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Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-27-2014 07:22 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

It puts Yellow Fever in context though.

Who's trying to holler at THAT? She could be reciting Confuscious, making pho and ramen at the same damn time, and avenging her master's killer - no amount of Asian is gonna make that attractive.


[Image: laugh5.gif]

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Lots of good comments in this thread.

I agree with the other poster who said that she doesn't look fully Asian. It's weird because she doesn't look like Asians in Asia. There's definitely something going on with her facial muscular structure, and her makeup and general fashion style don't remind me of Asians in Asia at all.

Westernised Asian women are the worst. It's a major, major concern of mine in ever moving back to Australia and potentially raising daughters there that, despite my best attempts to the contrary, they would morph into something like that thing.

I've never once met a Westernised Asian woman in Taiwan whom I have liked. At best, they were tolerable, though I don't think I would have liked them had I got to know them. Many have massive identity issues. Many easily make it into the category of "top five ugly foreigners" (and even manage to edge out many of the disgusting cashed up Chinese peasants on package tours in the process).

The most egregious example of such people occurred on a two hour train ride I took several years ago. It was on one of the slower class of local trains that has an open seating plan. The trip started off as an ordinary trip. Then, at some point, three women around thirty years old got on. It was clear from their accents and general mannerisms that they were ABCs. They spoke incredibly loudly for the entire trip about absolutely narcissistic nonsense. They had a couple of kids between them, and a mountain of shit with them, all of it extremely expensive. Their kids almost immediately began to run amok throughout the whole carriage -- screaming, running, interfering with others -- to which their mothers responded with complete obliviousness. It all reached its climax when one of the kids managed to spill some sort of yellow drink that looked like urine right in front of the central set of doors of the carriage. Everyone sitting in the general vicinity, having had enough of the unrelenting, loud and inane chatter, moved away. Then, at the next stop, new passengers, not being sure exactly what the yellow liquid before them was, either scurried to another set of doors or tried to step over it. Meanwhile, the entire carriage kept looking at the ABCs expecting them to clean it up. Finally, a ticket inspector came through the carriage, and one of the mothers casually told him that he needed to clean it up. He began telling them that he had to go somewhere else. It's worth noting at this point that the average ticket inspector is a pretty chilled guy (why wouldn't you be, since it's a pretty cushy job and everyone knows the score regarding tickets?). They're super polite and friendly. The ABC managed to upset him so much that he became visibly flustered and unsure of what to do exactly. After some hesitation, he disappeared momentarily. He returned with some paper towels and then proceeded to hopelessly try to soak up all of the liquid. Several attempts later, he finally finished it, to the absolute bewilderment of all of the other people in the carriage.

During the entire trip, I became extremely aware of the fact that I was the only other Westerner in the carriage and wanted to slip into the nearest crack, though I don't think anyone actually lumped me in with those with women. Maybe I should have spoken up, but I was as shell shocked as everyone else. At some point, I think after the women left, my now wife (then girlfriend), who had never been out of Taiwan and was aghast at the whole episode asked if all ABC women were like that.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Deluge might be onto something there. I know a lot of average looking Asian Australian girls who are like that. Not hot enough to land an alpha white guy, or alpha Asian guy, or rich Asian guy (the latter tend to go to Asian to date/marry a beauty queen), and only seem to be able to attract anime nerdy white guys. They take self loathing to the next level.

I dated one who was a bit like the chick in the OP, albeit a dance teacher instead of an actress. She was very used to super nerdy white guys before me, so at first to her I was a refreshing change (muscular Asian guy with Game) and she acted feminine and sweet. Then she started to nag me about getting on board with her feminist BS, particularly support for her LGBT friends... and I bolted so fast it made her spin.

They may look Asian, but they are completely different to Asian girls in Asia. Theyŕe more like white girls in most ways minus the appearance, and recently, disturbingly, they also hit the wall early and get fat just like white girls. One lawyer chick that I used to date when she was a 19 y.o law student is now 25 and has already moved up several weight classes, looking 35+. I used to take it for granted that Asian girls can stay thin forever, but it's no longer true.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever


I don't think she's the type who goes for the "alpha" guy.

RWJ is the Youtuber and probably highest grossing (~1MM/year). In terms of domain-specific status, he's #1.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Reading this whole thread is a vocalization of why I haven't pursued any asian girls. The first girl I slept with was asian, and she was a real ballbreaker but a total freak. Since then, the asian girls really have to be top notch for me to find them attractive, or so hung up on me that I let them do all the hard approaching work (these are the psychos).

Any asian girl that's higher than a seven generally seems so bitchy that I don't even want to talk to them, but maybe it's just a perception. I almost want to break my own behavioral trend to see if it's actually true.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-27-2014 11:42 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

One lawyer chick that I used to date when she was a 19 y.o law student is now 25 and has already moved up several weight classes, looking 35+. I used to take it for granted that Asian girls can stay thin forever, but it's no longer true.

Was she in Australia? I can't imagine any woman growing up in a Western country and learning the feminist do whatever I want attitude would be able to maintain her figure. I like foreign women who know what their value is and take steps to protect their value. In the West, once a woman loses her value, she just tries to make everyone change how they value women, so that she can remain relevant.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

There's already a "Black Men Rejecting Black Women" thread.

Time for "Asian Men Rejecting Asian Women"?

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Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:28 AM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2014 11:42 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

One lawyer chick that I used to date when she was a 19 y.o law student is now 25 and has already moved up several weight classes, looking 35+. I used to take it for granted that Asian girls can stay thin forever, but it's no longer true.

Was she in Australia? I can't imagine any woman growing up in a Western country and learning the feminist do whatever I want attitude would be able to maintain her figure.

Yeah she was born and bred in Australia. Rich family, went to a top private school etc.

Ironically when I was dating her, her family and friends didnt like it because I was too 'old' for her (I was 26). Now she's back in my social scene making a pass at me and I'm thinking ¨ew you look too old for me!¨ not to mention way out of my usual weight classes.

The sad thing is, that is the kind of story you used to hear on Red Pill sites about men in their 30s and 40s meeting up with women they used to know as attractive after many years and thinking holy shit did they hit the wall or what??? I'm getting this with mid-20s girls now, whom I used to date when they were at uni as 18-20 y.o....

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever


It has been mentioned many times that females are like water and take the shape of their containers. Men in the Anglosphere are notorious for being a bunch of submissive idiots who don't put women under control and make them act feminine or stay in shape. I know too many dudes who will let their bitches do whatever they want and the dudes won't protest at all to their behavior because they are so desperate to not be "alone" or for sex. All humans respond to incentives and females in the U.S have little incentives to be feminine and rather for the opposite.

Agreed, a shame that so many otherwise good feminine women are destroyed here.[/quote]

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:40 AM)Tengen Wrote:  

There's already a "Black Men Rejecting Black Women" thread.

Time for "Asian Men Rejecting Asian Women"?

How about just men rejecting women?

Read my work on Return of Kings here.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Yeah I dont see anything specifically Asian about that. It's more or less the same as The Sexodus: incel Asian nerds check out, others who have options take them.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

It's always such a goddamn tragedy when a genuinely cute chick turns out to be a snark spewing cunt with an unearned ego. It's like biting into a Black Forest cake and finding someone used shit instead of cherry filling.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

She is actually smart enough to consider herself more of a producer/writer than an actress. Her latest piece:

I took a look at it and it is an atrocious SF-short so filled with stupid SJW- and feminism-memes coupled with outright total mindnumbing stupidity that even I was amazed about the madness within. Alternative movie makers usually try to put on some kind of twist, but this was a SJW feminist wet-dream.

Essentially in the movie she plays a character the twin of a woman who was elected by Earth as the strongest and smartest individual on Earth to fight for the survival of our planet as obviously some intergalactic leadership decides reguralry on some fucked-up culling of the races to keep the Universe from overpopulating. And the decision is derived by letting two females (no men anywhere in sight) of each planet fight - the loser's planet gets obliterated instantly, because - you know - the unverse is overpopulated.

If that kind of drivel comes out of her glorious mind, then .... well then I foresee a great future for our idiocratic SJW memed media. As far her personal life goes - she is 26 and single, an Alpha widow and has already 4 cats - well stocked for the lonely years ahead.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-27-2014 12:08 PM)Lemmo Wrote:  

According to IMDB:

She has four cats, Abby, Lily, Jimmy and Congress.

She's all set for her upcoming post-wall years.

ahahahaha I called that shit!

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

She legitimately looked like a South Korean actress or Kpop singer in the picture Samsamsam posted on page 2, then on the actual video she doesn't look remotely similar. She's wearing makeup in both cases, yet the skin and facial features are totally different.

I think she got too fit, to the point it masculinized her appearance. She turned herself into a 5. The faggy looking Youtube guy is about a good match for her.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-27-2014 05:56 PM)samsamsam Wrote:  

Holy crap makeup really does do miracles.

She isn't that good looking without makeup.

Also, she is insane because she talks in that fake spirituality stuff that is all over LA.

It occurs to me that the zero-makeup face is fine, except for one thing that ruins it: The area around the eyes, which is noticeably discolored and wrinkled.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-27-2014 11:12 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

I agree with the other poster who said that she doesn't look fully Asian. It's weird because she doesn't look like Asians in Asia. There's definitely something going on with her facial muscular structure, and her makeup and general fashion style don't remind me of Asians in Asia at all.

IMDB says she "Is of Japanese, Hawaiian, Filipino, Irish, German, Spanish, French, and English descent."

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-27-2014 11:12 PM)Feisbook Control Wrote:  

Westernised Asian women are the worst. It's a major, major concern of mine in ever moving back to Australia and potentially raising daughters there that, despite my best attempts to the contrary, they would morph into something like that thing.

At some point, I think after the women left, my now wife (then girlfriend), who had never been out of Taiwan and was aghast at the whole episode asked if all ABC women were like that.

I've expressed this same exact sentiment many times before but the sad thing is everything you said is true and many of them are toxic headcases. It wasn't always like this. I remember at least 15-20 years ago asian-american women were mostly pretty decent. When I was still dating them you had some with weird issues and those with hardcore inferiority complexes but there were still good ones.

There's definitely been a noticable downhill slide in attitude, entitlement, etc.. that matches upper-middle class SWPL white girls. Asian-american girls tend to get royal treatment from all the betas in the western english speaking world too. Just look how far even an asian-american 5 can marry up in the U.S. The 6's really do think they are 9's.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:40 AM)Tengen Wrote:  

There's already a "Black Men Rejecting Black Women" thread.

Time for "Asian Men Rejecting Asian Women"?

I love asian women from asia. The real deal with the traditional culture, language, sensibilities, and feminine qualities. The ones who can cook, know how to fuck, are slim/sexy, and won't pester you about politics or the latest social outrage.

I really dislike westernized asian women though. They are usually pure trash. Even in Jakarta it was kind of disgusting how many of them I ran into.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Asian American females are probably the worst in America next to white women in terms of attitude. Way to many white guys put them on a pedestal and there's not enough Asian gangster types to keep them all in line LOL

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

This women truly brings home the fact that women are our only weaknesses. This morning I'm feeling good and I hear her talking and it brings me down a little.

The fucktop part is that if this hoe was on her way to give me some pussy, I'd be really happy, even though I hate the bitch! I love pussy, yet hate it from the bottom of my heart

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-28-2014 11:44 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

The fucktop part is that if this hoe was on her way to give me some pussy, I'd be really happy, even though I hate the bitch! I love pussy, yet hate it from the bottom of my heart

[Image: eed2b891c7302a7ecbc6a768e5ad19a8.png]

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-28-2014 12:37 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2014 11:44 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

The fucktop part is that if this hoe was on her way to give me some pussy, I'd be really happy, even though I hate the bitch! I love pussy, yet hate it from the bottom of my heart

[Image: eed2b891c7302a7ecbc6a768e5ad19a8.png]

[Image: attachment.jpg23757]   

Indeed[Image: smile.gif]

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-27-2014 07:50 PM)Veloce Wrote:  

In some cases, I'd say Americanized Asian girls are actually worse than white girls. Any guy that's approached a lot of them knows what I'm talking about; that loud, crass, socially abrasive, self-important tone. I come to expect it from white girls, but hearing it come out of an asian girl's mouth is particularly grating on me and just bums me the fuck out. I immediately start thinking how disappointed her hardworking parents must be.

This is one big turnoff for me witn Asian-American girls. It's one of many reasons why I never bother with them. For me, they are vastly more difficult to deal with than White-American girls. Mexican-American girls are also very difficult for me to deal with because they acquire those same snarky traits plus continue to be as emotionally volatile that Latin girls are known to be (on the other hand, the chicanas here in California tend not to like me anyway because they generally want Chicanos who speak with a stereotypical Chicano accent and have the usual traits that they do, which I dont).

Despite me being a minority, I would say white chicks are easiest for me to get along with.

Actress Rants About Guys With Yellow Fever

Quote: (12-28-2014 11:10 AM)Brian Shima Wrote:  

there's not enough Asian gangster types to keep them all in line LOL

[Image: fs2u4.jpg]

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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