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Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I feel like girls have much better potential to help you pick up other girls then guys do. If you're trying to game a girl with a guy a lot of the time a girl will have her guard up. But if you kind of approach a girl with another girl the girl might be more relaxed because she can see another girl sees you as ok.

I feel like this could really work extremely well if your "wing girl" is fairly attractive.

The main problem I'm seeing though is how to get a girl to be your wing girl. If you see a hot high value girl that you feel you won't be able to fuck how about you just come at her with another angle? Maybe throw in some self depreciation in there and say something like you're to hot to fuck me so will you at least help me pick up one of the uglier girls (The other girls aren't actually ugly but maybe saying that will make the "wing girl" feel better of herself and make her laugh and she might be more willing to be your wing girl). Try to make it fun for her make it like a game for her to find another hot girl for you to fuck. Once girls see you with a hot girl they are probably much more open to your advances and they will see it as fun instead of a creepy guy trying to pick them up.

I think using a wing girl has great potential to get girls gaurds down and make them much more open to being gamed by you. By making it a fun experience for both the wing girls and the girls you are gaming they will most likely be drawn to you.

Though this isn't necessarily the objective if your wing girl likes how you do things she might even start being attracted to you and she might just want to fuck you instead of helping you pick up girls.

Pre selection is huge here, girls constantly are opened by guys but how often when you're out do you see girls helping guys game. It's very rare and in my opinion a very under utilized technique. I'm also wondering if approaching a group of girls and asking them to help you game could work. If you see a group of girls simply integrate yourself with their group somehow make it known that you're not trying to get with them but you'd like them to help you find other girls to fuck. Now you can have a group of wingirls instead of one. And if they end up digging your energy then they again might just want to fuck you themselves.

I'm very interested on this topic of "wing girls", what's the best way to convince a girl especially a hot girl or group of girls to be your wing girl/girls? And then what's the best way to use your wing girl to pick up other girls? if anyone has any info or field knowledge on this please share.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I think you're either overvaluing preselection, or have a style/vibe that benefits from it more than normal. Seems like so much extra effort unless you actually have a solid female friend who understands you and is willing to put herself on the line to help you out.

> If you see a hot high value girl that you feel you won't be able to fuck
> instead of a creepy guy trying to pick them up.

Might be inner game issues here.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Quote: (05-07-2018 06:01 PM)The Catalyst Wrote:  

> If you see a hot high value girl that you feel you won't be able to fuck
> instead of a creepy guy trying to pick them up.

Might be inner game issues here.

I'm not saying I consider guys creepy when they try to solo pick up girls but that's definitely what some girls think. And sometimes you have to realize you won't be able to pull a girl so why not use that to your benefit and use her to help you pull other girls.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Two methods:

Step 1: Go to a beauty school every week and pay for an inexpensive service. (haircut, skin care, massage). After 2-3 months, chances are you have had repeat service from a particular student to the point she is comfortable with you. (You should have been telling stories about your interesting life, or discussing current events with which you can glean personal information without being awkward)

Step 2: (During the 4th or 5th visit )Alert her to an event you are going to (anything from a concert, to a charity dinner sponsored by a Church) that you have "extra tickets" to.

If you've gone to the beauty school a dozen times, chances are you've gotten familiar with 2-3 other students who you should also make your offer. This way, the girls discuss it amongst themselves and nd are less likely to flake.

Step 3: After you've hung out dozens of times and have a legit friend rapport, you can organize large scale parties, and have each girl invite 5 people, and they'll be inclined to help you succeed.
Method Two:
Rent some office space in a building downtown. This will run you about $200-300/mo. and $500 to furnish it with a professional look. Dress up well, and commute to the office every day. By the end of the month, you should have bumped into several employees from neighboring businesses while entering/exiting the building. Encounters generally follow as:
First 5: Good Morning/Hey what's up Hello
Next few: They'll introduce themselves by name and ask yours since they've seen you so many times. Then they'll ask "what do you do" and their demeanor inevitably xhanges when they find out you work for yourself.
Next few: You inquire about her work history, and invite her into your office to show her work projects on your laptop, or let her eavesdrpp on a "business" phone call. The idea is to string her along about possibly working for you. You may pay her to work for you as little as 5-10 hours per week, and most won't mind a low wage, since it is a convenient low demand gig that doesnt effect their main job.
After half a year: You should have 2-3 part time employees, and you can effectively use them as "DAY2" leverage. Girls you are trying to bang, invite them to tye office and introduce them to your employees.

The first method burns up about $200/mo, and the second burns up about $1000/mo, but I recommend it since with hobby businesses...even if you fail to make an actual profit you can atleast break even/regain the money you've spent.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Yes lve used wing girls, if she's hot it makes other women sit up and take notice. Nothing gets women's attention like hotter women.

If she has single friends she can give them the green light that you are a good catch, makes it tons easier when you have good social proof from a hot girl.

He who dares wins - Del Boy

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Meet party girls who go out a lot and have lots of fun

Be sexy / fun guy to let go with so that they know you're like a fucktoy with no guilt. whatever happens with you stays with you vibe.

Go out with them, have fun and drink.

Meet other girls together with your girls. Game them all with high octane "sex is fun/sharing is caring" game so that new girls get into that vibe. Girls love to watch their guy friends trying to get other chicks in bed. They want to take part in that, sometimes join you in bed as well. Thats how threesomes happen. Its funny how girls who don't appear to be promiscuous at all can get carried away in right circumstances.


Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Light version..

Befriend couple of attractive girls who like going out and as you talk to them in bar/club/house party spontaneously shoot a comment or say something to girls near you and bring them into your conversation (or end it quick and reapproach later).

Approaching with girls IS easier and super sneaky cause you come across cool and very non threatening. Perfect situation to work your magic

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Wing girls are good, but I have some thoughts...

1. You can't look like a pathetic beta orbiter. If your potential lays think you're just hanging around her in hopes of getting poon, you're fucked.

2. She has to talk you up. There are some girls you'll be friends with who will make fun of you and comment about all your shortcomings. Granted, you can play that off, but it's generally not helpful. Some women think their sarcasm is "funny", but it's really just annoying. And unhelpful. ("My friend Hank voted for Donald Trump! He's such a sexist. All he wants to do is bang!") Yeah, not helpful, hun...

3. She has to be hot, or at least attractive. Wing girls who are heavy but wear nice / cool makeup, clothes, etc. are fine. Better yet -- be friends with the bartender or your server.

4. A good looking wingman will get girls to approach you. Your tall friend with a beard and tattoos? Chances are a group of girls will come up to you at some point. Granted, they might want to talk to your friend, though. Two decent looking guys hanging out can usually approach women with ease. Dress either nicely (business) or "cool" (i.e., to your style). When I go out with my buddy who is 6'5 and has a big beard, women always come up to us (him) and start asking questions. Once we're one on one, all bets are off.

5. Bringing a woman into the conversation helps build comfort. "My friend was just saying how cool your necklace is. Where did you get it from?" It's pretty simple stuff. Bring them both into the conversation and just facilitate it. If she loves your wing woman, chances are she will love you too. I run a lot of this type of game, but you all criticize me for having women friends, because the manosphere now dictates that we're not allowed to be friends with women and all first dates must end in a bang. Whatever. Women can be decent wings if you know how to utilize them correctly. It's an easy way to open a conversation and keep it going, but she has to be down and supportive of what you're trying to accomplish.

Do I prefer wing women or wingmen? Doesn't matter. Mostly just depends on who I feel like hanging out with on any given night. Results have generally been equal. Your wing, regardless of sex, just needs to be generally attractive and come off as having generally high social value.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I don't have direct experience using women strictly as wings but have noticed that when being out with women in public, having a woman by your side automatically disarms bitch shields, increases IOIs and basically gets rid of any "needy creeper" vibes that a lot of guys seem to radiate... All positives in my book. Here's the catch 22 for noobs: you'll need to game women to be your wings too [Image: wink.gif]

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

"Wing Girl" is a bad idea. She will get jealous and mess it up.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

This is the definition of a moot post. I think most guys know what im implying.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Thoughts of any potential target: "If this girl doesn't want to fuck him, why would I?"

Weak method. Game solo.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Overall I would say no.
A quality wingwoman is useful but they have to have no attraction for you and be completely able to advocate for you:
Roommates girlfriend
Young childhood friend

They are far and few in-between, women are super territorial and even from a friends perspective still rely on you for attention. Them giving your attention away to another woman doesnt help them at all and women are selfish as fuck.
Plus even in the best case scenarios women are more deer than hunter and even the smartest deer will never know how to hunt deer more effectively than a hunter.
You're better off finding a quality wingman that can help you pick up

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I've always advocated using wing-women even better if you're with more than one and they run in local social circles i.e. basically hot bar and club sluts that I typically have no interest in.

Back in the states I use to run around with a couple of tall hot Brazilian models both married to older beta rich guys. Their husbands would give them their credit cards so many times got my drinks covered by their husbands. In fact one husband really liked the fact I'd go with his wife thinking I was keeping an eye out or something beta like that for him. We had a shared professional network so it was kinda a unspoken off-limits thing.

It really changes the game if you're really able to maintain boundaries. It can also work even if you're sleeping with them depending on the girl and how good you are are setting the expectations that you're not going to ever be exclusive. I've had a few girls I was sleeping with that got off seeing me leave with another girl or even knowing I was on a date.

One instance back in the states with the Brazilian girls I was with is one had a hot sister visiting her from Rio. All three of us met up early at a place before they were going to go meet the husbands for a late dinner. Place was pretty much a sausage fest but there were a few booths with some hot sets not being opened at all. Being the fact the girls I was with were very tall and in heels dressed to the 9's people including this booth of girls kept staring at us. When I would step out for a smoke guys would stop me and ask me what I did for a living or try to get me to hang out with them. When the girls left to go meet their husbands a cute girl that was in a booth with her hot girlfriends literally got up and walked to the bar to open me asking what I did and who those girls were.? I said just some friends and joked with saying I was funemployed or something. I never tell girls what I do anyway. She invited me over to sit with her and her girlfriends and I ended up getting all their numbers and exchanging mine if any of them are looking for opportunities in any type of field in the future. One that I liked ended up texting me later that night to meet up without her friends as she still wanted to stay out and they all wanted to go home. Needless to say it ended very well.

I'd say I pretty much almost never get blown out when out with a with girl or two. And I'd also say my quality of kiss and number closes goes way up as well. Also my only young high quality SNL I got in Ukraine came from being introduced to my wing-girls best friend we bumped into so I've also found having a few good wing girls in EE works as well.

I have had some fuck me over also. Had one I'm fucking now who is also bi and into threesomes fuck it up for me and two other forum members here in Moldova a few weeks back. Granted it was a bad call on my part because I had ghosted her for a week prior to inviting her to meet us out. So she ended up getting super emotional and trying to isolate me when we were venue hopping plus she does not drink and is very quiet which was killing the vibe. She is also a student artist one painting away from chopping her ear off and mailing it to me. You need more of a young female player that is working on her own notch count. Those are much harder to find in EE.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Key things..

1. Wing girls won't be jealous if you don't come across as wimpy/nice boyfrient material.

2. You don't use one wing girl as if you would use different guy as your wingman. She is not your partner in crime using game on other girls. She is just part of your group who indirectly raises your value.

3. Wing girls are just attractive girls you hang out with. Preferably fun party girls. The whole point is to convey you have hot girls around you. Preselection still works and will always work.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

So I always hear guys on here saying “be the high energy sexual guy that girls feel comfortable letting go with....without guilt”

So newbie question...how do you do this? Is there a legendary post that describes this perfectly?

I didn’t want to waste forum space by making a new thread about it

I don’t even know what to search for.

Also can you do this while using aloof game?

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Quote: (05-13-2018 11:18 AM)Donfitz007 Wrote:  

So I always hear guys on here saying “be the high energy sexual guy that girls feel comfortable letting go with....without guilt”

So newbie question...how do you do this? Is there a legendary post that describes this perfectly?

I didn’t want to waste forum space by making a new thread about it

I don’t even know what to search for.

Also can you do this while using aloof game?

How do you be the high energy sexual guy that girls feel comfortable letting go with....without guilt? Be energetic and don't hold back while not being needy and clingy.

Can you do this using aloof game? Sure why not... just be energetic and don't hold back while not being needy and clingy [Image: wink.gif]

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?


I'll write detailed answer to your question soon, with what to do and examples. Be patient

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

If you want to just get the bang with an average girl -- not needed. If you want to move to the next level or the highest level, there's no better game. If you have a hot (e.g. 8 or better) wing-girl, every girl she opens for you, or you open with her participating, will hear you out. But the problem is it's hard to get the hot wing-girl. If she wants to hang, then usually she's interested in you. In most other cases if you want her down with you meeting other girls, either she is lonely and has no girls to go out with, or you have to be the provider and pay for her, or she's lesbian/bi and you are her wing too (in which case you're going to have to at least attractive enough to be her counter-point).

The currently trending post about how game has changed is also relevant here, because this is about DHV (demonstration of higher value) and it goes back to the roots of game. If you are accompanied by a girl, you are much better of in all cases in terms of DHV than if you are alone. And if she is hot, you have correspondingly higher value. But this wing-girl game is usually not about SNL, because the target might be uncomfortable with that. Do this if you can get a good looking wing and then use her to bat 1-2 points above your usual game.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I've had "wings girls" in the past and I've hated it. I have a much better time gaming with my wingmen or solo. Wing girls are my last resort.

Here's why:

1) They require constant attention and babysitting. I constantly have to keep them happy and entertained throughout the night/day just to keep them going

Example: I brought out a friend and she constantly needed me to keep her entertained and reasons why the night venue we were at would get better. The moment she got bored, she would want to leave the venue, go to another room to see what was going on, or play around on her phone

2) They don't have the tenacity to be persistent. They see you get rejected once by a target and give up. Or even worse, they see you talking to a girl and then assume that her job is done for the night and she succeeded in getting you something.

Women just don't have the tenacity and perseverance that men do. One rejection and they will feel bad. You receive a number? Great, her job is done for the night.

Example: I had a wing woman make an approach for me and introduce me. The target then rejected. She is not used to rejection, so my wing woman gave up for the night.

3) Women complain a shit ton about everything. I cannot stand having to deal with complaints about how dirty the bar is, how the bartender ripped her off, how someone accidentally bumped into her at the club, how she has to wait 10 minutes here and there, etc.

4) Women don't know how to game. They won't understand why you are doing certain things at the club (acting a certain way, approaching in a certain way, etc.) - it's like asking fish how to hunt other fish.

Example: "Crash, the best way to approach this girl at the club is to be really nice to her and like a gentleman"


Just stick with a wingman. Women are not made to hunt, or assist in that matter.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Here, I'm going to try and do a longer post about this...

1. Hang out with whoever you feel like hanging out with. I've written about this before, but eventually you'll get player burnout if you spend your entire life trying to maximize getting laid every time you leave your house. If I feel like hanging out with my female friends, I hang out with them. If I feel like hanging out with my male friends, I hang out with them. If I feel like hanging out with my church family, I hang out with them. Depends on what's on my mind, and what I feel like doing.

2. Generally it's easier to text your single (or willing to cheat) male friends and be like "let's go pick up chicks." ("Bro I'm in, text my burner phone, don't want the wife seeing this shit"). (For the record, I do not condone cheating on your wife or your girlfriend. If you don't want to commit, just stay single and be honest about it.)

3. Female wings can be annoying because they usually don't want to be left alone at the bar. "Hey, me and Michelle are going to get out of here, do you need an Uber are you going to stick around?" You've just sort of left her alone. While they might not be jealous per se, they're not happy about being alone in a bar unless you're with a group of people. It's way easier to be friends with the waitress or bartender than to bring a girl to a bar, and then leave her alone as you dash off with a woman. The servers don't give a shit, especially more so if you're friends outside of the bar / restaurant. Female bartenders / servers make the best wings, because when you bring your friend out (if it's just one), she thinks you wanted to hang with her, not just pick up girls. Actually, all bartenders / servers make great wings. Go to a bar and get to know the staff.

4. Yes, women who are either decent looking or stylish raise your social value. Women have a different system of beauty, though. A girl can be heavy but dress well, wear good makeup, and she raises your social value. Women dig men who hang around women who are attractive.

5. You guys give me shit for this, but there are a lot of reasons you can be friends with an attractive female and not bang her. I don't bang girls over a certain height or weight, but we might enjoy going to concerts together, playing racquetball together, or just hanging out. Yes, I've read in the manosphere that only feminine men hang out with women, but that's total bullshit and retarded. You can be friends with females, and some of them will act as decent wings.

Overall conclusion: female wings build instant comfort. Pre-selection is a thing. If you're at a bar with a few hot girls, you're starting from the 50 yard line, not the 25. If the girls are all hanging out, you've just gotten a first down, and now it's on you to put it in the end zone.

Men wings are just fine, though. But they have to be good looking. A group of guys can crush it easily. If you're with a group of decent looking guys, you're also at the 50 yard line (the only problem is she might go home with your homie).

My preference? Doesn't matter. Depends on who called me, and what I want to talk about. Whether we meet girls doesn't really play into it anymore. I just go out to have fun.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I don't treat women as wings, they are just there for company and to add 'legitimacy'.

For example, last night at a bar with a mate, we were shooting the shit over a few beers. Noticed this beauty at the bar and walked past her and smiled, she smiled back.

My mate's fiancee who is my #1 wingwoman (always wants to help me come right), arrives and sits down. I immediately order us 4 jagers, 3 and 1 for the girl at the bar. She joined us, spent 2 hours there and then all went to mine for a joint and some chit chat.

Now compare the scenario of buying a shot for a girl from 2 guys vs 2 guys and a woman. She adds legitimacy.

They add more options and avenues to approach and 'game'.

They are there to disarm, moreso when the women in your group are gorgeous.

Treat them as that, just a tool to show you are comfortable around women, preselected and able to have a good time.

You still need to attract, run comfort and ensure logistics are in order.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I have a pair of gorgeous, lesbian lady friends that are actually a couple who've helped me game a few girls in the past that ended in bangs.

If we're at a bar/venue and I've chosen a target, "my ladies" would then sit/stand on either side of me and play the part of two attractive women who were very interested in me.

My target would, hopefully, be intrigued at this point. We'd make eye contact but I would play it off as if I hadn't noticed her. Then at some point, the ladies would move over to an area near my target (i.e. bar) turn around and make eye contact with me and smile while playing with their hair (or anything to give off sexual interest), they would make sure they were within earshot of my target and talk aloud about which one of them I'm more attracted to (not get into an argument) and decide which one of them was going to make the first move. I would smile, in turn, and then they'd nod me over to wherever they're at and make an excuse to leave me again to use the ladies room. This is when I'd make my move on my target (who is still mesmerized by my SMV) and make my usual direct approach (so long as my target has been observing everything that just unfolded in front of them, and has automatically lowered her bitch shields) which is now a near breeze.

"How does one get off this thing?." ~ Marcus Brody

Fitness Thread: thread-69404.html

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

This barfly I met months ago, I now cross paths with on a weekly basis. Can't be helped. But sometimes the people you run into the most, maybe they have some part to play in your life.

So I see her out dancing, and I'm a horrible dancer so she helps me learn how to dance. That's a positive. But then it clicks: maybe I should try having a female wing. Being between wingmen, I decide to give it a shot.

This girl has a thing for me, but I don't want to reciprocate. She has some other larger role to play than being a one-night stand.

I went out with her one or two times tops. She would open any set I wanted, and once she did that, the girls were super fucking open and attentive, attraction cues that usually get buried in sets were visibly present at the outset. Problem is, she can also make these sets crash and burn which she does. She basically ruined all the sets I did because she's attracted to me, and wants to shut down all my options (other than her). She would basically come over and shut the set down, or while I'm opening a new set, she would go shut down the old set.

I may try again in the future, but I'm going to have to be a better player and properly check the female wingman. For now, this is advanced game and above my paygrade.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Never tried a wing girl, and honestly don't think I would. If she was hot, I would try to bang. If she wanted to "FriendZone" me, then I would cut bait. A girl I wasn't attracted to doesn't bring value to me in attracting hotter girls.

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