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The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

The Roissy Reader: Chateau Heartiste on Game

“Heartiste is the intellectual linchpin of the Manosphere.” — Frost

“Heartiste is the Aristotle of the manosphere. His site is the bedrock of what people consider common knowledge…” — MikeCF

"There is no greater entry point for the curious man, no better archive, no blog more skilled and entertaining at truth telling, nobody overlaps the various worlds of truth better, nobody reduces the opposition to point and sputter better than Heartiste.” — LaidNYC (now defunct)

“Heartiste is easily the biggest American intellectual of the last 100 years or so, and has more impact on the lives of men than anyone else.” — Samseau

“8=====>" — Heartiste


If you held a survey in this corner of the web and asked guys their favorite game blog, Heartiste would win a landslide. I'd definitely vote for him.

There's lots of good that can be said about Heartiste—he's an interesting stylist, he has an exceptional eye for detail, he hasn't junked up his site with banner ads and popovers—but for my money, what's most appealing is that he seems to genuinely love chasing and bedding women.

For whatever reason, that's not a given among game bloggers, even those who (judging by their stories) are probably more prolific in their snatch-getting than Heartiste. But if I'm going to take my game cues from somebody, I'm not that interested in how many girls he gets. I wanna know how much pleasure he gets out of those girls, and I think it's clear that for Heartiste, the answer to that question is "a lot."


The biggest downside with Heartiste is that, after eight-plus years of extraordinarily prolific blogging, it's hard to find the "core" of his ideas on game. I agree with LaidNYC that CH is probably the ideal starting point for a newbie wanting to learn about game, but once a newbie gets to Heartiste's site, where would he start?

With that in mind, this is my attempt to put together a "selected readings" version of the Heartiste archive—an abbreviated table of contents to the site, in effect. My hope is that with this list, someone new to game could spend just an afternoon or two reading about it, and come away with a clear idea both where these game concepts come from, and how to start putting them into practice.

I think this might also be helpful for someone with beginner or intermediate familiarity with this shit and who wants a refresher on a specific topic.

This isn't meant as a "Best of Heartiste." There's nothing about immigration, Western decline, or human biodiversity in here, in case any of those topics is triggering for you. I also left out almost everything about feminism and the science of seduction, both of which are related but not essential.

The only things on this list are those that pertain more or less directly to getting and—if that's your thing—keeping strange. As much as possible I've tried to group posts by category but obviously there's lots of overlap.

I hope reading this stuff is as helpful for others as it has been for me.


—"Endless Dating." First post. Why human are unsuited to current sexual conditions. Why men are free to be players and women are free to slut it up.
—"The Fundamental Premise." Where it all starts: Eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap.
—"Double Standards." Reality, regrettably, has double standards.
—"Latest Baumeister Paper Support CH Concept of the Sexual Market." Observing the currents in the "sexual market."
—"This Is Your Life." The gradual downfall of the average American man.
—"Arnie." Just because you're not a loser doesn't mean you haven't lost.
—"Men With Options."
—"What Do Women Want? A Master." Lead her confidently toward your genitals.
—"The Ideal Lover Can Never Be the Great Boyfriend." Male duality.
—"The Sixteen Commandments of Poon." The essential post. Clarifying remarks
—"The Fundamentals." If you remember nothing else.
—"The Most Flattering Words You Can Hear From A Woman."
—"Love." The one thing that's not bullshit.

—"Where Guys Falter." Gotta understand women.
—"Away from the Company of Women."
—"The Most Mysoginistic Blog Post on the Internet."
—"Why Do Conservatives Sanctify Women?" A brutal listing of female lows, as witnessed by CH.
—"Heady Pettiness." Key quote: God bless women. Just when you are about to resign yourself to the thought that they are made of nothing but sugar and spice and everything nice, you are reminded of the arsenic laced within.
—"Better Than Again: The Female Secret Code Decoder Dictionary." Douche, asshole, jerk, bastard, pig, and other compliments commonly paid by women.
—"Womanese-to-English Translator."
—"The Top Three Qualities That Make A Girl Good Girlfriend Material."
—"Quality Girl." A list of traits that make women worthless.
—"It's Easy to Identify a Slut." The warning signs.
—"What a Girl's Job Tells You." Sexual satisfaction and LTR potential, by profession.
—"Judging a Girl by the Friends She Keeps." Your chick’s friend group as a metric of her long-term potential.
—"The Difficulty of Gaming Women by Age Bracket." Tailoring your game to her age range. Key quote: Game required to bed 35-year-old women: "Hi".
—"The Wall." The sad spectacle of female beauty lost.
—"Time to Boredom." Pre-wall women have a shelf life too.
—"Quality VS Quantity, Formula Version." Key quote: So, if you have ass-banged one 10 in your life, you have equivalent bragging rights to the guy who has banged every 1 in the world.
—"Wrapped Around His Finger." Portrait of female devotion.


—"State of Mind." Do it with unwavering boldness.
—"The Natural’s Dilemma." What makes a natural; what breaks a natural.
—"Persistence: The Underrated Alpha Male Quality."
—"Inner Game." Girls should vye for your attention and affections.
—"Are Ugly Women Necessary As Stepping Stones?"
—"I Only Play Games With Girls Who Deserve It."
—"It Builds Character To Reject Women."
—"How To Inure Yourself to Beautiful Women." Training yourself to put away the pedestal.
—"Your Training to Delight Women." The true player notices pointy elbows.
—"Screening Girls."
—"Don't Stop Thinking About The Next Girl." Two in the kitty.

—"Body Language."
—"Alpha Body Language."
—"Just Say Something." Weak game trumps no game.
—"Game is 50% Not Putting Foot In Mouth."
—"The Sexual Frame." Escalate verbally early.
—"Qualifying Her." Women want to feel like they've earned your interest.
—"What Do You Do If A Girl Calls Your Disqualification Bluff?" How to DQ a girl, and how to salvage a DQ gone wrong.
—"A-hole Game." A series. One, Two, Three
—"Being the Right Kind of Asshole." Not all assholery is equal.
—"Direct Game Essentials." Pointers on getting straight to the point.
—"Generalizing Your Way Into Her Panties."
—"‘Are You Seeing Anyone?’" Hinting at your preselected status.
—"The Fine Art of Teasing." Toeing the line between playful and butthurt.
—"The Class Clown Puts Her in the Mood." Self-deprecating wit is not why Woody Allen gets laid.
—"A Devious Takeaway."
—"Storytelling AKA Fibbing." Anecdotes to make her tingle.
—"Contrast Is King."
—"Mixing Signals to Dazzle Women." Body language vs. verbal communication.
—"Trumped-Up Charges." More on shit tests.
—"When To Move In For the Kiss On A First Date." Five pointers.
—"‘Get lost’." Handling confrontational girls.
—"How to Handle Femmes Fatales." Dealing with ball crushers. One, Two, Three
—"Should You Call Out A Girl’s Bad Behavior?"
—"Common Mistakes You Will Make While Learning Game."
—"Common Pickup Mistakes Men Make."
—"Overqualifying Yourself to Girls." Too much mastery is a problem, too.
—"Anti-Game." Casual chit chat will not get your laid.
—"Lying for Sex." There's a better way.
—"Paying for Dates." Neither slang cash nor act cheap.
—"Getting Rusty."
—"When You Know You're Doing It Right." Maintain the mystery.

—"Hotter Women, Better Sex." The sex tip to trump all sex tips.
—"Plausible Deniability." Signs a girl is down.
—"I'm Saving Myself for an Asshole." Neutralizing last minute resistance.
—"The Most Exciting Sex." The prerequisites.
—"The sexiest sex positions."
—"Sex Talk." The importance of telling her how you're gonna fuck that tight little pussy.
—"Play Rape." Why sexual violence gets chicks wet, plus DIY advice for roleplaying a rape.
—"Sex and Socks." On intimate wear.
—"Why You Should Leave After Sex." Pull your pants on and go.

—"Going All In Or Cashing Out." Choosing between commitment and the chase; incl. a handy plot of chick’s hotness VS. how long you can bone her without getting bored.
—"Hedonic Convergence." In a stable relationship, female beauty = male power.
—"Keys to A Healthy Relationship."
—"Relationship Game Week." One, Two, Three, Four
—"Relationship Game: Tender Lovemaking Edition." An overview of ideas for strong LTRs.
—"Relationship Game: I Love You Too." On saying 'I love you' to chix.
—"Relationship Game Thoughts." Castoff thoughts on keeping your thoroughest girl in check.
—"A Failsafe Way To Get Hand." "The hydrogen bomb of hand maneuvers."
—"Keeping Your Woman in Line." Be willing to tell her to STFU.
—"Top Two Rules for Dating Younger Women." Don't be needy, don't be insecure.
—"High Energy Dates." Fueling a longer term relationship.
—"What To Do When A Girl Starts Crying for No Reason."
—"Leaving Her Better Than You Found Her? Not Likely." Debunking another common platitude.
—"Sweetness." Handling break ups.

—"Marriage VS LTRs." And where each leads.
—"Don't Get Married." Just don't do it.
—"The Lie of Locking Her In." Yet more reasons not to marry.
—"Long-Term Cohabitation Is Just As Good As Marriage."
—"Why Sluts Make Bad Wives." But if you’re gonna ignore the above, at least don’t pick a ho.
—"How to Propose Like An Alpha Male." If you must.

—"Sexbots." When all else fails.
—"Sexbots Update."

—"Stray Thoughts on the Nature of the Game."
—"Motivation & Pregame CR." A brief list of advice Roissy once kept taped to his closet door.
—"Opportunity Is Everywhere." Plenty of fish out in the real world.
—"Curiosity, Women And Game." Game hack: Outward-oriented pursuits and interest in the world around you.
—"My Personal Pickup Openers."
—"A Short List of Street Openers." Step up your catcalling.
—"Flirty Quips to Female Small Talk." It’s never the wrong time to not be boring.
—"Drive-By Teases." Key quote: Never miss a chance to turn a serious question into a glib answer.
—"‘I Have a Boyfriend’ Responses."
—"Two Words Women Love To Hear." Deflecting thorny questions with intriguing ambiguity. Key quote:
GIRL: You’re not going to try to stick it in my ass tonight, are you?
YOU: It’s complicated.
GIRL: *swoon*

—"Statements That Imply Your Higher Value." Say it without saying it.
—"Cheap And Easy Ways To Raise Your Value to A Girl."
—"Raising Your Value By Telling Women You Have Stalkers." Why hide the fact that you have stalkers?
—"The Subtle Art of the Insidious Neg." Useful neggers.
—"Brushing Off Common Shit Tests From Girls." Likely shit tests and stock responses.
—"The Feminism Shit Test." Empower your seduction.
—"How To Remain Unflustered Like An Alpha Male." Stock responses to cunty women.
—"Seducing Women Is A Children’s Game." Playground game.
—"Tard Game."
—"The Love Test: A Routine." A routine for guys who doubt routines work.
—"I have a police record. What do I tell girls?" Lol.
—"Stealing Bait from Women Fishing for Compliments."
—"Penis Pic Game." Key quote: Include the balls some way.
—"Teasing Should Be Like Breathing."
—"What Is Anti-Game?" A compendium of pussy repellents.
—"She Insulted You. Now What?" Keeping her always under your thumb.
—"The Right Game for Your Body": Endomorph, Mesomorph, Ectomorph
—"Owning a Dog Is Training for Owning a Woman."
—"The Easiest Way to Bang a Hot Chick." When hotness goes on discount.
—"Betas can find love, too." Where to find easy pickins.
—"The Undercover Orbiter Strategy." Long game.
—"The Perfect Christmas Gifts for Your Girlfriend(s)." This season, tailor your gift-giving to fit your relationship.
—"The Two Exceptions to Game." The closest you can get to exiting the SMP with a chick in hand.
—"The Limits of Game."
—"Why Game Is Important For Fathers." Passing on the torch.
—"A Father’s Questions."

—"The Look of Confidence." A retro alpha.
—Visualizing Alpha / Beta - Both, Spot the Alpha, Beta, Double Alpha, Double Alpha, Alpha
—"Great Scenes of Game in the Movies." A series. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight
—"Beta Valentine." Blue Valentine as opposite of tight game.
—"Dating in the City: A Series." One, Two, Three, Four
—"Chronicles of a 21st Century Bachelor." Key quote: "Do you like hitting my ass?" "It's acceptable."

—"What Does It Mean To Be Off The Market?" Five minutes of alpha.
—"Excerpt from the Book of Alpha". Jumbotron rule
—"Contraption." Purple saguaro.
—"Be a Skittles Man."
—"Chicks Dig Jerks: Game Is Its Own Status." Bring da movies.

—"Don't be that girl." Game for women.
—"International Truth Day." A list of foundational beliefs.
—"Universal Truths Day." More truths.
—"Grabbing 2008 by the Zeroes." A list of foundational ideas and actions.
—"The Omegas Among Us."
—"The Most Obnoxious Woman in the World." Annotated interview with a feminist author. Key quote: How does [a feminist] avoid dying alone? Cat cryogenics.
—"Game Resources." Further reading


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