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The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

"Hey want to debate me for a good cause?"

"No, you're creepy."

It might be a garbage ad hominem attack, but that's an effective rhetorical takedown all the same, especially with someone awkward like Shapiro. She won this exchange.

This is why we need more street-smart Trump clones. Being well-read doesn't amount to shit when you're running against the popular girl for class president.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Quote: (08-10-2018 10:00 PM)stugatz Wrote:  

It might be a garbage ad hominem attack, but that's an effective rhetorical takedown all the same, especially with someone awkward like Shapiro. She won this exchange.

Maybe to her base, but even other libtards are calling her out on this one. It all feeds into the narrative that she's generally naive, clueless, and out of her league in her role.

Shapiro is a manlet with an annoying voice, but he's an intellectual beast and is respected as such from the non-deranged liberal set. She was wise not to agree to a debate, but the way she turned him down was dumb.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Shapiro won by calling her bluff.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

I feel like the right is falling into the same trap the left did with Trump. Yeah she's obviously dumb so we get obsessed with "owning" her by getting her into a debate at which point we'll totally "destroy" her and expose to the world how dumb she is while getting a good laugh. The left felt the same way about Trump and even Palin.

It never happens that way.

Stop giving her attention, stop hate-watching her at this rate she's going to be President.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Quote: (08-11-2018 02:15 AM)Castelnau Wrote:  

I feel like the right is falling into the same trap the left did with Trump. Yeah she's obviously dumb so we get obsessed with "owning" her by getting her into a debate at which point we'll totally "destroy" her and expose to the world how dumb she is while getting a good laugh. The left felt the same way about Trump and even Palin.

It never happens that way.

Stop giving her attention, stop hate-watching her at this rate she's going to be President.

No she does not deserve attention nor anything else.
Yet she is so, so easy to mock... [Image: cool.gif]

However, as I've said before, unlike Trump, she has nothing to offer in terms of any substance nor accomplishments.
She has no life experience.
She is making all these gaffs cause she is simply a little girl way out of her league, pushed out by the Cabal despite her lack of anything tangible.

Trump is a father first & foremost.
He's a highly experienced businessman.
He's been in the game of New York & D.C. politics & economics for decades.
He knows the game, he knows the score.

Hell, even when he goofs around, as for eg. when he mocks the whole 'acting presidential' thing. It's entertaining.

Whereas AOC is simply a goof period. Who has no idea what she is doing, despite being given the limelight on a silver platter.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Never interrupt your enemies while they are making mistakes. Just sit back and watch and smile. A few examples is when she was with Bernie Sanders and said lets turn this district red (Communism) or when she mentioned the occupation of Palestine (taking shots at Israel publicly). Eventually her backers are going to realize that they are better off going in a different direction, its only a matter of time but for now enjoy the show.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread


"Intellectuals are naturally attracted by the idea of a planned society, in the belief that they will be in charge of it" -Roger Scruton

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

^ Thats the true spirit of socialism! You always need more of OPM (Other Peoples Money).

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

She is just a basic bitch college girl with a 26 on her ACT who didn't learn jack shit in 4 years despite investing over 100k in her education.

Bitch's last job was bar-tending and "organizing" for Bernie.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Quote: (08-10-2018 06:17 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2018 05:08 PM)greekgod Wrote:  

She is the Spanish Sarah Palin

Please don't call her a Spaniard. It's offensive.

The Mexican Sarah Palin?

Humor me, we must get this right.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Quote: (08-11-2018 04:06 PM)Enoch Wrote:  

She is just a basic bitch college girl with a 26 on her ACT who didn't learn jack shit in 4 years despite investing over 100k in her education.

Bitch's last job was bar-tending and "organizing" for Bernie.

She played the “Jenny from the Block” role well. She was elected as a socialist and because she’s a Latina that’s somewhat attractive and slim.

Dumb as a rock but it doesn’t matter to her constituents. Although if nobody wants to work with her in Congress and she can’t keep the gibs train running, she’ll be out quick.

I’m going to watch her political career closely. I can almost guarantee that she is gonna think she’s back at her University glory days because of her identity. She the type that nearly everyone hated but no one dared to cross else she have her goon squad show up.

She’s anti-Israel? I honestly can’t see her being that way for to long. She’ll cave because she’s knows she could very well leave office with 7-8 figures of a long, hand greasing career. That’s if the US is still a State which could very well happen.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread


The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

This is one occasion whereby I will readily disagree with Cernovich, although I can understand his premise.
The 'Great Meme War of 2016' gave Haggard Hillary plenty of attention. Even Cernovich mocked Hellary a great deal.

One key though, is that mockery of Hellary & AOC has an element of truth to it.
Making it effective.
Whereas so much of the anti-Trump mockery is meaningless & juvenile nonsense (cheeto-dust / small hands).

Yes mocking AOC gives her free publicity as it did Hellary during the election. Yet when it highlights her naturally demented & goofy nature, it does her no favours.
She has no charisma, she is not an inspiring figure, she is not detailing a message that the majority of American's want to hear nor agree with.

The more she appears in front of the camera, the more she undermines her own "brand".


Now if Trump was to issue a verbal "kill-shot" to AOC such as "low-energy Jeb", what is she going to respond with? The anti-woman card? She already wasted that on little Ben Shapiro...

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Quote: (08-11-2018 06:12 PM)greekgod Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2018 06:17 PM)Bill Brasky Wrote:  

Quote: (08-10-2018 05:08 PM)greekgod Wrote:  

She is the Spanish Sarah Palin

Please don't call her a Spaniard. It's offensive.

The Mexican Sarah Palin?

Humor me, we must get this right.

Mexico is at least a nation.

She is accurately the Puerto Rican Sarah Palin.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

How about the Latina Sarah Palin? When people refer to Spanish speaking people who aren't from Spain as Spanish, they mean Latino.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Skip to 44:00 where he talks about "AOC" taking the "catcall" incident as a win because it makes her more popular and deflects from the fact that she rejected the offer (true).



Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread


[Image: DkWiXXtWsAAsTXL.jpg]

[Image: DkX9rCbWsAEL1c2.jpg]

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread


The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

AOC endorsed the Hawaiian Democrat Socialist candidate &...

[Image: Aaaaand-Its-Gone.jpg]

Democratic Socialists Defeated in Hawaii Dem Primary

A centrist, fiscally-conservative Democrat defeated five other high-profile candidates to become the Democratic nominee for Honolulu’s representative in Congress on Saturday.
Former Congressman Ed Case, a 65-year-old fiscal conservative, defeated Lt. Gov. Doug Chin and 29-year-old Kaniela Ing to secure the Democratic nomination for Congress with 40 percent of the vote.
Chin, the Hawaii attorney general who fought the Trump administration’s ban on travel to the U.S. from several Middle Eastern countries, received 25.5 percent of the vote, and Ing, a state representative endorsed by Bronx, New York, socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, received 6.5 percent of the vote.
The primary election results in the deep-blue state of Hawaii were another blow to the Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) wing of the party, made up of socialist Democrats who are increasingly trying to take their message mainstream.

Looks as if AOC would have better luck in politics if she moved to Venezuela.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread






The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

I love it.

To paraphrase the new dear leader, "Our community is majority immigrant. We have significant problems with domestic abuse and human trafficking, and a population with debilitating, yet self-imposed, health concerns that they can't pay for, so we're gonna have to make it more affordable (somehow....I wonder how)."

And America wants MORE of these people? Are these her anti-immigration talking points? Pretty good, if you ask me.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

I've said it before... three generations of Soycialist Useful Idiots have now spawned a generation of Useless Idiots...

Can you imagine AOC being in a position of actual political clout.
The whole city could turn to an absolute cluster as per ChiRaq or Detroit & her natural inclination would be to pull the victim card or the woman card...

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

Quote: (08-12-2018 02:22 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

[Image: DkWiXXtWsAAsTXL.jpg]

They just took a page from the communist playbook.

Lenin said that every [female] cook should learn how to govern the country (каждая кухарка должна научиться управлять государством).

This expression has become a joke like "yeah, a female cook can run the country, what could possibly go wrong".

Now liberals are trying to pull the same bullshit. A female bartender should be in charge. Who cares if she fucks things up, she deserves it because she is not a privileged white male.

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

She organizes a town hall event for the victims of human trafficking.

She also wants to abolish ICE and have open borders.

Makes sense.

[Image: laugh7.gif]

The Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez thread

RE: Press at townhall

I hate to say it but I side with AOC on this one.

She has the right to exclude the press if she desires; given the subject matter and hearing from victims it was probably a good idea. The presstitutes freaked out because they think they're above all with special rights and privileges and should never be excluded.

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