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Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I've always preferred a wing woman, especially when there is nothing between you, it can pay off majorly however there are issues when you want to bang your wing.

Women feel better with the set up if you have a girl setting up, they trust a woman more than a guy, especially if lines are being used and being surrounded by hot girls or having at least one hot girl voucher for you, it opens up a world of possibilities that guys cannot.

Edit: It can and does fuck up even if the girl isn't into you sexually and you're not into her as some girls are so hot on the rating scale, they have no clue and do the stupidest of set ups that backfire majorly, in those rare cases, you'd rather be alone and get rejected as you'd feel better about the rejection [Image: tard.gif]

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Recently, an ex date asked me whether she can be my wing girl. That would probably indeed help, but I simply don't wanna hang out with girls as "friends". I simply don't enjoy their company enough. I have problems with most guys but girls? No thanks. I prefer having a harder time alone. Too bad because I guess I miss a lot of opportunities.

If you're small talk capable, go for it.

p.s. same with massages. I prefer paying for a massage therapist than receiving a free massage from a girl I know. I just need the uncertainty feeling. It keeps me alive [Image: smile.gif]

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

[Image: 5XNiRdg.jpg]

This is my Croatian homegirl slash winggirl. She’s works absolute wonders for me when I go out with her. I can count on getting several high quality numbers if she’s on my arm. We’ve never had sex, but the option is there if I want to exercise it. The beautiful part about her is she loves hearing about my conquests and she’ll lie to other girls on my behalf. Get a hot wing girl. It’s a worthwhile investment.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

I also had the same experience of using a woman from the Balkan country as a wingwoman. I used to have an Albanian wingwoman and a woman from Croatia or another Balkan country. Maybe the Serbian women are not SNL women but when I look at some women from the Balkan country I feel that they have good wingwoman potential. I have also had the experience that some Turkish women can also be good wingwomen but not all of them.

I tried to get a few German girls to be my wingwoman in Germany after I was rejected by them. I got rejected and tried to get them to be my wingwoman. The method was too weak. The same thing happened in Spain when I tried to get a Spanish wingwoman in Valencia or a Dutch wingwoman in Groningen. The problem was that these women didn't like me and I didn't feel I had any good wingwoman potential. That was all 1-2 years ago and I wouldn't do it today.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

The problem with this scheme is that the woman either likes you or doesn't see you as a prospect but as a he-bitch to mope from. Either way, she isn't going to want other chicks around. I guess it's possible to have a female friend from a social setting, but she would just gossip to the other women in the group, lowering your value.

The massive problem of holding work is a result of women manipulation behind the scenes. You don't know about it, you can't fight it. I'm beginning to think this is as big of an issue as workplace austerity for the last 50 years.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

Wing girls are cool. I abide by this, more than traditional wingmen. Sorry fellas, but some of you are retarded.

Using a "wing girl" instead of a wingman, potentially best game method?

can you relate the logistics of a woman conciously cooperating to getting a male friend chicks? Do you have to buy drinks, how many hours of phone time gabbing with the female friend do you need? Are you cockblocking otherr guys from the female friend?

I'm asking, because I have never met a woman that would help guys get chicks, unless it was a pitiful third party friend, like obesity chicks. Women, even in the family, rarely help other guys. It's not in their nature and the culture has really activated their selfishness. 

(I am asking because I am generally interested in the answer.)

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