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Good Looking Dude Game

Good Looking Dude Game

I used to be considered good-looking when I was younger but I'm now beginning to suspect I may possibly be quite ugly. I'm not sure how much is in my head and how much is from gaining too much weight (fat) doing strength training over the last year. I've lost some and I'm currently on a mission to lose a bunch more.

At my gym the fitness instructors started addressing me as "Big (my first name)" and don't think its 100% a compliment...

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (06-06-2012 11:22 AM)Sonofzeus Wrote:  

Core concepts related to masculinity, non-neediness, kino, etc still apply, but there are some notable differences. What do you all think on this matter?

My best mate is probably as close to a perfect ten as possible [Without being a celebrity].

100% I have noticed significant differences as far as game is concerned. Girls are very quick to bang but very hesitant to date. The most effective game is far more passive. Nice > Cocky - Compliments > Negs - Sweet > Sexy.

Obviously the ability to pull the trigger and close is universal but it appears [At least to me] to be a balancing act geared towards masculinity and stability. Too much of one attribute can be off putting [To a strong majority].

In this respect it makes sense that everyone must tailor their game to their appearance. It doesn't necessarily mean a male 10 is having superior success to a male 7 if game is on point & girls are abundant.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (06-06-2012 06:39 PM)_DC_ Wrote:  

being good-looking pretty much does the work for you.

I guess it does cuz I had girls gaming in in Manila and Davao lol I came with no game and they initiated the part you must know, where they lay back and expect you to follow to lead the way to makeout.

Good Looking Dude Game

Heh. I sat down to eat lunch the other day and noticed a Chinese girl opposite the table from me eating with her boyfriend. She shamelessly started staring and smiling at me. I have also been approached a handful of times in clubs here.

Good looking guy game is effortless but shouldn't be relied on. You will lose your looks eventually.

Good Looking Dude Game

Krauser wrote an outstanding article on this.

He deserves the clicks.

If you're not fucking her, someone else is.

Good Looking Dude Game

Roosh has a post stating that it is mainly average looking girls who go for good looking guys to compensate for their lack. Dont know how true that is, but most of the 8s and 9s I see are with ordinary looking dudes.

Plus Heartiste mentions that a woman can start to see as better looking over time if you game her right.

Don't debate me.

Good Looking Dude Game

My friend is a (no homo) handsome 6'4" Brazilian and dresses very well. Muscular (tho not lean).

He is very aggressive with his game, though not physically always. He pulls girls from Starbucks, the street, and even strip clubs.

Two caveats, though:

1. His range of girls is far wider than mine, meaning he will bang girls that are 9s and 10s. He will also bang 4s and 5s (did one cuz she offered him to cum on her face. His total count is 80+.

2. He is wealthy and loves to take girls out for $60-200 dinners. Luckily for him, most of the girls put out after such a dinner, but I always wonder why he goes through the extra expenditure if he is so good-looking.

Good Looking Dude Game

I'm a good looking guy.

Two main benefits:

1) it increases the number of "yes" girls in the 5-7 range. These girls are also more likely to make themselves known. This is what guys mean by "increased IOIs". From here, you only need "don't fuck it up" game.

2) You don't start at a deficit with girls in the 8+ range.

Good Looking Dude Game

Being good looking has only positives. If you have no game, you will still get laid more than an average guy with weak game. If you have game, then it multiply your game exponentially.

This is my wingman.

[Image: 10887236_404088053049679_1897888648606881109_o.jpg]

No comment needed on his look. And he has the best game out of every player I've met.

By watching him I've noticed a few fundamental things having good look can do to you:

-Being good looking is an UNIVERSAL value that takes no investment. Very few elements of our game can be universal, given that a lot of us run social circle or situational alpha game. Take a DJ into a modern art reception, he has no value. Bring my lady-killer Sensei to a night club, he has no value. I run dance game mostly so if I can't show off my dance I do worse. But a good looking guy always has a baseline value that is applicable in any situation.

Think of it like carrying gold as currency whereas other skills are country-specific currency. It loses value when out of context. The only thing that beat being good looking is being a good talker, but then this also depends on the culture. I doubt you can run the same talk game in US and in Arabia.

-You are naturally confident. Good looking people tend to be naturally more confident in a cocky/funny way (not all). IF THE GUY IS AWARE of his advantage, it helps to anchor his inner game very solid.

-By default, more doors are open for you. I don't want to get into the debate "there's no girl you can not get with good game", but being good looking means you are always considered in her league, at least in her mind. We game together with other guys and when it comes to the 8-9s, they don't even recognize the average guy unless you have some very solid presence. My handsome (no homo) wing just needs to say hi.

-Your game can be very flexible: you can run any type of game with little limits. My wing mostly runs asshole game because that's who he is. Once he landed a smoking 9, I asked how did they meet "Oh, I just picked her up in the trash can" and the girl loved it. But when he wants to he can also plays nice guy game and it works just as well. It's funny because when he talks to girl he doesn't like he tries to be beta to shoo them away, but that makes them like him even more.

If it's any consolation, I find that good looking guys usually have shitty game because mostly the world is handed to them on a silver platter, but when they can't get girls they just can't figure out why. Take a good looking guy who has solid game and he will fucking blow your mind. Paul Janka for example.


Roosh has a post stating that it is mainly average looking girls who go for good looking guys to compensate for their lack. Dont know how true that is, but most of the 8s and 9s I see are with ordinary looking dudes.

One doesn't has anything to do with the other. Girls ugly or hot want a good looking man with game but they can compromise. The reasons hot girls are sometimes with average guys it's because those average guys tend to have fuckawesome game. It's not because hot girls don't like hot guys with good game, that's stupid.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (01-19-2015 02:54 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Roosh has a post stating that it is mainly average looking girls who go for good looking guys to compensate for their lack. Dont know how true that is, but most of the 8s and 9s I see are with ordinary looking dudes.

Plus Heartiste mentions that a woman can start to see as better looking over time if you game her right.

Think about what you are saying: Good looking guys fuck average girls and its great to be an average man because most 8s and 9s date average dudes?and women will learn to find you sexually attractive over time?

This is the same hamster logic that mediocre women use to make themselves feel better when threatened by hot young girls. The truth is those hot women have much more satisfying lives and will always have access to high status men(looks + money).

Its better to know the truth then live in a bubble. If you have a really good looking friend, what do you think his tinder matches would look like? Think about what it would take for you to bang those same matches...Think about how much time he has left to work on his career, business and other opportunities. How is banging 6-7s easier going to hurt the good looking guy's chances of busting inside 8s and 9s?

Good Looking Dude Game

Show up to a venue, bitches will, at least look over and the such if not say hi. Talk, enjoy the atmosphere, order a few drinks if it's a bar or the like. With females while in conversation, it simply showing sexual interest and getting somewhere private (Apartment, bathroom stall, etc). No LMR, but you might get "Why Me?"; I, personally, opt for " Because you're feminine and attractive" but it might only work due to being at that point, the bitch is acting subconsciously.

Good Looking Dude Game

@Dalaran good insight but for fun-sake Ill say lets stop posting pics of dudes modeling on this forum, but Ill break him down a bit:

Your buddy is a good looking , but hes not that good looking, thats just the truth, Im sorry.
He has the middle east look that some women dig, but hes not the Brad Pitt-David Beckham standard by any means.

He is in decent shape, but I cant help but comment on his lack of tricep and bicep development, and that fact he has zero upper chest development. Im only saying this because he models. In fact, he can use this as constructive criticism so further help his modeling career.

Not ragging on your buddy, just having fun and giving an honest opinion.

Good Looking Dude Game

I have spent the last couple of years developing my inner game so that it matches with my looks and that I am now acting congruently.

Now that I have started to actively cold approach my earliest findings are:

Humour - just don't do it. When a girl meets a good looking guy she is not wanting or expecting humour. Most girls when you speak to them will not be relaxed enough to appreciate it and it will go over their heads and make you look weird.

Compliments - just don't give them, unless they are ultra subtle and genuine. It freaks the lizard out and her brain can't handle it.

DHV - don't do it, you'll invariably look like you're boasting or intimidate her further.

Comfort building - I have had girls who have made it quite clear that they find me extremely attractive and I have built good rapport with but have then flaked. I'm certain its because they are intimidated. I've tried being self deprecating but end up just clowning myself. Can anyone offer any advice on putting girls at ease? (this generally applies to girls in their late teens/early twenties). I'm thinking to just next these girls and move on to others who will be secure enough to not be intimidated?

I am thinking that, strangely, it may act in my favour to not be too nice and be slightly aloof and arrogant in the intitial interactions. Reason being that otherwise the 'too good to be true' alarm bells start ringing, female logic being what it is.

Another thing - I think its important to make the interaction about her as much as possible. Difficult to do this though without it sounding like an interview. Any pointers?

I'm going to continue my findings as i go but so far I have found that 25+ girls are much easier than younger ones in this regard, and the more attractive they are the more comfortable they seem to be with the interactions.

PLEASE - this thread can be a valuable resource for guys like me who are just starting out, it would great if we can keep things practical and not turn it into a big theoretical discussion!

Good Looking Dude Game

I'm doing an internship this summer with several students, including 2 women. The competition is very skewed. One particular guy who is fairly quiet (shy?) is from up North and I'm observing how these 2 girls are throwing themselves at him. It's ridiculous. When a fellow student called them out on it, they vehemently denied it. But it kind of made me realize: this dude is running passive game on his looks alone.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (05-29-2015 09:57 AM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

I'm doing an internship this summer with several students, including 2 women. The competition is very skewed. One particular guy who is fairly quiet (shy?) is from up North and I'm observing how these 2 girls are throwing themselves at him. It's ridiculous. When a fellow student called them out on it, they vehemently denied it. But it kind of made me realize: this dude is running passive game on his looks alone.

He has much more chance of banging them if he just stfu and carries on with his passive game. Every time he opens his mouth all he does is risk either falling off their pedestal or intimidating them and confirming what they know to be the case - that he is out of their league.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (01-19-2015 06:18 PM)8ball Wrote:  

Quote: (01-19-2015 02:54 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Roosh has a post stating that it is mainly average looking girls who go for good looking guys to compensate for their lack. Dont know how true that is, but most of the 8s and 9s I see are with ordinary looking dudes.

Plus Heartiste mentions that a woman can start to see as better looking over time if you game her right.

Think about what you are saying: Good looking guys fuck average girls and its great to be an average man because most 8s and 9s date average dudes?and women will learn to find you sexually attractive over time?

This is the same hamster logic that mediocre women use to make themselves feel better when threatened by hot young girls. The truth is those hot women have much more satisfying lives and will always have access to high status men(looks + money).

Its better to know the truth then live in a bubble. If you have a really good looking friend, what do you think his tinder matches would look like? Think about what it would take for you to bang those same matches...Think about how much time he has left to work on his career, business and other opportunities. How is banging 6-7s easier going to hurt the good looking guy's chances of busting inside 8s and 9s?

Sorry mate but you are applying logic to female behaviour, that logic being that the more attractive a guy = the more attractive the girlfriend. Every single 9+ female I have ever known goes out with a guy that is worse looking than her, in many cases a 7 or lower. Every single time. I don't know the reason for it but I do know that it correlates to my findings that female behaviour is illogical.

Now couple this with an unatural situation like cold approach day game it is not completely beyond the realms of comprehension that a girl may be more likely to be responsive to a guy who is a 7 rather than a 9.

Good Looking Dude Game

This is an interesting part of game for me. I grew up extremely shy and awkward and even to this day when I go out and about it feels like I get zero looks or attention from women, or maybe they're extremely subtle about it. Regardless, I'm not seeing much of it.

After my divorce four years ago when I got into game I started online dating and I was surprised and confused at the messages women would tell me, saying how handsome I was and why I was on these dating sites, implying that I could "do so much better".

After countless dates a lot of the feedback that I've gotten from women is that I can come across as intimidating and unfriendly. The woman who I banged last night (report in I just had sex thread) even said while we were sitting on my couch "This whole confident thing you have going here, is kind of intimidating to me".

I'm still trying to find the right blend of confidence and self deprecation without over gaming. Just when I think I have it, I take it too far and then I end up pulling back and not going far enough. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (05-29-2015 10:10 AM)lush1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-29-2015 09:57 AM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

I'm doing an internship this summer with several students, including 2 women. The competition is very skewed. One particular guy who is fairly quiet (shy?) is from up North and I'm observing how these 2 girls are throwing themselves at him. It's ridiculous. When a fellow student called them out on it, they vehemently denied it. But it kind of made me realize: this dude is running passive game on his looks alone.

He has much more chance of banging them if he just stfu and carries on with his passive game. Every time he opens his mouth all he does is risk either falling off their pedestal or intimidating them and confirming what they know to be the case - that he is out of their league.

That's interesting. Obviously the average guy cannot do this. If I decide to keep my mouth shut like he does, I will not have the luxury he has via his model looks. I would have to work much harder.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (06-14-2012 09:40 AM)Perseus Wrote:  

I'm starting to doubt the effectiveness of being good looking on game. I think its more like 80%game, 20% looks. Have you ever seen a TALL (i'm talking over 6'4ft), blonde, white male, and you can tell that he works out, so not skinny but not grossly bulging out, get rejected on the spot by a fuckin 6? lol

Well i saw that happen right in front of my eyes sunday night when i was out at a nightclub. I believe this guy was Australian with his group of buddies visiting Toronto as tourists for the summer like thousands of tourists we get around here.

I couldn't believe it, this guy met most of the fuckin "requirements" for what a girl would want physically in a guy (or so i thought [Image: confused.gif]). 6'5-6'6ft, blonde (not really a determining factor), white, athletic, AND A FUCKIN TOURIST (which should be a huge plus for him status wise).

Shamelessly i gotta admit, it did make me feel better, and gave my vibe at club a "super saiyan" kind of boost haha.......i was on a rampage.

Women who aren't that attractive do blow out good looking guys on a regular basis. This is why I recommend only approaching girls that are very attractive. Mediocre girls or ugly girls get approached at alot, everyone does.

On top of that they have low self esteem, and probably get more of a buzz from rejecting a good looking guy than actually taking the risk and possibly having her ego hurt further down the line.

As for this topic, its true, however the game of attraction is all about marketing. A lot of good looking guys aren't really aware of their value and get put off by harsh rejections.

Good looking guys will be surprised if they simply approach rather than getting things complicated and thinking about 'gaming'.

Good Looking Dude Game

I think most guys, myself included, dont understand how much effort GLG put into being good looking. If you think about how much women spend on being attractive it's no suprise that putting as much effort will yield results. Just look at Cristiano Ronaldo's transformation throughout the years.

Gym, fashion, hair, skin conditioning, teeth whitening etc. It's Game in a sense, Outer Game to be specific.

Don't debate me.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (01-19-2015 06:18 PM)8ball Wrote:  

Quote: (01-19-2015 02:54 PM)Pride male Wrote:  

Roosh has a post stating that it is mainly average looking girls who go for good looking guys to compensate for their lack. Dont know how true that is, but most of the 8s and 9s I see are with ordinary looking dudes.

Plus Heartiste mentions that a woman can start to see as better looking over time if you game her right.

Think about what you are saying: Good looking guys fuck average girls and its great to be an average man because most 8s and 9s date average dudes?and women will learn to find you sexually attractive over time?

This is the same hamster logic that mediocre women use to make themselves feel better when threatened by hot young girls. The truth is those hot women have much more satisfying lives and will always have access to high status men(looks + money).

Its better to know the truth then live in a bubble. If you have a really good looking friend, what do you think his tinder matches would look like? Think about what it would take for you to bang those same matches...Think about how much time he has left to work on his career, business and other opportunities. How is banging 6-7s easier going to hurt the good looking guy's chances of busting inside 8s and 9s?

I read an article somewhere that said the relationships that have the best chance of success are the ones where the woman is conventionally more attractive than the man. The premise being - the man is motivated to stay with her because she's "out of his league" and the girl stays with the man because usually in those instances, the guy is on his A game to keep her, plus she knows he won't stray. When girls hook up with men of equal or greater attractiveness, there is a bigger chance of him straying/losing interest.

I don't know how conscious that is of women to say "Well, I'm a 9. If I want a man to commit to me, I need to go for a 7. If I go for a fellow 9, he'll end up getting tired of me and move onto someone else since he has so many options."

And of course all of this is moot in the OLD culture we live in where looks are everything and average guys might as well be invisible online. But real life, I wonder if this is how it works.

Good Looking Dude Game

Honestly, I think good looks is a huge factor in attracting women. Guys like Roosh and Roissy take care of themselves, as do most playboys. It's not impossible
for unattractive men to succeed with women, but it's a lot harder.

With that said, I think avg looks + tight game can really help a man to do well with women. I've seen plenty of guys who were mediocre in the looks department do well
by being funny, witty, cocky, and entertaining. Their game gave them a boost over the typical average looking guy with poor game.

Do your best to get in shape and dress well, but understand there's only so much you can do about that. Focus on game because that's where there's the most potential
for self improvement. You can't grow from 5ft6 to 6ft, but you can take your game from 50th to 90th percentile by working at it.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (05-29-2015 12:35 PM)Mister X Wrote:  

I read an article somewhere that said the relationships that have the best chance of success are the ones where the woman is conventionally more attractive than the man. The premise being - the man is motivated to stay with her because she's "out of his league" and the girl stays with the man because usually in those instances, the guy is on his A game to keep her, plus she knows he won't stray.

Dont be confused though, there are two distinct paths to go down; short term sexual relationships, and long term relationships. Each require entirely different skill sets, and she will put you in either bucket. its starts with what you want, then appropriately designing your approach/vibe to either one.

Quote: (05-29-2015 10:34 AM)OregonToSoCal Wrote:  

This is an interesting part of game for me. I grew up extremely shy and awkward and even to this day when I go out and about it feels like I get zero looks or attention from women, or maybe they're extremely subtle about it. Regardless, I'm not seeing much of it.

After my divorce four years ago when I got into game I started online dating and I was surprised and confused at the messages women would tell me, saying how handsome I was and why I was on these dating sites, implying that I could "do so much better".

I'm still trying to find the right blend of confidence and self deprecation without over gaming. Just when I think I have it, I take it too far and then I end up pulling back and not going far enough. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Pretty much my exact experience. And what I have spent the last 5 years to perfect. For years I have done it wrong. I think a lot of it is just being focused on your intent; with most people(including women below 7's), be cool and carefree and just be a pleasure to be around, in general, for all people. Spot the entire room and pick what you want. Then if you end up with it, make a play for it. Test different types of approaches. Be a dick, be cool, be cocky, pretend to agree with everything she believes in, whatever it takes. Try it all and see what works for you.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (05-29-2015 10:18 AM)lush1 Wrote:  

Sorry mate but you are applying logic to female behaviour, that logic being that the more attractive a guy = the more attractive the girlfriend. Every single 9+ female I have ever known goes out with a guy that is worse looking than her, in many cases a 7 or lower. Every single time. I don't know the reason for it but I do know that it correlates to my findings that female behaviour is illogical.

Now couple this with an unatural situation like cold approach day game it is not completely beyond the realms of comprehension that a girl may be more likely to be responsive to a guy who is a 7 rather than a 9.

Goes out with and fucks are completely different things. Very good looking guys are busy doing house calls. You either have not been exposed to good looking guy game or are addicted to the old pua koolaid.

If you are not an experiment with a male model. There have been many done before, i suggest you search the forum.

Good Looking Dude Game

Quote: (05-30-2015 10:46 AM)8ball Wrote:  

Goes out with and fucks are completely different things. Very good looking guys are busy doing house calls. You either have not been exposed to good looking guy game or are addicted to the old pua koolaid.

Please can you elaborate? I am a newbie to cold approaching and am looking to improve the quality, I haven't been exposed to good looking guy game thats why I'm on this thread.

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