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My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

These triples will be the best hip hop trio in the next coming decades. Mark my words.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 11:26 AM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

[Image: white-couple-black-triplets.jpg?w=640]

Im ok with lesbians adopting kids.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 07:32 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

My Ignore List was growing slower than my calves. It's on steroids today though.

Maybe it's because I'm a low IQ Texan like Marcus Luttrell, but why put people on an Ignore List? You know I disagreed with the tone of your broad-stroke judgement about Scandinavian-Americans in response to the Minnesota Caucus results.

However, I can see a lot of value in your other posts, and have no issue with you despite this opinion you seem to hold strongly within yourself about an entire group of people. I know if you met my family and I, we might change your mind; but until then, I'll continue to respectfully disagree with you and learn as much as I can from everything else you contribute.

I hope this post comes across in an honest, positive way- not the start of some internet argument. I won't be participating in that. I can tell some of the responses are getting you riled up, but we are all sometimes guilty of making off the cuff remarks that would probably come across much better in person. I know I am.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

That guy has gay face.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

This is some fucked up shit. The chick probably just wanted some Black dick so having Black kids was the next best thing lol. But seriously, those kids are gonna be roughed up in school and in adolescence in general, considering the fact that their parents had them as a sort of social justice project.

"Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest- and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure, it's not your fault" -Donald Trump

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 02:54 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Could you love them the same? Is it fair to the half-caste kid to have less of a father-son bond because of your irresponsible decision to breed with another race? Exactly the reason why i will never breed with a non-Ethiopian girl. Mulatto Brazilian, Creole or Dominican maybe. Any other race/ethnicity is out of the question.

Well, one interesting thing to think about is that modern day Europeans and Asians are the result of "race-mixing".

When the Homo-sapiens migrated into Europe, the Neanderthals were already in the Eurasian region. Homo-sapiens dominated the region and banged out the Neanderthals. Modern day Europeans and Asians now have 1-4% Neanderthal blood among them.

Race mixing has been going on for literally 10's of thousands of years.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 07:32 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

^ Meaning what?

The black kids will not be intelligent enough to explore the moon or cure cancer? Good. The racists are coming out in droves in this thread. Taking serious mental notes.

My Ignore List was growing slower than my calves. It's on steroids today though.

Imagine if there was an article about a black family with attitudes like Uncle Ruckus from Boondocks, and they had white embryos implanted because they wanted white children and felt that bringing more black children into the world would be some crime against humanity. Oh, and everyone's patting them on the back for being so correct-thinking in their decision. You'd be irritated by that, right?

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 07:32 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

^ Meaning what?

The black kids will not be intelligent enough to explore the moon or cure cancer? Good. The racists are coming out in droves in this thread. Taking serious mental notes.

My Ignore List was growing slower than my calves. It's on steroids today though.

I don't mean to speak for Aurini, but I think he was saying that since the two people might have above-average intelligence, that it's too bad they won't pass it on.

Assuming that this couple actually has intellect in their genes, I think it's sad when that isn't carried over. My Aunt and Uncle are like that. They're two of the sharpest people I've ever known, but they haven't had any kids.

That being said, I don't see this couple raising any astronauts regardless if the kids are really theirs or not.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 03:37 PM)hydrogonian Wrote:  

Let me ask you this: what happens when a society accommodates a myriad of differing ethnic groups, mixed or not, that all have differing perceived political agendas? Does the society survive, fracture, or even cease to exist? Where does it end? Why not just invite the whole of Africa into Europe? Why not just invite the whole of China into Africa? Why not just invite the whole of Arabia into Israel? Why not just invite the whole of South America into the United States?

All of this has significant political and social consequences. Keeping it within the boundaries of a debate on who is the least racist is lower, and ultimately insignificant, politics.

Just take a look in the migrant invasion topic.

Still I see a difference when I chose a good women, non German, maybe black mixed, Asian, Mexican or Turkish. And we fit, I will not only pass on my genetic but with her also my values.
So have a women from a different heritage but with similar values, I don't worry about my culture die out even when the kids will not white as me nor have blond hair or blue eyes. But bring in millions of low educated 3th world migrants with a strange culture that outbread everything, you have something different. Because they lack the connection to the culture. With a mixed kid its less like that.

Habits, talent, physical and psychical attributes get passed on as well, not only look. Hell I'm even that confident that my superior semen will outbread everything and my kids will pure German, no matter how they look because I rise them like that. Look at a sloppy hipster fag with self hate on his own heritage. He maybe pure German but a disgrace and more responsible for the cultural downfall then a mixed kid from parents that love this kid and pass on values.
But if necessary, I would impregnate blonde, blue eyed German girls everyday to keep the Volk alive.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

I'm gazing into my crystal ball and it's telling me that in 12 years time we'll be seeing a fucked up news story about some sick old white dude fucking his three black daughters/sons.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 07:19 PM)Aurini Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2016 11:26 AM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Said it before ... I seriously have no clue how it is possible for a man to raise a kid that doesn't look like him. This goes for cuckolds like this and even guys having kids with a woman of a different race. Can't imagine raising a half-white or half-asian baby.

Would probably throw it into a river or something.

Edit: Not surprised ... looks like cuck & a Ted Cruz Voter.

[Image: white-couple-black-triplets.jpg?w=640]

Deep set eye sockets; they probably have high IQs. Just imagine, their own children could have grown up to cure cancer or colonize the moon.

What a fucking waste.

If they have their own biological kids now, they may turn out to be the next Rachel Dolezal. When thinking about this couple, I realize they are like the Dolezals. Dolezals were Christian Missionaries that adopt black children and in the process did number on their biological kids by psychological harm. I feel sorry for the kids that under the care of this couple now. They will in time realize there is no love for them, they are just ornaments for showing the world how good as their parents. Narcissism at its finest.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

They look like brother and sister to me, very strange. I don't know what kind of parents they'll be behind closed doors but if they're good non violent people who will reason with their kids and not hit them. The kids should turn out okay, they might have some existential problems regarding their birth and biological parents but if your parents are good to you from a young age then that won't matter as much because the kids would have bonded to them by then. They might have issues if they go to shitty schools that are segregated by race though. If they suck at parenting, they'll be hearing. a lot of "you're not my real parents", very awkward.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

No matter how far you stretch it, absolutely none of this story reads like the couple are firmly grounded in reality or acting in sync with any aspect of Christian doctrine I've heard or read of. The wife and husband are both fertile, yet birthing and raising black children. This strikes me to be more in line with what secular humanists would promote.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 07:32 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

^ Meaning what?

The black kids will not be intelligent enough to explore the moon or cure cancer? Good. The racists are coming out in droves in this thread. Taking serious mental notes.

My Ignore List was growing slower than my calves. It's on steroids today though.

I've frequently spoken about how the welfare state is absolutely devastating the genetic load of the Blacks in America. You can look up the statistics if you want, but what immediately comes to mind for me is that scene in The Wire where a Beta security guard confronts a couple of connected gangbangers, and begs them to stop stealing from his store. "C'mon, guys, I'm just trying to do my job here." He's a good, hardworking man with morals, but he knows that these guys could murder him and get away with it if he stands up to them. Who gets the pussy?

Then you have the guy who eventually starts the boxing gym, he does a couple of jobs for the Barksdales after getting out of prison, has plenty of pussy thrown at him, but he just can't live with it. He eventually goes on to hook up with a single mom with a bastard, and likely doesn't have any children of his own.

Is it racist for me to notice that the shitbirds are breeding like rabbits, while the civilized and hard working are going extinct? Is it racist for me to notice what happened to Rhodesia when the Whites left? Is it racist for me to pay attention to White birth rates, which are well below replacement? Is it racist for me to notice that population displacement through intentional disruption of mating patterns is considered a form of genocide by the UN?

Put it back in the deck.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

My mom is mix breed European.

My father is half breed European/First Nations.

My sister looks like my father. My brother looks like my mother. I am a split between the two.

My sons mother is half breed.

My son is such a convoluted mix who the fuck knows "what" he is.

Its all just too much I don't even care. I just want the best quality woman to raise my kids. Skin colour and hair texture and eye colour be damned.

My kids will be mixed regardless, that was a given when my ancestral fathers knocked up some women from another tribe. Its been out of my control since before I was born.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Listen Anabasis, the Black fetishization being pushed onto Whites through the media and degenerate churches isn't beneficial for either group. When it becomes crystallized into the Black Bull/White Cuckold fetish, it degrades the husband into an impotent, the wife into a sexual object, and the bull into an animal, useless for anything other than breeding. I've written about this before, and quite frankly, bestiality is more dignified.

Look at these children that the couple is holding up like trophies; are they people? No, they're signals of virtue - objects used for the purposes of self-actualization. What sort of life will these children have? With parents who have subconsciously indicated that Blacks are the superior race, how will these children respect their father or mother? And how will they be accepted into the black community when they've been raised Wonder Bread? Blended families are hard enough (no offence Laner, I'm not some sort of Democrat/Racial Purist who wants to ban interracial marriage, I'm merely stating a statistical fact) - this is even worse.

With all of this modern propaganda - Social Justice, racial fetishization, feminism - it gets absorbed by the smart people first, because you have to be pretty smart to absorb something so obviously ridiculous. And worse, all of this exploits people's better nature.

This couple appears to be High IQ and compassionate; if they weren't, they never would have signed on for such a foolhardy venture.

At the end of the day, this is all being pushed to screw up EVERYBODY, and calling me racist only silences dissent. If you love your own race, then every other race has the right to love itself as well, and when I see my own race committing genetic suicide it sickens me; supremacy is ultimately a self-annihilating philosophical position.

RamZPaul nails it in his latest vid.


My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 06:01 PM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2016 05:38 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Point out to me black American culture ^

^ I'll be the first to point out that African-American culture ON AVERAGE is fucked, pathetic, sad and in desperate need of reform.

What does have to do anything with black people as a race? Why would you call it "Black culture"? African immigrants to the US are the most educated and highest earning immigrant group in America more so than Asians and even upper class whites. Black students and Professors at Ivy league schools are disproportionately Nigerian and Ghanaian.

I want you to understand what you said ... just substituting black for white.

"What white heritage would that be? That many white men do meth, fuck their own sisters and enjoy becoming omega bronies? Fucking hilarious if you want white culture then step foot into Appalachia, some trailer park in Alabama or alcoholic rural Ukraine "

Does that sound like a comment worthy of this forum to you?

Get the fuck outta' here nigga. Pronto.

I like how you try to paint me as an out and out racist by muddling my words because I mentioned 'them' and not 'those'. Did I hurt your feelings over a sensitive subject?

I laughed at your attempt to humour my argument even further by including the white agenda of rednecks and those who fuck their sister. Funnily how it is predominantly in America where that shit goes down.

Must be something wrong with that country, afterall it does have European origins and throw in the British class system you have a wonderful soup of race hating and classist agendas.

But I agree with you on the sub cultures within the white race, why can't you admit the same?

Please don't waffle on about about how successful Africans can be in the US. We in Britain already know this and I stayed with 2 Nigerians in my third year of University. They had more culture in their hands than most people I knew and they were the ones who pointed out this lack of culture.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Husband is a major cock muncher.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

On the issue of having mixed race kids, I think it goes well beyond just having the kid look like you.

Men have a responsibility to make sure our children turn out better than us. Being a global forum this will be different for everyone, but whether it is biological/environmental/social/whatever doesn't really matter because the truth is that different races are seen in different ways. Maybe this changes in the future or maybe it doesn't.

I have specifically thought about this myself with respect to Asian women. Specifically having sons, as daughters of white-Asian mix are typically seen as beautiful.

Every time I think about this issue I remember a time in college. I was in my dorm hanging with a large group of guys on my floor. There were about ten of us white guys that ranged from super nerdy to jock-ish, one ripped black guy who self-identified in a joking manner as an oreo, and about 16 or so Asian guys some of which were mixed and at least a dozen were Korean with the last name Kim. These Asian guys ranged from chubby and nerdy to very well put together and slightly preppy.

So, being older and able to buy beer I got us all drunk and one of the guys invited some girls over. I don't remember much but this:

I was winging for my bro Jay, a very preppy Asian guy who wouldn't look out of place in a white-bred bro-ish frat or J. Crew catalogue, and I don't remember what he said but this sorostitute puts on a huge bitch shield and turns to me and basically says that I am more masculine than him and then turns to Otis, the huge ripped black dude who looked similar to the actor from the Green Mile, and remarked about how he was more masculine than me and how she wouldn't choose either of us.

Now, my friend Jay was far from any typical American Asian stereotype. If anything he was more similar to some of the Asian guys playing extras in the Fast and Furious type of movies.

Again this is going to be different depending on your country, but in the west it seems that Asian men are on the bottom of the masculine hierarchy, with white men in the middle and black men on top. This seems to be reversed with women.

Now, of course, this is mainly due to media representation and stereotypes but with women being herd creatures they tend to soak this shit up.

So, knowing shit like this the question becomes: If you have sons with a woman of a race that is looked down on in your country, then how do you prepare them to tackle that disadvantage? Is it even responsible to do so, all things being equal?

We can take this out of the racial arena too. As a guy on the shorter side of the height spectrum, I find it easier dating short girls but if I have sons with short girls then my sons will likely be at most my height and more likely shorter than me.

So, I have thought for awhile that I will try to at least get a wife material woman of my height or maybe a few inches taller.

Hell, maybe I will go the surrogate route.

Another thing to consider. Even if the world turns into a globalist "melting pot", then there is still that fact that lighter skin is pretty much universally seen as more attractive and the truth is that attractive people do better on all metrics in life than non-attractive people.

Just some thoughts to stir debate. Truthfully I am not sure where I fall in the debate. As a guy with some Asian and Latino fever, I could see myself having sons with a wife material of either race before a risky bet of a white woman.

Maybe the answer is to simply have the children raised in their culture in another country, but from what I understand most countries and cultures treat mixed kids far worse than the west.

Women these days think they can shop for a man like they shop for a purse or a pair of shoes. Sorry ladies. It doesn't work that way.

Women are like sandwiches. All men love sandwiches. That's a given. But sandwiches are only good when they're fresh. Nobody wants a day old sandwich. The bread is all soggy and the meat is spoiled.

-Parlay44 @

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-21-2016 11:26 AM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Said it before ... I seriously have no clue how it is possible for a man to raise a kid that doesn't look like him. This goes for cuckolds like this and even guys having kids with a woman of a different race. Can't imagine raising a half-white or half-asian baby.

Would probably throw it into a river or something.

I swear we've gone full retard. Declaring that different peoples should ultimately stick to their own kind, and not to do so is "cucking", sounds like what Hitler would say. Seriously, you'd need to delve into Mein Kampf to find that shit.

The number of likes that Anabasis' post gained is a worrying testament to the amount of racial purists among our number.

I think it's utterly unreasonable to expect me, in a society where women of my skin colour are a minority, to go out of my way to find someone of said race to have my eventual children with, for the sake of an antiquated notion of keeping bloodlines pure. Maybe it's because I'm secretly angling that that mother will be white — given how Westernised I am, and even before living in a Western society, having felt an affinity towards Western cultures.

I'll look for a good many traits in the mother of my future children — her ability to nurture, her devotion to them, her ideal genetic qualities that she can pass on, that are also best compatible with mine, and so on. Race and skin colour can take an absolute last priority.

Maybe this strikes a particular chord in me as I've been verbally abused in Germany for walking with a white girl in a couple-y way (ironically, she was born to Polish parents). I thought we'd learnt our lessons of yesteryear.

Also I think some of you are particularly harsh against the stability of mixed-race kids. We're not all Elliott Rodgers in the making. In fact, all my life, in school and in the media, we've been exposed to the benefits to racial admixing. The hapa dudes I know clean up like crazy.

But when I eventually have kids, I should just toss them in a river for having blonde hair, a sharp nose, and slanted eyes, right? It'd impossible for me and the mother to love children who couldn't bear any less semblance to either of their parents such that they could be considered freaks of nature; an aberration against God's creation — and I take offence against those of you Bible thumpers who claim that race-mixing is a subversion of God's laws.

But sure, go ahead and advocate the return of such miscegenation-shaming:

[Image: 49372878672190022.jpg]

[Image: Deutsches_Historisches_Museum_Der_St%C3%...plakat.jpg]

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-23-2016 02:33 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2016 11:26 AM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Said it before ... I seriously have no clue how it is possible for a man to raise a kid that doesn't look like him. This goes for cuckolds like this and even guys having kids with a woman of a different race. Can't imagine raising a half-white or half-asian baby.

Would probably throw it into a river or something.

I swear we've gone full retard. Declaring that different peoples should ultimately stick to their own kind, and not to do so is "cucking", sounds like what Hitler would say. Seriously, you'd need to delve into Mein Kampf to find that shit.

The number of likes that Anabasis' post gained is a worrying testament to the amount of racial purists among our number.

I think it's utterly unreasonable to expect me, in a society where women of my skin colour are a minority, to go out of my way to find someone of said race to have my eventual children with
, for the sake of an antiquated notion of keeping bloodlines pure. Maybe it's because I'm secretly angling that that mother will be white — given how Westernised I am, and even before living in a Western society, having felt an affinity towards Western cultures.

I'm sorry, were you triggered?


Listen, friend; if you go back long enough every single one of us has the Right of Return to Israel, because of Jewish intermarriage into the White, African, Indian, and Asian populations. Every single one of us is mixed race, technically (much to the chagrin of the 1488 and Israeli purists); nobody here is trying to legislate or demand that you have some sort of 'pure race' child, lest the mud blood destroy us.

But some of us (like me) are pointing out the frank difficulties in interracial relationship.

Not out of hatred.
Not out of disgust.
Not out of jealousy.

But out of concern for you, your spouse, and your eventual children.

Mixed race relationships were difficult enough before the cultural fetishization began; now they're doubly so. There is a consistent agenda being pushed to create children who hate their own parents. THAT is what I find disgusting.

I, sir, am a Catholic. And my closest friends - long before I came to the Church - have been Catholics of moral character, of very divergent colours of skin. They are well aware of the challenges faced by their interracial marriages, but they are prepared to face them.

It sounds like you are too.

But I weep - I weep, for in the city that I live I constantly see interracial couples, blindly playing at the game of love, with no regard for the progeny that results. And I know the statistics. And I know that these people are those that the statistics are based off of.

I am not condemning interracial marriage; I don't think anybody is. I myself hope to marry a woman of a good Italian/Scottish background, but truly I'll accept any woman who fears God. But open-mindedness is not the same thing as having your brain fall out; and the agenda we are seeing advanced in the modern world is cruel and indifferent to the children it produces - and that is precisely the point.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-23-2016 02:33 AM)JWLZG Wrote:  

Quote: (04-21-2016 11:26 AM)Anabasis to Desta Wrote:  

Said it before ... I seriously have no clue how it is possible for a man to raise a kid that doesn't look like him. This goes for cuckolds like this and even guys having kids with a woman of a different race. Can't imagine raising a half-white or half-asian baby.

Would probably throw it into a river or something.

I swear we've gone full retard. Declaring that different peoples should ultimately stick to their own kind, and not to do so is "cucking", sounds like what Hitler would say. Seriously, you'd need to delve into Mein Kampf to find that shit.

The number of likes that Anabasis' post gained is a worrying testament to the amount of racial purists among our number.

I think it's utterly unreasonable to expect me, in a society where women of my skin colour are a minority, to go out of my way to find someone of said race to have my eventual children with, for the sake of an antiquated notion of keeping bloodlines pure. Maybe it's because I'm secretly angling that that mother will be white — given how Westernised I am, and even before living in a Western society, having felt an affinity towards Western cultures.

I'll look for a good many traits in the mother of my future children — her ability to nurture, her devotion to them, her ideal genetic qualities that she can pass on, that are also best compatible with mine, and so on. Race and skin colour can take an absolute last priority.

Maybe this strikes a particular chord in me as I've been verbally abused in Germany for walking with a white girl in a couple-y way (ironically, she was born to Polish parents). I thought we'd learnt our lessons of yesteryear.

Also I think some of you are particularly harsh against the stability of mixed-race kids. We're not all Elliott Rodgers in the making. In fact, all my life, in school and in the media, we've been exposed to the benefits to racial admixing. The hapa dudes I know clean up like crazy.

But when I eventually have kids, I should just toss them in a river for having blonde hair, a sharp nose, and slanted eyes, right? It'd impossible for me and the mother to love children who couldn't bear any less semblance to either of their parents such that they could be considered freaks of nature; an aberration against God's creation — and I take offence against those of you Bible thumpers who claim that race-mixing is a subversion of God's laws.

But sure, go ahead and advocate the return of such miscegenation-shaming:

You have the basis of a compelling point here, but the Hitler stuff doesn't add to the argument. When Hitler pops his head out, it's all over.


[Image: trainn.jpg]
[Image: xCGkE3B.jpg]

You have to give the man credit for one thing- he makes his mark.

Americans are dreamers too

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

[Image: SvOrq4OA7TQTC.gif]

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

What if you have a kid with a woman of another race but the kid still looks like you? Is that still cucking yourself?

My mom has a lot of white and hispanic ancestry, yet I came out looking like a paler version of my father.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

My wife and I are white evangelicals. Here’s why we chose to give birth to black...

Quote: (04-23-2016 03:42 AM)Fortis Wrote:  

What if you have a kid with a woman of another race but the kid still looks like you? Is that still cucking yourself?

My mom has a lot of white and hispanic ancestry, yet I came out looking like a paler version of my father.

Don't try to get off on a technicality. While your father is able to hide his mark of the cuck well due to your pale white skin nearly matching his french vanilla hue, don't think for a second that your father isn't worried every day that someone will notice his irresponsible choice, his impure child of practically another man, and shout at him from across the street cuck! He's a god damned cuck!

Americans are dreamers too

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