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How to leverage high IQ for game?

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Thats not even dumbing down though, thats just avoiding certain topics. By all means show your intelligence. . .. in topics that women find interesting. People watch with her and pick out little subtle things, use your intelligence to make witty jokes, etc etc. No need to dumb down at all. If you cant make light topics funny and interesting, maybe you arent as smart as you think you are?

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Speaking of IQ, this thread is regressing to the mean.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

I once met a German girl who liked black guys back when I didnt have game. I asked her why she didnt just date some German engineer and she said she liked black guys because they can dance!

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

From my observation, there are two types of high IQ individual.

One type expresses their intelligence by constantly reminding you of their intellectual hobbies/interests, expressing dismay that common people don't share their passion for Shakespeare, astronomy or whatever else, criticizing people who are into unintellectual things like partying, sports, and reality TV, re-posting stuff from "I Fucking Love Science" on Facebook to show you how much they fucking love science, using esoteric academic humor they know most people won't get, throwing foreign language phrases into their everyday conversation to demonstrate how worldly they are, bragging about their travels, complaining that education and arts don't receive enough government funding, wearing the label "nerd" like a badge of honor, hating rural/middle America, and explaining concepts in the most convoluted way possible so that you admire them for being able to understand something you can't. Academia is a magnet for these people.

The other type feels no compulsion to convince others of their intelligence. They speak in line with their audience's level of sophistication rather than their own. Their brainpower is spent figuring out how to act in their own best interest. They almost always keep a level head. They do not underestimate the value of people skills. These people are usually either entrepreneurs, or work their way up to high positions in the corporate world.

I don't need to tell you which type has an easier time getting laid.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Quote: (03-21-2017 08:52 PM)Delta Wrote:  


The other type feels no compulsion to convince others of their intelligence.


I don't need to tell you which type has an easier time getting laid.

Nobody cares about how smart you are unless you're so stupid it hurts* or they need you to solve a problem.


*In German they say, "Dummer als die Polizei erlaubt", which translates to, "Dumber than the police allow."

How to leverage high IQ for game?

I fucking hate "I fucking love science". The smugness of ppl who share it is pure shitlib. Hiding behind mommy's skirts instead of making something of themselves. If they were anybody, they'd instead say "you'll fucking love this thought I just had", but nope.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

I think it is virtually impossible for a man of high IQ to have a normal relationship with a woman with a low IQ. It is like Richard Dawkins dating a homeless drug addict.

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Suits, Geomann180, and Fortis already hit it on the first page.

The tendency for people who perceive themselves as having higher intelligence is to go full gamma:

Quote:vox day Wrote:

Gamma: The introspective, the unusual, the unattractive, and all too often the bitter. Gammas are often intelligent, usually unsuccessful with women, and not uncommonly all but invisible to them, the gamma alternates between placing women on pedestals and hating the entire sex. This mostly depends upon whether an attractive woman happened to notice his existence or not that day. Too introspective for their own good, gammas are the men who obsess over individual women for extended periods of time and supply the ranks of stalkers, psycho-jealous ex-boyfriends, and the authors of excruciatingly romantic rhyming doggerel. In the unlikely event they are at the party, they are probably in the corner muttering darkly about the behavior of everyone else there... sometimes to themselves. Gammas tend to have have a worship/hate relationship with women, the current direction of which is directly tied to their present situation. However, they are sexual rejects, not social rejects.

Lifetime voluntary sexual partners = .5x average

Vox day actually has a wealth of knowledge on that subject here:

I've dealt with this issue in the past. I've worked substantially on my social IQ, body language, and other soft skills so that I can pass as dumb or as smart as I want.

I tend to underplay my intelligence a substantial amount of the time.

It's to the point that when girls see a glimpse of my accomplishments that they are intimidated. It's scared the kitten several times .

So I downplay my accomplishments. It has made my working life and my social life a lot more lubricated. And has gotten me a lot more pussy.

I don't get pedantic and obsessive over trivia like I used to, and I find the trait extremely annoying amongst people. I encounter it a lot, working with many very educated individuals.

You have to pop the "My brain is the center of the universe" bubble in a social setting in order to not come off as an 'sperging robot to women.

I joke or deflect questions about my profession unless I think the girl is the type to actually appreciate it. For younger girls, I flat out lie by understating it.

If you cannot use your so called intelligence to learn to actively tease girls when that's what they really desire, and how to fix your body posture, then you are not as smart as you think.

Apathy is a cop out.

I know because I was in denial about my need to change for many, many years.

For the bookish type, I recommend "Explaining Social Behavior" by Elster, as well.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Lots of great info in here. OP has been answer 3 fold really.

I'd just like to succinctly say if you are of higher intelligence, use that tool to upgrade your station in life and better navigate social situations.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Being smarter from a pure IQ standpoint means you have more barriers betwwen you and success, especially if that success means women. The more of these you take away or the more you dumb down, the better. I would even go further to say the more you lower your brain's intelligence or practically speaking ignore your smart ass ideas, the more socially calibrated you become.

It's the same reason that High school sports players stay dumb or ARE dumb and they get more than the smart alecks.

How to leverage high IQ for game?


Because they're not genetically fit enough to detect genetic fitness. They're unable to tell what is smart and what is gibberish because they're not mentally capable. They generally keep it simple: is this guy large, does he control other people and things.

If you try to get to them with humour you can't just be funny, your jokes need to be clever enough that she'll laugh at them but not so clever you'll enjoy making them. You've got to dumb down just the right amount, whereas other guys can just be their brightest and its in her sweet spot. It's hard work being a drawling grinning 3 word sentence moron if that's not who you naturally are. Much easier just to buy a plane ticket.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Do what Leonard did to Penny in Big Bang Theory. Persistence.

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Real talk though:

Take yo mathlete lookin ass and start researching the nonverbal ways to get laid.
Most game is non verbal. You could have the tightest verbal game but if your gestures, body language, and facial expression are weird as fuck you're going to strike out.

Take that IQ to the interwebs and research that shit like its your thesis.

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Use your IQ to create a pill that makes your massively buffed and ripped, handsome, charming and a monster in bed. And of course you will exude the bad boy that women want. Then sell it in limited quantities and you will be fabulously wealthy also.

Don't forget to send me my cut for this idea.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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How to leverage high IQ for game?

Quote: (03-21-2017 12:36 PM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^^IQ tests have been proven to be not so accurate, in regards to measuring intelligence. Like all tests their is a bias.

Defining intelligence is a vague question.

What makes a person intelligent?

I have met many people who were book smart, earning Phd's, Doctorates and whatnot. In the real world they were dumb, lacking social skills and had no street smarts. These same guys also have a tendency to talk alot about their accomplishments to women, expecting them to fall on their knees in praise.

I think there is a strong case to be made, about women also liking physical attractiveness and masculinity. As you rightly said there is a ton of effeminate men in the west, so being masculine alone can get you far with a lot of women.

I focus more on getting my six pack in shape over reading Wuthering Heights or Quantum Physics. Being able to name the Kardashians seems more useful as in knowning popular music. I have had conversations with old broads who were more interested in the Oscars and the Hollywood crap, which I have zero interest in.

Have you dated outside the West?

The girls I dated weren't as harsh as the women in the west granted, but they still valued masculine traits over anything else. Sure being smart is more of a turn-on, but I would say being smart in turns of making money. A lot of people equate people with good paying jobs and being able to make money, as being smart.

I consider myself a smart person, but I have never met a female who was smarter than me or made me feel dumb. I dated a Czech gal who I would say was pretty intelligent/smart, the only time she tripped me up when she was discussing Nietzsche. I never studied him nor did I have any interest in him, luckily the conversation was online and I googled him quickly - she was impressed that I knew his writings. lol

Intelligence is like pornography, difficult to define, yet we recognize it when we are confronted with it.

IQ tests are pretty useful. Kids who do well in IQ tests do tend to earn more money as adults and even live longer. IQ has a stronger correlation with life expectancy than almost any other variable.

Women are not directly turned on by IQ - it has to be applied. As many have said on this thread, wit and humour are entertaining demonstrations of intelligence. Accumulation of resources demonstrates that you can apply your IQ in the real world. As Victor Pride said recently "We all love pussy. Pussy loves power and money."

“The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.”

- V.S Naipaul 'A Bend in the river'

How to leverage high IQ for game?

I have seen guys who basically say nothing important make women swoon. I have over heard guys say random shit about the weather and how he spent the weekend playing Fifa 16 and girls fall madly in love.

With the German girl I met I tried to impress her with my knowledge of German history. I spoke about the Vandals, the Franks and the Visigoths. I espoused on the evils of Communism. She proceeded to fuck the pot head guy who grunted like a cavemen and could barely speak English.

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

^@Chris Brown - my man, you speak the truth.

Intelligence doesn't get pussy wet.

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How to leverage high IQ for game?

Quote: (03-22-2017 02:46 AM)Chris Brown Wrote:  

Do what Leonard did to Penny in Big Bang Theory. Persistence.

Ironically, this show is very popular among people who think of themselves as intellectual but are actually flat and boring [Image: lol.gif]

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Quote: (03-22-2017 08:51 AM)rudebwoy Wrote:  

^@Chris Brown - my man, you speak the truth.

Intelligence doesn't get pussy wet.

Neither does stupidity.

Seriously, what does get pussy wet is creativity, which does have a correlation with IQ. Creativity, especially with words. Women love storytelling and storytellers. A man who can weave a spell with his words, stimulate a woman's fantasy, is a man who can enchant a woman. I've seen it time and time again. Furthermore, this is a skill, which men, especially intelligent and socially aware men can greatly improve as the years go by.

As a man gets into his 40s and 50s he will have accumulated - if he has lived well - a fund of stories from his life experience. Years of practice will have honed his storytelling ability.

An intelligent man is more able to improve himself than a less intelligent man. The less intelligent man is what he is.

Woman are, men must become.

An intelligent man is more able to 'become'.

“The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.”

- V.S Naipaul 'A Bend in the river'

How to leverage high IQ for game?

In a sane world guys like Nikola Tesla would have dozens of children.

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Quote: (03-22-2017 10:51 AM)Chris Brown Wrote:  

In a sane world guys like Nikola Tesla would have dozens of children.

Only the welfare state allows the stupid to have as many children as the intelligent - at the expense of the intelligent.

The world itself punishes stupidity.

“The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it.”

- V.S Naipaul 'A Bend in the river'

How to leverage high IQ for game?

in my experience, the biggest thing that gets pussy wet is pussy talking, especially about herself. that is why those old gimmicks and routines were so effective, like the Cube and Straberry Fields or Style's indirect openers. the woman gets to throw out her opinion, and if someone disagrees even better because there is an emotional spike. even better is someone else talking about her, whether its a cold reading, palm reading, handwriting analysis, etc., although there is less emotional spike, because she gets to hear about herself and as a default is the center of your attention.

on emotional spikes, the key is that its the magnitude that is important, not the direction. when i was in college, I once got screwed over on some paperwork regarding a scholarship. I had waited in line for hours, argued with the admissions office, and was disheveled/angry/frustrated/etc. I went to my fraternity house and just vented on a friend of mine. His roommate was a guy I didn't really like, and he had some chick there. I wasn't even talking to her but I ended up hooking her based on the level of emotion with my frustration. she literally followed me home and became a regular FB.

if you can change the direction of emotional spikes by changing topics to go from something positive to negative and vice versa, and do so suddenly and rapidly, even better! this is what makes you exciting to her. its an emotional thrill, not a physical thrill like riding a motorcycle.

but if you are spouting off about string theory or the trilateral commission, the woman can't really participate, especially not on an emotional level.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

You don't leverage anything, you let them find out for themselves.

When a situation arises, you will have the chance.

It's usually going to be stupid shit like people trying to sort out the bill and taking way too long instead of discussing the socio-political impact of apartheid on free-borns in South Africa.

Until then, figure out the difference between intelligence and being socially savvy.

They are often confused; logic vs emotion.

Also, the fact that you want to leverage this shows you are probably going about it the wrong way.

Use your intelligence to discover how you can become more attractive by looking at the links.

- funnier
- sexier
- on point with your timing
- directing conversation
- seeing her frame from a mile away and imposing yours
- logistics
- staying out of trouble
- asking the right questions in a sexual way to get information that would be useful for both of you coming together
- letting her figure out shit for herself about you
- selectively siphoning out info about her past

The list goes on.

A lot of other posters nailed it.

Use your intelligence for your own macro purposes, to put you in a league where the automatic level of women is higher.

The only 'intelligent' women are not really intelligent but rather, confident. Confident in what they believe and trust me, this is never always intelligent. They have just been told they are intelligent or backed up by other similar people.

Even more so, a lot of their sources are misinformed or incomplete.

If you can deal with that and not let your ego run away with trying to impress (it's either gonna be pissing on her parade or you trying to kill yourself), then go for it but hey, don't cry for me Argentina.

I suggest forgetting about the notion of intelligence in your love life and let that shit go wild in your career, with your mates, on whatever forums you participate in.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

Quote: (03-20-2017 10:26 PM)ms224 Wrote:  

Every time I hear a girl is a sapiosexual,

Sapiosexuals are just unattractive, midwitted girls who are deeply-insecure about their intelligence, who crave external validation that they're, in fact, geniuses, despite the fact that their belief in Sapiosexuality is evidence that they're not.

As for intelligence:

I believe in only figures into mate selection that is non-directed by sexual passion: either as a sign of provision ('this man's intelligence will lead to wealth') or as reinforcement of a woman's desired social class positioning, ('I am the type of woman who is a Doctor's Wife').

If sexual interest in there, I believe the only level of desired intelligence required by a woman is the ability to always outwit her.

One university girl who was dating the '90 IQ Biker' version of me, was throwing things at me during an argument and said "You're not a very smart man Bosch, but..." (insert dramatic exasperated sigh) "'re a wily one."

She had no idea. I wonder what she would I have said if I suddenly pitched her my 120 IQ person I use for work that's based upon my degree, who has a completely-different speaking voice, perfect for dealing with office drones.

Hell, I even wonder what would happen if she heard my real voice, the 145 IQ child brought up on Victorian Literature and with strict English Grandparents, who doesn't drop his haitches or swallow his middle syllables like most locals, and sounds far more Shakespearian English than Australian, which is why my jaw dropped when Quintus started calling me 'Lord Humongous'. How did he know?

Only my close family knows this version of me, (and, even with my Gamma Stepdad, he only gets the 120 version). The pedantic verbosity is my writing voice, though I still dumb myself down as needed. Luckily, I rarely need to here as this is an intelligent community. There's not point being a man who sounds that intelligent in Australia, as Australians are deeply-suspicious towards it. I learnt as a child this persona meant constant confusion and social death: "Why do you use so many big words?" The other two versions of me were created for social and sexual expedience.

This lead to an amusing period a couple of years ago when the female workmates who only knew the 120 Bosch saw a movie role where I used 90 Bosch's voice, leading to them all looking at me very-differently, where I'd see them staring at me out of the corner of my vision, and they started continually-asking me to 'do THAT voice', since I assumed they were all now sexually-obsessed with that man. (You know this voice, Quintus).

A (platonic) female friend who kept pestering me the most about The Voice, I eventually just grinned and said "OK, you can have ONE word."

The word she picked? "Orgasm."

Knowing that, I go back to the consistent question that's bugged me throughout my life: what use is intelligence, really? This is probably why I got into bodybuilding.


I joked a month back about the 'real me' sounding like Malcolm McDowell to my sister, and she got very excited and said "No! No! You're the other guy! You know, he's with him in that movie that Back To The Future ripped off!"

That would be 1979's 'Time After Time', a favourite of ours when we were children, and 'the other guy' would be the always-entertaining David Warner, probably known to most here as 'the other guy' in the "There. Are. Four. Lights" scene from Star Trek, but whom also delivers a great performance as The Ultimate Evil in 'Time Bandits', a movie I recommended to a friend recently, who came back to me in disbelief: "They would never make a children's movie as sick as that now."

As an aside, I recommend watching this scene, where McDowell (as HG Wells) confronts Warner (as Jack The Ripper). Remember how I've kept saying I feel like we're in the pessimistic seventies again, with the promise of the optimistic eighties just around the corner? Note the similarity of rhetoric between Warner's speech here and that of the Black Pill guys, talking about society falling apart.

As I mentioned in the 'Bikini Brawl' thread the other day, this isn't a sign of social decay, people were always feral.

How to leverage high IQ for game?

The only times being smart truly helps your game:

1. Knowing when to "next" and not wasting another second of your time based on irrational infatuation
2. Having a large array of talking points generally seen as "sophisticated" such as: investing/finance, history, etc (stay the fuck away from politics when gaming, unless you're ok with pretending to agree with her). Can't be boring, though.
3. Turning that high IQ into a proportionally high-paying job.
4. Most importantly, confidence when you talk. Smart people are usually more confident with their words. Obviously, confidence opens legs unlike any other trait.

I'll add that while above average IQ can make one better at swooping, most dudes I've met with far above average (i.e. genius level) IQ would not know what to do with a pussy if one sat right on their face.

It works both ways.

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