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The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

So where's the proof?

How come we don't see any mention of Soros being arrested in the news?

This thread should be locked. I'm tired of all of this unverified crap making its way from the chans onto here.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

I suggest you do a little more research before jumping to conclusions. It's very clear wheels are turning and dismantling the deep state takes time. There's what we've already seen and what's still unfolding / yet to occur. Watching the video I posted might help.

Lock the thread? C'mon buddy.

EDIT: there is proof if you keep an open mind. Empirical science is about evidence, not proof. Only mathematics (binary thinking) leads to proof. There's plenty of evidence to verify that Q is not a LARPer and in fact is one of many patriots helping defend the Constitution. That's certainly worth discussing as much as a thread devoted to 'what kinda ho to cum inside of.'

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

I don't think the thread should be locked... I say let it play out and see what happens.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Quote: (12-22-2017 06:02 PM)Truth Tiger Wrote:  

I suggest you do a little more research before jumping to conclusions. It's very clear wheels are turning and dismantling the deep state takes time. There's what we've already seen and what's still unfolding / yet to occur. Watching the video I posted might help.

Lock the thread? C'mon buddy.

EDIT: there is proof if you keep an open mind. Empirical science is about evidence, not proof. Only mathematics (binary thinking) leads to proof. There's plenty of evidence to verify that Q is not a LARPer and in fact is one of many patriots helping defend the Constitution. That's certainly worth discussing as much as a thread devoted to 'what kinda ho to cum inside of.'

[Image: 1263-20121224-IWantToBelieve.jpg]

I've got more important things to do than watch some random girl yammer on for 45 minutes.

I'll let this play out and admit i'm wrong when the news hits. I want to see them locked up, but 4chan is just massive and too unpredictable to be trying to read it as tea leaves.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Quote: (12-22-2017 05:34 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

So where's the proof?

How come we don't see any mention of Soros being arrested in the news?

Q promised a military coup and arrests on a particular date whilst the POTUS was 'safely in China'.

Come the given date, no coup, no arrests.

That was weeks ago, before Q started talking like Joshua in Wargames jacking off with a Tom Clancy novel.

4Chan, man. *shrug*

I'm sure people are going down for corruption soon enough, and the swamp is being drained, but the theatrical, overdramatic nature of the writing... I don't know... I'd want to think if there was a group of patriots taking back the United States they'd write like MEN, you know?

All I can do is shrug and say wait and see. Most likely a Psyop. The question and answer nature could easily direct users to webpages created and seeded by Intel Agencies for the purpose of spreading false information about enemies for public dissemination. Or to steer the public away from the real truth. Who knows?

I also don't like the repeated theme: "You don't need to do anything physical. Stay passive. We'll take care of it."

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Who are these guys?



The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Q is a bullshitter. I say that as someone who thinks that there was likely fire behind the smoke of Pizzagate. But this one is pure nonsense.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

I know I was really dismissive of this 8chan poster before, but I'm pretty impressed by that (+++) symbol thing he posted 7 minutes before Trump tweeted it. How did he do that? Anyone know what that symbol is supposed to mean?

I'm not impressed by all those posts full of weird characters though, what is that for? Is he pretending to be a robot? I don't read forums like 4chan.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Its actually 53 mins later.

If he helps run 4chan, it probably isn't too difficult to change the timestamp anyway. Remember when Trump's Twitter got shut down?

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Possibly, according to Vox Day, "It's happening"...

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Re: that Voxday post above. Curiouser & curiouser...

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

I'm surprised Vox is feeding the hype. I think the OIG report and the congressional subpeonas of Operation Cassandra records, and all the other investigations of shenanigans under Obama are coming to a head, but I think new developments will continue to trickle out. I'm not expecting bombshell perp walks of multiple big players.

Frankly, the biggest players will probably all get away with something similar to when Bill Clinton was disbarred at the end of his presidency. It's a huge disgrace that will go in the history books forever, but they'll still live in luxury and hobnob with the leftist elite for the rest of their days.

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

You guys are reading into what you want to believe...

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

^, I wasted too much time on Pizzagate to follow this Q character.

That said my surprise level if some weird shit about Tony Podesta were to come out = 0

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Schimdty is gone.

Coincidence? Of course...


The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread


The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread


The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

The Lionel Nation videos are interesting, but do not watch his live streams. He's so unfocused that 1.5 hours worth of content could be shrunken into 20 or 30 minutes.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Curiouser... :

An American Nuremburg?


I wouldn't exactly call them "fears", myself. More like "hopes".

A new Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that based upon signals intelligence (SIGINT/ELINT) accumulated over the past year by Signal Communications Troops (SCT) conducting training missions in the Republic of Cuba—and who’ve been “aided/augmented” by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) in their findings—General Staff Deputy Defense Minister Tatiana Shevtsova is able to confirm that a level of “high confidence” currently exists that President Donald Trump is preparing to transfer to the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp (located in Cuba) an unknown number of “high level” American citizen detainees in preparation for their trials before a US Military Tribunal—and whose nearest historical counterpart incident of were the 1945-46 Nuremberg Trials held to prosecute German Nazi war criminals—and that likewise, as seen in 1945, is now seeing hundreds of highly trained and specialized US Army Military Police being rushed to Cuba to oversee this process.


Why does all of this sound vaguely... familiar somehow. Also, if the chans are to be believed, more than a few of these so-called citizen detainees have already been transferred to Guantanamo.

If these reports are to be believed - and it is true that the 850th Military Police Battalion has been deployed to Guantanamo Bay to support Operation Enduring Freedom - then it appears The Storm will be upon us shortly.

Happy New Year indeed!

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Here's a new one from Infowars:

And the link to the Reddit CBTS that Jerome Corsi references:

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

I hate to say it, but hat Vox post just looks like he's re-posting "fake news".

Maybe all the activity and "sealed indictments" are about dealing with MS-13.

It's fun to speculate, but there's just so much bullshit on the internet.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Quote: (01-01-2018 12:05 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

I hate to say it, but hat Vox post just looks like he's re-posting "fake news".

Maybe all the activity and "sealed indictments" are about dealing with MS-13.

It's fun to speculate, but there's just so much bullshit on the internet.

I agree with you, which is why I didn't post that.

On the plus side, though, I'm glad that someone posted that, because if it turns out to be true, then the entire RVF is witness.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

Yeah, definitely do not take matters so far without tangible evidence. [Image: rolleyes.gif]


#QAnon murmurings are that Julian Assange is in the United States and being protecting by the Trump Administration: He's providing information that will save Western Civilization from the New World Order.

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

[Image: still-waiting-atic-mthruf-com-via-9gag-com-14684311.png]

The Calm Before the Storm (CBTS): The Q Thread

This is what I think about Q:

In one sense, many here are rightfully asking for evidence that whatever Q says is legit since someone on the inside is feeding us breadcrumbs that Trump is taking care of business and are pretty skeptical since they do not see anything happening in the media; however, two things stand out: 1) didn't Donald Trump warn us that the media is fake news and they will never cover/report the truth when it benefits him and 2) patience is a virtue since so many people expect change to happen now. Thus, think of it this way: if there really is a shadow war between the patriots and the Deep State and the patriots are winning, I don't think everything will be reported by the fake news media and the best source(s) of what really is happening would be the chans, even though half of it might be LARPing BS.

Therefore, one should take a wait and see approach with respect to the Q posts

Furthermore, someone posted here that people like a good mystery and if we follow the logical approach of showing conspiracies to be fact, then it will be ignored by the normies. That poster has a very good point and you have to think about it since your average normie does not have the capability to see things through and responds emotionally instead of logically. The mystery approach could be a strategy to get people's attention and it works because as I stated before, people like a good mystery.

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