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AntiFA Thread

AntiFA Thread

Saw this thought-provoking comment posted on ZeroHedge:


"Black bloc" and "Antifa" are not Anarchists. They are government provocateurs.

I ran across these guys for the first time in the late '80s. One of them hung around a coffeeshop I managed at the time, trying to get people to commit pointless crimes of vandalism. I noted that when he urged violence, he wasn't caught up in his rhetoric, like most people are when they spout off. He was watching to see if people were buying it. He took an instant dislike to me, because I wasn't buying it.

I mentioned him to my parents, who had been active in protests against the Vietnam War. They immediately said, "Stay the hell away from that guy and get him out of your coffeeshop. He's an FBI provocateur. Watch the people who gravitate to him get arrested." They were right, that's what happened. Another guy I met once in that same circle ended up getting Malcolm X's mentally ill daughter to say the magic words to get arrested in a totally fabricated FBI "plot" to assassinate Louis Farrakhan, back when that clown was news.

These "Black Bloc/Antifa" guys are in place to justify the crackdown and orgy of State Violence that will be needed when the finance system completely implodes. That they're getting all this attention all of a sudden is very worrying. Must be coming soon. They've got Americans demanding it, they've got a feckless minor Oligarch in the figurehead position, they've got Generals poised to take over all actual positions of power; it's coming on quickly by the look of it.

The original article:

Quote:ZeroHedge Wrote:

President Trump was crucified by the mainstream media a few weeks back after hosting an improvised press conference and saying there was "blame on both sides" for the violence in Charlottesville that resulted in the death of a counterprotester. The comments resulted in most of Trump's advisory councils being disbanded, as CEO's around the country pounced on the opportunity to distance themselves from the administration, and heightened calls from CNN for impeachment proceedings.

The problem is that while Trump's delivery probably could have been a bit more artful, the underlying message seems to be proving more accurate with each passing day and each new outbreak of Antifa violence.

As Politico points out today, previously unreported FBI and Department of Homeland Security studies found that "anarchist extremist" group like Antifa have been the "primary instigators of violence at public rallies" going back to at least April 2016 when the reports were first published.

Federal authorities have been warning state and local officials since early 2016 that leftist extremists known as “antifa” had become increasingly confrontational and dangerous, so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO.

Since well before the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, turned deadly, DHS has been issuing warnings about the growing likelihood of lethal violence between the left-wing anarchists and right-wing white supremacist and nationalist groups.

Previously unreported documents disclose that by April 2016, authorities believed that “anarchist extremists” were the primary instigators of violence at public rallies against a range of targets. They were blamed by authorities for attacks on the police, government and political institutions, along with symbols of “the capitalist system,” racism, social injustice and fascism, according to a confidential 2016 joint intelligence assessment by DHS and the FBI.

Not surprisingly, law enforcement officials noted that the rise in Antifa violence overlapped perfectly with Trump's campaign as they made appearances at rally after rally to incite chaos...all the while making it seem as if violent, racist Trump supporters were to blame.

“It was in that period [as the Trump campaign emerged] that we really became aware of them,” said one senior law enforcement official tracking domestic extremists in a state that has become a front line in clashes between the groups. “These antifa guys were showing up with weapons, shields and bike helmets and just beating the shit out of people. … They’re using Molotov cocktails, they’re starting fires, they’re throwing bombs and smashing windows.”

Almost immediately, the right-wing targets of the antifa attacks began fighting back, bringing more and larger weapons and launching unprovoked attacks of their own, the documents and interviews show. And the extremists on both sides have been using the confrontations, especially since Charlottesville, to recruit unprecedented numbers of new members, raise money and threaten more confrontations, they say.

“Everybody is wondering, 'What are we gonna do? How are we gonna deal with this?'” said the senior state law enforcement official. “Every time they have one of these protests where both sides are bringing guns, there are sphincters tightening in my world. Emotions get high, and fingers get twitchy on the trigger.”

If only you knew how bad things really are.

AntiFA Thread

Yeah its probably about time Antifa had its own thread.

My thoughts is that the FBI and other agencies are not just sitting idly by while the right is attacked in demonstrations, but are getting their ducks in a row for taking Antifa down and declaring it a terrorist organisation. This time is being spent giving them rope to hang themselves while they infiltrate it to the point of uselessness. OPSEC breaks down when an organisation opens itself to amateurs as is the case here.

AntiFA Thread

This kind of reminds me of Operation Backfire in which the FBI basically obliterated the most radical US-based cell of the Animal Liberation Front. This core group of about 20 individuals was responsible for the majority of the terrorist attacks that caused the most damage, including burning down the Vail ski resort, a number of car dealerships, and destroying several mink farms and medical research laboratories. The 18 members who were caught were given long prison sentences. The remaining 2-3 members are on the lam overseas somewhere and cannot ever return to the US unless they're willing to submit to their 5-6 year stays in the concrete closet.

Antifa, of course, is a bigger organization, so they've probably been infiltrated by a larger number of federal agents from several agencies. I assume the DoJ and DHS are trying to get them on more than just political violence and terrorism, such as drug trafficking. Of course, I'm curious as to how long the Feds are going to wait before conducting the mass arrests that they usually like to do on cases like this. It will be interesting how the media reacts. I assume Soros' organization is aware of it and has already directed the MSM to start disavowing so they don't get associated with what happens.

AntiFA Thread

Just to give you guys an idea of where this is heading if remained unchecked. In Germany antifa has an extended history that goes back to before Hitler took power.

[Image: antifa02.png?w=696]

Do these flags look familiar to you by any chance? ;-)

They lost the game back then but bounced back in full force after the German reunification when many East German functionaries and politicos found themselves without a future. So they submerged for a decade or so and started to infiltrate a whole host of political organizations (i.e. the Greens, die Grünen, die Linken) as well as various NGOs such as Greenpeace, the Red Cross, Doctors without borders, etc.

So as a result over the past 20 years or so (since 1989) the entire political spectrum gradually shifted to what would in the U.S. be considered far left to our democratic party. Although Antifa represents only a very small portion of the political spectrum in Germany it has many sympathizers especially among the younger generation who have been very effectively been turned into Marxist multi-cultural drones by the ultra-left German educational system. If you think your kids have it bad in the U.S. come to Germany where free speech has never truly existed and where you can quickly find yourself in jail for uttering something negative about Islam or any minority group of your choice.

Now it's fair to say that Antifa is in complete control of Germany's streets at this point as the polity has been leveraging their violence in order to muffle and outright silence anything regarded as 'hate speech'. The definition of which of course is extremely vague at best and usually applies to anything that does not fit their globalist anti-nationalist pseudo-Marxist ideology. Antifa basically acts as the Left's shock-troops and every time PEGIDA demonstrates against the never ending stream of illegal Muslim and North African immigration into the country Antifa shows up in force and beats the shit out of what are mostly middle aged to elderly demonstrators (the young mostly support the Left which is why I have long posed that Germany is already lost, they just don't know it yet). Of course the police just stand by idly and at best attempt to keep the two camps apart. But almost on a regular basis PEGIDA or AfD (the fledgling conservative party) supporters are being beaten to a pulp, their cars are burned, their houses are spray painted, their real names are being posted online, etc. etc. If you are an AfD or PEGIDA supporter in Germany then you are immediately labeled persona non-grata (for real! - this is not a joke) and you will most likely lose your job and most of your friends.

Antifa is the tip of the spear for the Marxist Left and although they will always condemn Antifa's violent activities in public they are full well aware of their true intentions and know how to leverage left-extreme groups to their advantage. Just like in Germany or France you will almost never see Antifa members be pursued and actually charged for their crimes. Ask yourselves why that is but I'm sure you'll be able to guess.

I could go on for pages and pages about the deeply saddening political development all across Germany but I encourage you to simply type 'NetzDG' into your favorite search engine to get a rough idea of what is left of freedom of expression in that cursed nation of political sheep.

I took the time today to give you American RVF members the nutshell version of what's going on in Germany so that hopefully a similar political shift can be averted in the United States. In other words: If you fail to nip this in the butt right here and now then you will most likely find yourself in a Marxist globalist hell hole in about a decade from now. Learn from Germany - learn from Sweden - learn from France. Do not let this happen in the United States of America.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

AntiFA Thread

According to God Emperor Trump's facebook page. Antifa is to be labeled a domestic terrorist organization.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

AntiFA Thread

We got Hawaii Antifa!

I guess this group is devoted to harassing people that stay in Trump Waikiki, but that's about it.

They love the classic movie "Surf Nazis Must Die" and somehow are involved in the Thirty Meter Telescope fiasco.

Oddly, the tmt project has nothing at all to do with fascism or anything right wing at all. Its a group of native Hawaiians that are mad about a scientific marvel of a telescope being built. These people forget that following and charting stars is something that Polynesians have done for centuries. Its really stupid.

White folks got involved so they could use all the cool hashtags. Considering the protest is up a mountain you can use #startedfromthebottomnowerehere #allthewayup then use #notmt like you are a real warrior.

Here's antifa blocking the road to the telescope :


Notice their logo is a guy surfing right over a Nazi.


AntiFA Thread

I think the MSM will react in several ways once the round-up of antifa terrorists begins:

1. Note the arrests in brief articles, then ignore it afterwards, like it did with the defendants in Operation Backfire.
2. Make a huge deal about the arrests and highly publicize them, and subsequently act as if it was criminal "anarchists" who had been responsible for all the political violence, not Democratic supporters. Now that they are rounded up, all further violence will certainly be committed by rightists.
3. The crackdown on leftists is a totalitarian move by Trump trying to establish a dictatorship in the country.

AntiFA Thread

I wouldn't doubt that commenter's assertion.

Most 'secret' or extremist organizations are kept under tabs one way or another. Even traditional fraternal societies like the masons usually have several police officers or FBI agents as members. They aren't as relevant these days with the internet being used to organize, however throughout history certain lodges have been used for clandestine operations.

Another 'trick' is affiliating with places or groups where law enforcement believes there will be a high probability of finding potential extremists.

For example being friends with the owner of a shooting range. Just get the sign in sheets and run the names versus a database, guarantee some people with weapons charges are shooting at the range.

This forum and places like 4chan are probably under some type of surveillance as well, but by not doing illegal we're in the clear.

AntiFA Thread

[Image: DIrOuSrW4AA2Run.jpg:small]

[Image: DIrOuRaWsAAggPw.jpg:small]

[Image: DIrOuSUW0AA3kYX.jpg:small]

AntiFA Thread


...We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization...

That Antifa are intended as a means to sow chaos & destruction is not so much a surprise.
What probably was a surprise to leftist media outlets & The Democrats, was the immediate & public association of them to Antifa.

Antifa are supposed to be a separate, third party; destructive, yet expendable.
Mere political pawns, mere cannon fodder.

It may well be that the globalists have had to readjust their plans for Antifa in the wake of public association to The Democrats.
Whether Antifa becomes yesterdays news or the destructive dunces, double down; we'll have to wait & see.

AntiFA Thread

All this antifa makes me think we live in the years preceeding 1848.


AntiFA Thread

Too late Trevor.
The Democrats frankenstein is already on the march.


AntiFA Thread

Quote: (09-02-2017 12:05 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  


...We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization...

That Antifa are intended as a means to sow chaos & destruction is not so much a surprise.
What probably was a surprise to leftist media outlets & The Democrats, was the immediate & public association of them to Antifa.

Antifa are supposed to be a separate, third party; destructive, yet expendable.
Mere political pawns, mere cannon fodder.

It may well be that the globalists have had to readjust their plans for Antifa in the wake of public association to The Democrats.
Whether Antifa becomes yesterdays news or the destructive dunces, double down; we'll have to wait & see.

I can only speak from what I have learned from monitoring events over here in Europe over the past five years or so. ANTIFA is being condoned and leveraged by the Left as its de facto secret shock troops, allowing it to quell political dissent and to intimidate counter protests. It thus offers the Left plausible deniability as they can always distance themselves from ANTIFA if things got a bit out of control (e.g. last month in Hamburg).

FYI, the German brown shirts in the 1930s were formed during the forming years of the National Socialist Party for the express purpose of defending against repeated attacks brought about by communist and anti-fascist groups. They were then later used for direct assaults against jews, gypsies and other undesired groups:


(The Sturmabteilung) played a significant role in Adolf Hitler's rise to power in the 1920s and 1930s. Their primary purposes were providing protection for Nazi rallies and assemblies, disrupting the meetings of opposing parties, fighting against the paramilitary units of the opposing parties, especially the Red Front Fighters League (Rotfrontkämpferbund) of the Communist Party of Germany (KPD), and intimidating Slavic and Romani citizens, unionists, and Jews – for instance, during the Nazi boycott of Jewish businesses.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

AntiFA Thread

Quote: (09-01-2017 01:37 PM)LEMONed IScream Wrote:  

According to God Emperor Trump's facebook page. Antifa is to be labeled a domestic terrorist organization.

Yes, saw that here. Recognized, at least in part, as a terrorist group by DHS.

This is good news, although I can't stand the way the Daily Mail buys into the narrative by conflating Trump supporters with white nationalists - that's lazy and totally dishonest. Antifags do not limit themselves to attacking the few white nationalist events they can find, they go after any element of opposition - even a gay jewish guy trying to speak at college event.


Following Trump's surprise election (which wouldn't have been a surprise if you were paying attention), masked protesters held demonstrations which saw store windows smashed and vandalism across the city. Violence erupted at a Rally for Trump and Freedom in the suburb of Vancouver after activists threw smoke bombs

Quote: (09-01-2017 02:16 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

I think the MSM will react in several ways once the round-up of antifa terrorists begins:

1. Note the arrests in brief articles, then ignore it afterwards, like it did with the defendants in Operation Backfire.
2. Make a huge deal about the arrests and highly publicize them, and subsequently act as if it was criminal "anarchists" who had been responsible for all the political violence, not Democratic supporters. Now that they are rounded up, all further violence will certainly be committed by rightists.
3. The crackdown on leftists is a totalitarian move by Trump trying to establish a dictatorship in the country.

4. Make you wonder whatever happened to Antifa the same way I'm wondering where the hell all those OWS supporters went. What was supposed to be some massive grassroots uprising turned out to be just another Soros funded sock puppet.

AntiFA Thread

Public school teachers are in antifa ranks. We all knew BLM had school teachers as leaders as well. These shits don't know what free speech is by default. Even the vice mayor of Charlottlesville was a teacher who got canned for dumb ass behavior.
Teaching used to be a noble profession. Now it is becoming a hideout for weekend freaks and degenerates.

AntiFA Thread

Quote: (09-02-2017 09:15 AM)rpg Wrote:  

Public school teachers are in antifa ranks. We all knew BLM had school teachers as leaders as well. These shits don't know what free speech is by default. Even the vice mayor of Charlottlesville was a teacher who got canned for dumb ass behavior.
Teaching used to be a noble profession. Now it is becoming a hideout for weekend freaks and degenerates.

You can thank the teacher's union for that. You can't get fired as a teacher for anything short of diddling the kids, so it's the perfect job for SJWs that would get canned anywhere else for picking fights with their coworkers.

AntiFA Thread

Quote: (09-01-2017 01:26 PM)redpillage Wrote:  

Just to give you guys an idea of where this is heading if remained unchecked. In Germany antifa has an extended history that goes back to before Hitler took power.

[Image: antifa02.png?w=696]

Do these flags look familiar to you by any chance? ;-)

They lost the game back then but bounced back in full force after the German reunification when many East German functionaries and politicos found themselves without a future. So they submerged for a decade or so and started to infiltrate a whole host of political organizations (i.e. the Greens, die Grünen, die Linken) as well as various NGOs such as Greenpeace, the Red Cross, Doctors without borders, etc.

So as a result over the past 20 years or so (since 1989) the entire political spectrum gradually shifted to what would in the U.S. be considered far left to our democratic party. Although Antifa represents only a very small portion of the political spectrum in Germany it has many sympathizers especially among the younger generation who have been very effectively been turned into Marxist multi-cultural drones by the ultra-left German educational system. If you think your kids have it bad in the U.S. come to Germany where free speech has never truly existed and where you can quickly find yourself in jail for uttering something negative about Islam or any minority group of your choice.

Now it's fair to say that Antifa is in complete control of Germany's streets at this point as the polity has been leveraging their violence in order to muffle and outright silence anything regarded as 'hate speech'. The definition of which of course is extremely vague at best and usually applies to anything that does not fit their globalist anti-nationalist pseudo-Marxist ideology. Antifa basically acts as the Left's shock-troops and every time PEGIDA demonstrates against the never ending stream of illegal Muslim and North African immigration into the country Antifa shows up in force and beats the shit out of what are mostly middle aged to elderly demonstrators (the young mostly support the Left which is why I have long posed that Germany is already lost, they just don't know it yet). Of course the police just stand by idly and at best attempt to keep the two camps apart. But almost on a regular basis PEGIDA or AfD (the fledgling conservative party) supporters are being beaten to a pulp, their cars are burned, their houses are spray painted, their real names are being posted online, etc. etc. If you are an AfD or PEGIDA supporter in Germany then you are immediately labeled persona non-grata (for real! - this is not a joke) and you will most likely lose your job and most of your friends.

Antifa is the tip of the spear for the Marxist Left and although they will always condemn Antifa's violent activities in public they are full well aware of their true intentions and know how to leverage left-extreme groups to their advantage. Just like in Germany or France you will almost never see Antifa members be pursued and actually charged for their crimes. Ask yourselves why that is but I'm sure you'll be able to guess.

I could go on for pages and pages about the deeply saddening political development all across Germany but I encourage you to simply type 'NetzDG' into your favorite search engine to get a rough idea of what is left of freedom of expression in that cursed nation of political sheep.

I took the time today to give you American RVF members the nutshell version of what's going on in Germany so that hopefully a similar political shift can be averted in the United States. In other words: If you fail to nip this in the butt right here and now then you will most likely find yourself in a Marxist globalist hell hole in about a decade from now. Learn from Germany - learn from Sweden - learn from France. Do not let this happen in the United States of America.

Great post!

What few people realize is that the biggest reason Hitler came to power and was appeased was because of the Communist threat from nearby Russia. Poland as an indepent country had not existed for over 100 years and had only been reestablished after WWI by taking land from Prussia/Germany and from Russia. So both Germany and Russia viewed at least half of Poland to be theirs. The Polish angle is relevant only in that Bolshevik Russia was a direct influence on German politics; there was no real buffer. Even Chamberlain appeased Hitler because he feared the spread of Communism more. Why is this relevant today - because the AntiFa are the Commies. You'll notice they are organized, equpped, uniformed, and transported and paid by a central force as well.

AntiFA Thread

Here's a great video from Dragnet. It was the second incarnation of the series, likely from 1968:


AntiFA Thread

[Image: DI1l6quW0AA7v9n.jpg]

AntiFA Thread

It will not be long and certain people will get fed up. That is when the real interesting shit begins.

AntiFA Thread

The remarkable turn against Antifa is somewhat interesting.

I'm wondering if TPTB had some data indicating that the entire Antifa vs WN thing "isn't going in the direction that [we]'d hoped".

AntiFA Thread

Quote: (09-04-2017 05:51 PM)Easy_C Wrote:  

The remarkable turn against Antifa is somewhat interesting.

I'm wondering if TPTB had some data indicating that the entire Antifa vs WN thing "isn't going in the direction that [we]'d hoped".

It was a sudden turnabout. That is often indicative of high level Deep State policy decisions. A decision gets made and suddenly all these disparate organizations suddenly have the same idea.

AntiFA Thread

There must be a sting operation underway nearing completion, Dems are distancing themselves now before the crackdown comes.

It was very interesting to see Paul Ryan denounce AntiFa right after Pelosi but not before, it's patently obvious Paul Ryan is controlled opposition. Why him and Bitch McConnell are the leaders speaks volumes about the rank and cuck file of the Republican party. The party must grow balls to match Trump in order to succeed, the 2018 primary season needs to be a bloodbath to get the message across.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

AntiFA Thread

List of members, posted on 4chan:

If only you knew how bad things really are.

AntiFA Thread

Quote: (09-04-2017 11:47 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Why him and Bitch McConnell are the leaders speaks volumes about the rank and cuck file of the Republican party.

[Image: laugh3.gif]

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

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