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Are you black pilled?

Are you black pilled?

This one is a bit long-winded and I get it if people don't want to read it, but here I go:

I am leaning towards this as well, Captain_Shane.

I notice that on days where I feel unstoppable I have more magnetism. People want to talk to me. People notice me and want to pay attention to me.

On days where I want to disappear people ignore me.

I try to begin the day by feeling as strong as possible. This all starts with a good night's rest followed by a good breakfast. It's gotten to the point where I pass up dates and shit because I'd rather be well-rested for the shit I need to do instead of plugging some random thot's holes for the night.

I try to set up my day so that I have triggers for positive actions all around me. The modern human environment is not built to elevate your spirit so you have to do it for yourself.

I've noticed that on days where I chain good behaviors it also allows you to play around with people. Since you know how to make yourself feel better you can do it for other people. It also boosts your game because your compliments become genuine and heartfelt. People feel like they're improving just being around you. I find this helpful because I'm more introverted and like to hang back in an interaction. This lets me still provide value in a conversation without exhausting myself trying to be funny or zany in a way that isn't congruent with my vibe.

I can't always be on that wavelength but that's definitely a life goal to always been gathering momentum and pulling people into my reality.

Now in regards to the black pill, I get why it's important to some people but I honestly choose to ignore it. How does believing in the black pill serve me? Do I really benefit from reading that OKCupid study that suggests Asian chicks don't like Black guys?

Do you benefit from the studies suggesting that Blondes don't like Indians? Since when does this forum really give a flying fuck what girls say they like? This is game 101. Girls will say all sorts of shit when they think they're being watched. I've long since stopped caring. I'm getting what I want.

I want to do what I want to do and I don't give a shit what some pansy-ass, pencil-necked keyboard jockey tells me. Too many dudes place stock in the words of randoms online and not enough stock in their own competence, strength, cognition and will to succeed. I always trust myself over some dude who has no reason to want to see me succeed.

Not throwing shade at this forum since we're all largely anti-black pill, but online I notice that the most black-pilled guys are always one of the following:

1) dudes that no one has met.
2) dudes no one wants to meet.
3) dudes who are just half-assing it through everything and blaming it all on external shit.

Do you really wanna throw in your lot with any of the three?

I'm not saying we're all going to be billionaires with 20-girl harems. I don't even know if that's anyone's goal but all have things that we want. What's the harm in working towards those things instead of floundering in a morass of laziness and excuses?

If you're an Indian/Asian/Black dude who wants blondes, you should be working on that instead of reading spurious studies about how you can't have blondes because you don't look like Ryan Gosling.

Taking the black pill before you achieve success WILL stunt your growth.

I don't have a study for you to support my conclusion but we all know that to be the case. I know too many super-smart "realistic" dudes who do fuck all because they've got it all figured out and decide to quit life. Sure, they can jump through all the mental hoops that they want to justify their nonsense but do you like to be around these people? Are they happy or just sedated and numb?

I got a better idea. Instead of languishing with a bunch of circle-jerkers, save up some cash and check out some spots that interest you. You will probably have a better time than you think and you might even realize that you've been being pathetic and weak and you need to face the beast head-on instead of sitting on your ass.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-28-2018 08:01 AM)Stirfry Wrote:  

Excellent post by DOBA (sorry, having problems quoting your post because I’m on mobile). What you said sums up what I’ve been feeling lately, better than I could have said it myself.

I recently turned 50 and I’m feelong the same. I just can’t derive enjoyment from many things anymore. It’s not aches and pains of age (I’m make sure to stay in decent shape with exercise and diet) but more like things are just... boring. I haven’t even done a lot in my life, didn’t travel much until recently, yet new experiences which I thought would be novel and enjoyable are still just ... meh. This includes women, food, movies and tv shows (there are prescious few that can hold my attention these days).

I know that failure to derive enjoyment from life’s daily activities could be equated with depression, but I don’t think that’s it. It’s more like the “experiences” DOBA talked about, and how even the new ones are more or less variations of previous ones just like most people are variations of others I have known in my life.

It’s sad, like a song I used to love and kept playing over and over until it no longer elicited the same feelings of happiness. Now instead of listening and dancing it’s just on in the background for comfort and familiarity but is mostly ignored. And when I look for a new favorite song I can’t find anything interesting (this is true figuratively but also literally- I can’t find any new music that I like. It’s weird). I too feel like I have lost entire years to this mundane continuum of background noise and routine or unsatisfying activities. Things that were so important are meaningless now because I can barely remember why I was so concerned. Events that I thought were so memorable- that concert I was dying to see, the new restaurant that everyone is talking about, finally kissing that girl that I wanted so badly for so long- I can hardly remember names anymore, let alone what the food or kiss what’s like that I so agonized over. As I age I realize now why old people are so grumpy- nothing is fun anymore. That’s the true curse of growing old, not the occasional shoulder pain or aching knee. I’d roll myself around in a wheelchair if I could stop being like this and get some real enjoyment out of life.

Do you guys have children?

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-08-2019 03:49 AM)durangotang Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2018 08:01 AM)Stirfry Wrote:  

Excellent post by DOBA (sorry, having problems quoting your post because I’m on mobile). What you said sums up what I’ve been feeling lately, better than I could have said it myself.

I recently turned 50 and I’m feelong the same. I just can’t derive enjoyment from many things anymore. It’s not aches and pains of age (I’m make sure to stay in decent shape with exercise and diet) but more like things are just... boring. I haven’t even done a lot in my life, didn’t travel much until recently, yet new experiences which I thought would be novel and enjoyable are still just ... meh. This includes women, food, movies and tv shows (there are prescious few that can hold my attention these days).

I know that failure to derive enjoyment from life’s daily activities could be equated with depression, but I don’t think that’s it. It’s more like the “experiences” DOBA talked about, and how even the new ones are more or less variations of previous ones just like most people are variations of others I have known in my life.

It’s sad, like a song I used to love and kept playing over and over until it no longer elicited the same feelings of happiness. Now instead of listening and dancing it’s just on in the background for comfort and familiarity but is mostly ignored. And when I look for a new favorite song I can’t find anything interesting (this is true figuratively but also literally- I can’t find any new music that I like. It’s weird). I too feel like I have lost entire years to this mundane continuum of background noise and routine or unsatisfying activities. Things that were so important are meaningless now because I can barely remember why I was so concerned. Events that I thought were so memorable- that concert I was dying to see, the new restaurant that everyone is talking about, finally kissing that girl that I wanted so badly for so long- I can hardly remember names anymore, let alone what the food or kiss what’s like that I so agonized over. As I age I realize now why old people are so grumpy- nothing is fun anymore. That’s the true curse of growing old, not the occasional shoulder pain or aching knee. I’d roll myself around in a wheelchair if I could stop being like this and get some real enjoyment out of life.

Do you guys have children?

I don't, but this crosses my mind. If it's nature/God's intention to procreate, wouldn't we find new joy in raising our kids and seeing the world anew through their eyes? Many guys these days will never get married or have kids because they're too preoccupied protecting themselves from any potential disaster. Easier to be single and do what you want without any responsibility.

UPDATE: looking back at earlier posts I see StrikeBack stated something similar (like his version better)...

Quote: (12-28-2018 03:00 AM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Quote: (12-27-2018 11:40 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

....On to the question. Am I Black Pilled?

No. But I'm gradually becoming "black blanketed." I find as I get older, the world gets darker. Not because of any cliched "end times" scenario I imagine, but because all things lose their luster after a while. It's as if someone has thrown a dark blanket over your worldview.

The concept of "experience" is a great thing when you're in your thirties. It helps you along. But by the time you hit your late forties and early fifties, it can start grinding you down.

At your age, all of your experiences and knowledge are meant to be taught to your children. Through their young eyes, everything old is new again to you, and the world becomes lighter. That is the circle of life.

When women deny it, they get punished. So do men.

Always love your posts, DOBA, but I can see them getting darker and darker over the years.

Are you black pilled?

Here's the thing I was realizing this morning. As many have said here, we can't be too bogged down by the black pill. We have to live our lives, and not let the bad trends in society drag us down.

However, I think the black pill is still necessary, for this reason: We need to see how the world really is, so we can understand it well enough to create our own bubbles. The same is true for the red pill.

If you come from a typical blue pill upbringing and SJW indoctrination mindset, you have to learn to see the world as it really is. This takes time. Some of the concepts are easy. Women are attracted to masculine dominant men, and a lot of dating advice for men is actually the kind of behavior that turns women off. If you are ready to receive this fact, you can pick it up in a few minutes. However, it can take years to train your mind to react automatically with a red pill frame. Until you achieve this understanding, and practice it by approaching and seducing women consistently, you haven't fully internalized the red pill.

The same is true with the black pill. Once you have that mindset shift and realize how society is stacked against you in general, and particularly as a man, it still takes a long time to recognize the patterns in place throughout all areas of life. You have to actually reach a point where you understand these patterns, so you can recognize them, anticipate them, and avoid them.

Only once you have achieve the ability to recognize, anticipate, and avoid will you be able to build your bubble that shields you from the fucked up world.

I think it's easy to get wrapped around the axle reading about all the fucked up things in the world. I like the BlackDragon post somebody linked to earlier, where he advises that you take your focus off of external things you can't change, and focus on internal things you can change: achieving adequate income, eliminating debt, optimizing weight/fitness, and ensuring access to sex. He says that if you have these core things locked down, then you can spend some of your time focusing on the external things like politics, but you have to treat them as a hobby, with a limited amount of time allocated to them. If you focus major portions of your time and attention on these external things you can't change, while leaving your income, debt, weight/fitness, and sex life out of order, it's a major error.

I think this is true. However, I think it may be necessary to spend a fair amount of time learning about the world to understand it. I think you have to take the black pill, and then once you've reached a sufficient level of understanding, you can put most of those things out of your mind. You have to understand it before you can shift your focus away from it.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

Are you black pilled?

I think the pill metaphor has outlived its usefulness. It is now becoming an impediment used to intimidate people for having thoughts. I personally don't use it anymore. Black pill = eyes wide open?

Rico... Sauve....

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-08-2019 05:52 AM)Avoy Wrote:  

Quote: (01-08-2019 03:49 AM)durangotang Wrote:  

Quote: (12-28-2018 08:01 AM)Stirfry Wrote:  

Do you guys have children?

I don't, but this crosses my mind. If it's nature/God's intention to procreate, wouldn't we find new joy in raising our kids and seeing the world anew through their eyes? Many guys these days will never get married or have kids because they're too preoccupied protecting themselves from any potential disaster. Easier to be single and do what you want without any responsibility.

The guys I knew who got married and had children all did it in their 20's, with women they met in university or shortly after, or in some church function. This is the smartest move for most men. They have the most energy they will ever have, best selection of women they will ever have (and at their peak fertility). They generally married good women who did not whore around, nor did many of them. They didn't have a shitload of assets to protect, they were all (and probably largely remain) blue pilled about divorce and family court, and have never heard of this forum.

If you don't opt for marriage when you are young, extremely horny, idealistic, it becomes increasingly hard to justify. We all know the SMV bell curve chart that says men's value supposedly peaks at 36, an age where most men barely see their friends (unless they are divorced/single) and have little otherwise social circle. Age 36-37 may mean more money/wisdom/game, but unless you are in situations where you are surrounded by women, you will be mostly limited to online dating, cold approaching (which pre selects for hoes), and travel options. These options only serve to make a man more cynical and black pilled and even less likely to get married and have kids.

The end result of the red pill is the black pill. Noone finds the red pill if they are currently getting the results they want out of life. The only red pill guys who don't appear to have the black pill perspective are the "christian manosphere" types who apply the red pill to leading a family (which I assume they already had or were in the process of creating when they found the red pill).

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-28-2018 12:27 AM)scorpion Wrote:  

The weight of this conclusion is so overpowering and oppressive that there are only two ways to deal with it. The first is basically to ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist. Denial and distraction. The second is to look outside the material world - which is intrinsically and inevitably doomed by its very physical structure - and seek the Eternal which exists beyond it.

The meaningless of existence has driven many a man to drink, drugs, distractions or even the creation of god to alleviate the emptiness.

I see your second "way to deal" as the same as the first - distraction/denial.

The only authentic way to cope is to accept that on a universal scale you are insignificant, but doesn't mean that your life, local scale existence and experience is without meaning.

In the same way that two days without water will create a meaning of life - to get water, you can find a way to put meaning into your life (but universally meaningless).

Its not easy, and we all slip from time to time, but its the only way forward.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (12-27-2018 11:40 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Good idea for a post. I like it when we get philosophical instead of all chiming in on the day's big news story which will be forgotten tomorrow.

On to the question. Am I Black Pilled?

No. But I'm gradually becoming "black blanketed." I find as I get older, the world gets darker. Not because of any cliched "end times" scenario I imagine, but because all things lose their luster after a while. It's as if someone has thrown a dark blanket over your worldview.

The concept of "experience" is a great thing when you're in your thirties. It helps you along. But by the time you hit your late forties and early fifties, it can start grinding you down.

The novelty of a cute girl or a great movie doesn't seem so novel anymore. It seems like a cliche you've experienced too many times. People become predictable and therefore less interesting. Where it was once "Hey -- hippie dude!" It becomes "Oh no, not another pretend hippie."

You can already guess what people are about when you meet them, because chances are you've met a "version" of them before: The career shrike, the Earth Mother, the Company Man, the Stoner, the White Knight, and the Pseudo Intellectual -- which is what I probably became.

The Internet has helped this along. Because we're communicating in written form, we can be precise and nuanced. Speech seems blunt and primitive by comparison and therefore people seem more one-dimensional.

One of the unconscious benefits of youth is that when most people are older than you are, you assume those people are somewhat competent and have acquired a certain wisdom that comes with age. But as you actually age, you start to realize most people your age never really gained much wisdom or insight. They're the same screw-ups you knew in middle school, only fatter and balder.

As such, relationships between people change. You no longer pile into the car with your friends and act wild. Everybody's too reserved. Everybody has something to lose. Everyone is on guard to a much greater degree.

Another weird thing is that the years themselves become blurred in your memory and more monochromatic. In my twenties and thirties, each year had a distinct personality and feel, and I could remember all of them with specific visual pictures in my head. But when those years start piling up after about age forty, they become faceless and start to blend into one another. So even your memories start to become dull.

And so, as time goes on, you feel less and less like traveling, meeting new people, or even dating. A general feeling of disgust and inertia begins to creep in, like life is a song you've heard too many times. It's hard to shake the feeling once you've experienced this.

I get why old people are miserable. Beyond the aches and pains, the world doesn't seem like the same place it was when you were young. It feels like a ghost town, or an empty shopping mall during a recession. Trying to change also feels like going through the motions, since chances are you did that before.

So, a gradual darkening of the senses sets in. Maybe this would not have happened to me if I hadn't gotten divorced and/or Red Pilled. But maybe it would have and I wouldn't have understood it while being in a Blue Pill cocoon.

Hence, my new term "The Black Blanket," which is a bit too awkward to coin as a phrase, but it's all I can come up with tonight.

A good way to expedite this is to suffer some form of life-altering loss. At least that has been my experience.

What you describe as black blanket; deflating might be good word for it too.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-08-2019 01:20 PM)Hypugamy Wrote:  

Age 36-37 may mean more money/wisdom/game, but unless you are in situations where you are surrounded by women, you will be mostly limited to online dating, cold approaching (which pre selects for hoes), and travel options. These options only serve to make a man more cynical and black pilled and even less likely to get married and have kids.

Your "big picture" take in the full post is spot on. I almost got married young, but now living what you describe here for the most part. I'm still trying to workout what's next. It seems once you've reached here you have to decide what the rest of your life is going to look like.

I leave you guys with some words from Seneca...

"Of this one thing make sure against your dying day – that your faults die before you do. Have done with those unsettled pleasures, which cost one dear – they do one harm after they’re past and gone, not merely when they’re in prospect. Even when they’re over, pleasures of a depraved nature are apt to carry feelings of dissatisfaction, in the same way as a criminal’s anxiety doesn’t end with the commission of the crime, even if it’s undetected at the time. Such pleasures are insubstantial and unreliable; even if they don’t do one any harm, they’re fleeting in character. Look around for some enduring good instead. And nothing answers this description except what the spirit discovers for itself within itself. A good character is the only guarantee of everlasting, carefree happiness."

Are you black pilled?

I'm confused about the difference between red and black pill that's being articulated here. To me, red pill is supposed to be the truth. If one digs deeper and finds some new truth, they perhaps it's not a new "pill" but rather the realization you weren't as "red pill" as you thought. There's reality, and there's the bullshit used to mask reality, that's pretty much it.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-08-2019 10:44 PM)nek Wrote:  

I'm confused about the difference between red and black pill that's being articulated here. To me, red pill is supposed to be the truth. If one digs deeper and finds some new truth, they perhaps it's not a new "pill" but rather the realization you weren't as "red pill" as you thought. There's reality, and there's the bullshit used to mask reality, that's pretty much it.

You're right. People have different spins on this and red pills are truth bombs, but I think the member below explains it best -- and understanding that each pill type/stage is also a mindset is very important.

Quote: (01-08-2019 11:42 AM)RoastBeefCurtains4Me Wrote:  

If you come from a typical blue pill upbringing and SJW indoctrination mindset, you have to learn to see the world as it really is. This takes time. Some of the concepts are easy. Women are attracted to masculine dominant men, and a lot of dating advice for men is actually the kind of behavior that turns women off. If you are ready to receive this fact, you can pick it up in a few minutes. However, it can take years to train your mind to react automatically with a red pill frame. Until you achieve this understanding, and practice it by approaching and seducing women consistently, you haven't fully internalized the red pill.

The same is true with the black pill. Once you have that mindset shift and realize how society is stacked against you in general, and particularly as a man, it still takes a long time to recognize the patterns in place throughout all areas of life. You have to actually reach a point where you understand these patterns, so you can recognize them, anticipate them, and avoid them.

Only once you have achieve the ability to recognize, anticipate, and avoid will you be able to build your bubble that shields you from the fucked up world.

Are you black pilled?

Hey folks. First time posting in the forums, but this is the Michael Witcoff that wrote some Christian articles on the main ROK site when Roosh was still publishing on it.

The more aware of the world situation you become, the more negative and cynical you will naturally get - this is basically the course of life I went through in my early to mid twenties. Like Herodotus said, "The greatest pain a man can suffer is to have insight into much and power over nothing."

I first dealt with it by doing something called the Release Technique, which allowed me to "vent" the negative energy that would accumulate in my body and mind throughout the day, and that worked for a while. However, even with the negativity leaving my body, there was really nothing to replace it with; it was just kind of comforting to be able to eject the thoughts and feelings that would come up the deeper I delved into social, cultural, and political problems.

Eventually when I converted and found God (or more accurately, when He found me), it honestly felt like my soul had been "activated" for the first time in my entire life. There is a part of us, deep in the core of who we are, that is simply latent and inactive until we begin to interact with grace. Once that part of you comes to life, and then you continually grow in it through improved wisdom and understanding and belief and praxis (which is what brings the true wisdom and understanding and belief in the first place), the Light which God pours into your heart can easily overcome whatever darkness you have naturally found yourself dwelling in. That is one of the major reasons for why Christ came here in the first place: to restore and activate the part of us that's been dead / inactive since the Fall, and to share with us the Light that overcomes the darkness.

Once that begins to happen, as horrible as things are around us, it won't crush you because you will be dwelling in a different sphere of reality (so to speak) and keeping your eyes on a future life rather than this one. It is the most liberating thing I have ever experienced, along with countless millions of others who have also found their true identity and purpose and meaning in this way. As St. Paisios (a brilliant Orthodox Christian monk on Mt. Athos) once so accurately quipped, "What I see around me would drive me insane if I did not know that, no matter what, God will have the last word in the end."

That quote more or less encapsulates my entire life experience since leaving the worlds of Freemasonry, occultism, and the Manosphere to focus on God instead. Not everyone will want to hear this, but God really *is* the answer to the nihilism and darkness that overtakes so many guys who have escaped the blue-pill Matrix that your average man is stuck so deeply in. Hope this is useful, cheers.

To check out my best-selling book On The Masons And Their Lies, simply click this link here:

Are you black pilled?

Isn't black pill just blokes obsessed with jaw surgery, tongue posture, "looks maxing", and whining about Chads. Fuck that rubbish.

Are you black pilled?

<But LMS (looks, money, status) is the ultimate red pill and looksmaxing works. And Chads do exist.

Don't debate me.

Are you black pilled?

Actually I'd say it's the ultimate conventional thinking - every man and his dog thinks looks, money and status are what get girls and have done for as long as I can remember. And they do to some extent. But what those of us that embraced game realised is that the things you say and your behaviour are murch more powerful than those things. And men that obsess over jaw angles on internet forums are the absolute opposite of the kind of men that get girls.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-09-2019 03:41 AM)MichaelWitcoff Wrote:  

Hey folks. First time posting in the forums, but this is the Michael Witcoff that wrote some Christian articles on the main ROK site when Roosh was still publishing on it.

The more aware of the world situation you become, the more negative and cynical you will naturally get - this is basically the course of life I went through in my early to mid twenties. Like Herodotus said, "The greatest pain a man can suffer is to have insight into much and power over nothing."

I first dealt with it by doing something called the Release Technique, which allowed me to "vent" the negative energy that would accumulate in my body and mind throughout the day, and that worked for a while. However, even with the negativity leaving my body, there was really nothing to replace it with; it was just kind of comforting to be able to eject the thoughts and feelings that would come up the deeper I delved into social, cultural, and political problems.

Eventually when I converted and found God (or more accurately, when He found me), it honestly felt like my soul had been "activated" for the first time in my entire life. There is a part of us, deep in the core of who we are, that is simply latent and inactive until we begin to interact with grace. Once that part of you comes to life, and then you continually grow in it through improved wisdom and understanding and belief and praxis (which is what brings the true wisdom and understanding and belief in the first place), the Light which God pours into your heart can easily overcome whatever darkness you have naturally found yourself dwelling in. That is one of the major reasons for why Christ came here in the first place: to restore and activate the part of us that's been dead / inactive since the Fall, and to share with us the Light that overcomes the darkness.

Once that begins to happen, as horrible as things are around us, it won't crush you because you will be dwelling in a different sphere of reality (so to speak) and keeping your eyes on a future life rather than this one. It is the most liberating thing I have ever experienced, along with countless millions of others who have also found their true identity and purpose and meaning in this way. As St. Paisios (a brilliant Orthodox Christian monk on Mt. Athos) once so accurately quipped, "What I see around me would drive me insane if I did not know that, no matter what, God will have the last word in the end."

That quote more or less encapsulates my entire life experience since leaving the worlds of Freemasonry, occultism, and the Manosphere to focus on God instead. Not everyone will want to hear this, but God really *is* the answer to the nihilism and darkness that overtakes so many guys who have escaped the blue-pill Matrix that your average man is stuck so deeply in. Hope this is useful, cheers.

Liked your interview with Jay Dyer. Hope you make more videos. The topic of moving from the occult to Christianity is a fascinating one. Hope you share on the forum too. There is a lot of interest in spirituality, although it is scattered all around in random threads.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Are you black pilled?

blas de lezo y y olavarietta has got to be one of the coolest guys

Are you black pilled?

Older people have always complained about the direction the world is headed and worried over the youth. Yet, the world grinds on and things often get better not worse.

So, when you go black pill you need to keep a bit of perspective. If you look at it from the perspective of anglo traditionalism or masculine viewpoints... yes the world is moving in a bad direction, and mostly due to technology.

We should be happy at this point that we can keep our heads down and live our lives with some kind of freedom and autonomy today.

Are you black pilled?

Quote: (01-09-2019 11:59 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (01-09-2019 03:41 AM)MichaelWitcoff Wrote:  

Hey folks. First time posting in the forums, but this is the Michael Witcoff that wrote some Christian articles on the main ROK site when Roosh was still publishing on it.

The more aware of the world situation you become, the more negative and cynical you will naturally get - this is basically the course of life I went through in my early to mid twenties. Like Herodotus said, "The greatest pain a man can suffer is to have insight into much and power over nothing."

I first dealt with it by doing something called the Release Technique, which allowed me to "vent" the negative energy that would accumulate in my body and mind throughout the day, and that worked for a while. However, even with the negativity leaving my body, there was really nothing to replace it with; it was just kind of comforting to be able to eject the thoughts and feelings that would come up the deeper I delved into social, cultural, and political problems.

Eventually when I converted and found God (or more accurately, when He found me), it honestly felt like my soul had been "activated" for the first time in my entire life. There is a part of us, deep in the core of who we are, that is simply latent and inactive until we begin to interact with grace. Once that part of you comes to life, and then you continually grow in it through improved wisdom and understanding and belief and praxis (which is what brings the true wisdom and understanding and belief in the first place), the Light which God pours into your heart can easily overcome whatever darkness you have naturally found yourself dwelling in. That is one of the major reasons for why Christ came here in the first place: to restore and activate the part of us that's been dead / inactive since the Fall, and to share with us the Light that overcomes the darkness.

Once that begins to happen, as horrible as things are around us, it won't crush you because you will be dwelling in a different sphere of reality (so to speak) and keeping your eyes on a future life rather than this one. It is the most liberating thing I have ever experienced, along with countless millions of others who have also found their true identity and purpose and meaning in this way. As St. Paisios (a brilliant Orthodox Christian monk on Mt. Athos) once so accurately quipped, "What I see around me would drive me insane if I did not know that, no matter what, God will have the last word in the end."

That quote more or less encapsulates my entire life experience since leaving the worlds of Freemasonry, occultism, and the Manosphere to focus on God instead. Not everyone will want to hear this, but God really *is* the answer to the nihilism and darkness that overtakes so many guys who have escaped the blue-pill Matrix that your average man is stuck so deeply in. Hope this is useful, cheers.

Liked your interview with Jay Dyer. Hope you make more videos. The topic of moving from the occult to Christianity is a fascinating one. Hope you share on the forum too. There is a lot of interest in spirituality, although it is scattered all around in random threads.

Thanks, I appreciate that. You might be interested to read the story of "St. Cyprian and Justina" if the topic of going from sorcery to Christianity interests you. I don't have the time to go through the forum hunting for spirituality threads, but if you post some links (or PM them to me) I will weigh in where I think I can be useful. Cheers

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