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The Australian politics thread

The Australian politics thread

I'll say this much, certain elements of the Coalition seem determined to fight the issue of gay marriage right to the end:


NATIONALS MP Andrew Broad has threatened to quit the Coalition over same-sex marriage if the Liberal Party allows MPs a parliamentary vote on the issue without a plebiscite.

Mr Broad told his local newspaper, the Sunraysia Daily, if marriage law was changed without a plebiscite it would signal the end of the Coalition.

“It won’t be me only, the whole show would blow up,” he was quoted as saying. “So suddenly you’d lose 16 lower house members in one bloc. Turnbull’s leadership would become untenable and he’d no longer be prime minister.”

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is under pressure to negotiate a deal with rogue Liberal MPs at an emergency party meeting today on gay marriage.

Labor leader Bill Shorten has attacked Mr Turnbull at a party meeting today, saying the marriage equality issue is dragging on because of his “complete failure of leadership and weakness.”

“But there is only one reason — only one reason why this failure to deal with
marriage equality has dragged on as long as it has. It is because of the complete failure of leadership and weakness of the Prime Minister of Australia to deal with this issue,” he said.

Australia could have a way forward on same sex marriage by tonight with rogue Liberal MPs who were pushing for a free vote now saying they’re open to a postal plebiscite.

Gay couples could legally marry as early as next year if a postal plebiscite, followed by a free vote in Parliament within 100 days, is accepted by Liberal MPs at an emergency party room this afternoon.

But marriage equality campaigners have already labelled the postal vote a “bloody stupid idea” and are threatening to launch legal action to block any attempted plebiscite by mail.

Yes, the little darlings might cut their fingers posting in thousands of fake votes.


Liberal MPs Warren Entsch and Tim Wilson — who are among five MPs pushing for a parliamentary vote on a new marriage equality bill drafted by Liberal senator Dean Smith — said they would not rule out the plebiscite by mail option, which is set to be offered up as a compromise at the meeting at 4pm today.

“I’m not going to rule anything out at this stage,” Mr Entsch told Sky News this morning.

“I’m going in there in good faith, let’s have a respectful discussion on this, let’s see what’s on the table.”

Mr Entsch said a postal plebiscite was “fraught” but he wanted to see an outcome and a “clear end date” on the marriage equality debate.

Mr Wilson told Sky News he would be “very open” to a postal plebiscite followed by a free vote as a “constructive” way forward.

Meanwhile, the mainstream religions are cucking:


More than 500 Australian religious leaders have sent an open letter to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull urging politicians to “show leadership” and legalise same-sex marriage.

Anglican, Catholic, Uniting Church, Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish and Muslim religious leaders have signed the letter.

“As people of faith, we understand that marriage is based on the values of love and commitment and we support civil marriage equality, not despite, but because of our faith and values,” the letter reads.

It comes after Sydney Archbishop Anthony Fisher warned at the weekend that Senator Smith’s bill would not protect Australians’ religious freedoms.

The government believes a postal vote conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission could go ahead without a Senate vote to authorise the expense.

But co-chair of the equality campaign and director of legal advocacy at the Human Rights Law Centre, Anna Brown, has received legal advice that the government does not have the power to spend the funds without authorisation.

The group plans to launch a High Court challenge if the government announces a postal plebiscite.

“If that is announced today, the challenge to it will begin tomorrow,” Marriage Equality co-chair Alex Greenwich told reporters at Parliament House.
“A postal vote plebiscite is a bloody stupid idea.
“That will weaken the parliament because it basically says people are not prepared to do their job.”

Former Prime Minister Tony Abbott has also raised concerns about a postal vote.
“It’s certainly better than ramming the thing through the parliament without any vote, but there could be questions about how authoritative it could be,” Mr Abbott told 2GB radio.

“There has to be a plebiscite. It would be very improper of us to abandon the clear commitment we took to the election for no change without a people’s vote first.”
Mr Abbott issued a warning to colleagues pushing for a free vote on same-sex marriage this morning, insisting they were “honour-bound” to oppose it without a plebiscite.

“Keeping faith with the electorate should weigh just as heavily as deeply-held personal belief,” he wrote in The Australian.

Labor MP Louise Pratt has also warned against a postal plebiscite, saying it could disenfranchise younger Australians who were more mobile than older Australians.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has called the Liberal Party meeting for this afternoon in the hopes of securing a way forward on marriage equality before Parliament returns tomorrow.

Senator Smith’s bill and the postal plebiscite are expected to be discussed.
His proposal allows for two people to marry regardless of their gender, while enshrining protections and exemptions for religious communities.

That includes religious ministers, civil celebrants, and businesses linked to a religious body who refuse to cater for same-sex couples.

ReachTEL polling for The Australia Institute and Australian Marriage Equality shows almost two-thirds of voters in Mallee, a coalition stronghold, support MPs voting according to their own conscience on the issue.

More than two-thirds of voters in Mr Turnbull’s electorate, as well as the electorates of Mr Zimmerman, Mr Wilson, Mr Entsch and Mr Evans, also supported a conscience vote.
Meanwhile, UNSW constitutional law expert George Williams has warned a postal plebiscite would be dangerous and lack legitimacy.[/quote]

It's amazing to see how scared the Left is to actually put their proposal on buttfuckers marrying before the Australian people. It's almost like their polling indicates the proposal wouldn't succeed.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Australian politics thread

Im pretty sure it would be legalised if it were put to a vote, which makes it all the more baffling that they have fought any attempt to put it to a vote, tooth and nail.

If "I dont give a fuck" were an option, it'd get 80% of the vote. Unfortunately i think most people would err on the side of giving in to the fags. The fact that only one viewpoint would be represented in the media certainly wouldnt help our cause.

The media narrative is right about one thing though - this is a test of leadership. If Turnbull were to front up and say "this issue was dead years ago - No means no" maybe he'd get some legitimacy in my eyes.

The Australian politics thread

^Don't be so sure.

A lot of people I know are so damn sick of the issue that they're likely to vote against gay marriage just for the "fuck you" factor.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Australian politics thread

The current state of Australian politics...
Whereby the most notable concern of politicians is whether 2% of the population can get "married" or not.

Whatever that term even means anymore, when hetero folk have bastardized the notion, let alone what anyone else will do to it.

The Australian politics thread

Unfortunately, Australia has about 90% of its population in the cities, and you know the patterns of voting that replicate themselves the world over between rural and urban voters.

Even more unfortunate is that 20% of the country are from Melbourne. It is the LA of Australia - a hive of leftism. If they held a vote and gay marriage didn't go through, would Victoria start talking about secession?

The Australian politics thread

Plebiscite questions:

1) do you support gay marriage
2) Do you support multiple people getting married at once
3) DO YOU GIVE A FUCK about this issue, and are you pissed off we are wasting time with this while rome burns?

The Australian politics thread

They're setting plans for the plebiscite in motion. It's gonna be on 25 November via postal vote:

Quote:Herald Sun Wrote:

USTRALIANS will get a chance to vote on whether to make gay marriage legal on November 25.

Coalition MPs have decided a postal vote on marriage equality will be held in November, if they are unable to secure support for a traditional plebiscite in Parliament this week, Sky News reports.

But Labor and marriage equality groups are questioning whether a postal vote would be legal, if the government does not gain authorisation to spend Commonwealth funds for one.

“The Commonwealth can’t spend money without legislation in the Parliament authorising the expenditure of that money, unless it’s part of the ordinary activities of a department,” Shadow Attorney General Mark Dreyfus told Sky News today.

“On no view could the conduct of a national voluntary postal vote be seen as part of the ordinary activities of any of the commonwealth departments.”

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

The Australian politics thread

I saw a figure of $170mil for this postal nonsense.

Trite yet true response - I'm sure there's a few hospitals & schools that could benefit more-so from that money...

The Australian politics thread

That moment when the left realise we're having a gay marriage plebiscite and the muslim population might tip the deciding vote...

[Image: af8dc624f77ea77e57cc0f8bf0a64473bb2d285a...df724e.gif]

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (08-07-2017 05:59 PM)king bast Wrote:  

Unfortunately, Australia has about 90% of its population in the cities, and you know the patterns of voting that replicate themselves the world over between rural and urban voters.

Even more unfortunate is that 20% of the country are from Melbourne. It is the LA of Australia - a hive of leftism. If they held a vote and gay marriage didn't go through, would Victoria start talking about secession?

No, but if they don't fix the fucking GST, WA will. As it is Malfunction Turnbull's on track to lose every Federal seat out here. WA had to be dragged kicking and screaming into Federation, it's why they're not in the preamble to the Constitution, and every few years the secessionists start talking about it again.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Australian politics thread

Another quirk of this "postal vote".

Do millennial kids even know how to post a letter anymore?

May end up with another Brexit type situation whereby the millennials are the most vocal about the situation.
Yet they're the ones who wind up doing the least.
All the while, the retirees with nothing better to do in their day, tip the scales to a more traditional vote.

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (08-08-2017 09:05 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Another quirk of this "postal vote".

Do millennial kids even know how to post a letter anymore?

May end up with another Brexit type situation whereby the millennials are the most vocal about the situation.
Yet they're the ones who wind up doing the least.
All the while, the retirees with nothing better to do in their day, tip the scales to a more traditional vote.

Millennial are by their very nature apathetic. For every protest rally, every flavour of the month SJW campaign, the reality is most of them don't care at all, let alone care enough to take 10 minutes out of the day to walk to the post office.

As a by product of the social media, fast food information era, a bitchy five second Facebook status update is about the extent of their passion for any individual cause.

The Australian politics thread

That's what I'm thinking.
May well end up that the postal vote result doesn't go the PC crowd's way.

The Australian politics thread

Alan Jones might be a closet poofter, but I can respect a guy who gives no shits about virtue signalling and has sufficient Game to call out fatass Samantha Armytage on her bullshit without invoking a nuclear response:


2GB radio king Alan Jones is at it again, this time poking fun at host Samantha Armytage’s big pay package during a discussion on Australians’ emergency savings this morning.

It’s the second time in days that the 76-year-old shock jock has caught the blonde, 40, off guard live on Sunrise.

Armytage, who is rumoured to have signed a $500,000 salary deal with Channel 7, began to complain about her hefty electricity bill today.

The discussion was sparked following new research, which showed a quarter of Aussies only had $400 cash saved to cope with emergencies.

The hot topic took a hilarious turn when Armytage spoke about her personal difficulties.

“I got my electricity bill the other day and it was only for July and my goodness it was huge — it had absolutely jumped.” she said.

But a quick-witted Jones responded to Armytage live on air.

“When you’re on low incomes like you and I Sam, these things are really stressful,” he said.

Armytage attempted to make light of the situation by saying, “Well no but if I’m finding it stressful well there are a lot of people out there that you really feel for.”

Last week, Armytage labelled Jones “a troublemaker” following his revelations of her own intake during a boozy lunch they shared, after Armytage questioned Queen Elizabeth’s alcohol consumption.

“Quickly, we want to talk to you about the Queen’s drinking — this is not my concern,” she said as she began the discussion.

“Each day Her Majesty enjoys a gin and tonic before lunch, there’s wine with lunch, a dry martini and a glass of champagne at night. Now that equals six serves of alcohol, which under British government health guidelines makes her apparently a binge drinker ... Alan?”

He responded: “Sam, that’s light-on compared to the last time you and I had dinner.”

“Honestly, Sam, you started with the gin — and it was very straight with not much tonic water at all — you had the white and the red and you topped it up with some champagne. Come on,”
he added.

Armytage seemed taken aback at the time but later made light of the conversation.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

The Australian politics thread

The media onslaught has begun. 2 or 3 pro gay marriage stories on the front page of every australian news site now, and if it wasnt for the stories that somehow manage to imply that Trumps statement on north korea was unusual or reckless, thered be nothing else. I dont even want to imagine how absolute the coverage will be by the time the vote rolls around in november.

Heres hoping the old media overplay their hand again, and australia delivers a big $120 million fuck-you to the fags and their enablers.

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (08-08-2017 09:10 PM)Rush87 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-08-2017 09:05 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

Another quirk of this "postal vote".

Do millennial kids even know how to post a letter anymore?

May end up with another Brexit type situation whereby the millennials are the most vocal about the situation.
Yet they're the ones who wind up doing the least.
All the while, the retirees with nothing better to do in their day, tip the scales to a more traditional vote.

Millennial are by their very nature apathetic. For every protest rally, every flavour of the month SJW campaign, the reality is most of them don't care at all, let alone care enough to take 10 minutes out of the day to walk to the post office.

As a by product of the social media, fast food information era, a bitchy five second Facebook status update is about the extent of their passion for any individual cause.

Quote: (08-08-2017 09:48 PM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

That's what I'm thinking.
May well end up that the postal vote result doesn't go the PC crowd's way.

Yep which is why they are so keen on parliament just passing gay marriage law. If it's put to a postal vote, there is a very real chance they will lose badly.

The Australian politics thread

I know the situation for Australia Post isn't so viable these days.
Yet that is a rather elaborate way to force some funds into that organization...

The Australian politics thread

Here it is - A formalisation that the campaign for gay marriage is to run unopposed. From your ABC:


Same-sex marriage: Government to rush bill to make plebiscite campaign hate-free

Parliament is likely to rush through a bill next week to stop hateful advertising material being distributed as part of the same-sex marriage postal vote.

Acting Special Minister of State Mathias Cormann said the legislation would apply the same advertising restrictions that are in place for ordinary elections, which prohibit malicious campaigning and bribery.

Labor, the Greens and crossbench senators have all expressed concern hateful or misleading material could be distributed during the campaign

Labor leader Bill Shorten said his party was willing to consider the bill Senator Cormann was proposing.

"We'll certainly have a look at it," Mr Shorten said.

Senator Cormann said the protections would have applied if the Senate had passed legislation for a compulsory plebiscite and the Electoral Commission had run the poll.

But that process has been blocked in the Upper House and the survey is instead being run by the Bureau of Statistics.

Senator Cormann defended the process, saying postal voting was a well-established process and integrity measures were in place.

'I've supported gay marriage longer than Shorten': Turnbull

Mr Shorten has suggested he and Malcolm Turnbull jointly write a letter to every Australian, "stating that we both support marriage equality and encouraging every Australian to say yes".

"I think it would be a very healthy moment, not only in the marriage equality debate but in Australian politics," Mr Shorten said.

Mr Turnbull said it could be "counter-productive" to co-sign a letter with Mr Shorten.

"This is typical of the way Shorten plays the politics of this, I have been a supporter of gay marriage much longer than him — for a start," Mr Turnbull told 3AW.

Mr Turnbull said he would vote yes in the postal ballot and when a bill came before Parliament to allow same-sex marriage.

"The bottom line is I will certainly be telling Australians I support a Yes vote, I will be encouraging them to vote yes," he said.

"Whether I sign a letter with Bill Shorten, I will reflect on whether that is useful.

"It may actually be counter-productive."

Hateful and misleading material is code for "the truth".

The Australian politics thread

Men are now banned from joining our defence force (h/t Bearing, blame him for the clickbaity video title):

The Koreans are definitely gonna steamroll us if we decide to assist the God-Emperor's troops over there!

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

The Australian politics thread

Also, crossposted from the Korea conflict thread:

Malcolm Turnbull's offered a helping hand to the US in case they decide to storm Korea:

Quote:ABC FAKE News Wrote:

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says if North Korea launches an attack on the United States, Australia will join the conflict.

Key points:

Mr Turnbull says the ANZUS treaty would be invoked if the US and North Korea go to war
PM spoke to US Vice-President overnight, discussing "the most dangerous flashpoint in the world today"
Tough new sanctions could force the regime to abandon its nuclear weapons program, PM says
The Trump administration has escalated its rhetoric against North Korea, after the rogue regime threatened to attack the US territory of Guam in the Pacific.

"America stands by its allies, including Australia of course, and we stand by the United States," Mr Turnbull told 3AW.

"So be very, very clear on that. If there's an attack on the US, the ANZUS Treaty would be invoked and Australia would come to the aid of the United States, as America would come to our aid if we were attacked."

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (08-11-2017 05:38 AM)fokker Wrote:  

Men are now banned from joining our defence force (h/t Bearing, blame him for the clickbaity video title):

The Koreans are definitely gonna steamroll us if we decide to assist the God-Emperor's troops over there!

What's to prevent a guy from simply ID'ing as a female...?
I have seen Aus. gov. forms with male / female / other.
Surely a PC paranoid defence force would not want to discriminate against a guy ID'ing as female.
Hell, it would make it easier for him as he'd have reduced fitness requirements...

The Australian politics thread

Quote: (08-11-2017 05:38 AM)fokker Wrote:  

Men are now banned from joining our defence force (h/t Bearing, blame him for the clickbaity video title):

The Koreans are definitely gonna steamroll us if we decide to assist the God-Emperor's troops over there!

In the video they say that there is around 12% females in the defence force. I would say that even this figure is inflated by 'equality' measures. What this means is that for every 10 men, there is 1 female who is willing to join the military. Bullshit... There wouldn't even be 1 woman for every 50 men willing to join the military.

The only reason this figure would even be as high as it is, is through an inflated number of admin jobs created for "equality"... I.E: A useless waste of taxpayer dollars. This absolutely shits me to no end.

The Australian politics thread

Fucking stupid. I'm not even sure how to put it more eloquently than that.

I wish I was on that show. I would have made it really simple.

I would say "let's imagine you had 100 jobs going for which there were 100 female applicants ranging from great *cough* to terrible and 200 male applicants ranging from great to terrible. Under these measures the army would be forced to ignore the great men and employ the whole range of women from the *cough* great ones through to the terrible ones."

I would add "this is simple mathematics" and leave hanging all that that implies.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Australian politics thread

The Australian army has never lost a battle under Australian command.

They seem determined to change this record.

I've said before, with "equality" putting more fags and women into the military, despite the increased danger it poses to men....

Maybe real equality is seeing more fags and womynz coming him in body bags.

Time to sit the next war out fellas.

In all seriousness, a country that degrades its army to the point its military men are more likely to die, is not a country worth protecting.

The Australian politics thread

I'll protect it when the old order collapses, and until then I'll protect my small patch of it.

I'm not interested in getting fragged by some cunt who can't reliably lob a frag grenade out of the foxhole we're both in.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

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