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Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Evening, gents.

I’ve gotten a lot of value from this forum over the years, both information- and entertainment-wise, so I reckon it’s time now to give something back.

As I’ve noticed there’s a trend towards more in-depth data sheets, and as I’ve now put in some pretty serious time overseas, I figured I’d drop some comprehensive, big-picture info on Peru, a country often visited by the globe-trotting poon warriors here at RVF—and, in my view, often misunderstood.

Hopefully it’ll help with that project we’re all involved in, finding and slaying quality.

First, though, a bit about me. Physically, I’m well north of 30, tall, in reasonable shape but not a gym rat, with a type that Peruvian chicks tend to like. I’ve lived in Lima for several years, speak fluent Spanish, and generally take an interest in the culture and history of the place, apart from just the chicas. I’d say my game with Peruvian girls is pretty decent, but also that at this stage of my life, I’m more about quality than quantity—i.e., I’m more interested in mini- or even full-on relationships, with gals who bring real value to the table, than in banging Tindersluts in the 5 to 6 range. Not that one-night stands and flings don’t interest me, but just now they’re not a priority.

Your goals are different? More power to you. Just wanted to get my perspectives and prejudices out there at the get-go.

A word about sample size. I go out with, on average, one new girl every week. This means I’ve dated some 200 girls in my time here, almost all of which have been at least 6s or above (I aim at 7s and 8s). Obviously, a huge number have flaked or otherwise gone south, and I’ve only banged a percentage of the ones that haven’t. But this large sample has helped me understand the culture, and generally get into these girls’ heads, in a way I wouldn’t have otherwise.

I bring this up because hopefully, it’ll illuminate some aspects of the psychology down here for y’all, as well.

And oh yeah, a disclaimer. I’m going to do some serious generalizing here. And generalizations, by their nature, admit of exceptions.

Now, some preliminaries.


I could talk about the ins and outs of Peruvian culture for forever and a day, but for banging girls there are six key traits you need to know. These affect your game strategy, as you’ll see.

1. La viveza criolla: Viveza is an untranslatable word that means something like “cunning” or “sharpness.” A person is vivo if he capitalizes on opportunities and doesn’t let others walk all over him, but being vivo also means lying, cheating, and generally using others for personal gain.

In Peru, viveza is frequently seen as something praiseworthy. If you get a job unfairly, or con someone out of money, or jack up the price for a tourist because he or she doesn’t know what things are worth, your friends will slap you on the back and say, “Oye, ¡qué vivo eres!” Obviously, not all folks are sharpers, but the fact is that viveza is deeply woven into the culture and makes relationships fraught with risk. (And not just here, but in the rest of Latin America as well.)

The upshot? When you deal with a Peruvian, you’re dealing with someone who likely experiences exploitation on a daily basis—and therefore feels justified in exploiting in return. Here, bosses make you work unpaid overtime, taxi drivers try to rob you, workers steal from you, men and women cheat on each other, friends and family members borrow money and never pay it back. It’s the law of the jungle, to a degree that most Americans, with their strong legal system and internalized codes of conduct, simply are not equipped to understand. This is bad enough, but what makes it worse is that oftentimes, even the folks who want to be decent end up warped by the corrosive moral environment. That, or seriously bitter.

There’s a saying here: “El peor enemigo de un peruano es otro peruano.” The worst enemy of a Peruvian is another Peruvian. Truer words were never spoken.

2. Low trust: Not surprisingly, this means Peru is a low-trust society—one of the lowest in the world. This survey puts it third from the bottom: Put simply, the assumption most Peruvians walk around with is that all people are liars, cheaters, and con artists, until they prove themselves otherwise.

Very often, that proof never comes. Given that not just strangers, but also friends and even family members routinely screw each other over, you’d be a fool not to be at least somewhat mistrustful here. The problem, though, is that this creates a constant climate of fear that at times borders on paranoia. And with women, doubly so. Despite Lima’s comparatively low crime rates, most girls are suspicious of strangers, and frequently flat-out terrified of going around the city alone.

3. Conservatism: While Latin culture in general is more conservative than its Anglo counterpart, Peru takes this conservatism to another level. Even among Latinos, it has a rep for being more traditional, less modern or European than Chile, Mexico, Colombia, or Argentina. This means two things: one, there’s no one-night-stand culture here, and two, banging girls takes time.

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying you can’t bang girls within hours of meeting them. You can; I’ve done it myself. But generally, most girls aren’t willing to go home with a guy from the disco the same night. The typical peruana wants to fuck, but she wants to do so in the context of some kind of relationship. Players here therefore know they usually need to invest several dates in a flaca before getting into her pants.

A footnote, though. The new generation may be different. One Peruvian player I respect says that today’s 18- to 22-year olds are much sluttier than their elders. He may be right: I have some experiences bearing this out. However, since I don’t usually target chicks in the 20-year-old range, I don’t have enough data to confirm. Cultures don’t usually undergo radical shifts in five to ten years, but the influence of Western technology and values may be making itself felt. I’ll report back as I learn more.

4. Machismo: The essence of machismo is sharply defined sex roles. Men are men, and women are women. In theory, this sounds great, especially in gender-confused America, land of butch mansters and feminist, neckbearded men. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always play out so well.

In Peru, machismo usually means that mothers favor and so coddle their sons, turning them into lame, entitled betas. These betas then go on to impose their own inadequacy-based neuroses on the women. So, in a land of machismo, where men are supposed to be strong, confident, etc., you have a lot of vaguely prickish, not-very-manly dudes who try to wheedle or beg their way into a girl’s coochie. Added to which, many of them are insanely jealous and insecure, and forbid their girlfriends to go out dancing or wear revealing clothes in the street. The result: many women are afraid to express their sensuality lest they look like sluts.

The bottom line: machismo in practice typically means unmanly men and uptight women.

I will say this, though. When Peruvian guys have game, they can be very good indeed. Last night, I was at a salsa club and saw a 21-year-old barrio kid swoop the prettiest girl in the place with some serious dance moves. Handsome, stylish, or graceful he was not, but he had her moving and laughing, and his kino was first-rate. Ten minutes in, she was leaving slug trails on the dance floor.

5. Education: Peru’s educational system is a train wreck; there’s no other word for it. A recent study put it almost dead last in a list of some 70 countries, below even the rest of Latin America, which is generally shit, educationally speaking ( Incompetent teachers, obstructionist unions, lack of technology, uneducated university professors, you name it, Peru’s got it.

And that’s not all. Nature as well as culture has conspired to make Peruvians dumb. The national IQ average is 85, meaning retard level is just one standard deviation away. And since books are astronomically expensive and there are no public libraries, folks can’t get educated even if they have some brains and do want to study. Hence you’ll get messages from chicks like “sOy tU loKiTa, haBEr si noS Bemos, JAja.” I’ve only been studying Spanish a few years, and I routinely use non-complicated Spanish words many Peruvians have never heard of. If you come here, prepare to feel your brain hurting after a while.

6. Family dysfunction: Lots of gringos have a rosy picture of Latin America as a good, wholesome place where family still comes first. In some ways, it is. But mostly at the level of “should be.” At the level of “is,” things are very different.

Statistics tell the story. According to recent data, Peruvians have one of the lowest marriage rates in the world: 2.8 marriages per 1,000 people (the comparable number for the much-maligned U.S. is 32.8). In Peru, 70 percent of kids are born out of wedlock (in contrast, in mega-dysfunctional black America, the rate is 75 percent) (

What does this mean in practice? It means that in Lima and elsewhere, you have a landscape littered with emotional casualties: single moms, deadbeat dads, traumatized kids, men with secret “parallel” families in another town, grandparents raising children, and the rest. Peruvians may pay lip service to family, but the reality is that folks here fuck, live together for a while, spawn, then separate, with very few permanent bonds to unite them.

The consequences for the next generation are exactly what you’d expect: depression, withdrawal, low expectations regarding relationships. I know many, many attractive women who, without ever saying so openly, more or less take it for granted that a lasting marriage simply isn’t in the cards. The social deck is stacked against them. But then, poverty, terrorism, and five centuries of bad government are never good for family togetherness.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

With all this as background, we can understand better the pros and cons of las peruanas.


I like to think of cultures in terms of core vs. periphery. In any given society, there’s going to be a core of people who basically follow the accepted norms, i.e., do what their parents tell them, play nice, emulate the life paths of their peers, and more or less unquestioningly march along the path that’s been laid down. In urban America, this means espousing feminism, climbing the career ladder, getting married at 38, etc.

On the other hand, there are also folks in the periphery, who for whatever reason don’t fit onto the standard societal track—some because they’re too independent and thoughtful to ride the Everyday Express, others because their lives are so fucked up their train jumped the rails long ago.

In Peru, the core culture is, as I said, conservative. If I had to sum up the life of the average peruana, I’d say she’s probably a nice girl who grew up in a dysfunctional family, had a couple of relationships with guys she met at the university or through social circles, had her heart seriously stomped on by some loser when she was 24 or 25, and will end up finding a dude to live with (though probably not marry) in her late 20s.

These are the normal girls I’m describing here. The peripheral exceptions I’ll discuss later.


1. Feminine: Simply put, I’ve never met a Peruvian girl who wasn’t feminine. And by feminine, I mean, blows-away-nearly-all-Anglo-girls feminine. Long hair, perfume, high heels, pretty dresses: Peruvian chicks not only don’t regard these things as “uncomfortable” or “oppressive,” they actively relish them. Lots of chicks in the Anglo-sphere are at war with their own femaleness, since feminists have told them it’s tantamount to being weak or submissive. But peruanas, like Latinas in general, embrace their womanhood in a way that’s incredibly refreshing if you’re coming from the States.

I remember a girl I went out with who, on paper, had “manster” written all over her: engineer, worked in IT, highly analytical, feminist, independent, etc. But in person, she was more feminine than 90% of U.S. chicks, always going around in girly dresses, slender, flirty, you name it. If you’re arriving from the unisex U.S., prepare to be blown away.

2. Nice: Nearly all Peruvian chicks are friendly, well-mannered, and pleasant. There’s no Guerrilla-Grrrrrl attitude here, no cocky, put-the-man-in-his-place bitchiness or sarcasm. Even girls who are, deep down, pretty shitty people know how to present themselves as polite and personable. Nota bene, however: nice is not the same as good. Don’t be taken in too quickly by this surface friendliness—about which more later.

3. Non-slutty: Due to the conservative culture mentioned above, peruanas tend not to rack up huge numbers when they’re single. I’ve known not just one or two, but several girls who, at the age of 30, had had just two or three sex partners—and a couple more who’d had just one. Even girls who are comparatively loose rarely get above 10 or 15 by age 35. Yes, I’m aware women lie (a lot), but trust me, I know these particular girls well. There’s no cultural meme here of spending your 20s sampling lots of different cocks. The upshot: if you’re in the market for a girl who hasn’t been a human pegboard during her prime, it’s possible to find her in Peru.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

4. Non-attention whores: Because of the weak technological penetration in Peru, girls generally aren’t slaves to smartphones and social media the way U.S. girls are. Yes, you do see them on buses and in discos, checking their Whatsapp every thirty seconds, but if a chick is out with you and having a conversation, chances are the phone will remain in her purse unless something urgent comes up.

Nor do girls here have droves of beta orbiters bombarding them with thirsty messages on Facebook and Instagram. Honestly, I’m amazed at how little attention many pretty girls get here. I’m Facebook friends with several cute chicks, and they only occasionally get slobbered over by guys on their profiles. This has largely to do with the general lameness of Peruvian dudes, as mentioned above.

5. Sweetness: I’m about to go off on peruanas, so before I do, I want to give a huge disclaimer: some of the gals I’ve had the privilege of meeting here have been among the best people I’ve encountered in my life. When Peruvian girls are good, they can be very good indeed. The best of them have a warmth and a sweetness that’s harder and harder to find in the States, at least in the big cities. Right now I know at least five women, all 7s or above, who are single and who’d make wonderful wives for a quality guy. Those guys would be lucky indeed—

As long as they’re not that into sex.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

And with that, we come to:


1. Unsexy: The number-one problem with Peruvian chicks, and it’s a big one, is that they’re the least sexy girls on the planet. Terrible in bed, terrible at turning guys on so that they want to go to bed. I used to think it was just me. I used to think, “I’m doing something wrong, attracting only nice, uptight, relationship-oriented girls.” But no. As time has gone on, I’ve met some Peruvian guys whom I respect as genuine players, guys with real experience who know what they’re talking about (there ain’t many). And universally, they’ve said the same thing: the girls here flat-out suck at sex.

I could give you example after example. The chick who lay there, silent and rigid as a board, not moving. The chick who suddenly interrupted sex because she had to call a taxi to be home by midnight. The chick who insisted on biting guys’ lips—hard, with teeth—to turn them on. The chick who got on top, came after about one minute, and then got dressed, saying, “I gotta go”—just like a dude. The chick who refused ever to dress sexy, even with boyfriends. The chick who refused to do any kind of foreplay or even kiss, saying, “You shouldn’t need that to get turned on.” And these aren’t just my personal stories: they’re stories I’ve heard from countless dudes, including RVFers. On and on and on they go.

Understand, when I say “unsexy,” I’m not talking about looks. Many of the chicks in the stories above were quite attractive. In fact, I can say that all of the hottest chicks I’ve been with are peruanas. Also, however, that all of the worst sex I’ve had in my life has been with Peruvians.

Exceptions do exist. Oddly, or perhaps not so oddly, I’ve had some good sex with chicks in the 6 range, who were more eager to please. And if you’re drunk or generally not picky about a chick’s performance, hey, a hole’s a hole. But for me at least, and for guys like me who want the girl to contribute, in all honesty, the sexual ROI with Peruvian girls is often depressingly low.

2. Dumb: No doubt about it, Peruvian chicks are dumb. As in, slap-your-forehead-and-stroke-your-face-downward dumb. Most of them have never read a book in their lives, and as for knowing anything about the world, forget about it.

For many guys, this won’t be a problem. If you don’t speak Spanish, or are just blowing through Lima for a couple of weeks, the last thing you’ll want to do is sit around discussing foreign policy. But when your girlfriend always insists on choosing the most retarded movie at the theater, or doesn’t know that birth control pills prevent pregnancy, you’ve got a problem.

The issue isn’t just a lack of content in those mental spaces. It’s that those spaces are full of bullshit. Peruvians are prejudiced, prejudiced in a way that makes the KKK look like progressivist poster boys. Their lack of education means their minds are a breeding ground for the stupidest ideas you can fucking imagine. It can be very hard to deal with someone who thinks cold drinks make you sick, that you shouldn’t go to the hospital because doctors kill patients there, and that every area of Lima that she happens not to be familiar with is a Mad Max-type war zone.

Like I said, though, if you’re not looking for a relationship, those absent IQ points—where did they go?—probably won’t be missed.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

3. Spoiled: The Spanish word for “spoiled” is engreida, and it describes Peruvian chicks to a T—as they themselves admit. They may not be entitled in the way American chicks are, since they haven’t had a culture blowing smoke up their ass all their lives about how they’re strong, empowered, etc. But they are entitled in their own way.

This comes from machismo. In a machista society, the man is expected to do absolutely everything: decide where the couple is going for the date, single-handedly sustain the conversation, be the active one in bed (while she remains utterly, tediously passive), and of course, pay.

This means there are plenty of princesses out there—and also that relationships quickly come to resemble one-way streets. “Tienes que complacerme,” I’ve heard many girls say (“You need to please me”), while they themselves feel no obligation to reciprocate. Lots of RVF guys have told me how pissed they were when a chick didn’t even say “thank you” after they dropped some serious bank to take her out. I say, welcome to machismo.

The moral: if you have fantasies of meeting a girl who treats you like a king, who will cook, clean, bring you beers, etc., you have a rude awakening in store when you get to Peru.

4. Selfishness: Here we start getting into serious flaws of character. Because of the culture of viveza discussed above, and the way Peruvian parents frequently indulge their kids without imposing any serious discipline, most of the girls here are self-absorbed in ways that can make relationships very difficult. She won’t ever break the façade of niceness, nor make explicit demands, but slowly, imperceptibly, the relationship scales will tip, so that she ends up receiving much more than she gives.

Let me be clear. I’m not talking about bricheras or trashy girls here. The chicas I’m thinking of were all middle-class, educated, and nice. But very few of them seemed to understand that relationships involved give and take. If they wanted to be with a quality guy, they needed to do their part. Many of them resisted doing even simple things to please me—usually due to weird complexes on their part. When this happens, game is of little help. All you can do is break things off and not call them again.

The upshot? It pains me to say it, but it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the basic moral compass of many Peruvians is seriously warped.

5. Unreliability: It gets worse. Owing to this one-way-street mentality, I can say from repeated personal experience that 90 percent of Peruvian chicks will not have your back if the shit hits the fan. I’ve gone through a couple rough stretches here, and in almost every case, peruanas’ responses have been sorely lacking. Not just as girlfriends, but as human beings.

“Ay, disculpame,” runs the refrain. “Lamento haberte fallado.” Sorry I let you down. But after hearing these words for the hundredth time, you just shake your head. The reality is, letting people down is how things are done here. Peruvians can’t be relied upon to pay their employees on time, or to show up for a meeting; how are they going to be there for you for something difficult, like a sickness, or a death in the family?

I know one chick who told me she was sad, because her best friend refused to talk to her. I asked why. She said she was supposed to be the maid of honor at her best friend’s wedding, but that she’d missed the ceremony. Why? I said. “Me quedé dormida.” She’d overslept.

Peru in a nutshell.

Fun fact: in Spanish there is no word for “moral character.” You’ve been warned.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background


Other observations on the females of the Peruvian species:

1. Age differences: Dating younger girls is no problem in Peru. A ten-year gap is considered desirable, by girls and guys alike. Fifteen is no sweat, as long as the guy still has it together. Even 20-year differences are common—again, if the guy has decent game and looks young. Obviously there are some chicks that are not open, but in general, owing to the family dysfunction I mentioned, there’s no shortage of young girls with serious daddy issues roaming the streets of Lima. Several have told me they love older men, and even feel intimidated (in a good way) by them, because they’re so much more experienced.

2. Online game: I’ve gotten a lot of dates via Tinder, Latin Cupid, Badoo, and the like. But I recently stopped online game altogether. Why? Simply put, the quality of the girls was shit. And I’m not talking about looks.

You have to understand that Peru is a country where technological penetration is still very limited, and where prejudices against online dating are still legion. It’s unsafe, it’s for losers, it’s a scam: all the ewww reactions people in the U.S. had about Yahoo! Personals back in 1994, Peruvians still have today. This is largely due to the mistrust that characterizes the culture. The result: a self-fulfilling prophecy, in which, generally speaking, only damaged women who have social problems sign up for the service. If you’ve had two or three dates with a girl you met online, and you haven’t discovered a major flaw in her, you’re probably not looking hard enough.

Moral of the story: Use online game for pipelining if you’re going to be here a short time. Otherwise, day and night game are better.

3. Paying: Because of the machista culture I outlined above, when you take a flaca out, the expectation is that you’ll pay. That means food, drinks, even her taxi ride home. This may seem sketchy to Americans, but it’s not. It’s just that the culture in Latin America skews more towards beta-provider roles. You need to understand this, and adapt your game accordingly.

I’ve had numerous dates with chicks that didn’t even bother to bring their purses when we went out. But I didn’t automatically assume they were pendejas (which in Peru, unlike in other Latin countries, means “aprovechada,” i.e., out to take advantage). Very often, it’s simply due to the fact that they’re broke. What this means, however, is that you need to develop the ability to read people, as the line between scammer and legit can be fine indeed.

I remember one RVFer who told me about a chick who asked him to take her for a sandwich and a glass of wine at a café; later, she didn’t want to bang on the first date. He was going to blow her off, but I advised him to be patient. Her behavior indicated she’d probably be down on the second. And listo: next day, Peruvian flag scored.

On the other hand, another RVF friend got sucked into hanging out with a notorious brichera whose purpose in life, it seems, is to get guys to feed her ego (and drinking habit). When I saw her, I recognized her, and sent him a text message to bail. $20 more in his pocket.

How to differentiate between the scammers and the traditional girls? There’s no easy way. You just have to get your Spanish up to speed and trust your gut.

To make things even more complicated, even the old “Is it OK if I bring a friend?” ploy is sometimes legit. Sometimes the girl really is nervous, and just wants to make sure you’re not a freak. I remember one chick insisted on meeting me at a restaurant with her friend. I was skeptical at first, but as it turned out, the two of them ended up paying for me. That said, though, another time I met up with two chicks at a bar, and they started ordering all kinds of food, even though I said I wasn’t hungry. My gut told me they were pendejas, so five minutes in, I paid one dollar for the drink I’d ordered, and walked out—leaving them with a $50 tab they probably couldn’t cover.

A good general rule is that if you’re out with a girl and don’t want to feed her, just say, “I’m not hungry.” Very rarely will a legit girl insist on eating in that situation. On the other hand, though, do be prepared to shell out for a couple drinks. Or better yet, get a good bottle of wine and bring her back to your place…

Oh, and don’t get pissed if she doesn’t say “thank you.” They rarely do.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

4. White God Factor: There’s lots of talk on the forum about how all white guys need to do to get laid in Peru is show up. This is true—if you only want to bang shitty women.

In all my time in Peru, I’ve rarely seen a white dude with an amazing girl. Eighty, eighty-five percent, I’d say, are punching below their weight. It always happens: walking down the street, I’ll catch sight of a tall, good-looking, blue-eyed dude, and lo and behold, he’s with a chubster who’s a 5 at best. Maybe he’s into stubby girls with baby fat. Or maybe he had shitty results back in the States due to bad game, and then replicated those results in Peru.

Understand: to bang non-brichera 7s and 8s in Peru, you do need game. But it’s Peruvian game, not the aloof, sarcastic, too-cool-for-school game that works in the States. This is a topic that’s been discussed a million times before on RVF, so I won’t belabor it here. In a nutshell, the keys are:

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

1.Know Spanish
2.Have a good back story of why you’re here
3.Know how to dance, or be willing to fake it
4.Dress well
5.Tell stories to show how worldly and sophisticated you are
6.Learn something about Peru’s history (she’ll be blown away)
7.Light compliments about her smile, her sense of style, etc.
8.Aggressive kino, especially once you’ve got her alone (helpful hint: lots of Peruvian chicks get really caliente when you touch their upper backs; go figure)
9.Silly jokes you’d use with a five-year-old girl
10.Have a bottle of wine at your place
11.Be persistent; as long as she’s still talking to you, she’s still interested
12.Show vulnerability and some real feeling; talk about family is always appreciated
13.Once you get her hot, tell her aggressively how sexy you think she is
14.Use indirect openers with daygame; many chicks spook easily if you approach them on the street

Executive summary: in public, the elegant caballero; in private, the raging horndog.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

5. Logistics: Logistics can be a huge pain in the ass in Lima. The Peruvian economy is growing, and as a result there are now opportunities available to people with a university education. This is good for Peru, but frequently bad for pickup.

I’ve met countless girls who showed serious interest, but who just didn’t have time to get together due to insane schedules. All of them were working and studying at the same time, meaning they could only go out once a week, max. It’s hard to build rhythm on that timetable. Also, while not careerist in the same way American chicks are, peruanas are increasingly putting work and independence ahead of finding a quality man (which they’re afraid of anyway, due to the distrust I talked about above). Hence, a rising cat-lady population.

Nor do phones make things any easier. In Lima, smartphones get lost and stolen at an astonishing rate. One chick I know lost six phones in the space of a year. So if she ghosts on Whatsapp, don’t automatically assume she’s blowing you off. Girly dumbness + thieves in the barrio = big profits for Claro.

6. Long game: Finally, a note about so-called “long game.” I’ve had a few peruanas where the time between meet and bang was one hour. With others, however, the delay was over two years. This is where long game comes in.

Chicks in Peru are, as I’ve said, conservative, moody, and capricious. Not seldom, a whole series of stars have to be lined up (or hormones surging) for you to get in her pants. In some cases, the waiting period can run into weeks or months, in which case you might find that she delays until you’re about to leave the country.

If this happens, put her on Skype or Whatsapp, and keep the game ball bouncing. As long as she’s talking to you, you’ve got a chance. It may well happen that if you leave and then come back, she’ll be ready to bang upon your arrival.

That’s all for now. This is a book-length post, but I hope it’s been useful. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.

Peace out…

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Thanks for the lengthy thread. The info you posted described the girls I met and Peruvian society in general very well. I was there for 14 weeks and can confirm you know your stuff. I gave you a rep point for this thread. Keep up the good work man.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

I've read different things about Peruvian women, but you really have shown that you know what you're talking about. Despite all the flaws that you brought up regarding Peruanas it seems that if you could meet the right one she'd be excellent wife material. Just today I was at a parade and was surrounded by hundreds of sweet looking Panamanian women and it almost made me hanker for a wife. Latinas (outside of the U.S.) can be so feminine that it can break any man's barriers down.
Maybe I should fly down to Peru, snag a nice woman, and bring her back to Panama.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Do you only have experience in Lima? What about other cities?

Have you taken any of the sacred medicines of the Amazon?

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

One of the most comprehensive sheets I've seen on this forum. +1 from me.

The list of 14 "keys" is helpful for a man to prepare himself to go. Heck, I'll be using some of these tips on my way to Mexico.

I'm waiting for you and Roosh to co-author, "Bang Peru, but be prepared for shitty sex".

Quote: (07-13-2015 04:02 AM)Suits Wrote:  
If you're serious about self improvement and make real effort, this forum will always have your back.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

I am glad That You just started to post. I can say that You, Designate and Zoom are the members with the best understanding of Peruvian culture. I completely agree with your post, in our conversation You touched some important topics.

In the past, I tried to post a deep idea of Peru, but my limited game and negativity point didn't help, now the story is different @Puckerman: I am from A small town, living in Lima and spent some time in different cities. In some hours, i will post some of my personal experiences and how do i see my country?

Again, Great Thread Amigo. +1 from me

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Broken up into lots of threads, but a good read! Props for writing all this.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Mini Peruvian Culture

Talking with some members, We got the conclusion that Everything posted about Peru in terms of country,economy, girls and culture has a big misunderstanding. I made a post about la Viveza Criolla, the low trust are well covered here.


Definitely, Peruanas can fell in love easily, but most of them only fuck with their "Boys". As Axeman mentioned: Girls want to fuck in a serious relationship. Depends of your preferences, If you are looking for quick sex, not that good. For a wife material: There are many girls with low notch count and loyal.

Relate to the 18-22 years old, obviously they are sluttier than their elders. Despite of that ONS are still difficult, but not impossible. When the peruvian player mentioned the slutiness in the new generation means that Today, More peruvian youngsters are more open to change partners faster and experience sex at the beginning of the relationship.

To explain better, In the past, you could be in a relationship with a 17 or 18 years old peruana, most of the time You would spend some months and even years(long game) to bang her. After you break with her, She would wait months and even years to find another man to establish something serious and follow the same process.

Actually,a good number from New generation of peruanas(18 to 22 years old) start a relationship and they bang with their boys in the first or after a couple of weeks. The relationship end and just some weeks are necessary to find a New man. Recently, 14 or 15 years old girls start to go to clubs every weekend, participate in light parties and imitate some crazy foreign behavior.

Based on the sexual behavior, I can classify peruvians in:

A)Super traditional: Peruanas from all the ages who still believe in Mister Right, play the longer game, traditional mind and roles. I know A good number of 18 to 25 years old girls who have had just one boy or they are even virgins. The highest concentration of these group can be found in towns outside Lima and the capital itself.

B)Modern: New generation of peruanas(18-22), they are still tradtional, but Now they can give a fast sex in a relationship, open to have more sexual partners. They Party very often, alcohol is getting more popular. Beer , wine, ron have a high demand. Something that i talked with Axeman is that even this group don't consume drugs in a big proportion as the Us or other western countries.

C)Sluts: I calculate 10%, Not need explanation. Just my experience is that Sometimes i give free economy classes in institutes or schools in different district of Lima and Outside to students from 15 to 20 y.o. The reality is that i can't believe How easy is to bang some of these students, quit a candy from a baby.

In comparison to small towns, not so far from Lima. There are still a bunch of girls who can be great wife materials, also they tend to be more friendly, sweeter and loyals. They fit the description: when you meet a good peruana, they can be one of the best you meet in your life. Also in towns, girls need to be in line and keep her reputation.


We are in the last position in the world evaluation. The average reading of book per year is less than a book. 90% of peruvians make terrible basic writing mistakes and More than 50% of peruvians ignore important information of our own country.

More to come

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Axeman posts! If you're going to, or are in Peru take heed to this man's wisdom. And not just game, but life in general. He knows Lima like the back of his hand.
+1 amigo, great write-up.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Why did you stay there for several years if it was so bad, also your 'deep background' theories are very jaded, one sided and over the top to what i experienced, I also lived in lima; if you go to a place and look for the bad in it you will certainly find it, especially in a poor developing country. I guess we can all see things in different ways. Anyway no disrespect , I appreciate the write up. And guess it will help guys that have never been to a non western poor country before.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Epic Post!

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Been wondering when you would drop this bomb. Well done. [Image: pimp.gif]

I've had the pleasure of knowing Axeman for over a year now and can say for certain that he walks the walk and knows the ins and outs of Peruana/Limeña society more than any other gringo I've met here. Even when I think I've finally come to know things pretty well, he drops a bit of useful knowledge that've never considered or known before.

And props to your hustle in the game. No bullshit, Axeman puts in some of the most consistent work that I've seen of anyone. I'm much younger than you and I can't muster half my attention or will power to go on the dates and put in the work with the Peruanas like you do.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

On the data sheet...

1. La Viveza Criolla: This is definitely a huge factor in Peruvian society, but I don't think it's that unique of a feature that it needs to be taken into that much consideration. It should just be an assumption.

I've been to several other Latin American countries this year and they each have there own version of what is fundamentally the same thing. It's just a hustlers way of life. While it may seem malicious on the surface, I believe deep down the majority of these people would prefer to not act this way. They've simply become conditioned to be hustlers and for them the ends justify the means.

If you've been coddled your whole life in some Western country, this will come as a massive shock/slap to the face and it will jade you quickly. If you've seen some shit or have been an entrepreneur yourself then you will understand and empathize to a degree. The latter is where I come from and since I've come to know this place pretty well I simply laugh in the face of vendedores or taxistas who try to play me. Just tell them straight that they are overreaching and explain why. If they give it to you, you need to give it right back and let me know they are being idiots.

2. Machismo: I know we've talked about the Machismo aspects before, but the more I think about it there are definitely caveats to it here in Peru. Based on what I've seen in public, heard from my girls and learned from Peruanos like Drix, I think there are couple types of Machismo.

There's the real Machismo, which are mainly hardened barrio guys who are mostly natural players and they are naturally able to maintain a strong frame with women. You mentioned a story about that barrio guy, and I've seen wannabe gangster barrio dudes in Barranco with some of the hottest Peruanas I've seen around. Machismo in this sense is definitely real.

The other type I'd say is the false-machismo where the guys think being machismo is simply nagging, whining and ordering their women around like entitled bitches. I see this type of behavior in public a lot and it's pretty pathetic actually. Mostly from what seems like middle to upper class guys and generally they'll be fat fucks too (go figure). The latter type of dude definitely plays into your view of Machismo in Peru and certainly agree with that side of it.

3. Good vs. Bad: This was an incredibly well done section man. You've broken it out perfectly. Peruanas ooze with femininity and 9 out of 10 girls have long black hair that touches their asscrack and they have a nack for often wearing dresses and heels. Generally speaking they are naturally "Cariñosa" toward their man as well. These are the basics on the surface that will be a pleasant treat for Western guys who put up with 49ers and mansters back home.

I somewhat disagree with your point about the engreida aspect, because it's from my experience that if you have them on lock they WILL provide for you (cook, etc.). I've been with all types of girls from the careerist professional types to lower middle class unemployed girls, yet the same mentality and mannerisms seems to persist across.

I think the problem you are more or less talking about is with a certain type of girl who is deluded version of a prepago and is "entitled", which I don't personally believe to be representative of the average Peruana. Additionally the example you site about dropping serious bank to take a girl out is a total error anyways. Unless you've got model quality in your midst, no girl is worth the bank here. You can go out and find a quality 6-7 very easily. This is why I personally never go on more than 2 dates without getting the bang or making serious progress into who this girl is, because this sets the expectation that you are willing to break the bank or put in needless effort for their benefit or telenovela style entertainment. It's also the reason that if any Peruana I've been with becomes a nuisance, I simply replace her like that. The "Always Be Willing To Lose Her" abundance mindset, should definitely apply here.

If there is a general rule for paying, I'd say stay below her expectations for buying shit or going places until you are at least a month into your relationship (whatever that is to you) and you really know what this girl is about. Peruanas are too stupid to hide what their real motivations any longer than this point.

In terms of the conservative aspects, yes some girls are more conservative, but you'll know for sure by the end of the second date where the whole thing is going, or what type of girl this really is deep down. I firmly believe second date bangs are not a difficult accomplishment with normal Peruanas who are non-sluts, non-bricheras and non-prepagos. That is if you have solid game, a grasp of Spanish and a sense of style.

I think Peruanas make good LTR material overall. If you have a Peruana on lock you who is of general good quality (all around), they will tend to be very loyal to you. This I believe is the key difference with Peruanas versus elsewhere in place like Colombia or in the D.R. Obviously I'm being a generalist here, but in my experience I've had zero Peruanas try and pull any stunts on me. This I believe traces back to Peruanas being naturally more on the conservative side and also being more on the stupid side of things.

In the same breath, for the exact reasons they are loyal are the reasons they are below average sexually. Call it a lack of creativity and or a lack of a certain lust, but I think this also stems from them being generally stupid. They rarely take the initiative in being overly sexy or outstanding at sex. I've yet to have a good BJ here. There is definitely an X-factor missing. This is evident from the fact that most girls I've been with don't even own sexy lingerie or thongs, which is just a god damn travesty. If I like them I always make sure they are sporting that shit with me.

For the reasons you might find other Latinas (Colombianas or Dominicanas) an adventurous fun worth pursuing for the raw sexiness, the love of lust/sex and the cat and mouse chase, these are the exact opposite reasons for pursing Peruanas. Thats not to say Peruanas aren't attractive or don't like sex, it's just that you will be disappointed if you are only interested in these aspects of a woman and come to Peru looking for that.

Having said all this, I have noticed a strong correlation between how good a Peruana is at sex and how much English they can speak. If she's bilingual she'll likely be a good fuck or better than average. Goes back to that whole Westernization/Americanization aspect I suppose.

4. The Keys

1.Know Spanish
Can't emphasize this enough. If you come here with a working knowledge of the language, you will have a whole class of people and new aspects of the country opened up to you.

2.Have a good back story of why you’re here
I used to think this was important, but over time I've realized you don't need excuse to be here. Peru is not some backwater destination and it's been a very popular tourist destination for a long time. This ain't like going to Moldova or something other post-Soviet industrial complex. Just keep it simple or be truthful.

3.Know how to dance, or be willing to fake it
You can really impress girls if you have basic Salsa down. If not just skip the games and go straight to the Perreo [Image: tard.gif]

4.Dress well
Compared to Bogota (Zona Rosa), people dress worse here, so the bar ain't too high.

5.Tell stories to show how worldly and sophisticated you are
6.Learn something about Peru’s history (she’ll be blown away)
Even better, say something interesting about their national cuisines. Their eyes will light up with surprise. It's a huge source of pride for Peruanos

7.Light compliments about her smile, her sense of style, etc.
They love this shit

8.Aggressive kino, especially once you’ve got her alone (helpful hint: lots of Peruvian chicks get really caliente when you touch their upper backs; go figure)
Totally agree, that's why I like first date dancing or going to venues with more of a comfy lounge set up. They also love when you touch there ass. Perreo can help you accomplish this on the first date.

9.Silly jokes you’d use with a five-year-old girl
Been laughing at this one. Sad but fucking true. Be careful doing this with a more westernized Peruana though.

10.Have a bottle of wine at your place
Just run that Tuthmosis First Date Bang Receipe and you are set.

11.Be persistent; as long as she’s still talking to you, she’s still interested
I assume this is in the non-first date bang context. It's true, but if time is not on your side I say drop her and move on to the next.

12.Show vulnerability and some real feeling; talk about family is always appreciated
I think this is good to a degree, safer post-bang and you want here around for more. Again, be careful doing this with a more Westernized Peruana though.

13.Once you get her hot, tell her aggressively how sexy you think she is
Like most girls Peruanas will never take initiative in escalating. Escalate like a mo-fo!

14.Use indirect openers with daygame; many chicks spook easily if you approach them on the street
Agreed. If you are a day game only type of guy and you are desperate, just send me a PM, I've got a few secret methods that work in certain contexts here.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Quote: (11-28-2016 11:09 PM)AxeMan Wrote:  

4. White God Factor: There’s lots of talk on the forum about how all white guys need to do to get laid in Peru is show up. This is true—if you only want to bang shitty women.

In all my time in Peru, I’ve rarely seen a white dude with an amazing girl. Eighty, eighty-five percent, I’d say, are punching below their weight. It always happens: walking down the street, I’ll catch sight of a tall, good-looking, blue-eyed dude, and lo and behold, he’s with a chubster who’s a 5 at best. Maybe he’s into stubby girls with baby fat. Or maybe he had shitty results back in the States due to bad game, and then replicated those results in Peru.

This is true. In my four months total in Peru, I've seen it one time. A white foreigner with a girl in the 8 range. It's funny reading about guys going to Peru and banging X number of girls X days. You just know they are going to be sub-par girls from the internet.

Quote: (11-28-2016 10:58 PM)AxeMan Wrote:  

You have to understand that Peru is a country where technological penetration is still very limited, and where prejudices against online dating are still legion. It’s unsafe, it’s for losers, it’s a scam: all the ewww reactions people in the U.S. had about Yahoo! Personals back in 1994, Peruvians still have today. This is largely due to the mistrust that characterizes the culture. The result: a self-fulfilling prophecy, in which, generally speaking, only damaged women who have social problems sign up for the service. If you’ve had two or three dates with a girl you met online, and you haven’t discovered a major flaw in her, you’re probably not looking hard enough.

I agree with your assessment of online dating. But I don't think it's unique to Peru. Dating sites are filled with easy, damaged women.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

I'm not too interested in Peru but I give you great props for a good sheet! Great read.

We need more sheets like this on the forum!

+1 on the way from me.

Resident Germany Expert. See my Datasheet:

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Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Great thread. I've had some success with Peruvian girls, mostly just by being a reasonably confident, fit, and educated American. People in America worry about what you should say to a woman. I find that outside of America, girls are generally a lot easier to talk to - pleasant, nice, open to conversation.

No bullshit necessary - just show up and talk to the girls whom you meet. Spend time with them and things often work out naturally.

Peruvian Chicks: Deep Background

Quote: (11-29-2016 03:24 PM)zoom Wrote:  

Quote: (11-28-2016 11:09 PM)AxeMan Wrote:  

4. White God Factor: There’s lots of talk on the forum about how all white guys need to do to get laid in Peru is show up. This is true—if you only want to bang shitty women.

In all my time in Peru, I’ve rarely seen a white dude with an amazing girl. Eighty, eighty-five percent, I’d say, are punching below their weight. It always happens: walking down the street, I’ll catch sight of a tall, good-looking, blue-eyed dude, and lo and behold, he’s with a chubster who’s a 5 at best. Maybe he’s into stubby girls with baby fat. Or maybe he had shitty results back in the States due to bad game, and then replicated those results in Peru.

This is true. In my four months total in Peru, I've seen it one time. A white foreigner with a girl in the 8 range. It's funny reading about guys going to Peru and banging X number of girls X days. You just know they are going to be sub-par girls from the internet.

This applies pretty much everywhere. I see it in Poland all the time.

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