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Social Media Wagon

Social Media Wagon

If you are deleting or reducing use of social media 2019 and beyond please post your plans here with specifics.

Whether your reasons are to boycot the censorship machine, personal reasons or other, please describe/ post. Follow up w/ results.

Thanks to Conscious Pirate for the below link which is worth watching to the end.


Social Media Wagon

Quote: (11-29-2018 11:07 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  

If you are deleting or reducing use of social media 2019 and beyond please post your plans here with specifics.

Whether your reasons are to boycot the censorship machine, personal reasons or other, please describe/ post. Follow up w/ results.

Thanks to Conscious Pirate for the below link which is worth watching to the end.

My Plan:

Massively reduce social media use and messaging and so cut down distractions, brain washing, lack of concentration power.

1. Get rid of Smart phone. Move to cheap plastic ring and SMS phone. (Done.)
2. Move into new house with No Internet installed.(Done) I have a pretty solitary life which leads to living on Social Media as compensation and now it feels so good to go back there and just chill out without going down the Youtube, Facebook rabbit hole.
2. De-activate Facebook account. Set up burner account with no friends (Done) as a messenger account only.
3. Will buy a new Smart phone to keep at work with limited apps. I live in provincial Vietnam and without using google translate in business/ with my landlord, messenger and Zalo to stay in touch with work then I will get into trouble.
WhatsApp, Snapchat, Line will stay Verboten.
Keep smart phone at work or if I have to, I have an honesty jar in the hall of my house I put things in when I get home.
Will use Zalo etc at home only if I get a girlfriend and to communicate with her, otherwise no.

Early days but I can see how much time I normally waste going off on distractive internet tangents.
I feel for the women I see around me I see constantly hunched over and slaves to their little phones. My brain stem is no different and I get just as addicted.

Hoping that this will free me up to get closer to my goals.

Social Media Wagon

Good luck men. This really is unplugging from the Matrix.

Social Media Wagon

Interesting. Fully unplugging isn't something I had considered but it's related to this. I arrange most of my work on a smartphone, so I won't be getting rid of that.

Social Media Wagon

I made strides this year 2018. I deleted whatsapp which was huge for me. Whatsapp started off as text messaging app but then was sold to Zuckerberg who made it into a social media app.

Social Media Wagon

Not sure about the part about men liking women with love handles.

Social Media Wagon

I'm having a hard time with social media addiction. Interesting topic. I find that I impulsively check to see for notification several times per hour. It hurts my attention span and actually will bother my neck afterawhile from look down. Proper posture for phone usage is to raise the phone to eye level, but I often to forget to do that.

Social Media Wagon

I did this a couple weeks ago.

Facebook: Removed from my cell phone but left the messenger app. Signed out of all browsers. If I want to check facebook, I have to go on my computer and manually log in then I make myself log back out. Barely check it anymore.

Instagram: Still have it but unfollowed a couple hundred people I do not care about & I unfollowed all commercial accounts and meme pages. Only follow about 60 people now and I check it maybe once or twice a day. Notifications are all off.

Twitter: Turned off all notifications on it but I still have it on my phone. My account on there isn't tied to me by name and I only use it to follow certain pages. Check it maybe once every other day.

Social Media Wagon

Good luck to you all if you are doing this. I cannot for business reasons but one day I’ll delete the lot and get back to a crappy Nokia dumb phone.

I broke my smart phone last week and it was bliss for a day.

Social Media Wagon

Guys, if you really want to get yourself off Facebook I suggest posting some nudes and getting your account blocked. It will work in multiple ways:

1. leave a bad taste in your mouth
2. disallow any interaction attempts
3. force you to waste time more productively

Over the course of a month (usual ban time) you will notice changes in your behaviour and productivity because it takes 3-4 weeks for habits to kick in. The problem is, they know this and your ban will be lifted after a month so you MUST post more nudity and get yourself banned again if you are at all serious about ridding yourself of this disease.

Good luck! I've been re-infected for failing to get myself re-banned again after the last attempt [Image: sad.gif]

Social Media Wagon

Good idea. I see too many guys walking around glued to their phones.

Luckily, I never got into Twitter or Instagram. I have Snapchat but don't ever use it. Have maybe 3-5 photos/videos at most sent to me per week. I deleted Facebook permanently from my HS/College days about 4-5 years ago. I made a non-active one around 2 years ago for Tinder/Bumble/etc. It is technically still active, but only has a few friends on it. I don't remember the last time I checked it.

My only 'social media' I actively participate in is this forum and a couple private group chats on my phone. None have notifications set up so it's really only at my leisure. My phone is about 75% work related anyway.

You can always find shit to distract yourself with, social media makes it easier though. I have a few dumb games on my phone that I downloaded for when I'm shitting. I sometimes catch myself playing them while in a waiting room, on a bus, etc. Keeping my daily calendar planned down to every hour seems to help me avoid distractions. It's when I don't have a plan that I end up blowing my productivity.

Social Media Wagon

Two words: wired router.

I had to, for reasons not worth discussing, get a wired router (no wireless) for my internet connection. You simply do not realize the level of tech dependency you have until you have to plug all of your devices in to a central location for internet access.

For me, it brings back memories of having the one, centrally-located, desktop on a 56k modem. Simpler times. Better times.

I don't have satellite or cable, and I can't motivate myself to constantly "check in" with my plugged-in computer. So, I am forced to do stuff in real life.

This is a systems not willpower situation for most people.

Currently out of office.

Social Media Wagon

I've quit social media a long time ago. Nowadays I'm just using the facebook chat as an e-mail replacement (with long texts, not short messages).

Install the extension FBPurity on your browser to hide the newsfeed and other annoying FB things.

Of course delete all Social Media Apps from your Smartphone. This includes Instagram, Facebook, Tinder and so on. Social Media is 100x more evil on mobile than on desktop as you have it always with you.

The only connection left is Facebook Chat filtered by FBPurity and WhatsApp on your desktop PC. It's enough to check them in the morning and evening once to keep up with friends. While on mobile, stick with calls and traditional text messages.

Social Media Wagon

The video posted in the OP is frightening and fascinating. The fact that most people experience pain and anxiety when posting on social media AND continue to do it because of peer pressure is madness.

Fortunately for me, I only went through one phase when I was using social media. Facebook mostly. I remember the appeal and wanting to genuinely connect with old friends and classmates, but I also remember the anxiety and negative thoughts and emotions that went with it. The validation loops, the constant checking-in for responses and updates, the addiction...I knew something was wrong with the whole thing and ditched it after a few months. I'm grateful I had the ability to do that. I know many don't, or aren't aware of the pitfalls.

So while I don't have a problem with social media usage, I do spend more time than I'd care to admit on youtube or netflix consuming visual content. I'm going to make an active effort to limit my screen time in general, and stay off the computer for longer. I still have Nicholas Carr's The Shallows on my nightstand, and haven't finished reading it yet. It's been there for a while now. The internet is a strong fucking force, social media notwithstanding.

Social Media Wagon

Here are my thoughts on specific networks.

Whatsapp. #1 essential business tool right now. Last week I received a signed contract on it, this morning a foreign business guest messaged me he landed in country, etc. I see that some people consider this a social network but in my case it's what you make of it. (It is also my preferred tool to communicate with chicks.

FB. I am considering deleting this then once in a while someone reaches out to me via its messenger who doesn't have my phone # etc. It's rare but that's most of why I have kept it. I could go to to "almost never" login but the messenger would still be logged in on my phone tracking my every move and sound as it seems they do. I think I have two people who consistently use fb messenger to message and call me but I could get them to use another network I suppose. I do log in or check it on the phone and it seems to be just a random time sink so it is a candidate to delete.

IG. Top candidate to delete, useless except I share my own photography which used to be fun.
IG Work account 1. Useless and also could delete
IG Work account 2. Same as above

YT work. I have some fairly high views on some things and it doesnt make sense to delete this.

Twitter work 1 and 2. No reason to delete.
Twitter personal, never use, one retweet in 3 years, no tweets.

LI. I dislike using this and rarely log in but I have over 7,000 industry friends or whatever they are called on LI and I suppose someone somewhere looks me up there and it shows I am in such and such industry. Never did business from here but have been talking to someone for several years which will eventually pay off.

Skype, A few people use this to call me so its just another telephony app.

Social Media Wagon

I deleted Instagram from my phone, probably only check it once every 2 weeks or so and only check in on my friends’ or profiles I’m interested it. This was crucial because it was so easy for me to open it and waste time.

Facebook was way easier to quit, I feel like it’s been going out of style for a while with negativity in the media and all the ads and shit. I’d rather open an app and see pictures (IG) than someone’s stupid opinion on politics.

I deleted Twitter ages ago but I’ve debated making a new phone just to follow and interact with RP folks.

YouTube is turning into a time sucker for me lately, their algorithm is so fucking good at discerning stuff you will interested in and putting it in front of your face. The main pro is that it could at least be relevant to your interests and hobbies.

I like the idea of getting rid of my smart phone but I use notes, GPS, flashlight, etc a lot. Also my old job was very smarthphone heavy with tailored apps and whatnot.

I’m in a season of my life where I am more or less sexually exclusive with a girl and not minding it, when I was out trying to slay I was definitely more about curating a cool IG profile and Tindering it up on a regular basis. Social media can be a dangerous time waster because it’s such easy stimulation. I’d recommend downloading Moment to track how much time you spend on your phone and on what apps, it was eye opening for me

Social Media Wagon

I'll chime in, because I think it's a good idea.

Snapchat: I'm addicted to snapchat, because it's where I get validation from sluts, and this is a slippery slope. It's led me to break nofap streaks because girls will send a nude and there I am again. I think this is a big one that is going to need to get deleted, however it's how young girls converse nowadays; there's a lot less texting and a lot more 'snapping pics' and hitting you up. This is a big one that I'm going to have to get rid of.

Whatsapp: I consider it a business tool, and an addition to my normal texting apps like messages and telegram. I use it to talk to girls and friends in other countries, don't see myself getting rid of it, as it's a way to remain in contact and not a social media app in my eyes.

Twitter: I look at twitter a couple times a week now, I think that it's kinda dying, but there are good ideas that are presented on it, so I'll keep it around.

Reddit: Same as twitter, I look at it a couple times a week, I don't post anything or comment, it's more of a scrolling thing when bored.

Facebook: I use facebook to wish people happy birthday and use the messenger feature for people that message me, and also as a way to contact new people for hiring purposes and business. I maybe spend a total of 10 minutes on it per week.

LinkedIn: I have hired people off of here before, and I use it strictly professionally, I think that of all the social media I have, this one is the most valuable for making hires and growing my company.

Instagram: Another slut validator, and the biggest one there is. I think that there is some validity to business related accounts (I have two), but personal is just a waste of time. This is the app that is serving the most depression and unrealistic standards in the western world, without a doubt. Instagram however allows you to get your product into "influencer" hands and get it in front of millions of people; my focus is on that and not on anything else.

I will continue to use some of these apps for business purposes, but I agree that it's time to kill my use down to below an hour a week total. So, that means producing business content and scheduling it so that it is pushed out, without me having to go on the apps everyday. I believe that you want to be the 'dealer' not the 'consumer' when it comes to social media. Producers always get paid more.

Snapchat I have made a vow to get off of. Because that's the one that is leading me down the path of low productivity.

One thing that is a major game changer is to completely shutoff all notifications on your phone besides absolutely critical ones. I don't even get notifications for texts, only for phone calls, so that has helped me to forego a lot of distractions as they continually come in. I have the 'badges' still on for when I open my phone, but that is so much better than getting a sound and a light when you get a notification.

"Money over bitches, nigga stick to the script." - Jay-Z
They gonna love me for my ambition.

Social Media Wagon

^there are also some guys trying to use personal ig the same way a slut does and it's pitiful.

Social Media Wagon

My Facebook and Instagram are both skeleton sites, nothing but my standard photo that I use everywhere and a link to my personal website, which has the same photo, email contact, some info about me similar to what most people put on Facebook/Instagram, but no liking or comment system. I have no friends and accept no friend requests on either Facebook or Instagram. I don't have Facebook or Instagram apps on my smartphone. If I want to view/update those sites, I use the web browser. A personal website costs about $15/year for the domain name and $15/year for static web hosting at AWS.

Never use Twitter. Another skeleton site with two test tweets from like 5 years ago.

Never tried Snapchat.

RVF is my current addiction. I gave up two other tavern chatter forums for this one, so a wash in terms of time. I need some social interaction and this is it. No worse than literal tavern chatter, without the drinking culture of a literal tavern.

Run RVF in mobile mode so you can't see who liked your posts and don't like anyone else's posts. Big improvement.

Edit: second the recommendation to get rid of notifications.

Social Media Wagon

My setup is this.

Facebook deactivated.
No snapchat
No twitter

On smartphone


However I have turned off all notifications for the above apps. So no alerts/notifications or icons letting me know there are messages to read. Thus if I want to check something like whatsapp I have to go into it. Making it my decision. This has helped me a lot. I no longer feel compelled to check if there is a message of not.

The setup is a little annoying to use as every time you enter whatsapp it asks you to turn notifications on. Which then works out well in that I am more reluctant to use it.

I have been trying to phone and speak to people a lot more or just go and see them. It's a win win.

I'v wondered if we are at the start of a two tier society. One set of people living their lives out via social media / internet and the other who meet in the real world.

Social Media Wagon

I use social media too much for productive matters to quit it.

I did unfollow everyone on instagram and I'm planning to unfollow a lot more on other platforms.

Some platforms I only use to post and never indulge in reading (ello & tumblr for example). Facebook is still a weakness though... so I'll be unfollowing a lot of people who don't post stuff I can use for my productive matters.

Notifications on my smartphone are, already a long time, disabled for almost everything.

edit: fora like this are still a weak spot too, especially during the day... I have the occasional free five minutes on my job so then I usually waste time reading fora. At home I use my time more wisely

Social Media Wagon

I'm consolidating my social media into the bare minimum for my friend circle, which is Facebook.

As much as Facebook annoys me (too much politics, SJW's, etc), it's also the easiest to protect yourself from a privacy standpoint. You don't need a phone number like Whatsapp, and you don't need an app like Instagram (Instagram DM's don't work in a browser). By only using in a separate browser (to mitigate cookies) and logging in via VPN (to mitigate IP geolocation), Zuckerberg has very little real information about me since my profile is fake. Facebook also works via TOR proxy.

For my scrolling needs I've dropped Instagram entirely (too much attention-seeking behavior) and replaced it with RVF and Red Pill-oriented Reddits.

Social Media Wagon

I watched the first half hour of this video and it really struck a chord with me. I'll try to watch the end this evening.

I just deleted 85% of my Facebook Friends, and Instagram is next.

Online dating platforms are THEE most toxic forms of social media for men over 18. My self-esteem goes down considerably if I have one of those addictive swipe-apps downloaded for more than 24 hours.

"Girls in real life love me - why doesn't anyone like me here? Why are these girls putting zero effort into these conversations? Is the real me not good enough?"

I really hope that the speaker is correct in that social media will die out eventually.

Social Media Wagon

One of the more counterproductive and idiotic threads on the forum.

This lifestyle would have made sense to me a few years ago when I was too lazy and low value to create bomb social media profiles (instagram most effective for banging, LinkedIn for professional.)

Social media is certainly not the most productive way you can spend your time, but this is also a game forum, correct?

Having no social media profiles leaves you disconnected from family, friends, and more importantly, bang leads. Almost every millennial woman will consider you weird, not mysterious.

Social media is here to stay. It's much better to discuss methods to game the system for more social status, money and bangs, than to continually try to be counterculture and dodge the inevitable questions about why you're such a sketchy serial killer who doesn't socialize like a normal person.

It's shit like this that leaves a sour taste in my mouth from red pill/RVF culture. I struggled and wasted a lot of good years with the anti social media mentality. As soon as I started making an effort into social media, I started swimming in pussy.

Anybody reading this, I implore you not to cockblock yourself and start investing into social media. There will be less and less bangs that don't involve social media as the years go on, trust me.

I totally agree with making a basic Facebook and deleting Twitter, limiting other social media profiles. Keep instagram, invest six months into creating a dope profile. I promise, you will thank me later.

Social Media Wagon

>>As soon as I started making an effort into social media, I started swimming in pussy.

The last ten minutes of the video addresses dating. The problem, according to the video, is that the pussy you are swimming in is junk pussy. Psychologically damaged narcissists who will never satisfy normal desires for emotional intimacy. You might as well be masturbating to porn using a Fleshlight® to simulate a vagina (sex doll with virtual reality goggles in the future). Only the young, dumb and full of cum can't see that this won't fully satisfy a normal man.

The best way to avoid psychologically damaged narcissists is meet women in real life, away from social media. Nothing wrong with using Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc as placeholders for email addresses or to present a resume. Just don't spend any time on them. Ideally, don't accept any friend requests, don't post anything, don't allow comments, force women to use email to contact you. The women who can't/won't do that are the women you want to avoid.

Better no pussy than narcissistic pussy.
Better no pussy than making yourself narcissistic.

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