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A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

I hope the concepts listed below will serve as reminders to all of us in the coming year.

1. Anytime I've asked a question here about a specific girl that I hadn't banged yet, I didn't end up banging her.

- By no means am I advocating not using the vast resources and knowledge available on this forum, but generally speaking if you can't solve the puzzle of unlocking her pussy yourself, you're not going to succeed this time. Identify where you went wrong and adjust in the future.

2. Never hastily dismiss anyone's advice.

- Especially from some of the vets on this site. Something that may seem silly to you, might actually work if you try it. Myself, I thought Roosh's "what if I drugged your drink" routine was just too sketchy to work, but I trust his advice so much, that I used it. It worked.

3. Never stop grinding.

- You might be up to your elbows in pussy and prospects, feeling like God's gift to women, you can't do anything wrong and everything you've studied about game has come together. Then suddenly a few weeks later, you can't get anyone to bang and you're back at square one, what happened? You got lazy, you stopped approaching like a machine and relied on your fuck buddies to satisfy your hunger, rather than that of new pussy, as-yet undiscovered by your dick.

4. If you're not in the mood, don't go out.

- Seems simple enough, but there's times I'd force myself to go out. You can guess how often I got laid on those nights. If you're not in a social mood, there's really no sense in wasting money at the bar. Your approaches (if you even make any that night) will be half-assed and do you no favors. Instead, stay in and either study game or just do something completely unrelated.

5. Don't waste time at a crappy venue.

- If you're just out drinking with the boys, trying to have a good time it doesn't matter where you go. However, if you are serious about trying to get some pussy you need to be in the right venue. If there's a lack of girls, you're getting rejected too much, the girls all seem to have super bitch shields up, or for any other reason the vibe just sucks, you need to leave as quickly as possible and move to another venue. Why waste your time, working harder in the hopes that you'll make something happen when the deck is already stacked against you.

6. It doesn't matter what your opener is.

- So many guys get caught up on not knowing what to say to 'break the ice', honestly it really doesn't matter. Believe me, I've said the craziest things and still got girls to bang me, I've also used lines that worked really well on one girl, and then got me a cold shoulder with the next. Hell, I'd bet many 'great pick up lines' aren't even really heard in full, but if you're giving off a good vibe, and the girl thinks you might be interesting, she'll give you a couple minutes. That being said, it's what you say immediately after your opener, when you have her full attention for a moment, that really counts.

7. The more I go out, the more I prefer to go out alone.

- Years ago I posted a topic asking for advice on going out 'dolo'. Truth be told, it's all the confidence you have in your game and in yourself. You'll know when you're ready. Maybe if I had more reliable wings I'd think otherwise, but these days I really don't want any slapdick friend of mine saying or doing something stupid, and creating another unnecessary obstacle between me and getting a bang. I know Roosh posted a blog about this, and now I fully understand. When I go out with friends, I often have to distance myself from them for awhile, and then go make my approaches so they don't try to weasel in on the action.

8. Never turn down a sure thing.

- I know this has been said before, but I bring it up again because so many guys pass on the sure thing early in the night because they think they can do better, or maybe they think they can get more numbers. To them I ask how many times they've had sex with a phone number? Even if you think you have a shot with the best looking girl in the place, if you have a sure thing, and she's mildly attractive, you owe it to your dick to bang her. There's not a single sure thing that I lost out on in 2011 that my penis wasn't angry at me for not banging, if for nothing else than the new experience.

9. After you bang a girl, don't hesitate to cut her loose.

- With the type of girls I try to bang, generally there isn't time to play all the typical games that women normally do. I always go for the one night stand, because it's just easier to prey upon the impulsive nature of women. So, many of the games that these girls want to play have to wait until after sex. As soon as they start, just ignore her. I honestly see no reason to put up with any shit from a girl you've already banged. You've already won, you have your notch, move on without thinking twice. For the love of God, don't get attached no matter how good she was in bed.

10. Your friends don't want to be like us.

- As hard it that sounds to believe, most guys don't want to get into game. Sure every man (at least every real one) wants to sleep around a bit, but for various reasons most guys don't have the dedication required to get into game. When you try to 'help' or 'fix' a friend that is either struggling with women, or the bitch in his relationship, you're just wasting your time. While it may not seem logical to you, your friends will always rationalize the situation they're in. If they really want to learn about game from you, they'll ask. Make them show that minimal amount of interest and dedication, regardless of how excited you are to show off your skills.

11. Staying in the game will eventually take a mental toll on you.

- I'm not saying this is good, nor bad, but I'm just stating a fact, especially for any guys that are just getting into this. You become colder, you care less about anyone's feelings (not just women), and you may become unable to develop deep, "meaningful" relationships with anyone. Even if you got into game to meet "the one" if you go through enough women to get to her, you'll never see her like you would have had you met her at the start. Not that that's a bad thing, because in all your relationships you'll always have the upper hand. My brother warned me about this years ago, and now I see what he meant. This is the price you will eventually pay, it is a fair trade-off in my opinion though.

12. No girl is unapproachable.

- At least not at the college and dive bars I frequent. The girl you think is the best looking one in the bar, should be the first one you approach, and if you're not comfortable with that, then your inner game still needs work. Someone is banging that girl, why shouldn't it be you? Unless her boyfriend/husband is right there, and you know they're together for sure (they're kissing, holding hands, wearing rings), then you owe it to not just your dick, but to your ego to go and approach that girl.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

For me #1 has been true most times, but the real reason that it's true most of the time is because the person giving you advice doesn't know the whole story. Sometimes you'll leave out important facts that you don't realize yourself. I still get advice but I form my own opinion.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

#12 for me. and i tell my friends this who tell me some girls are off limits.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Very nice write-up. These are my favorites and a big part of my internal directives. I spent 90 minutes trying to drum #5 into some friends last night, a conversation that reminded me--for the millionth time--of #7 and #10.

Quote: (01-02-2012 01:39 AM)CJ Wrote:  

3. Never stop grinding.

- You might be up to your elbows in pussy and prospects, feeling like God's gift to women, you can't do anything wrong and everything you've studied about game has come together. Then suddenly a few weeks later, you can't get anyone to bang and you're back at square one, what happened? You got lazy, you stopped approaching like a machine and relied on your fuck buddies to satisfy your hunger, rather than that of new pussy, as-yet undiscovered by your dick.

5. Don't waste time at a crappy venue.

- If you're just out drinking with the boys, trying to have a good time it doesn't matter where you go. However, if you are serious about trying to get some pussy you need to be in the right venue. If there's a lack of girls, you're getting rejected too much, the girls all seem to have super bitch shields up, or for any other reason the vibe just sucks, you need to leave as quickly as possible and move to another venue. Why waste your time, working harder in the hopes that you'll make something happen when the deck is already stacked against you.

7. The more I go out, the more I prefer to go out alone.

- Years ago I posted a topic asking for advice on going out 'dolo'. Truth be told, it's all the confidence you have in your game and in yourself. You'll know when you're ready. Maybe if I had more reliable wings I'd think otherwise, but these days I really don't want any slapdick friend of mine saying or doing something stupid, and creating another unnecessary obstacle between me and getting a bang. I know Roosh posted a blog about this, and now I fully understand. When I go out with friends, I often have to distance myself from them for awhile, and then go make my approaches so they don't try to weasel in on the action.

10. Your friends don't want to be like us.

- As hard it that sounds to believe, most guys don't want to get into game. Sure every man (at least every real one) wants to sleep around a bit, but for various reasons most guys don't have the dedication required to get into game. When you try to 'help' or 'fix' a friend that is either struggling with women, or the bitch in his relationship, you're just wasting your time. While it may not seem logical to you, your friends will always rationalize the situation they're in. If they really want to learn about game from you, they'll ask. Make them show that minimal amount of interest and dedication, regardless of how excited you are to show off your skills.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

I take number 1 with a grain of salt, because despite all the advice asking I did I got in with the girl in question. And this was before I joined the forum or anything. The rest is spot on, except number 7 IF you have a really good wing (with better game than in my case) who isn't greedy and actively helps you out.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

This is interesting

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Interesting, thanks for the 12.

Can I ask why you/the game means you don't get attached/contact after having sex. That's one problem I know, the fact that after I've slept with a girl, I won't leave it there. I'm not clingy at all but she will text me something like, "have I been fucked and chucked?" and I'll reply after a day or so.


A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Excellent list! Thanks for compiling that.

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A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Quote: (01-02-2012 01:39 AM)CJ Wrote:  

12. No girl is unapproachable.

- At least not at the college and dive bars I frequent. The girl you think is the best looking one in the bar, should be the first one you approach, and if you're not comfortable with that, then your inner game still needs work. Someone is banging that girl, why shouldn't it be you? Unless her boyfriend/husband is right there, and you know they're together for sure (they're kissing, holding hands, wearing rings), then you owe it to not just your dick, but to your ego to go and approach that girl.

Great List.

Let me ask you this.

You step inside of a pretty big venue.

Do you approach the first girl that passes the dick test (or who gives you the eye)?

Or do you see what all is available and then go for the hottest chick?


A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Great post CJ I have a couple things to add..

3. Never stop grinding.
Once you get used to this it becomes first nature. For instance I buy small bags of dog food even though I have a lab because I like going to the grocery store everyday to chat up females.

4. If you're not in the mood, don't go out.
Yes. One thing I do when my mood isn't right is play a waiting game. Instead of bouncing around I find the best spot in a small venue and have a few drinks to get my spirits up.. By my third drink I have a stronghold and cherry pick which women to talk to.

5. Don't waste time at a crappy venue.
It's better to grab a booth at Taco Bell than to bounce from sausagefest to sausagefest. I often wonder why dudes insist on going to nightclubs full of dudes and attention whores. When out for late nights you have a better chance of pulling a ONS from Denny's....Remember places where guys are hardwired to think that's where you go to pull are usually the worst because the bitch shields are up all the way.

7. The more I go out, the more I prefer to go out alone.
Wings usually make logistics difficult. 99% of the dudes I know rely on cockblocking/white knighting to open girls. If you really want to get laid ditch your buddies.

10. Your friends don't want to be like us.
They don't. and eventually they will seperate from you. I've been trying to convert guys for 25 years. I would have more success converting them to Islam

11. Staying in the game will eventually take a mental toll on you.
The more you deal with women you learn what their game is. Shit that would fly with a regular dude just wont with you. It's a good thing. You only live once and there's no reason for a woman to steal your sexual freedom. Take a look at your married friends.

12. No girl is unapproachable.
None. Ever. With experience you can tell from a glance which girls are really into their dudes at a venue. The rest are worth a hard shot even if it appears they are on a date etc. As for as hottness treat them all the same. Talk to the finest the same as the fatty. The bullshit is all the same.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Re: #11

Real talk. I find myself not giving two shits about the women I date anymore, even though they're hotter that anything I've had before.

- She won't put out? Kick her out.
- Girl insults you? Walk away.
- Girl is interested in being with a successful guy? Tell her you work at a major bank.
- She's young? Lie about your age.
- Girl responds to your text? Don't respond until you want to meet up with her.

Basically, the game makes you so callous to other women you use behaviors you would have found abhorrent years ago. The end result is that it's much harder to fall in love, but that's today's combat dating. It rewards the strong and gives fuck all to anyone else.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Quote: (01-02-2012 06:59 AM)P Dog Wrote:  

I take number 1 with a grain of salt, because despite all the advice asking I did I got in with the girl in question. And this was before I joined the forum or anything. The rest is spot on, except number 7 IF you have a really good wing (with better game than in my case) who isn't greedy and actively helps you out.

I'm not saying all these are true for everyone, but they're what I've learned. I think for me, #1 happens when I over analyze any situation with any girl instead of just going on instinct. Too much time passes and she slips away.

As for #7, at this point I'd say I have two decent wings, one is my brother and the other one is a former college QB, believe it or not those guys know a thing or two about getting laid.

Quote: (01-02-2012 08:15 AM)Ribbed Wrote:  

Can I ask why you/the game means you don't get attached/contact after having sex. That's one problem I know, the fact that after I've slept with a girl, I won't leave it there. I'm not clingy at all but she will text me something like, "have I been fucked and chucked?" and I'll reply after a day or so.

Contacting and getting attached are different. Go ahead and contact her any random time to see if she's DTF, but when she starts the stupid shit (it's inevitable), it's probably time to move on. You only put up with that shit if you're attached, often because she's your only sexual outlet. Don't let that happen!

As for that text you got, I've gotten variations of it before, and I don't think ignoring it is the best move (still not 100% sure though), but right now I reply with, "That's probably a better convo to have in person." And then I set up a date. We'll have a few drinks, I change the subject and then bang her for what probably will be the last time. *Note: this is a good time to cum on her face if you have not yet*

Quote: (01-02-2012 08:30 AM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Let me ask you this.

You step inside of a pretty big venue.

Do you approach the first girl that passes the dick test (or who gives you the eye)?

Or do you see what all is available and then go for the hottest chick?

If this is an ideal night, at a bigger place, I get to the venue fairly early and pick my spot to get a feel for the place. I don't need to make warm-up approaches at the bar, because I'm already in a social mood from pre-drinking with friends (ideally this is my QB wing and brother). Now I don't subscribe to the 3 second rule, because I think it's just a trick to overcome approach anxiety. So, when I see a cute girl, I'll analyze the situation briefly to try and gauge who she's with, and then if she either looks like she's having a good time or she looks bored already, I make my approach. In my experience, these are the girls that are most receptive.

To answer your question, in a large venue I don't want to be that goofy idiot wandering around the whole place, gawking at the talent. I used to do this, I have friends that still do this, it's stupid. Thus, I go for the first girl that passes the dick test, but if I see multiple girls that do, I go for the best looking one, unless I just get a gut feeling that one is sluttier.

Mind you, the dive bars I frequent are small, so my strategy is different as I'm familiar with them. I'll pick a spot up at the bar, get a few drinks, chat with the person next to me as I can survey the entire bar from my seat and see where the best talent is and what they're doing. Then I'll approach the hottest one, although if you sit up at the bar, often the girls come up to where you are to get a drink and you can hit on them one by one, and this way you don't look like that horny guy hitting on every girl in the bar.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Quote: (01-02-2012 01:39 AM)CJ Wrote:  

11. Staying in the game will eventually take a mental toll on you.

- I'm not saying this is good, nor bad, but I'm just stating a fact, especially for any guys that are just getting into this. You become colder, you care less about anyone's feelings (not just women), and you may become unable to develop deep, "meaningful" relationships with anyone. Even if you got into game to meet "the one" if you go through enough women to get to her, you'll never see her like you would have had you met her at the start. Not that that's a bad thing, because in all your relationships you'll always have the upper hand. My brother warned me about this years ago, and now I see what he meant. This is the price you will eventually pay, it is a fair trade-off in my opinion though.

A great writeup. #11 hit me the most.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Yes I really want #11 to be over with. I can still the hear the cries of my of my dying soul trying to keep me a beta as I do my best to ignore it. Damn inner conflicts.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Quote: (01-02-2012 01:46 PM)Riker Wrote:  

Yes I really want #11 to be over with. I can still the hear the cries of my of my dying soul trying to keep me a beta as I do my best to ignore it. Damn inner conflicts.

If you are still having trouble being comfortable with an amoral, value neutral lifetsyle focused on using whatever means are most efficient towards a given end, try watching these, or reading The Prince. Just remember, REFUSE TO BE A FOOL:


A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

#11 has never been a problem for me. So women can be slutty and hypergamous. So what? That's reality. They were probably made that way by thousands of years of evolution. Maybe God made them that way.

Its no reason for us to get into a moral dilemma in our heads.

If this is such a shock to you, I wonder what world you were living in where you thought women were these perfect little angels. You were living in a fantasy world probably created by your parents and mainstream culture.

Welcome to reality!

We always want younger and prettier.

They always want wealthier and more powerful.

Any mental effect this has on you is a product of your own insecure mind. So the world is not exactly as you envisioned it. Deal with it.

In the famous words of Jack Nicholson...

"You can't handle the truth"

Accept the world the way it is and adjust your actions accordingly. Knowledge (of womens true nature) is power.

Use Game to hijack the biological processes and bang them.

Don't beat yourself up because you are one of the few smart enough to see the light. [Image: bash.gif]

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

What sucks about #11 isn't that women are naturally whores, most men can live with that. What sucks is how one has to become evil in response to it.

A young boy, properly raised, grows into a loving, affectionate man. He treats others with respect and asks for the same; he follows his natural drives and does no wrong. In a perfect world, we would encourage all men to be like this. Any man would raise his son to be this way.

Instead, we can't be good human beings. We have to use women, or get used. Society should be bulldozed and reformatted so that men can act like good people without being punished for it.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Quote: (01-02-2012 02:41 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

#11 has never been a problem for me. So women can be slutty and hypergamous. So what? That's reality. They were probably made that way by thousands of years of evolution. Maybe God made them that way.

Its no reason for us to get into a moral dilemma in our heads.

If this is such a shock to you, I wonder what world you were living in where you thought women were these perfect little angels. You were living in a fantasy world probably created by your parents and mainstream culture.

Welcome to reality!

We always want younger and prettier.

They always want wealthier and more powerful.

Any mental effect this has on you is a product of your own insecure mind. So the world is not exactly as you envisioned it. Deal with it.

In the famous words of Jack Nicholson...

"You can't handle the truth"

Accept the world the way it is and adjust your actions accordingly. Knowledge (of womens true nature) is power.

Use Game to hijack the biological processes and bang them.

Don't beat yourself up because you are one of the few smart enough to see the light. [Image: bash.gif]

Great post Giovonny, I almost feel like this is some modern day Lao Tzu game shit!

[Image: potd.gif]

This brings me back to the question whether there are still real, genuine, "good" girls out there, that aren't shallow, materialistic sluts? My feeling is they are few and far between, and most either aren't very attractive or come from conservative backgrounds. But it's not an absolute truth that all women, are self-absorbed, stuck up, disloyal, whores.

Anyways, I feel it's good to find a balance, I used to be (and maybe still am to some degree) a beta at heart, as far as idealizing the fantasy of falling in love and having a deeper, meaningful emotional/romantic connection with a woman.

Unfortunately my current experience in life has left me somewhat bitter and jaded, maybe even slightly misogynistic with my view towards woman. This is a result of getting burned and having my beta, hopeless romantic ideals turned upside down.

However, like you're saying and the great analogy from the forum/"manosphere", I have taken the "red pill" and am trying to see things for what they truly are. Maybe now, I am a little bit more pessimistic or cautious, mistrusting of women, but this might be a good thing, as they have to prove themselves to me.

Well, this kind of turned into a stoned rant, but what I guess I'm getting at, is like Gio said I'm trying to see things for what they truly are. I am also trying to keep an "open mind and heart" so I don't turn totally dark, cold, and unloving, because there is still that glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel (whatever that means).

It's all about what you want out of life. I think it would be perfectly cool if one day a guy like Mixx or Roosh decides that they've had their fill of new pussy, and actually meets a woman they want to settle down with. That may very well never happen, and if they get satisfaction out of the game and constant new women and sex, then more power to them.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Quote: (01-02-2012 04:12 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

What sucks about #11 isn't that women are naturally whores, most men can live with that. What sucks is how one has to become evil in response to it.

A young boy, properly raised, grows into a loving, affectionate man. He treats others with respect and asks for the same; he follows his natural drives and does no wrong. In a perfect world, we would encourage all men to be like this. Any man would raise his son to be this way.

Instead, we can't be good human beings. We have to use women, or get used. Society should be bulldozed and reformatted so that men can act like good people without being punished for it.

Funny you should say that, I had the same thought the other day. It's in my nature to be respectful, generous and courteuous. And I'm sure the default behaviour of many men towards women would be this way under normal circumstances.

However, because of the society we live in, as males we are simply not rewarded with archetypal 'good behaviour' towards women, i.e. showing a genuine interest, taking them out for dinner, etc etc and I don't mean in a Beta sense.

It's strange how game has altered my perception of reality and made me a lot colder, disaffectionate and distant towards some girls. But if I behaved any other way, I simply would not get laid.

Pretty much summed up in Roosh's post:

I sometimes wonder how much I would differ if I didn't have to adapt to be this way (an obsolete thought I know but nonetheless...)

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Great posts in this thread. It's even worse online. On OKCupid when I actually took the time to read a girl's profile and make a clever, witty, funny message to her concerning her interests while being fully genuine I failed. Went the asshole route and made a neg about her I found success. It's ridiculous, you can't be a nice guy in the real world or even online to get bitches. They brought it upon themselves.

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

5. Don't waste time at a crappy venue.
So true-I've had to learn this through a lot of wasted time in the past. Now I am ruthless about bailing out of bad venues quickly. Sometimes I don't even buy a drink-I just walk in, look around, and walk out if the scene is bad -your first impression is almost always right. At most, I will stay for one drink if things aren't looking good. However, I will return to a venue 2-3 hours later if it has been known to be productive in the past and I haven't succeeded elsewhere- venues can improve over the course of an evening.
3. Never stop grinding.
Statistical variation and random chance is a fundamental element of Game
10. Your friends don't want to be like us.
I had to learn this the hard way-you can't talk anyone into learning game. It's like Zen or Kung Fu in the movies- the student has to be desperate enough to learn that they will travel through the wilderness to the temple and wait outside the gates of the temple. The mental state of readiness must be present before radical change can occur.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Excellent compilation of forum wisdom. I agree with all but #7. The older and more experienced I get, the more I enjoy the company of others (whether they be wings or other women).

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

#10 is just unfortunate for me because I've spent good times with my friends and they're the people who I thought would have my back.

I guess as I develop a more alpha attitude and persona, my friends will slowly drop off while validating something that I've always believed in:

"Your friends are a reflection of you."

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Quote: (01-02-2012 04:12 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

What sucks about #11 isn't that women are naturally whores, most men can live with that. What sucks is how one has to become evil in response to it.

A young boy, properly raised, grows into a loving, affectionate man. He treats others with respect and asks for the same; he follows his natural drives and does no wrong. In a perfect world, we would encourage all men to be like this. Any man would raise his son to be this way.

Instead, we can't be good human beings. We have to use women, or get used. Society should be bulldozed and reformatted so that men can act like good people without being punished for it.

What we're doing is not evil. We are obeying nature. We are simply performing the mating ritual that the female of our species requires for sex. We are responding to the female brain. If conditions were different, we would behave different. Nature is set up in such a way that we have to behave in this manner in order to get sex. This is the reproductive strategy that nature created for us.

So how could it be evil? Its nature.

Its all a product of evolution, no?

Quote: (01-02-2012 04:21 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

I almost feel like this is some modern day Lao Tzu game shit!


What I wrote reminded you of Loa Tzu!?

We must be smoking some good shit homie!!!

Can you explain this connection? I love trying to apply eastern religion to game..

A dozen things I've learned from RVF that I will be using in 2012

Quote: (01-02-2012 01:39 AM)CJ Wrote:  

11. Staying in the game will eventually take a mental toll on you.

- I'm not saying this is good, nor bad, but I'm just stating a fact, especially for any guys that are just getting into this. You become colder, you care less about anyone's feelings (not just women), and you may become unable to develop deep, "meaningful" relationships with anyone. Even if you got into game to meet "the one" if you go through enough women to get to her, you'll never see her like you would have had you met her at the start. Not that that's a bad thing, because in all your relationships you'll always have the upper hand. My brother warned me about this years ago, and now I see what he meant. This is the price you will eventually pay, it is a fair trade-off in my opinion though.

Great post, but I wanted to respond to this.

Once you understand game, you have stared into the abyss. Game is at its root an existential endeavor. It's about nature, and biological lubricated by a femcunt entitled sensibility that has permeated Western society and which, eventually, is going to dominate around the world.

This is reality.

But give me the reality of the abyss any day as opposed to the fantasy world that so many men, and virtually every woman, lives in.

You know what that allows to me do? To LOVE every woman that I am fucking...and then, when I am not fucking her, to simply not really care all that much. When I grab a woman around the throat, and then pound her with all my energy, and then by turns be gentle and sweet...and then animalistic....I am giving her everything I have RIGHT then. I am making the moments real, and unforgettable.

The other day I exchanged an email with this married woman I fucked a few years ago. She has since moved on. She wrote me to tell me of her kid's graduation from college. I sent my congratulations and asked her, do you remember the good times and I casually mentioned a time we spent at this hotel. We were in the hot tub, and I put towels on the side, bent her over, and fucked her raw dog like she was some slut...a beautiful ass and juicy pussy -- and pulled out and came so hard it went all the way into her hair.

Her response. "How could I EVER forget that!"

I never mentioned the details...but it was burned into her memory. It's burned into mine.

I gave her what she needed, and craved...and she gave me what I needed.

THAT"S what it's about. Making memories. Burning them into her brain as you fuck her into oblivion. That's what it means to be alive.

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