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Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-09-2019 01:23 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2019 01:01 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

I knew this was coming. In fact, I mentioned it somewhere on the forum.

How did I know? Because the media has been aggressively promoting the 10-year-old drag performer "Desmond Is Amazing" along with 9-year-old drag performer "Lactatia." Both have heavily sexualized images.

So it was only a matter of time before a girl in that age bracket decided to do the same as the boys.

The "drag community" opened the door for this. And it's not going to be an easy door to shut. The media and tech companies can't ban girls from sexualizing themselves and then turn around and allow that from boys who dress like girls.

The good news is that anyone who used the words "slippery slope" when gay marriage was the issue of the day can now say "Told you so!"

So DOBA, with your knowledge of musical history, would you say that this was all kicked off by disco, with its genesis in the gay/tranny New York night scene?

Holy cow, I thought I was just listening to fun music back then.

I was being groomed.

Before disco, there was glam rock and the promotion of androgyny by satanists like Bowie.

The main wave of rock and roll cuture, the sex-drugs-and R&R hippie psychedelia movement from the 1960s was a huge psyop aimed at dumbing down Boomers and destroying Christian culture, it was carried over and funded by the deep state and masonic agents like The Grateful Dead. People who worship musicians from that era or their successors from the 1970s/80s have a hard time understanding they've been played.

Some thoughts on the subject I've made in an older thread:

The deep state built up the 1960s hippie movement to destroy traditional, morally upright, Christian, family-centric, patriarchal values, targeting the huge Boomer demographic. This was a wild success, perhaps the most successful (and most devastating) social engineering program ever undertaken, using new media, sexual liberation, music and drugs. One generation later, we're still suffering from the consequences of this. Most of our social problems derive from the damage done in that period.

So after they've spawned that successful counterculture movement, they destroyed it by injecting it with a dark, nihilist element in order to snuff out any positive things that could come out from that counterculture. This is where Manson factors in.

When you look at the early days of the protest movement (circa 1962-65), you see well-dressed young people. Smart, well-spoken, young men in suits and ties, well-groomed feminine women, cream of the crop students at Berkeley criticizing the war, constructive youth full of positive idealism. Five years later, they've turned into crazed, new age, drugged out, incoherent hippies who have "tuned in and dropped out", lost into their mind-numbing, navel-gazing, bogus esoteric eastern philosophy soups.

Society went from this:
[Image: savio.jpg]

to this:
[Image: 1939719.0.jpg]

[Image: sexual-revolution.jpg] the span of 4 years. This was the greatest social transformation in modern history. Antifas, women on the carousel, BLM and most other social filth can be traced directly from there.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

This older post is also very relevant here:

E Michael Jones quotes St Augustin: "Man is free, as long he is moral... Sin is the primary cause of servitude. A good man, though a slave is free, but a wicked man, though a king, is a slave, for he serves not one man alone, but as many masters as he has vices."

He adds that this is the foundation of the regime that we live under, which is the opposite of Christian culture. The Christian says if you want to be free, be moral, while the anti-Christian government that began with the French Revolution takes that and turns it on its head and says, if you want to maintain political control, promote vice.

Even if you're not Christian, you should understand that this is a philosophical concept that is rooted in solid universal ethical grounds, that's why it's been actively targeted for centuries.

The current culture makes homosexual culture not just a protected class, but elevates it to a virtuous one that should be promoted in schools and popular culture. That culture has been set up through decades of media promotion through films and TV series like "Philadelphia" or "Will and Grace" with idealized characters that aren't realistic. In real life, the great majority of homosexuals who got AIDS did so through having unprotected anal sex with hundreds of random sexual partners.

Or the film that eulogized Harvey Milk, a "serial statutory rapist who had a lifelong penchant for underage, drug-addicted, runaway boys" (as described by his gay journalist friend Randy Shilts), who had US Navy ship named after him.

Jones describes the color revolution that took place in the US, where things have gotten so bad that a pizzeria in rural Indiana that refused to cater to a gay wedding got the hammer. He also covers the culture war in Spain, led by the American deep state, and in American academia with Foucault at Berkeley, which started the takeover of the left from a workers party to modern identity politics with gay rights taking over the main focus from the Black Civil Rights movement in the 1970s.


“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

[quote] (01-09-2019 02:02 PM)Thersites Wrote:  

[quote='Days of Broken Arrows' pid='1918999' dateline='1547056903']
I knew this was coming. In fact, I mentioned it somewhere on the forum.

How did I know? Because the media has been aggressively promoting the 10-year-old drag performer "Desmond Is Amazing" along with 9-year-old drag performer "Lactatia." Both have heavily sexualized images.

So it was only a matter of time before a girl in that age bracket decided to do the same as the boys.

The "drag community" opened the door for this. And it's not going to be an easy door to shut. The media and tech companies can't ban girls from sexualizing themselves and then turn around and allow that from boys who dress like girls.

The good news is that anyone who used the words "slippery slope" when gay marriage was the issue of the day can now say "Told you so!"


That video was something that I now regret watching.
However I now have concrete, objective proof of the devil existing.

What's also disturbing with Desmond is that his parents let him hang out with those two artists, one of them who spent time in jail for dismembering his friend.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-09-2019 03:28 PM)911 Wrote:  

to this:
[Image: 1939719.0.jpg]

[Image: sexual-revolution.jpg] the span of 4 years. This was the greatest social transformation in modern history. Antifas, women on the carousel, BLM and most other social filth can be traced directly from there.

Looks like the photos a time traveler would had taken if they had gone to the Medieval-era Scandinavia or visited the Slavic Pagans.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

This Gentleman... is what Pharme Grade HGH can do: Extraordinary Growth... in a very very short span! From my experience as a 20+ year Bodybuilding Fan... I'm 98% sure that's the reason for her looking like this at 11! Even organic Grains & Meat wouldn't transform someone this young that much. If I'm right... then the question is how can they afford it? Unless they're Ballin like that... I'm quite Frankly afraid to know the answer!

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Same questions coming to mind like anyone else ... how the f* can parents allow this kind of shit??????

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Early puberty and a padded bra can do this to young girls. When young girls realize they are looking much older before the other girls they automatically become the most popular in their sets (i.e. the popular guys will give them the most attention).

Also, with IG it is likely other young girls who are gassing it up, girls in her set (10-15) that are online blowing up her IG.

The obvious question that has been asked... where is the father? [Image: huh.gif]

Slutty mothers show a blind eye and enable this shit with their young daughters so can't rely on a mother. I can't think of any father on this earth, who is involved, who would let their 11 year old daughter walk around like that and fish for attention out to the masses on social media (only caveat is that they poor as dirt and family is exploiting the daughter to get paid).

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Without makeup, everyone would see her for the child she is.

Makeup expertise has reached unnatural levels.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-09-2019 02:20 PM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

She has more followers than Jesus Christ or Prophet Mohammed did when they were alive. Is this the start of a new religion?

It's called satanism.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-09-2019 10:53 AM)RIslander Wrote:  

This forum is not an appropriate place for sexualized photos of underage children. A discussion is fine but posting such photos is approaching pedo status.

The ironic thing is that a forum filled with "misogynists" have to blow the whistle on this behavior when mainstream society (instagram and 3.3 million followers) won't.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-09-2019 10:33 AM)jeffreyjerpp Wrote:  

First of all, a society that sexualizes pre-teens like this doesn't deserve to continue existing, it has become degenerate and evil. Burn it all down.

Second of all, there is clearly a fuck ton of estrogen in the water. An 11 year old girl's hormones should simply not allow her to look like that. When I was on swim team in grade school, girls never had noticeable breasts at that age, it took at least another two years.

Read that; wondered a bit. Did a search and yeah there is debate over how much is coming from birth control pills, but the USGS did a survey of over a hundred US cities back in 1999-2000 showing there are all kinds of endocrine disruptors including estrogen in the drinking water. Some of it even comes from soy (I know, shocking.)

Kept looking around, whaddya know, I found yet another reason not to drink IPA. Hops is one of the best natural sources of estrogen on the planet.

Knew there was a reason I hated that shit.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

On Premature puberty


Researchers first noticed the earlier onset of puberty in the late 1990s, and recent studies confirm the mysterious public health trend. A 2012 analysis by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that American girls exposed to high levels of common household chemicals had their first periods seven months earlier than those with lower exposures. “This study adds to the growing body of scientific research that exposure to environmental chemicals may be associated with early puberty,” says Danielle Buttke, a researcher at CDC and lead author on the study. Buttke found that the age when a girl has her first period (menarche) has fallen over the past century from an average of age 16-17 to age 12-13.

Earlier puberty isn’t just for girls. In 2012 researchers from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) surveyed data on 4,100 boys from 144 pediatric practices in 41 states and found a similar trend: American boys are reaching puberty six months to two years earlier than just a few decades ago. African-American boys are starting the earliest, at around age nine, while Caucasian and Hispanics start on average at age 10.

One culprit could be rising obesity rates. Researchers believe that puberty (at least for girls) may be triggered in part by the body building up sufficient reserves of fat tissue, signaling fitness for reproductive capabilities. Clinical pediatrician Robert Lustig of Benioff Children’s Hospital in San Francisco reports that obese girls have higher levels of the hormone leptin which in and of itself can lead to early puberty while setting off a domino effect of more weight gain and faster overall physical maturation.

Some evidence suggests that “hormone disrupting” chemicals may also trigger changes prematurely. Public health advocates have been concerned, for example, about the omnipresence of Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical in some plastics, because it is thought to “mimic” estrogen in the body and in some cases contribute to or cause health problems. BPA is being phased out of many consumer items, but hundreds of other potentially hormone disrupting chemicals are still in widespread use.

Dichlorobenzene, used in some mothballs and in solid blocks of toilet bowl and air deodorizers, is also a key suspect in triggering early puberty. It is already classified as a possible human carcinogen, and studies have linked prenatal exposure to it with low birth weight in boys. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently made screening Dichlorobenzene for hormonal effects a priority.


In other words, a pregnant woman's chemical exposure could play a role.

Indeed, the researchers suspected that chemical exposure in utero could influence the onset of puberty years after the infant’s birth, said study author Kim Harley, a public health researcher at the University of California, Berkeley.

But because so many women have detectable amounts of these chemicals in their bodies, the question wasn't whether or not someone was exposed to the chemicals, but rather how much they were exposed to them, Harley told Live Science.

In the study, the researchers looked at three kinds of so-called hormone disruptors — chemicals that interfere with the body's hormone system. The groups included phthalates, which are found in fragrances; parabens, which are preservatives used in cosmetics; and phenols, which, during the study period, was used in antimicrobial soaps.
Small shifts can add up

The study found that women with higher concentrations of one type of phthalate in their urine during pregnancy gave birth to girls who went on to develop pubic hair earlier than girls born to women with lower concentrations of the chemical in their urine. Similarly, women with high concentrations of phenol in their urine during pregnancy gave birth to girls who went on to begin menstruating sooner. When the researchers looked at the girls on their own, they found that nine-year-olds with higher paraben concentrations in their urine entered all three stages of puberty earlier those with lower concentrations

Generally, the researchers found, the greater the exposure, the earlier the onset of puberty. For example, each doubling in maternal phthalate levels was associated with the early onset of the growth of pubic hair by about 1.3 months.

This shift may not seem like a big change. But there are multiple hormone-disrupting chemicals acting at once, and "it all adds up," said Karin Michels, a professor and chair of the department of epidemiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was not involved with the study. Michels has conducted similar research, which also found that these chemicals appear to hasten puberty.

And even a small change in puberty timing can increase the risk of certain cancers, Harley said; earlier periods are a risk factor for both breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Would Bang
my fist on the table and put a stop to this if I was her father.

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-09-2019 09:50 PM)Tex Cruise Wrote:  

Would Bang
my fist on the table and put a stop to this if I was her father.

I doubt she would hear it from the prison cell.

Girls like this undoubtedly have fathers in and out of jail.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

It’s stuff like this that make me ponder whether alternate dimensions/timelines are real and how would one switch from one to another.

[Image: Time-Travel-Back-to-the-Future-clip.gif]

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Ok this has to be a joke, I can see her being 13-15 maybe but 11? My sisters are 11 and they both still look like little boys with longer hair. To be fair I know guys who confirmed lost their virginity at 11 and know girls who got pregnant at 13 but still.

I noticed no big time male celebs follow her. Very smart.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

I know 2019 is fucked up when I listen to Alex Jones' "God damn it" rant and it sounds totally reasonable.

Isn't there one Republican who can make sth out of this? Arrest Zuckerberg on kiddie porn charges. This Silicon Valley pedo/1984 monopoly of the virtual world is due for a smashing.

Paging D. J. Trump. Time to channel your inner Teddy Roosevelt.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Are these instagram #s real?

3.3 million is more people than all but the two largest cities in the United States.
It's more than live in Chicago.

Are there really that many pedos in the world or does Instagram have a serious bot problem?

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-10-2019 12:12 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Are there really that many pedos in the world or does Instagram have a serious bot problem?
I'm sure if you saw her IG with no context you wouldn't think she was 11. Maybe 16 (which is still wrong) but not 11. It doesn't state anywhere on her page how old she is. I know I'm probably coming off as a pedo but I'm tired of young girls trying to look older.

A close friend of mine saved up money and got a loan to build a club, he put thousands of dollars into it and finally had success. A couple of years later a girl's mom came to the club and snatched her 16-year-old daughter out. The club my friend worked so hard to build was shut down because a girl used a fake ID. Not only that but people actually labeled him a Pedo.

Granted he started over and had an almost as successful club but still that was completely unnecessary. I Hope I don't get banned for this.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-10-2019 12:12 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Are there really that many pedos in the world or does Instagram have a serious bot problem?

Whilst there is probably bot buying influencing those numbers, I think the answer to this question is, horribly, yes.

The audiobook Big Data which I've been listening to has its facepalming moments, but one of the most chilling elements it identifies is the most popular porn searches online as defined by Google and the porn sites themselves: out of the top 50, 16 are incest-specific and typically involve either siblings or daughter/father or son/mother couplings. Insofar as anecdotal information backs this, go to the front page of pretty much anywhere on pornsites and you'll find incest-themed porn.

I also am tending to observe that this shit trends younger, too. Teen's in the top 10 of porn searches.

Now, setting aside:

(1) The proposition that porn sites by definition push degeneracy as a point of difference;
(2) (((Insert standard conspiracy theory here))); and
(3) Watching lesbian porn doesn't make you a lesbian

Then I believe so far as they're capitalist businesses making a buck, they supply a demand. That demand is for content that leans if not is outright paedophilic, and it's in sufficient quantity that it's showing up on the front pages of porn engines because that's what the engine thinks its viewer wants to see, based off previous search histories.

And no, it's not because teens want to have sex. Teens don't want to watch other teens having sex, they watch older porn stars.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Bolsonaro, this.

Quote: (01-09-2019 11:11 AM)Belgrano Wrote:  

In theory she's not even allowed to use Instagram or YouTube, since both company's Terms of Use require users to be at least 13 years old.

Youtube doesn't care, they're making $$$ off her, and sending official YT GOLD/Platinum milestone plaques as congratulations.

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=5636523]

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-10-2019 12:12 AM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Are these instagram #s real?

3.3 million is more people than all but the two largest cities in the United States.
It's more than live in Chicago.

Are there really that many pedos in the world or does Instagram have a serious bot problem?

You realise we are taking about a family from Brazil right ?
They already had huge armies of faggots, trannies, pedos, and other sexual deviants way back in the 1980s. 35 years later those armies have become cities.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Oh Dear. I think you better go to Orlando sweetie....
[Image: xvdRQyg.pnghttp:]

Quote: (01-19-2016 11:26 PM)ordinaryleastsquared Wrote:  
I stand by my analysis.

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-09-2019 11:11 AM)firat113 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2019 10:59 AM)Mekorig Wrote:  

Where the fuck is the father?

This is him.... what a joke.

[Image: Mc%2Bmelody%2Be%2Bos%2Bpais.jpg]

[Image: 10985865_656511304479299_584195565954818...e=5CC8AB4F]

[Image: melody-belinho-300-x-400.jpg]

This is technically abuse of a minor, in the US, Argentina or Brasil. Now with Damares Alves in the Women, Family and Human Rights Ministery we can hope they will act to protect the child from her abusive parents.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

Jailbait 11 year old girl turns instathot - has 3.3m followers

Quote: (01-10-2019 12:25 AM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

I'm sure if you saw her IG with no context you wouldn't think she was 11. Maybe 16 (which is still wrong) but not 11. It doesn't state anywhere on her page how old she is. I know I'm probably coming off as a pedo but I'm tired of young girls trying to look older.

A close friend of mine saved up money and got a loan to build a club, he put thousands of dollars into it and finally had success. A couple of years later a girl's mom came to the club and snatched her 16-year-old daughter out. The club my friend worked so hard to build was shut down because a girl used a fake ID. Not only that but people actually labeled him a Pedo.

What is infuriating about the "pedo" labeling is that this is the complete opposite: young women purposely looking older than they are.

Pedophilia, which I personally view as a destructive mental illness, would be interest in an actual child or someone who looked unnaturally young, not a girl who purposely emphasized traits related to sexual maturity (breasts, hips etc).

Only a small time gap of a few years separates a woman from childhood (say 12/13) and the onset of peak fertility around 16 or 17. Society normally deals with this through legal regulations like age of consent, or through social customs like marriages, where a father formally hands over his daughter to another man.

The perversion on the parents part extends past the child abuse they are engaged in. They are also in direct conflict with social norms that help create boundaries that protect young women entering adulthood.

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