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I'm rusty and getting myself back in the game

I'm rusty and getting myself back in the game

The title of the thread says it all.

I've been out of the game for a year or two now. Long story short, I was massively depressed at some things that happened and didn't have the enthusiasm to go out and say the magic words that would make chicks beg me to put my dick inside of them.

Recently I came to realize that the only thing that was keeping me in this depression was that I was choosing to be depressed instead of choosing to take action and get out there.

Whenever I just do the things that I'm supposed to do, regardless of how I feel about them, it changes how I feel about what I'm doing.

The more that I go out and game girls, the more that I enjoy going out and gaming girls. The only thing that trips me up sometimes is making the decision to just start doing stuff. I've been out of action for such a time now that it feels foreign to me to do all of the things that I used to do.

The game can be as easy or as hard as you make it. But one thing is certain: it requires a sustained and deliberate effort. There is no way to just wake up and have chicks falling over you, unless you've put in all of the necessary work to create such a system.

One day I will be there. One day I won't have to exert any effort. I can just live my life and not have to thing about gaming. Women will just fall into my lap, literally. One day this will happen because I'm committed to putting in the work to making it happen.

The barriers to making that happen are all in my head.

Here's what I need to work on:

1. Logistics - This is 70% of success with game. It's the part where I'm the weakest right now. I'm living at home with my mom. I'm struggling to get a business started so that I can have time, income and mobility freedom.

Once I build up my business to the point to where I can live on my own again, or live abroad and travel hack, then I'll have overcome the biggest hurdle to my game.

Honestly that's really the main thing that I have to overcome right now. Once I've gotten myself established and have a solid and reliable stream of income I'll be golden.

The challenge I'm running into is that it's taking a while to get everything up and running. I know that in the future I won't have to work so hard to game girls, but right now I do.

2. Dealing with American cunts

I'm not super excited about the women that I'm encountering in the dating pond that I'm currently in.

I lived abroad for a long time and experienced the geo-arbitraged lifestyle for long enough to have it deeply ingrained into my psyche that I'm the kind of guy who dates hot, sexy, feminine, nice, family oriented, caring, considerate, open minded and adventurous chicks. Americans are hardly feminine.

I really just want a nice foreign girlfriend while I'm battling it out here in the US. I just want one chick who I can dump my load into while I'm getting ready to go off again.

I don't want to put up with the bullshit that American women throw out in order to get laid. I'd honestly rather just stay home and read a book than have to deal with stupid shit.

I've realized though that my sex drive and my success in business are somewhat tied together. The more I'm fucking, the better I am at closing deals and getting results. So I need to be fucking more. It's just hard for me to convince myself that it's worth all of the bullshit I have to go through in order to make it happen.

3. Making it all fun

I know a lot of guys here treat game like work. You have to put in a lot of effort for little up front reward. You have to take risks. You have to deal with bullshit. You have to pay your dues.

Fuck that. If I can't have fun in the process of seducing women then it's not going to be fun once I've successfully seduced them.

I don't know what the solution is here. I put it down so that I'll think about a solution for it somehow.


I made this thread mostly as a way of public accountability. The more public I am about what I'm going through, the easier it is for me to break through and go beyond where I'm at.

Other guys may or may not be going through something similar, so hopefully there is some value for them to read my journey.

Of course, I'll come back to this thread and update it here and there with progress. It might not be as exciting as a 30-day flagging mission thread, but it's what I've got right now.

I'm rusty and getting myself back in the game

Nice handle. Do you like pipopes?

I'm rusty and getting myself back in the game

Ha, I had to look that one up. Never heard of that monicker before. I'll have to go visit Puebla one day.

I'm rusty and getting myself back in the game

There are opportunities for sex everywhere you go. One aspect of game is being able to recognize these opportunities and being able to take the necessary actions to seal the deal as quick as possible.

I get out plenty. I'm around enough people to see these opportunities everywhere I go. Some of them are just obvious. Others require a bit more investment. Many of them would require me to do things that I really don't want to do in order to get laid, or would put me around people that I don't particularly like.

That last point is holding me back quite a bit. I don't have much in common with the average American youngster, at least not in the area that I'm in right now. That lack of affinity for the targets that I"m going after is causing me to approach these situations with less enthusiasm than I need in order to be able to close the deal.

Some highlights from the week.

I made out with a chick at a bar. Didn't seal the deal that night. Was complicated because she was with 2 friends and they didn't want to separate. I was with some dudes I met recently and our wingman game wasn't on point so it was hard to coordinate that whole ordeal on the spot. Definitely need to get my wingman game worked out if I"m going to keep going out at night.

I had a Tinder date lined up but I didn't confirm with her enough times, so when our meetup time comes around she says that she's with a friend at another bar. They tried to get me to come, but I didn't want to play that game. My error for not confirming with her earlier, but I'm not going to set the precedent of letting her lead. Damn shame too, our pre-date texting suggested the bang was all but guaranteed.

Everyone says American girls are the easiest to bang. Maybe they are. Maybe I'm just getting in my own way here.

My goal this week is to keep practicing a holisitic game. Work on improving my social circle, go out to bars at night, do some online dating and push for more closes during day game opportunities that I create.

I'm rusty and getting myself back in the game

Game is like a muscle, it takes what seems like forever to build but can quickly atrophy if it isn't used. Not to worry, though, that atrophy is fully reversible. If you've gamed before, you can game again. The most important thing is to have enough balls to put yourself back out there and to understand that without a willingness to risk, you'll never get any reward.

. Go to the gym (build confidence)
. Read (will make you more interesting and educated)
. Write (possibly keep a journal and track your progress)
. Find hobbies you like and meet people through them (self-explanatory)
. Go places and talk to random people (you needn't always try picking people up, just get your social apparatus back in shape)

This is a far from exhaustive list, but it should, in my opinion, be enough to get you going again.

I'm rusty and getting myself back in the game

Hey man, wish you luck in your game endeavours. Have you thought about meeting up with players in your area to bounce ideas and have fun with?

"What I had more than anyone else was drive. I was hungrier than anybody. I wanted it so badly it hurt."
- Arnold Schwarzenegger

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