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kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

So far do you feel like you're moving in the right direction?

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Quote: (02-24-2017 06:04 PM)Steelex Wrote:  

So far do you feel like you're moving in the right direction?

Absolutely yes.

The biggest thing so far was logging my workouts.

That's normal now, so I can focus on the movements themselves.

Even if I max out on say dumbell bench press - should I stick to that weight a few more days or move up the next ?

Or are we confusing the shit out of the muscle group so it doesn't have time to recover and react ?

With shoulders I'm maxing at 65lbs right now, but I notice at the end im just trying to shove that shit as high as I can - versus pushing with right form.

Sumo wide deadlifts are cool so far, but with wrist wraps, I'd like possibly try a different hamstring lift (ex: stiff deads) - I do notice my quads sometimes compensate on the sumo lift.

Secondly, I still need to get a belt to help stabilize my lower back.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

It's totally not about muscle confusion. It's about stimulating the muscle enough to make it grow, and then resting and recovering. Growing stronger and larger.

You have to make the determination on the last few reps and know when to shut it off. If you have to use crap form to progress, then you need to take a step back and reevaluate. If the last rep is a little shitty it's not that big of a deal, but if it's more than that you should figure out whats up.

One of the key things is using a good rep cadence. For most lifts, a 2-3 second negative with a slight pause at the bottom of the stretch will yield really good results.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Got it, I'll keep the slight pause in mind today with Day A.

I'm liking the model so far, so I'll stick with it.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Been awhile since I've posted, a few weeks ago I got sick and took a week off, I've been steadily going every week.

I've been tracking my workouts and logs.

A Day (upper body)

Overhead dumbbell press 2 sets 8-13 reps

80 lb dumbbels
Set 1 13 reps
Set 2 12 reps

(up 10lbs)

Wide grip rack chins (with straps) 3 sets 8-13 reps

Body Weight 165 + 80lbs
Set 1 13 Reps
Set 2 10 Reps (failure)
Set 3 8 Reps (failure

(up 45lbs)

Dumbbell bench press 3 sets 11-15 reps

80 lb dumbbells
Set 1 12 reps
Set 2 7 reps
Set 3 9 reps

(up 30lbs)

(Felt pretty strong, did get some spotting on some of the reps by a gym buddy

Standing preacher curls 2 sets 5-10 reps

65 lbs
Set 1 10 reps
Set 2 10 reps
Set 3 skipped

(up 5 lbs)

(I've included 2 sets on either iso dumbell curls or burntout with a lower weight barbell)

Seated lateral raises 3 sets 11-15 reps

27.5 lb dumbbells
Set 1 15 reps
Set 2 15 reps
Set 3 15 reps

(up 5lbs)

(I feel good here, I've done a standing set of raises, I think I should focus more on squeezing my muscles instead of max reps)

Kroc dumbbell rows 2 sets 25-40 reps each side

60 lb dumbbells
Set 1 12 reps each side failure
Set 2 12 reps each side failure

(up 17.5 lbs)

(With lower back issues I've sometimes replaced with a Lying T Bar Rows)

[Image: Lying-T-Bar-Row-Animation.jpg]

(I've gotten to about 90lbs with full strength 2 sets and up to 4-6 with 3 plates on 135)

B day (legs, core)

I've switched from Sumo Dead lifts to stiff legged dead lifts, to now Romanian dead lifts.

Romanians seem to be the most effective since I don't max my back out and I have less issues with my back doing so,

205 lbs
Set 1 10 reps
Set 2 10 reps
Set 3 10 reps
Set 4 6 reps @215 failure/b]

(I dig the weight so far and this is without straps also)

Barbell squats 2 sets 6-10 reps, 1 set 18-20 reps using 60% of what you used on your first two sets.

[b]225lbs (Sets 1 & 2)

Set 1 205 10 reps
Set 2 205 7 reps - failure

135lbs (Set 3)
Set 3 - 15 reps - failure

(An old crossfit coach looked at my stance and told me I shouldn't go so wide on my squat stance, make it a little wider than your dead lift stance. I did so and felt more power and push through my core and legs.)

Sometimes I can't get to a rack so I do plate loaded squats on a free motion machine:

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=7408581&d=1416379932]

These absolutely killed my quads and I notice I focus on more on the motion as well.

4 Sets 10 reps(2 180LBS & 2 270lbs)
Set 1 10 reps
Set 2 10 reps
Set 3 9 reps - Failure
Set 4 6 reps - failure

ADDED: I'll do leg extension and curl machines

4 sets increased weight on leg extention
4 sets lower weight, single leg extension iso's

4 sets increased weight on leg curl
4 sets lower weight, sing leg curl iso's

3 sets of planks held for 1-2 minutes. I typically have 3-4 mins between sets.

(I feel like these were great to burn out on and give little energy you got left)

Planked body weight

Set 1 1:15
Rest 2:30
Set 2 1:20
Rest 2:30
Set 3 1:01

[b(Haven't been doing these as much, need to)[/b]

Active/Rest Days

I'll update this section later.

Overall I've seem great progress on chest and shoulders as far as weight up.

But this has come with some issues.

The bony point on my left shoulder where my AC Join and clavical are has become very tender.

I've had some issues sleeping on my left side or rolling over onto my right shoulder and trying to reach something on my night stand.

I'll get sharp pain and it definitely hurts.

I think I'll need to get it looked at soon.

My lower back still has issues, I do stretch out and it helps alleviate alot of it but it's something I need my doc to look at also.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

You're killing it on rack chins. Is your back looking wider?

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Bro also you may need to take a couple weeks off from the shoulder work. You've made good progress, may be time to cruise for a little bit.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Quote: (05-16-2017 04:12 PM)Steelex Wrote:  

You're killing it on rack chins. Is your back looking wider?

Matter of fact yes a little bit, I can see more of my lats, when you do that "batwing" pose I can tell they're there.

I always try to squeeze out the best form possible, sometimes even letting myself hang there for a few seconds before pulling up.

This last set I did, I could feel it in my arms as well, it might mean I'm doing too much weight not enough form.

I also do a burn out set without wraps at the end of the sets.

I do feel strong that's for sure.

I never thought I'd of been able to bench 80lb dumbells last year, I'm really stoked on that progress also.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Quote: (05-16-2017 04:15 PM)Steelex Wrote:  

Bro also you may need to take a couple weeks off from the shoulder work. You've made good progress, may be time to cruise for a little bit.

What do you suggest ? Going light ? or maybe just stretches only ?

I'm still gonna make an appointment with the doc also. Also get my bloodwork done for kicks, so where my Test levels are at.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

I reccomend not aggrivating it.

You may also want to have Two A days and Two B days. Same muscle groups, different exercises.

So like if A was chest and shoulders, your first A day would have bench and dB overhead, second A day would be dips and Smith overhead. And you would just alternate.

Varying your exercises can keep you progressing longer without burning out. It can help you stay injury free.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

2 Thursday's ago I grabbed a 65lb curling bar from a rack, as soon as I did that I felt a sharp pain shoot out from my lower back.

I mean seriously, not from lifting heavy shit, but from fucking moving light weight.

I was in some pain, tried finishing the rest of my workout, I couldn't cringingly walked to my car, the drive home sucked.

Iced and heated my lower back, had to drive an hour the next day for a bachelor party.

I got completely wasted Friday night, woke up Saturday.....the back pain was mostly gone.

Holy shit was that a relief.

I did Day A monday, banged a new chick, my eyes started burning at her house, thought it was just allergies.

I go to the optometrist Tuesday - she says I have a ulcer in one of my eyes, which could eat away at my cornea.

No more contacts, only glasses until it goes away.

I had vertigo, depth perception issues, decided to shelve the gym.

It's been 1.5 weeks since I've lifted, I feel lazy as fuck but I gotta focus on my eyes.

I should have a final answer and a green light to wear contacts again on Saturday (I wore disposables this weekend since I had a bike trip)

I really need to dial in my diet, I got a daily intake logged on my myfitnesspal app - I need to make sure I have the right intake.

I noticed my water intake went down the last 2 weeks as well, been drinking PH Balanced water, instead of dumping a scoop of flavored BCAA's in a 1 gallon jug as well.

Things on my list:

-Evaluate my split days: Am I seeing gains ? Should I switch things out ?
-Evaluate my body: How's my shoulder really doing ? How's my lower back ? Stretches ? Therapy ?
-Evaluate my nutrition: Do I eat enough calories ? Do I eat the right ratios ? What needs change ?
-Other Factors: Am I still drinking too much ? Am I really getting enough sleep ? What's my Test levels ?

I really want to take things to the next level.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Good luck with your eyes, man.
I mean get well soon or asap!

I'm getting back pains since Tuesday, but mine was after some lifting, I was trying SBR's therapy this afternoon. Just half n hour ago I was complaining about my back pains to my trainer, and he's like pain is good. Then a new girl started eavesdropping so I just nodded. I mean what do I know, this is a first. My right arms also ... Enough complaining.

Good luck again man

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Thanks man.

Optometrist said the ulcer in my eye is pretty much gone but to use the anti-biotic eye drops still.

Went to the doc today to get an std and testosterone panel.

Talked about my shoulder and back

Shoulder wise they said that it's probably a tiny tear and I just need to let it heal up and go light on shoulders (Steelex mentioned this)

Back wise I got a request to go get xrays done so I'll do that next week.

What's SBR therapy ?

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

SBR's Guide to Myofascial Release for Posture Problems and Neck/Shoulder/Back Pain
by SamuelBRoberts

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Hit the gym finally in over a month of absence.

It felt great to be back in the gym, I missed the pump.

I had to do a quickie workout because of a potential date.

I did the basics, weighted rack chin pull ups, dumbell bench press, shoulder press, arm curls, and shoulder flys.

Over all my back felt the strongest, my shoulder struggled a bit, and my chest lost the weight I was able to push.

Fortunately I had muscle memory help but fuck dude, shit sucks not being able to put up the weight I did before.

I dropped about 20-30 pounds on shoulder and chest.

I just gotta power through, keep my ego in check, and keep grinding.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread


I did the row machine as a warm up for 15 minutes - the rolled my legs out and stretched.

Warmed up with the barbell doing deep slow squats.

Throw a plate on there and do some deep squats at 135lb's (usually my warm up)

On rep 8 as I come up, a searing pain shoots outwards from my lower back.

I breath, and re rack my bar.

I walk around for a second, I get that slight tingle in my balls like I did 2 months ago when it initially happened.

I walk in some pain to the car, it gets worse.

As I sat in the car the pain hovered around a 7.5/10 as i struggled to get comfortable in my car seat.

I sit there for about 7-10 minutes grunting in anger, trying to breathe and calm the pain down.

I drive home, ice down, head on 2 dates and my back felt okay after walking around a bit.

I just got xrays done, but more than likely I'll need an MRI.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

X-Rays came back negative for anything skeletal.

At this point it's probably tissue and nerve, the doc recommended we do physical therapy first before an MRI.

I'll be booking physical therapy the next few days, thankfully it's right across the street from work.

I also told them to help out with mobility in my shoulders.

I finally checked my ego on that.

The good news is I did workout legs last Thursday.

Did 45 leg press with 3 plates 270 - I did 3 sets - hi and low stance 10 each for 20 reps total each set.

Did leg curls then iso curls

Did leg extensions then iso extensions

Finally topped it off with 35lb dumbbell lunges - did about 20 lunges 4 sets.

The lunges tightened my back a little but nothing that was manageable.

I'm going to do light hack squats to see if my back can take it.

All in all I'm hoping therapy shows me new stretches and they can help strengthen my lower back muscles and shoulders.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Keeping myself in check and logging:

July 25th-28th I worked out.

I only lifted the last 2 weeks of August.

September was very spotty with only 7 days.

First 2 weeks of October I went blank also.

I was basically was injured in late summer with my back and then was working late nights towards October.

From October until Today, I've gone every single week and have had better gains.

I also have ate alot more and cleaner.


I did 10reps x 10 sets on 135 last Monday

Then 6x10 on 185 last Friday

Then 6x10 on 205 this Monday.

I'll be looking forward to 225 4-6 x 10 Friday

My workout sets are heavier and shorter 6-7 rep ranges.

Shoulder still bugs, lower back isn't as tight in the 6-7 rep range.

I've used heavy duty wrist wraps, which help me focus on breathing and stance - which has been solid.

I'm working with LINUX on a program he proposed to me yesterday, I've been reading and should be able to choose the workouts for my program by this weekend. (And avoiding injury with injury prone workouts)

I've also purchased a fuck ton of liquid egg whites to replace my whey protein - sits way better in my stomach, leaves me less bloated.

I'm also beginning a Test cycle to see how my body works with it, maybe after this cycle I'll stack. Did my first pin at 350mg, in a week or 2 i'll up it to 500mg and stay there.

Fortunately with LINUX's help I'll be kick ass in the gym.

I've never been more serious about the goals at the gym, the goal being leaning out a bit.

As for my back and shoulder, money has been tight, so I haven't had time to check out a sports therapist.

LINUX also noticed that I have a bad tilt but can be corrected.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Still sticking to Split A & B days until I finalize my next DC Training regimen.

So far almost everything has increase at least 10 pounds.

Did a 6x10 at 225 on squat, this is the most volume at the most weight I've done ever (60 reps).

Form was pretty decent and low.

Dumbbell Bench Press did 4x6 at 170lbs - this has been the highest yet, the last 2 sets, the last reps are a bit of a struggle but I'm impressed with it.

Been drinking jugs of egg whites religiously, carbing up in the am and before a workout - no carbs after 6pm.

Did some more reading that LINUX sent me for DC Training - currently I'm picking my workouts.

Next step is to watch part 1 and part 2 of the Videos.

Also did some calculating with protein at 1.5 X 170lb (my weight)

255 grams of protein needed and I've done a great job of staying on top of it:

*Daily Routine*
3 cups egg whites 9 am + 2 scoops Rich Piana Real Food Carbs
1/2 Large Chicken Breast w/bacon brussel sprouts at 12pm
1/2 Large Chicken Breast w/bacon brussel sprouts at 3 pm
2 cups egg whites 4pm am + 2 scoops Rich Piana Real Food Carbs
3 cups whites post gym (around 7pm ish)
3 beef pattie lettuce wrap In and Out (around 9pm)

7 cup egg whites = 182 protein
1 large chicken breast= 60 protein
3xpattie lettuce wrapped= 27 protien

For a total of about 269 grams of protein

I'm still pinning twice a week for 250mg of Test C.

Week 1: 350mg (Dec 12 & 15)
Week 2: 250mg (Dec 19 & 24)
Week 3: 250mg - pinning tonight Dec 28

Overall the Test has made me more focused, clear headed, I don't get tired at work.

I did have a few nights of tossing and turning, wasn't sure if it was from the Test or maybe what I ate.

I'm gonna talk to my buddy and see if we can/should up the test.

Sex life hasn't seen much of a change, my libido feels like what it was before taking test (I've always had a high sex drive).

I should be finished setting up the DC regimen by this weekend.

I'm honestly excited to start it.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Quote: (12-28-2017 02:30 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Sex life hasn't seen much of a change, my libido feels like what it was before taking test (I've always had a high sex drive).

I think it's maxed out. I really do. Admirable.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Quote: (12-28-2017 02:30 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Week 3: 250mg -Dec 28
Week 4: 250mg Part 1 Jan 2

Works been killing me and I was super slammed NYE weekend.

I'm halfway done putting together the DC workout plan.

My dumbbell bench feel strong at 170lbs

I'm going to up my squats from 225 to 255.

Probably to a 4-6 rep for 6 set scheme.

I think I'll switch to hack squats for my second heavy leg workout of the week.

After this week it'll be the DC training.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Are you using those 19" adjustable dumbbells to get to 170lbs?

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Quote: (01-04-2018 05:27 PM)Mess O. Wrote:  

Are you using those 19" adjustable dumbbells to get to 170lbs?

No I'm using these style dumbbells:

[Image: 258s.jpg]

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

Quote: (01-03-2018 02:12 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

I'm going to up my squats from 225 to 255.

Probably to a 4-6 rep for 6 set scheme.

Did a 10x1x135 warm up squat
Then 4x1x225 squat
Then 4x7x255 squat total (28 reps total)
Burned out with 10x1x135 (I didn't stand up all the way and paused them dropped)

Felt pretty good

Upped leg extensions to 6x4x120 with isolaterals at 6x3x75 for each leg.

seated leg curls were 6x4x95 then 6x3x50 for each leg.

I noticed it's more difficult to curl my left leg then my right leg.

kaotic's gym self assesment and progress thread

I used to do leg extensions often, but now that I've read several articles about them causing knee issues, I'm not too sure. I don't think I had any problems when I did 'em.

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