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The Tommy Robinson thread

The Tommy Robinson thread

^That's how you know you're dealing with pure brainwashing.

"Straight in the bin" says "I must not even look at the bad man, so sayeth the priests of my orthodoxy."

I hate the Greens (for example) as much as anyone but I don't dedicate mental energy to thinking about what I'm going to do with their political literature when it arrives in my mail box.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Tommy Robinson thread

I leave this without any words. This is England.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Led there by the police in one video I saw.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Exactly yeah, weapons of the establishment. Both the police and the hired imports.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Until you understand that the people behind the hiring of the imports are the same people that are funding Tommy Robinson, you're only fulfilling their agenda.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Tommy Robinson thread

911, if you know of a single better MEP candidate for the North West of England than TR, please do name one. I don't care if a few American Jews have thrown him a few thousand quid for his legal fees, neither do most of the people in this thread who, you know, actually live in Britain with Pakistani grooming gangs and drug dealers.

If Tommy was so well connected, why couldn't his (((paymasters))) keep him protected and out of prison? Why couldn't they stop him getting ALL his front teeth knocked out by Muslims? As I said, would any of you you do what he does for $10,000 a month (what he allegedly received from Robert Shillman [lol] for a period of time)?


But, I'll repost something for you to digest. Please read it in full 911, you at least owe me that mate:

Quote: (11-25-2018 09:32 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Is Tommy a Zionist? Yes, in as much that he thinks Israel is a better country than all the Muslim ones in the Middle East. As a Westerner, he'd be correct in that assessment. Also, he thinks Jews are infinitely preferable to live amongst than Muslims — as evidenced by his anecdotes, he'd be right. Tommy doesn't think in broad, global terms. He thinks locally, and he sees that Jews just go about their business owning law firms, meanwhile the Muslims "smash up" synagogues, behead soldiers in London, systematically rape non-Muslim girls (particularly white girls), drug them (happened to his own cousin) and blow kids up at pop concerts. Can you not see why he views the world in the manner he does? If you walked down to a EDL, FLA etc march and asked 100 people "Who do you think is a bigger threat to the UK, Muslims or Jews?", I reckon all 100 would say something like "Jews are alright mate, what you on about?".

Most of Tommy's detractors are American, and as such don't understand politics in the UK and Europe. Britain doesn't have a revolving door of Israel fanatic Zionists in high positions of influence in full public view like America. It doesn't have public figures like Ben Shapiro. In fact, many of our left wing politicians are openly hostile to Israel, like to push sanctions and trade embargoes etc. This would never happen in America. Tommy sees this anti-Israel rhetoric as pandering to Islam. It's easy to see why he thinks this. It's why I said on another thread that British/European alt-righters tend to view him favourably, whereas their American counterparts are usually the first to demonise him. They understand both the politics and the personal circumstances that have shaped Tommy's worldview far better than Greg Johnson et al can. I can understand why Americans are suspicious of Jews to the degree they are, but they also need to understand why Brits and Europeans simply aren't—with the exception of people like Mark Collet, Millennial Woes etc... incidentally all fans of Tommy, as mentioned previously. Critical of his pro-Israel stance, yes, but recognising all the good he does. I've been over this so many times to people like 911, I'm not going to repeat myself.

Head of Generation Identity, Martin Sellner (Tommy's friend by the way even though he's an ethnonationalist - Sellner thinks small amounts of non-white immigration is fine), was filmed on secret camera by lefties saying talking about Jews was bad strategically. I can't remember the exact phrasing, so the documentary is here if you want to find the bit I'm talking about yourself. In fact, I'll quote him directly. Go to 45 minutes in.


I completely understand in the 1920's people saying there is a Jewish question...compared to Islamic immigration today...the American alt right, the American right is again dominated by this Jewish question in a complete misunderstanding of the time. A complete strategical and theoretical failure in my opinion.

Sellner later talks about being involved in anti-Jew neo-nazi parties in his youth, and how the holocaust happened but has been exaggerated and exploited. So, he's aware on some level in a way Tommy doesn't care about. In fact, Jared Taylor isn't on board with the JQ, he thinks Jews are white and should definitely be allowed live in his hypothetical ethnostate. Nobody would accuse someone like him of being a shill. He's dedicated his entire life to "white wellbeing" and has been called a Nazi more times than I've had hot dinners.

Back to Tommy...

The whole "I'm a Zionist who wears Mossad T-Shirts' thing is in large part a joke, to wind up people who slander him, as he discusses in that clip regarding Nick Griffin. Tommy's friendship group has lots of non-whites, so of course he's not on board with the BNP, National Front... it would be betraying his mates. He doesn't want whites to be a minority, but he doesn't want to kick black people out of the country. He probably privately agrees with mass forced deportations of Pakistani Muslims though. Nothing in that video is surprising to people who follow Tommy, nothing in it isn't something he hasn't been completely open and honest about. He's incredibly transparent about exactly what he thinks on most matters. Nothing in that video seems 'off' to me, he's saying the truth and what he genuinely believes: in his words, "to end Islam".

Tommy doesn't need me, he speaks for himself, that is obvious from any of his interviews or debates available online. His family have become targets, no would risk that just for money. Nobody here would do what he does, it takes balls of steel to go to prison and deal with potential acid attacks etc... as I showed in the video I put up a week or so ago a few posts up where he's interviewed in jail. Tommy has stated that he does what he does because he loves his children and doesn't want them growing up in a Islamic country where rape and murder by Muslims against non-believers would be the norm. Also, there is not one piece of solid evidence that Tommy works for, or is paid by, any explicitly Zionist organisations—Rebel media certainly doesn't count. But even if there was evidence, it doesn't discredit what he's done.[Since this post, there is evidence, such as that Shillman guy]

If anything, many people on this board are much more intellectually disingenuous than Tommy when they call non-white RVFers "brothers", then the next minute they're larping on about white ethnostates. Ethnostates that the 14/88 youtube crew wouldn't let Roosh, the proprietor of this very fucking forum, into when you look at the things they say about him in comments sections where he's a featured guest. Despite the fact their heroes in the NSDAP thought of Persians as "honorary aryans", and that "Iran" comes from the word aryan. It's laughable.

But back to my point about intellectual dishonesty, that's why lots of black members have quit this place. I know this because one or two of them have spoken to me off-forum about their feelings.

In general there's four sets of people when it comes to the JQ in Europe right wing circles.

1. People who don't know or care about it. (Tommy, Gerard Batten, Paul Golding, Anne-Marie Waters)

2. People who are aware but think it's down to a multitude of factors and not a grand conspiracy: ashkenazi high IQ, in-group economics/loyalty borne from historical persecution, being forced into moneylending professions in centuries past etc. (Jordan Peterson, Sargon, Jack Buckby, Milo Y, possibly myself)

3. People who are aware, think it's a conspiracy in either a small or large degree but opt not to talk about it publicly or think it's strategically a bad idea. (Sellner, Paul Joseph Watson [yep, check his very early videos], various far right political figures, possibly myself)

4. People who are fully on board and talk about it openly. (Griffin, Collett, Jean-Marie Le Pen, Golden Dawn etc).

The right will never win anything if group 4 constantly attack the other 3 (and likewise, if all the others constantly counter signal group 4). That said though, I understand when people like Tommy and the civnats disagree with Collett on deporting black people back to Africa, as obviously as I stated above, it would mean deporting their friends, and in my case (though not blacks) extended family. I hope that clarifies things a bit for you, and I apologise for my somewhat rambling and unstructured reply.


Quote: (11-26-2018 04:00 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

I'll repost something gework said many pages ago, it's relevant:


I'm not a fan of the controlled opposition narratives. You need a lot of evidence to pin those theories down. Most controlled opposition theories are very thin and often based on little more than if a small company owned by non-practicing Jews advertise with you. Other than mainstream people, the only figure I'm really suspicious of being a plant is Glenn Beck, but it could just be he is insane. Spencer may be controlled. I don't really care. I don't spend any time thinking about him, or ANTIFA, or any other fringe irrelevant group.

On Robinson, as mentioned, he is working class. I don't know how it is elsewhere, but in the UK the working class has virtually zero representation anywhere in society. They've all been purged from the anti-Labour party, virtually nothing in the media, the schools are mainly run by white middle-class women. All the affirmative action that used to be afforded them (which wasn't much) has been done away with in favour of Labour's radical Muslims and multiclturalism. I really can't see how anti-Labour have held on to so much of the working class vote. But even in the last election there was about a 7% decline in working class support for Labour with a democratic socialist leader who rolled back some of the metro-Blairism. If you look at places like Stoke, they used to get 70-80% for Labour with very good turn outs. Now the turnout has waned to close to 50% and the fake Conservative Party managed to claw a seat there for the first time in 100 years. It's not hard to find the utter contempt the left bourgeois have for the working class. Check out the Tommy Robinson Twitter parody. That's how the bourgeois talk about the working class when the mics are off. They could roll out the same contempt for the medieval religious opinions of many Muslims, FGM, immigrant crime and violence, but that doesn't do anything for them.

I'm really pleased to see a working class guy fighting against all the odds, not holding back who is now at the point where the mainstream upper-middle class have no idea how to deal with him.

On the topic of Jews. In my work I provide assistance to several entities relating to fraud and terrorism: a few big marketing companies, two of the top ten most traversed airports and a body that deals with vetting immigrants etc. The latter body is all-Jewish. My contact is one or two clicks away from Netenyahu, Trump, Geert Wilders, Douglas Murray... They are a big critic of the EU approach to Islam and says the borders to Europe need to be shut, mosques regulated and a very hard line needs to be taken with Islam. They're pretty much in lock step with the likes of Douglas Murray or Tommy Robinson. They think that European countries should act as Israel does. Some Jews think like this, many don't and as such are paving the way to their own destruction. This is the same position as Ezra Levant: pro-Western civilisation and pro-Israel as a Jewish state.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

"I took out my zionist card and bought everything. Shalom motherfucker"

"if a war kicked off, I'd be fighting on the front line for Israel"

The Tommy Robinson thread

but...but... Donald Trump is the savior!

Remember that? Best of a bad situation.

You're all purity-spiralling with no concern as to how real-life politics works.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Tommy is clearly shilling for far cleverer and more duplicitous people than he is. Still he does reach a lot of normies, and it's quite easy to sit in EE or wherever else and bang on about Zionism and Kalergi being the root causes, but if your niece is getting nonced by Pakis, then your first priority isn't going to be watching videos about the Rothschild banking empire. Fact is that the exponentially growing threat of Muslims to normal white working class Brits daily lives, is going to mean a lot of 'sympton-not-the-cause' issues.

As grubby as i think Tommy probably is with it all, i still can't help but like him, and wish him well. He is a gateway to a lot of normal lads who are just sick of the shit they see happening in their country. From that they might lead to a clearer picture, they might not, but still, Tommy is providing a rallying focus for that.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Pray he wins this.

The Tommy Robinson thread


On the topic of Jews. My contact is one or two clicks away from Netenyahu, Trump, Geert Wilders, Douglas Murray... They are a big critic of the EU approach to Islam and says the borders to Europe need to be shut, mosques regulated and a very hard line needs to be taken with Islam.

I'll add this guy is a member of The Gatestone Institute, which is a hive for Jews who are very critical of Islam. It regularly posts article that are either directly or indirectly for limiting immigration etc. It could be the case that the Gatestone Institute is part of some divided and conquer strategy. But I am not keen on believing such things. It is too much for me to believe that society is riddled with organisations stacked with Jews that are playing all sides. If that is the case there would be some evidence of that spilling out, beyond Jewish funding trails. Just as there has been evidence spilling out in relation to the US government's monitoring+ of UFOs. If it's true there will be some circumstantial evidence. If there is I am happy to be presented with it.

In the UK, according to Lord Ashcroft Polls 53% of Jews voted to leave the EU. The highest of polled religions and slightly higher than the actual vote. Is this another conspiracy? Or is it more likely Jews are closer to what native British people than the other polled religions, like muslims who voted for leave 30% according to the same poll.

@911. Can you lay out your argument? Or post in something you've written before. I can guess roughly what you're getting at. I'm guessing that the Jews are playing The West and Islam off against each other?

The Tommy Robinson thread

Hearing that Paki-Anglo hybrid accent is so irritating. Americans etc won't understand what I mean. But some of you British guys in this thread will.


"No one disses our sisters..." - stop raping ours then you filthy bastards.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

When justice isn’t served, then its mob justice. One example comes to mind, the Rodney king issue where police got off free and various other injustices the black community experienced that led to the LA riots.

So when the police see others being assaulted and do nothing, eventually you will have bigger issues. The assaulters have no balls but collectively they do and they become more brazen. Those assaulted will either cower away or they will grow balls and fight back. It’s a powder keg that is going to explode.

Somehow I don’t think these assaulters will go away peacefully, but force will be used.

How foolish and stupid could these Pakistani muslims be? They are given a new country to prosper, marry local women, open up a business. Yet, when they go to another Muslim country they are second or third class citizens. Not allowed to marry the local women, not given citizenship etc etc. Yet, they are quiet like mice in said countries and wouldn’t dare do or say anything against locals.

Why is it that you don’t see any rich arabs or upper class muslims here? They don’t need to be there as they have their useful idiots who are good enough to protest and go on suicide missions in Syria, yet to be an equal,,,,they are not even in the equation. But, they are fighting for “their sisters”. You see how foolish they are.

The police need to do their jobs and equally apply the law to everybody. When they don’t, get ready for bigger problems as history gas taught us.

The Tommy Robinson thread

You guys saying TR is controlled opposition, who knows.

But thats water under a bridge. The real issue is before your very eyes. Large mobs of Muslims/Pakistanis can converge on people minding their own business and get attacked without provocation and all with the help of the British police.

If you were eagle eyed enough, (not hard to spot), you would have seen an election observer in a red flourescent jacket looking on confused and with a big ? across his face as the Muslim mob engulfed him and the police on the outskirts of the other group.

The police and media are culpable.

Rape gangs, race supremacy coming from Pakistanis, an increasing number of Muslim dominant areas in and around our towns and cities. Does TR being controlled opposition change any of that from being reality for many?

If you Americans want to chance it come over to any Muslim dominant area, shoot your mouth off and watch what happens. I'm not too sure how many of you have experience with Pakistanis but they're a lot more difficult to deal with than your black neighbourhoods when it comes to this.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Preston pulls the biggest crowds in the North West for Tommy Robinson's rally ahead of European elections


The turnout will be somewhat galling to the 40 or so people who turned up to a ‘Peace, Love and Milkshake Party’ in the city centre, to take a stand against the far-right activist.

While one protester at the milkshake party said that Preston had a proud history of ‘fighting against fascists‘, Robinson, or Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, said: “This is probably the best crowd we’ve had all across the North West.”

Speaking from a platform to supporters holding English flags Robinson said: “I’m getting more and more confident as the days go on in this campaign.

“We are going to make history this week. Never before has an Independent won the European elections.

“This is part of a tidal wave that is sweeping across the North West.”

He went on to attack the media and political correctness.

“Too many people in this country feel censored,” he said. “They feel silenced. They are watching this country change for the worst and no one is saying anything about it.

“Not one politician is standing up against a certain section of the community in this country.”

“I will never be politically correct. Send me amongst them (MEPs). I love this country.

“It’s about time we broke that. It’s about time we stood up.”

Picking out a group of three Muslims in the crowd later Robinson said: “There’s one thing we all hate, it’s the establishment.”

He added: “Lads I don’t hate you.”

Speaking after the rally a supporter of Robinson defended him and said: “The media has a leftist agenda. They distort things to fit with that agenda.

“There’s a lot of anger built up in members of the community and he’s obviously aware of that.

“He’s got to fight fire with fire. He’s mirroring the media’s tactics.”

Another supporter Michael Cottom from Larches, when asked about the threat coming from far-right extremists said: “Tommy Robinson’s against all extremists.”

One bystander said he felt Robinson’s talk was “very clever” and that people who Robinson had filmed accusing him aggressively of being a racist were “playing into his hands and just makes everything worse”.

One resident who had been on a dog walk was horrified by what she heard at the rally. She said: “I think he’s taking a load of rubbish, absolute rubbish.

“A lot of my friends are Muslims and this saddens me. This is horrible.”

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

I think the establishment is in for a shock. A lot of brexit was a protest against the system, to send the politicians a message. Of course they ignored it - MP’s voting against brexit despite their constituents overwhelmingly voting out. the results will be surprising for the SJW’s in the euro elections

There are now people in my workplace openly discussing their intention to poll for Robinson. Non of them are close to being racist, they are just completely fed up at a lack of action

The UK is so bad it feels like to be a patriot is committing social suicide. Nobody hangs a St. George’s Cross anymore or even a Union Jack as you’re instantly labelled a supremacist and nuisance

The Tommy Robinson thread

Quote: (05-20-2019 12:28 PM)gework Wrote:  

@911. Can you lay out your argument? Or post in something you've written before. I can guess roughly what you're getting at. I'm guessing that the Jews are playing The West and Islam off against each other?

I like the guy, and he's a great forum member, but he won't respond. I've been posing him questions like yours for over a year and he just avoids them and comes back to said threads weeks/months later with the same accusations without answering the specific questions.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Quote: (05-19-2019 03:52 PM)911 Wrote:  

Until you understand that the people behind the hiring of the imports are the same people that are funding Tommy Robinson, you're only fulfilling their agenda.

The 'person' behind it is capitalism. There isn't a person or group behind it, it simply runs itself exactly as described by Milton Friedman decades ago. I'd rather zero 'growth' (since when did economic growth matter to the common citizen... when the media started pushing it) and zero immigration, but capitalism won't allow it.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

I don't agree, though neither of us can prove the other wrong.

Besides, if a tiny oligarchy controls the vast majority of media and industry then effectively your "capitalism" has become a nothing more than a shadow-monarchy or a tribal empire if you want to look more closely at the JQ.

You might as well call feudalism "capitalism" because the people with all the wealth naturally had all the power and did whatever they wanted to maintain that status quo.

If the lords and ladies started importing replacement peasants that worked harder for less would the native peasants rebel against "capitalism" or would they be rebelling against their landed gentry? Once wealth is concentrated enough it's the same thing anyway.

We have reached a state of affairs where after most people's end-of-life-care is paid for they will leave nothing for the next generation. No land. No house. No money. Nothing. Even to briefly own a house before you have to sell it to pay for a retirement home placement, you'll still spend most of your life servicing the debt to acquire it.

How is that different from being a peasant?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Tommy Robinson thread

The economic system is set up like a Ponzie scheme for citizens to pay out interest and entitlements to social safety nets set up after WW2. The whole thing relies on the younger generation to produce value, trade, and pay into the early investors (boomers). Since Western women are choosing not to have kids, governments are doing mass immigration. Countries like Japan have the same problem of declining birthrates but choose to let the population and economic output drop to sustainable levels rather than go the mass immigration route. Can you imagine what would happen if Japan opened the floodgates of immigration? I see the country getting Colonized by hordes of gaijin, taking their women in a few generations.

The Tommy Robinson thread

How can someone claim mass-immigration is capitalism-driven if the capitalist UK pushes it on their people and capitalist Japan doesn't?

You could make the case of nationalist-capitalism vs internationalist-capitalism. The difference between the two is that for one the buck stops with the people of the nation, and no matter how they thrive or are reduced to debt-slaves they are still the people of their nation and at least have that intangible legacy to hand down to their descendants.

For the latter the people once stripped of all wealth are just cattle which are apt to be replaced with other cattle that have more suitable qualities as far as the owners of all the capital are concerned.

But labeling this process "capitalism" is a fantastic way of neutering conservative resistance. When a Pakistani will do the job for half the pay (because he's willing to skirt paying taxes or sleep ten to a room or violate any other number of social or legal requirements) then the boss-conservatives can say "why you got a problem with Dindu doing the work for less, are you a fucking commie?!"

Ironically in a hundred years or a hundred years more there will still be North Koreans assuming we leave them alone. In the long term hardcore communism will have preserved their peoples far more effectively than capitalism protected the European, who on his current free-market trajectory has been reduced to a slave, disenfranchised from the lands of his ancestors, forced to compete for space with hostile invaders and will eventually be genocided as effectively as the Armenians or the native Americans were.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Quote: (Yesterday 12:37 PM)Elmore Wrote:  

Pretty sure it's alphabetical tbf mate. When's the results due? Early hours?

Sunday because the lazy Eurofags dont have their votes today.

The Tommy Robinson thread

That's three whole days to nobble the results then.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Quote: (05-22-2019 06:34 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (05-20-2019 12:28 PM)gework Wrote:  

@911. Can you lay out your argument? Or post in something you've written before. I can guess roughly what you're getting at. I'm guessing that the Jews are playing The West and Islam off against each other?

I like the guy, and he's a great forum member, but he won't respond. I've been posing him questions like yours for over a year and he just avoids them and comes back to said threads weeks/months later with the same accusations without answering the specific questions.

Gework, yes, very roughly, I'll take the time to elaborate on this and on TR later on, been pretty busy IRL.

Teedub I've addressed a lot of these issues about TR, and will provide a summary again soon.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Tommy Robinson thread

Just voted. To all my fellow North West citizens, he's right at the bottom of the ballot paper.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

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