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Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Inflammatory title but I think it's a valid question, given most sources claim 20-25% of North American women report being sexually assaulted in their lifetime. And yeah I know those numbers can be misleading, since what constitutes sexual assault is debatable. But based on personal experience, I think these numbers are probably accurate.

To my knowledge I've been with three women who'd been raped, plus a fourth who I'm pretty sure was molested by her dad. All four were in my opinion too emotionally damaged to settle down with. I didn't make this judgement as soon as I found out about their history, it took months (in one case, years) for me to swallow this red pill.

The qualities I attribute largely (though not entirely) to their rape histories:
1) inability to fully emotionally connect with a man (not just with me, with their past boyfriends also)
2) inability to accept a supportive or submissive role (fits in with 1))
3) over-reliance on sexuality to buy their way through life (arising from the disconnect between emotionality and the act of sex; ie classic whoredom)
4) exponentially greater tendency towards hamsterism/rationalization, rejection of logical thinking (way worse than the average woman; this seems to fit with the trauma of rape to the psyche, ie the ability to put things out of her conscious mind yet still be affected by them)

Two of these girls I only saw for a couple of months; one, I had wanted a LTR with, the other was a FWB who wanted to turn me into a BF. They both told me they'd been raped at twelve; the one I wanted to wife up only told me that when things were dwindling. The other, I knew enough to keep my distance from.

One girl I was with for a couple years told me she'd been date raped in college. She told me while we were drunk one night, right after an acquaintance of hers had committed suicide. We'd been together for around a year, and I wasn't about to break up with her over it. We never discussed it again, but it lingered in my back of my mind. She was generally great to be with, but any time we had a disagreement, she'd emotionally shut down and refuse to discuss or negotiate. She was also raised by a single mom, which I think affected her even more than the rape.

The one who I think was molested by her dad, later became a stripper and when she got old got covered in tattoos. She's actually living common law and playing step mom and isn't doing badly.

All of these women were otherwise decent, ie above average intelligence, above average looking (6, 7, 7, 8), had decent jobs/were generally self-sufficient and functional.

Anyway, these are only the ones I know about or strongly suspect to have been raped/assaulted. There are likely others who never told me. So, the 20% figure may be accurate. Of course there are many reasons today's women cannot make good wives. I think rape trauma may be one of them given the percentage it seems to affect. I don't mean to seem callous, because I'm not blaming any of these women for what happened to them, but I do honestly think they can not be wife material for a good and ethical man.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?


Different people respond to to things differently... You can't lump all rape victims into one category an write everyone who has ever been raped off as crazy and unable to commit.

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

I would feel sympathy for the girl if it had been proven. The answer is no though.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Your stats are coming from MSM.
One could say that 20% were sexually harassed (there is a very broad definition to that).

In any case, let's talk about actual rape victims.
A rape victim had a major trauma. She may be cured of it, but I highly doubt it.

There are enough women in the world, why would you, being on the red pill, want to marry one?

I avoid women like that. You never know what may trigger them.

"I love a fulfilling and sexual relationship. That is why I make the effort to have many of those" - TheMaleBrain
"Now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb." - Spaceballs
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine" - Obi-Wan Kenobi

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

A damaged woman, regardless of the mode of damage, is *not* relationship material.

Its tough. Its harsh but so what? Your first duty is to protect your own interests, not repair a damage that could blow up in your face.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

No, I'm not the type of guy who could properly deal with a situation like that.

"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

No. I had a front row seat to a marriage between a man (my father) and a victim of childhood sexual abuse (my mother), and I do not want a marriage like that. Between the emotional outbursts, mental breakdowns, failed suicide attempts, and mental health hospitalizations, my father has probably lost a few years of life--not to mention the amount of money he had to spend on psychologists, psychiatrists, and medications.

I love my mother and have a soft spot for real victims of rape, but marrying one is like stepping into the middle of an unquenchable fire. She'll be emotionally stable for 5 months straight--no outbursts, high-functioning, you think she's healing--then you'll come home to find she's swallowed an entire bottle of pain killers. If you do marry a rape victim, expect to inherit a whole host of issues that will cost you both emotionally and monetarily over several decades. She may learn to cope, but nobody ever fully heals from that kind of trauma. The scars will always show.

Also, to address some points in the OP, 20-25% is an inflated number that's been pushed and never proven by the MSM. I don't go strictly on arrest rates/reports of rape as I do believe some victims--especially those abused as children by family members--remain silent for a long time. But 1 in 4 women are not victims of sexual assault/rape. I've met a handful of women who claimed to have been "date raped," and when they opened up about it, I found that either their stories didn't add up (possible BPD), or they had consensual sex they later regretted.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

20% of women have been raped? You gotta stop reading Jezebel/Cosmopolitan.

OP, the qualities you attribute to their rape history can be found in lesser quantities in Western women who haven't been raped. Why take the needless risk?

Life is too short to spend fixing the problems of others that you had nothing to do with. Only a man with bad or no game would settle for a woman with all those emotional issues.

Quote: (08-18-2016 12:05 PM)dicknixon72 Wrote:  
...and nothing quite surprises me anymore. If I looked out my showroom window and saw a fully-nude woman force-fucking an alligator with a strap-on while snorting xanex on the roof of her rental car with her three children locked inside with the windows rolled up, I wouldn't be entirely amazed.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Quote: (01-21-2017 01:44 PM)R_Niko Wrote:  

And yeah I know those numbers can be misleading, since what constitutes sexual assault is debatable.

The word you're looking for is false, and what rape is is only "debatable" in indoctrination classes on campuses in Toronto, Berkley, etc.


But based on personal experience, I think these numbers are probably accurate.

Given all the information that is available to show you otherwise, right here at your fingertips, it's really surprising to see this said here.

Instead of worrying about dating women who have been "raped", I suggest that you be more concerned about believing demonstrably false rape statistics and stories - including and especially these multiple women who have freely told you this "firsthand". No doubt they've had emotional issues.. ones that came before the "rape".

Unless you're living in Sierra Leone it is very unlikely - verging on impossible - that you have been with multiple rape victims.

Americans are dreamers too

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Quote: (01-21-2017 02:55 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Quote: (01-21-2017 01:44 PM)R_Niko Wrote:  

And yeah I know those numbers can be misleading, since what constitutes sexual assault is debatable.

The word you're looking for is false, and what rape is is only "debatable" in indoctrination classes on campuses in Toronto, Berkley, etc.


But based on personal experience, I think these numbers are probably accurate.

Given all the information that is available to show you otherwise, It's really surprising to see this said here.

Instead of worrying about dating women who have been "raped", I suggest that you be more concerned about believing demonstrably false rape statistics and stories - including and especially the women who have told you this "firsthand". No doubt they've had emotional issues.. ones that came before the "rape".

Unless you're living in Sierra Leone it is very unlikely - verging on impossible - that you have been with multiple rape victims.

I've been with 25-ish women, and to my knowledge four were raped/assaulted, so that's nearly 20%. Plus however many didn't tell me about it. Yes this is anecdotal, yes I'm exhibiting a bit of confirmation bias, but the figure states 20% are assaulted in their lifetime. Most rapes happen when a woman is, say, 13-30, so in that nearly 20 year window it's not inconceivable.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Four women telling you that they have been "raped" is not the same as four women who have actually been raped, unless you're also under the impression that women never lie about this or embellish stories.

Again, the 20% figure is provably wrong, has no evidence to support it.

Americans are dreamers too

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?


Meaning: A girl that has been actually hunted by a man, held down, and forcibly raped.

I was in a relationship with one girl that had gone through this, and a few others that had some really bad close-to-rape things happen to them. Also, a female friend that was hunted down and raped.

The girl I dated had hid it for a while, then she told me the story. She had actually fought back somewhat successfully, and I respected that part of her.

But she had nightmares and other issues.

She would hallucinate that the man and his friends were coming back to get her, in the middle of the night, and lose her mind for a few hours.

I went through that several times.

Probably some form of PTSD but I am not a doctor, not even on the internet. The troubling part of the matter was the guy was locked up and set to be released at some point. That's a lot to be hanging over your head. Knowing your girlfriend's rapist is going to be on the loose. She had a hard time dealing with it, as you can imagine.

If I ran into a unicorn whose only flaw was that she had been raped, had gotten over it and the rapist was dead, I would wonder if the universe was playing some kind of sick trick on me.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Quote: (01-21-2017 03:04 PM)GlobalMan Wrote:  

Four women telling you that they have been "raped" is not the same as four women who have actually been raped, unless you're also under the impression that women never lie about this or embellish stories.

Again, the 20% figure is provably wrong, has no evidence to support it.

None of them had anything to gain by telling me that. It did not give them power over me, in fact I think they all kinda knew it'd make me skeptical of being with them. Especially the one I had been with for a year up to that point--the only reason she brought it up was because her friend's friend committed suicide and we had been talking about emotional trauma. They were all being vulnerable and I believe them to this day.

EDIT: Anyway, even if they're all lying, my question remains valid.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

HELL NAW (skip to 0:43)

Growth Over Everything Else.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Nope, I have experience dating raped girl. I won't step into this ever again.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Never fucking ever. Had contact with a girl once who later told me she got molested by her uncle or something. Explained the weird emotional outbursts retroactively for sure. Since that day on I swore to myself to never ever play the "healer" of broken girls anymore. I can feel pity and sympathy for them, but I will absolutely not ever undertake the task of being with them and "being their rock" or whatever the euphemism is for absorbing a whole lot of crazy

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

This is not a one size fits all question. I was fucking with a neighbor when I was a teen that was raped by her uncle when she was 7, she loved to get fucked, but not marriage material. 3 kids 2 baby daddies, 32 and moves back to her moms place after things go awry.
I was going out with a Salvi girl that also was raped at a young age that was marriage material(if that's you're thing) cooks, cleans, obeys, sex was just ok, reason it didn't work with me, she will make a great mom someday.
Just that she doesn't respond well to being dominated during sex.
As I always tell my younger cousins you are not a charity to be putting up with a woman's mental or physical problems

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Shit I didn't see this reply before replying. What this guy said X1000. I can't seem to quote I Didn't kill my wife

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Quote: (01-21-2017 02:12 PM)Coldfire Wrote:  

No, I'm not the type of guy who could properly deal with a situation like that.

The most honest answer. Guys usually want to build things, fix things. But admitting that some things are out of the wheel-house is the right response. I can't fix that kind of damage either.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

For me? No, with a caveat that will apply to all of you guys regardless of whether you want it to or not.

I might marry (or have married) a woman that had been raped because the truth is that unless she tells me or other people then I'm unlikely to ever find out.

The "no" part comes in when the girl goes out of her way to tell you she was raped. Why is she going to tell you that? To explain her batshit crazy behaviour and plant it all on some specific point in her life that "completely wasn't her fault"? So regardless of how completely fucking off the wall she gets she can point back to "I was raped!" and get a pass? So she can dictate 100% what will and won't be acceptable in the bedroom? So she can check you on your "toxic masculinity" by crouching the in corner every time you do some lifting?

A lot of you guys have already dated girls that were raped. But they just didn't tell you. They decided it was something to put in the past and whether it was their fault or not it was a stain on their lives that they would either bury or be destroyed by, and sure as hell they didn't want to poison their relationships in future by bringing it up.

Harsh on the pweshus wimmens? Tough.

I might have already married a woman who was raped, but if she was then she has the sense to put it behind her and never mention it.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Quote: (01-21-2017 08:48 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

The "no" part comes in when the girl goes out of her way to tell you she was raped. Why is she going to tell you that? To explain her batshit crazy behaviour and plant it all on some specific point in her life that "completely wasn't her fault"? So regardless of how completely fucking off the wall she gets she can point back to "I was raped!" and get a pass? So she can dictate 100% what will and won't be acceptable in the bedroom? So she can check you on your "toxic masculinity" by crouching the in corner every time you do some lifting?

A lot of you guys have already dated girls that were raped. But they just didn't tell you. They decided it was something to put in the past and whether it was their fault or not it was a stain on their lives that they would either bury or be destroyed by, and sure as hell they didn't want to poison their relationships in future by bringing it up.

Agreed. Situations differ, but bringing it up is laying the groundwork for the past molestation/assault to be used as an excuse for future behavior. Even if its not done maliciously, its done on a subconscious level.

There are a few exceptions, but its really a gut feeling/judgement call. I'll share that my LTR was molested as a very young girl by a then-trusted neighbor/caretaker when her parents were working. This revealed itself during our first intercourse (I was her first) and it was a little difficult to work through at the time - keep in mind, we were both 20. However, in the past 10 years we've been together, I can count on one hand how many times its come up, usually in deep conversation, and never as an excuse for any behavior. She is otherwise very attractive physically, demure, affable, comes from a solid family, earns good income and enjoys her work but is not in 'career overdrive,' very playful and agreeable in the bedroom, and traditionally-minded in terms of family and relationships. With all that in mind, I feel she is an exceptional to the rule of 'no.'

Again, your mileage may vary.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

I can't really say one way or another. I only have experience dating one girl who claimed to be raped by her uncle at age 10. Really traumatic experience from her retelling of it. That being said, she was a complete and utter liar in so many areas, that I still have my doubts as to the rape story. If I was dating a woman that was demonstrably honest and told me about a rape, I'd listen. What I think is more important is if she is resilient and can compartmentalize the experience and move on, or if hangs over her like a long shadow and has fear, hatred or distrust of men, including you.

Side note: Thanks to feminist insanity, everything and anything is rape these days, meaning that women who have actually been raped have a harder time finding a man who will take them seriously, even though it actually happened to them. Actual rape victims are fallout from feminist brain barf.

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Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

Not a chance. Truly, violently raped women are damaged goods forever. This is one reason we used to put rapists to death....

.... that is, until the 1960s Supreme Court got their panties in a knot because "studies showed" that Google-on-White rapists were put to death more regularly than White-on-White rapists.

How f'd up this is? It can be boiled down to "Raciss jurors? Let's fix it by giving all rapists a free pass!"

I was born a century too late.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?

What kind of fucking question is this? Of course not!

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Would you marry a woman who'd been raped?


Like a lot of others in this thread I have had experience with girls who suffered some form of significant sexual abuse and they're just broken. Sometimes they hide it well but it always comes out in the end and fucks everything up.

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