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When I arrived in Sweden I had been off my game for quite some time. To be realistic with myself I had not been able to really get out there and follow through on my leads. Time was just not on my side as almost all my waking moments were fully booked.

Having said that, I was not blind to what was going on around me. I had my walk to and from the gym every second day and I used this as an opportunity to make sure that I did not let too many women pass me by that I could start up a conversation with. I still was sure to chat with a few new women every day, even though I could not do anything beyond a nice flirt. It had been two months since I had followed leads, and now I was gearing up to move over to Sweden. Plus I had an amazing woman on my arm, and another that would do anything for me if I would only ask.

One thing that I have had to really push myself with is trying to quicken my reaction to eye contact on the street. The times where I have wit on my side and am able to respond quickly enough, the conversation has always been extremely sexually charged right from the drop. Some things that I am looking to start doing are slowing down as I meet a woman in case she looks me down. I imagine that because she is moving she will not be able to perceive my reduction in speed. This also makes it easier to react. Many times strong eye contact on her part will happen while I was at full stride. In this type of contact, milliseconds are critical. When this happens and I complete my stride and turn around, she is three steps in the other direction and rarely (like 2% of the time) will she then respond to any sort of contact. I think this is because at that distance any try for communication will come across as a cat call. Women are hardwired to absorb the compliment and ignore the man.

So the adjustment to my game in Sweden is going to hinge on the accidental contact. During day hours, eye contact is rare and I have a feeling that if I approached from the front and with some sort of conversation starter the woman would be a little anxious. I have used a certain amount of trials so far, and the response has been good but they have lead nowhere.

One way of breaking the ice that I have been using is photography. I will target women who are well made up and dressed well (essentially the type of women I go for in general) and I will approach and ask them for a moment of time for a favour. I will explain that I am working on a project that is looking at some of the unique fashion trends from Scandinavia and how they compare to Canadian winter fashion. I will point out some of the more interesting accessories that she is wearing and talk about them while trying to get her to open up a bit. If she is in a hurry, at this point I will just let her be on her way. If she shows no sign of needing to leave, I tell her I would like to take a few photos of her. Swedish girls are generally a bit on the shy side, but are still feminine enough to be flattered and allow themselves to be ordered around quite happily. I don’t use a large DSLR camera, and instead use a high end compact camera as I want to come across as being more natural and not out creeping the streets for photos. I think that this is impotant as many times I get the feeling that women are more on guard against creepy behavior then they are about being chatted up on the street.

At the end, I will make a point of looking at the images and I will quickly select the best image as 99% of the time they are excited to see the results. I make them come over to look over my shoulder and the reaction is always really good.

I sometimes will flip through a few more than I have to and show them a couple strong images from other shoots. Women love photography, especially when they are in it and look good. This is also the perfect time to move into a better conversation about fashion. I have past experience in the fashion world and I still have many friends involved in it. I attend fashion shows and label launches when I can, so I know how to talk about this comfortably. If the vibe is strong I will suggest moving on to a café. So far in Sweden I have not been to this level yet. This is where I am going to have to work on my game. I also have only used the camera angle three afternoons since I have been here. I can see that it will reward me in time, but until I have more connection with Swedish girls, I will also have to rely heavily on cold approaches. For this I use a more over the shoulder, or stop and ponder then chat.

The city I am in is only 110,000 people so not many are in a hurry. Most are just burning time or running errands. The lack of eye contact and the shyness of Swedes play a factor in how I can approach them. So farI have only been told once that they are not interested in talking. The other times (I approach about 5- 10 a day when I am in the centre) have been extremely good. Swedish girls are extremely bright and like to laugh and giggle. This makes it easy to use a situation to open a conversation as they are aware people and chances are that they have picked up on the same thing that I have.

So what I am going to concentrate on working on is finding the strongest way to:
-Get numbers
-Invites to parties (Swedish pre parties especially if its Thursday to Saturday)

Some of the things that I feel would help in this matter is if I can get myself to slow down a bit. I am not sure how to explain this fully, but when I recap a situation I feel that I might have bailed too soon and not given myself enough credit that things were going good. By slowing down, I feel that I might become more aware of body language and her indications of interest.

I have only been here a week, so I also need to get a hold of the sexuality of Swedish women. This is especially important as I am in a smaller city and everything that I know of Swedish women was from meeting them in Spain or Thailand or places like that. Different people entirely. What I am starting to gather is that they are extremely tight with their girlfriends and do not seem to be concerned much about boys. I know this is not entirely true, as I seen groups of guys and girls about 10 large on the weekend. There is a brother/ sister vibe to the group for the most part, but I also began to pick up on subtle clues that sex was on the table. I need to look for this more to see what those clues are in order to start to use them to my advantage. Swedish girls certainly do not act as openly sexual as English speaking women do. I am starting to think that they save this for the bedroom. I am starting to see an open sexual vibe here, so it is a matter of figuring out how to get into it in a way that Swedes can relate to.


Laner, which city are you in? I'm going to hit either Lund or Uppsala as an exchange student for a year in the future.


Quote: (01-18-2012 05:14 PM)P Dog Wrote:  

Laner, which city are you in? I'm going to hit either Lund or Uppsala as an exchange student for a year in the future.

P Dog, I was an exchange student at Uppsala University for one year about 14 yrs ago. I had a good time overall, but because it is probably the best university in Sweden and the hardest to get in, you tend to get a higher percentage of studious, feminist, serious and socially awkward girls. Sort of like a Harvard or ivy league university in the US, and most americans know that the quality aint good in these feminist outposts. So i woud try Univ. of Stockholm, Lund, Malmo, Gothenburg, etc as they have more normal and hotter swedish girls.


I just talked to my cousin in Sweden today. He's a good dude to wing with. He looks like Craig David and has a British accent as well. I told him I'm going to try to make that trip this year. That and Montreal should make for one hell of a summer.


Quote: (02-20-2012 12:12 PM)Laner Wrote:  

Thought I would drop an update on Sweden.

Starting three weeks ago, I started a new tactic in dealing with Swedish girls. After a few failed attempts with girls I wanted, I took a hard look at what was going wrong.

One girl in particular told me that Swedish girls dont like guys that are "cool" and "macho" which is bullshit (I know now for sure this is not true). She called me a douche in one breath, and 10 minutes later was all over me comparing me to Collin Ferrel (who she also called a douche).

What I have shown is a bit more contrast. It is fine to let some vulnerability show though here. In Canada, the women would pounce on the weakness and try to eat me up. Here this contrast works very well.

I noticed this with Swedish guys that do well with girls. They have a very safe and brother type vibe, yet stay close and then move in for the kill when the alcohol is there. I tweaked this slightly to better suit me.

Last week I was on fire. I had two girls on rotation and slowly brought in a third (she actually admits to seducing me) this weekend. Normally this is where I start getting lazy and begin to enjoy the women and get to know them sexually. But I refrained and forced myself to go out and find some new leads. Tendermans 40yo thread had me itching for some girls my age (I am 32, the girls I have been with are 20-24) so I hit a pub in Malmo that has some fine 30yo girls. It was not hard to make connections and set up some meets for the next week.

It was good that I did this, as my phone seems to have gone cold with two of them. If that is the case my only regret is not getting a good nude photo session with them when I had the chance. As I have said, Swedish girls bodies are astounding.

I have also still had no luck with ONS. The girls that are into it are just not my type. I find I am much happier working a longer angle with hotter women than going for the easy lay. Besides, it would just be boosting her ego and ruining her for the next guy.

YOur observations are spot on Laner. Swedish girls are very flirty, even if they have boyfriends. They are completely loyal and the decent ones take atleast 3 or 4 dates to get into bed. They will invest time in you if you are patient and are upfront with them. I have been burned more than once with swedish girls. One I met in Asia wanted to meet up while she was in London. Spent the whole day with her... I was convinced it was on. Until she told me at the end of the night she had a boyfriend.. wtf?
Another swedish girl ate up half my holiday trying to get her in the sack. In hindsight I'm annoyed with myself that I chased the carrot for so long. Both were solid 8/9's.



Thanks for the insightful intel. In saying that Swede girls have "nice bodies" but also are a little on the stocky side, I'm guessing that you're describing them as nicely shaped (read: hourglass-shaped) but carrying more weight in certain places (esp. the hips, thighs) than you like. Am I right?


For me Swedish girls are the hardest to pick up. I tried to get with several in South East Asia and the furthest i got was a half naked make out during a night swim where i got horribly cockblocked by her fat friend. I still don't have that flag.

I've been to Kalmar once for a day and had a blast there. Its a small city with a beach in the south of Sweden.

Whats your notch count so far ?

Since you are doing a lot of dating you might wanna take a look at this.

I had a lot of succes with these questions. I will make a thread on it soon.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.


Swedish women are gorgeous however they know that we Mediteraneans will trick them to do what they do not want to do so they stay away but very cleverly meaning they take the good part(flirt etc) and refuse the rest.Mediteranean men are considered rather easy for swedish women it is like a heaven for them.

If you play the aggressive Balkan mode you attract lots of attention in Sweden by other nationalites such as Arabs etc.Generally one has to stand out from other minorities if you look like Arab,Turk you are doomed because swedish women have been largely exposed to them and do not want to get hooked with them.But if you manage to attract the Swedish girls Swedish men will try to stop you I had Swedish guys coming and grabbing the girls out of me literarilly Vikings are not passive folks they are passive only when there is no danger.


I need to get my fix of Swedish chicks, had fun with a few back when I was in Ko Phi Phi and Indonesia

They are hot 'n' fun, but there can be very childish, tease and play games. I took two back to my bungalow on Phi Phi and they refused to spread their legs despite all my best efforts.

The best experience I ever had is when I was in Bali, met a Swedish guy when I was surfing on Kuta Beach, he asked what I was doing that night, he said "Well I'm here with the Swedish Volleyball team, it's just me and 15 girls", I shit you not.

That night it turns out they were having a competition to see who could make out with the most guys, I kissed every single one of them, and screwed one. One of the best nights of my life.

Would like to go to Sweden, but too cold and too Expensive for me to spend considerable time there. Better to hit them up at Phi Phi Thailand at a fraction of the price in paradise


Let's be careful not to overhype those swedes. When they are hot, granted... they are hot. But as I said on the PHI PHI thread very few were actually that attractive and many of them were quite butch. If you want Swedish girls go to the source. In my opinion they are overrated but I will reserve judgement until I actually go there.


Quote: (02-20-2012 05:02 PM)Richie Wrote:  

Let's be careful not to overhype those swedes. When they are hot, granted... they are hot. But as I said on the PHI PHI thread very few were actually that attractive and many of them were quite butch. If you want Swedish girls go to the source. In my opinion they are overrated but I will reserve judgement until I actually go there.

Perhaps, but I heard Sweden is actually pretty dull.

I think it would be better in Phi Phi, the sun and the cheap booze makes them crazy.

Had a couple of things with Swedes in UK, met them on dating sites when they were fresh off the boat. Swedes love London


Quote: (02-20-2012 02:03 PM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

Swedish women are gorgeous however they know that we Mediteraneans will trick them to do what they do not want to do so they stay away but very cleverly meaning they take the good part(flirt etc) and refuse the rest.Mediteranean men are considered rather easy for swedish women it is like a heaven for them.

If you play the aggressive Balkan mode you attract lots of attention in Sweden by other nationalites such as Arabs etc.Generally one has to stand out from other minorities if you look like Arab,Turk you are doomed because swedish women have been largely exposed to them and do not want to get hooked with them.But if you manage to attract the Swedish girls Swedish men will try to stop you I had Swedish guys coming and grabbing the girls out of me literarilly Vikings are not passive folks they are passive only when there is no danger.

LOL. I've been reading your stuff all over the place and the only thing that I see are insane generalizations.

Most Swedish girls I ever hooked up with still hit me up. They also openly admit that they love mediterranean men and that their guys are boring. You just have to go for the right ones. Everyone has their own taste. This applies even more for Finnish girls since Finnish guys have absolutely no fashion sense and need half a bottle of vodka to show feelings.

If you look southern European, are fun, dress well and most importantly, know their culture... they will love you. And yes, this does involve agreeing with shit from her stupid left wing friends once in a while.. but I gladly pay that price for what I get in return.


Laner had a good thread going about his on-the-ground experiences which even I thought to be good info. You can learn from this.

...and then the ever present myths start rolling in. I'm starting to doubt that it's possible to have a thread on Sweden on this forum without everything turning black & white. A guy gets laid by a Swedish girl once in the distant past and from that point forward he's an expert on all things Scandinavian.


Quote: (02-21-2012 02:31 PM)Vicious Wrote:  

Laner had a good thread going about his on-the-ground experiences which even I thought to be good info. You can learn from this.

...and then the ever present myths start rolling in. I'm starting to doubt that it's possible to have a thread on Sweden on this forum without everything turning black & white. A guy gets laid by a Swedish girl once in the distant past and from that point forward he's an expert on all things Scandinavian.

This is a problem Im finding with the forum as a whole. I am sometimes as much to blame but I am always completely honest about my overall impressions of a place I have been. Guys need to reign it in a bit and try to be as unbiased as possible. If they want to detail their personal experience then great... but general observations like Laner described are much more useful for other guys when deciding to visit a country. Everbody is individual and everybodies personal experience will be different. If there is one thing you really can't generalise about it is people, no matter where they are from.


The first pic in this slideshow (the blonde walking solo) is all I need to see to have my mind made up about Sweden. I am definitely making that trip!


I have been spending more time in Malmo lately and I am starting to love this city on the weekends. During the week, Lund is fine and has a lot happening based around the university. I spend a lot of time at home working, but I am going out on Wednesdays as its “little Saturday” here in Sweden.

This past Friday I was in Malmo again for a drink with a girl. The quality of women was unreal. I put it on level, if not a notch higher than Stockholm. It was that good.
Even the girl I was with was impressed.

I mentioned before as a bit of a joke that I should start a spreadsheet to keep track of the dating lifestyle. Two weeks ago I did this in order to keep track of the who, what and where of these girls. I seem to be the only one I know dating multiple women here.

I mentioned that I am having trouble getting ONS and that is still true. Having said that I just thought that the women I was going for were not down for ONS, I stepped back and re-evaluated why it was that I thought that I could not persuade a woman to come home with me the same night. Hot women were going home with guys somewhere in Malmo, and I want it to be with me.

I have heard many times (in foreign media) that Swedes hook up for sex first and date second. So this has lead me to think that there is some truth to this. Just because it is not my personal experience yet, does not mean that it does not work for other guys.
So I am adding a certain level of Viking style to my late night game now. I see guys go to the bar and get drunk, and literally just pull girls up to them and hold them there while they talk to them. I don’t understand Swedish but I do know body language and I know they are putting sex on the table. I see this happen more at the clubs where it is impossible to build any sort of attraction through conversation due to the level of the sound. I would say that unless you are exceptionally handsome, you might be at a disadvantage in clubs in Sweden. Bars are much better.

Digging a bit deeper into the feminism thing in Sweden has led to some interesting topics. With the girls I have been seeing, it seems that now is a prime time for a change in attitude for the men. The equal rights debate has overstayed its usefulness and the women are wishing that men would take a bit more control and show their masculine side. These women want to be treated like a lady and not like an “equal” when it comes to relationships. They want a man that can hold his head high and talk with confidence in any situation. I was told the other night when I was out with a girl, that she felt safe with me and said to me that “nothing scares you, does it?”

Like I mentioned before, showing contrast and some vulnerability at the right times is a real key here.

If I can finally crack the ONS situation here, I will feel that I have finally "figured out" Sweden.


Hey Laner,
Thanks for the update. I am thinking about spending some time in Sweden over the summer. Would you say Malmo is a better option than Stockholm. It is literally next door to Denmark.. I wonder if this has a negative influence on the quality of Women?
Also, May I ask what your obsession is with ONS. I don't understand what the big deal is… If it takes a date or 2 you are still getting them in the sack. Easy girls are on the whole more unsatisfying for numerous reasons. Surely quality over ease is a good thing? Just curious.

Quote: (03-04-2012 06:56 PM)Laner Wrote:  

I have been spending more time in Malmo lately and I am starting to love this city on the weekends. During the week, Lund is fine and has a lot happening based around the university. I spend a lot of time at home working, but I am going out on Wednesdays as its “little Saturday” here in Sweden.

This past Friday I was in Malmo again for a drink with a girl. The quality of women was unreal. I put it on level, if not a notch higher than Stockholm. It was that good.
Even the girl I was with was impressed.

I mentioned before as a bit of a joke that I should start a spreadsheet to keep track of the dating lifestyle. Two weeks ago I did this in order to keep track of the who, what and where of these girls. I seem to be the only one I know dating multiple women here.

I mentioned that I am having trouble getting ONS and that is still true. Having said that I just thought that the women I was going for were not down for ONS, I stepped back and re-evaluated why it was that I thought that I could not persuade a woman to come home with me the same night. Hot women were going home with guys somewhere in Malmo, and I want it to be with me.

I have heard many times (in foreign media) that Swedes hook up for sex first and date second. So this has lead me to think that there is some truth to this. Just because it is not my personal experience yet, does not mean that it does not work for other guys.
So I am adding a certain level of Viking style to my late night game now. I see guys go to the bar and get drunk, and literally just pull girls up to them and hold them there while they talk to them. I don’t understand Swedish but I do know body language and I know they are putting sex on the table. I see this happen more at the clubs where it is impossible to build any sort of attraction through conversation due to the level of the sound. I would say that unless you are exceptionally handsome, you might be at a disadvantage in clubs in Sweden. Bars are much better.

Digging a bit deeper into the feminism thing in Sweden has led to some interesting topics. With the girls I have been seeing, it seems that now is a prime time for a change in attitude for the men. The equal rights debate has overstayed its usefulness and the women are wishing that men would take a bit more control and show their masculine side. These women want to be treated like a lady and not like an “equal” when it comes to relationships. They want a man that can hold his head high and talk with confidence in any situation. I was told the other night when I was out with a girl, that she felt safe with me and said to me that “nothing scares you, does it?”

Like I mentioned before, showing contrast and some vulnerability at the right times is a real key here.

If I can finally crack the ONS situation here, I will feel that I have finally "figured out" Sweden.


Quote: (03-04-2012 06:56 PM)Laner Wrote:  

I have been spending more time in Malmo lately and I am starting to love this city on the weekends.

Great post, Laner. You are dealing with some of the EXACT same stuff I have been, beyond flakiness, except you are much better at identifying a system then I have.

I have had this hunch that the more desirable women here are RIPE for a real man to pop along, although they will still put up a fight if you are too chauvinistic without the required charm. But the more charming you are, the more chauvinism she will tolerate.

Too bad it just got colder!

PS @Richie - the obsession with ONS is the CHALLENGE! Ultimately, you are right, but having game tight enough to ensure all options is our goal here.

A year from now you'll wish you started today


May be in Malmo for a long weekend. Sounds like i won't have much luck gunning for a notch, but I'm always up for a good chase. I'll be working late on Friday and Saturday but other than that my time is my own. I can stay for however long, mid may.



PS @Richie - the obsession with ONS is the CHALLENGE! Ultimately, you are right, but having game tight enough to ensure all options is our goal here.


I have been busy lately working and traveling. This has heavily influenced the way I can go about meeting new women. I guess I fell into a good routine here, and the desire to go out and find new women while I am so busy has been put aside.

I have a nice rotation of two women now and that is all I can possibly handle. For a brief time there was a third but if I want to actually enjoy myself, two is the max. I still save one night a week where I go out (usually alone) and try and meet new people. But the reality is that I am satisfied with my sexual health and other than a random ONS I would not be so inclined to put any more time into dating. Trading up is always an option I guess, but the other side of this is ALL new women look like a trade up when I first meet them. The fact that I have not seen them naked makes up most of this reason. I am experienced enough to know that the reality of the situation is much different.

What is interesting about Swedish women is the systematic breakdown of the shell when they like someone. Dating is a great way to see this as each date they get a little softer, and around the third date open up completely and become a tender and feminine woman. The outer shell is (almost) completely gone and times alone are unguarded and I feel like I can sit back slightly and just enjoy being with a beautiful woman.

The amount of times I have been flaked on in Sweden is staggering. This has been a whole new experience. I am not new to flaking women, but I was caught off guard for the first little while that I was here. I would go from a night with a girl where she was completely open and laying in my arms telling me that she likes me to never hearing from her again. I am quite sure that this is not a tactic on their part to get a guy to chase them (though they do enjoy being chased as this is unusual in Sweden) but is instead “its over”. My phone is full of calls that went out, and were never returned.

One of the difficult things in Sweden is the lack of any kind of social pub atmosphere. The insanely high drink prices make it very difficult to find girls out at a decent hour sober. Instead the curious pre drink and after party culture exists. As I have stated before, I tend to get to venues very early (11:30) to meet the women who show up at that time (men show up later as it takes them longer to feel a buzz) and start to lay my groundwork then. Then at around 2am I hit the girls that I met earlier (if they are still there).

Drinking Culture

I went out with a really great girl about six times. Three of those times were sober and really great. We connected, had lots in common and were very attracted to each other. The other three times were on a weekend in the bar. She proceeded to get so drunk that it was nearly impossible to have anything close to decent sex. It was sloppy, and the next day she wanted to stay in bed most of the day in her sweatpants and then go to her girlfriends and lay on the couch and eat junk food and watch American TV. This is a strangely typical Sunday all over Scandinavia. In the end, I just did not want to deal with this kind of dysfunction but she beat me to the punch and cut off all communication with me anyways.

Another interesting thing is that I am having more sober sex here. In fact the two women that I am seeing now are non drinkers (one drinks a glass or two of wine) and yet I found that it did not at all change the way that I could get them into bed. What did change is that I had be up front and tell them that I want to take them home and ravage them while I was completely sober. I admit that it still makes me nervous to come out and say it while both of us are sober. Channeling the adrenaline into focusing on closing the deal is insanely exciting, unlike few other things in life. In fact, the feeling I get from putting myself on the line like this reminds me of why I love this game so much.


There does not seem to ever be a good time for me to leave a place. It is always the same principles that apply to my thinking: I didn’t do EVERYTHING I had wanted to do, I didn’t get to sleep with as many girls as I wanted to, make enough contacts, be as productive as I could have, etc, etc. I am a sporadically hard worker, and so at times I can be a gentleman of leisure, as certain friends put it.

Sweden gave me the feeling of work never accomplished. In a society that is taught to work hard and be there for the kingdom and each other, I never truly felt like there would be a place for me here. The truth is though; I have been lucky in the way that I have broken into social groups here and met some really interesting people. I have heard over and over from Swedish friends whom I have met that they are not used to being infiltrated by a foreigner before. I have stirred up nests with cirlces of girls and have capitalized a lot of the girls time and I have felt some resentment (from the guys) for this.

By nature, Sweden is quite cliquey. Long cold winters and small cities along with tight knit villages make it hard for people to be willing to step outside of their comfort zones and spend a lot of time with new people. It takes a lot of strength to do this for Swedes. Many only end up a few miles from where they grew up. There is an underlying feeling here that soon after the 30th birthday, there will be two Volvos, a couple kids and a dog running around the small village home. I am used to this scenario as it is not much different than what is expected of people where I come from , and the world over. What seems unique to Sweden though is that marriage is not as common as one would think in regards to making the domestic bliss a reality. Couples seem to be able to split after a long term and move on without too much pain. The whole reality of trading up, or leaving behind is not thought of as something to be ashamed of.

When I hear the stories of what couples have gone through, and how different people have ended up together, and the tangles of the sexual history here I get a bit confused. Becoming a pretty solid part of a few people’s lives here I have to really tune out the sexual history of those around the girls I am sleeping with. While not a jealous guy, I have a lot of possessive traits when it comes to the women I am with. I own that shit, and the casual attitude that is displayed toward past sexual partners takes some getting used to.

Of course this works in my benefit as well. I had stopped contact with more than a couple girls and have consequently run into them at some sort of social function. Things are amazingly drama free, and to my surprise there are no awkward questions of why I never called back. One thing that Swedish feminism has done is let the women know that if they had wanted to, they could have easily called the man back. They hold just as much of the fault as the man in this regard.

On the topic of feminism there have been some arguments with girls that I have spent some time with. While I have highlighted the fact that I do not see the raging Scandinavian feminism that I was warned that I would see, I have seen a certain type of unique blend that seems to work out OK here. Some of my old cowboy swagger does not go down very well here at all, and yet at other times I have been able to make girls giggle and purr. It was all about contrast in the end, but unfortunately this ended up taking a lot longer to hone than I would have liked. I did end up in a mini relationship with a woman who I would consider as one of the better ones in my life.

Swedish women are strong, hardworking, and sexual. They are also amazingly beautiful. They would make good wives and mothers. But one has to overlook the wild past that most Swedes experience through the university days and perhaps a little longer. Summers spent abroad on Greek islands and such leave little to the imagination on what takes place there. While I would be hypocrite to say that I do not want this for women, I do not feel bad in sticking to my double standard.

There is nothing gained for beautiful blonde Swedish woman to sleep with a handful of different guys over the course of her two week stay on Kos. Yet it seems to be a recurring story here. For all I know, going back all those years to when I managed to sleep with a few Swedish girls on holiday in Greece, that I could very well have slept with the same girl that I am now.

Being in a sexually forward country that has perhaps the best genes in the world for males and females is going to do that to a person. I have been out with friends and I hear a girl gush about how beautiful the man is that she started seeing last week. There is also certainly a lot less of the Scandinavian beta male that I would have thought by reading and listening to other peoples stories. Sure Swedish men do not approach that often, but when it comes to getting the sex they do very well. I would have a hard time to compare any other country in the world where guys are landing such quality women just based on the genetics of a people. There is balance here, and the men and women certainly deserve each other.


The above post is required reading in understanding Swe from a game perspective.

I couldn't have written it, I'm learning from it.


Very well said Laner. I enjoyed your post.
Now I am going to Kos [Image: smile.gif]

The level of promiscuity for Scandinavians abroad is insane. I met girls in Thailand who were sleeping with a new guy every night and bragging about it the next day. They were getting laid more than I was. It was a huge turn off actually. There are plenty of Swedes here in London but they are a different crowd from when they are on holiday.
Groups of Swedish girls on holiday would usually include 3 or 4 average lookers with an untouchable 9 thrown in.


Great post Laner.

I have been to Kos and it was a great time, I got a swiss flag there.

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Quote: (05-23-2012 02:51 PM)Laner Wrote:  

There is nothing gained for beautiful blonde Swedish woman to sleep with a handful of different guys over the course of her two week stay on Kos. Yet it seems to be a recurring story here. For all I know, going back all those years to when I managed to sleep with a few Swedish girls on holiday in Greece, that I could very well have slept with the same girl that I am now.

This is what I realized when I started hooking up with Swedish girls. A lot of them will sleep around on a greek island after a few shots, but will make you work way harder when back home. Obviously, this is all due to the enviroment but I'm someone who doesn't like to 'pay more than he shouldn't' and this turns me off.

For an one night stand, I obviously wouldn't care. But for something more... I'd definitely feel up a girls history and if she's been to these places numerous times, I would strongly consider a less passed around hole.

About the feminism, yeah it's rather interesting. As long as you simply respect them, I think that the feminist thing actually comes out as an advantage for you. Unlike Denmark or Finland, I've experienced most Swedish women as rather feminine and girly.

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