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The Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet

I've been familiar with the diet for a couple years now but I'm ready to dig in a little more. Can anyone recommend some introductory books on it?

Also if you've been on the diet and have some experiences, please share. I'm not looking to lose weight, just to keep my body in tiptop shape.

The Paleo Diet

Hey Roosh I will let someone else recommend books but check out

Been doing this since April and have not felt better.I am losing weight but I plan to stay on this forever.

The Paleo Diet

Best place to start
Each of the links leads to a worthwhile article.

The Paleo Diet

A pretty good community site is

The Paleo Diet

Quote: (09-10-2011 01:10 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I've been familiar with the diet for a couple years now but I'm ready to dig in a little more. Can anyone recommend some introductory books on it?

I'm not sure what your asking nor do I know what your goals are but I am a certified personal trainer and nutritionist and paleo diet is one of the best nutritional guideline for weightloss, strength gain and muscular hypertrophy.

The Paleo Diet

Paleo diet's legit, there's a lot of evidence that it works and that we're evolutionarily well-adapted to it. They're teaching medical students these days that Paleo is the ideal way to have a balanced, healthy diet.

The Paleo Diet

Quote: (09-10-2011 01:10 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I've been familiar with the diet for a couple years now but I'm ready to dig in a little more. Can anyone recommend some introductory books on it?

Also if you've been on the diet and have some experiences, please share. I'm not looking to lose weight, just to keep my body in tiptop shape.

The most common web resource you'll come across is:

I've been living a paleo dietary lifestyle for a few years now. Previously I had terrible digestion and stomach problems - heartburn and indigestion were a given for just about any meal. After adopting a paleo diet, my problems have drastically reduced. Only have issues when I eat bad (pizza, bread, etc) or drink alcohol.

I used to break out on my face and back/shoulder areas. No more of that since I ditched the simple carbs. I eat some complex carbs when I train hard (brown rice, etc) but mostly replenish through fruits.

I would recommend keeping away from all starches if you start paleo. Also, listen to your body. There will be A LOT of recommendations to eat fatty foods. People on the forums in the link above will boast how they eat bacon day and night, etc. That's great if you do it and feel good. I personally never could eat foods filled with saturated fat without feeling lethargic afterwards. I stick to olives, olive oil, yogurt, eggs etc to get my fat.

Milk: I ditched dairy milk completely. I know use Almond Milk and it is 1000 times better. It's smoother and more subtle. It doesn't "bite back" like dairy milk did when I drank it. I mainly use it for protein shakes.

Forget about conventional wisdom. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're full. Don't force food down. Forget about sweet desserts. I always say that on paleo you should treat fruit as a dessert.

Some people really get into it and build a workout around paleo lifestyle, but I don't. I still hit the gym for weightlifting, but paleo workouts revolve more around sprinting and lifting heavy weight (kettle balls) a few times.

Some random thoughts off the top of my head. Good luck.

The Paleo Diet


I have just started the Paleo Diet, and I bought "the Paleo Diet" and "the Paleo Diet Cookbook", both by Loren Cordain.

The diet advocates a fish, chicken or meat protein with every meal, and lots of fruits and veggies. I threw out just about everything in my kitchen because it is not allowed. For instance, I used to eat cereal with fruit every morning, but cereal is a no no.. I will let you read the books to understand why, but 6 boxes went in the garbage.

I am getting used to shopping for the diet, because you need to keep lots of fresh fruits and veggies and meats on hand. I keep everything in ziplock bags, and i cook chicken breasts and fish ahead of meals so they are ready to eat. Today I had a salmon steak for breakfast which I cooked a couple of days ago, with honeydew and blueberries. I also just ordered steaks, pork chops and fish from Omaha Steaks. The advantage is that is is freezer sealed, so you will have it around if you can't get to the supermarket.

Snacks are easy, like almonds and walnuts, hard boiled eggs, and fruits.
Keep in mind you don;t count calories, you only eat when you are hungry, and stop when you are full.

Because of all the veggies you get lots of fiber, my shits are much looser now. For a while I was doing some serious pushing on the can, lately I sit, eject, and wipe.

My gym workouts are more intense. Yesterday I did back and today I am sore as hell, like I haven't worked out this hard in months. The author explains why this happens.

I worry about how long I can keep this diet going. I started it to loose my gut and to feel better, and already I can see a difference. But with any diet, you need to make it a lifestyle change, or you will give it up. Like today I really wanted a pizza, and walked by a couple pizzerias, but instead got some babaganush and avacado, both encouraged foods.

The recipes in the cookbook are pretty easy also. Like I made this Talapia dish the other night, it only took me thirty minutes and was pretty good.

I am spending a shitload of money on food though. Like fish and steaks are $8-$15 each, and I am cooking them myself! I went to the market today, got a bunch of stuff to last like 2-3 days, and i spend $78.

I plan on keeping this going for a long as possible, since i really do feel better. I would recommend you give it a try, but only if you are setup with a decent kitchen, can deal with no dairy, grains, oats, cereals or sugars, and can get to a good supermarket with fresh produce and meats. Not sure what it's like in Poland. [Image: huh.gif]

I still am drinking coffee with whole milk in the morning, but it is a no no. Oh well, nobody is perfect.

The Paleo Diet

The first book I read was "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf; it is kind of like Paleo for Dummies. His website & podcast are better than the book.

If you want intellectual stuff, then "Food and Western Disease: Health and nutrition from an evolutionary perspective" by Staffen Lindeberg. Its a textbook and its really good (and with a textbook price.) It has lots of tables, cited research, and addresses things like sodium intake, calcium deficiencies, fat balances, which I hardly see mentioned any where else.

I have a few other Paleo books but nothing particularly impressive. The core concepts are just too simple, you can figure out solutions yourself once you understand the basics.

I've been on Paleo for coming up on a year. I dropped a few pounds early on, but the big difference I saw was when I went mountain biking a few months ago. This is something I do every summer. The first day out of the year is really punishing. This time it felt like I had been biking for a month or more, my energy level was triple what it was in the past. I started doing some very basic strength training around the time I started the paleo thing, but I also stopped all of my cardio exercies (mostly running.) I assume the paleo diet was the number one factor in giving me more energy.

If your a guy without an eating problem then Paleo is really easy. Its actually preferable over a traditional diet because the food tastes so much better. Additionally, it requires very little prep. I cook meat in volume and combine it with fruit & vegetables for meals. I eat loads of leafy green vegetables with every meal. Adding condiments that are sugar&gluten free is important for added flavor, kraut and mustard are good.

Difficulties -- getting grass feed meat & free range eggs. Because you'll be eating a ton of meat you want to ensure that the quality of the meat is high and that the omega 3 and omega 6 fats are balanced. As for eggs, with the free range ones the chickens are eating grass and bugs and probably shit and because of that. the eggs taste so much better. Free range eggs without cheese taste so much better than normal eggs with cheese. When your traveling your not going to have a problem getting meat and vegetables but you will have a problem with quality. When I'm at a home base I try to eat as best as possible to balance out for the crap.

The Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet

It's Meat, Eggs, Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Spices and Herbs. Get it fresh and organic. Avoid Starch, Sugar, Processed Food, 'Carbs' and Dairy. 'Eat like a caveman could, with fire'.

You'll soon learn that almost everything has dairy or starch as part of the meal, and it's not filling enough if you remove that part, especially when your on the move a lot and your a bachelor who doesn't cook much. Many times your forced to only snack on nuts, where a handful of them (50 nuts) can be 350 calories, since everything else is fucking starch. For example out of the 30 snacks I could eat at work, I can only eat 4 and all 4 of them are fucking super calorie dense nut mixes. The rest are sugar, fruits or starch. I look at our snack bar and say to myself, 'This is why America is Fat'. Vegetables make the best snacks, especially carrots.

I substitute beans for starches, but many Paleo eaters avoid beans. I'm avoiding fruit as part of my weight loss diet. Otherwise is Paleo, but more accurately is a slow/low insulin response diet. Many Paleo eaters also avoid eating too much fruit, since back then it was basically caveman ice cream and somewhat rare, non existent during winters in Europe.

The Paleo Diet

I shifted into Paleo while coming off Atkins, the transition was pretty natural after 2 months of almost zero carb eating. I've done little reading but understand the basics.

My one trick for low carb (and dieting in general) is get yourself used to the taste of unsweetened iced tea. Water gets monotonous and many times you go out there's no other option besides soft drinks and water, but almost every place will have unsweetened iced tea. Its natural, zero sugar, no chemical sweeteners, and a bit of a caffeine kick to help you through the day. I prefer to water now.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

The Paleo Diet

I've been wanting to read this one. They actually allow rice which is cheap. Primal Bluerpint, Paleo Solution, are good books too. Good Calories Bad Calories is an interesting book. Although I think its still simplified and its a pretty technical too.

The Paleo Diet


The Paleo Diet

Also the documentary Fat Head gives a great rundown on why low carb / low starch diets work. He makes it all quite easy to digest (pun sort of intended) and backs it up with his own personal stats.

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

The Paleo Diet

hey roosh, listen to this woman! [Image: dodgy.gif]

The Paleo Diet

I'll throw in my two cents: I've been on the diet about 8 years now. It was the only thing that has consistently cleared up my acne and given me great skin. Dermatologists couldn't help me, even with a harsh drug called Accutane I got acne again. Sticking to this diet consistently makes my skin look great. Same with my current girlfriend.

I also made my run at being a professional athlete on it (Muay Thai) in the past. The diet is great for athletes, although you have to do some modifications to allow more carbohydrates if you're burning a lot of calories in training. Personally I had a lot of white rice while in Thailand, added onto the diet. When I'm elsewhere I add in a lot of sweet potato and reduce the rice.

Rob Wolfs book and podcast are probably the best for someone new. His book is The Paleolithic Solution.

I seriously think this diet has the potential to change the whole medicare/medicaid debt problem in the US if doctors start advocating it and the USDA (beholden to agricultural companies) gets on board eventually. If you look at societies like the Kitavans for example (a hunter gatherer people), they suffer from no heart disease or stroke, yet they smoke like chimneys. Their elderly populations have no evidence of heart disease or insulin resistance (indicator for diabetes down the road). They basically die from accidents or infections (like malaria).

About the guy who recommended nuts: I wouldn't eat many of them, they're nearly all omega 6. We get enough omega 6 and you should look at the measured omega 3:6 ratio of intake in modern hunter gatherer populations. I just eat fatty meat to fill myself up.

The Paleo Diet


^ i couldn't post a link, but if you put that together that's a really good video about paleo diet. it's from doug mcguff, the guy that wrote the book "body by science".

The Paleo Diet

Great feedback Roark; 8 years!

The paleo diet definitely cut my acne noticably. The few times I've gone off it, it returns pretty quick. A weekend of pizza and beer and I know it on Monday. I'm in my mid 20s and was put on Accutane when I was basically still a kid. Between that and the low fat diet my mom put me on, good thing I didn't blow my brains out!

The book I reference above is by the guy who did the Kitava study.

I'm not sold on nuts being bad. They fit in to the paleo concept pretty well. Additionally, it appears that they play a very important role in lowering bad cholesterol (which I've witnessed firsthand, from someone who excluded them specifically because on paper they look bad.) If your eating correctly your omega3/6s should be balanced out to begin with. I eat them daily. Beyond that, not worth debating here.

I have a special version of fixing the medicare/medicaid problem. Instead of switching everyone to paleo, we hide all food with sugar up in really tall trees, guarded by bees. Whenever someone wants to have a coca cola or eat a piece of chocolate cake, they have to crawl up the tree naked and retrieve it. No more fat chicks.

The Paleo Diet

The only reason why nuts can be bad is they have high omega 6. If your still using vegetable oils and eating out a lot at resaurants you will want to limit nuts. Also they can be very easy to overeat.

The Paleo Diet

Then nuts aren't the problem, everything else is. Its like deciding you shouldn't sleep too much at night because your already spending to much time dozing off during the day.

Getting food right is really easy. This is shit that kids can learn in kindergarten when they figure out that the circle doesn't fit in the square. Its all of the complicated shit that is causing problems. If you choose to eat crap, no amount of calorie counting, label reading, or fad following is going to make things better. You might as well be the fat 50 year old woman sitting in front of her TV every afternoon thinking the next hot tip from Oprah or Dr Oz is the answer.

If it comes in a container and has a logo on it, its bad for you. Your iPhones should be made in a factory, not your meals.

The Paleo Diet

Quote: (09-10-2011 06:53 PM)jdelisi Wrote:  

I have just started the Paleo Diet, and I bought "the Paleo Diet" and "the Paleo Diet Cookbook", both by Loren Cordain.

Fortunately I was able to DL them.

I've been on this for 2 weeks, not turning back.

This isn't a diet, it's a lifestyle change.

The Paleo Diet

Mandatory: The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain. Note that his stance on saturated fat has loosened, and its becoming pretty much a unanimous agreement in the paleo community that it's good for you.

Mandatory site: Check out the 101 section, and read the "definitive guides" on everything. These are my go-to sources for any and all questions, since the book is denser and not as recent.

As for experience, I have been on it for a year. Major notice: my acne is almost completely gone, although that was directly attributed to dairy (if I eat cheese, I break out mad the next day). Ditching dairy also cleared up my chronic congestiveness. Experiment with that though because some people can handle it fine.

Other things: That "bloated" feeling no longer hits me after meals. That is a feeling reserved for carb loaded meals.

The Paleo Diet

Quote: (09-14-2011 01:40 AM)Docter Wrote:  

Mandatory: The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain. Note that his stance on saturated fat has loosened, and its becoming pretty much a unanimous agreement in the paleo community that it's good for you.

The Paleo Diet

They say to use Pyrex glass baking dishes. I just had my second one explode in my oven. I am done. I will only use metal now. I just wrote to the company to complain. I have broken glass in my oven now. If i get cut cleaning it out i will sue them.

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