inherent in most religions run counter to the hard truths we try to tell here.

You mean the elements inserted by various factions, including feminists, who tried to ruin Christianity? The Bible is full of "uncomfortable-but-realistic elements of male-female relationships" right from the beginning to end. The stuff you mentioned are very popular with the Churchians who refuse to read those parts of the Bible because they make them very uncomfortable. e.g quick wife material test for Christian men: Ephesians 5:22 "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord."

The manosphere men are not the first to find out the truths about the nature of men and women, we are simply rediscovering ancient wisdoms.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

The reality is that women these days have no interest in tailoring their life based on what men want. The dialogue is about men needing to accept women as they are: blue hair, tats, piercing, strech-marks, problem-glasses, resting-bitch-faces and all.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (07-28-2018 03:06 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Try talking to a congregation about Alpha Widows, The 1,000 Cock Stare, The Cock Carousel, Alpha Fux>Beta Bucks, The 463 Bullet Point Checklist, and "Frivorce" for Cash and Prizes (look it up). My guess is you'd be chased out of town by White Knights and their henchwomen bearing torches.

I wonder where the congregation of the Dalrock blog come from. They are certainly woke to the feminised church being used as the last chance saloon for women getting off the cock carousel in the hope that a tradcuck will put a coat on them to cover up their new found modesty.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Fake Christian vlogger has an emotional break down because of the article:

Crazy eyes don't lie!

God knows how many men she has been with.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (10-13-2018 01:18 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Fake Christian vlogger has an emotional break down because of the article:

Crazy eyes don't lie!

God knows how many men she has been with.

She's a walking, talking (mostly talking) argument for women to shut up.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

She just a church thot. I listened to 2 minutes of that tripe. Gurantee she was raised with a little religion, then thotted it up, then went back to the church.

Notice how she puts such a huge emphasis on "forgiveness". She's right, god is supposed to be all forgiving but through gods forgiveness you're supposed to change, and take that opportunity to right your wrongs and show penance.

It doesn't mean you go out and have premarital sex, get awful tatoos, and give away your femininity to losers just for god to forgive you time after time. She's lost the plot here. Retarded woman using god as a forgiveness machine, a conscience a clearer, a past eraser and not giving anything back.

If she was really a conservative christian woman she would go find a strong man recommended and approved by her community, submit to him, let him lead her in all thinga under the supervision of god. That's what the bible tells you and what (non-cult) christiandom is about. If she has done that and she's making these ridiculous YouTube videos her husband is weak and her leadership is weak and they have failed her.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

The devil lies with the truth. Forgiveness etc are all very good, but it's all too easy to use those principles and virtues to twist the truth. Also, if you teach a woman logic, she'll feed it to her hamster, and if you teach her morality, she might do the same, hence they need men to ram it* down their throats the right way.

* I mean logic and morality. Ramming other things down their throats is optional.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

That church thot is so unfeminine. Indistiguishable from the basic bitch millenial thot.

Complete turn off.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (10-13-2018 01:18 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Fake Christian vlogger has an emotional break down because of the article:

Crazy eyes don't lie!

God knows how many men she has been with.

Crazy eyes don't lie.

And she is doctrinally incorrect when she says that women are not subject to men because men are not Jesus.

Yes this is true but there is an order in a family, God (Trinity), then Husband, then wife is subordinate to husband (As long as he does not order her to sin or doanything against Bible/God), children are subordinate to father and mother.

Most well known verse here:

Ephesians 5:22-33 New International Version (NIV)
22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[a] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (10-13-2018 02:31 PM)Eugenics Wrote:  

She just a church thot. I listened to 2 minutes of that tripe. Gurantee she was raised with a little religion, then thotted it up, then went back to the church....


Totally Agree, I feel a little guilty posting after basically scrolling through and listening to about 30 seconds and immediately finding factual errors.

So painful her voice (in addition to crazy eyes).

“Where the danger is, so grows the saving element.” ~ German poet Hoelderlin

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (10-13-2018 02:31 PM)Eugenics Wrote:  

She just a church thot. I listened to 2 minutes of that tripe. Gurantee she was raised with a little religion, then thotted it up, then went back to the church.

Notice how she puts such a huge emphasis on "forgiveness". She's right, god is supposed to be all forgiving but through gods forgiveness you're supposed to change, and take that opportunity to right your wrongs and show penance.

It doesn't mean you go out and have premarital sex, get awful tatoos, and give away your femininity to losers just for god to forgive you time after time. She's lost the plot here. Retarded woman using god as a forgiveness machine, a conscience a clearer, a past eraser and not giving anything back.

If she was really a conservative christian woman she would go find a strong man recommended and approved by her community, submit to him, let him lead her in all thinga under the supervision of god. That's what the bible tells you and what (non-cult) christiandom is about. If she has done that and she's making these ridiculous YouTube videos her husband is weak and her leadership is weak and they have failed her.

I have been consistently disappointed in leaders of the Catholic Church essentially dropping the sin of presumption. As recently as my parent's generation, this was a serious issue that was discussed by (at least) parish priests. If you go out and sin knowingly, with the presumption of forgiveness in the back of your mind, you are denied salvation - at least at that time. I'm even familiar with some old school priests who would deny confession to those they felt were sinning in this way. Sadly, Catholicism (along with almost all of Christianity) has fallen to feel good nonsense.

For an interesting response, and one that is equally as *triggering*, see Mychael Klajic's repsonse piece here. Attitude-wise, for a probably post-carousel chick with a kid, she is about the best you can do in churchianity. Albeit, I don't know if I should accuse her of churchianity now. You know what would show me an honest conviction towards faith for a retired slut? Join a convent. Take vows. Give up the Louis Vuitton and the trips to the Bahamas with your girlfriends and the fawning attention (online and off) of your beta orbiters. Then, sit your ass in a convent for several years with your daily Vespers. That might tell me you have seriously converted or reverted. But, if you just show up one day at 28 and start asking about the single's group... I would rather go with a confirmed and honest about it, secular slut.

Currently out of office.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Christian singles group data sheet when?

I'd pump and dump some church thots like that in between bible studies. I need to brush up on some theology anyway.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Quote: (10-13-2018 01:18 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Fake Christian vlogger has an emotional break down because of the article:

Crazy eyes don't lie!

God knows how many men she has been with.

Just because God forgives you doesn't mean I have to marry you. Big difference between forgiveness and acceptance.

Godly Men Prefer Debt-Free Virgins Without Tattoos

Goes on to diss her on own husband saying that God is her ultimate authority. Obviously not since she clearly doesn't even respect the Bibles teaching. She may as well go ahead and use the Bible as her tampon rag.
Yeah cupcake, God may forgive you but meantime in the here and now life and men's standards for what they want in women aren't as forgiving.

I bet her husband's a soyfag who reads The Message Bible.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

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