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The Approach Thread

The Approach Thread

Did some street game today.

The Approach Thread

Lucky thanks - thats a textbook Roosh daygame interaction - very nice.

The number close was especially smooth.

The Approach Thread

So I approached around 6 girls last night, made out with 3, and couldn't close any. 2 week dry streak now. I can feel my own hamster spinning...

The Approach Thread

Nice job Lucky, I too used un poco language game.

I'll expand on my last post. I was Drunk but this should be accurate for the most part.

Me and my friend had been bar hopping. As we went to order drinks at this outdoor bar a hot ass girl who turned out to be Persian catches my eye. I smile and turn away. She comes up and taps me on the shoulder and introduces herself.

Her: Hey I'm so and so I came over here because my friend likes you.
Me: Aw come in this never works
Her: What?
Me:Ok whose your friend?
Her:It's that mexican girl there with the dark hair
I point at a fat girl
Me:her!? No way!
Her: noooo that one the Mexican with dark hair

Turns out the girl was actually cute and an authentic Mexicana unlike most of the the Mexican girls who were born and raised in Texas that live in my area.

I learn this and so I start trying t speak Spanish to her.

I never can remember what exactly I say to people when I speak Spanish. I know I told her that my Spanish is bad but she told me I was doing alright. When I told her my age (21) she was sad and told me I was too young. I said what do you mean? I just recently broke things off with a 34 year old. This girl was 26. She seemed to like that. This whole time I have been sitting on a stool with my arm around her hips, or holding her hand, and when I wasn't holding her hand I was trying to creep up her short skirt to cuff her FAT ass/ touch her upper thigh near her vagina.

Anyways her aunt or whatever was there this whole time and my friend did a shit job of making her feel welcomed while I talked to the girl who chose me. He was competing for the persians attention along with two other guys. I tried to kincludes chick included in my conversation with the mexican girl but it wasn't enough.

At some points pushed hard for an after party at her place since they lived closer. My chick said she's never had a party at her apartment.

Me: Well not a loud party. Do you have any games? Twister? monopoly?!
Her: I have a wii!
Me: Yes we will play the wii. Tell me you have wii sports?!
Her:Yes! Are you any good?

This cockblock isn't having it though. She keeps shaking her head and her expression seemed strained.

My Chica says she has to be a good host so nano me and my friend can't come over. She said that her cockblock leaves today and she invited me over tonight to hangout.

We talked for a long time. Might have been the longest amount of time I've ever spent on a couple of girls while at the bar.

She gave me her phone number and i kissed her. She pulled away the first time with a huge smile and a quick glance at her friend who had her back t us. I said "look your friend isn't even looking, give me a kiss." And we kissed for a hot second.

She texted me afterwords

Her: I wish you were 6 years older.....[Image: sad.gif]

In the past I might have responded to her frame but I thought of mechanico and instead I said

Me:Best have those wii motes charged up

She dropped the act and said they will be ready for Sunday.

I don't think I'm going to fucks with her. She lives a good distance from me.

If I fuck her does that mean I get my Mexican flag, even though I'm not in mexico?

The Approach Thread

I just made a date with a very beautiful young Russian for tomorrow. Coffee shop approach: "What language are you studying?" It was German.

She is prettier than any girl I have seen on the last two nights out here in Munich. Sigh. I hope I don't fuck the date up tomorrow. (We are going to a museum that I actually wanted to visit for some time now.)

The Approach Thread

Very unsuccessful night. Roughly 8-10 approaches, no bites. Spent an hour talking to a 6.5 only for her drunk self to leave. Had a potential opportunity with a 5 but valued my sleep more. I shouldn't be frustrated, but I am.

The Approach Thread

Went out last night incredibly drunk on gin. Had a great time.

Made out with 4 girls. Got one number that I don't care to follow up on.
Told an average looking asian girl we were going back to hers, and she got all excited and went to find her flatmates to get her keys, I got tired of waiting and went home. Sleep won over sex that night.

Must try harder to develop stronger conversational skills.

The Approach Thread

Here is a good one for you guys:

Out at a club last night. As soon as my buddy and I get in I waste no time as this girl is ordering a drink alone. Basic open:

"what's your name?"

I live overseas but turns out she lives in my home country. We begin talking. Try and pull from the venue multiple times but she wants to stay till the end. Completely physical attraction. Little verbal game run here. She is accompanied by her flamboyantly gay friend.

3am rolls around and she pulls me into a cab with her gay friend. Won't tell me where we are going, says it is a "surprise". 20 minutes later we roll to a closed restaurant (which her friend owns). Her friend unlocks the door and we consume more beer.

Her friend breaks out the cocaine and starts doing line after line. Turns out hard drugs is where I draw the line.

I bail. Didn't get the number since she was upset I didn't accept her "surprise".

Interesting Monday night.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-28-2012 04:42 AM)slubu Wrote:  

Very unsuccessful night. Roughly 8-10 approaches, no bites. Spent an hour talking to a 6.5 only for her drunk self to leave. Had a potential opportunity with a 5 but valued my sleep more. I shouldn't be frustrated, but I am.

What lessons did you learn from those approaches???

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-28-2012 01:14 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (08-28-2012 04:42 AM)slubu Wrote:  

Very unsuccessful night. Roughly 8-10 approaches, no bites. Spent an hour talking to a 6.5 only for her drunk self to leave. Had a potential opportunity with a 5 but valued my sleep more. I shouldn't be frustrated, but I am.

What lessons did you learn from those approaches???

Ironically the biggest lesson I learned was from the one approach I did not do, with a cute girl sitting by herself. For some reason, my now non-existent AA creeped up again. I was momentarily upset for not approaching her and then some other guy did.

One girl I was talking to actually got up from the outside bench and came to stand next to me to talk, so I could tell she was interested. She then said she had to go inside but would find me later - I should have just followed her in there. Usually the I'll see you around approach doesn't work that well (it did once for me). But I thought I'd just run into her later again and I did not.

Actually Gio, want to know what I thought this morning after only a few hours of sleep and being hungover? How badly I need to get into daygame. Full night's rest, won't miss gym days, probably higher quality girls, the health benefits of not drinking and so on.

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-28-2012 01:14 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (08-28-2012 04:42 AM)slubu Wrote:  

Very unsuccessful night. Roughly 8-10 approaches, no bites. Spent an hour talking to a 6.5 only for her drunk self to leave. Had a potential opportunity with a 5 but valued my sleep more. I shouldn't be frustrated, but I am.

What lessons did you learn from those approaches???

Hey Giovonny, being the day game aficionado that you are, you mind doing a short write up on opens/your Modus Operandi for opening and closing University girls on campus? Especially if you look 5-6 years older than them in some cases? (law school).

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-28-2012 01:24 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Actually Gio, want to know what I thought this morning after only a few hours of sleep and being hungover? How badly I need to get into daygame. Full night's rest, won't miss gym days, probably higher quality girls, the health benefits of not drinking and so on.

Yes Sir.... You will be amazed Slubu, your game is A+, should not have a problem transitioning.

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-28-2012 01:24 PM)slubu Wrote:  

the biggest lesson I learned was from the one approach I did not do, with a cute girl sitting by herself. For some reason, my now non-existent AA creeped up again. I was momentarily upset for not approaching her and then some other guy did.

Yes, we all have moments of hesitation sometimes. Looking back, what could you have said to her? I'm sure you could have opened her with a very simple question, statement, or comment. Sometimes we need to get warmed up with 2-3 approaches in order to get into the proper mind set. Its a lesson learned. Don't hesitate.

And, maybe get a few warm up approaches in before you enter the bar.

If you practice enough, eventually it becomes second nature.

Quote: (08-28-2012 01:24 PM)slubu Wrote:  

Actually Gio, want to know what I thought this morning after only a few hours of sleep and being hungover? How badly I need to get into daygame. Full night's rest, won't miss gym days, probably higher quality girls, the health benefits of not drinking and so on.

Why sacrifice sleep, time, energy, and money if you don't have to?

Start day gaming today!

The Approach Thread

Quote: (08-28-2012 01:33 PM)rationalize_this Wrote:  

Hey Giovonny, being the day game aficionado that you are, you mind doing a short write up on opens/your Modus Operandi for opening and closing University girls on campus? Especially if you look 5-6 years older than them in some cases? (law school).


1) Go to college campus
2) Approach girls and strike up conversations.
3) Try to make a little connection with a girl during conversation.

Maybe you have something in common, maybe you share a few laughs, maybe you both can sense a little chemistry between you, maybe you have a similar world view.

Maybe she starts asking me personal questions and giving me iois.

4) Suggest that we exchange phone numbers and chat again sometime.
5) Call/text, chat a little more and SET UP A DATE
6) Escalate and try to bang

Thats about it. For more detailed and specific examples, check out these threads..

Daytime AO

Freshman girls

College for older guys

College town

If you go to the google search function at the top of this page, type in "college game", tons of threads will come up.

Let me know if you have any specific questions.

The Approach Thread

I approached a girl during the day in front of a store. She was a cute blonde, smoking a cigarette and looked very bored. I opened her with the pet shop opener. After a few minutes of elderly chat she asked where I was from I told her the USA.

The Approach Thread

Campus Approach : Saw a Black girl with reddish tint hair sitting at Lunch table all by herself fiddling with her phone and had a big purse on the table which was open and practically empty ?

I open with " Do you know where the Parking office is "
her: No, I just move
me: Oh yeah, me too, I don't want to get parking tickets everyday and want to get a parking permit.
her: I half no car.

By now I detected she can't speak much english and is prabably hispanic,
Now my spanish is at a beginner level but these are the lines I spit when I meet a spanish chica and seems to work/open the girls

me: Hablas espanol
her: Si
me: De Donde es
her: Honduras
me: Ah, senorita mi espanol es mas o manos, Queiro mejorar mi espanol
her: smiles but still kind of scared.
me: Lets go find the parking office
her: waiting for mom to pick me up.
me: Ok, May be we will meet again, want to exchange numbers ?
her: no
me: Later.....

The whole Approach was off on her part, She was not comfortable at all, she eased a little with me starting in spanish, but i ran out of things to say in spanish. I think I scared the Cat. Oh well...

You all can critque my spanish lines and kindly give me few more lines to add to my ammo... Mucho Gracias mi amigos [Image: smile.gif]

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

First day of school first day of campus approaches!

First one, a man in his late 20s. Blond spikey hair, black shades, and tight cowboy jeans.

Him:"Hey boss do you know where Chestnut hall is? "
Me: No... Do you know where The Env building is?
Him: :T No...
Me: Well, good luck.
Him: You too.

I'm wondering around and see this girl I was eyeing on my Spanish class. She smiles at me as I walk past her.

Girl in a car hollers at me
Her: Hey! Sorry do you know where the math building is?
Me : No I don't. I havnt taken any math courses here.

She looks confused

Me: Do you know where the Env building is?
Her: yes
She stares straight ahead and back down at her map.
Me:Well where is it?

Her driver takes off the girl that was talking to me looks back at me as they drive away.

I make it to the Env building. This cute chick is in front of me. She opens the door and holds it for me. I I was about six steps away and she held it the whole time. She looked back and in a low voice I said


Her: No problem!

I follow her around and she turns around

" Do you know where room 130 is? "
Me:Nope what's in room 130?
Her: It's a physics class [Image: sad.gif]. What class are you going to?
Me: Economics. It's actually not till 12 but I'm just walking around trying to find all the buildings before hand.

I don't remember what happened. I think I zoned out and walked away she said Byeee.


Walking down the sidewalk sweating balls. I slow down so the girl behind me catches up. When she reached my shoulder I said

"Jeans were a bad choice on such a hot day."

Her: haha yeah you should have worn a tank top!

Me: I saw a guy wearing a pea coat earlier. I don't know what he was thinking.

Her: atleast its not raining bwahaha!

Me: right. Hey have you ever been to the library?

Her: No this is my first semester

Me: Well it's right here let's go get some cold air.

Her: I can't I have a class soon.

Me: Well see you around then.

I see a girl sitting on a bench in the shade. From behind she looks cute.
Me:Is this seat taken?
And I sit down.
Her: no

Turns out age is a middle aged woman.

I stay silent and browse the forum.

She gets up and two Indian girls sit down. Both fat. One complains about the size of the campus and threatens to transfer to another college.

I get up and go to economics.

This classroom has the most uncomfortable seats ever and I express my feelings to no one in particular. This really cute chick behind me laughs and agrees with me.

Your average six sits next to me. We exchange flirty body language throughout the class.

One more class left today. And a new class tomorrow.

It's going to be a great semester.

The Approach Thread

From now on, I'll spare you guys the headaches and only post when I'm on my computer.

That last post was awful [Image: confused.gif]

The Approach Thread

Kickboxer I'm stealing your "where is building x" opener. For the first 2 -3 weeks of school at least I'll be able to open a new chick every 5 feet. That coupled with all of the events and gaming in the bookstore and I'll have approached half the girls on campus within the first month.

Where would you go with the girl for a date. I'd think during the first few weeks of school I'd get her and some friends out or invite.her along to an event. I think they'd want to be more social than in a 1 on 1 date.

The Approach Thread

After a dry streak of a week and a half, I felt like I reached a new level of game last night. I went bar hopping with my little brother, literally every hostess, bartender, bouncer knew me, i was screening and collecting numbers like it was no problem at all. I hadn't gone out with my brother in a long time so needless to say he couldn't really believe what was going on. A few "how did you do that type moments."
I roll into the last bar skipping the line, and giving the hostess a kiss, and open the first girl i see with potential. I'm suited up after coming from work, turns out she's brazilian. After using the few portuguese words I know I'm dancing with her. I initiate the friends as well so the cockblock won't be an issue. Before I know it, the brasilera and her friends are taking off my jacket, undoing my tie, and unbuttoning my shirt. I look around for a second I couldn't believe this was happening and I've never seen so many hater glares in my life. I take my tie out of the brasileras hands, use it as a blindfold on her and kiss her. After 30 minutes of dancing and google translating at the same time, I was banging her in the shower. First Brazilian flag. Deliciosa.

The Approach Thread

Starbucks Approach: (Close to Nursing College) [Image: smile.gif]

On Lunchtime stroll I get to Starbucks and see a long line of about 20 girls in shorts and T shirts (seems to be the Uniform on Campus these days), Not a single male in sight. I get to the back of the line and open the last group of 3 girls with

"What's going on here.....Is Coffee Free today"

They all laugh and One of them jumps at the opportunity and ......

says No actaully we all just got done with our Anatomy Class

and contnues to chatter like she was waiting to be opened. .......she blabs this is our first week of classes and we don't know where to go eat and our next class is in 15 min blah blah blah .....

Me: Let me guess you guys are nursing students
her: yes actaually we are in the 1st year of college and trying to get into Nursing School, I am Kim., extends hand.....
Me: Ok and you are to the other one ?
her: I am Rebecca and I'm from OH.
Me: Ok, So what are your chances of getting in the nursing school
her: Oh....we don't know, but we are going to work hard..
Me: Let me Guess Kimberly wants to be a Pediatric nurse and Rebecca wants to be a OB Nurse.
Her: (Kim) yes yes yes I want to work with Neonates.
Her: (Rebecca) I'm not sure yet.

Kim was a 6, Rebecca a 7, I pick Kim as my target as I can feel more IoI's from her but some from Rebecca as well and lost the 3rd one, I can't handle 3 at one time [Image: smile.gif]

Her: (Kim) So what do you do ?
Me: Take a Guess ?
Her: you are a -------
Me: Well That's obvious , Guess what eactly do I do and I will buy coffee...
Her: you are ------
Me : Close enough and I tell them whatt I do ...
Her: Whao .... My brother is at Duke, he wants to do that
Her: Where are you from ?
Me: Altoona, PA [Image: smile.gif].... No...... Guess .....
Both Girls: We like this guessing game ?, They guess wrong..
Me: I tell them about how I was born in England , parents are from Nepal(not really) and moved to NYC and then to this Midwestern state..
Her: (Kim) Oh really I was in England for 2 years, same town I mentioned as my Birthplace and we talked about few places there.

Now they order there drinks (Which would take some time to make), I get my Balck Coffee and turn around paying no attention to them and go sit at a Strategic table (after going through the layout in my mind per Roosh's Instructions) that I knew they would have to pass by before heading through a small door to Nursing Scool.

I Start reading my book, and about 3-5 min later I see two of them (excluding kim) head towards my direction. I see Kim putting some creamer etc in her coffee. The other two stop and say nice meeting you and we have to get back to our class ( I'm thinking they deliberately gave kim a chance to come talk to me alone), a minute later Kim comes by and asks my name again, I tell her to sit down she still has few minutes to her class, we chit chat for about 5 min, She asked for my help with a project if possible,I Guide her to what she should be doing in near future etc etc and I tell her we should keep in touch and she asks me for my e-mail...... what......

I write my e-mail and cell number on half of the paper fold it and tell her to write hers on the other half, she writes her e-mail and cell # (which I wasn't expecting)

She says thank you so much, shakes hands and leaves.

Silly little Mid-western Girls getting shot by basic Game ...Soy el diablo [Image: evil.gif]

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

The Approach Thread

Did you guys ever go through a phase when you were still new at day game where you wouldn't try and close? Seems to me that all I have been doing is making idle chit chat and sly remarks.

For instance today I'm class.

I show up to my three hour class an hour and a half late. I sit next to a girl whose on reddit.

"Am I late? "
" Just a little bit haha"

Time goes by and I asked her if she knew what he's talking about.
She says she doesn't know. I ask her if she's on rspacedicks.

She smiles and shakes her head.

She gets up to leave and looks at me. Would you guys have followed her lead?

The Approach Thread

Gym Approach: Today my roomie and I had went to the gym to lift. (My little ass can bench 70 fuck yeah!)

But anyways. After I had lifted, this girl who knew me approached me.
Her: "I was waving at you five times and you didn't see me"
Me: "You did? Oh shit" *smile*
Her: "Yeah! How was your summer?"
Me: "It was terrible"
Her: "Why?"
Me: "We went to Cancun, but it fucking sucked" (I did not go to fucking cancun, just needed a place)
Her: "Haha, well that sucks"
Chit chat for like 2 more minutes
Me: I forgot your name yo
Her: *name not said due to betas in the world*
Me: Oh shit, hey *name not said due to betas in the world*
Me: "Hey you want to hear a crazy story though? I had gotten drunk and broken my phone on the beach. And what sucks is that all of the numbers I had from last year were deleted when I got my new phone"
Her: "So do you want me to put my number in there"
Me: "That'll work"

Kick, I know eactly what you're talking about man. There are just times when I am hesitant fully. Approaching hesitant, touch hesitant all that shit. But my main problem is setting up dates with em.

But other than that, I got a number today so I am a happy camper. [Image: smile.gif]


The Approach Thread

My one and only approach today.

It's about a 15 minute walk from the nearest parking lot to my first class. I can walk on either side of the street the entire time. But I decide to cross the street early because there is a really cute chick on the other side.

We were about even until I crossed the street and then I lost some ground and wound up behind her.

I walked behind her (I stayed about 6 feet back) for a good 10 minutes straight and didn't say anything.

At the last intersection I stopped next to her and opened.

Me: You probably think I'm stocking you.
Her: Huh oh I had no idea you were behind me.
Me: You must be in a daze.
Her: Yeah it was a long night....I uhh. longboarded all the way back there and now Im going back..

We cross the street

Her: Are you going to class?

Me: Yeah Spanish

Her: AAHHHH man why would you take a Friday morning class? That's rough.

Me: I don't know. It was a bad idea though. I spent my entire summer not going to bed until 4 or 5 in the morning. Sometimes I'd be up until 7. So, it's kind of hard to get adjusted to waking up at 9am so I can make it to class on time. You must know what thats like.

Her: Yeah I have taken friday classes before. What year are you?

Me: I think I'm a Jr.

Her: Ohhh meee tooo. Wait you think?

Me: Yeah I've had a few missteps.

At about this time I needed to make a left turn.

Her: Where are you going?
Me: To the language building. What about you?

We both stop because we are about to part.

Her: I'm going home. I live in the pink house over there. [Image: blush.gif]

Me: Ok

She kind of scrunched up her face.
Her: [Image: confused.gif] Well. Bye.

[Image: 1048714719_K96SR-M.jpg]

The Approach Thread

Cafeteria Approach: I am in line and there are 2 girls ahead of me at the Sandwich station, 6 and 7.5, 6 orders and steps to a side, 7.5 orders and starts looking at me, I order and co-incedentally we had all ordered the same BBQ Chicken sandwich, she laughs and opens me with

Her: Can't beat this Deal at $ 1.99..
Me: yes, I think i will get two of these [Image: smile.gif]
Her: you should..
Me: Let me guess, you guys are Pharmacy Students (It said on there jackets)
Her:yes we are.
Me: Have you done your clinicals yet ?
Her: That's what we are doing right now.
Me: I bet it's more fun then Classes
Her: Yes it is but I hate waking up so early
Me: That's not good, wait till you do your ER rotation , you will have to here at 0600 AM.

Her friend got her sandwich and is waiting outside, she gets her sandwich and says,....... well ... you enjoy your sandwich now and leaves.....

All the time that she talked to me she looked me directly in the eye (made me slightly uncomfortable) and there was a spark in her eye, I'm so pissed at myself for not pushing this encounter farther, Looking back I think I wasn't ready to be approached (not in my element) and eveything happened so quickly and lost it..., next time I see her she is getting closed [Image: smile.gif]

Oh well on to the next one........

"You can not fake good kids" - Mike Pence

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