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Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

I know there's been a few ADD/Adderall threads but felt it was still worth adding so hopefully this may help some of you considering taking it or thinking you may have ADD.

I recently got a prescription for Adderall expecting it to rock my world for the better and not only did I hate it, I felt it made me less effective.

Not to get on a rant of does ADD exist but felt the need to touch on it. I'm definately someone has has ADD if it exists. That said I don't know that its a "real thing". Some people are less good at math or critical thinking than others but we don't have a pill for them. Some people have fast twitch muscles and are fast sprinters, we dont give out pills for slow twitch muscle syndrome. My point is all our brains work different, we all have strengths and weaknesses and I'm not sure it's good to diagnose any difference or weakness as a disorder and medicate for it.

I have met a couple people in my life who are truly ADD and literally can't carry on a conversation without meds but I feel like for 99% of people a change in diet, more discipline, and strategies to help stay organized and focused would do more for meds.

I took Adderall in high school and college. I remember the first pill I took was like magic, I walked out of an algebra class with like 4 pages of notes when in the past I would daydream or just not pay attentoin. I was like WOW this must be what normal people feel like. I don't recall why I stopped taking it, I think didn't have insurance and also didn't really have a job at the time which demanded alot of focus.

Fast forward like 10 years and thought what the heck let me give it a try, I got a lot going on and I do feel like I'm lacking on more detail oriented stuff. Went and got a script for 20mg XR adderall. Man first day felt like a total crackhead, head pressure eyes and sight kinda wierd, really wired and at the same time almost sort of dreamy or out of it, not at all focused. Called up got the script knocked down to 10mg and was much better. I did get home from work and clean the entire house and do a bunch of things i'd been putting off but I don't know that for more office work type stuff it helped out so much as is just speed and makes you wanna do something lol. I also felt like it kind of zapped my creativity out of me which is part of how I make some of my income.

I think I may continue to take it maybe one or two days a week but let's be real, it's speed. Hitler gave soldiers speed, years ago house wives took diet pills in teh form of speed. Speed will make you do shit, not arguing that but in terms of it being a medication for a "disorder" not so sure.

My plan is get my diet in check, excercise, get plenty of sleep, start using checklists and blocking time and I think that will do much more for my focus and productivity than a pill.

I guess if any of you are on the fence and think you have ADD or think adderall will change your life, if your not motivated or dont want to do shit your still going to be unmotivated to do the things you need to do. The day I took way too much I had 36 browser tabs open hopping all over the internet but didn't really get any work done.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

I often wonder if all the straight "A" STEM students are on this stuff...

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Adderall is a strong amphetamine drug. There is no way I could take it regularly and function normally.

Once I took Adderall at my school library to see if it would help me with writing a paper for a class. It made me too high to sit and work. All I wanted to do was flirt with girls. Then I had another project which involved folding letters. I sat at a table and folded like a thousand letters in 15 minutes. I was super high. Then I became paranoid thinking the librarians had secret cameras mounted in the library (which they probably do) and they were staring at me and examining if I was high (which they probably were) ......

How about Modafinil? Modafinil is like Adderalls trailer trash cousin.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Ahh....I remember those college days when you could totally get a head from a cute girl for a 20mg addy during finals! Whoever had the script was everyone's best friend! I still have some pills left somewhere from that time...

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Adderall is essentially speed.

I had a couple buddies in college who had scripts and would give me a few pills during finals.

I can't believe they give this to children.

I can see where it would fuck you up over the long-term. I can't imagine taking it on a daily basis.

But if I need to get shit done, taking Adderall a couple times a year is worth it.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Amphetamine is extremely popular recreational drug here in Serbia, probably only second to marijuana. I don't know a single person who has a prescription for it though (I don't know if you can even get it here legally), all black market stuff, and really dirt cheap. Plenty of students who get addicted on it while using it for studying, and of course bunch of ravers, who take way too much for way too long (while mixing it with MDMA of course which is a fucking terrible idea if you want to have any brain cells left in your thirties) and deteriorate way too fast. I am aware of the old adage of the difference between the medicine and poison is in the dosage, but then why just amphetamine and not some other recreationals?

Saying diet can fix almost all your mental problems almost sounds like a cop out answer when you say it to someone these days but it is true. The gut-brain connection is really strong (they do not call it the second brain for naught). But it is more harder then just eliminating junk food. Usually a strong regime of supplements is also required to get the body back in the balance and and allow it to start healing itself. Often the liver will also be affected and not be able to function properly in its function of detoxification (although the liver test results may look fine).

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Interesting how logical people are coming out of the woodwork of RVF in regards to health and medicine. I had been in multiple debates here at this Lifestyle forum about Modafinil. That stuff makes it impossible to sleep for 16-20+ hours. It is like a recipe for insomnia in pill form.

Anyways, about Adderall being some kind of miracle drug. It is far from being a miracle for anyone including people with "attention deficit disorder".

When I took Adderall a few times it was purely for recreational purposes. Sure I can say it was to get school work done but really I just wanted to be high and be irresponsible.

I dated a girl whos job was to visit grade schools and junior high schools and diagnose every single kid with a mental disorder. Every kid. She was not even a doctor or a nurse. But here she is meeting with every kid and diagnosing little kids saying none of them are healthy. They all needed medicine.

Re Filip: a sluggish liver is extremely common today especially in adults, even with healthier adults. One thing that helps is taking ox bile supplements. Another thing that helps are liver flushes, which are my favorite health protocol. I do two liver flushes per month.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

I got offered ADHD drugs at one point in my life by a physician, but I immediately refused.

I was a smart 21 year old in some respect.

#noregrets #DisforDiploma

I'm the King of Beijing!

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Quote: (12-20-2016 02:34 PM)jamaicabound Wrote:  

I know there's been a few ADD/Adderall threads but felt it was still worth adding so hopefully this may help some of you considering taking it or thinking you may have ADD.

I recently got a prescription for Adderall expecting it to rock my world for the better and not only did I hate it, I felt it made me less effective.

Not to get on a rant of does ADD exist but felt the need to touch on it. I'm definately someone has has ADD if it exists. That said I don't know that its a "real thing". Some people are less good at math or critical thinking than others but we don't have a pill for them. Some people have fast twitch muscles and are fast sprinters, we dont give out pills for slow twitch muscle syndrome. My point is all our brains work different, we all have strengths and weaknesses and I'm not sure it's good to diagnose any difference or weakness as a disorder and medicate for it.

I have met a couple people in my life who are truly ADD and literally can't carry on a conversation without meds but I feel like for 99% of people a change in diet, more discipline, and strategies to help stay organized and focused would do more for meds.

I took Adderall in high school and college. I remember the first pill I took was like magic, I walked out of an algebra class with like 4 pages of notes when in the past I would daydream or just not pay attentoin. I was like WOW this must be what normal people feel like. I don't recall why I stopped taking it, I think didn't have insurance and also didn't really have a job at the time which demanded alot of focus.

Fast forward like 10 years and thought what the heck let me give it a try, I got a lot going on and I do feel like I'm lacking on more detail oriented stuff. Went and got a script for 20mg XR adderall. Man first day felt like a total crackhead, head pressure eyes and sight kinda wierd, really wired and at the same time almost sort of dreamy or out of it, not at all focused. Called up got the script knocked down to 10mg and was much better. I did get home from work and clean the entire house and do a bunch of things i'd been putting off but I don't know that for more office work type stuff it helped out so much as is just speed and makes you wanna do something lol. I also felt like it kind of zapped my creativity out of me which is part of how I make some of my income.

I think I may continue to take it maybe one or two days a week but let's be real, it's speed. Hitler gave soldiers speed, years ago house wives took diet pills in teh form of speed. Speed will make you do shit, not arguing that but in terms of it being a medication for a "disorder" not so sure.

My plan is get my diet in check, excercise, get plenty of sleep, start using checklists and blocking time and I think that will do much more for my focus and productivity than a pill.

I guess if any of you are on the fence and think you have ADD or think adderall will change your life, if your not motivated or dont want to do shit your still going to be unmotivated to do the things you need to do. The day I took way too much I had 36 browser tabs open hopping all over the internet but didn't really get any work done.

Quote: (12-21-2016 04:00 AM)wi30 Wrote:  

Adderall is essentially speed.

I had a couple buddies in college who had scripts and would give me a few pills during finals.

I can't believe they give this to children.

I can see where it would fuck you up over the long-term. I can't imagine taking it on a daily basis.

But if I need to get shit done, taking Adderall a couple times a year is worth it.

Another great point, the stupidity I see of college kids about Adderal is mind blowing. I was watching some youtube video where a girl was talking about adderall and her script and what it does for her.

She says "its impossible for me to become addicted because I have ADD, but if you dont you could".

Its freaking speed anyone can become addicted.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Quote: (12-21-2016 02:04 AM)Kinko Wrote:  

Adderall is a strong amphetamine drug. There is no way I could take it regularly and function normally.

Once I took Adderall at my school library to see if it would help me with writing a paper for a class. It made me too high to sit and work. All I wanted to do was flirt with girls. Then I had another project which involved folding letters. I sat at a table and folded like a thousand letters in 15 minutes. I was super high. Then I became paranoid thinking the librarians had secret cameras mounted in the library (which they probably do) and they were staring at me and examining if I was high (which they probably were) ......

How about Modafinil? Modafinil is like Adderalls trailer trash cousin.

What is Modanifil, I had watched a London Reel vid with a guy talking about it, didd a quick google search. Have you tried it? How is it similar and or diff than adderall? Is it a stimulant?

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Adderall has far too many side effects to be used daily due to the levoamphetamine (the dirty amphetamine version responsible for PNS stimulation, jitters, anxiety, sweating, irritation etc). Dexedrine/Vyvanse are much, much better for daily use because it is extremely smooth since it is pure dextroamphetamine which is a CNS stimulant. The only reason Adderall exists is because the patent for Dexedrine expired so they had to reformulate the drug in order to re-patent and make profit. They literally made a drug less therapeutic by making it worse (adding l-amp, thus bringing it closer to street speed).

Dexedrine/Vyvanse = 100% d-amp (therapeutic)
Speed = 50% d-amp, 50% l-amp (dirty)
Adderall = 75% d-amp, 25% l-amp

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Quote: (12-21-2016 10:38 AM)Kinko Wrote:  

Re Filip: a sluggish liver is extremely common today especially in adults, even with healthier adults. One thing that helps is taking ox bile supplements. Another thing that helps are liver flushes, which are my favorite health protocol. I do two liver flushes per month.

I have been using ox bile to great effect last autumn, it helped with my psoriasis but I didn't push it through long enough for full clearance. I have started the protocol again just yesterday, only this time substituting ox bile with artichoke leaf extract. If everything goes well, I will write a thread about it and share my experience.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Just say no to drugs kiddies.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

I take Dexedrine (15 mg) daily for ADD. Anyone else here ever taken it?

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

"I have been using ox bile to great effect last autumn, it helped with my psoriasis but I didn't push it through long enough for full clearance. I have started the protocol again just yesterday, only this time substituting ox bile with artichoke leaf extract. If everything goes well, I will write a thread about it and share my experience."

What do you mean "didn't push it through long enough for full clearance"? Tomorrow I will start ox bile again myself. Its super strong stuff and my capsules contain multiple doses so I have to break it up and its a mess, and its gross tasting. Its super strong stuff. I never heard of artichoke leaf extract. Keep me updated.

Jamaica-- I forget what Modafinil is exactly. Its super strong stuff and its inexpensive. Its a drug that makes you alert, like a constant fight or flight state of mind, it totally fires up the central nervous system so much it is impossible to sleep for +/- 18 hours from one dose. In my opinion it causes health problems linked to insomnia.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Quote: (12-22-2016 01:57 AM)Kinko Wrote:  

What do you mean "didn't push it through long enough for full clearance"? Tomorrow I will start ox bile again myself. Its super strong stuff and my capsules contain multiple doses so I have to break it up and its a mess, and its gross tasting. Its super strong stuff. I never heard of artichoke leaf extract. Keep me updated.

I mean that I didn't stay on the regiment of supplements I was using for long enough to see full clearance. Besides bile acids I was using zinc, magnesium, vitamin d, omega 3, betaine hcl, selenium, b complex vitamins, lecithin, and probably something else that I can't remember right now. If you're using quality brands in high dosages, those can add up and I didn't have a stable source of income at that time.

Aritchoke has been used in Europe as a digestion and liver medicine from pretty much time immemorial. It is great in stimulating bile flow. The price is very similar to ox bile and the results should be equal or better.

"Artichoke extract is one of the few phytopharmaceuticals whose experiential and clinical effects have been confirmed to a great extent by biomedical research. Its major active components have been identified, as have some of its mechanisms of action in the human body. In particular, antioxidant, liver-protective, bile-enhancing, and lipid-lowering effects have been demonstrated, which correspond well with the historical use of the plant."

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Adderol can be super effective for study cram sessions. If your in a no fail situation with limited time, and need to spend 12 hrs studying for a test, the shit will get you through it. Not saying its not close to speed, but its effective.

I'd never take it consistently, or put a kid on it. For those saying they took it to study and then just fucked off, you have to still be strict about your studies when on it. No phone, solitude, etc.. make yourself eat at regular times.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

I think the best pick me up and the best study drug is high quality Chinese green tea. Chinese green tea is like the cleanest speed, it brings great clarity, it tastes good, its not illegal, its natural, its somewhat inexpensive, there is no overdosing, no doctor prescriptions, no permanent neurological damage, and there is not much of a hangover.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

I'm prescribed Adderol instant release 30 mg 2x per day. I got the prescription years ago because I thought it would be a nice thing to have on hand, but I didn't really take them.

Now, back in school and working, I take them more often than I would like to. Maybe I'm just fucked up, but if I don't direct my amphetamine fueled craze towards shit that I need to do, I am liable to spend 8 hours beating off. I'm not even joking.

Addies can definitely help when your in a pinch, but to depend on them for productivity is not a long term solution. It also reeks havoc on your body. No sleep, no food, and it feels like my body is eating my muscles for energy.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Modafinil is a non traditional stimulant. You don't get a "lift" from it like you do from Adderall or seven cups of coffee. You don't get jittery either. It's like having a small scale manic episode.

Modafinil, in my experience, allows you to focus on a task for ten, even fifteen hours at a time without getting mentally fatigued. It's also pretty good for lifting weights too. The downside is that you generally concentrate for so long on any one task that you forget to eat food or drink water. That's where the majority of folks get their headaches from.

Modafinil is a "wakefulness" drug, you simply do not and are never tired while you're taking it. If you have sleeping problems, you'll definitely notice the difference while you're taking modafinil. It is generally prescribed to people who have narcolepsy or sleep apnea. It doesn't cure either of those conditions, it just allows you to function during your waking day. I recommend taking it as soon as you get out of bed as it has a 15 hour halflife.

Adderall is basically prescription meth. You think faster, work faster, and definitely feel smarter while taking it. This is coming from someone who does not have ADHD. Adderall has maybe a 10 hour halflife depending on doseage and type (ie the time release stuff gives you a steady stream of it while others seems to hit you all at once and you peak two hours after ingestion).

As far as effectiveness of either, I'd say they are effective for studying. The big kicker is to set up yourself in such a way that you're going to be studying while you're on either, otherwise you'll spend eight hours rearranging your room or shitposting on the internet instead.

These drugs are not substitutes for productivity or academic excellence (although I've learned that basically every A student in our engineering department abuses Adderall heavily), they are supplements to be used sparingly in order to bolster your studying. With modafinil I don't recommend it more than a few times a week and multiple days in a row hampers it's effectiveness. Adderall I have no idea but I can imagine that you build up a tolerance to it quickly.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

I've discovered recently that if I take armodafinil and cialis and drink reasonably heavily, I can still be rock hard like a champ whereas in the absence of armodafinil the drink (depending on the levels) would typically counteract the cialis.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Quote: (12-22-2016 04:13 AM)FilipSRB Wrote:  

I mean that I didn't stay on the regiment of supplements I was using for long enough to see full clearance. Besides bile acids I was using zinc, magnesium, vitamin d, omega 3, betaine hcl, selenium, b complex vitamins, lecithin, and probably something else that I can't remember right now. If you're using quality brands in high dosages, those can add up and I didn't have a stable source of income at that time.

Filip, no PM capability?

I wanted to run something by you

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

Adderall is getting me through all my USMLE exams and it got me through all my sciences prior to this. It is great for focused activity, studying, and getting shit done. It did wonders for me, especially during 8 hour licensure exams-when you have razor sharp concentration 7 hours in and no mental fatigue that is a definite plus. Just my 2 cents.....

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

I heard Turkish coffee described as the original adderrall and or Viagra.

Adderall isn't the miracle drug everyone makes it out to be

@Kid Twist, I actually had no idea that PMs are off by default. Try sending it now.

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